VALLEY RECORD. THE WEEK IN BUTTE CREEK NEWS. CONGRESS. ASHLAND AND THE FOURTH. California Republican vention. State Congo Oil Cures i. ui ses Con­ E ditor V alley R ecord : The celebration in Ashland will be a Following is a synopsis of the plat­ great affair, and the anticipation of a form adopted. Bom June 15,1894, to Mr. and Mrs, G. B. < Tuesday, June 19. The People’s Paper. Mathews, a 9-lb. son. I great crowd has made the citizens double Devotion to the Republican national Allen’s resolution asking the secretary their efforts. The following is the pro­ During the past week Mr. Uhlmen, of 1 ASHLAND. Or... .Thursday, June 28,1894 of the treasury for information regard­ platform of 1892 is reaffirmed and pro­ gram : Medford, accompanied by a friend, was order of parade . tection and reciprocity as expressed in ing the number of persons employed in through here looking far land. Coxey has been nominated in his dis­ protected industries was objected by the The Ashland Cornet Band. the McKinley bill re-indorsed. The first of last week Grandma Daley was Marshal of the day, Lieut. C. H. Gillette. trict for congress, and ought to be elected. Republicans and it went over. Bread- Governor Markham’s administration rep.irted on the sick list, but not in time for Aides to Marshal—C. C. Chitwood, Geo. is cordially indorsed. That would be one way of getting his pe­ niv last communication. Dr. W. W. Stan­ Barron, l’rof, G. Newbury, George Dunn. stuffs were stricken from the free list. tition before congress. field was m attendance. Equal and uniform taxation of all Carriages containing Hon. Thos. Tongue, Wednesday, June 20. Orator; Miss Genevieve Reames. Reader; property at its actual value isjdemanded. I inardvertently omitted to mention that Peffer and Manderson discussed postal The head of the serpent treason in The creation of more state commis­ Mrs. Martha Brown, of Brownsboro, was Rev. G. W. Black. Chaplain, ami members America is John Sherman, the belly is savings systems. Each has a bill to es­ •lie of the invited guests at Mrs. A. M. of the committee. sions is opposed and where feasible the The children of the Ashland public Grover Cleveland and the tail containing tablish postal savings banks. The free 1 homas’s birthday party on the 7th inst. consolidation of those now in existence schools, in charge of Prof. T. A. Hayes. the “rattles” which give the alarm whet list of the tariff bill was considered and The many friends of Mrs. George Brown Military organizations—Co. D, 2d Reg. is recommended. it is about to strike is the Associate« lnmliei of all kinds was placed on the were made glad by her appearance among O. N. G.; Burnside Post, G. A. R., Com­ It is pledged that the state taxes shall Press. It is preparing tostrike now,an« list. us again, bbe has been stopping in Jack­ mander Jas Chisholm; Detachment Field be kept within 50 cents on each $100. the Associate«! Pres-» rattl** bus sounded. sonville with her daughter, Mrs. Wm Artillery. Commander I rank Elliott. Thursday, June 21. The repeal of the federal elections Holmes. Citv fire orgaiiizations—Ashland Hose the gallery to There was a crowd in Co. No. 1. Ashland Hose Co. No. 2. laws by congress is denounced. Brutal and atrocious assassinations in Prof. E. P. Elliott, the gentleman who the world’s history never cease. Tht listen to the opening speeches on the taught our school about a year ago. surpris­ Spectacular section, embracing—1st., Lib­ Laws to thoroughly insure purity in and Poverty, Science, Music and Art; affair in France Sunday was only tht income tax clause of the tariff bill. Hill, ed his friends by putting in an appearance erty 2d. Peace and Plenty; 2d, The King’s primary elections are demanded and latest to turn the whole world pale and who is leading the opposition, made a last Thursday. lie is principal of a school Daughters; 4th. The Five Races. promised. Gentlemen: Have been afflicted with sick at the revolting spectacle of th< bitter speech against the measure. He in Santa Cruz. Cal. Society of Southern Oregon Pioneers. Cleveland’s Hawaiian policy is scored. work of a stabber’s knife on the heart o ' said it was nn-Democratic and pernic­ Various civic organizations, and citizens severe rheumatic attacks for the past six The election has made quite a change in Legislation to protect the dairy in­ a blameless statesman. There can be nt. ious. It is supported only the Populits the school in the Antelope district, as Prof. in carriages. or seven years. I took one ’Kittle of Dr. dustry is assured. conclusions drawn from such murderous and socialists. Hoar also opposed it. E. E. Smith has been selected as deputy EXERCISES at CHAUTAUQUA TABERNACLE. Grant ’ s S.irsaparillr. mid Grape Root and The removal of