Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911, May 17, 1894, Image 1

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£j^riGive us your order for Letter­
heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu­
lars, Etc.
—Dr. Pierce's Golden
'Medical Discovery.
And when you hear
that it cures so many
diseases, perhaps you
think “it’s too good
to be true.”
But it’s only rea­
sonable. As a'blood­
cleanser, flesh-builder,
and strength-restorer,
nothing like the “ Dis-
envery” is known 1 to medical science. The
'■ it
“ cures come from a torpid
__ _
liver, or from impure blood. For everything
of this nature, it is .the only guaranteed
In Dyspepsia, Biliousness ; all
Bronchial, Throat and Lung affections; ev­
ery form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or
Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages, and in
the mœt stubborn Skill and Scalp Diseases
—if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have
your money back.
Saturday's “Hoss” Racing.
Abont 150 dead game sports assembled
at the Erb track south of town last Sat­
urday afternoon to run some plugs and
engage in turfy slang. The first race
was between Hosley’s black and Brown­
ing’s grey, G. M. Granger and Dave
i King riders; single dash 300 yards, the
black hone an easy winner; time, 4
minutes. The second race was the only
! interesting one of the day—Ranger, an
Applegate horse, and Bay Cap from up
i the valley. Both horses ran well, Rang­
er running by a neck. Several pony
races were indulged in; all kinds of
horses and riders Everything passed off
quietly, not much money changing
The Colored Minstrel Show.
Richard and Pringle’s famous Georgia
Minstrels will be at the Opera house Mon­
day May 21st. The company numbers
over twenty people and is headed by the
world famous Billy Keesauck. The}' will
give a grand band parade at noon and at
7 o’clock a free concert in front of the Opera
house. This company has a world wide
reputation and give a performance first-
class in every particular. The famous
is with ....
them; also
. City Quartette
the Great Danze, Torn Brown, Hethnan &
Vernon, J. C. Moore, W. O. Terry, v. F.
Alexander and Jos. White.
Professional Cards
Prague Strictly In It.
L. Rice, Hank Emery. Lester High and
Morris Howell took a spin to Jacksonville
and Medford mounted on their bycles, last
Saturday. They made a brilliant start, the
A shland ,
O regon . roads were in good condition going down-
but the refreshing rain which the farmers
so anxiously awaited, came, and “wheel­
Office—Ganiards Opera House.
Residence, Mechanic and Laurel Streets ing” back was out of the question. Rice
& Emery traded their roadsters off at
Phienix for a railroad velociped and made
it home the same evening. The other span
stayed over at Jacksonville and came up
the next morning on the passenger.
To Hold a District Fair.
Messrs. T. E. Hills, W. W . Scott, F.
T. May, S. U. Mitchell and Geo. O. De­
bar, members of the board of the First
District Agricultural Society, met at Cen­
tral Point last Friday and decided to hold
a fair on the grounds near Central Point,
commencing September 4th, and con-
tinuing five days. About the same pro­
gram as heretofore was adopted.
Chase Combination Dental Plates made
with Gold and Aluminum Roofs.
Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth
to perfect appearance.
Gold Crown and Contour work a specialty.
Office over the Bank.
Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8
to 9 a. in. and 4 to 5 p. m.
A shland ,
Hood's and Only Hood's.
O regon
Are you weak and weary, overworked
and tired? Hood’s Sarsaparilla is just the
medicine you need to purify and quicken
votir blood and to give you appetite and
strength. If you decide to take Hood’s
Sarsaparilla do not be induced to buy any
other. Any effort to substitute another
remedy is proof of the merit of Hood’s.
LL MANNER of metal and rubber
latest approved
plates made in the
A methods.
Gold and porcelain crowns and bridge
work a specialty. All work warranted to
give perfect satisfaction. Low prices.
Office in Odd Fellows’ bnilding. up stairs.
Hood’s Pills are tiie best after-dinner
Pills, assist digestion, cure headache, Try
a box._________________
A Beastly Fighting Match.
Dunsmuir News.]
Charles Lambert and Wakefield, two
mon employed at Nelson and McKenzy’s
mill, had a desperate battle there one
dav this week. They fought and chewed
each other for three hours and a half,
and only let up when they were entirely
exhausted. Wakefield came to Duns­
muir for medical treatment after the bat­
tle. He had two or three fingers chawed
off and his face was one mass of blood.
