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About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1894)
VALLEY RECORD I ÊNGLAND FEARS THE CHINESE EM' PIRE WILL BE BROKEN UP. I HARDWARE, The Army of the Tennessee is bolding Henry Gibsen, a negro, attempted to J. Asher of Tehachapi has failed for its twenty-fifth annual session at Conn- assault a woman near Mills, Texas, but about $120,000. help came and he was arrested and Scarlet fever in Los Gatos has forced , . - ------------ Clivsr Wendell Holmes Dies Suddenly til Bluffs, la. • •• ••• taken to a store to be held as a prisoner. the closing of the public schools. A temporary receiver has been ap from Heart Disease. i The People’s Paper. Enropean Powers Watch Every Develop During the night some unknown person I pointed for the Colorado River Irriga Vancouver (B. C.)has voted to borrow ....... ................ —-------------- i- ment Closely — The Situation Serious. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the venerable tion company. fired a shot into the store and killed $100,000 to erect an electric plant. ASHLAND. Or . Thursday. Oct 11.1891: Britl.h Paper» Advise Interference to poet and writer, almost the last of the A “hurricane ot flame” is sweeping Gibson. Governor Markham has appointed N. ! Effect a Settlement of the War—The circle of great men of letters of New Samuel Benjamin, a printer at Cin P. Chipman of Red Bluff as trustee of England of the generation past, died at ever the Black Brook country, north of Peace of Europe Threatened. .1 CALL TO ACTION. cinnati. has fallen heir to $3,000,000 in tho state normal school, vice J. S. Cone, his home at 296 Beacon street, Boston, Grantsburg, Wis. The Manchester Guardian is informed Sunday afternoon. The immediate cause Geronimo and 320 of tho Apache band Australia. A commercial agency has ad- deceased, and Dougins S. Cone director ; To the Populitt Club»—Greeting:— I that Russia and Great Britain have defi of his death was heart disease. Dr. are en route to Fort Sill under the care i viuiced $1,500 to Benjamin to go and se- of Agricultural district No. 80, vice J. ■ t Now that the season of cool weather and i nitely decided the settlement of the war : Holmes had been in his usual good j ; of United States troops. I cure the estate. S. Cone, deceased. long evenings has come, will it not be well : must be an international and not a Jap ' health all summer, which he spent at I i The late state fair at Sacramento , The four fastest machine typesetters ! In Chicago Mrs. Martha Pehike, lately for oar clubs throughout the county to come together once more for active edu anese affair. Germany and France are I liis country house at Beverly Farm. As of the Denver Republican have issued ' i from Utah, disguised herself in man’s shows a balance of $3,500 on the right i cational work? The populists of Jackson said to have acquiesced to this decision, | was his custom, he came back to his a challenge to any four men in the j 1 clothes and glued a heavy black mus- side. county did a grand work last year, and winter residence in Boston about 10 country. ! tache to her upper lip. The disguise was Tustin has shipped the first trainload : finished it up with victory at the polls in while the policy of the United States is j ' days ago. He seemed then as well and in order to personate her absent husband of dried fruit out of Orange county. It Taylor Townsend, a negro, murdered June la»t. Let no populist think our suc Btill regarded as uncertain. Russia, ac 1 strong as at any time in the last few his brother Harry and another negro and to make a sale of property. She was was dried apricots. cess was the result of accident or chance; this victory was the result of earnest work cording to The Guardian, has already ' years. Since his wife’s death some years near Wetumka, Ala., recently. unlucky, however, in dropping the mus ¡ A beet sugar factory for Sonoma by individuals and clubs through the warned Japan that the future of Corea ago he had been troubled with heart tache while in company with an officer, county is being negotiated for. It is to A strong effort is to be mada during county. concerns the Russian government. disease, and while his physicians told the next session of the present congress and the latter promptly landed her in a be located three miles from Santa Rosa. In fact there never was a more favorable Japan, in her present mood, will pay no him that he must use great care it was to secure territorial government for police cell. time to do effective work for the cause of The murderer-of Constable Jeffreys humanity than the present. Many men heed to any representations made by the not considered necessarily a severe case. Alaska similar to that enjoyed by other Antonio Crevas, a noted scientist, has of Puyallup, Wash., is supposed to be say to us: “i am in worse condition this powers unless they be accompanied by Dr. Holmes leaves three children— ' just reached Oaxaca, Mexico, from To- the smuggler Brooks who made his es fail than 1 was last I ” There has been no tangible evidence of intention to back Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., judge of territories. failure of crops, or destruction bv the them up. It was to authorize this, ac baseo. While exploring a wild, wooded cape from McNeill’s Island penitentiary Some miscreant placed ties across the the supreme court of Massachusetts: an elements to cause this. People are begin district in the valley of the San Pedro a few days ago. track of the Santa Fe near Nortonville, cording to The Guardian, the minis ning to look