Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1894)
BREVITY BASKET. Mr. Atkinson is Dying. BUTTE CREEK NEWS. - A Live Hero. AC W. H. Atkinson, a prominewt citizen Roseburg, Or., Aug. 27.—About 6 New shoes; none equal—$1.50. At The E ditor V alley R ecord : of Ashland, a Knight Templar and recog o’clock this evening a party, consisting nized as one of the leading republicans of I Fair. John Allen and wife returned from their ol Mrs. Charles Graham, Mrs. J. M. ASHLAND. O r .,..T hursday , Aug. 30. 1894 Ad. Helms and wife returned Sunday trip to California yesterday. tbe state is dying at his home to-day of Morrison, Mrs. Allie Sheridan and three from 8an Francisco. torpidity of the liver. -OF- Rev. Father Faber of the Roman Catholic children, went in bathing in the Umpqua Mr. Atkinson was bbrn in England but An offer of 11 cents was made for wool church held services here yesterday morn river, about a mile north of town. A PEHSONAL AND SOCIAL. ing. came to New York with his parents whon in Ashland this week. d lughter of Mrs. Sheridan was wading an infant. He spent most of his days and went into deep water. Mrs. Morri- I I understand that Mrs. Mamie Deuvaul For a first-class shave or hair cut go to R, Griswold is sick abed. until coming to Ashland in 1874, in Wis High & Story’s. Opposite plaza. is ill. At anv rate she was missed from her se n rushed in after the girl, who threw | consin. He was engaged successively Date Crosby is in town to-day from Rid hor legs around Mrs. Morrison’s neck ! There will be preaching services at the place in church yesterday and last night. :o: dle’s. \ ever since in the Ashland Flour mills, Neil and both went to the bottom in deep school house next Sunday at3;30p. m. LastTuesdaj’ Rev. Fysh returned from the general inorehandising business and water. Mrs. Sheridan and Mrs. Gra Mrs. Jatees Fewel is ill with malarial Soda Springs and reported a very pleasant Jas. Delano, the Dunsmuir butcher, the woolen mills, accumulating quite a fever. There were thirteen tents on the ham also went beyond their depths, our new buildings . accommodations for 500 students . dropped dead of heart disease in his shop time. fortune. He is also president of the ground and Mr. Fysh preached one Sunday when Cash Trask, a voung man, happen New and large Dormitory for young ladies, leady for next term. Ten instructor* Mrs. JennifeGoddard went to Dunsmuir j Sunday. for them. Four Courses of Study. New Apparatus. Bank of Ashland. Mr. Atkinson was a ed to pass near by and heard the ladies to-day. J. B. R. Hutchings has bought a lot of very successful man in business and if screaming. He rushed into the water Mrs. Geo. Daley. Sen., who has been Conductor Geo. Bartlett has quit rail his constitution had of been anything hides from John Murphy, the butcher, for stopping with Mrs. C W. Taylor since her and rescued Mrs. Morrison and the girl, Healthful location in the mountains. NO SALOONS. Spring water conducted roading. like his mind he would have ranked shipment. husband’s death came home to her mother’s who were at the bottom of the river. from the hill« into all the buildings by pipes. Heating by the best and latest hot air Mrs. Ike Deiner of Redding is visiting Jacob Kahn, the Portland hide and fur (Mrs. P. Simon) sick and her brother Peter among the foremost business men of the Mrs. Sheridan saved herself by climbing furnaces. Excellent ventilation. Mrs. R. T. Melius. dealer, has been doing business here abouts has his face badly swollen from the effects upon some rocks. Mrs. Graham went west._________________ of neuralgia. this week. over the rapids into deep water, 150 feet Broadhead all wool dress goods at Vau- All work ab'ut the buildings and grounds put into the hands of poor students. It Dick Wise Caught. Dr. W. B. Officer is now at the residence below. Trask took a boat and brought Ex-Sheriff T. Shattuck, of Grants Pass, pel, Norris ADrake’s. Dick Wise, who disappeared so mys i is shipping water melons to Portland by of Geo. Brown sick with tvphoid pneu Mrs. Graham safely ashore, she having consists, of attending f urnaces, sweeping, sawing wood, dining-room and garden work, etc. Girls do their own washing and ironing in basement of dormitory. Tubs, wash Dist. Atty. Benson was here Saturday in monia. He was taken ill while out on a teriously from Shovel creek, has been dug the car-load. the negro assault case. little pleasure excursion and was unable to been bruised by the rocks. She was boards, water at faucet, irone, store and wood, all free. up at Fall river mills, Modoc county, Populist Meeting. When attending the Chautauqua don’t get to his boarding house.the Pioneer hotel. taken home in a wagon, not having en T. C. Gaunt and family have gone to The Ashland populist club will hold its alive and well. He will be brought back fail to notice the fine tone of that W. W. Dr. Geary of Medford is in attendance. A tirely regained consciousness. At this PRACTICE or M odel T baixing S chool throughout the year. The true basis of Humboldt county to remain. regular monthlv meeting at their club to have his deposition taken in regard to Kimball piano. Missouri triend of his, Alfred Wright of place there is a strong undercurrent. the work in the school is Normal, and the Professional work is made very emphatic. W. A. Rummel was over the past week room in McCall’s hall next Tuesday even the murder of Spence. The Yreka Journal says a Klamath river Gold Hill, is here assisting in caring for Had it not been for the timelv arrival of The courses of study are: Normal, Post-Graduate, Business, Music, Art. The State from his Klamath river miDes. ing, Sept. 4th. Everybody invited. wing dam claim paid $140,000 last season in him. Trask, no doubt the four would have lost Ihp.onia entitles the holder to teach in any county of the State, and at the end of 45 Minins Notes. Our citizens are going to and coming their lives. months he receives a Life Diploma without examination. a 16 months run. bay land- M. C. Kasson, the Death of Mrs. Bishop. The suit of the Ashland Mining Co. vs. from the different summer resorts almost owner, was here the pi J. M. Etner returned Saturday from a every day. Last Saturday James Lewis Mrs Orrin Bishop died rather sudden tbe Citizens Mining Co. to quiet title to trip The railway mail service between Ash EXPENSES. Tuition: Normal. Post-graduate, Business. $0.25 per term of ten to Sawyer’.