Iti br«,. ; VALLEÎ RECORD. FLA.IN AMD F-A.2STOY ZPZEÔIJST TI IST GK DON'T BE FOOLED by the dealer who brings out soms> thing else, that pays him better, aud says that it is “just as good.” Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is guar­ anteed. If it don’t benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. No other medi­ cine of its kind is so certain and effective that it can bo sold so. Is any other likely to be “just as good”? As a blood-cleanser, fiesh-builder, and strength-restorer, nothing can equal the “Discovery.” It’s not like the sarsapa- rillas. or ordinary “spring medicines.” At all seasons, :ui.l in all cases, it puri­ fies, invigorates, and builds up the whole system. For ewry blood-taint and disorder, iroiti a common blotch or erup­ tion, to the worst scrofula, it is a perfect, permanent, guaranteed remedy. ASHLAND, OREGON. 1 Chief of the County Papers. * < NO MONOPOLY PRICES. O^’Give us your order for Letter­ heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu­ lars, Etc. VALLEY RECORD. RECORD ------ THS T1MKST------ ----------------- VOL. VI. KLAMATH COUNTY J** POPULISTS. —-— ------------- - -------- ASHLAND, JACKSON PRESSED BRICKS. ■ - - ■ COUNTY, SENATOR DOLPH’S SPEECH. ' -"V —' ■ , „ ■ Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. .................. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1894. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report NO. 48. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: One year................................................. $2 É0 Six months ........................................... i 50 Three months.................................. , \ Advertising rates given on application. Changed glands ! Ashland will celebrate the 4th of July. The Corporation Tool and Senator Joint Representative—R. K. Funk. Circulating a Speech in Oregon that Sheriff—A»A. Fitch. Rev. Fa1 her Blanche: is visiting in He Dared Not Defend In the Senate Clerk—Wm. Terrill. Canada. — The Infamous Old Rogue Attacks County Judge—H. Snowgoose. a Woman whose Book He Never Jacob Emery die ! near Jacksonville rn Commissioner—J W. Wells. Assessor—A. T. Wilson. tbe 4th it st., aged 87 years Even Read Treasurer—J. O. McClellan. Mrs. Martha Carrick attended the ball Special Corr.—Nt n-Conformist.] School Supt.—Lucy I. Gordon. at Jacksonville Friday evening. Coroner—K. G. Galbreath. W ashington , D. C-, M .rch 20 —S n i- —PLATFORM— Cavan, the prospector, was over from tor Dolph, of Oregon, so disgraced his The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now state by an assault upon a woman in the We. the Peoples’ party of Klamath the Siskiyou mountains last week. United States senate that he is the talko( county, in convention assembled on this Under the Management of Don’t suffer from dyspepsia. Take Sim­ the town. To attack the moral character 30th day of March. 1894. do hereby fully en­ dorse the Peoples’party platform' adopted mons Liver Regulator. It always cures. of a woman on the floor of the senate is at Omaha July 4th, 1892; believing it to Geo. D. Linn, of Eugene, is paying his bad enough, but to utterly refuse to allow clearly set forth the true principles of an folks and friends at Jacksonville a visit a word to be said in her defense, was so Card of Thanks. Prohibition State Ticket. honest, just and economic system of gov­ ungallant, so characteristic of the average The ladies of the W. R. C. kindly thank Governor, James Kennedy of Multno-r ernment by, of, and for the people, and Mrs. J. S. Rogers came out from Port­ plutocrat, that it has caused no end of the pnblic for their patronage given at the mah : secretary of state, D. F. McKerch- turther that we endorse the state platform land last week on a visit with old friends. talk. Mr. Dolph’s constituents should be Campfire Rally, also the friends who assist­ er, of Multnomah; treasurer.I. A. R ch- adopted at Oregon City by the Peoples’ By order of the party state convention on March 15th, 1894. Alex Zeveley, formerly of Ashland, is made acquainted with his shameful con­ ed in the program. ardson, ot Umatilla; supreme judge, T. We also set forth the following county at work at tbe Josephine county cavrs. duct. The following extract from the president. . L idia G biswold , Secretary. P Hackleman, of Linn ; attorney-gener­ platform which we believe to be honest and VsfHO HAS improved the House and is pre- al, C. J. Wright of Wasco; superinten­ A daughter was born to the wife of W. Congressional Record, pp. 3570. 