Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1894)
I 1 VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD ----- TUE FINEST----- FLÆIN NO MONOPOLY PRICES £®^Give us your order for Letter heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu lars, Etc. A SEDENTARY OCCUPATION, plenty of sitting down and not much exercise, ought to have Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets to go with it. They absolutely and permanently cure Constipation. One tiny, sugar- coated Pellet is a corrective, a regulator, a gentle laxative. They’re the smallest, the easiest to take, and the most natural remedy—no reac tion afterward. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all stomach and bowel derangements are prevented, relieved and cured. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. X and ZPIRZEJSTTIZtSTG-. Ì VALLEY RECORD, ASHLAND, JACKSON VOL. VII. SHELLING TIIE ENEMY. PRESSED BRICKS. More Encouraging News fi-om the Canvass of Jeffreys anil Rawlings Table Rock, (Or.), May 21,1894. Editor V alley R ecobd : — The canvass of this section of (he i county by J. A. Jeffrey, candidate for representative, has been a great success. At Sams valley he spoke two hours to the largest audience ever assembled at that place to listen to a political address. The people were much pleased ; so much so that many resolved to assist by their votes in sending him to Salem, so the people of the “Webfoot” section of our stato may know what kind of kids south ern Oregon can produce. At Antioch another large crowd greet ed him, some of whom had heard him on two previous occasions, but liked his logic so well they wanted more of it. Unless all signs fail this former Gibraltar of democracy will give a populist major ity next time. The people of Eagle Point were out in largo numbers at Mr. Jeffrey’s appoint ment, although the weather was unfavor able. At the close of his address Mr. Rawlings, candidate for recorder, gave us some facts and figures about the county debt, and the manner in which assess ments of property have been made. Messrs. Nealon and Jackeon being present were called out by the audience and responded briefly. At the adjournment a stalwart, hand some citizen shook the hands of the can didates and assured them that tie should vote for them, although he had always been a strong republican. When the votes are counted, and, as I believe, record a Populist victory, Mr. Jeffrey should get a large share of the credit for that result. P op - u -L ist . FOR CLERK, N. A. JACOBS. COUNTY, OREGON, MEMORIAL DAY. The Old Soldiers Haye Perfected Their Arrangements for Ms Solemn Observation. Program for Memorial Day, Wednesday, May 30, 1891: The members of Burnside Post and Bum side W. R. C will assemble at their hall at 9 a. m.; the procession will form on the plaza at 9:30 a. m. in the following order: 1. Ashland Band. 2. Co. “D” 2nd Regt. O. N. G. 3. Burnside ” ’ • Post. ~ ■ 4. “ W. R. C. 5. Citv officers and Citizens, 6. Public ........ Schools. ' ■ ■ The procession will move to the Ashland cemetery, where the graves of t e departed comrades and unknown dead will be deco rated. The procession will then re-form in the same order and march to the Chautau qua building where the following program will be observed: 1. Music by the Band. 2. Address of welcome by the post com mander. 3. Singing by the choir. 4. Prayer by the Chaplain. 5. Singing by the choir. 6. Reading of orders. 7. Singing by the choir. 8. Post exercises. 9. Singing by the choir. 10. Oration by Col. W. S. Crowell. 11. Singing by the choir. 12. Benediction by Rev. O. Deshler. The procession will again form on the plaza at 2 p. m. and march to the Hargedine j cemetery and there decorate the graves of | the departed comrades; after which the members of the Post and W. R. C. will 1 march to their hall and be dismissed. j Children and citizens will please bring Howers with them. The G. A. R. will pro 1 vide the children with flags upon tlieir ar rival at the plaza. * • * All members of the G. A. R. are request ed ' to meet at the Chautauqua building on . Friday at 8 p. in. for the purpose of clean ing the grounds and preparing the building 1 for the memorial services. By order of the Post. THURSDAY. SlAY Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. 24. 1894. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report NO. 2. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year........... .................................... $2 ill Six months ............. •.............................. 