for the cause. We were told a other son, Edward, and a daughter, river he came upon an ancient village Kan., the other night, but the engineer Colonel Smith W. Fowler, aged 65, vear ago to repeal the purchasing clause of terial council was summoned. It fur Mrs. J. C. Sargent. surrounded by eight pyramids. These died at San Diego. His remains will be discovered the obstruction in time to the Sherman law and prosperity would ther says, after a showing of force, Dr. Holmes celebrated his eighty-fifth return in ten days, etc. It was repealed : pyramids are 30 meters high and are I taken to Manistee, Mich., his old home. avert a seriouB accident. and every meeting of the great produce ex Japan would be told Great Britain de birthday on the 29th of August last. He constructed of brick and stone. Crevaa He was a popr^ir lawyer. Jim and Marion Crutchfield, brothers, changes since that repeal has marked a low sired that an armistice be established, graduated from Harvard in 1829 and be er price in the great staples of the country. and Great Britain, on behalf of Europe, gan the study of law, but abandoned and Will Mitchell, all negroes, engaged will organize a company to make fur Clarence Allen, a resident of Lafay Then came the tariff tinkerers They would immediately call an international in a deadly battle recently near Parvin, ther explorations. ette, Contra Costa county, while out that profession for medicine. After said repeal the McKinley law and the great Professor George Sloan, who is living hunting fell over the rocks. His gun studying in Europe he returned to Bos Tex. Jim Crutchfield and Mitchell were depression would be at an end! Tais was conference. with friends at 3449 Wabash avenue, was discharged, the contents passing also done, and what is the result? Simply The London Globe and St. James Ga ton and began the practice of medicine fatally shot. the rolling on of the crushing wheel of zette express the opinion that the Man in 1836. Great excitement has been caused at Chicago, has for 45 days thrived on a through his heart. downward prices for all the products o( Oliver Wendell Holmes’ verses began Elmira, O., by the discovery of a power diet of mineral water and drugs. Dur Everett Ornbaum, aged 11 years, and labor, and the more complete control by chester Guardian's article gives the real trusts and monopolies. All this shows reason for the meeting of the ministers. to appear in various periodicals in 1831, ful nitro-glycerine and dynamite bomb ing all that time not a particle of nour his little sister, living near Ukiah, were plainly tiiat there is work to be done by The London Post says the present po in which year he was 22 years old, and placed in the Lake Shore and Michigan ishment, solid or liquid, has passed his playing and running round the house in our clubs in every locality. .! lips. Once he attempted to drink some opposite directions. At the corner of the sition of China cannot be lightly re his reputation as a poet was established Southern elevator. Senators Ixigaii and Plumb said in 1873 weak beef tea, but could not swallow a house they collided and the boy died Forty residents of Nora and Rush, in answer to the question, “What is the garded. If that empire is broken up or by the delivery of a metrical essay en cause of the panic." — “It is a money its position imperiled the outlook would titled “ Poetry, ” which was followed by Ill., were poisoned by eating pressed mouthful of the beverage. Now, though from the injuries he received. famine.“ No truer words were ever spok be extremely grave. Hitherto we have others in rapid succession. chicken at a social gathering, ¿me of quite proud of beating Dr. Tanner’s As the train from Los Angeles was en, and if this country is to be rescued from the party were rendered unconscious famous record of 42 days, ha is anxious pulling into the Santa Fe depot at San Dr. Holmes’ father was long pastor of selflsh greed and oppression on the part of been accustomed to regard China as an to eat but cannot. The professor is 64 M ain S trikt , OrrosiTz F laca . the few against the masses, it must be done ally, and we have trenchant agreements the first church in Cambridge, then a shortly after partaking of the’ supper Bernardino the other morning, it ran by every populist doing his part in his own ' with her which require close attention. rambling, pleasant country village. The and were not roused for several hours. years old, his advanced age making the onto a sidetrack and plunged full head, locality. We sincerely hope that every club Li Hung Chang is tho only man of emi little boy as soon as he was old enough The recover}’ of some of the sick ones is case more remarkable. running at the rate of 15 miles an hour, FÆIZSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, in the county will, as soon as possible, call I “1 consider Chamberlain’s Cough Reme into a freight train standing there, de their members together and start the good nence in China capable of advising the was sent to a dame’s school in Cam doubtful. A band of robbers murdered a farmer, dy a specific for croup. It is very pleasant molishing both engines and wrecking work. For th- encouragement of our fel emperor at this juncture. He deserves bridgeport. He was an imaginative, WALL ZP-ÆZPEZEL. GJL j ASS. ETC. low workers, we will say that the Ashland any aid that England can afford him in fanciful child, easily frightened, and his wife, three children and four servants to take, which is one of the most import several flatcars. ant requisites where a cough remedy is in Populist Club keeps a