um. . VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD ——-TIIÏ FINEST------ flachst and fjlzñtoy NO MONOPOLY PRICES ¿M^Give us your order for Letter­ heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu­ lars, Etc. VOL. VI. “ LOOK UP, AML A Famous Swimmer. and not down,” if you're a suffer- ing woman. Every one of the bodily troubles that come to XJ women only has a guaranteed curc Df- Pierce’s Favorite Pre- WCTS» scription. That will bring you CJS&sB safe and certain help. It’s a powerful general, as well ggSaffi as uterine, tonic and nervine, and it builds up and invigorates the entire female system. It regu- lates and promotes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, brinpi refresh- ing sleep, and restores health and strength. For ulcerations, displacements, bearing­ down sensations, periodical pains, and all ‘•female complaints” end weaknesses, “Fa­ vorite Prescription” is the only guaranteed remedy. If it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. If English women do not learn to swim, it will not be the fault of the National Physical Recreation society. This organization has instituted a se­ ries of rewards, a diploma being given to any who 6hall prove herself capable of swimming 100 yards, a bronze medal for a quarter of a mile, a silver medal for a half mile and a gold medal for a mile. At the first contest Miss Lemabel Campbell carried off at one fell swoop tho diploma and all four of the medals. The tank was 18 yards and 1 foot in length, and Miss Campbell swam this 100 times. The Superiority Of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is due to the tre- mendous amount of brain work and cons­ tant care used in its preparation. Try one bottle and you will be convinced of its superiority.' It purifies the blood which, the source of health, cures dyspepsia, over- comes sick headaches and biliousness, It is just the medicine for you. I11 every case of Catarrh that seems hopeless, you can depend upon Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a cure. It’s proprietors are so sure of it that they’ll pay $500 ca-h for any incurable case. Sold by all druggists. Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, care- fully prepared from the best ingredients. Professional Cards The Ruxso-Franco Lore Feait. Mme. Adam is to be rewarded by Rus­ sian ladies for her recent efforts in or­ ganizing subscriptions for the presenta­ tion of gifts of jewelry to the female rel­ atives of tlie Muscovite officers and sail­ ors who visited France. It is announced that a committee of the fair and fashionable dames of the capital of the czar has been formed, with a view to purchasing a colossal "samo var” for the distinguished French lady who has so long advocated the sympa­ thetic union of the two countries. The big tea brewing machine is to be taste­ fully engraved with the arms of Russia and France, as well as with the words “Cronstadt,” “Toulon.”—Paris Corre­ spondent. A High Liver Usually has a bad liver. He is bilious, constipated; has indigestion and dyspepsia. If there is no organic trouble a few doses of Bark’s Sure Cure will tone him up. Park’s Sure Cure is the only liver and kidney cure we sell on a positive guarantee. Price $1.00. sold by E. A. S herwin . D. BROWER, M. D. jyj PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, A shland , : : ; O regon . Office—Ganiards Opera House. Residence, Mechanic and Laurel Streets C. CALDWELL, MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE DENTIST.- Chase Combination Dental Plates made with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth to perfect appearance. Gold Crown and Contour worka specialty. Office over the Bank. Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 to 9 a. iu. and 4 to 5 p. m. J L. WOOD, DENTAL SURGEON. A shland , : : : O regon LL MANNER of metal and rubber latest approved plates made in the A methods. A Laughable Story. Gold and porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty. All work warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Low prices. Office in Odd Fellows’ bnilding, up stair9. imples The old Idea of 40 years ago was that facial eruptions were due to a '"blood humor,“ for which they gave potash. Thus all tho old «arsaparillas contain pot­ ash, a nauseating mineral, that instead of de- creasing, actually creates more eruptions. You have noticed this when taking other Sarsaparilla! than Joy's It is however now known that the Stomach, the blood creating power, is the seat of alljv 11 iati n g or c leans Ing operations. A stomach clogged by indigestion or const’oation, vitiates the blood, result pimples. A clean stomach and healthful digestion purifies it and they disappear. Thus Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla is compounded after tho modern idea to regulate the bowelsand stimulate the digestion. The effect is immediate and satisfactory. A short testfmonia to con­ trast tho action of tho potash Sarsaperillas and Joy's modern vegetable preparation. Mrs. C. D. Btuart, of 400 Hayes St, S. F , writes: “ I have for years had Indigestion. I tried a popular Sar­ saparilla but it actually caused more pimples to break CHt on my face. Hearing that Joy’s was a |^le> preparation and acted differently I tried it yed the pimples immediately disappeared.