VALLEY RECORD., 9 CONGRtooiON \L P..Owti-UiNGb. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no BUTTE CREEK NEWS. Captain Sweeney. (J. S. A., San I)ieeo, dust, THE MIDWINTER FAIR. Cal., says: “fthiloh's Catarrh Reinedv is OIL. SENATE. the fir-t medicine I have ever found that Chris Evans will hereafter be known E ditor V alley R ecord : would do me atty good. ’ ’ Price 50 cts. at Folsom as “3,(55. ” Tuesday, Feb. SO. On March 17. St. Patrick’# day, = R| a sea KHEUMATI8M| Mrs Joseph Rader (nee Rachel Stanley) Sold at Bolton’s drug5store, Irish soc eties will celebrate at tbe Bakersfield is to have a wedding of a is visiting II. T. Severance. Proceedings were devoid of interest. The People’s Paper. Sandow. the strong mon, was hypno­ Tariff petitions were read and routine Chinese to a white girl. Miss Bessie Brown pf Eagle Point is visit­ tized by Dr. Mercerctiu at the College of hibition. The admission that day will Oceanside. San Diego county, refused ing her aunt, Mrs. H. R. Brown, near Physicians and Surgeons at New York. be 25 cents. work attended to. The Hawaiian mat­ ’ LUMBAGO, Brownsboro. to vote $30,0o0 for water bonds. ter was discussed. Friday last was children’« day. All Two-pound dumb-bells were made to ap­ Wm. C. Daley was in town one day last Sacramento is taking active steps to Wednesday, Feb. 21. BRUISES, SWELLINCS. BURNS. pear so heavy that the strong man could the school children of San Francisco week on a business tnp. There is no grass Thesteel rail trust is to be protected by were admitted free to the grounds and not lift them, and his li . « assumed and The tariff question came up unexpect­ secure the Republican state convention. grows under bis-feet. - I the Wilson hill—a democratic “tariff re­ edly. Voorhees rose to a question of maintained rigidity at the will of the to the concessions. Fully 50,000 chil­ Scotch capitalists are to develop the Mrs. Stowell is reported on the sick- liitrs t’hyppotizer. form” measure. dren were on the grounds. Kings new coal discoveries at Sumas Lake,B.C. privilege and denied a newspaper report although our M. I)?s are not so busy as-' county ga ve away raisins to the chil­ They lock the opera house doors be­ they have been tor some time past. that the president was dictating to the The property which Governor and The seignorage on uncoined silver bul­ There is getting to be considerable ex­ Mrs. McKinley conveyed to trustees dren and Southern California counties lion now in the government vaults would finance committee in regard to the pro­ tween numbers at Whatcom (Wash.) citement over our coming school election last summer when the governor was gave oranges. concerts. coin 154,431,080—and still we are to have vision of the bill Acrimonious debate as we have several candidatesmal ready in forced to make an assignment by the on the subject lasted an hour. White A four-story brick building is to be On Washington’s birthday 35,000 more bonds! Old Shvlock is right “in the field. it”—clear up to his eves. of California defended the president’s built at Spokane for a new manufactory failure of a Youngstown manufacturer people attended the fair. In the even­ Rev. R. Fysh is moving his effects out Of Hawaiian policy. whom notes has of cereal foods. ing the electric fountain and the big the Grandma Dalev house into Mr. Hub- for , x , he had . . indorsed , . Grover Cleveland was elected in 1892 Thursday, Feb. 22. The loss to the orange crop in South­ bard’s house, as Grandma Dalev expects to been transferred back to them. This is search light on the top of the electric as a tariff reformer, on a platform which , the result of private subscriptions by tower were in operation for the first time. The Declaration of Independence was ern California by the severe north wind return to this place as soon as possible.- distinctly stated that protection wa9 a The electric fountain is one of the most Business is looking up in our town same- friends of the governor. is enormous. read, as is the usual custom on Wash ­ fraud. Here 1894 and his pet com­ what, I think, for A. J. Florey, one of oar i canal scheme to connect Georg- beautiful sights of the fair. After the Ex-County Treasurer S. F. Murphy ington ’ s birthday. Some routine busi ­ mittee frames a protective measure—and leading business men. has made an. addijl. ... T f-..__. .