free reading room | there was a glovemaker’s sign, a big near Wilna, Russia, and escaped with tended for use among children. I have B uilding P apers , wrapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIAL#. next door to postoffice, up stairs. The the effort to save his country from Ex-Judge Junius Rochester, a well- known of cases of croup where I know the room isopen every day in the week; is well- the terrible dangers with which it is wooden hand, which he had to pass on their plunder. known attorney and politician of Se his daily walks to and from school, snpplied with reading matter, and every menaced. The National Tin Plate mills at An life of a little one was saved by the use of ’s Cough Remedy.” J. J. La attle, is detained at the city jail at Port body is invited to make it headquarters The London Graphic says: It iB time which always filled him with terror. derson, Iud., are expected to be in oper Chamberlain Grange, oruggist, Avoca, Neb. 50 cent land pending the adjustment of a charge when in Ashland. Now thia ought to be bottles for sale by Ashland Drug Co. done in at least four of the towns of our a halt was called by the European pow “Oh, the dreadful hand I” he says in one ation by the 1st of January. of obtaining money under false pre county—Medford, Jacksonville, Ashland ers interested in keeping the peace. of his essays, “always hanging there Captain Howgate, the defaulting ex The first news of a sensational case of tenses. He had been dissipating and , Neither Great Britain nor Russia can I ready to catch up a little boy, who chief .of the signal service, is closely suicide is reported from Mount Kisco, gambling, and meantime drew checks, ' and Central Point. The cost is a trifle compared to the bene wish to see China permanently crippled would co-r e home to his supper no more, fits that will be derived. Our members by the Japanese. A state of chaos in the nor get to bed—whose porringer would watched in his prison cell at Wash N. Y. It was kept secret on account of had them indorsed and negotiated them ' ington. / the prominence of the family. The vic when he had no funds in bank to draw pay just as they feet able, from 5 cts. to 25 cts. per month. There is no fixed fee or I former empire would raise problems be laid away empty thenceforth and his The application of Jay Gould's chil tim was Mrs. J. E. Butler, a wealthy upon. HHHI dues, it u entirely a free-will offering; tho-e i that might set the world ablaze. half-worn shoes wait until his smaller dren for relief from taxation in New woman, who shot herself through the who can pay nothing are iust as welcome A. C. Wallace, the pedestrian from The St. James Gazette says the inter brother grew up to fit them. ” York was argued the other day, and the head. Mrs. Butler was the widow of a as those who pay most Brothers let us al) Marion county, Or., arrived at San Jose make an extra effort this fall and winter to ests of England, France and Russia are i | |It was in 1857 that Dr. Holmes flashed court reserved its decision. I Confederate general who died a year A l SHZL j A.ZN ID, OREGON. with his two little children, a boy of 7 upon the American public. There was do more and better work than we have closely involved in the possible breaking The damage sustained at Little Rock, ago. They did not live happily together and a girl of 6, whom he took with him done in the past. up of the Chinese empire, and it is be a great many who can remember the The committee extends to every populist lieved Russia has signified that she can delightful surprise with which they Ark., from the recent cyclone will not and separated some years ago. She had on his journey, which began in August, exceed $500,000. The work of straight lived in Mount Kisco 10 years and was when on coming home to his family one in Jackson county their heartfelt thanks Reopened, Refurnished and Completely Renovated. for the ready co-operation and assistance not any longer regard the progress of ' greeted the “ Autocrat of the Breakfast ening things out again has begun. about 50 years old. A son w-as the re day he found his wife had eloped and rendered them m their work, and let the ' events in the far east with indifference, I Table, ” that brilliant series of articles The Columbian relics loaned to the sult of their marriage, bearing the name deserted him. He has a handcar and he ^■¿.-.===8-^ Under ew Manageme nt. .-~=a^ -r good work go on; each doing gladly what which brought the Atlantic Monthly his hand, heart and brains find to do to i The London Telegraph remarks that into immediate vogue. Before that the World’s Fair by the pope have been re of Guy, who is now’ in the West. It alternately allows the children to ride. advance the great cause of humanity, until three of the five ships ordered to China FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. turned, accompanied by an autograph was Baid that it was on account of his no starving women and children or tramp could not possibly arrive there in time i doctor had given his life both to law letter of thanks from President Cleve waywardness that the mother took her He is on his way to Los Angeles. S. J. Mathews, manager of The Re is found in the land. to avert a possible massacre of British and to medicine, with occasional dips land. life. The 6on had spent about all his Yours in the work. i into poetry. With the “Autocrat of the publican Press and secretary of the subjects, nor would a vessel of the type FRANK WILLIAMS, The supreme court of South Carolina money and was constantly drawing on Ukiah volunteer fire company, who was of the first-class cruiser St. George be i Breakfast Table” he became the most the mother for funds. Recently she re Chairman Co. Cent’l. Committee. has decided that the state dispensary charged with having converted the i i needed merely to keep order at the i popular writer in America. E. P. HAMMOND, law is constitutional. This sustains ceived a letter from him and after read funds of the oompany to his own use, Chairman Co. Ex. Committee. His life was a busy one. While at treaty ports. The paper hints that pos ing it she opened the stove and threw it F. W. SETTLEMIER. 