Bick-headaches are the outward indication» of Lambert was so badly used lip that he is
derangements of the stomach and bowel». A» not liable to survive,
Joy’» Vegetable Sarsaparilla, is the only bowel
regulating preparation of Sarsaparilla, it is seen
why It is tho only appropriate Sarsaparilla In
alck-headacbca It is not only appropriate; It 1»
an absolute cure. After a course of it an occa­
sional dose at intervals will forever after prevent
Juo. M. Cox, of 735 Turk Street, San Francisco,
writes: “^have been troubled with attacks pt
■lck-headaebe for the last three years from one
to three times a week. Some timo ago I bought
two bottles ol Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla and
have only had one attack since and that was on
the second day alter I began using it.”
W. E. Cook was at Klamath Falls
recently paying their taxes. The Star
save: The Cook people have recently
made satisfactory shipping arrangements
with the Southern Pacific Railroad Co.
which will enable them to ship their high
grade lumber to outside markets. The
bo^ factories to cphsume |ho cpmmqn
lumber, and in this way the output of
the fine mill at Pokegaina will be placed
on the market.
iSUl O Sarsaparilla
Most modem, most effective. |1; 6 for |5.
0. W. 0BÄKR,
AVING BOUGHT the fixtures of the
Hargadine & Woods (formerly Mur­
phy Bros.) market and renovated and re­
painted the old stand, the public can de­
pend upon our keeping on hand at all times
a full supply of
-------- and SAUSAGES
Of All Kinds.________
First Class Service. Small Margins
and Cash Pnces. Give us a trial
3-22 tf
-------- THAT FIT YOU--------
R epairing a specialty ,
Soling, men’s 75 cents, ladies 50 cents.
- BatHs -
Any Hour—Hot and Cold Water on Tap.
ilsworisttquñUticocro nnauruaeaed. actually
erttkeuin? twoJooXftH of unycther brand. Not
ÎSecUd by beet, t rGEi Ï6Ü11 GEN I IN E.
Wishes to 3peak through the Register of
the beneficial results he has received
from a regular use of Ayer’s Fills.
He says: “I was feeling sick and tired
and my stomach seemed all out of order.
I tried a number of remedies, but none
seemed to give me relief until I was in­
duced to try the old reliable Ayer’»
Pills. I have taken only one box, but I
feel like a new man. I think they are
the most pleasant and easy to take pl
anything I ever used, being sp finely
sugar-coated that even a child will taka
them. 1 urge upon all who are
In Need
of a laxative to try Ayer’s Pills.” —
Boothbay (Me.), Register.
“Between the ages of five and fifteen,
I was troubled with a kind of salt-
rlieum, or eruption, chiefly confined to
the legs, and especially to the Itend of
the knee above the calf. Here, running
sores formed which would scab over,
but would break immediately on mov­
ing the leg. My mother tried every­
thing she could think of, but all was
without avail. Although a child, J read
in the papers about the beneficial effects
of Ayer's Pills, and persuaded iny moth­
er to let me try them. With no great
faith in the result, she procured
Gold Hill has a Good Templar’s lodge
with 20 members.
Rufus Cole, of Coles, Cal., was in the
city last Saturday.
Mrs. Witten, of Jefferson, is yisiting
the Misses Duncan.
J. D. Chappel is burning lime at his
Cane’s creek quarry.
E. C. Kane is doing the midwinter fair
and the midway plaisance.
Jacob Thompson returned Sunday from
his Klamath county ranch.
Dr. Van Valzah and family have locat­
ed at Springfield, Lane county.
Mr. Morris and wife, of Talent, were
on Monday’s train to California.
Thoe. Rerridge and wife, of this city,
are attending the midwinter fair.
A son was born to the wife of L. J.
Jewell, at Grants Pass, on the 7th.
Dr. S. T. Songer was over to his placer
mines on Klamath river this week.
Miss Annie Fairchild, of Butte creek,
Cal-, is visiting the midwinter fair.
Alonzo Wimer and wife paid relatives
at Medford a visit one day this week.
