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About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1894)
VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD ------- THE FINEST------- ASHLAND, OREGON. ns PL A.XJST AND FANCY FIRZEJSTTIZtSTG-. -VO VALLEY RECORD. MONOPOLY PRICES Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. T £W**Give us your order for Letter head«, Statements, Envelopes, Circu lars. Etc. VOL. VI. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, t894. Coldweli’s Big Funeral. ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSX, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies tbe blood. By th's meat’s, it reaches, builds up, and invigorate« every p,irt. of the system. For every blood-taint and u:-or.’-’i’, and for every di»- eas.1 that comes from an inac tive !: ver or impure blood, it is rhe only remedy so sure and effective that it can be gv.:'.rauterd. If it fails to benefit or cure, you have vour money back. T;.. - o'jensea are many. Th-*} re di.‘«rent in form, but they're J.!:c in treatment. ■ »tie torpid Ifver into ■ . action, thoroughly enrich tbe blood, ' <■ ’ -. ’s a jsjsitive positive cura. cure, /lu'.overy ” does thi«, •y -f .-psia. Indigestion, 'it»r ''. ’ITiroat,' and Lung *• . of Scrofula, even » a * Lt ■ rnfula) in it» ear- .. I V ■ •• -ot stublxirn Skin ac completely cured The funeral of the life-termer Colwell, front Gold Hill, was held at the state prison Tuesday, Rev. Shules, assisted by Revs. Grannis, Templeton and Messic, conducted a very appropriate service. | There was q-.nte a large attendance from the city, mostly ladies. Respectable I Christian burial was procured in Rural ! cemetery, paid for by Superintendent Downing and prison employee. It was thefir8t prison funeral ever held in the chapel. PllES-E» BUICKS. The pav car went southward Monday. Verni Mills returned Saturday from Chicago. E. K. Brigbtman left Monday (or ' ' Bigge, Cal. Ex-Conductor Frank Mathews is min ing at Delta. J. Wells, Jr., of Applegate, is at the midwinter fair. J. P. Scott, the Sterlingville miner, has gone to Oroville, Cal. Two brothers of the murdered Antone Conductor Billy Jamieson went to tbe Joseph, of Applegate are after the dead man’s tnonev and property, which was midwintei fair Saturday. taken possession of bv his cousin, Antone .Miss Mary Davison has returned from Rose. Rose offered their agent $1500 as Heald’s business college. a compromise, but he would not take it, Grants Pass is advertising for bids for and has lieguti suit with H. L. Benson as his attorney. The Courier says the prop the building of a pity hall. erty ia valued at $7,800, and that Rose John Pulzer, of Herling, lias returned had bought off one of the heir’s rights lor from his tripfrom Mexico. $500. but the two brothers in the Az >re Judge T. J. Howells and wife returned islands preferred to law it out. Friday from S .u Francisco. Altec a $7800 I state. On Their Honey-moon. L. C. Kellogg, who owns one of the largest hop farms in Oregon over on Ap plegate, passed through last week with his fair ladv to visit the midwinter fair. D. BROWER, M. 1» Mr. Kellogg is well-rvmemt>ered as hav i ing Imugtit a lot of apples tn tfiis section PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. two years ago tor shipment abroad. Mr. K. was married last weeg at the residence A shland , O regon . of the bride’s parents on Williams creek, to Miss Laura M. Goodwin. Mr. Kellogg Office— Ganiards Opera House. will erect a fine new residence on bis Residence, Mechanic and Laurel Streets farm upon their return. Professional Cards C. CALDWELL Fur Hunung in Klamath. Klamath Star: Col. Clay Ratliff, the hunter ami trapper, has a fine trapping boat of four tons capacity on the stocks on Cabler’s ranch, which will soon be launched. The title of the b >al is ”400,” «nd he will explore the big lake in it when the ice goes away. Col. R.ithff is after all the fur animals, and iiis skill in ferreting out their holes ami ¿ens is mar velous. Tbe ”400” will make a fine A«i— dition to the KI nnatli navy. MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE DENTIST. Chase Combination Dental Plates made with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth to perfect appearance. GoldCrown and Contour work a specialty. Office over the Rank Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 to 9 a. m. and 4 to 5 p. ni. Mrs. Geo. Dewey, ot Dunsmuir, is pay ing her folks at Talent a visit. A son was born to the wife of Louis C. Bo )e at Wellen on Feb. 13th. Miss Minnie Riddle and Geo. T. Frater were married at Riddle last week. » Pains in the region of the kidneys are cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. A daughte- was born to the wife of Prof. D. W. Coolidge at Eugene recently, J. H. Ahlf, the Grants Pass pork man, cured 750 head of hogs this season . A daughter was born to the wife of J. A. Martin at Foots creek last week. H. D. Parker, of the Depot hotel, was at Redding this week on a business trip. Mrs. Hannah Morrow died at Medford recently of heart disease, aged 66 years. To cure constipation, sick headache and dyspepsia Simmons Liver Regulator has no equal. 