250 ACRES. sibly a further emergency is being pro tending to his arduous duties of many Governor Tillman. J. H. SETTLEMIER. into the fire. No one knows what the has been acquitted of the charge. 4,000,0000. George Herrold, a wealthy brewer at kinds in different colleges, he still found The 6eitler Triumph has arrived at The elections in Georgia gave the demo vided for. letter contained. She immediately went Portland committed suicide recently. ESTABLISHED 1863. cratic ticket a close ehave and if the pop The Paris Gaulois asks if British in time to write, and has turned out to her room and a few moments later Victoria, B. C., from Bering sea. She The New Yorks have won the national the servants heard a pistol shot. When took 3,200 6kins in the sea, making 4,500 ulists bad an even chance in the count tervention in the Corean trouble might something good each year, as well as ing they would probably have won. At not result in a repetition of the famous adding to his long list of short poems baseball championship. they reached tho room they discovered for the season, the greatest catch ever any rate thecouragecusand able populist coup of 1878, which enabled Admiral that have made him famous. Two men were killed by electricity at Mi-s. Butler sitting in a chair, with a re made by a pelagic Bealer. She waa in leader, Tom Watson, has been re-elwted Lord John Hay to take possession of the i The death Oliver Wendell Holmes Boston recently, and John Yager was volver clutched in her hand. the sea only 40 days. One day she got to the seat in congress that was stolen robs literature of one of its most shining killed at New York while trimming a Island of Cyprus. from him the last time. Watson is a Judge Ross of Los Angeles, has ren 324, and once in three days got 900. The Paris Figaro, referring to the i lights and the world of one of the most lamp. Two horses were shocked to great leader and will do the reform move Henry Webber, aged 71, the oldest dered an important decision in the case ment a powerful lot of good in showing same subject, remarks: The British gentle and kindly men that ever lived. Í death at Newark, N. J. pioneer in the Northwest, and who took of Lee Yung, a registered Chinese who once landed in China would not be able . For many years past visitors to Boston ' Mrs. Christine M. Lathrop, one of the the people where they are at. went over the Mexican line for a few a prominent part in behalf of the United to resist the desire to exercise a pressure . might have seen walking through the i legatees of $100,000 under the will of States in 1859 to prevent Great Britain upon the Japanese to prevent them from i streets a slender, white-haired old gen- Í Senator Stanford, died at the home of days and on his return was taken from annexing the San Juan archipel We carry the largest and most Complete A Brave and Busy Life. before the commissioner, who ordered deriving all the advantages of a victory. tieman with a most distinguished bear- her mother, Mrs. Harriet Lathrop, in ago, was accidentally killed the other When the Nicaragua canal shall bo a Th® troubles may then commence and [ ing. But he was old in appearance Saratoga. N. Y., after a brief illness of him to be deported. Judge Ross holds Assortment of Decidious trees on the Coast. that because a registered Chinese hap day at Port Discovery, Wash., by a run fixed fact and its history comes to be the peace of Europe be threatened, for only, for bis heart was as light and typhoid fever.____________ i pens to cross over into another country away team. written, no one man will figure in the Russia, France and even America will buoyant as in the days of his youth, Life oi- Death ? A desperado on a recent evening went on business or pleasure he is not subject and he took the keenest interest in the story so prominently as tho late General certainly intervene. 1 ■ • • . .4 . i O’ - to arrest and deportation under the into the Mug saloon at Seattle and or It is of vital importance that it should be problems of life. Daniel Macaulay. To no one man will Reports have reached Tien-Tsin that laws. dered the dozen men present to throw Tbe group of Americans to which understood by persons whose kidneys are its tucocss bo so greatly owing as to a rebellion has broken out in the prov up their hands. Charles H. Birdell, the inactive, that this condition k of things is Charles Ellis of Alma, Cal., has sued him. At least so far back as 1877—per ince of Mongolia. Troops from Peking Holmes belonged included Hawthorne, finally inductive of a state of the organs the Southern Pacific for $4,(MX) damages. barkeeper, reached for his gnu, but the i Longfellow, Thoreau, Emerson, Lowell, where life hangs in the balance. Bright e haps longer—-it was his glorious day have been sent to quell this uprising. desperado was too quick and shot him Whittier and Margaret Foweler. He was disease, diabetis. albuminuria are all dis Near the railroad track at Alma he had The residents of Tien-Tsin are taking dream. That he