Affections of the bowels, so prevalent in
children, cured by Simmons Liver Regu­
H. C. Myer has gone to San Francisco
to join his wife in a visit at the midwin­
Mrs. A. II. Carson has returned to
Josephine county from her visit in
Clarence Messenger and Miss Addie
Stevens were married on Williams creek
Jerry Nunan, the Jacksonville mer­
chant, and his family spent Sunday in
R. B. Hatton, of Klamath, and the late
Washington editor, Hon. Frank Hatton,
were cousins.
Dr. A. 0. Caldwell and Dr. Nelson and
wife returned Saturday front a trip to
Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Smith, wife of Section Boss W.
K. Smith, is visiting the midwinter fair
with her children.
Mrs. John Patterson and daughter, of
Winchester, Cal., are the guests of Mrs.
Wm. Gray, of Talent.
Mr. and Mrs Jake Walker returned
Sunday from a visit to relatives and the
fair at the peninsqla city.
Mrs. Edw. Murphy returned on Sat­
urday from a visit with Central Point
and Jacksonville friends.
T. W. Barclay, the enterprising Talent
merchant, is at the home of his father
very ill with sciatic rheumatism.
Sam DeRoboam and Miss Minnie
Donegan, both of Jacksonville, were
married recently at Redding, Cal.
Judge Hale is a bicyclist, and left Klam­
ath Falls Chis week for Lakey¡evy qn a
bike to hold a sesaioq qf clrcqit court.
A glorious rain commenced pouring
down Sunday evening. The prayers
offered up that Sunday availed much.
Dr. Cole, the eastern capitalist who
has been in Ashland for several days last
week, has returned home toTowanto, III.
Capt.O. C. Applegate has accepted
the invitation to deliver tho oration in
Ashland Decoration Day for Burnside
Miss Laura Etnrr, after a visit of some
time with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Etner, re­
turned Sunday for her home in I’enAsyl-
Silas Kilgore arrived Sunday from his
Klamath county ranch, bringing in sev­
eral head of horses which he expects to
turn into silver.
Qeo. Yaupel, the barber, is visiting
the Bay City and the midwinter fair this
week. He goes especially to find out
how they '‘shave” people in the city,
Senator Mitchell has been promised by
the secretary of interior an early allot­
ment of lands on the Klamath Indian
reservation and that the remaining land
would be thrown open for settlement
and I began to use them, and soon
noticed an improvement. Encouraged
by this, I kept on till I took two boxes,
when the sores disappeared and have
never troubled me since,”-=H. Chipman,
Real Estate Agent, Roanoke, Vtp
“I suffered for years from stomach
and kidney troubles, causing very severe
pains in various parts of the body. None
of the remedies I tried afforded me any
relief until I began taking Ayer’s Pills,
and was cured.”—Wm. Goddard, Notary
Public, Five Lakes, Mich.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowel), Ma—.
Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
Every Dose Effective
----------- :o:------------
stimates furnished
on aii
kinds of Mining and Mill Machin­
ery. Opposite Oregon Hotel, Ashland,
----- TO /HE------
Pleasant Creek, May 2, 1894.
I had the pleasure of attending one of
onr Peoples party lectures by our Bros.,
J. A. Jefferys and Grant Rawlings, who
in a pleasant and forcible manner set
forth many crooked crooks in the old and
unreliable parties, who have for the past
forty years been doing their level best to
do unto others as they would that they
should do unto them, but who have made
an ignomineous* failure. To say that
there was a good attendance is hardly
doing it justice, for everybody and their
wives were there. The house wascrowded
and to see such a turn out now. where a
year ago we could hardly get enough out
for a Corporals guard, shows plainly that
there is a great change in the minds of
the people, they now realize that if they
get help they must Le'p tl.pmselve»,
To those who are skeptical, I would sav,
go and hear the above gentlemen tell you
(as Mark Anthony said) what you al­
ready know, that you are “depressed and
no doubt will be deposed”. We must
put new strings on our harps and learn
to 6ing new tunes or we will learn the
tune the old cow died on. Finally, I say
don’t be afraid to go out and hear these
gentlemen tell the truth and then pre­
haps it may be so plain to you that yon
will wonder you did not see all along that
the old parties were only telling yoq lies
for their own selfish ends.