2403 Sheep Lose in Lake. John Scott and Jim McShane, who have Wm. Harvey’s sheep on shares, had the misioitune to lose about 2400 of their beat sheep last Friday. During the snow and wind storm the sheep drifted out on the ice on summer lake, about half a mile. Scott started to drive them back, when they all hunched up, broke through the ice and were drowned. While they were Irving to get the sheep out they broke through themselvea, and nad hard work .’citing out. Out of almut 100 head, which they recovered, only two lived the Examiner report«. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report J®©?©© I The Advertising J A J STIPAT1ON Morris Howell, the old reliable boot and shoe maker one door north of the old stand opposite Odd Fellows hall Boots and shoes made to order at lowest possible rates. HERE AW 1HKIIE. THE CARE OF SEED CORN. Big Sticky Items. Cupidene, the great restorer of vitality A gentlemen from Eugene is visiting t >e Ashland Drug Co. Try it. It wt! friends on Big Sticky. cure you* Miss Carrie Anderson, a Medfordite, was Y enow fever has invaded the Ameri the guest of Mrs J. W. Smith last week. can merchant vessels at Rio. The <iia- Miss Cora Little, ot Central Point, spent last week with her aunt. Mrs. Forest Moore. ease is ven- virulent and is spreading Miss Anna Carney is spending a w^»k ntpidly. in Medford, visiting relatives and friends. T’av Italian government has diaeoT- Russet M io'e, of Central Point, made rel ered tha< some of the prisoners in j*vl atives on Big Sticky a pleasant call last Fri at Bergamo have been making counter da.. feit coin. Messrs. Bert Stevens and Samuel Sherrtl Sicilian anarchiste are said to be booked uuide James Gregory a pleasant call one for New York as immigrants, and the day last week. authorities are watching the arrivals Mr. and Mrs. David Cingcade and daugh very closely. ter, Hattie, were the guests of G. C, Roberts’ During a severe Htoryn on her last trip firmly last Sunday. the steamer Ptris lost her rudder while Mrs. Calvin Owens made her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory, a short 800 miles from Queenstown. A tempo visit one day last week. rary rudder was rigged and the vessel Frank Gregory, accompanied by his sis reached port safely. ters. Lillie, Jessie and Josie, attended the ‘ A mimto of Catholic priests ho.»» dance ut Central Point, Feb. 14th. been arrested in Russia on a charge of Several applications ha”e been made for conducting agitation for the liberation the Mound school, but so far as we have of the Poles, and the bishop of Kaliniki learned, no selection has been made. has been deprived of his stipend. Miss Annie Swanson was the guest of Mr. Ex-Lord Abbott, Otani Koaho, head and Mrs. Ca'vin Owens last Sunday, and her brother Clem spent the day with his of tlie Buddhist priests of Japan, died friend. Will Gregory. on Jan. 17 tuid was buried on the 29th. There was a pleasant dance at Frank Ten thousand mourners attended the Morgan’s home Feb. 14th. There was a funeral, including members of th** im large attendance; a bountiful supper, and good music. The tickets were one dollar perial »ahlily, peers and leading < rials of the government. each. Creed Bros, have been hauling hay to The insurgent ship Mkrte in Rio har Eagle Foint for some time. These boys are bor deliberately fired on an American such “rustlers” that they never stop for muddy roads when there is any work to be launch which was taking a «ick man across the bay. Admiral Benham done. Charles Carney and Marion Page took in promptly sent to ask the captain of the the sights of Eagle Point last Thursday. Marte what he meant, and the captain Mr. Page is a new comer and is inspecting immediately apologized, saying tbe fir our little valley, with the view of purchas ing upon the launch was a mistake. ing a farm if suited. A Frenchman was blown almost to The preaching at the Mound school house pieces in Greenwich park, London. a few Sundays ago was rather a failure; not only on account of a snow storin, but