WHAT YOU CAN TO Thomas Blanch, the murderer of bar­ Richard Mansfield is negotiating for Missouri Presbyterians are active in Testimony iu me -Worden case at keeper Charles II. Bridwell of Seattle the campaign against the liquor traffic. a long lease of Harrigan’s theater, New Woodland is being taken. and Marshal Jeffries of Puyallup, has Interesting Items Picked Out from the Adolph Kraus has bought the Chicago ‘ York. I The discharged Company G of the i been convicted of murder in the first Daily Dispatcher. Times. Professor Herrmann, the conjurer, The People’s Paper. I Letters from the civil service commis­ National Guard of Washington held a degree and sentenced to death at Seattle. and Manager George W. Lederer havo Chile has refused China ’ s offer to pur- | meeting at Spokane and decided to con­ Blanch has made several desperate at­ nt last settlod amicably all their diffcr- chase six warships. sion have been sent to federal employes test the governors order of discharge. tempts to escape since his arrest. ASHLAND. Or....... Thursday. Oct. 25.1894 throughout the country informing them The Berlin municipal council refuses i ancss. E. A. Gilbert, postmaster and tele­ J. H. McFarland, ex-sheriff of Walla John T. Kelly, the Irish comodian, I that they need pay no attention to de­ graph operator at Dungeness, attempted to limit a day’s work to eight hours. Present Day Physical Science. mands for campaign assessments. Politi­ tuicide at Port Townsend by cutting his Walla county, Wash., and traveling The executive board of the Western will not star this season, but will stay agent for Brown Bros., nurserymen, hits The working theories that have been cal assessments in any guise are pro­ throat with a razor. been arrested on a warrant from Port­ and Southwestern railroad lines have at homo to writ£ songs and get a good followed in physics and thrown away hibited by law. A mortgage oi $750,000 given by the land and charged with “larceny by entered into an agreement to abolish all I piece for next year. 5 The sugar trust officials, Messrs. Have- Sunset Telephone and Telegraph com-1 bailee. ” McFarland says the charge passes after Jan. 1 next. when they did not square with tho facts In all probability Mrs. Langtry will The missing doctor, A. B. Conklin of lake Lillian Russell’s time at Abbey’s discovered under them are well describ­ meyer and Searles, were arraigned in pany on its lines in California and has no foundation and is prompted by Cassopolis, Mich., has returned to his I heater, New York. The engagement ed in a paper by Professor D. W. Her­ the criminal court of the district of Washington has been recorded in 23 personal grievance. Columbia before Judge Cole and pleaded counties in the two states. ing of the University of the City of New At Chatham, Ont., Nelson Huff, a home and tells a gauzy story of having Will begin on Nov. 4. not guilty to the indictments against :o: A three-lap cement bicycle track is to The arena scene in Robert Downing’s young Indian convicted of an assault on been kidnaped by masked burglars and York in The Popular Science Monthly. them for refusing to answer the ques­ carted about the country. froduction of “The Gladiator” is an In investigations of any sort a working tions of the senate sugar trust investi­ be built at San Jose. No expense will a young white girl and recently sen­ The federal grand jury at Chicago has exact reproduction of Jerome’s celebrat­ Pay as you be spared to make it the fastest bicycle tenced to a month's imprisonment, with go, G