BRBVllY BASKET. A Masonic Banquet. Drake—Virgin Nuptials. ’WIM’ . On Wednesday morning tbe home of tbe P. S. Malcolm, grand maBter of the bride's parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. W. J. Virgin, Oregon A. F. & A. M., will he in Ash Masked Ball on Christmas by A. H. Co. VERY FAMILIAR on 1st Avenue, was profusely decorared land Saturday on art official visit. A No. 1. ASHLAND. O r ...... T bcmdat , Oct. 11.1894 with frazrant flowers and evergreens culled banquet will be given in his honor at THE NEW STOCK OF they are no doubt, and the public of Men’s white dress shirts 70 cents, at The from Ashland s beautiful gardens, lending a delightful surrounding to the impressive Hotel Oregon and Mine Host Fraden- Fair. Ashland aud vicinity are annost hs famil event that took away to a new home the burg is preparing a superb spread at his Mrs. Melius is visiting the engineer at iar with the blazing fact that our stock of «»EftSONAb AN» SOCIAL. elegant hotel. flower of tbe family. Redding. The ceremony that united Fred M. Drake S tationehy is a blaze of novelties. Our Elocution Claas. Dress flannel, cashmere, and Manchester 1 E. D. Briggs left today for San Francisco. ¡ and Miss Grace E. Viruln in the holy bonds inks are the perfection of writing fluids matrimony was solemized by Rev. Geo. Prof. O. H. Rohorts, the California fancies, at The Fair. C. B. Watson was at Tokegama yesterday ¡ of including the best manufactured in the W Black in the presence of members of elocutionist, has organized a class in W. K. Price, of Tolo, was in this end of on legal business. both families and special personal friends Ashland and is meeting with good sue the valley Saturday. world at this time, in all colors for writ In the New Quarters over the Bridge, next door to Mr«. Su-ie Terwilliger is over from Little at 9 o clock a. m., tbe bride looking tbe cess in imparting the art to his pupila. ing and drawing purposes. Every stan very gem of happiness in a becoming The peach shipment out of Ashland this : Shasta on a visit to her folks. Millsap’s commission store. . Duchess silk dress of a greenish shade, Tdereis no finer study than tbe art of year was 32,000 boxes. dard make of pen, fine-pointed and stub, Just arrived, men’s latest style in Fedora I while the groom tn tbe conventional wad- talking and acting properly and tbe is here too, and a bewildering vista of J. Pohle returned Monday from a busi aad crushed bats, at The Fair. : ding suit withstood the happy ordeal as training given by Prof. Roberts will ness trip to Pokegama. writing papers for every species of corres- R. P. Fabj, the special insurance agent, , ; proud and brave as a lion. After the in never be forgotten. ■THE VERY LATEST STYLES of Fall and Winter pomience, embracing all the very latest ' teresting event tbe wedding party sat down arrived to-day to visit his wife. Henrv Rouch and Miss Josie Hayes were styles and tads at popular prices. We to a splendid wedding breakfast. ’ wbicb was New Millinery Stock. married on Applegate on tbe 2d inst. ■ Hats, Caps and Novelties. For a flr«t-cla«s shave and hair cut, go to done away with in a lively humor, when also have a very full line of pads, diaries, Mrs. L. A. Millsap, tbe enterprising High A Storey’s, Opposite plaza. Services at the Presbyterian church next ■ and blank books in all styles and sizes, the party escorted the happy pair to the at the usual hours. Preaching by J at tbe lowest prices. D-.J 8 Parson went to San Francisco south bound pas-enger train which took milliner, has had Her new store over the Sunday the pastor. MRS. L. A. MILLSAP them to San Francisco to spend the honey- bridge, next door to Millsap’s commis yesterday for an ab-ence ot a few days. sion house, handsomely fitted up for her moou in Cubfornia. Hon. Hardy Ellift ’ , a prominent southern j JLSHILJYLTID ZDZELLTG- COM FJL 1ST Y. Mrs. Jennie Phillips returned yesterday 1 Mr Drake was reared in Jackson county, brand new stock of millinery and novel Oregon pioneer, is dying of old age at Glen- ; Leading Milliner. from a three weeks visit at Oakland, Cal. 1 , belonging to one of the county’s early and ties which will be in posttion this week. dale this week. Mrs. Harris, mother of Miss Rosa Harris, staunch families, and is much respected as If you want to be op with the latest Miss Sheehan of Murphy is attend returned Monday from a visit in Fall river an enterprising business man of the firm of stylesand wear a first-class article, call ing the Dora southern Oregon state normal' TUB COUNTY'S FINANCES. ! Vaupel. Norris A Drake, numbered among and see her new goodB. yallev. school at Drain. I tbe solid mercantile houses of southern Ore- The Crowson district school commenced i . gon. The bride, tbe daughter of W. J. A. W. Dahlberg, formerly with the 8. P, : Semi-Annual Exhibit. Horticultural Society Meeting. its winter term Monday, Miss Susie Homes > ; Virgin, of tbe firm of Jacobs A Virgin of carpenters, was married at Roseburg to ! DItTTG-S; The Mate horticultural society will hold a teacher. Exhibit showing the financial condition the Ashland nulls, has been a resident of HAS MOVED HER of Jackson countv, Oregon, on the 30th two day's session in Ashland on the 16th Miss Flora Bateman. Ashland for the past several rears, and Fine white shirts trom 33c. ap. The beat TOILET JLELTIC3LES, and 17tb insts. and preparations are being The supervisors of Siskiyou county have > day of September, 1891: shirt made, >1.34. See Dolph Eddy, at her pleasing manners and loving deeds made for the event. A suitable fruit ex appropriated >150 toward the construction; ____________ have won for her a isrge circle of admiring STATIONERY, The Fair. is being prepared and speeches by a of a jail at Pokegama. CAiH BECln KD- friends. On their return thev will com hibit number of prominent fruit growers and sci Mrs. Clif Newman left Monday for a mence house keeping on Granite street. The Sunday Welcome says State Printer I April 111891....... ’ 5’^ S PATENT PAETDICIJSTES, &O. entists of the state will be tired off. An in visit with friends and relatives at Banta ¡ for 1891 ............................ 