____ wnth Lake Ontario has passed electrical exhibit in the grand court a all the pap-suckers and organs ure call­ ness was disposed of, and the senate ad­ has been convicted of the larceny of tion to hi« line of goods,we are glad to note. ian the committee stages. It now has to go magnificent fireworks display was given $4,000 of public money at Baker City, Or. journed until Monday. ing it “tariff reform.” There will be a, quarterly meeting bgld ‘ .. .. , ” T. * at the Recreation grounds. • Nothing Monday, Feb. 26. Kings county (Cal.) proposes to have by the M.E. church at this place on the 10th to the council for ratification. If suc- lias ever been seen west of Chicago If a fear of free trade caused the panic and Ulh of March. Rev. L. T. Jones, pre- cessful, the promoters promise to spend An early adjournment was taken to an early night closing and. Sunday law. of ’93, what caused trie panic of ’73? allow the Democrats to go into caucus The board of supervisors is considering siding elder, is expected to be present. Th* $60,000.000 on it. Traffic going bv way’ which equated this exhibition. c”“,uen.ce on the, Thurtday f the Erie canal diverted into There was no 'ear of free trade then. O the question. DEATH HAS CLAIMED the contrary tl.e republican party hml on the tariff bill. The report on Ha­ J : Lake Ontario and through the St. Law- K rause ’ s H eadache C apsules are more isin^n^’th^’Rrese6on“ been in possession of every branch of the waii by the foreign affairs committee «”ce t0 E"r0Pe/ ifL83® N ubman M unro , well-known pub­ government for twelve years and a high­ was read. A letter from the attorney plea-ant and convenient to take than pow- ly protictive tariff was in operation all general to the secretary of the treasury d-rs, wafers, elixirs, etc. For sale by T. K, Butte hu decided to return it to Mr. How- Bules «holier than by the Lake Erie lisher anil yachtsman, at New York. cy, tbe man of whom he bought it, and go canal. The promoter# expect to get all the time. Both panics were caused bv containing the opinion that silver cer­ Bolton, sole agent, Ashland, Or. S teele M ackays , »ctor and play­ back to his mountain ranch <>n Antelope. the western traffic. Major SewaH i tmux «tied at Spokane. the same thing—unwise financial legis­ tificates are not lawful money was also I understand that a gentleman from Wash- wright, at Timpni, Colo., while on his H “ went to Oregon 41 years ago and was ington proposes to exchange some real] A. startling story is circulated that lation. read. captain in the First Oregon Volunteer# property there for a part of his place here. George D. B. Keim, ex-president of the way to California. Ex-Congressman S trait , who repre­ in the war of the rebellion. Charley Griffith, of whom I spoke in my i Philadelphia and Reading railroad, was General James A. Beaver, ex-governor BOUSE. sented Minnesota in "Congress for 18 of Pennsylvania (republican) sat#: The 14-year-old daughter of William last as being paralyzed all over except front murdered. He died Dec. 17, and the Tuesday, Feb. 20. years, at El Paso, Tex. “To be candid, 1 don t believe this de­ his tonsils up is improving under Dr. Of# announcement was made that death re- The deadlock on the Bland seignior­ Fry, near Dayton. Wash., went home General J ames M. A llkn . adjutant­ pression in business is the result of dem­ K'swjiisss «■»» one morning recently from a dance, ate ocratic policy. Tnis wave of business age bill was not broken. Numerous roll as he came within eight votes of getting *atd that Keim was found lying on the general of California under Governor a hearty breakfast and fell dead. calls failed to develop a quorum and the depression was coming, and it is only Haight, at San Franctoco. San Jose's common council refuses to there at la-t election. And if good nursihg sidewalk near his home, his head badly the good iortune of the republicans that house adjourned at 4 p. m. Members and careful attention will raise him, be wiir bruised and his money gone. The sup- Shiloh's Cure, tbe great Cough and Croup the democrats got in power in time to la- who had been arrested for non-attend­ reorganize the board of health so that it «“‘it™ «»« 1» Cure, is for sale at Bolton's drug «tor«. shall consist of regular physicians. The caught bv it. It is one of those period­ ance were obliged to give excuses. Pocket sixe contains twentv-five do«««, ical ilepressions that reguiarlv affec ted board now consists of three councilmen, His daughter. Miss Etha, who ,ha\ been Vva« Wealthy, and he was assaulted near only 25c. Children love it. Wednesday, Fab. 21« stopping at Sisson for several months re- his home and robbed. Private detect- the country and nothin: could have th* city engineer and one physician. Bland again failed to secure a quorum turned home last’Thursday. Her many Ives have been at