1 50 Three months..................... i. 76 Advertising rates given on application. Changed fiands ! Mrs. Tom Roberts is visiting Gold Hill relatives. A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. John Ritter at Bolt. Charley Young is in San Francise® taking in the fair. Joe Morris, of Rock Point, is visiting in the Willamette. The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now D. Rose, of Roseburg, has been paying Rock Point folks a visit. Under the Management of Dr. RobinBon, of Jacksonville, went to / the midwinter lair Sunday. Miss Edith Pratt left last week for her PRESS COMMENT. ENGLAND AND SILVER. former home in Wisconsin. Tlio Wall Street Horr. John Bull Has Run l’p Against a Snag That Mr. Ftank Wertz has gone to Linn Pendleton East Oregonian.] Will Cause Him Trouble. county with his phonograph. R. G. Horr, the "brilliant speaker” A “COLD Ei THE HEAD” is Miss Willie Parker, of California, is The little republic of Gautemala has iQt? quickly cured by Dr. Sage’s Ca- from the east, at present making cam taken the bull by tlio horns, tlio bull be visiting her folks at Gold Hill. JESffix tarrh Remedy. So is Catarrhal paign speeches in Oregon, is paid by k Headache, and every trouble Miss Ora Adkins, of Medford, has been \ a /HO IIAS improved the House and is pre- Dolph and Hermann to “stump Oregon in ing uone other than John BulL A gnat 7 ( caused by Catarrh. Bo is Ca- paying Ashland friends a visit. has been successful where an elephant their interests. ” In other words, the "■ pared to Entertain the Traveling Public tarrh itself. The proprietors people are being advised how to vote by has failed, and tho insignificant Cen J. \V. Bryant and family, of Applegate, V °®'-r for “7 case which in First Class Style. a paid emissary of two prominent office tral American nation may accomplish they cannot cure." have returned to Langell valley. holders and 'Office-seekers. Horrism is A son was born to the wife of A. c. no better than Simonism or Scottism, as what tho great powers have been unable :o: Gunton in Ashland on the 17th. it performs only to toe extent that there to do—namely, force Great Britain to F. T. Wheeler, of Central Point, was is “hot stuff” in sight. Patriotism was go back to the use of silver as money on in Ashland Sunday visiting relatives. neverborn to men of such characters as an equality with gold. Rates, $2.00 $2.50 these. t E. H. Fawcett and wife, of Medford, Guatemala has nothing but silver jyj D. BROWEIl, M. D. Portland Welcome.] have gone to California tor a location. ----------- :o:----------- money. By tho recent decline in the Roswell G. Horr is a pretty political They call it “the Applegate ring” now, market value of that metal her dollar PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, specimen to be brought out from the east Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour since the late democratic convention. to tell Oregon farmers and workingmen has fallen from between 75 and 79 cents A shland , : ; : O beoon . how to vote. He has for years been an to between 38 and 41 cents, in terms of ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. Bert Wimer is down from Stayton, editor of the New York Tribune, the the gold standard. The republic has a Marion county, visiting his old home. Office—Ganiards Opera House. recognized enemy of everything but lot of outstanding bunds, largely held Abe Axtell is canvassing Klamath and Residence, Mechanic and Laurel Streets plutocracy for many years. The Tribune in England, where only gold or its Lake in his interests for district attorney. is the especial organ oi everything that equivalent would meet the interest C. CALDWELL, No one ever tried Simmons Liver Regu opposes and oppresses nine-tenths of the lator without being satisfied with its effect. people; and Horr, for a salary, has help chargea Owing to the silver deprecia MECHANICAL AND Ol’ERATIVF ed to make it so. We expect to Bee tion, the Guatemalan government was Dr. E. VanHasslocker is at Williams DENTIST. Russell Sage coming out next to instruct confronted witli the necessity of paying creek looking after his mining interests. $2 for every ouo of the original interest us, Chase Combination Dental Plates made Col. Knight and Gen. John F. Miller. with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. obligation. She very promptly refused Senator Dolph ’ s “ Work, ” To Explore tbo Caves. of Klamath county, are at the midwinter Gold Fillings inserted iu Porcelain Teeth to do anything of the sort aud notified Portland Welcome.] Saturday morning the San Francisco fair. to perfect appearance. Program for Memorial Sunday, May 27, tho bondholders that the interest due for «Si SEBsxsrlciv Gold Crown and Contour work a specialty. Examiner’s exploring party left Grants Mr. Dolph has been in the senate ten Ole Michelson, of Medford, spent a ] 1891: July 1 next would not be paid. Office over the Bank. yeais, gained posts of influence, and n« Pass for the noted Josephine county day in Ashland the front end of the has The members of Burnside Post No. 23, (1. ------------ AT THE------------ Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 caves. The party consisted of seven ex week. That touched England in a tender A. R. and of Burnside Corps No. 24, W. R. had experienced and able colleagues to to 9 a. in. and 4 to 5 p. in. perts, besides a large number of assis Why suffer from indigestion and dyspep- C. ’ will meet at their hall at 10 a. m. and aid him, yet wo read tn the 'press dis spot. The capitalists of London looked to the Chautauqua building at 10:45 patches during the past week that he into the matter, and the result was a tants, and will occupy about ten days in sia? Simmons Liver Regulator is pleasant march ' J L. WOOD. sharp; where the following program will be thinks some arrangement will be made memorial to the government at West “discovering” the caves. A good trail and cures. carried out: for the improvement of the DalleB of the minster from the most conservative has been built to the caves and Beveral DENTAL SURGEON. A. C. and H. G. Nicholson represented Organ Volentary. Columbia. The youngest child will commercial body in the world, and one houses erected for the accommodation of Medford in the I. O. O. F. grand lodge Singing by the choir. A shland , : : : O regon the fearless party. scarcely live to see this great work ac which has ever worshiped at tho gold meeting. Prayer by Rev. F. G. Strange. complished under Delphian methods. Anthem by the choir. money shrine, tlio London chamber of Some Gold Basis Prices. LL MANNER of metal and rubber Mr. Stockburger is quiteill at the home Reading of scripture lesson by Rev. Smith. plates made in the latest approved commerce, praying for “an interna Mr. J. N. Watson, T. M. Fahy, and G. of his daughter, Mrs. W. F. Towne, at Swinging the Soupliouse Door. Singing by the choir. methods. H. Douglas, the Reno mutton buyers, Phoenix. tional inquiry into the causes of the de Sermon by Rev. G. \V. Black. Hurrah ! Tlio Republican party is on Gold and porcelain crowns and bridge Singing by the choir. The Albany Democrat says: Mrs. cline and fluctuations of the value of work a specialty. All work warranted to are in town Mr. Watson, who has been top again in the municipal elections all Benediction by Rev. O. Deshler, here for several days, went as far north Louis Van Orlwick is visiting relatives in give perfect satisfaction. Low prices. over the country. Even old Missouri has silver, and for relief from the embar Office in Odd Fellows’ bnilding, up stairs. as Prineville. He informs us that up Ashland. PATTERSON, THE PEOPLE’S NOM gone Republican. That pleases us. Any rassments and losses suffered therefrom there yearling wethers sold as low as one Mrs, McCoy, daughter of P. J. Van- thing to keep the people flopping around by British merchants doing business dollar a head. The mutton buyers evi Harden burg, has returned homo to St. INEE FOR SHERIFF. from one old party to the other until with countries where silver money is dently did not make a killing on their Louis, Mo. Don’t Delay last year’s buy. While they were eager they get sick and tired of it. First the the common currency and the standard is your duty to yourself to get rid of A daughter was boan to Mr. and Mrs. ( the It foul to get them at $2.50 per head last season, accumulation in your blood this Republicans are on top, and the same of value. ” , England may attempt to follow her they are now offering $1.50 for two-year- Geo. S. Nickerson, at Klamath Falls, spring. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is jnst the old souphouse door swings on its well medicine you need to purify, vitalize and greased hinges to the unemployed. usual course and send a man-of-war to olds and upwards.