« Bar. He reports lots of and family and Miss Millie Howlett re Geo. Wiley, of Eagle Point, made Ash- one of the groupe of claims adjoining ths ly at Phoenix Friday. She was a daugh weeks. Elementary, Music, Art. $5.00. land and San Francisco is now a full land a business visit yesterday. prospecting being done in that district. turned from Crater lake (an account of the ter of W. T. Anderson and leaves a hus Patton mine, has been settled by the John F. Kelly, chief hustler for the 8. P. band and two children. The Presbyterian church has been beau trip will be given next week in the R ecord . Railway Pcstoffice, each car having two former company paying the court costs Edgar D. Millie took notes for that purpose) and mail clerks instead of one. Lu0R.01i.0-’ At boardin‘t hail, board $1.75, and room 50 cents per D. A L. Co., was here last week. and taking judgment by’ default. Judge tifully frescoed by Mr. Larsen, and will be as Ivory, who brought the first car to Ash week, or $_ 25 for both This includes board, room. fuel, light, bedstead, table and Mrs. Severance and Mr. Robinett ’ s family open for tbe usual services next Sunday. Still Celebrating. Prim & Son were in town Tuesday on Frank Morine, the Tolo rancher, made returned from boda Springs the same day. land from the south, was the first to chairs. Students bring only bedding and toilet articles, Ashland a business call Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Churchman, formerly of Joseph Rader and his company returned come in with a full R. P. O., his as The Fourth of July executive com that business. this place, graduated recently as a nurse David Lindsey has sold bis Applegate the latter part of last week. Joe and Mrs. sistant being C. J. Boyle. B. R. Stevens and wife of Woodville are mittee had a job lot of fire works left on The total expense W. S. Wade inFHnuiS^ ™oms in th<i ‘^n f10? per week- Fanlilv board their hands, owing to the strike they placer mine to a China company of from Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland. Robinett returned sick. Joe ate too many assists W. F. Bangaseer: Frank Ham- among tbe Chautauqua campers. for. :neyea'’-including books, $125. The marvelous growth of the school tbe fish, it is thought. Starveout, Douglas coantv, for $2400. Before buying a piano or organ don't 1 J. . ,n.ore than reallzed the cominK year. First term opens September 3. rnond, Wijpon Stout; J. Bovd, Arthur S. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wight have returned failed to arrive in time to get blown sky high on the nation’s birthday. The com Walter Simmons has bought the Lee & fail to see and hear the Kimball. G. F. As 1 announced in my last the Simon, Ward ; E. C. Murray, F L. Southwick ; ©LSD FOR v. ATALOUL E. to their home in Kodiak, Alaska. pany sack had that tired feeling, and the Sisco placer near head of Jutnp-off-Joe. Shepherd will show them to you and give Nichols and Mathewsjthresher commenced Geo, Farmer, W. A. Hemphill. This Mr. Adams and W. W. Murphy went to committee were forced up to tbe rack —Courier._________________ prices. work last Monday morning at your corres C. D. DRAIN, President Board of Trustees. Redding yesterdav to do some mining. pondent’s place, and after a few hours run also means a raise of salary from $1000 a fodder or no fodder. Last Monday even Hood's Sarsaparilla is absolutely une Self Murder by Frank Howard. vear to $1300 for the regulars and from W. T. VAN 8COY, President. Mrs. Jennie E. Fryerson and infant came ing after tbe Chautauqua lecture, the qualled as a blood purifier and strengthen they went to Mrs. Rader’s where they This community was surprised and ing medicine. It is the ideal spring medi threshed 700 bushels of oats; from there $900 to $1150 for the assistants, It also over from Dunsmuir Monday on a visit. bovs took the entire outfit up on Roper’s shocked on learning that Frank Howard, to Wm. Wiley’8 where they thrashed 84 adds six more men to the railroad popu- I Mrs. Judge Tolman is visiting in Missouri butte and shot a few holes in the atmos son of Zenas Howard, the pioneer settler cine. Try it. ' bushel&of wheat, and there I left them. lation of Ashland. having gone there from Oskaloosa. Iowa. Rev. J. R. N. Bell, the well-known There were three farms that on an ordinary phere. One erratic rocket got off on the of Howard’s station, had deliberately Presbyterian minister, will deliver an Grain Sacks. season ought to have yielded 5000 bushels G. W. Bailey was in from Shake NJpnday wrong track, and exploded after striking made away with his own life by taking having some farming machinery mended. the ground. A hastily organized hoe morphine without any accented reason address on Pioneer day, September 5th, at of grain, produced but 1055 bushels all Farmers wanting grain sacks should the Central Point fair. told. It is not the fault of the land or lack remember that Jacobs & Virgin of the Mr Satchwell.railroad operator at Grants brigade prevented the spread of tbe fire. able excuse for doing so. He left homo Mrs. Wm. Bisbee and Mrs. Fred Auten of care in putting in the grain, but the un Ashland Roller mills have just received Pass was visiting his brother Ray this week. Wednesday, having had a few ill-spoken rieth, Yreka ladies who have been stopping usual drawbacks of the season, as a long A State Fair Exhibit. wet spell in tbe spring; a very hot, dry 10,000 Calcutta sacks. Hon. John Wright, of Salem, was here Jacksonville, Or., Aug. 27.