the Near by were found fragmenta of a bot speaking was very p >or. The would-be tle which evidently had contained ex prea her talked principally about there be plosive material. The park-keeper heard ing no harm in dancing and card playing a report and hastening thither found a until his hearers were disgusted. man kneeling on the ground, covered The Mound school house club met last Saturday, but as it was very stormy there with blood. His hand and wrist had was a small attendance. A short pro been blown away, his face and body gramme was carried out. In the absence were covered with wounds, and from a of Frank Morgan. Ellsworth Roberts acted gaping wound in the stomach a portion as secreta'y pkotem AlfredSmith favored the company with a political speech: Ell of the intestines were protruding. He Koberts read a short selection; Josie Greg was only able to My “Take me home. " ory delivered a recitation in a pleasing man He was conveyed to the Seamen’s hos ner, and the club furnished some nice pital, where he died half an hour later. music. Meeting was adjourned until His name was ascertained to be Bour March 3d. din. He was an anarchist and was evi “A n O ld M aid ,” Th* Old Faahioncul Plan Compared With the Modern Fanner’s Methods. The old fashioned plan in the Atlantic states wa« to bring the corn home in the 8art and dump it in a convenient place, where it was all handled over and made into as many different grades as the modern sorter makes of his tobacco. This involved an additional labor as great as that of picking the corn in the first place, but it was suited to its own day and generation, for labor was cheap and corn was relatively dearer than at present. With higher labor aud fierce competition in prices by distant farmers, the methods must be adjusted to present conditions. The modern farmer knows that it no longer pays to raise a crop containing any considerable per cent of soft or un ripe corn; hence that grade tn;: v be dis pensed with. As the hand com.sheller is no longer used to any extent, the grade of carefully selected long ears may also be dispensed with. If the corn is rightly cut and shock* d. the moldy ears that were saved for t h“ fat steer will not be found. In short, except for seed corn, there is no longer need to sort the corn at all, and it may lie shoveled from the wagon directly into the crib at a great saving of labor and expense. This has been my practice for a number of years. There is. however, one point that re quires some attention in husking, writes a Massachusetts farmer to The Ameri can Agriculturist. He says: I inculcate by precept and example the most par ticular care in removing every particle of silk and husk from the ears. The habit of neatness once formed, one can pick just as fast neatly as in n careless way. If husks aud silk are put into the crib, they obstruct the perfect ventilation needed in moist climates, and also offer inducements for the presence of rats by furnishing materials for their nests. Not to be hindered in husking, it is my practice to select the seed corn as I am shoveling into the crib, throwing out an ear at a time as 1 come to it. In the matter of wintering seed corn we have much yet to learn. A friend in Michigan once sent me u small parcel of corn, which I planted in my usual way, and I could not discover that a single kernel missed growing. Inquiry for the reason disclosed the fact that it had been kept in a furnace warmed house, and had never been exposed to a freezing temperature. Taking the hint front this, I procured a box for my seed corn, to which I fixed a top and bottom of wire cloth, thus making it mouse proof and furnishing ventilation at the same time. Taking this box to the garret, I placed it directly over a pipe hole in the floor. Securely preserved in this box, the corn received a continuous current of dry, warm air from the rooms below. Since I have preserved it in this manner I have not had the least trouble with corn fail ing to germiuate perfectly, and it starts with more vigor than formerly. AYER’S Sarsaparilla Will Cure You C & E F C . FETCH, The Medford Merchant rjcTj HOTEL OREGON l'or Mothers need a powerful nourishment in food when nursing babies or they are apt to suffer from Emaciation. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, nourishes mothers speedily back to health and makes their babies fat and chubby. the world over, endorse it. Babies cSC .ESarleV ------------- AT THE------------- R FLOUR MILLS FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF nn r J 5 Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To C. MYER Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES. CROSS-TOT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. EAGLE. ROLLER • MILLS. -ÆSZEÏLÆHSTID, OZEÒIEG-Oisr. C. FARNHAM, Proprietor Manufacturer of Choice Steel Cut Roller Process CORN • MEAL, GRAHAM • FLOUR. • ETC., Rolled Barky and Feed of all kinds at Lowest Cash Triers. Rolling Barky for Farmers a Highest cash price paid for Barley aud Corn at all times. ¡-ELY’S CREAM BALM —Cleanses tho Nasal Passages, Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores, Restores Taste and. Smell, and Cures \ hmd I A j BOOT &. SHOEMAKER. - Baths - *2 1 m 75 Advertising rates given oil application. Changed fíands ! MORRIS HOWELL R ! I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year............................. Six months ...................... Three months.................... Yon•• Place for Boots and Shoes. Cures Others IflVQ Vegetable JU b ^Sarsaparilla NO. 42, Baking Powder J. H. Story returned to Siskiyou county Sunday to canvass for Dr. Ward’s rem Of Hood s Sarsaparilla is always within the edies. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, bounds of reason because it. is’true; it al Miss Mary Anderson ................ lias returned ............. to .. A shland , : : : O regon . ways appeals to the sob-r, common sense of thinking people because it is true; and Henley from a visit with Dunsmuir it is always fully substantiated by endorse mends. Office for the present »t residence, corner ments which, in the financial world would A daughter was born to the wife of of Granite and Baum streets. be accepted without a •nonient’s hesitation. Representative Houck in Benton county l . woo». H cmm I’ s Pills cure liver ills, constipa recently. tion, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, A. J. Satterfield, aged 27 years, died indigestion. DENTAL SURGEON. recently on Applegate from quick con sumption. State Political Drift. O regon A shland , Portland Dispatch.] Presiding Elder T. L. Jonea was in ll MANNER of metal and rubber B. B. Beekman’s aspirations are now Ashland this week. He talks of moving plates made in the latest approved turned toward the attornev-generalship. to Albany. methods. Gold and porcelain crowns and bridge Ben ia a bright boy, and would undoubt J. H. Williams, a former merchant of work a specialty. All work warranted to edly be able to capture all the delegates give perfect satisfaction. Low prices. from southern Oregon, as well as to cor- Gold Hill, is engaged in mining at Lew Office in Odd Fellows’ bnilding, up stairs. rall a few from this city in the republican iston, Idaho. convention. Will L.ingille, of Xhe Ashland mine, T. BOWDITCH. We fail to see where Simon can place was investigating the Josephine county H. B. Miller on ttie republican ticket. eaves this week. ATTORNEY AT LAW. There are but two offices in which he Miss Sadie Ober went to San Francisco A shland , - -- .- - O rxoon would have a show to secure a nomina Monday to select a spring millinery stock tion—school superintendent and state Will practice in all courts of the state. and visit the lair. printer — and Miller has not the technical Collections promptly made. qualifications for either. R. B. Tedford’s hop field at Wood Tlie Dispatch thinks, at its longrange, ville has been sold to a new-comer named that W. M. Colvig should be nominated M. G. Road for $3200. for congress or the legislature. A boo was born to the wife of H. C. K rause ’ s H eadache C apsules , unlike Kinney of tne 8. P. D. & L. Co. on many remedies, are perfectly harmless. Washington's birthday. dently killed by his own bomb while on Go For the Gophers. They contain no injurious substance, and his way to Greenwich observatory for Fred Erickson, the railroad contractor, will stop any kind of a headache, will pre In a recent issue of the Press some at vent headaches caused by over indulgence was on Saturday’s train for New York tention was called to the destructive work the purpose of blowing it up. He was from San Louis Ouispo. in food or drink late at night. Price twen that is yearly accomplished by squirrel», a tailor by trade and at one time in the ty-five cents. For sale b.v T. K. Bolton, l’rof. C. F. Shepherd was at Jackson gophers, crows and similar pests. As a United States worked in Detroit. Druggist. Bole agent, Ashland, Or. matter of course many farmers are famil Karl’s Clover Root, the new blood puri ville last week delivering a Ki tn hall piano iar with the facts therein set forth, nearly fier, gives freshness and clearness to the to Mrs. Geo. E. Neuber. The Buffalo association contemplates all having met with more dr less loss and complexion Afflicts half the American people yet there to and cures constipation. 