—Lakeview Examiner. May 11th. • your blood. That tired feeling Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Millsap started enrich ' collect the interest due on the Guate Same Here, Pete. which affects nearly every one in the Then the Democrats come into power, Californiaward last Monday, tor a trip of spring malan bonds. But she wiil find that one is driven ott by Hood s Sarsaparilla, and the door of the souphouse still London, May 12.—A dispatch to the several days. the great spring medicine and blood purifier. swings open. The Republicans will get man-of-war will not be enough to do Times, from Buenos Ayres, says : “Com Sherman Stanley returned from his merce is paralyzed from the low price of Hood’s Pills become the favorite ca- on top again this fall almost every the work. Every country in the western Impure cr vitiated blood ii nino times out of northern trip last Monday on a visit thartic with everyone who tries them. products and the high gold premium. ” where, and tho dear good people who continent south of the United States is ten caused by some form of constipation or In among relatives, think with their bowels will discovers practically in the same boat with Gua digestion that clogs up tho system, when the List of Letters HE11E AND THERE. Mrs. J. Nunan and daughter, of Jack that tho door to tho souphouse is still temala, and they will join against the blood naturally becomes Impregnated with the Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland sonville, was visiting her sister, Mrs. H. effete maRer. The old Sarsaparilla* attempt to P. O., May 21, 1894: open. Stick to your old parties. Don’t common oppressor. If Great Britain The bean crop in the counties of San Judge this week. teach this condition by attacking the blood with read, don’t think, but vote the straight tries to ctjllect interest by force under Billings, Jef Ells, Miss Ida (2) Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ven the drastic mineral “potash ” The potash theory Fields. Mr Heffermun, J J Jas. Dodge and Mr. Baird, of Gold party ticket and koep on voting it until existing circumstances, a war to the bit Is old and obsolete. Joy s Vegetable Sarsaparilla Hendricks, Mrs A Johnson, Mrs E Hill, have gone to Happy Camp on a tura will be a short one this year on ac you are turned out on the street to starve. ter end will result, for tho issue is ouo is modern. It goes to the seat of the trouble. It O’Hara, Mr John Ralston, Mrs E E prospecting trip. count of the drought. that involves tho very existence of tho —Denver Road. Swinden A Hayes Waugh, Mr J G •rouses tho liver, kidneys and bowels to health Work has been commenced on the Latin-American nations, They have E. A. Hildreth was at Roseburg this ful , and invigorates tho circulation, and Persons calling for same will please sav mammoth storage reservoir near Santa been brought fo bay, and there is no al Justice, Not Charity. W. H B runk , P. M. * week organizing a temple of the Knights tho Impurities are quickly carried off through “advertised.” Fe, N. M., which is to hold the water to ternative for them but to turn on their of the Maccabees. The New York papers are recounting the natural channels. Chas. Lee, at Beamish’s irrigate 20,000 acres of fruit land. At Braddock, Pa., Emery's on renn- tyhat they have -done for the poor dur- pursuers. They have no gold, and to pay Third and Market streets, 8. F.. WTites: “I took A. J. Barlow, internal revenue collec Chico is making active efforts to drive ery was destroyed by fire, caused by the ipg the hard times that commenced last their foreign debts in silver means ruin. it for vitiated blood and while on the first bottlo tor of this district, went to Lakeview The silver countries regard England away the Chinese, A committee of 90 summer and seem to be continuing in became convinced of Its merits, for I eould feel explosion of a barrel of benzine. Hun Sunday on business. has been appointed to devise ways and definitely. They count up the sums ex as the great monetary enemy. Not sat it was working a change. It cleansed, purified dreds of people who gathered to watch Robt. Cook and wife, of Foots creek, means to get rid of the Mongolians. and braced me up generally, and everything fa the fire were burned when the tanks ex pended for coal and bread and flannel, isfied with chiving silver from her own are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. L. now working full and regular.” ploded. The burning oil flew in every Woolridge, of