—Hon. John words with his father and younger broth at Colestein, returned Monday from a visit spell; a hail storm in May and another the Tuesday in the interest of the Salem Fair. G. Wright, of Salem, a member of the er, and told the children they would of several days at Jacksonville Mrs. N. Meyette. the Genessee county’ second of July; the grain aphis, and then never see him again. He came to Ash Elmer and Fred Applegate, of Swan to cap the climax, grasshoppers enough to treasurer of the W. C. T. U. and a very in Geo. Engle has rented the old Grnbbe Oregon state board of agriculture, arrived land and in the evening went to W. R. lake, after a visit with relatives here, left feed all the turkeys in Oregon for a month. fluential worker in the cause of woman,says: farm of Dan Walker and is now ranching in Jacksonville yesterday. Mr. Wright Monday for San Jose, where the former While setting the machine at Mr. Wiley’s “I have used Parks’ Tea and find it is the it is visiting southern Oregon in the inter Kincaid’s farm on Neil creek, remaining will attend the state normal school. all night. He complained next morning the derrick mast fell, crushing the platform best remedy I have ever tried for constipa est of an exhibit from this section at the If you want a hat or stylish bonnet, go of not feeling well, and said he would adjoining tbe cylinder, but fortunately tion. It requires smaller doses and is more John R. Stearns came over from Poke- to Sadie Ober’s—opposite the Odd Fellow’s coming state fair. The district board ap take a walk before eating breakfast. He gama yesterday, the saw-mill having clos hurting no one. Tuesday afternoon Dan thorough. I shall use nothing else in fu pointed Hon. T. Cameron to take charge block. failed to return, but nothing was thought ed after a 13 days run for the want of logs. Simon, who alternated as driver and fork- ture.” Sold by E A, Sherwin. er, was taken sick and had to go home. I Mrs. Moore and Mrs. J. P. Savle are at of the district exhibit at the fair, and Mr, of it. the family thinking he had gone The box factory is humming along. The outfit mentioned a day or two ago } have since learned that so many of the McCreary’s on the 8iskiyous for the latter’s Wright and Mr. Cameron spent yester to Jake Walker’s, at which place lie was Jack Templeton returned this morning day afternoon at the Sterling mine look “quallv as well at home. Tn the after-! men were taken sick that they were unable as traveling from Albany to Ashland ar- 1 health. from a year ’ s sojourn on Coos bay and to run the machine. rived in Eugene yesterday in distressed ing for specimens for a mineral exhibit. Mrs Harris left Tuesday to visit her To-day’ the gentlemen interviewed the noon his father came down to look him j vicinity, and will likely winter at liis old circumstances. The party consisted of a Yesterday Rev. Mr. Fysh held his basket daughter in Fall river valley, Shasta up and have him go to work for Squire ! haunt in the Dead Indian country. Jacksonville bankers in regard to send meeting at the Antelope church and re man and his little boy and girl. The lat county. Parker at Johnson prairie. After in Homer Millsap, age 14 years, challenges ports four accessions on probation, At ter was carried in the little push cart ing their specimens to the state fair. Mrs. C. W. Ayers and children and They met with encouragement every quiring at both places and the finding of any boy 16 years old and under for a night he preached at Eagle Point on the which held their belongings and the boy Blanche Standard returned from Colestein a poison label in his duster pocket, which bicycle’race at Central Point fair grounds. subject of marriage, and as it had been an walked with his father. Thev were giv where and will also secure the best speci Address his manager, D. L. Rice, Ashland, nounced in tbe V alley R ecord that he was yesterday. en permission by the authorities to solic mens from H. V. Helm’s fine collection. he had left in his room, search was com Or. to preach on that subject he had an unus it aid here and they secured enough pro A. Roberts of Union county, a relative of Mrs. Plvmale, who has been selected by menced. At about 4 o'clock p. m. he Mrs N. C. Dozier, is here on a visit and the state board as superintendent of the was found in the Neil school house in an ! County Judge G E. Hayes, of Oregon ually large audience- quite a nuiulier com visions to last them some distance further unconscious condition Medical aid was i City brought his wife and little girl out to ing from Big Stickey, Antelope, etc.,among on the trip.—Eugene Guard. may remain. fruit division at the fair, is actively en Ashland Friday to remain some time for whom 1 noticed Phil Creed and Miss Maud Mrs. Jack Frizell came over from Yreka gaged in securing exhibits for that de summoned, but he was unable to swallow the latter’s health. They are living at Adams, Arthur Creed and Miss Ida Mat and nothing could be done to relieve him. Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of the Graphic, Monday to visit her folks and put up her partment from southern Oregon. The ney. Wm. Gregory and Miss Lulu Roberts, Hotel Oregon. Texarkana. Arkansas, has found what he He died the same evening about 12 winter’s fruit. Roberts and Miss Cora Little, also Frank fruit is of most excellent quality, and the believes to be the best remedy in existence High & Story, the barbers, are doing Hugh Gillette Is lying quite ill with lady will have no trouble in securing a o’clock. The funeral was conducted at what the Geary’ law failed to do, boycotting Miss Nellie Roberts—I did not learn the for the flux. His experience is well worth the school house Saturday morning, the name of the other half of tbe pair; George malarial fever at the Gillette residence on fine exhibit. Mr. Wright left lor Med Rev. J. Jones officiating. The burial the Chinese by sending their washing to Wiley and—well, he came by and commit remembering. He says. •• Last summer I Church street. ford this evening, where he goes to con was at the Hill cemetery. He was a the Albany Steam Laundry. Leave your ted larceny of my girl and the cart but had a very severe attack of flux. 1 tried al Deputy Sheriff A. 8. Barnes was up from fer with Senator Holt,who is also a mem voung man only 23 years old, of a happy orders with them, brought them both back before I could get most every known remedy, none giving re Jacksonville over Sunday shaking bands ber of the state board, as to an exhibit of out the papers, so I guess I will drop tbe lief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di i B. F Myer returned Sunday from his disposition. He but lately came from with the folks. corn fiom this county for the corn palace Sacramento, having gone there on that; tour of over a year throughout tbe United niatter for this time. Well, they were all arrhoea Remedy was recommended to me. I purchased a Hottie and received almost His health is good and he enjoyed interested in the sermon and pronounced it immediate Supt. L. R. Fields and Supt. Jas. Agler that is to be built at the state fair. relief. I continued to use the stolen train. On his return atGazellehe | States. tine. Mr. Fvsh announced that he would a tine time. This was his first trip east were here yesterday haying a conference on medicine and was entirely cured. I take undertook to ride a wild horse and was not be here the next two Sundavs. as he ex Medford Items. since he arrived in Oregon 40 years ago. railroad matters. pected to be away from home. He expects pleasure in recommending this remedy to thrown and received severe bruises about The electric light lit up the town Monday While cleaning a revolver at his father’.« to be in Ashland during the time and I any person suffering with such a disease, as Mrs. E. A. Christie, of Fort Jones, moth the head. The family have the sympathy in my opinion it is tbe best medicine in ex house on North Myrtle creek last Thursday. er of Miss Eugene Kelly, died in San Fran for the first time, of the entire community in which they ! Fred Bendine accidentally killed his little hope he will pay tbe R ecord office a call. istence.” 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by cisco on tbe 18th. B. Trainor, a mining man from Ashland, live. Saturday Rev. S. 8. Caldwell and wife put Ashland Drug Company. brother Johnny, aged 7 years. The family was here Wednesday. Rev. Thos. Neil Wilson was here yester bad lately arrived front Gray’s Harbor, in their appearance at your correspond Jacksonville Jottings. day on matters relating to the building of Mules In Trousers. ent’s and during tbe afternoon the word Miss Elva Galloway has been attending Wash. the Episcopal church. Mrs. O. Harbaugh and Miss Edith was passed around that he would hold a the Chatitanqua assembly. George Finney, an express wagon Only one car of peaches were shipped to song service at the school house that night The Chautauqua campers in the grove Rev. A. 8. Foster and daughter returned Priest will visit Colestein for a few days Minneapolis, the market there having drop (he carries an organ with him in his buggy) driver, has clothed his mules’ fore legs this week. were treated to a free concert by the Ash Tuesday from their Ashland visit. ped so that the growers did not want to and all who heard of it and could come in trousers. In speaking of it he said land band Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Plvmale was the guest of risk any more. A representative of Harris turned out and we spent an hour under his J. D. Hayes and Miss Viola Lewis were Miss Nellie Barlow at Gold Hill during & Co is here buying peaches for Portland instructions and listening to Ins music. He that flies bothered the fore legs of a four High A Story, the leading barbers of the married at Grants Pass last week. city. All work guaranteed to give satisfac and the Sound. the week. On Sun footed animal more than they did the i and his wife sang several duets. An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. tion. Main street, opposite the plaza. i day he attended Sundayschool at 10 a. m. hind limbs, and he, therefore, having A. W. Shearer and son, of Steamboat, District Attorney Jas. F. Lodge was Walker of Medford died quite suddenly favored us with a tine sermon at 11 a. some respect for the comfort of his Chas. Gay and wife left Tuesday for San Monday evening. were transacting business in Jackson nominated for joint assemblyman from and m. After dinner he went with us to the faithful servants, had made a pair of Francisco, from where they go to New ville Tuesday. Siskivou and Del Norte. His republican Antelope church and heard Mr. Fysh J. W. Simpson and Mrs. Hannah M. York to be absent a couple of months. to protect them from the * pests. Mrs. Nellie Tuttle, of Hornbrook, is opponent is E. S. Touiblin, a railroad picuvu W IHVU DC UO WILLI rj . , preach ULVfl after which he layvitu favored us with a , 1 trousers Teller, were married here Friday by Justice Henrv Dox and Miss Mamie Day. daugh of tbe Peace Walton. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. candidate and manager of the Shasta good, sensible talk and played, and be and •**1® trousuw V?ers supported by susc' ucj. ter of Judge Silas J. Day, married this week his wife rendered some fine vocal music, ers passed up over the backs t Luv, lor a few weeks. Springs bottling works. Miss Abbie Beck, sister of W. 8. Beck, of and are stopping at Hotel Oregon to-day. This morning they start on a toyr throqgb Imais.—Nebraska State J Mrs. Fred Autenrieth and Mrs; Bis- Louse creek, was married at Roseburg on Roseburg Plaindealer: In order to get Klaniaih and Lake counties, via R okup ____ ______________ _ -ournai. Win. Stafford, an 8. P. lobbyist, is in the 24th to 8. F. Wright. bv, ot Yreka, were the guests of Mrs. H. the circus to exhibit in Grants Pass the city river and Crater lake. He expects to look .... . . town from Fourth and Townsend. He was council reduced the license from $50 to $25. after the Sundayschool interests at Trail NOtlCC Water ConRUmPrR W H. Parker was at Ashland again Wed Pape during the week. with the 8. F. Alta in the days gone by. *“4, VUIloUlllCl o- Mrs, I. Aiken and daughter are viait- There seems to bp a vast difference of opin creek, Elk creek and Prospect on his wav nesday. He and his family may take up between the authorities of Roseburg out and will probably preach every night Silk veiling, white and black. 10 and 15 their residence in the Granite city. 1 ng the family of Dr. William Jackson at i ion and Grants Pass as to the benefits to be de on the route as there are campers ail along cents per yard, at “The Fair.” tion ot a fatuous 1 rench physician, will quickly cure you ot all ner Rev. A. M. Russell, who organized tbe Grants Pass this week. rived from a circus. Here the license was the road and his organ will soon call Il) accordance with a refo- vous or dUeaaea of the generative organa, such as Lost Manhood, Dr. Cantine arrived Tuesday from San Medford Baptist church nine years ago, Mrs. S. R. Tavlor has returned from increased to $100. Insomnia, I idns in the Dac.i,Seminal .Emissions, Nervous Debility, crowd together. s he is so generaliy Jose to lecture the Chautauquans and has preached to his old congregation Sunday. PunplM, Lnatness to Marry, Exhanatlng Drains, Varicocele and bjtiori passed at a special her visit a ’ Dunsmuir, where she was known all that is necessary is to 1st it he The negro Moore, whose band threw the Coi-s ’.inadon. It stops al losses by day or night Prevents quick- been receiving good audiences, He is as known that he is to speak qj. play and all meeting of the city council of stone that dealt Brakeman Morian such a lit ss 01 discbareo, which if not checked leans to Spermatorrhcea anti the guest of Mis. B. M. Gill. Chas. Angel, the timber land expert, has chipper as ever. all the of Impotoncy. _________ Dt:xi; cleanses thulivcr. Uiu blow on the nose, near Woodville, who can, who appreciate a gppd sermon or BEFORE ano AFTER kidneys horrors . gone to Feather river with Mr. McDonald, Mrs. A. H. Meagly and children, of I terrible anti the urinary organs ot all impurities. D ick , had his examination before Justice Luckey good music, will be pp hand, J. C. Pelton and wife, who liave been of Seattle. Chas. H. Pierce returned to Ashland, Oregon, held Aug. CUPIDEXE strengthens anti resloressmull weak organs. Eagle Paiiit, Aug. 27, 1894. visiting the latter’s parents. H. I). Parker Seattle via San Francisco from Feather Portland, are spending the heated term in Ashland Saturday and was hound over The reason sufTerers are not cn.-ed by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled with with relatives in Jacksonville, 25th, 1894, all parties using ids. Proslritllt». CU PI DENE Is the only known remedy to cure wli bout an operation. MuOu-silmonl. to the grand jury. Constable Real has and wife, returned to San Francisco Tues river. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not elTect a uermanenteura day. Mr. P. is an architect. ‘’There is danger tn delay.” Mrs. Cimborski snd daughter, Miss landed him in Sheriff Patterson’s cqstody $1.00 a box, six for $5.03, by maii. Send for fkick circular and testimonials. water for irrigation from the Mrs. Sarah E. Carter, wife of B. F. at Jacksonville. Address I»A VOL USEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 2076, San Francisco, Cal. For (Me by Since 1861 I have been a great sufferer John Wells and Miss Caniiella Walker Carter, died at Woodville on the 29th inst. Lena, are visiting in Jacksonville. They Blacksmith A. E. Matson had his left eye tfom catarrh. I tried Elv’s Cream Balm city’s system are warned that are in from Sprague river visiting friends aged 33 years. She was a grandaughter of are guests of the Chappel House. JYSTTLTkJSTJD ERUG COZMZZE’JLlSrY. burned at his forge Monday and left for and relatives. Miss Walker will probably W. M. Harper. Taylor Payne and wife are now resi San Francisco to-day in care of pr A- C. and to all appearances am cured. Terrible water will not be allowed to headaches from which I had long suffered spend the winter in Ashland. J. H. Brantner, the well-known Apple dents ot Jacksonville. They are comfort Caldwell, for treatment. He may lose Lis are gone.—W. J. Hitchcock. Late Major U be used for irrigation pur Miss Hattie Sloan, of Eugene, daughter gate miner, was married here on the 26th ably located in the new residence of J. sight, and it will be a year or more before S. Vol, and A. A. Gen.. Buffalo, N. Y. of Ex-Sheriff Sloan, of Lane county, and a inst. by Justice of the Peace G. 8. Walton DeRoboam on California street. he will be able to recover it, As he lias lost Ely’s Cream Balm has completely cured poses during the remainder friend of H. Reid, the merchant taller, was to Mrs. Mart’ Mansfield. We wish them the sight of his other eye for 10 years pastk me of catarrh when everything else failed. The partv consisting of Geo. M. Love visiting Ashland the past week. much happiness and prosperity. this will leave him in bad shape. Many acquaintances have used it with ex of the low water season, ex and wife, Prof. Horton, Misses Miller cellent results.