work on the case and averted it. I don’t believe the demo­ Prendergast, tue assassin of Carter A big strike has been made in the friends here are glad to meet -her hav0 (ailed to unravel the mystery. crats or their policy have anything to d<> end after four hours of fruitless roll call Mammoth mining district in Arizona. Harrison of Chicago, has been sentenced more« with it. It would have come anyhow, an adjournment was taken. A dozen to be hanged on March 23. It is getting to be quite riskv business up The fear that F oun K lad F teachers The surface croppings are over 100 feet It is getting to be quite risky business np and if Harrison had been elected H congressmen were arrested on the floor Leroy Harris, the postal note forger, here to ride in a cart, for last week we cante who instruct Chinamen in Sunday might have been even worse.” of the house for having absented them­ wide, and the gold is so plentiful that near having two accidents in ibis neighbor­ wlio waa recently captured in the East, schools will be injured, by association flake# of it can be seen numerously hood on account of this habit. First Mrs with the celestials has caused serious had $1,300 in greenbacks secreted in I selves. throughout the samples. What funny tell'iws these politicians Thursday, Fab. 22. "Dick” was going to a neighbor’s and one •re. Wnen the republican# try to pas« Shiloh’s Vualtzer is what yon need tor wheel of the cart ran over a cbappanll i trouble in the aristocratic First Presby­ his shoes. Contrary to custom, the house met on At Bertram's Mills, El Dorado county, a bill that ia obnoxious to the democrat« Dyspepsia, t rpid liver, yellow skin or kid­ bush and came near throwing her out She terian church at Chicago. In opposi­ Washington’s birthday. A lively row ney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you caught between tbe shaftsand wheel, doing I the latter fillihuater and refuse to vote. tion to the school which the church had Cal., and Indian decapitated a medicine And then all the republican papers and i resulted from the arrest of members. satisfaction. Price 75 cents. Sold by T. K. no damage except plastering a good amount established, some gentlemen of the con­ man with an ax because he failed to of mud on.her clothes. The next was Miss .. great ....... —______ ___ Cummings of New York defied the offi- B olton . ■peaker# set up a howl at the dem- cure the Indian’s squaw. Sportsmen have lx?en claiming for Ora Woods, who was riding along the road gregation have formed an anti-Chinese ocrats because tliev “retard legislation cers and was not arrested. Bland could with her sister and stooping over to fix Sunday school society. They claim that A negro thrust his hand through the #ome time that the carp, which have be­ something the cart ran into a mt, throwing and while drawing their salaries neglect not get a quorum. because a lady teacher is assigned to glass of J. Hyman’s jewelry store at come so numerous in the Columbia and her out forward of the wheel into the inu<|. to perform tne duties to which tnev have Friday, Feb. 33. each Chinese pupil the teachers are in Sacramento, stole two watches and jew­ been elected.” Many a voter has been Willamette rivers, are ruiniug the duck the wheel passing over her body. Fortu­ The members who were arrested were great danger from contact with the elry and made his escape. nately she got oil without being hurt. caught with that kind of trash. But hunting on Sixuvie's island by destroy­ Speaking uf being thrown in tlie Mongolians. The cases of the marriage when the ilemocrats trv to pass a bill all discharged. Bland bitterly de­ ing the plants on which the ducks feed. of our young gentlemen by the name ofEtf. of teachers and pupils are cited, and a and the repuhjicons filibuster and refuse nounced the Democrats for filibustering Leading .Carson merchants propose to Richards went out horseback riding with determined effort to rescue the young to vote, then it is the democrats turn to against the seigniorage coinage bill. He his best girl and bis horse fell in a mud­ “As old as howl the saute song and dance, only called the filibusterers anarchists and put on freight teams between that city hole, throwing him oil and rolling on hjs. ladies from possible peril will be made. with the shoe on the other foot. And said the representatives should do their and Sacramento. Part of the program foot. The mud was so soft that he received, An entertainment given by 100 China­ the hills” and the voters? Why, they how! as their work or acknowledge their incompe­ is to erect a big commission