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About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1894)
VALLEY RECORD. The People’s Paper. ------- A---------- ------------ ASHLAND. Or.......Thursday, May 17,1891 Peoples Party Ticket. STATE. For Governor, NATHAN PIERCE........ Umatilla County For Secretary of State, IRA WAKEFIELD....... Jackson County For State Treasurer, R. P. CALDWELL............... Lane County For Attorney General, M. L. OLMSTEAD.............Baker County For Supreme J udge, R. P. BOISE........................... Polk County For Supt. of Public Instruction. T. C. JORY....................... Marion County For State Printer, G. M. ORTON............ Multnomah County. For Congress 1st District, CHARLES MILLER........ Marion County For Congress 2d District, JOE WALDROOP....Multnomah County 1st Judicial District: District Attorney, ABE AXTELL......................... Grants Pass Member State Board of Equalization, SAMUEL DIXON.............. Klamath Falls Jackson County. State Senator, S. H. HOLT.....*.......................... Medford Representatives, 8. M. NEALON........................ Table Rock J. W. MARKSBURY............... Gold Hill J. A. JEFFREY........................ Applegate County Commissioner, W, H. BRADSHAW...............Brownsboro County Clerk, N. A. JACOBS............................... Medford Sheriff, SYLVESTER PATTERSON........ Ashland Recorder, GRANT RAWLINGS..........Central Point Treasurer, M. 8. WELCH...................... Central Point Assessor, GEO. A. JACKSON............. Table Rock County School Superintendent. E. E. SMITH................................... Wellen Surveyor, R. W. KENNEDY..................... Applegate Coroner, DR. B. M. BROWER................. Ashland It is the dollar on one side and the rights of man on the other. On which ■ide are yon? The good honest fellows who thought Cleveland would not go against his party on the silver question, where are they. Phil. Metcban has $128,000 of state monoy locked up in the Portland banks. Yet he wants to be re-elected state treas urer. Senator Stewart is coming. Come out and hear the silver champion. He don’t want any 31 to 1 international bi-metal- ism in bis. _______ _____ LEGISLA TIVE EXTRA VA GANCE. There is a grand old liar trotting up ind down the state calling himself a Republican state platform. Hear him apeak; The practice of employing unnecessary clerks and of paying fees in excess of just payment for services needed or rendered tia- become an abuse that must be cut off ind we pledge the Repub'ican party to the prosecution and accomplishment'of this reform. The general appropriation bill of the last session of the Oregon legislature shows: Senate Committee on mines and mining, Hon. Theo. Cameron, chairman, clerk hire, Miss Rose Luy $132, E. S. McComas, $120. Senate committee on corporations, Hon. Theo. Cameron, chairman; clerk hire, Ella E. Hanley, $132. As long as this old tattler confines his gossip on bis Democratic brother we will have nothing to say, but when he goes blowing about our people wo propot e to "stick up” for our friends and neigh bors and "talk back”. The last legisla ture was full of g. o. p’s. G. o. p.’s come a little high, but we must have them ; disgrace our state worse than Gov. Pennoyer, don’t you know; drive capital out; cause loss of confidence in England, with h—1 to pay all over Europe if we don’t have them. Even if we “go fluey,” g. o. p.’s must keep up ap pearances. The last legislature hung up a $25,000 purse called committee clerk expenses. Our state Senator was a true blue, thorough Republican and he got in like a Republican gentleman should and "got something for his district.” Tnree hundred and eighty-four dollars is not a large amount, it is true, but this was the first time and you know, it takes several terms before a member gets “in fluence and standing” so he can "do something” for his constituency. Just do it some more to the g. o. p.’s and Bee the next legislature silence the platform liar. Did you say Holt for senator? No! no! that would never do. ’Twould ecare away foreign capital that is trying to light on our homes since prosperity was restored bv the repeal of the silver bill! Taking their merits all into considera tion, Sylvester Patterson is the most com petent man of the three for sheriff of Jack- son county. In view of recent events the solid, substantial people of the county see the importance of placing the finan cial end of this county in the hands of true men ; well-rooted and anchored to the community’s best and most substan tial interests. The people’s party has presented to the voters of this county for the position of executive officer and tax- collector, a citizen 45 years of age, who was raised in this county, right among us ; who is a member of one of the pion eer families, and related to another; and who has been noted throughout his entire life-time as a hard-working, honest citi zen, and successful manager, and is in every conceivable