all obstructions to county clerk. He has employed Miss Z.i- affairs; they are simply the work of tht Chandler and Allen indulged in acri­ Invocation, by Rev G. W. Black. die Owens to teach the remainder of the navigation the Sacramento and San Joa­ applied ILittec’s Congo Oil externally, diseased brains of a crazy fiend and art Song, by H. P. Palmer — “ Hail Our Coun ­ Chandler ne­ term. quin rivers is earnestly advocated. try’s Natal Morn.’’ as liable to occur to a citizen as to a monious personalities, and the result was wonderful—it worked cused all of trading his vóte on sugar Reading the Declaration of Indepen­ Last Tuesday evening we had a very The treatment of the war veterans by president. However, under the accepted more like magic than medicine. These pleasant call by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shep­ dence, by Miss Genevieve Reames, of Jack­ the Democratic administration is de­ remedies of the white man, the shaving for free lumber. sonville. two medicines I consider w ill knock any herd, of your city. They are traveling in off of the head at tiie shoulders, should nounced. Friday. June 2«. Music by Ashland Band. the interest of the organ manufacturers. Rcsiyn Bank Bobbery.—Evidences From cascof rheumatism. be duly applied to the assassin. Both state and national irrigation sys­ The house bills to incorporate the su­ They entertained us with fine music until a Oration by Hon. Thos. II. Tongue of tin District Whera They Were R. A. LEONARD, Hillsboro, Oregon. Dear Sirs: If you could see the writer tems are commended. preme lodge of the Knights of Pythias late hour. Capture:!. The Industrial Army is still marching and making Labor Day a legal holiday Vocal music—patriotic glee—J. R. Mur­ 447 Montgomery St., Portland, Oregon. Wholesome legislation to encourage of this letter and note the wonderful Yesterday. Sunday, almost everybody ry, Miss Mary Silsby, Mrs. Chrisman, Rev. on to Washington, D. C., in greater num­ from Eagle*Point and vicinity went to the Childs, B. R. Willits; Miss Esther Silsby desirable immigration to the’state is fav­ change that has been effected in liis case O. W. R. M fg . C o ., Portland, Oregon. bers than ever, though the Associated were passed. The debate on the income camp Dear Sirs: Your Congo Oil is the loss meeting at Central Point. It was ored. Counties to be given power to by taking Dr. Grant’s Kidney and Liver Liars’ Press is ignoring the movement. tax was resumed. Hill and Harris ex­ estimated that there was over 1000 persons accompaniest. medicine. I was recently kicked by a make regulations applicable to their Cure, you would certainly be astonished. ThU’s the place forthem. Everyman changed sarcasm during the debate. present. There was some talk of con­ horse on the leg, and was hobbling The various sections of the parade wiil special needs. Gentlemen: I have been a sufferer •with Western feeling, instinct and honoi tinuing the meeting tor another week. Saturday, June 23. begin to assemble at the north schoolhouse I was a most wretched sufferer for t hree around on crutches. 1 was induced to from Liver troubles for many years, al­ The prevailing hard times are attribu ­ should help the unemployed back east. at 9:45 p. ni., where the procession will be try a bottle of Congo Oil. and after ap­ Rev. R. Fvsh expects topreach at Eagle Hill spoke for two hours against the The Eastern shy lock stabbed the West’s income tax bill. Gallinger followed in Point next Sunday. July 1st, at 11 a. m. formed at 10:40 a. m. and move up Main ted to the “ utter imbecility ” of the Dem­ years, trying all kinds of medicine and plying freely for one day I threw away ways feeling dit’l, stupid and heavy. It street to 4th street, thence along 4th to §etting no relief. The flow of urin» was ocratic party. greatest industry in the heart in order to opposition to the tax. Amendments ex­ and again at 8 p. in. He will also preach my crutches. 1 works like lightning. would take a long letter to tell just how at Brownsboro at 2;30p. nr., and the follow­ Spring, along Spring to 1st avenue and make gold more valuable and tramps very excessive. I was very constipated A simplification of the present system Yours truly, I did fed; but, thanks to Dr. Grant’s by Hargadine to Chautauqua Park, more numerous. Return them the good» empting United States Judges were ing Sunday, July 8th, he will hold a basket thence J. A. HARRISON, of taxation is wanted. and also covered with carbuncles, and where it will be dismissed. meeting at the Antelope church, commenc ­ passed. Hill ’ s motion to also exempt Sarsaparilla and Grape 11« •ot, my of their manufacture and the poor, nn- City Marshal Fossil, Oregon. The detachment of field artifferv will fire Our