Yours far truth.
T. H. B. Taylor.
John Jeffery and Grant Rawlings,
People’s party candidates, spoke at the
Meadows precinct school house on the
to a good house, and everybody well
pleased. We think Jefferys
the gain­
ing of several People's party votes, for
the last old blooming Republican over
here walked three quarters of a mile to
hear Mr. Jeffreys. The speakers were
introduced by Mr. Hull. The people's
party vote in this
two years ago
was only five, but in June we will have
nearly all.
Late sowed grain is needing rain.
The late frost has killed the moat of the
early fruit.
Mike A]ay field the Meadows butcher,
is making two trips a week to the vrlley
with his meal wagons,
Welch of the meadows has been repair»
ing old fence for the past week.
M eadows P low ’ B oy .
If ever a man feels like “a poor worm of
the dust.” it is when he suffers from that
tired feeling. Ayer-'s Sarsaparilla removes
this discouraging physical condition and
imparts the thrill of new life and energy to
everv neive, tissue, muscle, and fibre of
the whole body.
Mrs. Dr. Kahler is president, l^rs. K.
F. Lamb vice-president, Miss Effid’ Miffs
secretary, ahd'Mri. Jane Smith treasurer
of tho recently organized W. C. T, U. at
Ira Warden has returned to Klamath
county from his winter’s stay at Gold
Hill, where he had expected to bit a
$100,000 ledtre with a weak spine, crack­
ers and cheese,
L. B. Tticger and daughter, Miss Ivy,
came up from Eagle Point last Monday.
Mies Tucker will visit a few days with
her sister, Mrs. Daisy IJolmes, af the
Holmes' fa^ma^ Sahnonville,
Oapt. A. D, Helman and Mrs. R. Tay­
lor left for Pendleton Sunday, where the
I. O. O. F. and Rebakab lodges of the
state meet. Mrs. Taylor bolds the posi­
tion of R. 8. V. G. iu the grand lodge.
It is stated that a party of fifteen men
from Fairmount, Creswell and Cntfu...
7... v ..«eave Monday for the Bohemia
mining district to search for the bodies
of Downing and Weaver, the lost men.
The railroad company have out a new
time card which took effect last Monday.
This does not effect either the arrival or
the departure of the trains here; moat of
the changes in time are below Dunsmuir,
Col. T. L. Lewis, who has found em­
ployment forsome time past at the depot,
handling hotel cards, went over to Duns­
muir last Saturday to wake the echoes of
the Sacramento river canyon, and let his
diamonds catch new luster in her sparkl­
ing river.
Mrs. Fountain as an Artist.
Klamath Star: Mrs. J. D, Fountain,
who has been studying scenical art under
l’rof. Parrott, is quietly realizing the
dream of her ambition. The presenta­
tion of her fine conceptions on canvas
needed only the dexterity which is ac­
quired by the use of the brush and pen­
cils, as can be seen by the fine apprehen­
sions worked into the inarieipiecea in
her studio and in the beailtiiur Fountain
parlor. R is wor(h while going to see
her 'delightful pictures. She has not
only the genius of a painter, but also the
superior power of forming nice combi­
nations of thought. As a pupil of ~
Parrott she is very apt.
flow £nicrpri&iug
Helped the
Church anti Matrimony.
Down in an Iowa town, not so very
far below the Minnesutq bne, there is a
progressive little church, Some time
ago it was found necessary to raise a
certtiii amount for a certain purpose.
The young ladies of the church took tho
matter in baud, ap.d after going over the
many ways whioh had been tried in
times past to raise money decided upon
a new' plan.
They decided to let the young men of
tS wu who felt like doing somfetuiug
in the interest of ♦«.* uiurch hold their
hand? fur a certain length of time for a
given sum—50 cents for holding a girl’s
hand 25 minutes seems to have bee^
about the average. It is said that thi^
plan worked to a charm, and that the
coffers of the church swelled perceptibly
after tho hand holding social was over.
The man who is empowered to issue
marriage licenses in that town ought to
do a rushing business from this time on,
for it was also proposed, and this met
with instant favor among the young
men, to sell kisses at the average of 75
cent3. It is hinted that decorous hugs
were to be provided at a uniform price
of $1, coin of the realm.—Seattle Tele­
The Way to Get Strong.