Eugene. The committee of officers of the labor and the credit column looms up beauti currency and setting the example which JLSAÏLÆTTJD, OEEEQ-OJST. organizations of New York and Chicago fully. But they forget that thero has Germany and France felt compelled to direction. D. Horn, who discovered the Last inspected aud approved the land pur been a vast expenditure of printer’s ink follow, she forbade the coinage of tho Chance mine, is ill. and expects to go to chased for colonizing purposes at Merced. urging congress and the president to white metal in India and sent the mar Portland for treatment. «■rav— i—mw -T' iT - BRADSHAW, FOR COMMISSIONER, veto any measure that looked toward ket pricq Oi silver tumbling. Sho is reap Many druggists have a cheaper Sarsaparilla II. L. Griffin and family, of Griffin ing the rewai-d of selfishness. The boom permanent relief. They clamored for the Manufacturer of Choice Steel Cut Roller Process than Joy’s. As they make more on It, they’ll try creek, and their parents are in Josephine Lillian Russell and her husnancC erang is reacting on the heads of het to sell you it. Insist on Joy’a county visiting relatives. Signor Pemgini, who is known in pri repeal of the Sherman law and howled own people. against an income tax. It is the old, old Riley Hammerslev, manager of the vate life as John Chatterton, have sep story. When these journals commence Possibly England cannot rule tho Will cure You, is a true statement of the Hamniersley mine, has moved his family arated. The announcement is on the to ask for justice, they will not find so world iu this matter, after all.—Detroit action of AYER S Sarsaparilla, when from Phoenix to Gold Hill, authority of no less a person than Miss Rolled Barley and Feed #f all kinds at Lowest Cash ¡‘rices. taken for diseases originating in impure much need for charity.—Denver News. News. T. F. Chapman, late receiver of the Russell herself. It will be a big sur blood; but, while this assertion is true of Two Lives Saved. prise to the public, as the memory of The Tiling to Do. AYER’S Sarsaparilla, as thousands can Haminersley mine, went to Oakland, her marriage to her fellow-singer, not Mrs. I ’ hoebe Thomas, of Junction City. proprietor — At this stage of the struggle the rail III., was told by her doctors that she had attest, it cannot be truthfully applied to Cal., Sunday to visit his family. quitf four months ago, Is not yet faded, road man who has not read up on tho Consumption and that there was no hope Press Dorris, the Butte creek stock other preparations, which unprincipled and' the general opinion was that the advantages of a national ownership of for her, but two bottles Dr. King’s New dealers will recommend, and try to im man, passed through Sunday with his honeymoon was hardly ended. completely cured her and sho railroads in the management of which Discovery pose upon you, as “just as good as niece on a visit to the Willamette. it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, Tip, the ugly elephant in Central Park, ho could have a direct vote is deserving says 139 Florida 1st., San Francisco, suffered C. J. McLaughlin, the enterprising New York, was killed a few days ago by ’s.” Take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and Ll Ayer a dreadful cold, approaching Con Ayer’s only, if you need a blood-purifier Applegate miner, was joined last week order of the park commissioners. Tip of the lowest wages corporations can from force men to live on. The man who sumption, tried without result everything by his family from -^.berdeen, Wash. and would be benefited permanently. WEST SIDE OF PLAZA. else then bought one bottle l)r. King’s New killed several men during his life at thft ¡-ELY’S CSEAM BALM- Cleanses thoNaspl This medicine, for nearly fifty years, M. C. Kasson, the Pelican bay land park and finally became so ferocious does not understand the position of his Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He Passages, Allays Pain ana Inflammation, Heals enemy and does not try to deserves to is naturally thankful. It is such results, of | the Sores, Restores Tast e and Smell, and Cures has enjoyed a reputation, and made a owner, has returned to Klamath county that his death was ordered. It was a AVING BOUGHT the fixtures of the which these are samples, that prove the be beaten and enslaved Such are only HargadineA Woods (formerly Mur record for cures, that has never been from an absence of