public school system is lauded felt at war with myself and the world at ing on the Saturday night before at So’clock. troubles are over, as four lottlc« made fortmate victims, they might as well the president was carried. a salute of thirteen guns at reveille. and it is demanded that no state aid be large; but, thanks to your wonderful We had a very sudden and unexpected hang on the ragged edge of starvation in A pyrotechnic display will commence at given to sectarian schools. Monday. June 25. me feel as well as ever 1 was. I have a in our community last Wednesday 8:30 p. m. from Roper s hill, and the exer­ medicine, I felt as though I was a new the east as on the coast. After adopting resolutions expressing death go .4 appetite, no more Lad symptoms that shocked ns all. As has been announc­ cises will close with a grand ball at the A proective duty on wool is demanded. being, and I consider a wonderful cure regret at the death of President Carnot ed in my communication before. Clint. Opera house in the evening. and I feel that 1 owe it all to Dr. Grant's Mining interests are to be fostered. The whole French republic has been I the senate adjourned. Wiley had returned home from California has been effected in my case. The protection of river land from over ­ Sarsapariila. J. C. ALLEN. as he was not feeling well, and in my last I thrown into a terrible paroxysm of I AFTERNOON AMUSEMENTS. With my best wishes for your further flows needs prompt attention. HOUSE. spoke of him taking a relapse. Still none Traveling Salesman Curtis & Wheeler, Boys bicycle race—Open for bovs of 14 frenzy and grief over the assassination I of his friends thought of him being danger­ years and under. luccess, I remain Trusts are declared illegal and should Tuesday, June 19. First prize, $4.00; second Rochester, N. Y.* of President Carnot at Lyons by an Ital- I ous, as be was able to wait upon himself be prohibited. Yours respectfully, The anti-option bill was considered and seemed in fine spirits; but oa Wednes­ prize. $2.00; third prize, $1.00. S old E verywhere . ian anarchist. i and several minor bills were passed. Bicycle race—Open to all, best two in Free and unlimited coinage of silver day, the 20th inst., at 3 o’clock, he fell over three heats, first prize. $10.00; second prize, a . M c D onald , President Carnot was at Lyons visit-1 at the ratio of 16 to 1 is demanded. upon his pillow and witheut a struggle $6.00: third prize, $3.00. Wednesday, June 21. Ashland, Wis. ing the exhibition. While he was com- I It was agreed to vote on the anti-op­ quietly breathed his last. * * * Governmental aid in the construction Climbing greased pole—Prize $5.00. John Clinton Wiley was born in Mono ing away from the Chamber of Com-1 tion bill on Friday. Debate on the bill Tug of war—Prize $10.00. of the Nicaragua canal is indorsed. For Sale by Ashland Drug Company, J. C. Barrett & Co., and T. K. Bolton. county. Cal., Feb. 8, 1871, and left there Foot race- Open to all; first prize, $5.00; merce, where a banquet was held, to the I lasted all day. Import duties of farm products of all with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilev, second prize, $3.00. Grand Theater, at 9:15 p. m., a young | June 19,1883, arriving in Jackson county Thursday, June 22. Broom race—Competitors to run gauntlet kinds are insisted upon. July 11. of the same year, where he has between man jumped from the immense throng. I Amendments to the naturalization parallel lines ot men with brooms. Set speeches on the anti-option bill made his home up to the day of his death. jumped upon the footstep of the car­ The Standard Bearers of the laws are called for. Those who succeed in getting through He professed religion and joined the Free­ without being hit will receive one dollar. riage and stabbed the president in tne I consumed the whole session. Strict exclusion of Chinese is declared will Baptist church on Antelope in August, When three are successful competition to Friday, Juqe 23. California Republicans. abdomen. Carnot fell back senseless I 1885, and when the Methodists bought the close. imperative for the protection of Ameri­ There was considerable interest in the church building the majority of the mem­ and was taken immediately to the per-1 can working. THE CALITHUMPIANS lecture. ' ctysing of the debate on the'anti-option bers went into that organization, he with Mob violence and anarchy should be Meet at Granite Hall at 1 o’clock p. m. the rest, where he lived a constant Christian Eminent doctors were summoned, but bill. Several amendments were offered life until the day of his death. He was Line of march: From Granite Hall to forcibly checked. MORRIS M. ESTEE, Napa—For Gov­ defeated and bill finally passed by a