—Alfred W. Stevens, Cald cept on Wednesdays and Sun A. D. Naylor and son Dolph Naylor, and Geo. W. Stephenson and family returned The Southern Oregon Chautauqua As and Cronemiller returned Wednesday well, Ohio. AL Smith were in town Tuesday, the form to-dav from a three weeks ’ outing at Klam days of each week, and not Price of Cream Balm is fifty oei-,13, er going to the Jennv creek stock ranch and sociation has been busy for the last Dine from their two week’s outing at Tyler’s ath Hot springs. While there he had the days. Every afternoon and evening the soda springs. the two latter to Klamath county. misfortune of losing a valuable animal by a Governor P«nnc^v^r pardoned J. H. after 8 p. m. on said days. Judge P. P. Prim arrived home Satur peculiar disease, (unknown to the vet- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rhodes returned tabernacle has been filled with the city’s Field, who was serving a 100 day sentence best people. The discourses have all reniary surgeons of that, country.) He re day morning from his sojourn at Gear Water consumers who are Monday evening from a visit of some in'fauf county jail for selling liquor at a months with old friends in Iowa, Illinois, been able and broad-minded and were hart Park. He came to attend to busi- ports the springs bubbling in &U their, Methodist campmeeting on Williams creek in the habit of allowing fau received with unflagging interest, To. ness in the circuit court. Mrs. Priin pristine glory, and people copifpg and go and the prisoner was liberated Sunday.— Pennsylvania. Missouri and Texas. ing incessantly. ' •' cets to remain open 'and thus Grants Pass Courier. Dr. Geo. R. Wallace, the Portland preach night will be the last of the series, The will remain a few weeks longer. The piano used in the Southern Oregon Constable John Real, of Ashland, was Chautauqua er who became notorious in a day by a number ol people in attendance from the wasting water are warne(j was furnished bv sermon on Kyrle Bellow and Mrs. Brown- neighboring towns was not as great this here Sunday. He brought the negro, the courtesy of assembly- llOIW. the W’. W. Kimball Co. of Potter, is lecturing to the Chautauqua as- vear as last. The association is in a good W G. Moore, to the county jail to await Chicago; r** rmitting Such waste. is universally praised for beauty sembly, shape financially and with proper man the action of the grand jury for the as and finish of the case: but its qrowntng Frank Williams and Jennie Bros. of agemcDt, the receipts may be made to «suiting of a brakeman on the overland excellence is beauty, brpqdtb and volume MYER—Near Ashland, Augqsf SB, IbtH, to ’ , ater consumers will save the wife of Wm. Myer, % son, of tone, combined wi|h qn artistic touch. Portland returned Saturday from their in- meet all expenses. last week. trouble by a strict conformity C. F. Shepherd is tlie local agent. epection trip thtongb the mines along the The new officers elected are: President, brown — At Aafetuttd •- The funeral of the little daughter of Klamath river. $0, the òr r" mine, Aug. 29. G. F, Billings, of Ashland; vice-president. Mrs. Addie Schmidt of Woodville took to these rules. E1111I Peil, blacksmithing, horse-shoeing, _aas. H. Brown, a Dr. Everett Mingus returns to Portland W. I. Vawter, of Medford; secretary, Mrs. place in Jacksonville Tuesday. Bessie etc., of every description. First-claw vvol U' IRA C. DODGE, this week from his summer vacation with C. R. Minkler; treasurer, F H. Carter; and satisfaction guaranteed- The 9,Id Mow- I his folks in Ashland and the resorts of trustees, T. J. Howell, B. R. Willits, E. I). Schmidt was aged 4 years, 11 months Hunsaker shop near depo^. KSiy© l “n • Superindendent. .„1 — In Ashland, August 28, 1891, Briggs. J. M. Luark. Fred Hansen Mrs and 25 days. The little one has been call. ’ southern Oregon. to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mowat, a son. — L. E. Norris. Robert Neil, A- F. Eddy, E. afflicted for several ye^rs and death A. W. Hnwkett, who sold the Ashland B. Smith, E, P. Childs, Janies Chisholm. The Siskiyou nuun»- comes as a relief. Services 5$ere con mine to the present owners, is now living populists have put ducted at the grave wy Bey. W- B- VJJ1 tjfoe falb»— Child’s whit o merino veets and pants, 9c. up. The Escape of Paul VoIJmar. at Delta. Shasta county, and writes us that ■ ... mg ticket: Sheriff, Oscar Moore, the populist party will carry Shasta county Linen damask towels, 59c. reduced to 25c. Paul Vollmar, who was lying in the . o >; clerk. Walter Glendenning; assess by a good round plurality. Nothing has been hearJ or, Louis Webb; superintendent, John Jacksonville jail awaiting the action of Turkey damask table linen, 30c. reduced to 25c. I Prof. Ivy with his art class, Prof. Shaw t he grand jury for stealing $40 worth of mer^ the eiwan*'* . of paul Vol- Whipple- treasurer, L. H. Dewey ; survey Dover egg beaters, 15c. I and his elocution class, and Prof. Wersch- watches from Wadehow’s jewelry •»<*■"• lv “ . prisoner, who so quiet- or. Abram Erno; prosecuting attorney, ___________________ ________________ you ’ re out of order and cannot take steps to make a change ler’s class in music as well as Prof. VV. C. in Medford, escaped fro— “ Jacob Wetzel ; coroner, J. B. Chase; joint Ladies’ ribbed hose, fast black. 