We sell Park’s Cough Syrup on a positive
A shland , O r . guarantee to cure all throat and lung
troubles. It has stood the test for many
CLEANING WATCHES and CLOCKS, years and to-day is the leading remedy for
$1,06 MAINSPRINGS, »1.00.
the cure of colds, consumption, and all dis­
UP First-Class Work and Satisfaction eases of the throat and lungs. Price 50
Hats and 11.00. Sold by E<
S bkxwin .
Eastern Oregon Exchange.]
Pendleton Alliance Herald. 1
Nathan Pierce is fast becoming the,
richest man in the country' When he
was talked of for the nomination of gov­
ernor by the Populists he owned 1000
a res of wheat land. Shortly after lus
nomination a valley paper increased it to
5000. A short time ago a correspondent
of the Oregonian made him the proud
possessor of 10,000 acres, and now the
Athena Republican caps the climax by
giving him “12.C0J acres, of Umatilla’s
best soil.” At tt»is rate of increase Na­
than will own all of Umatilla county and
a goodly portion of Oregon before the
election comes off.
They Ate the Old Man and Little Girl and
Had a Taste of Each of the Sons.
As an instance of strange coincidences,
there is living near this place a family
whose history would seem to exceed the
bounds of credibility. Seven years ago
the father, old Daddy Dick, as he was
called, sat down on the banks of the
Caloosahatchee river and is supposed to
have fallen asleep. At auy rate, only his
hat and rod were found on the bank that
Sight, while a heap of clothes and crushed
bones under a floating log tokl of his
death by au alligator. He left two sons
and a little girl 3 years old.
One day this child wandered down to
the river, and her Uiftthey arrived just in
time to seo hsq. drawn under the water
bj the long, black snout of an alligator.
Last year Dick, the namesake of his fa­
ther and a man of 30, also went fish­
ing in the river, and the day being warm
closed his eyes fey a nap, to be awakened
I6» disappearing down the throat
of one of these reptiles. He would have
been pulled off his log, but cast his arms
about a tree near by and hold on, but he
had to sacrifice
leg, which the ’gator
Lit Off just above the knee. It was the
right one.
The end of the singular history of this
family occurred last week. The other
brother, Lem, was paddling down the
river in a dugout when his clumsy craft
was upset by an enormous alligator. A
race then began for the shore between
the man and the reptile, but just as Lem
gained the bank and was pulling himself
up to safety the alligator seized him by
the right leg and drew him back. He
called loudly for help, and his brother
came running out of their cabin with a
shotgun, and without waiting to take
aim fired into the Wfitnr. The bullet hit
Lem iq ^he pthey leg and broke the knee
i cap. He would have sunk now, for the
reptile, which still had him, was for div-
i ing to get out of the way of the fusillade
Dick was pouring into the riv< r, but the
drowning man caught at the dugout,
which was floating bottom upward and
within his reach, and resisted the ’gator’s
efforts to draw liim under,
Dick now succeeded in killing the
. beast by a shot through its head and
then got Lem to the shore. But he had
to have both legs amputated, for the
alligator had broken one into several
pieces, splintering the bone terribly,
while Dick’s shot had shattered the bone
of the other, so as to render that also a
menace to his life if not removed. Lem
declares his intention of sitting some dis­
tance back upon the bank of the river
and killing every alligator that dare* to
lift its ugly muzzle above
Pine Level (Fla.) DUjutteh.
A High Diver
Rather Steep
One year .................................................. |2 80
Six months .............................................. 1 50
Three months..........................................
Advertising rates given on application.
Çh&nged fiands !
The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now
Under the Management of
Remarkable Plot to Liberate a Prisoner
Revealed In Court.
The Spring Medicine.
“All run down” from the weakening ef­
fects of warm weather, you need a good
tonic and blood purifier like Hood’s Sarsa­
parilla. Do not put oft taking it. Numer­
ous little ailments, if neglected, will soon
break up the system. Take Hood’s Sarsa­
parilla now, to expel disease and giye »ou
serength and appetite.
HAS improved the House and is pre-
"" pared to Entertain the Traveling Public
in First Class Style.