vote it was impossible to stop the hemorrhage. looked upon as one of the most exemplary Granite street, nortfl on Granite to Main, The extension of the right suffrage to ernor. While the doctors were dressing the of *149 to fe7. The general deficiency voung men in the entire community, and then south on Main to the Opera House. woman is favored. S. G. MILLARD, Los Angeles—For beloved by all who knew him. He Thence north on First avenue to Spring wound, the president said: “Is it not hill was tlien taken under consideration was Lieutenant Governor. lived for God and God took him to himself. street, thence west to Oak street, thence by the coiiiinittee of the ^hole. Purdon Robiuson, the baritone, will As an evidence of the high esteem in which south on Oak to Main street, to Plaza where all over? I am suffering greatly. ” The | L. H. BROWN, Solano—For Secretary Saturday, June 43. he was held, I will add that there was one exercises of the various divisions will take 6ail for Europe on June 1. doctors’ skill was unavailing, and Presi-1 of State. Speaker Crisp returned after a week's the finest floral exhibits I ever saw at a place. Kate Jordan, the novelist, has been dent Carnot died about three hours after illness returned and assumed the chair. of ORDER OF PROCESSION. E. P. Colgan, Sonoma—For Controller. funeral; the lioquets, wreaths and symbols commissioned, so says gossip, to write he was stabbed. j were sent and brought from every direction. The marshal of the day, and aids. W. F. FITZGERALD, San Francisco— T^e deficiency bill waa debated. a one act play. The funeral discourse was preached at the The president's carriage was passing Tty The drum major. For Attorney General. Ifenday, June 25. Antelope church on Friday by Rev. R. The Darktown band of 15 pieces. Wiliam Stafford has been engaged by through the brilliantly lighted streets M. J. WRIGHT, Tulare—For Surveyor Grover-Cleveland as he appears. Resolutions on the death of Carnot ; Fysb, his pastor, to one of the largest Maida Craigen to play Mercutio in “Ro­ leading to the Perfectnre when the as­ audiences ever assembled in the house be The Mulligan Guards. General. wire adopted and the house adjourned. sassin rushed np to the landan with a fore. When all was ready the choir sang Orator and reader—Glee Club in carriages. meo and Juliet.” T. H. WARD, Los Angeles—For Clerk Jesus Lover of Mv Soul; Mr. Fysh then package wrapped in gaper in his hand. I Seng—Coxey’s March, accompanied by Effie Shannon will go to England WASHINGTON NOTES. read the 14th chapter of Job in a very im­ the band. ‘ 1 of tlio Supreme Court. He was allowed to mount the steps of I and France this summer. She will be pressive manner. Hymn No. 199 was then Coxey’s army. SAMUEL T. BLACK, Ventura — For the carriage, those on guard thinking he accompanied by her mother and her sis­ Interesting Ityms Picked Out from the sang, and Mr. F. made a fervent prayer, Representation of a first-class grocerv. wished to present a petition to the presi-1 Superintendent of Public Instruction. after which he preached from the text Italian and monkev show. ter Winona. • Pally bitpatches. 2d Samuel, 12 chap., verse 23. While I Stuff"16''7 brieade~Follo,ved by “Hot- dent. A. J. JOHNSTON, Sacramento—For J. C. Nugent has completed a four Congressman William A. Stone, a shall not attempt to give even a synopsis of As soon as he got on the step he raised State Printer. act dramatization of “Robinson Cru­ the discourse, I must add that his re­ The Irish bicyclist. the package above his head and struck member of the judiciary 'committee, marks on the recognization of friends and Samantha and Josiah Allen, in carriage soe. ” He says that it is the first serious justices of the supreme court . the president in the side. The package has presented the following bill in the loved ones in the beyond were so impress­ and ''»eeing the sights.’’ stage version of the narrative. contained a poignard. Carnot when House : Be it enacted, etc., That any ive that they seemed to move almost every The Oregon Hotel gang. FREDERICK W. HENSHAW, Ala­ Siwash cavalcade. struck fell forward. The people stand­ person or persons who shall belong to or one present. The concluding prayer was Rather Steep meda—For long term. offered by your correspondent, after which The Arkansas traveler. ing around were horrified. Then, when who shall be applied or designated by we followed the remains to the Central Than take in any other form is wbat many ELISHA S. TORRANCE, San Diego— The Devil among the Taiiors. people think, and Park’s Tea is made for For long term. they saw what had been done they any society or organization existing in Point cemetery, where the services were Second-class grocery out of gear. just