way a part of the com monwealth. Mr. Patterson can be de pended upon. He is a plain man, quiet and courteous, and one possessing ex cellent judgment and plain, unassuming common sense. A public trust placed in bis keeping will be faithfully executed. Last Spring gold left the country by The Oregonian crowd of plutocrats and reason of the Sherman law—so the traitors keep right on pelting the public bankers told us. This Spring it goes— with the assertion that Nathan Pierce is well because it goes. a land monopolist and owns 10,000 acres The clerkship contest is pretty much of land. We have Mr Pierce’s word and settled in favor of N, A. Jacobs. Mr. letter for it that he only owns 980 acers of Huffer will be compelled to be satisfied w’heat land and anybody that knows any with second place in the race. thing about Eastern Oregon knows that one enterprising farmer can use more If the fellows at Washington who re than that, and Mr Pierce and his son fuse to do anything for the country in its Henry have leased 900 additional acres present hour of distress, are not traitors, of Lapwai reservation. The People’s party then what does treason consist of? believes in enterprise and energy and if any man uses bis land they have no ob Railroads combine, banks combine, jection. It is this ownership of billions manufacturers combind and now tramps of acres of land held out of use for spec combine. The tramp is both a novelty ulative purposes by alien lords and pluto and a menace. The other trusts do not crats that the People’s party intends to like it. puncture, and thus again give the people The “Jacksonville ring” has galvan a chance to live on the face of the earth. ized Bill Colvig as “a new deal” candi But there is no use answering the liars of date. Bill looks rather musty as a polit the venal plutocratic press. They can ical "stiff” though he has been under the turn lose more lies in a day than the county court house leeches. ground only two years. fl"«* NATHAN PIERCE, PEOPLE’S THE WEEK IN CONGRESS. SENATE. Tuesday, May 8. The credentials of Senator-elect Gear of Iowa were presented and objected to by Hoar, who questioned the form of the certificate. The matter went over. Hoar discussed the tariff bill and dur ing his remarks aroused the ire of Gray. Hoar declared the Democratic senators who would support the measure would violate the constitution and their oath. Gray demanded an explanation of the charge. Hoar replied that a Democrat who subscribed to the Chicago platform that a protective tariff was a robbery and who now seeks to retain protective duties, was logically guilty of violating his senatorial oath and the constitution. Gray replied at length. Morrill of Ver mont closed the day’s debate by declar ing that the Democrats were profiting by Republican speeches and that an other month of debate would bring them all over to the protection doctrine. Wednesday, May 9. Berry objected to delay on the tariff bill, when Allen called up his Coxey resolution. Allen spoke w’itli feeling on the resolution to investigate the actions of the police. He believed the matter should have been brought up by a sena tor from Ohio, as Coxey was a citizen of that state. Daniel of Virginia ques tioned the propriety of bringing the matter into the senate, saying* Coxey could obtain redress through the courts if he had been injured. »Sherman said Allen wanted the senate to review a police court case, and he objected to the business of the country being suspended for such cause. The resolution went ©ver and the tariff debate was resumed. Stewart and Peffer made silver speeches. Lodge’s resolution to impose double duties on English goods until such time as that government would agree on a bimetallic currency with the United States was laid on the table by a party vote. Thursday, May 10. Alien’s Coxey resolution was dis cussed. Teller, Allen and Stewart ar gued that Coxey had committed no of fense and should not have been arrested. They opposed the statute under which Coxey was convicted, and Allen intro duced a resolution to repeal the law, Hoar said Coxey knew the law existed and deliberately violated it. Friday, May 11. CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR, OurgHouse of Lords Getting Leary. In the senate the other day Senator Hoar spoke on the Coxey army move ment. “There is danger, ” said Mr. Hoar, “in such assemblages. They afford cover for fanatics. It does not do to scoff. Within 10 years an attempt has been made to blow up the house of parlia ment; within two years another attempt to blow’ up the French assembly. Two presidents of the United States have been murdered, one in a crowd at a depot, the other in a crow d at a theater, by misguided fanatical persons, to whom peaceful assemblages afforded an oppor tunity to escape. “ This is why in the provisions of the riot law of every state when the magis trate reads the act all the people must go home. A man may be there with peaceable intentions, but if when the riot