3571, just, and which will give the farmer a hope March 15, 1894, will give a fair idea of List of Letters dent public instruction, Helen M . Har ­ T. Clemens at Jacksonville on the 4tb tor the safe keeping of his own and a great pared to Entertain the Traveling Public Dolph’s statesmanship and standing as a Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland ford of Yamhill; state printer, James H. saving of county expenses: inst. P. O. April 9. : gentleman : in First Class Style. W hereas ; The county affairs of this McKibben, of Multnomah; congress— To think “nothing ails you” is a synip- “ Now I desire while I am on this ques­ Jones, Mrs. Carrie county have been so administered that tom Conick, Chas. S. first district, J. D. Hurst; second dis ­ of dyspepsia. Take Simmons Liver tion of cheap money to revert to another Lewis, Mr. with all property assessed at more than its Carter, G. R. trict, A. F. Miller. ;0:------------ cash value, and the rate of taxation higher Regulator. Hanson, Hans O. Cary. Mr. A. W. matter. I ascertained two years ago dar­ The resolutions adopted say that, rely­ than the industries of the county can bear, Shephard, Mrs L. Carter, F. M. E. G. Wilson went to Montague Sun- ing the election in my Btate that a certain ing upon Almighty God, the party ad­ Tregoning. J our county debt continues to grow without day to be employed on Cal. Worthen’s woman by the name of Emery, up in Tregoning. J. J. t Dixon, J. M. . heres to the national platform of 1892. any valuable improvements to show for section crew. Worst", Dr. E. J. (2) Michigan, had written a book that ahe D. BROWER, M. 1» They charge all the evils in public affairs the immense amount of money collected Terse ns calling for same, will please sav from the people. Therefore be it Capt. W. Wilbonrn, who is mining on called the Seven Financial Conspiracies “advertised." W. H. B runk , P. M. ’ to the domineering and corrupt influences R esolved ; By the Peoples ’ party of Althouse, went to Henley’ Saturday to Which Have Enslaved the People. There of the liquor traffic, which is denounced PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Klamath county, that we demand seems to have been some trouble about visit his family. We sell Park’s Cough Syrup on a positive as the enemy of the home and all man­ F irst —A rigid retrenchment in our A shland , O bkgon . the amount of postage which should be guarantee to cure all throat ana lung Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour­ county expenses; by making no outlay of Jack Mehan was called to San Francis­ paid upon it. The postmaster waa di­ troubles. It has stood the test for many kind, and declares the annihilation of money for improvements or anything else co Friday to see his sister, who was rected to keep an account for a future ad­ years and to-day is the leading remedy for the traffic as of first importance; that ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. 100,000 annually go down to drunkards’ Office—Ganiards Opera House. that is not absolutely necessary; applying dangerously ill. the cure of colds, consumption, and all dis ­ justment of it, and before the canvass Residence, Mechanic and Laurel Streets that safe busin» ss principle that expenses eases of the throat and lungs. Price 50 graves; that 10,500,000 suffer in poverty The Chicago Lady Quartette and Miss was half over in my state 16,000 copies cents and 11.00. Sold bv E. A. S herwin . should not exceed ability to pay them. and shame sb a result of this curse; anil C. CALDWELL, S econd —We demand that the candidates Neltnor, the elocutionist, at the Opera of that book had been sent into Oregon. that the many millions of dollars annu­ I have been told by those who know th» for the various offices of the county pledge tiouse Saturday, April 21st. ally now wasted tor liquor would solve HERE AND THERE. themselves, that if elected, they will woman and know the character of the all economic difficulties. MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE Mrs. John Butterworth returned home book that it ought to be denominated the petition for reduction of salary as follows: DENTIST. The Twin Dress Stays at Vaupel, Norris Sheriff $1250; Clerk. $1000; Judge. $400; to Linn county Sundav, John having S ven Financial Fallacies; that she has McKees Rocks, Pa., Feb. 3. 