25 •nly ouo preparation of sarsaparilla that acts oa opening a number of trotting colt stakes, Don’t fail to attend your school meet annoyance through their depredations. cents, 50 cents and |1. Bold by T. K. B ol But as the season is timely for a crusade including a stallion representative stake the bowels and reaches this important trouble, _ ____________ ’ ing next Monday, March 5th. One di against these robbers, it ¡»‘thought well to ton . and that Is Joy’s Vegetablo Sarsaparilla. It re which will ultimately be worth $25,000 to rector amt a clerk to be elected. The Twin Dress Stays at Vaupel, Norria offer some further remarks as to the best lieves it In 24 hours, sudan occasional dose pre the winner. means by which the crusade may be carried & Drake’s. I. D. Driver, Jr., son of the pioneer vents return. V*o refer, by permission, toC. E. The great event in the Australian racing on to the successful aud complete destruc Zeralda Sani:»e!s, mother of Jesse and Uklngton, 125 Loeuat Avenue, San Francisco; J. world for 1893, the race for the Melbourne Methodist preacher, was married at Salem tion of tbe common enemy It is a well- H. Brown, Petaluma, Cal; H. 8. Winn, Geary cup, was won by Parcoola, Carnegie second to Mrs. Laura Ranio Woodworth. known fact that these little animals are ex Frank Junes, is 'lying at Kearby, Mo. Court, 8.F., and hundreds cf ot'uers who have and Jeweler third. Mayor J. R Casey and Jim Helms re tremely sensitive and equally wiley in the Princess Colonna has gone to South manner of selecting their food. Conse used it in consti..atien. One letter is a sampl, turned Saturday from San Francisco. quently. Dakota, where she will apply for a A novelty at the fair at Sandusky O., the difficulty of inducing them to ef hundreds. Elklugton, writes: “I have been this year was a mile dash to wagon where Mrs. Casey was improving nicely. take a poison of any kind is not lightly divorce from her husband. ter years subject to bilious headaches and consti in two ladies competed in harnessing, overcome Ex-Grand Master Workman Powderly The Phoenix school closed last Friday, pation. nave been so bad for a year back have Traps of various ingenious designs have has brought suit against the Knights of hitching and driving. The winner con and Prof. Stevens will open school in the had to take a physic every other night or else I for years been tried with but little success, Two Live* Saved. sumed six minutes.—Horseman. Griffin creek district in two weeks. would have a headache. One bottlo of J. V. 8., as have also different plans for fumigating, Labor for a large amount of back salary Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, put me in splendid shape. It positively controls Phoenix’s school census shows a 25 per smok-ng, inundating, shooting, digging, and expenses. III., wa-> told by her doctors she hod Con- Of course, poisoning has met with constipation.** sumption and that ihere w^s no hope for cent, increase in children of school age. etc. Governor McKinley spoke to an im more or less success; blit, as a rule, it ha-, her. but two bottles Dr. King’s New Dis Who says Phoenix is not progressive? not lieen presented to the fastidious little mense Republican mass meeting at covery completely cured her. and she says Two Linn county men have bought a epicures tn a sufficiently attractive form, or Pittsburg in the interest of Galusha A. it saved her lite. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 long maned horse of the Oregon Beauty its quality has been poor, and it has failed Grow, candidate for congressman-at- Florida Sit., San Francisco, suffered from a to stand the test of exposure to the weather stock and will exhibit him at the mid- i and earth absorption that it must necessa large. McKinley was interrupted every dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, i tried without result everything else then winter lair. rily be subjected to when scattered in their few minutée during his speech with bought one bottle of Dr. King’s New Dis Al J. V. B. is positively tho only Sarsaparilla Will cure You, is a true statement of the runways. As a result, most attempts in cheers and cries of “ Our next presi •ompounded to control constipation, Insist on Wrn. L. Townsend has purchased covery and in two weeks was cured. He is action of AYER’S Sarsaparilla, when this direction have proved expensive and Joy's and don't bo talked into taking any