135 00 F. C. Raker will Noon retire'to a large and Taxes teresting and instructive session is antici- Rosa. Cal. Taxes for 1892 ................................. PhygiclfiiV^ Prescriptions Given Careful Attention. 511 70 County Commissioner»’ Court. pa’ed. The Misses Silsby will have charge expensively stocked farm. Taxes for 1893 ............................... 38,247 30 TO THE OLD Mrs. R. Be-swick and children returned 1 [OCTOPIR TKBM.j of the mus’eal program. The sessions will The season for putting up canned fruits Wm. M. Colvig. rent of office 120 00 ----- MASONIC BLOCK, NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE.----- Sunday from a visit <vith relatives at Seid, | County Recorder Rawlings authorized to be free, and everybody is invited to come. is about over, but the season for putting up P- P. Prim & Son. rent of office. . 120 00 Siskiyou county. Chitwood Residence on 1st Everybody is earnestly requested to bring Money found on body of A. ; procure n deed record. watches, rings, etc., is just begun. C. C. CHITWOOD, Manager. E. E. Sayles and danehter were down ‘ J W Masterson, supervisor of district 35, something in the line of fruits, flowers, etc., Johnson,deceased ................. 9 61 Avenue, next to Opera The latest libel suit is one against a news- i ft. Hendrickson, from Steinman the first of the week on a allowed >47 35 for bridge material used in and should leave their exhibits with City hospital patient 252 00 by a widow because it said her bus- i Trial fees collected by Max .Muller visit with friends. House Block, hi« district. Klippie A Marcti«on allowed Marshal Smith until Monday, when thev pap-r 280 00 should be left at the opera house, where the band had gone to a happier home. >26.31 for bridge material used in district 1 45 00 Fines in Justice court (deer cases) I Rev. E. P. Childs and 8 H. Calhoun : No. 6. Wm. Herriott allowed >43 26 for 1 exhibit and meeting will be held. 260 00 Blind Tom, the wonderful musical prod Pankey & Pankey, liquor license went to Grants Pass Monday to take a hunt j j bridge material used in district No. 27. Where she will be pleased Indigent soldier fund, (trans igy, will give an entertainment at the Opera Senator Holt reports that the Jackson in Josephine county. I C Magruder allowed >1.50 for work on Bear , county fruit exhibit at the «tate fair finally house Wednesday evening, Oct. 24th. ferred) .............. .................... 47 to see her old friends and R. H. Moore, raised warrant .... 366 7.1 John F. Kelly and R. A. Booth, who creek bridge. A 8 Harvey allowed >4.50 for received tbe first prize which the judges Rheumatism racks the system like a have t>een in San Francisco on a business ; rails furnished district No. 6 Klirple A | first awarded to Yamhill, but had to event N. A. Jacobs, clerk, fees collected 654 K patrons. I Msrcnson allowed >13.60. material for , ually back down at the flagrant outrage of thumbscrew It retreats before the power 8 Patterson, sheriff, fees collected 163 05 trip, returned Tuesday. of Hood s Sarsaparilla, which purities the in district No. 6. , such a decision; as everybody knows Hrant Rawlings, recorder, fees District Attorney Jas. F. Lodge, of I ' bridge bloud. Application of G W Rosa for damage to collected.......... . ............... ........ 275 60 Real Estate. county is easily ahead of any por Yreka, went to Del Norte Tuesday to his | land us»d by the public for countv road Jackson J W. H. Mowat and Crit Tolman were out tion of the state on fruit raising. 8 P Conger to N B Arnold—land in sec canvass for the joint assemblymanship. whileCeptral Point bridge was building; >46,931 12 18 tp 36 s, r 2 w, 35 acres: >2500. east of here last week on a bear hunt, but Miss Eva Payne, of Grants Pass, was disallowed. were only successful in losing Ranger, a Death of M. MivklcHon. Winnie Netherland to W P 11 Legate—lot CASH DISBURSED. Henn’ Pohlman allowed >6.00. amount visiting Ashland relatives this week and valuable bear dog. 10 blk 10. Medford: >200 Another member of the Old Guard of Paid for warrants redeemed .>28,905 36 left yesterday to work in a store at Duns overpaid by reason of double taxation. H F Barron to Camilla E and Minnie Premature baldness may be prevented Jackeen county pioneers has crossed over Paid interest on same............ . 7,512 0? Walker Semi-annual reports of countv clerk, ' muir.. —320 acres sec 10 tp 38 s.r 3 e; >3000. and tbe hair made to grow on heads al the great divide that separatee ttiia from Paid state tax out of the fund. . 8.419 27 countv treasurer and county sheriff. Re- 1 Sophia Etnerv to Laura E Davis—lot 9 F. J. Peikinsand W. W. Filkins, of Mt. ports examined and approved. Approach the unknown land. M. Mickleson died ready bald, bv the use of Hall’s Vegetable Cash on hand Oct. 1, 1894... . 