1892. me investments be­ nominee for county recorder, were in Not satisfied with this, be wanted to October, 1892, have been located. Kid Bick headaches, Mrs. M. Fowler, 327 Ellis St fore long. A Portland company has been Indigestion, Mrs. C. D. Stuart, 1221 Mission St looking over placer claims on Gall’s creek Ashland Saturday visiting Judge Batchel­ put in the Record that infamous book McCoy, who is somewhere in the East, All grants in Arizona, it is claimed, with published by the Century magazine, en­ the exception of the Sonita grant, were Constipation. Mrs. C. Melvin, 126 Kearny St and partly bargained for several. They or and daugnter. and Harry Blaek, who is in jail in Sac­ taken from the state of Sonora. The intend to purchase all claims for sale in Mrs. Alice Smith returned Sunday titled “ Cheap Money Experiments.” ramento, are the guilty men. order to get a mining propsition if possi­ from a pleasant visit with relatives ami This book professes to give the populist grants in question were as follows: ble. The gentlemen who leaded the Dr About 100 veterans have left the Sol­ theory of money, and there never was a Braden property are looking at mines near friends at Grants Pass. Mrs. W. H. work more scandalously false printed in diers' Home at Yountville, Cal., because Sonita, made in 1821, area 9,000 acres; JLSHT-iJLItTZD, OZRZEG-OJST. Woodward, oi Crescent City, was on the Babacomari, made in 1888, area 36,000 Ashland and in the Applegate country. same train to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. the United States. Dolph, who knows of dissatisfaction with th« present man­ acres; San Rafael del Valle, made in perfectly well that no populist platform agement. Since the recent scandal at Marvh Weather Summary. Many druggists have a cheap Sarsaparilla they H. Murray, at Yreka. and no authorized populist speaker ever the home radical changes have been 1833, area 18,000; Nogales de Elias, make rai re on than on Joy’s, which they will try Following is a summary of weather ob­ made in 1844. area 10,000. The Nogales Capt. I. D. Applegate was in town Sat­ advocated such views, insisted on insert­ to sell to you. You’ll have to insist on Joy’s. servations at Ashland during month of made in the rules and regulations. graut was rejected unanimonsly March as reported by F. H. Carter, local urday visiting relatives and with Chas. S. ing it as tbe acknowledged principles oi Moat modern, most effective, same price. observer for the Oregon State Weather Ser­ Moore and wue spent the day at Jack­ bi-metallists and populists. At this point A peculiar scene was witnessed at The net earnings of the Burlington for For sale by Ashland Drug Co. Manufacturer of Choice Steel Cut Roller Process " -. vice: sonville. Together with Rufus Moore the following colloquy took place; Spokane a few days ago. John Horton, February, 1894, were $74,808, a decrease Elevation above sea level, 1940 ft. they went north to attend tne repub.i an Mr. Harris.—What book is that? of $41,129 from the same month of 1898. a carpenter, fell into the river and was Mean Temperature, 44 4. convention. Tnev will return home bv Mr. Dolph,—It is a little pamphlet Departure from normal, —1.6, At the meeting of tho Medical asso­ being swept to death over the falls. He way of the midwinter fair. called “Cheap Money Experiments.” Maximum Temperature, 76, on 28th. ciation at New York there were present made a gallant struggle for life, cheered Mr. Kvle. — Published by the Century Minimum Temperature. 22, on 3d. Rolled Barley and Feed of all Kinds at Lowest Cash I'rires. The republicans of Josephine county 7601 members, including physicians by 400 people, who were anxiously Company? Mean of miximum temperature 54.1. -PROPRIETOR- have nominated the following ticket: watching him on the shore. The our- Mean of minimum temperature. 34.7. Mr. D lph.—Yes. from ail parts of the world. rent was too strong, and the poor fellow Number of times max. temp. 60 or above 0. Sheriff, J. G. Hiatt; clerk. C. E. Har­ Mr. Harris.—Does the senator mean to The Iowa legislature has passed the Number of times min. temp. 32or below. 