act is read he refuses to go he is liable to punishment. Those who are peaceable shield those who are not. “It is needless for me,"said Mr. Hoar, drawing his finger up and looking about the chamber, his eyes pausing when they reached Mr. Allen and Mr. Stew art, “to declare that I sympathize with all my fellows in distress. I sympathize with them a great deal more than some of those w’lio always prate of sympathy for the down-trodden in order to ad vance their disgraceful political ambi tions. ” The senate burst into applause at this utterance, and in order to quell the dem onstration Mr. Faulkner, who was in the chair, was forced to use the gavel and threaten to clear the galleries. Mr. Hoar closed with an impressive declaration that the senate w’ould stand on its constitutional rights and w’ould not be frightened into doing what was not best for the country by any mob demonstration or by declarations, whether they come from the camp of Coxey or from the seat of war from Nevada. GOVERNMENTAL GOSSIP. The White House is without any of its distinguished occupants. Mrs, Cleve land has gone to Buffalo with her chil dren to visit her mother, and President Cleveland and Secretaries Carlisle and Gresham have gone to Norfolk, Va., on a fishing trip. Secretary of the Navy Herbert visited Mare island the other day and thorough, ly inspected the place. The secretary will recommend many needed reforms to congress in connection with the Pa cific station. Representative Patterson of Tennes see has introduced in the house a bill providing among other things for the issue of short term 3 per cent bonds re deemable in coin, the proceeds to be used for maintaining a parity between gold and silver; for abolishing the tax on circulating notes of state banks; making the tax on national bank notes one-quarter of 1 per cent; allowing na tional banks to issue circulation equal to the par value of the bonds deposited with the treasury, and to coin into standard dollars $55,156,587 out of the silver bullion now in the treasury pur chased under the Sherman act. The coinage is to become a part of the gen eral cash in the treasury. With the spring comes renewed agita tion for the suppression of English spar row’. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, ornitholo gist of the agricultural department, says the sparrows are now spreading over the fruit growing districts of California where, if repressive measures are not quickly inaugurated, there are destined to lay heavy tribute. The best way to fight the pest is by the destruction of the nests and the young. Ninety-per cent of the poles may be reached by a long pole and a hook. The strongholds of the sparrow’s in the city are the mosses of Japanese and English ivy and Virginia creeper on the churches. Mul titudes of young birds may be destroyed by doucing the vines with water at night. _____ Quay introduced a long bill to estab lish a code of laws for the District of Columbia, but it was returned to him, the Democrats objecting to any inter? ruptions of the debate on the tariff. Al. len tried in vain to bring up his Coxey resolution. The tariff bill was then taken up. As the past year and several months E. E, Smith is positively no good at Saturday, May 12. has been the first in ten years that Col auguring a hole in a man to get him to Slow progress characterizes the tariff vig has not slept in the blankets of a vote for Smith for superintendent. revision. Two days were spent in fix remunerative office his part} ’ is very kind However, Prof. Smith is possessed of the ing the duty on acetic acid. Nothing of ability to conduct the office satisfactorily. in nominating him again. It would interest occurred to-day. ■■ actually make the angels weep if some Monday, May 14. Our friend Senator Cameron was party did not get a Colvig to vote for The seventh week of tariff debate in caught in bad company. He belongs to every biennial election. the senate began today. Bills to grant a political party that has “squealed.” pensions of $100 a month to the widows No intelligent person can afford to miss However, we still have more faith in the of Rear Admiral Fairfax and Major the speech of Senator Stewart on the General Doubleday were placed on the senator than we have in the informer. finance question. Senator Stewart has calendar. The tariff talk was on sugar. been a member of the finance committee The big G. Shindler Furniture Co. of HOUSK. Portland is the latest to go to the gold of the U. S. Senate for years and is a Tuesday, May 8. basis. They had lots of property, but in recognized authority on the subject, bis The bill for the erection of a govern the absence of circulating medium the range of thought is wide, his research First National Bank scooped the whole thorough, and his arguments unanswer ment printing house occupied the greater part of the day. The matter was finally able. works. ________ referred to the committee on public Some Republicans are figuring on buildings and grounds, with