and store no bodily harm, but ob! the sad plight he men to the ladies of the church brought never excell­ leaders do and keep on voting the tick't tency. house, which will be stocked to draw on was in. He had and still has the sympa matters to a focus. MI T IE! ed. “Tried thy of bis best girl. •traight. during the winter when roads are im ­ Saturday, Feb. 24. There passed through Hamilton, Ill., DEATH OF H. G. SHOCK. and proven” THE BEST passable. Harvey Scott, the Oreuonian editor, A short session, devoid of interest. Died Feb. 24.1894. at tlie family’ residence ! a few nights ago in a blinding storm of is the verdict A number of farmers and orchardists in Eagle Point, H. G. ¡Shock, aged 61 yevi-i! mow Charles Randall, Jr., who is walk­ has returned from the east where lie No quorum. Bland lost his patience INFERIOR o f millions. in the vicinity of Walla Walla, Wash., 2 mouths and 24 days. The subject of the' went to consult aith the big trust and and declared that the bondholders con­ ing to San Francisco from New York or above notice was born in Bo'»ne county. naury concerns who own his shop and trolled the country. hat^e placed their signatures to an agree­ Simmon# ARTICLE Missouri, Nov. 29th, 1829, and moved io a wager of $10,000. He left Brooklyn every big metropolitan paper in the ment pledging themselves to plant at Oregon bridge at 7:30 a. m. Jan. 6, and must be Liver Regu ­ in 1852, where he settled in .tackson Monday, Feb. 26. United States, as well as the farms, homes least one-quarter of an acre in sugar In 1863 he enlisted in the U. S at Sail Francisco on April 13. The total Bera um it ii j-w lator is ine the CHEAPEST Pence ot Colorado denounced the Re­ beets this season for the purpose of af­ county. and business of the nation. We expect­ Army and was stationed at Ft. Klantath, i L distance, the way the route is laid out, ■tare preti labil to ed to see the shrewd and intellectual old publicans for submitting to the crack of fording a test. Liver where he remained in the service for three ‘ . . teat ine tiw. rascal get the Iwnefit of a few new links ex-Speaker Reed's whip. , Fithian ar­ JL/ C/ Z' V / and Kidney years, receiving an honorable discharge. is 3,406 miles. Of this distance Randall The Southern Pacific lias issued a cir­ While there he coniracted a disease that- has covered 1,197 miles and has 2,209 to his regular morning chain of sophistry raigned his fellow Democrats for fili­ medicine to on the money question. But he did not. bustering. Pence made a sensational cular at Chicago saying that hereafter troubled him more or less through life, en­ yet to go. To make this in time he will which you “You can get plenty of money if yon denial of statements accredited to him it will not honor San Diego tickets over titling him to a pension. Since his dis­ have to walk an average of 37| mile« a charge from the army he has lived con­ have got anything to sell,” he keeps on the Southern California because of tlie tinually in this intniednne neighborhood, day. There are men watching him and can pin your in conversation with Pickier of Ne ­ piping through his Morning Bellows, « $5 arbitrary rate demanded. This vir­ where he has always been looked upon as a if he rides one foot of the way he loses braska and T i of Oregon. J faith for a notwithstanding that right in Chicago, tually amounts to a refusal to handle good, honest, faithful citizen. In 1884 he the wager. He goes via the Keokuk and where he met with the associated press married Mra. Wooley, with whom he lived Western to Medill, then over the Santa San Diego business on any terms. GOVERNMENTAL GOSSIP. gang, there are 100,000 men to-day who until her death, and in May, 18<8, he was People with delicate stomachs find Ayer’s married to Mrs. Hanzler'with whom be Fe to Albuquerque, N. M., thence to would like to sell their labor tor money tive, and Sarsaparilla agreeable to the taste, and. lived to the tune of bis deatb. , About six Mojave, Cal., over the Atlantic and Pa­ with which to feed, clothe, and shelter Secretaries Lamont and Herbert have therefore, prefer it as a blood purifier to years ago he joined tbe Presto terian chu-ch cific, and thence into San Francisco on purely veg­ their little ones. “Yon can get all the anv other. This is one reason for its great and sine* that time he has been looked up­ the Southern Pacific. Three years ago money you want it you have got anything declared against football in the military popularity etable, act­ as a spring and family medicine. on as a constant Christian. He leaves a lion of a