2,094 47 blk I 15, Gold Hill; >35. Tabor, friends of Frank Williams, are in to Central Point bridge— W A Owen, super- at 1 the residence of his hrother-in law, Sicilian Hair Renewcr. Laura EandG M Davis to Henrv E Barn Ashland looking for a placer mine ia south visor of road district No. 6. ordered to re >46,931 12 T. L. Carroll has been appointed post Henrv H. Chapman, on Emigrant creek hart-same property; >35. ern Oregon. pair said approach forthwith. Petition of j in Ashland precinct, at 8 o’clock a. m. on master at Placer. Josephine county; W. T. i Henrietta DeRoboam to Emil DeRobo- Otis Frierson, the tall sycamore of Rogue John W Robinson, et al. petition disallow- ( October 5th, after a year’s siege with Shive at Keno and M. E. Hutchinson at WAkBANTS DRAWS OX TBSASUBY PROM ATRIL am and Rosa DeRolioam —d 1 c No 95. be ed. County hospital and poor — monthly river, is up from his Table Rock farm tak 1, TO OCT. 1,1894: ing parts of secs 33. 34 tp 38 s, r 2 w, 602.41 of the tongue and throat. Every Morton, Klamath county. ' ing a lav off and swapping yams with Hotel report of Keeper Emil DeRoboam. approv- cancer acres; >1. I J. R. Neil, county judge, salary... > 600 00 Dr. Henry Kessler came in Tuesday from thing known to medical science and the ed. In matter of assessment roll—J L 1 Oregon’s guests. J F Howard to A L Hazleton—land in I N. A. Jacobs, county clerk, salary .. 500 00 Klamath Falls and will be in Jackson care and nursing of a faithful, devoted Woolridge, county a«se<sor, flies as.«e»s- 1 Mrs, Evans, who has been at Placerville, ment roll for 1894, and tbe same is received wife was «tone to relieve and Boothe the i countv the most of this season as special Grant Rawlings, recorder, salary .. 233 34 sec 35 tp 35 s, r 1 w. 21 10 acres; >1800. Max Muller to Milo Caton—deed of cor Cal , the past five month« during the ill and approved. of the Brown Bros. Rochester Nur A. >. Barnes, deputy sheriff, salary 250 0Ö afflictions of the patient Ruffeter until agent S. Patterson, sheriff, salary . 416 66 rection to property in Jacksonville; >300. ness and death of her daughter, returned sery. the fell disease starved nut lile and deatii W G Holmes, adniini-trator of estate of 8. Patterson, board and washing for borne yesterday. Medford Item». Mrs. J. H. Orr. who has been visiting her came a welcome relief. The funeral prisoners..................................... 133 11 Ada M Holmes, dec’d—land in Hargadine John R. Stearns, who has been at work brother. Hon. C. B. Watson, retarnedhome ; D. Linn, county treasurer, «.-alary . 305 55 tract, Ashland; >450. J. A. Whiteside left Wednesday for prospecting tbe Pacific mine at Klamath Stockton. CaJ., where he expects to locate. took place Sunday afternoon under charge Tuesday to Hannibal, Mo. Miss Dale Wat i C. S. Price, county supt., salary.... 532 50 E F and Pmdence Walker to Jane M of the Masonic order of which deceased son will remain in Ashland for an extended river for Dr. Songer and Jos. Dame, re B, W. Dean, stock inspector............ 100 00 McCully—lot 23 plat of LA Riced 1 c: >1000. I. L. Hamilton and W. P H. Legate was a charter member. turned Tuesday. visit. J no L Kiew to A E Kinney—land in Ash ! Owen Keegan, court house janitor 184 00 havepurchasad the furniture, fixtures, etc., M. Mickleson was born near Christi I John E. Pelton, sheriff’s fees .... 2181 96 land; >600. Mrs. S. Van Tassel, mother of Mrs. T. W. of Hotel Medford from M. Purdin and took The t wo daughters, son and nephew of Eliza J Hamlin to Marv A Griffin—land Barclay, came down from Astoria to con possession this week to conduct the same. ana, Norway, and emigrated in 1849 to John Gill, of Scio. Linn countv, arrived last ; John E Pelton, writing tax receipts 451 60 in tp 38 s. r 1 and 2 w, 159 3-10 acres: >400. sole her daughter in the sad affliction of the David Crosby, of Riddle, is here helping Argile, Wis., and in March. 1854 came to week to spend the winter in Ashland. Mr. 1 John E. Pelton, jailer’s salary and Peter VanHardenburg to Joseph Vanllar- board and washing for prisoners 513 14 death of her husband. them Mr. Purdin will move to California Jackson county, and after a year’s resi Gill is a blacksmith and will be here soon Max Muller, clerk’s tees . I486 77 denburg—cha’te' inormat-e: >630 dence at Jacksonville moved to Astdan-I and may locate. R. M Garrett, who is superintending tbe Geo. Davis returned Saturday from the Lorena E and F L Downing to L E Van- 1 County commissioners’ per diem development work of the Golden Eagle Yreka races with his trotting horse. Ore where ho has in ele his bom - ever sine- IT. S. Marshal Gradv has called in all the and mileage .......... .................. . 165 O' vlei —land ’n tp 38 s. r 2 «. 17.62 acres ex group of quartz mines on Wilhams creek, gon Chief, who took second nionev but wa« He was a blacksmith ami ailversmilti bv coni mission* of his special deputies, in- J. L. Wo dridge, copying assess cepting spring 'mated in ravine on south was up this week visiting his family in reality chea’ed out of the race, his trade, a first-« lana mechanic and bv in- eluding S. F, Summers, at Klamath Falls, ment roil.............. .............. 292 00 of de eribed ¡and: >*0° <)ustrv ami application amasae i a sm.«il and Manlev Whorton, at fiOk'-view. Here For four assessment rolls .......... 125 (10 Josephi’ e and Jas F W !«• n to D B So Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Ha-th, Jr., of Granta competitor, Lochinvar, beloneine to th»- Pa«» and their babe were up several «lays pre-ident of the association. S. D. Prather tortilne. Mr Mh'kl- 8 'ii had a genius 'or after the business will be run by the Port i Coutuy printing and blanks ......... 