*1 iOV5® Vegetable y Sarsaparilla Largest bottle, moat effective, same price. 0. W. OBARR, -PROPRIETOR- VALLEY RECORD, ; . • ' A few workingmen were discussing the names of great scientists in Manchester. The name of Darwin cropped up. One of the company, less learned than the rest, said: “Darwen; I kna that place. A’ve been ther moony a toirne.” “Get out, you fooil,” said another. “We’re nut talkin about the place called Darwen, but the mon. llevn’t ye nivver heerd o’ Darwen? Why, if it hadn’t been for Dar- wen we s’ould all hev been chatterin mon­ keys, and nut gentlemen, like we are.”— Sheffield Telegraph. We sell Park’s Cough Syrup on a positive guarantee to cure all throat and lung troubles. It has stood the test for many 1 years and to-day is the leading remedy for the cure of colds, consumption, and all dis­ eases of the throat and lungs. Price 50 cents and $1.00. bold bv E. A. S herwin . Malaria Invades Denver. County Physician Dunlin of Denver says there are several hundred cases of genuine malaria in Denver now for the first time in the history of that city. The chills and fever are identical with the Illinois variety, but there is no shaking, it taking more the form of dumb ague.— Medical Record. THE FACT That AYER’S Sarsapai ?a cures others of Scrofulous . Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheu­ matism, and Catarrh should De con- that the same course of treatment will cure you . All that has been said of the wonderful cures effected by the use of AyER’S Sarsaparilla AVING BOUGHT the fixtures of the during the past 50 years, truthfully Hargadine ESTATE AGENT, NOTARY PUBLIC and COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS. AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up, for Sale or Rent. H Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES As Silver and Real Estate are both at a very low ebb now is the time for home seekers to get bargains, as I will take silver in exchange, Call on or address me for further particulars. N . D YOUNG u. X \j v is xjr, an(| G suBVEYOR ovenlment Land Locator WIMER, OREGON. AVING gaineda compte know ledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac tual experience, 1 am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information Hie­ H best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. ASHLAND niiolt POULTRY W 35 varieties Itlgh-Chus, Thoroughbred, Jj Fancy Poultry; 15 Varieties Fancy 2 Pigeons; Luinra Pigs; Ferret»:Pet Rah» !< ¡bits and Recorded Poland China Sv» iue. 5 1 Send 10c. for my Fine, Larzc.IIiubtrateL s 1 Descriptive Catalogue containing many 1 hints on Poultry raising« treatment of j ! their diseases, etc., worth dollars to any one interested in Poultry. ■« ALBERT ASKEY, Ridott, III. lïliite Sulphur Springs BATHING Water of any temperature desired Natural Temperature Nodeg's. 2.5«^ a TO DRI\k THE W1TEK IS 1 TH1C. Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates fungi and animalcules, and neutral­ izing and correcting all acidi­ ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. — I ~-T. . ; I Apply info the Xottril».------- It is Quiekly Abwbed. I ¡50c. Druggists or by maiL ELY BRUS., Ctí Warreu St.,N. Y.| Coughs and CoSds C J W Scott’s Emulsion E ETC., Rolled Barley and Feed of all Kindt« at Lowest Cash Price«, J. PENNINGTON. JI» ASSAY OFFICE Barlev ------------ AT THE------------ A Contest For Buttons. Sarsaparilla SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year.............................................. $2 do Six months ......................................... 1 50 Three months...................................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. Changed ffands ! A great contest is now in progress for the state button belt. For a time this trophy seemed to belong to a gentleman in Belfast, who was the happy i>ossessor of a string of 1,000 different kinds of but­ tons, which had come to him as a legacy from his sister. It is evident, however, that ho is not to be permitted to wear his regalia. A claim for it has beeu'put in by a gentleman in Gorham, who has a string of buttons, no two alike, number­ ing at least 3,000, and which has been in his possession something'over 25 years. We would suggest that the string of but­ tons in question, which is over 40 feet in length, might be sewed in strips about the belt, and add such a novelty to the trophy as might well stimulate tJio am­ bitions of future aspirants for the cham­ pionship honors in this field of effort.