some months in difficult task to execute the giant. He fitted for menials. The brightest rail wonderful efficacy of this medicine in phy Bros.) market and renovated and re equaled by other preparations. AYER’S Chicago and California. À AW 80 was given poision in large doses but was road boys are well up in the expenses Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at painted the old stand, the public can de Ashland Drug Co. Regular size 50c. and $1. Rose, Benedict & Co. have let a con not affected. Finally a quantity of cy Sarsaparilla eradicates the taint of he pend upon our keeping on hand at all times of operating railroads under both pri reditary scrofula and other blood dis tract to complete their mining ditch on anide of potassium was mixed with wet a full supply of Gives Relief at eneo for Cold in Head. B E. E. SMITH, SUPERINTENDENT. eases from the system, and it has, deser the Bouth side of Applegate, which gives bran and Tip ate it and died. His death vate and public management and know ■Appi» into ths fiostrils.-------- It is Qviekly Absorbed. Q CHOICEST MEATS----- - how quick their votes on congressman them a fine water supply. l50c. Druggists or by ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y.| Will Stick to Iowa, vedly, the confidence of the people. struggles were terrific and lasted over would make the latter do them justice ------- and SAUSAGES If afflicted with scalp diseases, hair fall two hours. General ,Iarn n B. Weaver has ad Of All Kinds.________ in both wages and hours of service ing out. and premature baldness, do not A memorial monument to Mary Now, their votes are net worth a ceui dressed a letter to Chairman Breidenthal use grease or alcoholic preparations, but 19 First Class Service. Small Margins apply llftU’s Hair Renewer. Washington, mother of the first presi to them in a time when strikes become of the Populist state central committee and Cash Prices. Give us a trial 3-22-tf declining to accept the invitation to re Judge Hanna has decided the Antone dent, was unveiled at Fredericksburg, necessary. Boys, come with us, and we move to Kansas and run for congress Joseph estate case in favor of Antone Va., a few days ago. Senator Daniel of will nationalize the railroads, and you Jackson Co., Oregon. Rose and against the Azore Island rcla Virginia was the orator of the occasion. can have something to say about who in the Sixth district. “While it is true,” says General lives. President Cleveland, the members of his the officers shall bo and what conditions Weaver, “that I have been moro or less “I cannot forbear to express my joy at A. F. Hunt returned Sunday from Cabinet and their ladies were present at you desire for labor. Don’t be fooled identified with the reform work in Kan tho relief I have obtained from the use Douglas county with forty-eight head of the unveiling. The monument was about tariff. Public ownership will help of AYER’S Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted four and five-year-old Btears. which he erected by subscriptions from the you and help the public. Let the Van sas for the past 15 years and have often will range this summer at his Dead women of this country. All the speak derbilts and Goulds and Depews and met tho people of said district, I could with kidney troubles for about six THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE MYER’S Indian ranch. months, suffering greatly with pains in ers paid glowing tributes to the mother Huntingtons go to work or Europe or not seriously consider the request unless AS LISTED a NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up, HARDWARE STORE, it were made with practical unanimity, for Sale or Rent. the small of my back. In addition to Dr. J. W. Watts, the old fog-horn of Washington and to the nobility of any other seaport. We can got along and I would then have to feel that com Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. BOOTS & SHOES this, ipy body was covered with pimply orator who has been succeeded as regis American mothers in general. without them.