18c. •7 _ - _ w a 9 the dust from his feet and de assemblyman, W. H. Sharpe; supervisor, Hawlev’s Sundayschool normal teaching in Men’s extra fine seamless socks, I"-'. too quickly. The best antidote for blueness discovered up parted from the county jail last Thurs last Th» — *- - t.»e county jail connection with tbe Chautauqua Assembly, W. R. Oberlin. Ladies’ white waists. 49c. <-nnrf h . n'Uht. Owen Keegan, day night without consulting any of the are being well attended. Dolph Eddy’s prices are still in the lead to date is OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. sold by Sherwin; it | house jamtor and jailor, left his officers. In all probability he is safe in Milk bucket, 10 quarts, 20c. Mrs. S PattéTtoft an4 children have *?n Chas. Keegan tn charge of the jail. some other clime, and Jackson county at The Fair. Men’s wool hats, 40c. stimulates, freshens up and strengthens. Whatever your ran Harness snaps. 20c. per dozen. This morning Marshal Smith moved to Jacksonville to join the Sheriff Keecan went into the jail about 7 o’clock will be winner bv Beveral dollars that the Physician may prescribe for you, get your prescription filled across a hobo in the act of running his during bis residence at the county wuu Ladies ’ handkerchiefs from 3e. up. th« prisoners in the cell prosecution would have amounted to. Sheriff Patterson has leased Lis farm for face for grub. He undertook to run him at Sherwin’s; none but pure chemicals are used and every < Fruit jar fillers, 5c. two yean! toC. liwulmg. ‘ V for .2um' j w?otto Prisoner B. O’Brien’s Mr. Hobo took French leave and ■•ellland asked if Vollmar was in his Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder in. Men’s blue overalls, riveted, 48c. hoofed it down Main Btreet flvinglv, the article is checked back to insure accuracy, before the pre- Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. J. J. Mehan, of Ashland, Or., was in town m o.’. .Immwitately a noise was heard Youths ’ blue overalls, riveted, 43c. marshal in close pursuit. Everybody several days last week on business con Vnllm.rronfl°?[oi Vollraar’» cell, as if scriptior leaves the laboratory; you can’t take medicine and nected with the Western Union Telegraph tollrnar was there and in the act of HOTEL OELEG-OTT took an interest in the race and encour Boys’ blue overalls, riveted, 38c. aged the contestants to do their utmost. chance at the same time. Company, and was warmly greeted by his gifting a chair. O’Brien remarked that Ladies’ shoe polish, 10 and 15c. Yreka friends.—Yreka Journal. It was a go-as-you-please and for about F. T. Fradenburgb, Prop. he guessed so. As Vollmar was very Trimming silk, plain and figured, 40c. fifteen minutes the race was hotly con Corvallis Gazette: Prof. Moses Craig reticent and a broken nose made speak Sewing silk, beat made, 05e. tested, but the fleetness of the hobo en and G. W. Shaw are at Ashland in attend ing an effort for him this was a verv W T Farrier,Roseb’g B H Barclay, city I abled him to cross the corporation line anee upon a session of the Chautauqua as clever ruse. Keegan locked the ceil J A Norman, do A Coy, do Cast steel hatchet, 50c. Cov, Sherwin sells C ongo O il to apply for Rheumatic pains. —■ — sembly that convened Tuesday and re about 100 yards ahead of his competitor. N A Ambrose,Portl ’ d W J Culligan, 8 F Tack hammers, 05. combination and walked around the R Staby, 8 F ’ Tas MyersZ Gridley - - -- mains in session until September 1. <teel cage, locked the jail and left. A Million Friends. Screw drivers, 6 inch, 10c. R W Cranston. Port W Woods, Medford A Job lot of straw hats. $1.50 styles for olImar had been outside the cage all Wm Winter, do Geo Drake, Roseburg A friend in need is a friend indeed, and Pudding pans from 6c. up, fioe. and áüc. styles for 20c. at The Fair the time. He had made the noiso in 8 Lander. Pokegoma I E Purdin, “Teaching is the noblest art but the sorriest trade.” not less than one million people have found Buy a new hat. Milk pans from 4c. up. Hotel Medford just such a friend in Dr. King's New Dis the cell with » rope fastened to the chair G L Farmer.Sta Rosa Louis Kahn, S F covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Thirteenth Annual Session Currv combs, worth 20c. for 10c. Miss Fannie Nunan. of Jacksonville, wa« tn tlie cell, the strings of which he pulled John Grattan, S F on Sunday’s south train for San Francisco rom the outside. He wore nailed boots E E Sayles, Steinman Jacob Vauhn. Portl’d If you have never used this Great Cough Thimbles, 1, 2, 5 and 7c. Medicine, one trial will convince you that in search of higher and better education that made lots of noise, but for this A D Jones, 8 P R R E F Branety, N Y Q L Gilliland. 8 P Co Chas Prim, J ’ ville it has wonderful curative powers in all dis Miss Jo Nunan and Vining aconi- «pectal purpose had them muffled and C A Piper, Portland P Prim, do eases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each M Co)-^ein. returning made noiseless by wrapping them with E D Ivory. Oakland P H Walsh, Portland bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed the same eventnx, ■I A Norman.Rosebg or money will be refunded. Trial bottles underclothing and as Keegan was goin" C J Boyle, S F il cans; coffee pots, coffee mills, tea kettles, measures, A Chautauqua lecturer is always a “Dr.’’ round the corrider the soft hoofed Voll- H L Benson, Gr Pass O F Kinne. Portland free at Ashland Drug Company. Large G P Worden, do bottles 50c and $1.00. when he attends an assembly, though at niar preceded him unawares. In the G E Hayes, wf & c buckets, underwear, shirts, mirrors, notions, novel - — - Oregon City J DSwils.Sacramento » LT home he is plain Rev. So-and-So, pastor o' night, with the aid of an iron bar from Monmouth, Oregon. E I 8ehaw, do This-and-That. The clergy bovs must feel the water tank, he