— Kennebec Journal. Very Disappointing, George Hunter, aged 19 years, has re­ "Now look at that letter,”’’said young sided in this city since his birth. Today Summers as he threw a scented square en­ velope across the cafe table. “What would be has no idea as to yvljerp is located the w-«a born. He does you think to find that in your letterbox house jn Viliicl) no| know where to find the lioqso in when you came into the club?” “■yVhy,” saifl the yjsRqc,’picking it up which he resided a yeqr ago, shortly be­ and noticing the delicate handwriting, “I fore he eqterod Oakland hospital. The should think that some fair young womau young man has lost his memory, and the was going to invite me to drink tea with past to him is as if he had just been her tomorrow afternoon.” born. The l«ss of memory is due to an “Do you know, that’s just what I thought injury sustained by being struck by a when I saw it, and that’s why I am disgust­ The most painful cases of rheumatism ed. The other night at the horse show I heavy piece of iron wlfich was thrown may be relieved by a few applications of was introduced to an awfully pretty girl by r. stationary eugiuu. Tho skull was Chamberlain’s I’ain Balm; its continued ■ don’t be induced to purchase any of who lives up the avenue. The'next night I fractured, and a large part of it was use will cure any case, no matter of how met her again at the Van Hartman’s, and pressed upon the brain. Hunter survived ' the worthless substitutes, which'are long standing. It is equally beneficial for had quite a chat. She promised to send the operation, and although lie is still in lame back, pain in the side, pain in the j mostly mixtures of the cheapest in­ we me her card. I thought this W05 jt. It!s a au unfortunate condition, his physicians chest, lameness, and in all painful aflec tions requiring an external remedy. A shame,” THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE MYER’S gredients, contain no sarsaparilla, seem to think he will eventually regain piece of flannel saturated with Pain' ltaliu have no uniform standard of ap­ “Oh, but she may send it yet. I wouldn’t his faculty of memory.—San Francisco HARDWARE STORE. and bound on over the seat of pain is su­ pearance, flavor, or effect, are blood- despair so soon.” perior to any plaster. For sale by Ash­ “It isn’t that. It’s the idea of getting Chronicle. BOOTS do SHOES ! purifiers in name only, and are of­ such land Drug Company. a letter as that instead of the one I ex­ A Youtiq Girl Horae Thief. fered to you because there is more pected. Don’t you see what it is?” ------- THAT FIT YOU------- The youngest female horse thief ever Barley water and linseed tea are said to 1 profit in selling them, 'A'affe “Do you want me to read be excellent for the voice. “You may if you care for such things. arrest ed in Indiana was last week given If you wish to avoid wrinkled, scrawny There is nothing private about things that a six years’ sentence in the female prison necks, avoid high, close collars. gain your confidence under false pretenses by Judge Kirkpatrick of this city. She Continual worrying, as well as giving of perfumed and sealed envelopes and femi­ is Miss Cyrena Stack and was 15 years Rather Steep nine hands. It’s getting outrageous that old last September. She is the daughter epairing a specialty . Haif- Than take in any other form is what many way to paroxysms of anger, will perma­ hlcling, men’s 75 cents, ladies 50 cents. one should at every turn have his heart set of a prominent farmer living three miles people think, and Park’s Tea is made for nently injure the health. beating with visions of pretty notes, only to east of this place. She is strikingly hand­ just those folks. It cures constipation, and Sir Benjamin Richardson, an eminent And printed slips telling you of the virtues some in face and figure, and in manner - ESatllS - London physician, gives it as bis opinion thoqgh not a cathartic, moves the bowels Picptred by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mae«. of the latest clothes cleaning establishment that bicycling, loug persisted in, will in­ every day. Sold by E. A. S herwin . Any Hour—Hot and Cold Water on lap. Bold by all D.uggiala; Price fl; six bottle«. $5. end the low priced menu of the new res- I she is daring and willful, evitably injure the spine, the lungs and the Uq the night of Novi 3 she went to taiwant on the corner, *t hat note Informs circulation of the rider. A Philosopher. the farm barn of J. W. Moffert, near Cures otherSjWillcureyoir me that I am have my trousers pressed Au oculist’s advice is to never use the Terrapin, ” said Mr. Dreffleshort, “ is one regularly once a week for 25 cents, and the Windfall, hitched his best horse to a those things that come high that you eyes after, as he expresses it, one “feels wagon will call to get them. Isn’t that a buggy and started for Chicago. Officers of don’t have to have.” them” in one’s work. "As soon as you be­ romantic message to crave respectful atten­ sent in pursuit overtook her as she was An«l he lajtl t|j^ V1H of fare down and come conscious that you have eyes,” he tion in polite and insinuating guise?”— passing through Greentown and put her cheei-fudy ordered fried liver. — Chicago says, “stop whatever you are doing and BEST IN SHE V.'OIs3.». New York Tribune. under arrest.—Kokomo Special iu Chi- Tribune. rest them.” ïte w art»,-» ~r~l!tieearocnrun>a«ced. actually cmtlaatin? two Loxes of auvotaer tir-nd. lie* e¿¿ec.