. -
*’r i.
•—------- :o:------------
Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day
----------- :o:-----------
h P y F’ Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour­
ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon.
------------- AT THE-------------
Appealed to the Queen.
An incident has just occurred at Wind­
sor castle. A11 aged and widowed Scotch
woman named Mary Clarke, a resident
of Dumfries, feeling herself aggrieved
in consequence of having been evicted
from her home, determined to lay her
case before the queen. Accompanied by
her daughter, a girl 15 years of age, she
left the town and walked first to the
White Lodge, Richmond, and then to
Windsor castle, where she arrived in a
penniless condition alter a six weeks’
tramp from tho north. Her case was in­
vestigated by Acting Inspector Kelsey of
the royal household police, and her im­
mediate necessities having beeri cared
for by some charitable person;. at the
castle, the poor woma” aud her compan­
ion left V» indsc;. on their return to Scot­
land.—Paris Herald.
Extraordinary Relationship.
Thompson Chandler, a Lyons Farms
(N. J.) farmer, is the proud father of two
“boys,” the oldest being 60 years of age
and the youngest 8. His eldest son has a
son 40 years old, who in turn is the fa­
ther of a boy 16 years old. The latter is
twice the age of his granduncle. While
Farmer Chandler’s 8-year-old son isgoing
to school at Lyons Farms his 60-year-old
boy is a prosperous business man of Vine-
land, N. J.. and the latter’s 40-year-old son
is a bank director. Farmer Chandler ha»
been a careful liver and can do as big a
day’s work as he could 50 years ago.—
New York Herald.
The most painful cases of rheumatism
may be relieved by a few applications of
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm; its continued
use will cure any case, no matter of how
long standing. It is equally beneficial for
lame back, pain in the side, pain in tiie
chest, lameness, and in all painful aflec
tions requiring an external remedy.
piece of flannel saturated with Pain’ Balm
and bound on over the seat of pain is su­
perior to any plaster. For sale by Ash­
land Drug Company.
Ashland, Oregon.
C. FARNHAM, Proprietor.
Manufacturer of Choice Steel Cut Roller Process
Roiled Barley and Feed of all Kinds at Lowest Cask Frites.
Rolling Barley lor Farmers a Specialty.
Highest cask price paid for Barley and Corn
at all times.
¡-ELY’S CtxEAM BALWI—Cleanses thoNasal
Miss Marie Dclacy, tho 21-year-old
daughter of Peter Dclacy, and her cousin
had a narrow escape from death or seri­
ous injury Tuesday afternoon in front of
the Fifth Avenue hotel, New York.
Tho carriage they occupied was caught
between two cable cars, the force of con­
tact snapping off the rear spring of the
vehicle. Hundreds of persons who wit­
nessed the accident expected to see the
carriage broken in io pieces between the
two pars, but both ladies were helped
out faint with fear and shock, but unin­ Dilli
Passages, Allays Pain and. Inflammation, Heals
the Sores, Restores Taste and Smell, and Cures
fgfeaw 1 wvyj Mill
r w
Gives Relief at once for Cold in Head.
Jjnt'y into the XmitrUt.------- ft ia Quickly Absorbed.
gr 350c. Druggists or by mail. ELY BROS., EC Warren St., N.Y.'
Jackson Co., Oregon.
XLJ. VP X1.Á 1X11/ M»
Of all the remedies that have ever come
under our notice, claiming to cure head­
aches from whatever cause, we take pleas­
ure in saving that we know of none that tn
our estimation is as beneficial for the quick
and permanent cure of the above complaint
. for Sale or Rent.
as K rause ’ s H eadache Q apsui us which are
Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands.
manufactured by the well known family
chemist, Norman Liehty, Des Moines,
Krause's Headache Capsules are
guaranteed to cure headache from what­
As Silver and Real Estate are both at a very low ebb now is the time for home
ever cause, and we cheerfully advise those
of the retail trade who have never kepi the seekers to get bargains, as 1 will take silver in exchange. Call on or address me for
above valuable goods in stock, to order a further particulars.
supply at once from their wholesale drug­
gist, or address thy proprietors as above.—
The Drugg;sU Record (Baltimore).
For sale by T, K. Bolton, sole agent.