instruc The populist legislative ticket have promised us that they will not tax the knifing Kubli for representative. This is tions to select a site on ground now state for the smiles of the fair ones. They very wicked business, in view of the fact owned by the government. The naval appropriation bill was called up and ex take the general ground that unless this that a United States senator is to be plains! in some parts by Cummings. elected. Every Republican that wants kind of goods comes sailing in on its own Wednesday, May 9. to see Dolph, the bewhiskered corpora accord, it comes high at any price. A senate resolution providing for the tion tool, goldbug and Clevelandized printing of 8,000 copies of eulogies of The Peoples party nominee for sheriff Wall Street cuckoo re-elected should the late Senator Gibson of Louisiana is neither a politician, spendthrift, or vote the republican legislative ticket was presented. The bill granting the office-seeker. With some people these bodily. Columbia Irrigation company right-of- are great drawbacks to a candidate. The next ceunty commissioner should way through the Yaquina Indian reser However, the people have been opening be an intelligent kicker without any vation was passed. Bpringer reported their eyes a little of late years, and plain giving in qualities. By getting Brad favo rably from "the banking and cur sturdy, homespun manners and customs shaw on the neck of the present county rency committee his bill suspending the ' i are being appreciated again. Perhaps judge, some well directed kicking may 10 per cent tax on state bank issues dur there is yet sufficient sentiment abroad be inaugurated that may inure to the ing the money stringency. The naval When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. for the old virtues to make an impression benefit of the business interests of the Dill w^s taken up in committee of the whole. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. on the ballot box. Thursday, Ma, JQ. county. Elect Bradshaw, and gee if When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. The death of Congressman Brattan of that won’t result in some of the county The peoples’ cause will be well repre Maryland was announced by Talbot, his When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria business being inquired into. sented in the legislature by the election colleague. Customary resolutions were of Holt, Nealon, Marksbury and Jeffrey. The Republican oraters are terribly adopted anil a committee appointed to These gentlemen are well-grounded in tickled at the prospect of international attend the funeral, A bill granting ad the badly needed reforms that we must bi-metalism, 31 to 1, by consent of Eng ditional powers to railroads in the In The Oakland Home Insurance corq- have, and being thoroughbred hayseeds land. Monarchs all over the world dian territory to obtain rights-of-way pany has gone to the wall. H. M. Leonard, embezzler from the will not be side-tracked and silenced by make a show of conducting affairs in the for depot grounds was passed. Friday, May 11. Santa Clara bank, has been sentenced tu the opinion or dictum of a rotten lobby. interest of their own people. But in The naval appropriation bills were three years in Folsom prison. The corporations will be unable to pul) America such humptydumpty statesmen considered in committee of the whole. the wool over their eves. Elect some in as Sherman, Cleveland, Dolph, are en Private bills w’ere taken up in the telligent hayseeds once and see if we tertaining free men and patriots with the evening. don’t get something better. crumbs and off-scounngs of plundered Saturday, May 12. and pauperized monarchies, What Resolutions providing for the appoint Lost, strayed or stolen just after the should be done with traitors? ment of a joint committee to investigate “too old” parties held their county con the prevailing depression of labor were The Cleveland administration is try brought up and referred. The naval ap claves, a high keyed “Jacksonville ring” and similar annoyances are caused alarm bell. The instrument was last ing hard to defeat Senator Morgan's re propriation bill was considered. by an impure blood, which will Monday, May 14. heard of at the court-house when both election in Alabama. Morgan is the result in a more dreaded disease. Routine business was disposed of. Unless removed, slight impurities old parties crawled into the Belly of the brainest democratic senator from the will develop into Scrofula, Ecze county seat tiger. Only a very small re south, and protested strongly against the The proceedings were interrupted tty a ma» Salt Rheum and other serious ward will he given, as the alarm beli Shermanizing of the democratic party by burly negro in the gallery shouting, results of “ Mr. Speaker of the house of represen will lie heard louder than ever through- [ the Wall street money oligarchy. The tatives----- ” Instantly the house was in have for some time been O