died at Managua, the of a very obstinate character in their two large oil tanks connected with pipes through the heart. Birdell fell dead and every precaution possible against an an the last of this great company, and it is eases mature stage,'and all have a fatal tendency. to his wells. A fire was started in an the desperado, still covering the crowd capital of Nicaragua, of the fever of the ticipated attack by the natives. perhaps too soon to fix with accuracy his They often baffle the most practised medi adjoining field by employes of the rail with his gun, backed from the saloon country—that, too, before he had seen The Chinese merchants at Shanghai relative place in that group. But it is 1 cal skill, and the most approved remedies road and spread to the tanks, destroying and escaped. tho realization of bis fond hope—is one are cancelling freight contracts to Che not to soon to say that none of them has of materia medica. But opposed at tbe The Southern Pacific coast line is be of th® strange trims fate serves mortals. Foo and Tien-Tsin, owing to a report had more readers, and few of them have outset—that is to say, when the kidneys be them and their contents. gin to discharge their functions inactively ing pushed south rapidly. The most William Sloan of Chicago starved General Daniel Macaulay was a that the Japanese intend to blockade been so universally enjoyed. Posterity —with Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters,the dan We warrant all of our trees to be as represented, and southerly camp is now within a short himself to death. For 50 days he re will probably not rank him with Long gerous tendency is checked. Very useful, brother of tho famous actor, Barney those ports. free from pests. Send for special prices oil large lot». also, is this household medicine for those fused food. Sloan was a prominent distance of the Santa Maria river. Macaulay, and resembled him strongly, Several Japanese warships are patrol fellow and Lowell as a poet, nor give ailments of common occurrence—constipa Catalogue free. socialist. him credit for the same ascetic love of lie lived in Indianapolis many years, ling the coast near Wei- Woi-Hai, a Chi tion. biliousness, dyspepsia, and nervous nature that distinguished Thoreau. His Ladies imported trimmed hats just le- and, though most persons called him nese port on the Shan Tung promontory. novels, “Elsie Verner * and “The Guar ness. It is a safeguard against malaaia, ceiveil J. H. SETTLEMIER & SON, at The Fair. 75 cents to $3, Call and averts chronic rheumatism. They approach the coast at night and General Dan Macaulay, to tho people of and examine. WOODBURN, Oil. dian Angel,” can hardly be placed in the steam away at daybreak. It is said the Workmen engaged in excavating for a Indianapolis ho will always be known Paul Berger, said to be the oldest a object is to prevent Chinese warships same category with Hawthorne’s best railroad track near Hingham, Mass., as Mayor Dan Macaulay. He was as negro minstrel in the country, died at work, and he was not the man of affaws leaving Wei-Woi-Hai, or Port Arthur, have unearthed five skeletons over six Philadelphia aged 70 the other day, brave as he was great hearted, and he on th® opposite side of the Yellow sea. that Lowell was. feet in length, with jawbones of un Dr. Holmes loved all poetry and poets John A. Callahan, u boodle alderman and his brigade did some desperate It is stated the Japanese do not intend usual size. Experts say the skeletons and had a sincere love for Longfellow. at Nov,- Qrteav«, has beon seat te prison fighting during the civil war. to interfere with the export of coal to Poems with a tender sentiment gave are those of white men. for five yeurs for bribery. In tho winter of 1878 he was be- China. Judge Koons of Muncie, Ind., lias John Jackson, who performed one of Wang Feng Tsao, late Chinese minis him most pleasure, and a work without fare congress trying to induce it to fancy had no charm for him. o : the most heroic actions of thè civil war, granted a divorce to the youngest appli fake up tho Nicaragua canal and fur ter at Tokio, has had an audience at The list of poems and other works that recently died at Annapolis in the house cant that ever appeared iu his court, Peking and was severely censured on tllCT tilo enterprise) at least by its ap- Dr. Holmes turned out during the last | of correction. While the Union fleet She was Grace Hamilton, aged 16, and proval and an official charter. He has account of his ignorance of the Japanese 65 years would mount up into the hun-1 was trying to go up tlio Savannah, Jack- the defendant was Marion Hamilton, designs in Corea. worked far its interests ever since, drads. But all of them have afforded son swam out to a dangerous torpedo aged 17. They have been married but -------- THE-------- Two Japanese spies have been arrested pleasure to millions of people, and will which lay in the channel and removed six months. Grace says her husband is through good and ill. At tho timo of at Mankow. One of them confessed that his death ho waa tho resident represent he had been furnishing information to continue to do so for generations to ' its cap, rendering it harmless. The gov. too young to take care of her and she Mrs. Ensign R. Smith come, and keep his memory forever j eminent gave him a medal. Drink was could not take him home to her parents. ative of the Canal company in Nica ths Japanese. Etna, Cal. green, no matter what niche in litera his ruin. All the property of the Bear Valley ragua. Tho saddest part of it all is that It is reported that 2,000 