Weight and ring are the same as in the
real article. The counterfeits are detected
only by scratching through the gold sur­
face. They yiald a fair profit to the coin­
Weak Lungs
2nd Government Land Locator
AVING gaineda compte know ledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac
iioit POULTRY Inis,]
85 varieties High-Class. Tboroaghbred, j
Fancy Poultry; 15 Varieties Fancy 2
Pigeons; Guinea Pigs; FerrrtszPet lUb- 5
bitsand Recorded Poland China Swine.
Send 10c. for my Fine, Large,Illustrated, jj
Descriptive Catalogue containing many
hints on Poultry raising, treatment of i
their disease», etc., worth dollars to an)
one interested in Poultry.
Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates
fungi ami atiimalculea. and neutral­
izing and correcting all acidi­
ties it promotes a normal and
healthful condition in every
part of the system.
of Cod-liver Oil, with 1 hypophosphites of lime and
soda. It builds up the system. Cures Coughs, Colds
Physicians, the world over,
and Wasting Diseases. .~
endorse it.
,v:-_____ '
Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N, Y, Drucjists sell it
White Sulphur Springs
Scott’s Emulsion
and all Blood Diseases are cured by SCOTT’S EMUL
SION. It is a food rich in nourishment.
Water of any temperature desired
Natural Temperature H5 deg’s.
Hereditary Weakness
tual experience, 1 am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the-
H bestof
satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty.
may be inherited ; not Consumption. Thin, narrow-
chested children are the ones to look out for.
Everybody with a tendency toward Weak Lungs
should take 4
• -—x
Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To
A Miraculous FUoapcy
Than take in any other form is what many
A Paris correspondent says that France
people think, and Park’s To* is made for
is afflicted with a new form of counter­
just those folks, It eures constipation, and
feit coin. Many 20 franc pieces are in cir­
though uot a cathartic, moves the bowels
culation made of platinum, gold plated.
evyry day. Sold bv E. A. S uerwin .
Be not afraid of enthusiasm; yon need it.
you can dp nothing effectually without it.
Life appeairi to be too short to be spent
in nursing animosity or registering wrong.
E. J. KAISER, Proprietor.
A middle aged man calling himself
Henry Bresling went to Jefferson Mar­
ket court and told Justice Koch that his
6ister-in-law, Miss Emma de Fontane,
had been a-reste<l and sent up for two
months. He asserted that she was a
good woman and that a mistake had
been made. When asked for the date of
Pendieton East Oregonian, i
arrest, he produced the following let­
The Oregonian is ranting and raving
about Pennoyerisin. How about Scott- ter:
ism and Simonistn? As the people have Mv D ear F riend —1 am sorry to tell you
that I have been arrested and was sentenced
to choose between the two, of course to
two months or S‘JU0 bail. I was arrested
they take Pennoyerisin and thereby show with
other women. The rest got six months.
their good, hard, common sense. The I now remind you that you often told me you
people can be trusted to make the better would help me. Get some one to go bail for
choice at all times.
me. You know my bail is only “straw bail,”
you could get auy one to go on tho bond.
The Portland Oregonian Btates and re­ and
If you go to Judge Koch and tell liim you aro
states that the present political race is my
uncle, and that I am a hard working, de­
between Sylvester Pennoyer and J. N. cent woman, and give him a good game of
Dolph for the senate of the United talk, you will have no trouble. Ono of tho
States. The people are with Sylvester, women who got six months with me is out.
and it it were left to their direct vote, he Her friend went to the aiderman of the ward,
would come in under the wire several and he fixed it. Come with the discharge
yourself, and on the spot I will give you tho
lengths ahead.
price of a suit of clothes.
Squarley, honestly, earnestly, is not
When the justice had read the letter,
Governor Pennoyer nearer, , closer,
____ r he looked at the man and said indignant­
friendlier to the great mass of the people ly, “If you are in this courtroom in 10
of Oregon than any other “public -nan”
in Oregon? Where is the man in any of seconds, you will go to the island your­
the parties, and what is the nameof him, self.” The fellow made quick time for
who is capable of. accomplishing more the door.—New York Press.
and who can be more implicitly trusted?
Published every Thursday.
NO. 1.