those folks. It cures constipation, and snshed for the assassin, who tried to es­ this country or any foreign country, concluded by Revs. Fysh and Moore. There The Darktown fire company in action, WILLIAM C. VAN FLEET, San Fran­ not a cathartic, moves the bowels were twenty-eight carriages and buggies A race by the defeated candidates at the though cape, and would have torn him to pieces which provides in writing or by verbal followed every day. Sold by E. A. S herwin . the remains from the cbnrch to cisco —For short term. last election (open for all). agreement, understanding or counten­ the grave, a distance of about 8 or 9 miles. but for the efforts of the polidte. The exerciwetgiven outside of the line of ance for the taking of human life unlaw ­ Forty-two persons were drowned by In the meantime the news of the affair CONGRESSMEN. His presence will not only be missed by the march will be “executed” at Plaza upon re­ the capsizing of a tug off Sandy Hook, had spread with lightning-like rapidity, fully, or for the unlawful destruction family, but by the host of friends that sym­ turn from Oak street. J. A. BARHAM, Santa Rosa—First with the bereaved in their affliction, New York harbor. A picnic party was and mounted guards were sent the aid of buildings or other property where pathize but they sorrow not as those who have no District. returning to the city when a storm came of the police, who were struggling to the loss of human life is the probable hope. Like a Thief In the Night, GROVE L. JOHNSON, Sacramento— preserve the life of the assassin. With result of Buch destruction of property, * » « * * Consumption conies. A slight cold, with up. Against the orders of the captain Second District. shall be deemed an anarchist. Any per ­ all the passengers crowded to the lee ­ drawn sabres the guards rode into the your system in the scrofulous condition For what they now deplore. that s caused by impure blood, is enough ward of the cabin and gave the tug a SAMUEL G. HILBORN, Alameda- crowd, heedless of whom the horses son or persons being anarchists as defined Shall rise in full immortal prime, to fasten it upon you. That is the time heavy list. A big wave upset the tug Third District. trampled upon. The crowd gave way by the first section of this act, who shall A nd bloom to fade no more. when neglect and delay are full of danger. before the horses, and at last the center attempt the life of any person holding JAMES M’LACHLAN, Los Angeles- Consumption is Lung-scrofula. You can and everybody aboard was dumped into The charmed circle broken — office, elective or appointive, under the the water. There were 63 persons on prevent it, and you can cure it, if you of the crowd was reached. Then a cor­ Sixth District. A dear face missed from its accus­ haven't waited too long, with Dr. Pierce’s board. don was formed around the almost ex­ constitution and laws of the United tomed place; W. W. BOWERS, San Diego—Seventh Medical Discovery. That is the But cleansed and saved, and perfected Golden hausted policemen and their captive and States, or who shall attempt the destruc­ District. most potent blood-cleanser, strength-re ­ by grace, the march to the police station began. tion of buildings or other properties storer, and flesh-builder known to medical Nominations postponded in Fourth and One more in Heaven I science. For every disease that has to be Even thus surronnded the prisoner was where the loss of the life of any official Fifth Districts. D ick . reached through the blood, for Scrofula in would lie the probable result of such not safe, for men in the crowd made Eagle Point, June 25, 1894. all its forms, Consumption, Weak I ungs, RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. frantic efforts to reach him. These at­ destruction of buildings or other prop­ Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, linger­ tacks were repelled by the guards with erty, shall upon trial and conviction of Is Your Tongue ing Coughs, it is the only guaranteed WILLIAM F. BECKMAN, Sacramento the flat sides of their swords, at the such offense in any circuit or district If it doesn’t benefit or cure, you Coated, your throat dry, your eyes dull remedy. —First District. have your money back. same time keeping watch of the crowd court of the district where such offense and Inflamed and do you feel mean gener­ W. R. CLARK, San Joaquin—Third to prevent the prisoner from being 6hot. was attempted be sentenced to death by ally when yon get up in the morning. Your The proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh District. Maledictions were hurled upon the cap­ hanging, which sentence shall he exe­ liver and kidneys are not doing their duty. Remedy know that their medicine perfectly