184 52 lis —160 acres of the w end of <1 1 c No 49 tp this week visiting relative» and friends. Jlrs. It was a 2 in 3 n)i'e race and Chief won invention and besides the arti- l-B he had land office entirely. I Roads an-1 bridges.......................... IOS 57 38- r 2 w,. >45.55 both heats, but on a claim of hreaking. the already patented had on hand at the Thos F Fish and wife to Jas Martin. Jr— Books and stationer)’....................... 520 55 Harth being formerly Miss Eva Dean. The commissioners having approved the second heat wa« awarded Lochinv r much time <>f tiis death several in preparation Court house repairs ........................ 91 50 s % of n w 14 a n >i of s w % sec 5 tp 35 s, 1894 assessment of Assessor Wooldridge. Mrs. N. W. Cbilcottis preparing to move against the wishes of th« crowd who pro Private indige-it persons................. 911 56 I e. 160 acres; >2500. to Portland. Mr. C now running express tested against the unfairness of tbe ruling. for the patent office department. A’l'ong ! County Clerk Jacobs is making the neees- E. DeRoboam, hospital contractor.. 1312 71 sary copies The state board of equaliza from there to Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. F. In the third heat Lochinvar came in a nis inventions patented was a tru k pl iw, | Bounty on panther scalps.............. 55 00 (H Sa-h. doors, windows, shingles, lumber B. Hatch will occupy their fine home on trifle ahead. Fred Slagle drove Chief. the second of the kin<i brought in ns-, al tion will sit on it awhile and then it will be Wood for court house and jail.. 181 50 and all kinds of buildhii* material ar Norrs Bpring street. Mr. Davis was advised to sue the fair a«soc liav scales, a aheep counter and Beparat- ' readv to be turned over to Sheriff Patter- Justice courts ........................ 893 09 --- ’ ~ - ■ son for collection by April 1st, 1895. Co.’« lumber yard at railroad track. Coroner’s inquests ........................ 113 90 <t Conductor L. B. Hendricks has resumed iation hut will not do so. saying that the nr, a feller o a carriage Wheel. O i Oct. j Ashland. i Henry Kessler, representing Brown Paul Theiss, rebate on taxes ........ bis duties a« conductor. After his illness fair association can have all the glory and 14, 1890, Mr. Mii'kl-son was married in 14 30 he and a party went out hunting in Lane honor secured in that way that thev may Ashland to M ibb Victoria Chapman, an Bros. Co.’s nurseries, Rochester, N. Y., Examination <>f teachers................. 66 00 and Ridgeville. Canada, is in the county June election; judges, clerks, HÜFTE CHEEK NEWS countv and killed 55 China pheasants, all feel like covering themselves oyer with. estimable ladv ami sister of H. H. Chap- ! canvassing for their re'iable nursery stock I deputy sheriffs and messengers 1031 50 they could pack home. man, who survive« him. Honest and Jacksonville Jotting«. representing ornamental and fruit trees, W. W. Scott, road supervisor . 40 00 E ditor V alley R eco rd : Geo Hankins, a Lake county sheepman He carries Al. Eaton, r «ad supervi'Or Judge Neil and eons and Owen Keegan straightforward tn all his ilealinus, he sh-ubbery, flowers, plants. 15 00 whose flocks are numbered by the thou waB respected by all men. His g»*ntle recommendations from numerous first- John Young i« repairing tbe road in tbe DeBar, examination of tn sand«, is camped near Ashland with hi« have gone to the mountain* for a bunt nature endeared him to all, nothing that class horticulturists in Oregon and on the Dr. Geo vicinity of the free fe rrv, sane persons ............. 20 00 ing trip. mother and aunt, for their health. They we can say will do more than justice to coast. For the present Mr. Kessler will be Dr. J. W. Robinson, examination of Jeff Bell and wife of Talent are here vis- ji*ve been at Klamath Hot Springs. Mias Ieaie McCully waa at Ashland tiis memory. insane persons ........................ 20 00 iting Mrs, Bell’s relatives. He has passed through at Jacksonville, but will be in Ashland again during the meeting of tbeshate horti Tom Fergus son. tbe leading mining law Wednesday attending the Drake—Virgin tbe burning blaze and came out untar Circuit court—April, 1891, term cultural society. Save your orders for him. We had a heavy frost here Friday night yer of S»lt Lake City has bonded the Wil w e<Iding. jurors and witnesses................. 1727 65 nished. To speak of his good deeds son, Poole and Grainger group of quartz cop / ki ^ ht 5-* Wm. M. Colvig, defending Godfrey 50 00 that bit most of the vegetables. Last Friday B. G. Reeder and A. B. would be like an effort to paint the rain Benj. B. Beekman, of Portland, arrived hedges in the Siskiyous and has started de Frans Kassbafer, bailiff................... 60 00 The workmen have completed their work Jenkins called at this office and exhibit bow or gild the beams of the noonday valopment work in charge of C. B. Poole. on Mondav’a south bound passenger to Chaa, Schults, bailiff........................ 81 00 on the bridge across Antelope creek, on the 1 son. Like all men, he may have com ed to us two ingots of bright gold, valued Kate M. Lemberger, court reporter 100 55 county road leading to the county seat. Wallace and Geni, the Tacoma bankers riait old-time friends. mitted some indiscretions,but his virtues at >2,000; one of >1,200 and the other H. L.MBenson. district, attorney 293 00 were at Sawyers Bar this week getting a Miss 4»na Griaez, of Montague, i»> Married by A. L. Haselton, J. P. at the Deljtoboam, boarding jurors. 