faiuou» French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner­ to sell,” persistently yelps this suheidized •nd naval academies. vous or disi-atea of the generaUve ornun, such as Loal Manhood wife and stepdaughter, and a brother in I Randall walked through Africa and Safe, certain, and palatable. ing directly Insomnia, I’ainsin the Back,(Seminal BmMnna, Nervous Debility’ editor, and in view of the Oregonian’s The sub-committee of the house com­ Missouri to mourn his lo«s. He expressed Arabia for the London Times. Last Punplen, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele anj William Hanley, a prominent stock ­ on the Liver course in the constitutional amendment mittee on banking and currency will re­ his perfect wil'ingness to go at the Master’s summer he pushed a wheelbarrow from Constipation. It stopii all losses by day or night. Prevents quick- Di ss of discharge, which if not checked leads to «permatorrhma and issue and the Lake Lahish railroad wreck port to the full committee favorably the man of Harney Valley, Eastern Oregon, call. The funeral services were conducted Philadelphia to the Worlds Fair on a and Kid­ BEFORE AND AFTER t'Ataehorrorsof Impotency. S ETPinKMKcleaaseetheUver, CM we have no doubt Bro. Scott lias had j bill of Cooper of Indiana to permit the reports that “line broke” horses which at the school house (our place uf public Wbrvrib HNO nr tn ki<| neJ-SBn packages $5.00. For sale by had ever witnessed. The royal party private practice of a life-time among gremii so de - a Useful Life, for raise what it can la-fore March 10th and in the islands, saying that we exercise the Ashland Drug Co. “C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mast.: the nobility and aristocracy of Eu­ sent their congratulations to Miss at least moral suzerainty over Hawaii, report at the county convention. " GentlemenThree years ago a file penetrat­ Mr. lirui'. i.av.tig been granted per- rope he prescribed this recipe, Price servedly popular . — Write: Write for Particulars which is “an American state embraced missiutt at Tacoma to sr.-> the Northern Rehan. G rant R awlings . $1 by mail, securely packed. C or ­ ed one of my legs just above the knee. I was Past Assistant Surgeon Richard Ash­ some distance from a doctor and the wound was respondence confidential Bole Chairman Co. Cen. Corn. P. P. in the American commercial and mili­ Pacific receivers, has filed a suit in the Agents for America. Address tary system, ” entitling it to indulgent United States circuit court to recover bridge has been dismissed from the not properly dressed. Failing to receive Ute Where there is more than one Club or THE SkIHllLI ROOT HAIR GROWER («. Legion in one precinct, all should meet as consideration, if not actual sympathy, $5,000.000 damages, the outcome of per­ navy. He was recorder of a court- necessary treatment, Dept. R., 57 8. Fifth Avenue, N. Y. their polling place on Saturday, March 3. in itB endeavors to release it« people secution by means of which he was pre­ martial at Mare Island. Cal., but re­ Blood Poisoning 1 “DO AS THE TREES DO, CHANGE YOUR PANTS.” and organize a precinct organization by first from the odious anti-republican regime vented from placing bonds of the Öre­ fused to draw up a report of tlie pro­ Kt in. I became so weak and my system so electing a chairman and secretary, next a j that subordinates its people to the sup­ ceedings as directed by the president of much run down that I could not turn in bed or gun and Washington Territory road. precinct executive committee of five, two the court, and was also charged with help myself in any way. After seventeen of whom should be the chairman and sec­ posed divine right of a monarch, “whose Randolph Kalloclt, a son of ex-Mayor falsehood in the same connection. months’ confinement, my wife took me to Walls retary of y<>ur precinct meeting. The title to such divinity originated in the Walla, Wash. Here the surgeons amputated chairman of your precinct executive com­ | most slavish conditiohs of pagan bar­ Kalloch of San Francisco, was taken to mittee is bv virtue of his office a member of barity. ” The report approves Minister Bakersfield recently from Los Angeles Park's Cough Syrup my leg half way between the knee and the hip. the county central committee. Next, elect charged with stealing a sealskin sack Has been so highly recommended to us Following this my ltealth improved slightly but rour delegates to the county convention. Stevens' order landing troops from the anti a diamond ring from a woman in that we have taken the agency for it and shortly gatherings began to form