Why don.t you take Parks’ Sure Cure. If and permanently cures Catarrh. To prove Second District nomination postponed. tive, and never before has such a wild cuted by the Marshal of the district, in It does not make you feel better it costs you indignation against a human being been accordance with the sentence of the nothing. It cures Brights Disease, Dialietis it to you , they make this offer: If they BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. ’t cure your Catarrh, n<> matter what judge before whom the case was tried. and all kidney complaints. Only guaran­ can seen in that city. your case is, they ’ ll pay you $500 in cash. teed cure. Sold by E. A. S herwin . L. C. MOREHOUSE, Alameda, Second The assassin was finally imprisoned. D r . P ierce ’ s P leasant P ellets —Theyr’e District. He is about 20 years old and jnst came The Californian Illustrated Magazine, the smallest, the easiest to take—and the JACKSON EBY, Tehama. Third Dis­ to Lyons. The only cause which led to published at San Francisco, has sus­ cheapest pill you can buy, for theyr’e trict. the crime is supposed to have been the guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your pended publication. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. money is returned. refusal of President Carnot to pardon GEORGE L. ARNOLD, Los Angeles, Frank McCoppin, ex-United States You pay only for the good you get. the anarchists who were recently exe­ When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Fourth District. minister to Japan, has been appointed cuted at Paris. SENATE. Diabetes Cured! Wonderful Work. A New Being Created! Congo Oil es Lameness. Torpid Liver. Congo Oil Kills all Pain. 50 cts. and SI a bottle. “THAT YOU INVESTI GATE thoroughly our New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, Etc., before pur chasing elsewhere, and we will be sure to please you. VAIIPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE, J. POHLE it CO When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. The assassination of the French presi­ When she had Children, she gave them Castoria postmaster at San Francisco. P. J. Walsh lias been appointed pension agent dent has created the deepest sympathy at the same place. throughout the world. Telegrams of Deputy District Attorney Utley of Los regret and condolence poured in from Angeles has resigned. He was charged all parts of the world. Congress adopted resolutions asking President Cleveland TARSNEY TARRED AND FEATHERED. with purchasing fees and the scrip of the state’s witnesses. He admits dis­ to send an expression of sorrow to the French people. The British court has Cowardly Work of u Mob at Colorado counting witnesses' scrip and says he did not think he was doing anything Springs—Citizen» Indignant. gone into mourning as a mark of respect to the dead president. Adjutant General Tarsney of the Col­ wrong. Utley is a prominent Populist orado militia, was kidnaped from the and at one timo was a candidate for For the relief and cure of a cold in the Alaina Hotel at Colorado springs at ulid- congressman. head there is more potency in Ely’s Cream Balm than in anything else it is possible to niglit by several unknown masked men, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Is fatuous as a prescribe. This preparation has for years taken to the suburbs in a hack, tarred past been making a brilliant success as a and feathered and ordered to leave El Cure for severe colds. Famous as a remedy for cold in the head, catarrh and Paso couuty and never return. He was hay fever. Used in the initial stages of Preventive of pneumonia. Famous as a these complaints Cream Balm prevents any decoyed from his room and seized by serious development of the symptoms,while the men and clubbed and carried off. Preventive and cure for croup. almost numberless cases are on record of Famous for the relief it affords in case of He was accused of using the militia Whooping cough. radicul cures of chronic catairh and bay in favor of the strikers in the Cripple fever after all other treatments have Famous as a safe and pleasant Creek trouble. After being coated with proved of no avail. Medicine for children. General Tarsney was dressed and told Try it. 50 cent bottles for sale by Ash- The superior court at San Jose has to walk and not look back. He walked land Drug Company. sustained a demurrer in the suit of 14 miles toward Roswell. The tar stiff­ Arrangements Eave been’completed County Treasurer Lotz, against the ened about his person and caused ex­ trustee of Stanford university. The suit cruciating pain. Several times he de­ by the postoffice department of Canada was brought to collect the inheritance cided to apply at a farmhouse for help, for an