other. taken for diseases originating in impure Ralph Bunch’s barber shop in Medford, have been abandoned. As has before been dent,” etc., and at its conclusion a mad naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the FOR SALE BY ALL blood; but, while this assertion is true of ami as he is a first-class artist at the busi stated, it was to obviate these difficulties rush was iv.nde for the platform and he wonderiul efficacy of this medicine in ness lie will do well. was literally carried out of the hall. that the researches and experiments of • AYER’S Sarsaparilla, as thousands can Coughs and Colds, Free trial bottles ut ASHLAND DRUGGISTS. The best way to avoid scalp diseases, Wakelee A Co ,.tbe well-known chemists of Regular attest, it cannot be truthfully applied to Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Ashland Drug Co.'s Drug Store. this city.were begun some fifteen years ago. hair falling out, and premature baldness, is sine 50c. and $1.00. i other preparations, which unprincipled to use the best preventive known for that The principal points to lie attained were; Polish. No dust* 1st. A poison that, when taken, would Tbe chafing dish is now to tne ror«. ». i dealers will recommend, ami try to im purpose—Hall’s Hair Renewer, Humiliating. prove sure death. 2d. A poison that go- is deeper, according to special needs of pose upon you, as “just as good as The duchess stamped her foot. Charley Roper came up Saturday from phers.crows. squirrels and their kind would Ayer’s.” Take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and the mine on Williams creek to recuperate find so much to their taste that, instead of terrapin. Both the dish and the lamp “MJ' lord,” she cried, dashing the hot Ayer’s only, if you ueeil a blood-purifier two sore toes, having cut the cords with rejecting it. they would seek it and greedily have sumptuous handles of ivory. blinding tears from her eyes. “I must insist Put up in a that you make no further reference to my and would be benefited permanently. an axe. He is about town wearing a pair devour it when "found. 3d. One on Baby. form that would be easy to ship, as well as father's avocation.” This medicine, for nearly fifty, years, of crutches. - easy and convenient to handle. 4lh. Ata Mr. Noopop-rMy baby cries ail night. I “Darling”—gasped his grace In bewilder THE OLD STAND. OPPOSITE MYER’S has enjoyed a reputation, and made a The Jackson county democratic central cost that would make the article very much don't know what to do with it. ment. HARDWARE STORE. record for cures, that has never been committee will meet in the court house cheaper than anything of the kind ever be Mr. Knowitt—I’ll tell you what I did. As An impatient gesture waved him to si I equaled by other preparations. AYER'S at Jacksonville Wednesday, March 7tb, fore a’tempted, and, lastly, of a quality so toon as our baby commenced to cry I nsed lence. enduring tnat neither time nor exposure BOOTS &c SHOES Sarsaparilla eradicates the taint of he to set a time for holding primaries and would be able to deteriorate it. to turn on all the gas. That fooled him. “After all I have said about”----- reditary scrofula and other blood dis county convention. Her ladyship’s voice trembled. That Wakelee & Co’s celebrated Exter He thought it was broad daylight and went -------- THAT FIT YOU-------- ----- “I think it is positively cruel for you eases from the system, and it has, deser Grant Rawlings, chairman of the popu minator has filled all of these requirements to sleep.—Truth. years past, almost innumerable testi to mention your armorial crest and almost NdZJLIDE TO O^TDEB?, vedly, the confidence of tbe people. list county central committee, and J. W for monials from the most trustworthy sources A Limit. in the same breath to speak of the quarter Miller, of Medford, were in Ashland dur AT LOWEST LIVING RATES, bear ample evidence. As is commonly the Charley Hardup—What will you have ings of our family as if”----- ing last week. Both are mentioned for case when an article placed upon tbe mark She bit her lip fiercely. the office of county recorder. et proves a success, Wukeiee & Co.’s Exter first t Ada—Oh, please order for me. I eat every ----- “you wanted all the world to know I epairing a specialty . Haif- minator has been extensively counterfeited: Gen. H. B. Compson and Capt. M. G. therefore it behooves the farmer who is thing. am a butcher’s daughter.”—Detroit Trib Soling, men’s 75 cents, ladies 50 cents. Butterfield returned from Sail Francisco anxiou- to build the largest and deadest Charley Hardup—Not when you’re out une. Sunday. Col. Compson was elected vice- pile of squirrels, gophers, crows, etc., at the with me, my dear!