on my body and caused me much pain and suffering. Sev­ Next, take the initiative for all officers to Boston on tbe ground that conditions now ask our friends who are suffering with remedies were trie*t but did not give me re­ be nominated at the county and state con ! existed which led naturally to the ap­ Bakersfield. He is a slave to the mor­ a cold to give it a trial and if it doe- not eral lief. ' Finally Hood’s Sarsaparilla was recom­ vention. After the vote is taken, send one prehension of civil commotion, and en­ phine habit and is now in jail awaiting give satisfaction your money will be refund mended and copy of such vote immediately to the trial. He is without means and will cn. Every bottle is Sold on’a iiositivdtruar- | Could See a Change | county chairman and give a duplicate copy dangering the security of American cit­ plead his own cause. antee. Price 50 cents and $i.00. bold by from the first. Gradually I have Improved; I to your delegates to the county convention izens, and points out three or four pre- E. A. S herwin .____ am growing stronger and the painful gatherings Mrs. Mary Cleveland of Portland, Or., to provide against mistakes. ' vious occasions when similar action had A tire just out.. e or San Jose's limits havo disappeared and I am about cured of rnv W. H S paugh . j been taken. This condition, the report whom spirits told that her husband, Dr. destroyed the old Union foundry, the Chairman P. P. State Ex. Com. Call and Investigate Our aays grew out of the effort of the queen Dan H. Thatcher of Santa Monica, Cal., Sevensun hotel and the Mechanics’ We, the People’s party, at the outset to to overthrow the constitution, and that was dead, when in fact he was alive, has hotel. Loss about $10,000. Panic Prices. secure permanent control of the party her act amounted to an act of abdica­ been awarded half his estate, amount­ R. Clark Forsyth, a Chicago real organization unaffected by the interest of tion and neutralized her power to pro­ ing to $60,000. Thatcher is now a help­ those in public service, do hereby, in tect American citizens. All Work Strictly First-Class Opposite 0. H. Blount’s. less invalid at Pasadena. He had de­ estate man and capitalist, was robbed of national convention, at Omaba. on ihi- 4th • *25 ,000 while standing on the frontplat­ serted his wife and she married again, day of July. 1892, establish this ordinance form of a Chicago cable car. Three female members of the Tufts believing him dead. as the fundamental law of the party organ­ For sale by Ashland Drug Company. college at Haverhill, Mass., were sum­ Dr. Eugene F. West, convicted of ization, viz.: Exceedingly rich gold quartz has been No person holding any office or position marily dismissed and fourteen were sus­ causing the death of Addie Gilmour, at AU the credit 13 due to Hood’s Sarsapa­ of profit, trust, or emolument under the pended sor giving an exhibition of high taken from the bottom of the must con- San Francisco, by a criminal operation, tils. rilla and I feel that I cannot speak too highly ot densor well at Healdsburg which had federal, or any state or municipal govern­ kicking and skirt dancing to the mem­ M ain S treet , O pposite P laza . 15 v arte ilea Higb>CtaM, Thor««oth at a very low ebb now 1« the time for bom« ———Parlors.------- wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send With or without board. way to Simmons Liver Regulator. Call at Wm. i Treatfseon Uood andskin diseases mailed free. Bekers to get bargain«, as J will take «ilv«r in exchange. Call on or addr«*« tn« for for testimonials free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta,Ga. Nelson’s hoarding and lodging house ou Novdty Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon. ~J. ti. Robert» tbad at Gaujuorilto last lurihw ‘ F. J. CHENEY -t CO.. PropB.. Toledo. O. Q*b#tN«te i PAIN, BE CAREFUL “THAT YOU INVESTI GATE thoroughly our New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, Etc., before pur chasing elsewhere, and we will be sure to please you. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE Z ban MANHOOD BESTOHEDS-— Pills I ------ "A gMEDFO'RD BUSINESS » ÇOLLEQE Hair Death | j Practical Business Training School of Oregon. Lost a Leg OUR NEW BUILDING IS NOW COMPLETED. E. RIGBY Principal. ^Medford, - Or,QC= J. POHLE & CO ASHLAND. HOOD’S Sarsaparilla CURES IWOULTRYinir MIIIIIRY & NOTIONS Those Pimples NEW : GOODS H. S. EVANS,ASHLAND-OB PAINTING, AM kr ww* «•*» ETC. GOLD HILL, With More Coming. PAPERING, Hillin' Hilljnerj January 2d, 1894, at MISS SADIE OBER’S H MILLINERY PARLORS, ODD FELUDW’S BUICK-