—Coming Nation. pliance with tho request would be con ^eruptions. The remedies prescribed ter of the Lakeview land office, passed Of all the remedies that have ever come QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES ------- THAT FIT YOU------- ducive to good feeling everywhere [failed to help me. I then began to take through last week, moving back to Yam under our notice, claiming to cure head Georgia popvlists. through tho state. Kansas must be car hill county. aches from whatever cause, we take pleas As Silver and Real Estate are both at a very low ebb now is the time for home The Populists of Georgia will hold a 2MZ JLIDJE TO CUExLZDIEJEò «AYER’S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short ure ip saving that We know of nohe that in ried this fall, and no friends of humanity seekers to get bargains, as I will take silver in exchange, Call on or address me for time, the pains ceased and the pimples GEO. A. JACKSON, FOR ASSESSOR. our estimation is as beneficial for the quick state convention on the 1 Cth of May, a will at this critical juncture do any further particulars. AT LOWEST LIVING RATES. disappeared. I advise every young man Morton Lindley, of the Lucky Bart and permanent cure of the above complaint formal call for which has been issued. thing which might by any possibility or woman, in case of sickness result mine, has returned from a trip to Sacra as Katusz’s H eadache C apsules which are This convention promises to bo one of lead to discord or dissension. ” epairing a specialty . H&if- ing from impure blood, no matter how mento, where he attended the wedding manufactured by the well known family great importance to the People’s Party Soling, men’s 75 cents, ladies 50 cents. Norman Lichty, Des Moines, surveyor long standing the case may be, to take of his sister, and was at Jacksonville Sat chemist, Iowa. Krause’s Headache Capsules are of this state. Tho purpose of the con and Government Land Locator The most painful cases of rheumatism xi• XJ. urday on business. AYER S Sarsaparilla.H L. Jormann, guaranteed to cure headache from what vention is to select a candidate for gov may be relieved by a few applications of Congressman Herman telegraphs the ever cause, and we cheerfully advise those ernor to be placed in the field against Chamberlain’s Pain Balm; its continued 33 William st., New York City. Any Hour—Hot and Cold Water on Tap. WITVCEEL, OELZEG-OJSr. Star that the president had authorized of the retail trade who have never kept the the Democratic nominee. use will cure any cáse, no matter of how the allotment rtf lands of Klamath reser above valuable goods in stock, to order a standing. It is equally beneficial for iong AVING gaineda compte know ledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac at once from their wholesale drng: lame back, pain in the side, pain in the vation and that the allotment agent supply Rather Steep tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information ti e gist, or address the proprietors as above.— chest, lameness, and in all painful altee leaves Washington next week. best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. The Druggists Record (Baltimore). Than take in any other form is what many tions requiring an external remedy. A I For sale by T, K. Bolton, sole agent. I The ladies ef the Guild will give a people think, and Park’s Tea is made for piece of flannel saturated with Pain Balm dime sociable on Friday evening, May Prepared by Dr. J, Q, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas» Paul Ewing, aged 15, suicided at Find just those folks. It cures constipation, and and bound on over the seat pf pain is su I 25th, at the residence of Mrs. D. L. to any plaster. For sale by Ash not a cathartic, moves the bowels perior Minkler. An interesting program will lay, O., by taking 40 grains of morphine. though land Drug Oumpauy. BEST IN THE WORLD. i He was in love with a girl who would every day. Sold by E. A. S herwin . ItBTveoring quaiitieCAre Queer passed, actually 35 varieties HigM?lass, Thortsu^hret» S be given. AH cordially invited. outlast’nff two boxes of any other brand. Not “ Fancy Poultry; 15 Vurietfe*-. lYucy not reciprocate h’s affections, and by effected by heat. fjyCiET THJL CJJCN £• Guinea Pip*: ForrrU-.Pi t K -.b- There were only two applicants tor bit« and Recorded l^iand China ended bls troubles. Before losing con FOB SALE BY DFALER3 GENERALLY. lyf teachers’ certificates at the regular ex sciousness he informed his parents that Scr.d 10 q , for my Fine, Large,Illustrated M IUseripiivc Catalogue containing amination held last week at Klamath hints on Poultry raisin?, treatment of b thtir diseases, etc., w. irh dollar j ta any 8 Falls: Mies Rosetta Watters and Mr. O. two other boys had agreed with him to one interested in Poultry. do the same thing. The others failed to D. Tomlinson ; both passed the examina ALBERT ASKEY, Ridott, III. i do so, however. tion successfully. The main of the United States Pipe GRANT RAWLINGS, FOR RECORDER. must have proper nourishment during growth, or Water of any temperature desired G. JOHNSON, Line company, running through the Wm. Stafford savs that timber is being Natural Tcmperatarc S.