—Puck. A Sensitive Plant. president and Capt. Butterfield secretary least expense, to be cautious and buy only Any Hour—Hot and Cold Water on Tap. The company are seated at the dinner the genuine Wakelee & Co. ’ s Exterminator. Williamsburg. Ohio, Oct. 7. 1891. of the trans-Mississippi congress. “I cannot forbear to express my joy at _ __ Directions for using accompany each can. (a servant), haggard, N orhan L ichty M' f ’ g . Co , Des Moines, table. Enter Baptiste Paddy Rvan, the ex-conductor, was excited and exclaiming: tbe relief I have obtained from the uae Iowa $500 Reward “Quick, quick—a glass of wine!” G entlemen :---- 1 can positively say ALady With of AYER’S Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted married at Re-I Bluff last week to Miss Jessie Frank of that town. Through the Krause ............................................... ’s Headache ■ les are the • best for any trace of Antipvrine, Morphine, r People stare ut each other, and at last the with kidney troubles for about six A Baby Complexion ii fluence of relatives be is now division Chloral or anv other injurious compound headache cure 1 ever handled and I have J a wish is complied with. Baptiste drinks off months, suffering greatly with pains in superintendent of a branch railroad near in K rause ’ s H eadache C apsulks 25 cts. dozen different kinds. Respectfully, a glass of wine which has been poured out the small of my back. In addition to Milwaukie, Wis. J. B W a ' i . ker . For sale by T. K. Bolton, sole agent. by the mistress of the bouse, who inquires For sale by T. K. Bolton, sole agent. this, my body was covered witn pimply what has happened. D. H. Sexton, of Grave creek, is the Don ’ t leave the door or window open too eruptions. The remedies prescribed “Oh, maciame, I've been dreadfully up Evidence. executor of the will of ‘'Dutch Henry” long unless the weather is very mild, or failed to help me. I then began to take Wynnes, who was killed by Al. Palmer. the plants will become chilled. set! Ah, that wine has done me good! I “Your husband is so magnetic a mani" feel better nbw. Only fancy, I have just ’AYER’S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short Toe property, mostly placer mines in the Don’t fail to use stimulants ou yourcalla ■aid the visitor. managed to break both the large Sevjes time, the pains ceased and the pimples Jump-off-Joe country, are willed to Ins and plenty of warm water if you want “I know it,” responded the wife. “I found china marmalade dishes!”—Voltaire. disappeared. I advise every young man two sisters in Germany. a steel hairpin sticking to bis coat collar quantities of the beautiful lillies. or woman, in case of sickness result Don’t give too much water or try to force the other day.’’—Indianapolis Journal. Al Morris recently shipped fifteen I Send your printing to tbe Record office. ing from impure blood, no matter how Denn}’ pheasants from Junction Citv to the plants. Give them time to become ac long standing the case may be, to take Engineer Ike Sampson at Grants Pass customed to their winter quarters. AY ER S Sarsaparilla."—H. L. Jcrmann, The latter has a farm in Josephine conn- Don't be sorry to give your only rose or ty, and will endevor to propagate these geranium blossom to your sick neighbor. 33 William st., New York City. beautiful birds there.—Roseburg Review. It may do her more good than medicine. Don’t forget that the plants will require 8. F. Murphy, ex-city treasurer of Baker City, has been convicted of embez plenty of fresh air on sunny days, or they zling $4110 of the citv money and senten will resent the change from their summer ced to the penitentiary. The daughter of quarters. Hon. A. C. Jones, formerelv of Jackson Don’t forget to look at tbe bulbs which Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mau. CAUSED BY USING ville, and later receiver of the Roseburg have been placed in the dark to form roots. Some of them may be ready to bring into land office, is his wife. GRAHAM’S Miles Cnry, of Jackson countv, Oregon, the light for blooming. Don’t allow a direct draft on the plants, wrote a letter to h:s son at Hollev saying ucumber lder that ne had a prune Sprout of one year’s especially if the air is cold. Admit it Do you want to Save Money? ' growth which measured 5 feet 5 inches through ;-. door or window ut some distance lower ream and wanted to know if he could beat it. from toe pla it shelves. We are pleased to state that Jackson Don't worry