fl out the county when the two g. o. administration wants gold-bugs to the confusion, and the speaker directed the a I sufferer from a severe front and a republican gold-bug receives blood trouble, for which I — w 4 p.’s emerge from the Jacksonville doorkeeper to remove the man. The took many remedies that preference to a democratic senator. animal. ■ pfficer was unable to oust him for some did me no good. I have DlLHzU i-_ taken four ' * bottles "■ of Dolph’s re-election in Oregon would time, th« negro endeavoring to deliver now with the most wenderf ul results Park's Cough Syrup please Cleveland very much. an alleged divjjjely inspired message to Am enjoying the best health I Has been so highly recommended to us knew, have gained twenty the effect that theLotd Ij^d commanded pounds and ever that we have taken the agency for it and my friends say they never saw Pull for John A. Jeffrey for represen him to come to the speaker ana order me as well. I am feeling quite like a new now ask our friends who are suffering with man. JOHN S. EDEL1N, a cold to give it a trial and if it does not tative. He will be a leader in the house him to pass the Coxey bill. Government Priniing Office. Washington. D. C. give satisfaction your money will be refund when be gets there. r Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases en. Every bottle is sold on a positive guar A dose of »iiumoqs Liver Regulator, tak- ► mailed free to any address- antee. Price ÜÜ cents and $1.00. Solu by Skin Eruptions E. A. bsxawrx, MÄsican Stiver Stove Polish causee no ttutte geitíen» «»«4 Went ffidl- r • < MOVEMENT OF BONDAGE MEN. May wheat is reported to be in better —-------- - ■ condition than a year ago. As reported by the Bondholders Press.] The American Loan and Trust com A detachment of Coxeyitee, under pany at Omaha has been placed in the Sanders, defied the authorities of Kan hands of a receiver. sas, seized a train and ran it to suit The situation at Bluefields is not themselves. The railroad company at quieting. There is a belief that the tempted to block the Industrialists by placing obstructions on the track, but United States may yet become imbroiled with England, and two or three inen-of- the men would remove the obstructions war are on waiting orders for Nicara or tear up the track behind them and guan ports. These vessels are a notifica build around the broken tracks and pro tion that England must not interfere ceed on their journey. Over 400 men with Mosquito affairs and Nicaragua were on the train. United States Mar must protect American interests. shal Nelly with 100 armed deputies ar Work has commenced in the Pioneer rested the whole band at Salina, Kan. box factory of Pokegama, Siskiyou Governor Lewelling refused to help the railroad company and the federal gov- county. This factory is owned by Mar efyment took the case in hand. The In tin & Co. of Sacramento, and has a dustrialists were from ColoradoJ Kelly’s capacity of 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 feet a California contingent built rafts and year. floated down the river from Des Moines. Man’s Inhumanity to himself. In Washington. The most inhuman outrages, outrages In Washington state the Industrialists which would disgrace the savage, man per killed a deputy marshal who ordered a petrates upon his own system by swallow ing drastic purgatives which convulse his gang from a freight train. Fifty men stomach, aeonize his intestines and weak of the band are in jail at North Yakima. en his system. Many people constantly United States Marshal Pinkham has do this under the impression that medica ments only which are violent in their ac gone to Sand Point, Ida., with 20 depu tion, and particularly cathartics, are of any ties and 50 United States regulars. At avail. Irreparable injury to health is that point there is a drawbridge over wrought under this mistaken idea. The the Pen d'Oreille river, at which place laxative which most nearly approaches the beneficent action of nature is Hostetter’s Pinkham will establish headquarters. Stomach Bitters, which is painless but All Great Northern trains will be held thorough, and invigorates the intestinal at the bridge and not be allowed to pass canal instead of weakening and irritating until stripped of all tramps who may be it. The liver and the stomach share in the benign discipline instituted by this com trying to steal a ride. prehensive medicine, whose healthful in Colonel Dolphii. was deposed as leader fluence is felt throughout tfie system. Jia of the Sjiokanc Industrialists and driven lanous. rheumatic, kidney and nervous out of camp for trying to desert his ifomplaints succumb to it. army with all the funds. The armyjis The Industrial army, under command drifting along with no definite purpose, of Lieutenant General Smith, 700 strong, and unless new leadership is soon de Beized an eastbound freight train at Ar- veloped it will go to pieces. caile, Cal., and went as far as Rocklin. The health officers