14. mon ; countv judge, Jas. Pollock; com­ put a library in the Record? woman suffrage bill, giving the women was swept into the cataract and pounded Number of times min temp. 40 or below, 26. missioner, Fred Croxton ; assessor, C. M. Mr. Dolph.—Oh, no. to death. Stites; superintendent, Miss Alice Car­ Mr. Harris.—If he does I want him to the right to vote for city, town and Annie M. Pratt and Orville C. Pratt, Total precipitation, 2.65 inches. school ordinances and on the question of son ; triaenrer, A. Bartlett; representa­ read it so that we can comprehend it. Departure from normal. .97. minor grandchildren of the late Annie Mr, Dolph.—I shall be very glad to issuing bonds. Greatest precipitation in 24 consecutive tive to legislature, R, G. Smith. A. Pratt, through their guardian, E. hours, .40 inches. A new railroad system has been or- The Indians at Ft. Bidwell have organ­ read it if the senate will give me tbe Campbell, have begun a contest of the Total depth of unmelted snowfall, 3.60 in. time, because it is very interesting and E:ed to comprise the Cincinnati, ized a minstrel troupe and are perform­ will of the late Mrs. Pratt at Los Ange­ r ilton and Dayton and the Cincin­ AVING BOUGHT the fixtures of the Prevailing direction of wind, N W. -ELY’S CREAM BALM-Cleanees the Nasa ing in the county towns The entertain­ the country ought to hear it, and it will les, Which complicates the present lid- be s< me time before I can get my speech Passages, /vitays Pain and Inflammation, Heali Hargadine & Woods (formerly Mur­ nati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific and ment is said to be unique and original and Tift Ktfi S f Ufi FLY! ("Ì S Y Tifili fiììii dlll"fi{ gatiou in the case and promises to bring in circulation. phy. Bros ) market and renovated and re­ Numlier of clear days, 6. will go to the midwinter fair, where it is their traffic connections. painted the old stand, the public can de­ Number of partly cloudy days, 7. Mr. Allen. — Mr. President — out all of the supposed buried differ­ expected thev will attract as much atten­ Two sisters, Sarah and Linda Billings, ences which gave rise to the Goodspeed- pend upon our keeping on hand at all times Number of cloudy days, 18." The Presiding officer.—Does tbe sena­ tion to Modoc county as the De Moss a full supply of Number of days on which .01 or more of family at the world’s fair did to Oregon. tor from Oregon yield to the senator from aged 35 and 40 respectively, committed Mansfield suit. precipitation fell, 16. suicide by taking poison at Winchester, Nebraska? CHOICEST MEATS------- B. C. Faurot, lato president of the Number of days on which .04 or more of Gives Relief at once for Cold in Head. Mr. Allen.—I rise to a parliamentary O., rather than be separated. It had ------- and SAUSAGES George Marsh and Del Smith have precipitation tell, 12. Apply into the. Noetrile. ------- It i» Quickly Absorbed. Lima (O.) National bank, has issued a inquiry. been the intention of one to marr y. taken the contract to put 50,000,000 logs Of All Kinds.------------- _____ _» > 50c. Druggists or by mail. ELY BROS.. 66 Warren Kt, N. A Dates on which snow fell—1, 2, 3, 9, 16, 17 circular Jetter to stockholders, with a Mr. Dolph.—Wait a moment. I only into the boom at Pokegama for Cook & 18. 19. NV’First (’lass Service. Small Margins Remarks: Total precipitation since Sept. Co., and will receive $4.50 ner thousand. desire to print some brief extracts from tabulated statement showing that he is Tbe Way to Get Strong. and Cash Prices. Give us a trial. 3-22-tf 1,1893. 52.46 in. Average anuual pre­ They will run their own store, saloon and the book ; but I wish to say, if the sena­ unable to get an accounting from the James J. Corbet gave some pretty good cipitation for 12 years, 19.69 in. cook-hou«e, They gave James George tor trom Texas (Mr. Milla) wants an ex­ advice to the-boys of the Olympic Club, government sor nearly $90,000. SURVEYOR Almonds in bloom. " A few peach blossoms. the contract to furnisn them meat. ecutive session, that I should like to con­ when he was in San Francisco last. He xwuxiivr, an( j government Land Locator The Colorado state veterinary board Aw. Marsh and Smith will extend the logging tinue my remarks tomorrow. If not, I told them that the best way to get strong has decided that if Utah sheep in Delta railway a distance of several miles into shall now read what I desire to have in­ was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that WIMER, OREGON. they should arrive at manhood lusty and county are found diseased to ask the serted in the Record from this book. the sugar pine belt. healthy. Many men who have been guilty government to issue a proclamation Mr. Allen.