The man, Irwin who is running for
sudrentendent of public instruction on
the Republican ticket should be beaten.
He was removed by President Harrison,
because of unfitness, from the supren-
tendency of the Chemawa Indian school
near Salem.
Chief of the County Papers.
Usually has a bad liver. He is bilious,
constipated; has indigestion and dyspepsia.
If there is no organic trouble a few doses of
Park’s Sure Cure will tone him up. Park's
Sure Cure is the only liver and kidney cure
we sell on a positive guarantee. Price $1.00.
sold by E. A. S herwin .
1'he R bcqrd office for job work.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
A car load of Japs passed through the
first of iho week en route from Tacoma,
Wash., to Sacramento, Cal., where they
An Infantile Orchestra Leader.
go to do farm work. The little brown
fellows were enjoying themselves hugely,
Little Rauol Koczalski, the piano­
and thouzht they would have no trouble forte “prodigy,” whose recitals created
in finding all the work they wanted.
so much interest in London last season,
C. W. Skeel and B. W. Dean are sum­ has now come out in Leipsic as a con­
moned to appear as jurors in the United ductor. The boy, who is said to be only
States coart that convenes May 23d, at 9 years of age, was rather joo small in
Portland. The trial jurors tor the same stature for the musicians to see his beat,
court of Jackson county are J. W. Greg­ so they put the little fellow on a chair,
ory, E. R. Gwen and Emil Britt, who and he 6eemed to have secured a very
are ordered to be on hands June 12th.
good performance.—London News.
Counciling and Mining Engi­
Editor V alley R ecord :
If you can find space in your valuable
paper for these few lines, we, of the
Trail creek neck of the woods, would be
pleased to say that our Jackson county
orators, J. A. Jeffrey and Grant Rawl­
ings, delivered speeches here at 4 o’clock
p. in. to-dav to a full house, Jeffrey hold­
ing the audience spellbound for over two
hours, interspersed with applause and
laughter. Everybody was well pleased
with the speaking. Our young candi­
dates are ineeting with full honors
wherever they speak, and are making
many Peoples’ party votes on their tour
over the county. May they hereafter, as
up to the present, be greeted with good,
full houses, and none who hear them
will ever be sorry for having done so,
and victor}’ is ours on June the 4th.
L. J. M arck .
Judge Neil was up from Jacksonville
on a visit to his parents last Monday.
Hon. Henry Wilson, of Tehama, was
on Sunday’s train from a trip to Salem.
Ayer’s Pills
R eeser B lock ,
To T he R ecord :—
We noticed a publication in a local
paper of last week headed : “The Popu­
list Ball has Opened.” So it has in this
part of the country. The kid populists,
J. A. Jeffrey and Grant Rawlings, ad­
dressed a good sized audience at Rock
Point on the4th inst., which weattended.
Jeffrey addressed the audience first. He
thought the money question was the
principal question for the decision of the
American people.
After discussing some of the other
political questions, with regard to the
nation, state, and county, he concluded
leaving the floor to Mr. Rawlings. The
latter confined his speech, principally, to
the vicious laws which have been enact­
ed for the benefit of corporations and
English syndicates, to the detriment of
the masses. Both of the gentlemen
proved their assertions with statistics
gathered from the best authority.
They are billed for an appointment at
Gold Hill and at other places in this part
of the county.
C itizen ,
Pimples, blotches, sores, and their cause,
removed by Simmons Liver Regulator.
Miss Jennie Jackson is visiting the The Young Peoples’ Party Nominees
Are Whooping Up the Campaign,
midwinter fair.
—Meeting With Splendid Success.
The worse your Catarrh, the more you
need Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. Its
proprietors oiler $500 cash for a case of
Catarrh in the Head which they cannot
J Li.
------- THE FINEST-------
For sale by Ashland Drug Company.
K rause ' s H eadache C ais . vlls — Warran
ed, For Sale by T. K. Dolton, Sole Agent-
.nclosed and covered, the same medical
water, always clean, for the springs run a
heavy volume-more than twelve hun­
dred gallons per hour.
You may dive and swim and have more
tun than “anybody’ —come out as “tine
as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven­
ated and happy.
Docated on the
¡GRANT l’loprictor.