55 25 mill ready tor the Holcomb quarts mine, spending a few week* jn Jacksonville, were many and his good deeds will not >800, made from mid taken out of a J. 131 55 residence of Frank Manning in Flounce quarts ledge at Fool’s Paradise district, Miscellaneous............... .......... ha forgotten, which is looking well. Judge Holcomb is Rock precinct Oct. 7. 18:t-l, Mr. Lee Caton the clothing trade with a display of tall styles, that’s the between the Andersor. grade and Shasta ih GM Mexico and Frank Hoberg is in the guest of Mrs. S. R. Taylor. and Alice Phipps. >17,510 03 rive?, south of the Klarnath river. 71 surprise of the season in Ashland; Every etiit is an exact Portland. Miss Kate Lemherger has gone to HOTEL OREGON John Daley, one of our most promi«ing lbs. of quartz, washed clean, was pound Mrs. Sarn’l Furry retdfnéd Sunday from Lakeview to do the court reporting for photograph of the current fashions, and made up from mater summary . voting men, ha« moved from Trail creek ed up in a mortar from tbe ledge and F. T. Fradenburgb. Prop. » vUjf witli her daughter in Yolo county. the October term of circuit court. with his family back to our town and now Outstanding warrants on April 1, assayed >1,709.92, at rate of >18.375 an ials as genuine and durable as anything all-wool can be. Mr. and Mrs- J A- Graffls have moved occupies his old home. J A DeCleamont Coy. ounce. Thia íb atmut the richest quartz ¡ 1891, as per Max Muller’s re Miss Martha Cardwell, postmistress of H Sptncer ,Port from Y0Í0 coqntv to Rutte crees, Siskiyou Enlisted for tbe War W P Smith, “ port ................................... ..>149.129 87 We insist that our customers shall be handsomely and Central Point, was here a short time Doc Bradshaw, son of our county com- district in the county, bat the le-ltres are : Warrants issued during 6 months 17,510 03 county, for Mr- Uraihs’s health, which is tnisMoner, returned to the parental roof stylishly attired, in garments worth more than the money Tuesday, as also were J. VV. Merritt and A Walsh. Roseburg Miss De Pennington, very poor. suppose«! to be pockets, and no mill will ' 8am»* J A Norman, “ one day last week. He ha« be-n stopping WHFayle.Gr Pass M F Eggleston,Tokio be put up until the certainly q ( a pertua.’j >166,639 90 on the headwaters of Sprague river. Judge H. K. Hanna speet Ffidav in wife. they cost. We select our stock on that basis, recognizing Miss Hansen. ” nent ledge is asmqred by further devel C A Hermann. Port Ashland, having accompanied Mrs. Hanna Mr»-Murrv, of Medford, wife of the VER COKTRA. ” David Kincade is combining business this far on her return to Oakland. Cal., well-known painter, was visiting in Jack Mrs W J Freeman, Miss Roper. opment.—Yreka Journal. You Warrants paid during 6 months > 28,905 36 with pleasure. He has built a log corn crib correctness as the mark of a progressive community. N C W”od, K qh ' s Cy Central Point wmcb climate has a very beneficial influ sonville last week, the guest of Miss Eva Warrants outstanding October 1, I The southern Oregon Presbvtery home C F Wood. and shedded it on three sides, so that his Maud E' ence on her health. The Jude» spent tbe Hockenyoa. 1894........................................... 137.734 51 hogs can have shelter and feed at the same i sec what you ought to wear, when you examine our clothing Miss L Pemher, City missions was instructed to recommend F W Davenport, day visiting Ashland friends. •< linttj. display, and also discover just what you ought to pay for it J M Gregory, Marysville to the general board aid as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, A. 8. Jacobs >16Ç.639 90 Mrs. Christian, the leading dressmaker in J M Ferriss, Tacoma , Lou Caton, Ashland, >150; Jacksonville, Phoenix | and wife and Marshal Parker, of Central We had another deal in real estate here Ashland, has moved her place of business st Cha* Lindsey, G L Farmer, and Eagle Point, >400; Klamath Falls,' baturdav last. J F. Howard sold what is • « to Ups Chitwood residence on 1st Avenue, Point, were here Friday, being witnesses COUSIT I6DK»TkUb&.X, Miss Martin, Santa Rosa known as the Dr. Wbitne place, contain >500; Bandon, >600: Marshfield, >500; Outstanding warranta 44 pear tfte opera house, where she is engaged in the Comb»’ divorce suit, ............ ...... ......... W B Pracht, E H Palmer. S F ing 20 acres, to A. L. Haselton. Consider jn making dre-sts in the lateststyles. First I Myrtle Point, $-550; Roseburg, >400,; W A Hemphill, OakiC F Wo d, qaüót. 1, 1894.. >137,734 54 T. Richardson, of Pokegama. wr.s do ation >1300. 44 class work and a i)8»t fit guaranteed. Drain, >150; Oakland, Wilbur an<1 Yon-' Less cash on hand ... 2.094 47 ing Jacksonville several days last week. O Brown, Pokegama Edith Gregory, *4 calla, $500 : and new rúan íñ go into Coos Arthur Morrison, son of Mrs. F. B. In 8. J. Tutthill returned Tuesday from The inquisitive wonder what mean» his E M Deuval A Son. 0 II Blount A wf, Miss Tolnian, ’ V low. who has been spending some time in I >135,640 07 Honolulu Pokegama where he put in an electric light visits here I We have no Id[e]a. íioúnty. Than followed a discussion of i Idaho returned borne a few days ago His G Athlson, L'k/lilg Isa Agnes Duncan, system of 400 lights for the company, tbe saloon question—talks thet we wish Estimated interest . > 36,00o 00 Letba Jane Dunean, every Christian and saloon keeper in the st-pfathe? and famili aro preparing to which furnishes lights for th» two mills and Mrs. H. K. Hanna and son left on Fri A D Jones, 8 P J Edw Tnornton, ruave to Talent where they have property. tbe citizens of tbe town. Pokegama is one day’s train for Oakland, Cal .their home, A 1 Lipman. 