of Washington, When the train arrived there, Engineer D. C., have declared the Coxey camp a Williams, a member of the army was nuisance and the army had to move out placed under arrest by Constable Fleck- side the city. inger. General Smith and Colonel Pais Reports from all sections seem to in ley protested against the arrest and de dicate the total dissolution of the vari manded the release of the prisoner. ous armies. Fleckinger refused and drew his pistol Congressman Maguire's Solution. and pointed it at General Smith. The Representative Maguire of California latter jumped to one side and the con comes out in favor of the scheme of stable fired and killed Colonel Paisley. General Kelly of the Pacific Coast In The Industrials became furious with dustrial Army to put the unemployed rage and made a rush to lynch Fleck at work building irrigation canals. Ma inger. General Smith, however, rushed guire’s idea is to establish a federal sys forward and protected him and assisted tem of irrigation for and lands, the him to escape. Williams had in the laborers to be employed in building the meantime been locked up. The Indus canals to eventually find homes on the trials demanded his release and the citi reclaimed land. He advocates the break zens of the town, fearing that there ing down of the monopoly of ownership might be trouble, released him. The of arid land by applying the single-tax coroner took charge of the remains of system. The lands would finally be al Paisley. lotted to the users on unlimited leases, but not to be sold. The World’s Fair “THAT YOU INVESTI GATE thoroughly our New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, Etc., before pur chasing elsewhere, and we will be sure to please you. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE, ASHLAND HOTEL, OZRZEG-OTST. JkSZEiZL^LlSrZD, Reopened, Refurnished and Completely Renovated. — ........ Under New Management. — FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. J. H. McBRIDE, Prop. Well and Happy Can not remain such without the bloom ing look and radiant complexion which health alone imparts. Park’s Tea. by clear Thanks to Hood’s Sarsaparilla—Dull ing the blood of impurities, makes the com Headaches—That Tired Feeling. plexion regain the nue of youth. Sold by E, A. S herwin . The Brooklyn Tabernacle is again in ashes. Sunday, immediately after serv ice and while Dr. Talmage was shaking hands with members of the congrega tion, flames were discovered near the organ. Before anything could lie done the whole interior was aflame, and the firemen devoted their efforts to saving adjoining property. Hotel Regent, ad joining the church, was destroyed. The total loss will reach $2,000,000. Dr. Tal mage has postponed his tour of the world and will lead the rebuilding movement. Five years ago the Taber nacle was burned on a Sunday. The church has burned three times. Russell Sage, who held a mortgage on the structure, will assist the congregation to rebuild. Wakelee’s Squirrel exterminator at the Ashland Drug Co, The surrogate of Erie county, N. Y., will be compelled to pass upon the ques tion of the immortality of the soul. Last January Mrs. Catherine Backus, a resi dent of Buffalo, died, leaving $1,000 in bank and several children. She be queathed the whole sum in trust to be used to pay for masses for the benefit of the souls of the deceased and her hus band. The children have contested the will. The attorney is raising the point that the soul of Mrs. Backus cannot re ceive any benefit from masses; that even if it could a soul has no standing in a temporal court, and the trust is illegal because it is not for the benefit of any human being. “ As old as the hills” and never excell ed. “ Tried and proven” REGULATOR. is tl^e verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver Mr. IF. H. Talea Ban Francisco, Cal. other words, to wait until they are sick in bed before they do anything for the poor body. Neither my wife nor myself were real sick; I attended to my business, and my wife to her household duties dally. But we had dull, heavy headaches, and a little over-exertion would tire us greatly, and my appetite was very poor.: '8o we took three bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and the result was perfectly satisfactory. 1 be lieve Hood’s Sarsaparilla tlon of a famous French physician, will quicklv cure you of all ner vous or disease* of the (enerative orgai.., such as Lost Manhood. Insomnia, I’alnsln the Buck,Seminal Emission«, Nervous Debility. Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele aoJ Constipation. 11 stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick ness of discharge, which If notchecked leans to Sperniatorrhaia and BEFORE ano AFTER “”the horrors of Impotency. <TPII»KMEclean*** theUver, lb* " kidneys and the urinary organs of all impurities. CUPIhEXE strengthens ami restores small weak organs. The reason auflerers are not cured by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled with Proolatitia. CUPIDENE Is tho only known remedy to cure without an operation. Suuo testimoni als. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect u permaueutcur*. $1.00 a box, six for |5.00, by mail. Send for kisek circular and testimonials. Address hAVOt JIEUICINE CO., P. O. Box 2076, San Francisco, Cal. .Fhr&iZeby Saved Us a Severe Sickness JLSHLA.3STI2 DRUG COMPANY. And a big doctor’s bill. If people would only remember that ‘ an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,’ thero would be less suffering in the world. My advice to all who do not feel well is to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla according to directions, and you will be well and happy.” W. H. T oles , 145 12th St, San Francisco, Cal. Hood’s Pills cure all liver ills,constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. ZE3ZIG-ZE3Z & STORY. Better Pills neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicines. “ I have used yourSlinmons Liver Regu lator and can conseleuclously say It is the king of all liver medicines. I consider it a medicine chest in itself.—G eo . W. J ack - son , Tacoma, Washington. GRANT RAWLINGS, Candidate for County Recorder, on the Peoples’ Party ticket, will speak as follows ; B uilding P ap rs , wkapping P apers and T wines . PAINTING, HAND SHAVING * * * AND M ain S treet , 'O pposite P laza , ZFJLI2LTTS, ZF^YinSTTZEZETS’ TOOLS, WALL ZF.A.ZF’ZEZEL. Q-LJLSS. ETC. WE TEACU 8HORT- ANI» ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. PAPER ING, ETC. s c) ( d gMEDFO^D WE TEACH TELEG- KAPHY ANI» PENMANSHI1. BUSINESS ÇOU.EQE. • * HAIRDRESSING PARLORS. THE Opposite PJaz.a. Local Agents Albany Steam Laundry. GREATLY REDUCED RATES Mâ?E THE OUR NEW BUILDING IS NOW COMPLETED. R I G B Y , Prepare Yourself a Useful Life. Principal. Write for Particulars ¿'Medford, - Or.L « Jut NORMAL COURSE I<) Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper- The Silver-Tongued Orator, candi date for the State Legislature, and 9 t «-EVERY PACKAGE“« ¿T. -A.. ¿T ZE ZE1 ZF ZEÒ ZE Y . ASHLAND. OR. Hood’s^Cures SIMMONS Than MANHOOD lESTMEOSS •'One of tho greatest mistakes people make is to lock the door after the horse is stolen, or in COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR BECOMING DE- SERVEDLY POPULAR, ROUND TRIP TICKETS Wimer............................. May 1, 7:30 4» p m. Pleasant Creek................ «4 4 4 2, ll Woodville....................... 3, 4 C Rock Point..................... ll 4, ll u Foots Creek................... 5, Ashland to San Francisco (t 7. Gold Hill ....................... << Ganiard school house.... ll 8. 4« AND RETURN Meadows......................... ll 9, 44 They are pretty and cheap Antioch........................... ll 10. Trail Creek..................... il ll 11, sure to please and give ll Flounce Rock.................. 12, • i Prettier Than Ever! Betz school house........... •< ll 14, satisfaction. ll Eagle Point..................... II 15, ll EXCURSION TRIPS 16, School house near Derby “ in Dr. Parker's <i FROM SAN FRANCISCO tootherpoints «• MRS. E. B. CHRISTIAN’S districts......... . ......... 17, in California will be allowed purchasers of RS. MILLSAP lias received her new u Brownsboro....................... <4 18, special Midwinter Fair tickets at the fal Millinery and Dvetannakiuy stock, with constant additions. ------------------- The ll Lake Creek................... 19, lowing round-trip rates: Prices are Stunningly Low and there is no —---- Pa rlors.------ - Climax school house, (on TO STATIONS UNDER 150 MILES excuse for any lady to be without a stylish Novelty Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon. ll Antelope).................. 21, The latest styles are so varied in FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ■ capote. Lower Antelope school h’s 23, 1 shape, color and trimming as to suit every ONE-THIRii one-w’ay fare. »I Mound school bouse....... 23, I 1 face. « TO STATIONS 150 MILES OTv MOKE Lone Oak school house... T 24, Every courtesy and attention paid visit-, I ll Table Rock FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND! j ors. 25, Y No trouble to show goods. ll ONE-FIFTH one-way fare. Willow Springs " .... 26, ll TYZLEZEÒ Central Point................... 28, For exact rates and full information, in- ; (4 Medford............................ 29. U quire of E. C. Kane, agent at Ashland. Or., MRS. L. A. MILLSAP. Phoenix......................... 30, 1:00 p. m. or address the undersigned. ZEÒ North Phoenix school h’s 30, 7:30 p. m. RICH’D GRAY T. H. GOODMAN, 44 Talent............................... 31, Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. ll LEADING MILLINER, Ashland............................ J S an F rancisco . C al . << Jacksonville...................... E. P. ROGERS, Asa’t G. F. & P. A., All are wrdwffy Invited, PokTLAXX, QB, THORNTON BLOCK, 1 ÁSHLAKD. Ashland, Oregon. NEW : GOODS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS With More Coming. $16.35. M PHOTOGRAPHER.