men belong ture the critics assign him. We Teach Shorthand and Typewriting; we teach Telegraphy and Penmanship; ho did pot live to sco the canal com ing to the Sheng division of Li Hung A terrible catastrophe is reported Irrigation company was sold at auction our Normal Course is becoming deservedly popular; prepare yourself for PERSONAL. from Granada, Nicaragua. The mili the other day to Arthur Young for I have suffered for 25 years with a complication pleted. ________________ Chang's crack corps, now in Corea, have $380,000. Young represents an Eastern a useful life; write for particulars. of troubles, with continuous, almost unbeara-. tary barracks have been blown up and deserted on account of their pay being Ex-Governor Curtin of Pennsylvania I a whole quarter of a city has been blown and English syndicate. A new company ble pain in my back. The Grip also prostra- Nover in tho history of America has in arrears. It is also rumored that they is dead. up. The number of dead is eèlimated will be organized and the system com the wheat market manifested such have joined the enemy. General Antonio Ezeta intends to leave at 200. The number of wounded is pleted. etrango conditions as it has dono this A Quarter Century Teat. Captain P. II. Ray, United States In * *<%%%%% Mexico for Europe soon. much greater, but no exect estimate is parilia August. The fact that it sold far below For a quarter of a century Dr. King’s dian agent at Landers, Wyo., charged ted me. But Hood’s obtainable. At the Union League club at New corn per bushel was unprecedented, but New Discovery has been tested, and the Western and eastern railroad lines with unlawfully branding cattle, has Sarsaparilla has cured that fact is known, and wo are some millions who have received benefit from its York the other night President John use testify to its wonderful curative powers Russell Young presented Admiral Ben are quarreling over the division of the been acquitted. The trouble grew out me of all my troubles, what used to it But the other fact of in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. of differences between Ray and cattle and I cannot speak too ham with the club’s gold medal as a immigrant business. wheat’s being so much cheaper than A remedy that has stood the test so long mark of special honor for his services to men, the former contending for some highly of it M bs . E. R. S mith , B ox 6» Etna, CaL ■ ■■ ■ --------------------- ----------------- --- . and that has given s<> universal satisfaction D. F. Gray, of Oceanside, Cal., secured obscure rights of Indians. other cereals that it has been used to ¡8 no experiment. Each bottle is positively his country. Hood’s Pills cure headache and indigestion. a divorce from his wife not long ago. adulterate them is not bo well known. guaranteed to give relief, or the money will The uppermost wish of Nathan Bern “Teaching is the noblest art but the sorriest trade.” Judge Gaynor of Brooklyn, who was The custody of their 5-year-old boy was be reiunded. It is admitted to be the most At one timo this summer oats were 62 reliable stein, a millionaire of Brooklyn, was i defeated for the nomination of governor at issue but Gray spirited the child tor Coughs and Colds. Trial bot cents a bushel, while wheat was in the tles Kree at Ashland Drug Co.’s drug store. in the New York Democratic conven away. The police are now searching that he might live long enough to wit Thirte enth nnual Session ness the marriage, of his second son, Sheriff’s Sale. neighborhood of 50 cents, at times be Large size 50c. and $1.00,______ tion, has declined to accept the nomina for Gray and the baby. John. The young man was engaged to low. Then tho manufacturers of oat Mrs. H. Heye, a German laundress at tion of judge of the court of appeals. The fall term of the United States In the Circuit court, of the State of Ore meal breakfast preparations began to Los Gatos, committed suicide recently. General Lew Wallace says ex-Presi supreme court is now in session. The Miss Ida Kerne. No definite date had been selected for the marriage. Satur gon. for Jackson county: adulterate them with wheat. Buckwheat Her husband, according to report«, dent Harrison will not actively seek the ralendar contains 8J4 cases. day Mr. Bernstein realized that his end Jeremiah Nunan, Plaintiff, flour was also cheapened in the same spent all the money she made for drink. nomination of president in the next Judge Junius Rochester of Seattle, was near, and he prevailed on the young vs. This discouraged the woman. She left campaign. who waa arrested at Portland on the couple to have the ceremony performed way. The manufacturers bought their two children. Caroline Cardwell, Defendant. Monmouth, Oregon. charge of passing worthless checks, has Cardinal Gibbons, in a sermon at Bal material at wheat prices and sold it The close of the hop season was cele timore, speaking of the recent discus been released. He has gone home to this afternoon by his bedside. As the y virtue of an execution when mixed at oat3 and buckwheat brated at North Yakima, Wash., by time approached, Mr. Bernstein ex and Order of Sale, issued out of and A TRAINING SCHOOL, FOR TEACHERS—THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED. pressed a fear that he would not live un- prices. The consumer got a wholesome merriment and feasting. About 3,000 i sions on the sphere of woman and the Missouri. under the seal of said Circuit Court, of the right of suffrage, said: “ The proper New York cloakmakers have decided ■ til the hour set, and urged that it be STRONG PROFESSIONAL COURSE, AND WELL-EQUIl’PED MODEL SCHOOL. substitute, which is more than a con Indians were present. State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, sphere of woman is in the home, and the to strike. dated tbe 28th day of September, 1891, hastened. Preparations were hurried THOROUGH PREPARATORY AND ACADEMIC COURSES. sumer usually gets, but he did not get John Snyder, a wealthy rancher of more influence she gains in public life upon a decree rendered on the 2.5th day of Engineer James Root, the hero of NORMAL. ADVANCED NORMAL, BUSINESS, MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS. what he thought he did cr what ho Mountain View, Santa Clara county, the more she will lose in private life. > Hinckley, who saved 300 lives in the re- and the bridal party proceeded to Mr. 