8 F country could have heard. Pastor at Indebtedness, Oct. 1,1*94 ......... >171,640 07 A 8 Ward. S B' of the .«mailest towns on tbe coast equipped for some time to coins. She was ac W Grace. Port Rev. Fysh expects to start to-day for Grants Pass reports that he is making it R W Chanston. Port J H Bovd, “ with this kind of modern requirement. State of Oregon | Lakeview. He has secured the services of companied to Colestein by Judge Hanna. W B Officer. M D., so warm for them that they are threaten- D Burton, Cove County of I ' Mr. Yancy to move his household goods The farewell party given Will Cox at Op- JA i< enger. S F ■ng to horsewhip and tar and feather Eagle Point Sheriff Patterson and wife left for Port I tftrahy certify that tbe foregoing is a and Mr. F. expects to take his family in his •ra b«»gse Friday was largely attended. Tbe , I H Kessler, Klam FIs WDJaine«. SF . ---------- him. Another minister says he is ready true and correct showing of the financial haek. They go via Ashland and Klamath i Ashland band discoursed splendid music land Sundav evening, hut will remain 1) M Willis,Bl’d TomY Ashman. Y B Ashtuan, to help on the cause of ^ft,u^erar»ce in condition of Jacksoil county, taking as a Fails. «nd Hotel Oregon furnished a splendid but a short time. Mr. P. represents C Whitmer, Port Cincinnati anyway froqR hanging a rumseller to basis. Ex- County Clerk Muller’s last semi supper tn their elegant dining room. Mr. Ashland’s K. of P. lodge at the grand W >» a ¡F A Davis,Gold Hl Ase’ Hubbard, one of Medford’s prominf , E Kang, “ teaching á Sunday school class. annual report of indebtedness of tbe count}’ ept young business men of the firm o- Cox has gone to Coos county fn brake on lodge, H “ K 22 Hanna. II ____ . J’ville James Elder. 8 F ’ on April 1.1891. the new railroad. “ WT Nail. Port Hubbard Bros, passed through town Sat-1 The Misses Hargrove cordially invite the Miss Mae Porrif left for her home at W W Glanville, S F N. A. JACOBS. County Clerk. s C Whitmer. “ urday on his way to their ranch on Clark1» ladies of Ashland and vicinity to call and Frank Lennart. Wallace Rogers and M. Eugene, atter a pleasant visit of a month C J Boyfo. A Walsh, Rosbg E D Ivorv, creek where they are engaged in the stock M. Obencbain. who left early last spring on examine their full line of fall and winter Parka' Cc’.hfih syrup cures Coughs, Colds business ft nji 1 ling expedition to eastern Oregon with with relatives. She was accompanied by J H Pinkston, R B D McCarthy ,Gr Pass millinery on Saturday. Oct. 6th, or the and Consumption. Mrs. Catherine Black, Miss Carrie Beekman, who will spend W C Bevington. “ S F Ferree, '* week following. Í.I. Hailing of Chicago are all expected The friends of Grandma Tungato will be 1 of Le Rov, N. Y., says: “I took one bot J P Kennedy, Port J Norman. Merlin ome soon. They were prospecting a ledge some time in the Willamette valley. The county board of cqqaliiatiaii—Jgdg» tle of Parks’Cough Syrup. It acted like glad to learn that the eating and bleeding W A Hemphill, Oak A D Jones. S F I tn the Prineville section when last heard Jieil, AsBpsjsof WoAldridg« ‘ and Cl rk magic. Stopped my cough and I am per cancer she has had on her face has teen re Wm. L. Miller, of Oregon City, is Dr A McMurtev. Cal 0 B Zabriskie, front but a snowstorm there started them jacoht, — transacted the following business: moved and the place healed over, and if it fectly well now.” Sold by E. A. Sherwin. spending a month of pleasure and Bight R P Williams,R’b T^-qina homeward. does not reappear Dr. Stanfield will have a Assessment of Henry .mmerman wan seeing with friends in this section. Will J A Kirkham, >• 8 Baker, uns People’s Party Club. feather iu his cap that will outshine some Elder David Brower and wife, Dr. D. M. raised >3100. Assessment of Henry Blecher C W Sherman, “ WC Bevington,Duns Brower and family, C. E. Mingus and assists his brother, Col. R. A., in the H P Pettegrew. do Otis Frierson, Ct Pl was reduced >180. Applications of H. von oi ftiaeompetitors in the medical line. The Program for People ’ s Party Club meet family returned last week from their trip to Oregon City land office. Child’s white merino vests and pants, 9c. up. der Hellen, Minerva J. Armstrong, Mary ing for Oct.. 16tb: 1st, select rea^ by old lady is about 80 years old and bids fair G H Leghorn.Frcep't D T Lawton. Med the Myrtle Point Dunxard conference. H Pryce, T. W. Brittsan, Thompson & Meek J. R. Wick; 2d, general ^igeHswbn; 3d, to outlive same of the younger ones. Gin Lin, one of the oldest Chinese M P Gleeson, Port W N Luckey. ” Linen damask towels. 50c. reduced to 25c. Root and wife. Marcus Carl and wife and residents of the state, and whose occupa W F Bangasser, S F E E Sayles.Steinman er, Mrs. A. M. Berry. Emmett Beeson Geo. George Wiley, one of our most premis reading and reinqvktj on th» financial Turkey damask table linen. Site, reduced to 25c. Miss Puma Moomaw came with them. P. Wallihan, Mrs. J. H. Barn'im.for reduc N J Powers, Siskiyou Sayles, “ young men, who is making arrangp. Misa Moomaw to go to Glendale, Arizona, tion has been principally mining, left J Brandenburg, Med S Miss tion ot their respective assessments, was de opinions of pr. Vrankiin. by Gen. E. L. ing Dover egg beaters, 15c. menu to move his father and family to H Pinkston. R B Sunday tor China in company with three Jo vjsit her sister, Mrs. Vau Horn. nied Andrew McNeil’s assessment was re A^pleiptia. Ashland in his hurry to bis tield npen E C Murray, 8 F Ladies’ ribbed hose, fast black. 