-» deg’s. forest nine miles from Athens, J»a., ha8 they will not develop uniformly. They find the sawed at the Yainix mill for a bridge 200 Counciling and Mining Engi TO R1U THE WATER IS A TOXIC. feet long to be built across Sprague river been tapped and the oil spurting from food they need in neering. at Jones’ place. George Lonslev will be the hole has been fired. The line has Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates fungi an<l aninialculea, and neutral the constructor and work will commence been cut in a valley, and owing to the REPORTS, WOKKINQ MAPS, izing and correcting all acidi soon.—Express. force of gravity the oil in several miles ties it promotes a normal and of the four-inch pipe is crowding down and BLUE PRINTING. George Vaughn and a companion tried healthful condition in every to cross Pitt river at Big Bend, Tuesday, to rush out of the break. The parties part of the system. SAMPLING à ASSAYING. aonr when the boat upset and Vaughn was i who broke the pijxi line also gut thfi SWIMMING RINK. — drowned. His oompanion swam ashore. ielegraph lino, ALfg“ force of men ----------- :o: nclosed and covered, the same medical Vaughn drove a stage in Shasta county has been ordered to the scene to fight There is Cod-liver Oil for healthy flesh and hy stimates furnished on aii water, always clean, for the springs run a for many years and was well known. tho fire, which is spouting to the tree- kinds of Mining and Mill Machin heavy volume-more than twelve hun pophosphites of lime and soda for bone material. ery. Opposite Oregon Hotel, Ashland, dred gallons per hour. It turns out that Rev. G. M. Irwin tops in a furious flame. The cutting is Physicians, the world over, endonfe it You may dive and swim and have more Oresron. 1-11-tf commenced bis campaign in southern charged to some one with a real or fun than “anybody' —come out as “tine ’ ' -■■■■— ■ ■ —-------, Oregon. This partially accounts for him imaginary grievance. as silk” and "white as wool”—rejuven never hitting the bottom on any subject ated and happy. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, except bi-metali8m “with England’s con The Way to Get Strong. BZEEIHSTCG -yOHTH, Located on the sent.” We sell Park’s Cough Syrup on a positive R eeser B lock , : : A shland , O b . HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE guarantee to cure all throat and lung are not known among those who take SCOTT’S EMUL Yowr Place for Boots and Shoes. ' NORTH OF THE I’l.\ZA. CLEANING WATCHES and CLOCKS, troubles. It has stood the test for many SION. Babies grow fat and chubby on it, and are good Morris Howell, the old reliable boot and years and to-day is the leading remedy for $1.00 MAINSPRINGS, $1.00. natured because they are well. . shoe maker one door north of the old stand the cure of colds, consumption, and all dis ----- TO THE------ K bu ' se ’ s H eadache C apsules —-Warran f- First-Class Work and Satisfaction opposite Odd Fellows hall. Boots and eases of the throat and lungs. I’ripe 50 Prepared by Scott A Down®, N. V, Druggists sail it. ed. For 8ale by T. K. Bolton, Sole Agent- Pi oprici or. rtiolft made to order at lowest possible rates. Cbnts aud $1.00. Sold by £. A, SutRA'is, RECORD OFFICE. guarknt« ed. Professional Cards Baking Powder HOTEL OREGON, A bsolutely pure Per Day and HIGHEST CASH MARKET PRICE ASHLAND ROLLER FLOUR MILLS A » FOli MOST COMPLETE LINE OF 5 Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To Blood BL. C. MYER Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITI ON. CUTLERY. EAGLE • ROLLER • MILLS Vegetable JU I O Sarsaparilla C. FARNHAM, Proprietor Cures Others imi CORN 0. W. OBARR » MEAL, GRAHAM • FLOUR, ETC., Rolling Barley for Fanners a Specialty. Highest cash price paid for Baiiei/ and Corn at all times. H AYER’S 1 GOLD HILL, MORRIS HOWELL Sarsaparilla BOOT & SHOEMAKER. H R N D VOTING - JBeiitlxs - s Will Cure You H [MPOULTRHi*] J. PENNINGTON. Children BYING ASSAY OFFICE W. Scott’s Emulsion ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHING THE BOWEL E Thin Children I>EtI]VTI]Va (GRANT . HELMAN 'f~w ♦ *