exchange of money orders be­ tax. The point raised by the demurrer but, hatless and his face covered with tween Canada and Hawaii and Canada was that of no jndisdiction. A similar tar and feathers he was afraid he would and Australia, Victoria being the chief demurrer had previously been sustained frighten the people, and he kept on. exchange office. Congressman Bowers of the Seventh as to Mrs. Jane Stanford. The case will But his sufferings became so intense he congressional district of California has be appealed to the supreme court to test knocked at a farmer's door. A woman the constitutionality of the inheritance responded and was almost overcame been renominated by the Republicans. F. H. Day, aged 60, attempted to tax law passed at the last session of the with fright. General Tarsney asked legislature. her to call the men and she did so. A knock down and rob Samuel Holroyd, neighbor hitched up and took the gen­ who he had enticed to a lonesome local­ As a blood-pnrifier, the most eminent eral to Cripple Creek. ity, but the blow was not effective and physicians prescribe Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The victim of the outrage is 55 years Holroyd pulled a revolver and fatally It is the most powerful combination of veg­ etable alteratives ever offered to the public. old and u a G. A. R. veteran. The wounded him. As a spring and family medicine, it uiay be greatest indignation prevails throughout In the criminal department of the freely used by old and young alike. state circuit court at Portland, Deputy Colorado at the outrage. District Attorney Marlarkey, during the Jacob Braidenberg, a fanner, was That pain under the shoulder blade is examination of jurors, asked ex-Police- murdered in his home near Medical dyspepsia. Take Simmons Liyer Regu­ man D. S. Hutchins, if he was a mem­ lator. lake. Wash., by unknown thieves. ber of the American Protective associa­ The strangest incident in tho history Pennoyer has cautioned the regents of tion and if he was opposed to the Ro­ of Freemasonry, and one without a pre­ the Oregon university in regards to di­ man Catholic religion, Hutchins re­ cedent it this country, took place at verting money of the university to the plied in the affirmative and was quickly Oakland recently. It was the burial, support of schools elsewhere, the attor­ excused. with Masonic rites, of the heart of Yg- ney general having declared such diver­ The San Francisco District Mathodist nacio Herera of Cairo, one of the early sion unlawful. conference is haying a meeting at Pa- governors of Mexico, and a Mason, eificj&rove. whom tho members of the order calll a S tate or O hio . C ity of T oledo ,) L ucas C ounty , f ss martyr to their cause. Crossing the Atlantic F rank J. C heney makes oath that____ he is Usually involves sea sickness. When the Our Grand mot her a Way , the senior partner of the firm of F. J. C he ­ I waves play pitch and toss with you. strong Was to steep roots and herbs and use it ney A Co , doing business in the Citv of indeed must be the stomach that can stand and .. State aforesaid,and that every night. We can do the same bv using Toledo.County ... it without revolting. Tourists, commercial Parks’Tea. Nothing acts as promptlv and 9Um ,of °NE HUN‘ travelers, yachtsmen, mariners, all testify DOLLARS witbout discomfort. Not a pill or a citbar- BRED R 0EPA®S for1e each »cb and every case that Hostetter 6 Stomach Bitters is the best _____ ____ __ _. by _ the ____ _> tic but moves the bowels every day. Sold °f ^ atabrh that cannot be __ cured use remedy for the nausea experienced in rough all ’ s C atarrh C ure . byE. A.S bibwijls ___ of H H».. weather on the water. Nervous and weak­ FRANK J. CHENEY. ly travelers by land often suffer from some­ The’ Fraser river ia*6till very high. ' _ Sworn _________________________ ______ to before me and subscribed in mV thing akin to this, and find in the Bitters Ira Coggewell, the oldest pioneer of ! presence, this 6th day of Dec.. A. 1)71886. * i its surest remedy. No disorder of the j A. W. GLEASON, stomach, liver or bowels is so obstinate that Tacoma, died recently, aged 79 years. i it may not lie overcome by the prompt and f Notary Public. At the Washington state encampment thorough remedy. E«jually efficacious is of the G. A. R. held at Olympia, J. N. I Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and it for chills and fever, kidney and rheumat­ Scott of Port Townsend was elected de­ acta directly on the blood and mucous sur ic trouble and nervousness. Emigrants to faces of the system. Send for testimonials, the frontier should provide themselves with partment commander. this fine medicinal safeguard against the K bai ' se ' b H eadache C apsules — Warrant­ F. J. CHENEY