18c. other Chinamen. Lin will probably re Leo Snede. Port duced >200. E. V. Carter avmatpf)' for F L Southwick, do so that his stock cou'o have the benefit of Th« season carnival last evening was a turn to this country in tne near future. John Weiser, do Fine Blooded Pigs For Sale. Bank of Ashlan^, whes^! ' a«>¿aMnént was Men’s extra fine seamless socks, 0c. H Greenburg. 8 F E Tynon, Gr Pass the pasture tried to put all 01 a certain great success, tne strolling minstrels* music >ü:0u!x'’ A, ÍI. Maegly’s assess R. E. Drum, of Table Rock, offers for piece of ou?*>-fodder on his wagon late Sat- W Grace. Port B J Tobin. Dunsmuir reduced Ladies ’ trimmed bats, 75c. p was fine, while the gypsies and numerous His wife remaiped on Applegate. ment was reduced >960 and that of A. E. sale some fine blooded registered Berk I urday e"ening and the result was that yes- fakirs were as persistent as the world’s fair I Loren Stowell once more breathe» the N A Ambrose, Port CL Heath. Milk bucket, 10 quarts, 20e. Crance >500. W. I. Vawter ’ s assessment shires, one a 3-vear-l>oar. two 3-yenr-old , turday (Sunday) morning he ha<t to go and D C Brownell. Oak article. Prof. O. H. Roberts, the elocution air of freedom. He is tbe young man B H Barclay, 8 F was raised >7720. Assessment of Geo. M. Harness snaps, 20c. per dozen. sows, two 5-months-old sow pigs, and [ bring in what he bad left after he turned C Hamberger, ’ ’ C H Pierce, Seattle ist. was present and recited a few pleasing that was captured at Oregon City a short Love was reduced >250 and that of Fannie 2-inontbs-old pigs. Call on or R- E- Pv«r’, „ G W Cole, Colestein A Pankey, Ct Pt recitations and responded to an encore. He D ick . Ladies ’ handkerchiefs from 3c. up. M. Love >2475. Drum. Table Rock, Or^^.n,. I Eagle Point, Oct. 8,1894, Is a very clever artist and has promised to time since, and brought back and held A Walsh, Roseburg C A Hermann. Eola Men ’ s blue overalls, riveted, 48e. for forgery. The charge preferred by W N Luckey A son Mrs Winsell, It B recite again this evening. A few choice Poland China pigs for —SOW——— Youths’ blue overalls, riveted, 45c. Geo. Brown, the merchant of Eagle F M Johnson, S F J G Shepard. S F Bale at mill of B. C. R. F, Mill Co., Eagle fjsc-Ai Lp/ftus, who has sold out his stock G W Coilns, Port J Porter, Port 4 Boys’ blue overalls, riveted, 38c. Point. Write. ....... jnterests »nd leaded his band of sheep in Point. The bond of >100 was furnished Otto Guthnutr, “ C A Piper, Port L»ke county, arrived at bis former home in by Mrs. E. Wooley and G. W. Stowell H D Perrv, Ladies’ shoe polish, 10 and 15c. E Demick, Phiia Thp 3cou vaBey singe robber secured Ashland last Thursday. ‘His wife »nd child for his appearance before the next grand L High, Chicago I A Hanley. Mtjdfocd | onrv $100 coin from the express box Trimming silk, plain and figured, 40c. jury the first Monday in De- ’ emb®r. arrived Sunday from San Frsucisco and Al Norman, Rosel; *g Geo Isauos, Jr;’. ” Sewing silk, best made, 05c. ' * - 1 >» which was way-billed from C. W. Ki«t at they will remain some weeks. Mr. Lofftus Mark Kata.8 F ’Joe Savage. is looking about for a location td go into Etna to Judge T. J. Howell in Ashland. Walloon, lace and embroidery are used Cast steel hatchet, 50c. business in some climate more agreeable to upon all matoiials. There are narrow Dan Cawley, who has driven stage in Tack hammers, 05. DIED. his wile’s health. this section for 40 years and drovd the I and wido widths, the former being used Screw drivers, 6-inch, 10c. Tbe changing around of the railroad firBt overland stage through this country WIMER—In Ashland, Oct. 11, 1894, Mrs as well as the last one out of A^hl'^d management by th« S. P. will cut off the to edge draperies and ruffles. Pudding pans from 6c. up. Hats with trimming under the brim Lou Wimer, ot consumption. úpáiiou of division superintendent of the when the iron horse made con Milk pans from 4c. up. The funeral takes place Friday at 1 o'clock nection, without e>er haVlng been held Ashland-Red Bluff division, and Janies are growing iu popularity, and many of Curry combs, worth 20c. for JOe, p. m. from the Walters residence, burial in , jyer the popular superintednent, will be them have clusters of flowers set at reg Dan felt transferred to toe division at Wadsworth, Ashland cemetery, Elder David Brower up before, wair the driver. TbimblcB, 1 2, 5 and 7c, somewhat uneasy, and noticing the rob Nevada. H. t doley, the jeimfont engineer ular intervals close to tbo hair. officiating, ber’s hand trembling like a greenhorn of the Mt. Shasta division, wilf now be the Hille, t>atip aud jnolix jtjekets are head man in charge at Dunsmuir. at the business, unhesitatingly eTC^im- > To Europe For 810. among the popular garments:' They ore ed, “Now you bold that V.i^tol, ^o one Otis Helman, leader of the Ashland moderately close fitting and are profuse Oil cans; coffee pots, coffee mills, tea kettles, measures, To Europe for §10, including boart. 