'eptember. 1894, in favor of Jeremiah Bernstein's bedroom. The bride and paid for. The manufacturer meanwhile came near being swindled out of $6,000 Above all things, take care of your ■ oent fires in the northwest, made his groom took position close by the bed Nunan. Plaintiff, and against the above- Board and Lodging, Books and Tuition named Defendant for the 8Uni of Sixteen Light expenses. turned a penny which he perhaps looked by gold brick swindlers. He went to tomes. ” first appearance cn any stage at the side and the dying man was propped up Hundred, Fifty-seven and 12-100 dollars not over $150 per Year. Oakland to complete the deal, but fortu on as honest . Grand at New York the ether night, with pillows. The other members of $1657.12) gold coin, with interest from the 25th day of September, 1891. at the rate of nately for him he took some friends into y here he held the lever of a real loco the family gathered close by. Dr. Wint- HE TOWN OF MONMOUTH has a beautiful and healthful location in the heart For Sale or Trade. ten per cent, per annum payable in gold his confidence and was saved. motive in the new melodrama,“ The ner was about to read the marriage coin of the Willamette valley, twelve miles southwest of the state capital. It has no : and the further sum of One Hundred A first-class parlor piano, of reputable saloons. E. L. Holliday, an ex-baseball player When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Ride far ” I,ir- Root di<1 not have ritual when Mr. Bernstein died. The and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) attorney’s fees, manufacture, brand new; took first prize of Los Angeles, gives notice of his in much to say, but he carried the hery grief stricken family wero about to and the costs and disbursements of, and The Normal School Diploma entitles one to teach in any county in the slate with world’s fair. For sale or will trade on a tended marriage with Mary P. Thur-, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. away from death on bis flying train postpone the marriage, but Mrs. Bern upon, this writ, and to me directed com out further examination Graduates command good positions. deal for town lota; or bay, potatoes or manding nte to make sale of the following When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. hogs. A good bargain, well worth in man, the only daughter of ex-Senator When she had Children, she gave them Castoria and thus added among the plaudits stein insisted that it should be carried described property; and by virtue of said F xpenses —Tuition, per term of ten weeks: Normal. $6.25, sub-normal, $5; com of a packed house, another to the long out just as if her husband were alive. execution I have duly levied on said prop vestigation. Inquire at or write R ecord Allen G. Thurman of Ohio. Miss Thur mercial. $6.25. Board and lodging: Board at normal dining hall. $1.75 per week; fur erty, to-wit: man has been twice married and di list of those whose lives he has saved. office, Ashland, Oregon. The family adjourned to the parlor nished rooms, with fire and light, from $1.00 to $1 25 tier week; unfurnished rooms, 50 Beginning at the 8 E corner of the 8. W. cents vorced, her last husband being J. “ The Ride for Life ” is an excellent play where the young couple were made man per week, board and lodging with private families, from $3 to $3 50 per week. Hathaway donation claim, No. 92, in Tp. Dr. P. A. Skinner, of Texarkana. Arkan Thomas Scott Clifford, with whom she nt the sensational type. Its lover is of and wife. 37, S of R 2 W ; and running thence West Vitality and growth have always characterized the work of the Normal. The com sas. is enthusiastic in the praise of Cham lived in Lower California until their 43.95 chains; thence North 52.43 chains to tbe ing year promises to be one of the best in its history. Percy F. Kyuu, a laundryman at the tenderest, its hero the most heroic, berlain's Pain Balm. He used it for rheu South line of the P. N Fick land- thence separation in January last, when she se There is more Catarrh in this section of Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address matism, and says: “I found it to be a Chico, Cal., has been arrested for arson. and its villain of the deepest dye. Ever}’ the country than all other diseases put to North 86>£o East 12.36 chains to tbe 8 E most excellent local remedy.” For sale by cured a decree on the ground of cruelty. He was caught setting fire to his place foot of spgee was filled. comer of the Fick land; thence North gether. and until the last few years was P. Li. CAMPBELL, President, or Ashland Drug Company. Clifford had taken up his abode there to of business. supposed to be incurable. For a great 11.12chains; thence North 57o East 17.90 Perhaps some of our readers would like avoid prosecution