ó.l by heat. , TXJ il Calibi LINE» In every soul is a Blabless grave where v-ujiu i*u;un*. FOP. S ti EBY DEALERS OFNEP^JLY. some fond hopes lie sleeping. Curious Origin of a Fire. There must be love back of the hand that The other day a heavy delivery wagon is reached out to save another. backed up in front of an Eighth avenue Happiness is a roadside flower growing (New York) furniture store. The on the highways of usefulness. smoothness and slant of thu asphalt gave The best education in the world is that greatei’ momentum than* w&k-expected, 6. W. JOHNSON, got by struggling to get a living. and the hind vriieels struck the curb Buy wfiat thou bast 110 need of, and ere with a crash. Tlie contact of stone and Counciliug and Mining Engi­ signs of weakness. Don’t wait until you long thoq shalt sell tby necessaries. neering. iron drew out sparks. Some pf these are weaker and nearer Consumption. Begin A craving for sympathy is the common flew into q. wisp of packing hay and at once with bouudary line between joy and sorrow. REPORTS, WORKING MAPS. sqon gave forth smoke anj flame. A bucket of water subdue«! (he blaze; hut, and BLUE PRINTING. The Way to Get Strong. ps a fireman remarked, it wa» an inter­ James J. Corbet gave sorae pretty good, esting object lesson on one of the mys­ SAMPLING & ASSAYING. advioe to the boys of the Olympic Club, terious ways in which serious fires some­ ----------- :o:------------ when he was in San Francisco last. He told them that the best way to get strom» times start.—Scientific American. stimates furnished was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that kinds of Mining and Mill Machin they should arrive at manhood lusty and Be not afraul of enthusiasm; you need it; of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime ery. Opposite Oregon Hotel, Ashland, healthy. Many men who have been guilty you can do nothing efftclually without it. I Oregon. 1-11-tf and soda. It strengthens the Lungs, cures | of excesses and over-indtilgencies, and have Life appears be (00 short to lie spent used the Celebrated Medicine "CUl'I- Coughs and Colds, and builds up the system. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, DENE” lived to give testimony of its won- j in nursifig animosity or registering wrong. I derful stimulaiiug and curative powers. ZBZEÒIZtTG- YOUR lie who puts a bad construction on a 1 Physicians, the world over, endorse it. f R eeser B locjc , ; : A shland , O k . “CUT'.i DEN E ’ will check ail the waste tiss­ good act reveals his own wickedness of ue of the bodv. In fact, it stops all losses. heart. ‘‘t’pl'IDENE” is a powerful, harmless, LEANING WATCHES and CLOCKS, vegetable Compound. It is qs sqre to PRIMTllV GS- Wasting Diseases of Children are speedily cured by SCOTT’S Your Place or Boots anti Mi >es. $1.00 MAINSPRINGS, $1.00. strengthen the generative organs as it is to EMULSION. It stops waste and makes children fat and healthy. ----- TO THE T— Morris Howell, the old reliable boot and re-build and regenerate you. Trial pack­ Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. V. Druggists sell It. maker one door north of the old stand Fir.'VClasa Work and Satisfaction age $1.00; 6 packages $5.00. For sale by >hop RECORD OFFICE. • gusrantsUl or posit« Odd Fellows hall. B >ots and the Ashland Drug Co. ! ho«« made to writer at lownt potable rates. AyER’s Sarsaparilla Published every Thursday. NO. 52 pure A REAL POET. Tho sun shone bright an fair; The birds wuz singin sweetly, an The wind blowed through the air. Chief of the County Papers. 1894. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report “Yes, sir,” went on the gentleman from Corncobville as he drew up his pants and took a seat in the editor’s office, “there hain’t no use a-talkin. I’ve got one o’ the smartest boys to bum ye ever seed, an I’ve come in town today wit h the sole object o’ flndin a place for him where he might have a chance to let his great-, big useful­ ness unspring.” “Indeed?” interrogated the editor weari­ ly. “And in what channel does your son’s talent run?” “Oh, it’s all to writin,” came the answer; “all to writin. ’Pon my soul, it jess beats all the way that boy kin write. Why, sir, he’s got yards an yards o’ stuff writ out up to hum, an I’m swashed if he can’t beat anything I ever heerd. He writes po’try, you know, an that’s mighty hard to write. We’ve only had ’bout a dozen real poets, mind yer, so says the teacher to hum, an my boy’s a-goin to make another one.” • The editor gave a sigh and looked as if he would like to hear Gabriel sound the note that time was no more. "Now, this here, as far as I kin remem­ ber,” went on the hayseed visitor, scratch­ ing at his head, “is one of his pomes— pomes, mind yer, an my boy writ it:” "The trees wuz full of leafy leaves; ASHLAND, OREGON. I 50 For sale by Ashland Drug Company. K uavses H eadache C apsulis — War ran ed, For bale by T. K. Bolton, bole Agent SWIMMING RINK. — Inclosed ami covered, the same medical water, always clean, for the springs run a heavy volume- more than twelve bun­ dled gallons per hour. You may dive and swim and have more fun than “anybody'—come out as "fine as silk" an