dug out the wood C A Hermans, do Miss Hattie Sloan, Mrs K Atkinson, Awarded as if they are going to attend to a sick ties, stationery, clothes lines, clothes pins, Eugene Denver, Colo crowd when they notice the patent medi work an<l got behind the bolt, which Highest Honors — World's Fair, A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS — THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED. H F Farrier, Portl ’ d T L Southwick, Cal cine style of advertising they are heralded vas sprung by this lever. He left all his stove polish, shoe blacking, brushes,&c. E C Murray, 8 F “implements” in the jail and the door R P Williams, with. STRONG PROFESSIONAL COURSE, AND WELL-EQUIPPED MODEL SCHOOL. Roseburg L R Cardwell, C’l Pt wide open. The next morning was ths Rev. Chas. Booth. Episcopal minister at THOROUGH PREPARATORY AND ACADEMIC COURSES. C H Gray, 8 F Harry Adams, do Newport, was here the past week. Hi« first Keegan knew of tbe escape of his i'has Collins, do NORMAL. ADVANCED NORMAL, BUSINESS, MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS. W C Stiles, do daughter. Miss J4a Booth, a graduate and nan. Sheriff Patterson was out of town W 8 « ade. do V O Hammon, teacher of kindergarteai training, will open subpoening jurymen, but Deputy Sheriff W T Bangasser. do Ottawa, Ill Light expenses. Board and Lodging Books and Tuition a kindergarten school for children at the Barnes soon had the wires and mails hot J F Heinmessv, 1 8 Cowles. N Y same time the Ashland public schools open, with the announcement and description Ashland mine A T Zipp, S F not over $150 per Year. in the building near tbe Presbyterian of the fugitive. Geo R Neil. J ’ville A S Ward, do church. rpHE TOWN OF MONMOUTH has a beautiful and healthful location in the heart It appears that Vollmar had tried t< M Freidenthal.Port J H Bovd, do 1 of the Willamette valley, twelve miles southwest of the state capital, it lias no Dr Selah Brown left for Los Angeles escape betore and had once told O'Brien H G Sahlstrom, do B 8 Casteel, Ashland Butte Tuesday, stopping off for a lecture at Duns that lie was going to hit old man Keegan A W ilsh, Roseburg saloons. A Walsh. Roseburg muir. lie has lots of friends here. Wat oyer the head with his chair just as Geo A Bavis, b F The Normal School Diploma entitles one to teach in any ciunty in the state with I A G ______ Hamlin, ,__ do son Heston, the great infidel cartoonist of Keegan would pick up his trav of dishes — Homes, do Chas McCarty,Racine I" W T Hershev, do out iurther examination iiruduaJtas command good positions... the Truth-Seeker. ffiust have known Bro. t Brown for every one of his caricatures of a dter serving Vollmar with his nieRl, and J D Kenworthy, Fort L B Hendricks, Ksbg ■'U 99 E xpenses —Tuition, per term of ten weeks: Normal. $5.25, «ub-nonual, $o; com- • ------- Protestant min « erare ideal pictures of the then escape. But O’Brien foiled that MP Gleeson, A D Jones, 8 P Co ” I mercial, $6.25. Board and lodging; Board at normal dining hall. • Jur7. -«•heme bv himself handing out the trav J T Crowley. reverend lecturer. Hugh dcGuire, Port u j nished rooms, with fire and light, from $1.00 to $1.25 per week , ' Dan Ma hiott. "> Keegan. Sheriff Cathcar» cd ROse- Fran.< King, “ ] cents per week, board and lodgiug with private families, from $3 to$3 «0 ju: wtek. «< Prof. Thos Van '■'coy. of the Portland 8am Go dsmith, 1 Henry Dox. Rn arre8t there supposing it C A Piper. u Univer«itv. has been here f^r over a week to he \ollniar, & wife. “ Vitality and growth have always characterized tbe work of the Normal Tbe com- but the man. was torno- « » He is at Gran s Pass todaV and if he sue Opposite Ashland Mill?. Lew Was-ennan, 1 C A Hermann, Or Cy loosc alter further investigation. | iug year promises to be one of tbe neat in its history. ceeds in settling the lumber bill the n*» G L Fanner, F Catalogues cheerfully sent on aj plication. Address MOST PERFECT MADE. As the probable reward would b> Ashland college, that institution will ope up th • first of October with two nrofe«*'”» -.mall and as Vollmar has some means A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Pewder. Free - - - P. I*. CAMPBKLL, Pre»f4ont. or real ennning. he will probabl Iron; abroad and th« balaooe ol ti» tench- • from Ammonia, Alum or any other aduttsrtft a W. A. WANN» tiecretarry vf rUauky. Isakv pwd bw ww, VALLEY RECORD. Telephone Connection. The telephone line connecting Jackson ville with Medford has been extended on through Phoenix and Talent to Ashland; the wires strung and the talking machine was made ready for talking business yes terday, between the above named places. The work of constructing the telephone and telegraph line between Crescent City. Cal., and Grants Pa«s. Or., is progressing fast, under the supervision of Mr. Johnson. Poles have been sent to the fo t of tbe Howland hill, about two miles from Cres cent City. From that place on to Gasquet’s, 16 miles, not many poles will be used, as there are trees along the route. The line connecting Washington and northern Oregon has just asked Rose burg for a charter and will extend their line from Eugene to that place. Thia will leave but a small connecting link between Medford and Grants Pass and Grants Pass and Roseburg, which will undoubtedly be built before another vear rolls along. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL F BE CAREFUL "THAT YOU INVESTI GATE thoroughly our New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, Etc., before pur chasing elsewhere, and we will be sure to please you. MAKHOOD BESTOBEDSSS; against IF YOU A’RE BLUE DIV Goods will arrive nearly every week at the same Bedrock Prices as before. F CREAM BAKINA POWDIB 40 YMW TOT rNttDMW. DOLPH EDDY 4- t II i 1 TP