for bigamy, being chains; thence East 16.91 chains to M. Modern naval warfaro looks more and W. A. WANN. Secretary oi Faculty. There were over 8,000,000 pounds of to know in what respect Chamberlain’s many years doctors pronounced it a local Bellinger’s corner; thence South 73.90 mare toward torpedo boats as a means married to another woman in the United tin plate in bond at the port of Balti Cough Remedy is better than any other. disease, and prescribed local remedies, and chains to place of beginning, containing by constantly failing to cure with local both Of offense and defense. We are to States. Miss Thunnan and Holliday more at the eLd of last month. The im We will tpll you. When this Remedy is treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci 292 acres ot land, excepting three acres off taken as soon as a cold has been contracted left San Diego in company and it was have three new ones shortly added to understood by mutual friends they were porters allowed the stock to accumulate and before it lias become settled in the ence has proven Catarrh to be a constitu the South West corner, deeded to Frederick tional disease and therefore requires con A.liech December 9th, 1871. Tbe above the navy—small, swift boats averaging to be married in Los Angeles. It was and remain in bond until the new tariff system, it will counteract the effect of the stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, described property lying and being in Jack- cold and greatly lessn it ’ s severity, if not in size perhaps 150 tons each. They on account of the unfortunate matri law, which reduces the duty 1 cent a effcctuallv cure the cold in two dais’ time, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co , To- son county, Oregon. In accordance with the provisions oi said led'», Ohio, is the only constitutional cure tioo of a famous French physician« will quickly cure you of &U ner will be expected to make a speed of 25 monial alliances of his daughter that pound, went into effect. Under Secre and it is the only remedy that will do this. on vous or aisfiLSPsoi the generative organa, aucL Lust Mau hood» the market. It is 'aken internally in decree, I will, on tary Carlisle ’ s ruling the new tariff pro It acts in perfect harmony with nature and Insomnia, I’ains in the Buck,Seminal EtaWnna. Nervous Debttlt*. miles an hour. They will be of the gen Mr. Thurman disowned her, she having vision became effective on Oct. 1, and aids nature in relieving the lungs, opening doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It Saturday, November 3rd, 1334, Pimples, tnfitness to Marry. Exhausting DraUna. Varicocele and deserted her first husband, whom she Constipation. It stops all I oxm ’ s bv day or night. Prevents quick- eral type of the Ericsson. the secretions, liquefying the mucus and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur at 2 o’clock p. m., at the,front door of the hC-89 of discharge, which If not checked leanj» to Rpermatorrhcea and married in Washington during her the 8,000,000 pounds of tin plute saved causing its expulsion from the cells of the faces of the system. They offer one hun Court House in Jacksonville, Oregon, sell BEFORE and AFTER all tbe horrors of I mpotency. <1’1*1 OF ME deun.sea the liver, the the reduced duty. This action resulted lungs apd restoring the system to a strong dred dollars far any case it fails to cure. at public auction, to the highest bidder, for Parks’ Tea clears the complexion. Mrs. father’s senatorial career. kidneysand tho ndnary organs of all impurities. N. Mevette. of Le Roy, N. Y.. says: “I CUPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organa. in a loss to the government of $80,000, and healthy condition. No other remedy Send for circulars and testimonials. Address cash, all the right, title and interest of the _ The reason aufTerors are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per rent troubled with have tried Parks' Tea and find it the best F, J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. above named Defendant in and to the above the market possesses these remarkable Before buying a piano or organ don't Proelatltla. CUPIDENEis the only known remedy to cure wiihout an opi- rati. »:$. SOuuimtimoni- remedy I have ever tried," Sold by E. A. A first-class parlor piano for sale cheap. in D^»Sold by Druggists. al* A written guarantee given and money returned it 6ix boxes dot s not effect u ¿«ermaauat cuk properties. No other will cure a cold so described property. fail to see and hear tbe Kimball. U. F. Inquire at this office. Sherwin. fl«00 a box, six fur $5.00, by mail. Send for free circular and testimonials. quickly or leave the system in as sound a 8. P atterson -, Shepherd will show U>e<u to you end give Addreaa PAVOI® MEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 2076, San Francteco, Cal. 'ale by “Listed for the War,” a drama to Silk veiling, white and black. IL sod 10 Broadhead ajj wool drees good« ®t V»U- condition, For Mi® by Aebkyd D mk Sheriff of Jackson County. Gcegoo. iprtw». pwh r wrentr . kr a * Air- THE “AUTOCRAT” NO MORE. STOVES and RANGES, Minings fSupplies 1$INNEY & PROVOST, ASHLAND, OREGON. ASHLAND, OR. H. S. EVANS, PAINTING, PAPERING, ASHLAND ETC HOTEL, J. H. McBRIDE, Prop. THE WOODBURN NURSERIES. We are alsö headquarters for Orna mental trees, Evergreens, Climb ing Plants, Roses, Etc. MEDFORl) BUSINESS COLLEGE. Practical Business Training School of Oregon. Like Other Women Our New Building is now Completed, Hood’s ures C fl. E. RIGBY, Principal. MEDFORD, - OREGON. B T RESTORED MANHOOD KffnBSS