—I desire to object now to AVING gaineda complete know ledge of the lay of the land in this country by a<> tuai experience, I aiu thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the There are 60 men working on the these extracts going in the Record with­ of excesses and over-indulgencies. and have placing sheep on the same plane as in­ used the Celebrated Medicine "CUl ’ I- bestof satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. Hampton ditch on Grave creek and the out bring read, because thia book is noto­ DEN E” lived to give testimony of its won­ fected cattle, and they will be kept ont construction will be completed hv the riously a falsehood from its opening to its derful stimulating and curative powers. by subjecting them to quarantine. Will cure You, is a true statement of the first of Mav. The company has 750 closing. “CUPlDENE” will check al) the waste tiss­ THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE MYER'S It is possible that an important con­ action of AYER S Sarsaparilla, when acres of rioth at a very low ebb now is the time for home Sarsaparilla eradicates the taint of he­ Billy Terrill, a Jackson county bov, is to have inserted in tbe Record. The Cruz, was convicted of assault with in­ of the agricultural college at Pullman, seekers to get bargains, as I will take silver in exchange. Cal! on or address me for reditary scrofula aud other blood dis­ Wash., of malfeasance in office. further particnlur«. the ponulret nominee fo- county clerk of book is notoriously false, and it is not eases from the system, and it has, deser­ Klamath county. Mr. Terrill w»« one of recognized by the populist party. It em­ tent to commit murder. The defense Dick Hannan, a barber at Petaluma, nl»M»AaA iruumitv vedly, the confidence of the people. the earliest organises in the alliance and anates trom a gentleman who believes in K rause ’ s H eadache C apsules —Warrant­ cut his throat with a razor in the pres­ people’s party movements in the state. the gold standard, and not from a popu­ ed. For sale by T. K. Bolton, Sole Agent. ence of iris employer and a customer. BEST ÏN THE WORLD. list ; and it is garbled in its makeup. I Honest, industrious, painstaking, re­ Itswparin • q ualillse ara u mu massed, actually B& varieties High-Claw, Thoroughbred,' entlast ir. ir tr?o terca >’t c—y other b.-and. Nos Fancy Poultry $ lo Varieties Fancy i liable and well qu -.lified, he fills the bill •bject to it for these reasons. Pigeons; Guinea Pigs; Ferrets;Pet Rab- j effected t y IAT" r:. Y'V tí L («lili L IXE. Dolph got it in the Record, however, required 'of a first-class official. His bitsand Recorded Poland China Swine, i FÔIVSALB BY DE.tLLR-1 GfèERALLY. tyV Send 10c. for my Fine, Large,Illustrated. | manv friends in Jackson county expect and he is having 100,OX) copies of the Descriptive Catalogue containing many i speech printed to circulate in Oregon the to see the people of Klamath county elect bints on Poultry raising, treatment of1 '.áñr---- ----------------------------------- :----------- i coming campaign with the parts here ip their diseases, etc., worth dollars to any him. one interested in Poultry. ACCOM Mfr. serted left out. for the last day or two, ALBERT ASKEY, Ridott. III. 1) i TIO NS. The voting Indies of Roseburg have tie has been telling other senators that “I cannot forbear to express my joy at the relief I have obtained from the use organized an Amazon drill corps with a that speech is to be the republican bible Waler of any temperature desired. may be avoided. It comes from a germ that takes Natural Temperature S5 deg's. of AYER’S Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted membership of about seventy-five, and in Oregon. Our folks in that state can rely on the facts here stated. They with kidney troubles for about six will show their proficiency, to ti e G. A. ought to make it pretty hot for old root and grows only when the System is Weak and Hi IIEIIK Till WATER 18 A TOIIC. R. encampment w hich meets on the 9th months, suffering greatly with pains in and 10th of next mouth. Miss Kate Moses. Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates Lungs are affected a the small of my back. In addition to Buick is captain. Mis* Bello Willis fiist- fungi and amntalculea, and tieutraU .. Cheap and Dangerous Tooth brushes. E. FITZWATER, Prop. izing aud .cqrr^ ting. qll acidic this, my body was covered with pimply lieutenant, Miss Mabel Elliot second- An operation for appendicitis upon a ties it promotes a normal and C orner M ain and C hurch S treets . [ eruptions. The remedies prescribed lieutenant. Broo.ns, ’tater-mashers and healthful condition in every will comprise the patient living in this state revealed tho failed to help me. I then began to take carpet-dusters part of the system. fact that the disorder was due to the ■ AYER’S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short “utensils of war.’’ - SWIMMING RINK. -* eals at all hours . Meals] time, the pains ceased and the pimples presence of tooth brush bristles. 7 from 15 Cents Up. Meal Tickets, 21 ’ Josephine county was the first countv "Cheap tooth brushes," remarked the nclosed and covered, the same medical disappeared. I advise every young man in the state of Oregon to pay up its state meals for $4.00. water, always clean, for the springs run a Albany surgeon who had charge of the or woman, in case of sickness result­ taxes in full. The sheriff and treasurer, of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and heavy volume— more than twelve hun­ dred gallons per hour. ing from impure blood, no matter how S Shattuck and W. E. Dean, respective­ case, "are responsible for many ob­ EAT AND ATTRACTIVE Service soda, overcomes all the conditions which make con­ You may dive and swim and have more and Fir«t-Class Fare. long staudiug the case may be, to take ly, are both populists and that enuntv is scure throat, stomach and intestinal tun than “anybody’ —come out as “fine ailments. The bristles are only glued -•.Give us a Cali. inar22-tf a reliable populist county. Populist of ­ AYERS Sarsapari I la. H. L. Jarmann, sumption possible. Physicians, the world over, en- as silk” and “white as wool’’ rejuven­ on and come off by the half dozen when ficials know the necessity of economy 33 William st., New York City. ated and happy. and wisdom in public affairs. Thev are wet and brought in contact with the endorse it. Located on i lie practical and never delude themselves teeth. ’ ’—American Druggist. HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE with the idea that “there is plenty of For sale by Ashlandrirug Company. NORTH OF THE PLAZA. money" when there is no money at all. Your Place or Boot« ana Shoes. Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs and Emaciation pave These are trying times and men of horse Morris Howell, the old reliable boot and the way for Consumption. SCOTT’S EMULSION cures sense are wanted to take the place of old shoe maker one door north of the old stand ■ ----- TO THE------ K baus " e ’ s H eadache C amules - Warrail- Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas» them and makes the system strong. fools who tell us the fable that “there is opposite Odd Fellows ball Boots and Pluprietor. •d, For bale by T. K. Bolton, Sole Agent shoes made to order at lowest possible rates. urone money than there ever was.” RECORD OFFICE. Prepared by Scott.Down«, N.Y. Druggists sell it. KLAMATH COUNTY TICKET : HOTEL OREGON, A bsolutely pure Professional Cards Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. A. HIGHEST CASH MARKET PRICE A FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF y/omen Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To PL. C. MYER. Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. EAGLE^ROLLER • MILLS Vegetable Sarsaparilla JU I V C. FARNHAM, Proprietor. CORN ® MEAL, 3! GRAHAM » FLOUR, ® ETC., 0. W. OBALK, Rolling Barley for Farmers a Specialty. Highest cash price paid for Barley and Corn, at all times. H C atarri i 1 N D YOUNG MORRIS HOWELL BOOTS SHOEMAKER. Cures Others H GOLD HILL, R H Ridott POULTRY lards AVER’S Reopened Under New Management. Consumption Sarsaparilla ASHLAND BATHING The Ashland Restaurant Scott’s Emulsion M N Will Cure You GRANT HELMAN i IÄFI 100.2