8¡<ie!” fearing the mjly looting' weapon band, who w< at to Warren, Ohio, to stili ly trimmed with lace and emboridery. and lodging, is the present rate of th< might go off accidentally, with a furtner perfect his profession, alter a buckets, underwear, shirts, mirrors, notions, novel- Pcrsout remark that no ojié on the stage had any ¡ Medallions, palm leaves, squares and competing steamship lines. piootiPs ütoq.ily practice of four hours per Hrms. The robber compljed with Dan ’ s | who make frequent trips first class con long pointed sections of passementerie day had a speclaiiai ra.iuiuw hi» ear, California, in her golden prime, never before achieved so ties, stationery, clothes lines, clothes pins, which was giving biui pain. ’ The »pec are used for trimmings. But vory little not view the war in steerage rates v itb- demand, but ordered, hint to hurry up| he box, which waa was ue un | grand a triumph as at the Midwinter Fair just closed. ialirtt informed him that the trouble was passcmcutbrib giunHori; »s uscq ;u con out apmo ieejipgs b£ ebTy. 'The remark and throw out I the caused by blowiug iu his horn and Mr. tinuous length«. stove polish, shoe blacking, brushes,&c. able price cf $10 for a trip of from derneath a lot of mail matter and. bag Among the honors conferred at the fair was bestowal of gage. On the box being thrown out,Dan Hehuan will he compelled to quit cornet- seven to nine days, with good sanitary was ordered to drive on, and he came to Some garden party dresses show skirts plaving entirely. Alter a visit with east the highest award including gold medal, on quarters, plenty of wholesome food and ern relatives Otis will return to Ashland gathered up in festoon fashion with drink, and ia a record breaking steamci Yreka as quickly as possible to inform the sheriff. During the robberr the His many lriends will be pained to hear bows. These festoons fall over full ruf news as Mr. Helman was a flrs*- fles of lace lined with silk and sot upon at that, is ono reason for tbe very largt passengers were much excited, expect emigration during tho past two ontbs. ing to ba overhauled, and one (’ru.umer ftfßd leader and a proficient artist foundation skirts. Though the transatlantic t. panics on board placed a rail of l^Li.kets on end ptjihe etyuei, b)^ favorite instrument. A stylish costumo of duck ha3 the are fighting to tho death for the steerage in front of arierwarda asking Dan if Tbe express company h^s ppt a burglar collar revers and cuffs band embroider ha though t a bullet would go tn rough traffic, they display an altogether won- As at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, the award proof sale in their egrs dn the tas^ger ed j£ ecal lope. The work is done after This is the first time the stage <1 trains that it would take houn« for the train dgrfql clegwqpl ¡qqifferouotfto first class them. to Dr, Price’s Cream Baking Powder at* San Francisco, was robbers to get into by the heaviest kind of the material Is cut anq is u revival el pksfihigyra. ' Competition in this direc has ever been successfully overhauled in Scott valley, nnd it ia selttam so small an scientific bombarding. The train express an old fashion tnat was very nittoh lit&d. tion is apparet *>y barred by a c»3t iron amount of caah ia carried in the express for highest quality, demonstrated by expert analysis, under messengers have no keys and do not under- —New York Ledger. mutual agreement.—New York Sun. ’*whinh J til© the CO'" combination, which i« is i«ft left fur for box, The robber hung the fallowing direction of U. S. Government Chemists. The, Cypress agents, who go into the Marrlag» License Issued. tiMUocui afp “poem,” signed BlavU w a neigh 9* i>ij>M th 4 safe take out what be Parks ’ Sure Cure is a positive specific in jc^r and open boring tree Oet. 6th, 1894. Thomas Hill and Miss An-1 z.u t - j ' l V - '.2..... j •---- in each instance, were superiority in leavening nowci, per *-».-•> By long» to’that TlwTi. require» Miss ns Swansen: Dennis F ynch and Mi«s Sa-1 a «itseases of the Liver and Kidneys, I^ere I aat upon thiatjiair, Emaj;»~Ho*ard. uric Emma Howard, ’ the tb$ ton-IW'.v’- piantha Wimer. Oct. Sth. Frank M. Fryer 1 removing r“~.... .. the ....... . acid in the blood it cpres fect purity of constituents, uniformity and wholcsomcness. The trees arenr.d me-eobbing, ot tVrlhftge agent in AshUnd, to g'» «<> the depot and and M»? Nellie M. Rardsdall. Oct. 9Ui, F. rheumatism. 8. B. Walting for the d — d old stage •S. lug., »ft.V»: ’TWIbty Park*’ Sure t ure meet every passenger train. M. Dr^ke qhd Miss MrttCy ft. yirfttq, Dr. Price’s is thus confirmed and permanently established as That was not worth mbbingt excels all other mbdi’nlrt«*» for Rneniuati&m J, C. Barrett & Co. request all person- A cup of Parks’ Tea at night moves tbe and Urinary disorders.” bold by E, A Youra when ytjy, UHcn me. positively the owinl them to call and Bettie up at once. bowels in tbe morning without pain or dis- Sherwin. Opposite Ashland Milk- ........... 1 ■■■ ■ — Account- »14 b-pb- ed wilt, an attorney rt. ’i io a great health giver and JJtder your job prinliog from the Reeotd r. tMUVyV. A’tiUwwttf. bjßiöisij Awy. VALLEY RECORD. LOOK OUT FOR MILLINERY I. C. BARRETT & CO. DRESSMAKING PARLORS BLISTERED BERKSHIRES. One Boar, 3 years o d. Two Sows, 3 year s od. Two Sow Pigs, 5 months old. Five Pigs, 2 months old. R. E. DRUM, Table Rock, Or. AGAIN WE LEAD VAUPEL, IS & DRAKE iI Midsummer Honors From the I Midwinter Fair. Dr. Price’s Baking Powder ’fegTXew Goods will arrive nearly every week at the same Bedrock Prices as before. DOLPII EDDY Best Baidoa Ftfwtfer Ever M&de. %