about the moisture being un Yes! aftei using it ilaily for six months a countv positively is not in it with Linn. healthy when it is necessary to nit hi the ladv’s skin will be as pirtk.soft and velvety, | Mr. C. Cary, of Holley, lias a prune room with the plants. You will be bene as pure and clear as the most delicious ba-, sprout of one Year’s growth which fited as well as the flowers. by w skin. It is not an artificial cosmetic.' it cleanses, refines, purifies and whitens. It tne.isun s 8 feet, 8 inches Ti e natural Don’t be discouraged if you can't make feeds and nourishes the skin tissues, thus ■ wonder is oil exhibit at the Holley posr- the plants bloom while the days are short 5 banishing wrinkles, murks and scars. It is Physicians, othce store.—Brownville Times. and there is little sun. You will notice « as harmless as dew and as nourishing to great change in a few weeks. tlie skin as dew is to the tlower. Price fl. E. R Swetnant. of Fairfax Station, Vir I Bottle lasts three months. i ginia. says: “A party came foity miles to I A High Liver Mmple Buttle mailed free to any lady on niv store for Chamberlain’s Cottali Remedv Will make you a Fine Suit of Clothes I receipt of 10 cents in stamps to pay for ami bought a dozen bottles. The remedy Usually has a bad liver. He ia bilious, I in the Latest Styles postage and packing. is a greai lavorile in this vicinity and ha- constipated; has indigestion and dyspepsia. Mas. GEKVAtsKGatH im ," Beauty Doctor,’ FROM $22 UP. performed some wonderful cures here ” It If there is no organic trouble a few doses of are never healthy when thin. They ought to be fat. 3425 state Street. Chieagb. III. is, intended especially for coughs, colds Park’s sure Cute will tone him up. Park’s <W “ Call on us before having your suits Send stamp for book' “ How to be Bean- croup and whooping c< ugh a.uj) is a favorite sure Cute is the only liver and kidney cure Babies cry for...SCOTT’S- EMULSFGN: • It is palatable ful.” mar 3 I ordered elsewhere. A. FETCH. wherever known. For sàie by Ashland wrfj-elt on a positive guarantee. Price $1.00. and easy to assimilate. For sale by Ashland Drug Co. Drug Company. Sold by E. A. S kmwin . decM Fr^nt ct.. Medford, Or. hswW by Mt * Bewnti M. Y. Druggist» m H it. jy K. G. VAN VALZAH. Chief of the County Papers. A Gives Relief at once for Cold in Head. | Apply in'« IA« Amrfr»?*.------ It it Quickly Absorbed. |50c. Druggist« or by mail. ELY BROS., 66 Warren Nt., N.Y.| N D YOUNG x * x w v surveyor and Government Land Locator ¿TTYCTCSOnSTY^ILLZE OREGON. AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of tlie land in thi- country by a< - tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information tbe H begtof satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. The Webfcot Route. Salary and expense« paid weekly from start. Permanent position. Exclusive territory. Experience unnecessary. Peculiar advantages to betfnnert. Ltberal^É commission to local part-^^^2 lime agents. Largest Com- growers of clean, r plete hardy, reliable awortment nursery tor the orchard, stock. lawn and garden. We want you now, while 1 tho fruit Industry la sol ^important. Good chance for dvancemeut. Outfit and full par ticulars free. BROWN BROS. CO.. nur- ^^seryman, Portland, Ore. (Thiahouseia reliable. Name this paper. Ed > PACIFIC RAILROAD E. W. HADLEY, DIRECT R eceiver . I INE- •QUICK DISPATCH------- LOW FREIGHT RATES Between Willamette Valley point- and ban Francisco. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. fe. 8. Willamette Valiev—Leave- Sun Francisvo, November ,*>. 14 and 23. S. 8. M illamette Valley—leaves Yaquinn Novenilier 9. 19. and 2”. This Company re-erves the right t<> change sailing dates without notice. ASHLAND White Sulpliur Springs RIVER STEAMERS. BATHING Steamer “Hoag” leaves Portland, Wed nesday and Saturday, 6 A. M. H. C. D av . lien. Ag’t. Salmon Street Water of any t*-n>p<*rat urc desired Wharf, Portland. Natural Temperature M5 deg*» D. R. V aughn , Gen. Ag’t, San Francisr >, TO DRUK THE WATER 18 A THIC. Cal. R. E. M ulcahy , Gen'l Stipt. Corvallis, Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates Oregon. March 16--93 fungi and animalcule!*, and neutral izing and correcting all acidi ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. — SWIMMING RINK. — .nclosed and covered, the same medical water, always clean, for the springs run a heavy volume-more than twelve hun dred gallons per hour. You may dive and swim and have more fun than “anybody’ —come out as “line as silk” and "‘white as wool”—rejuven- ated and happy. , ■ I I i SEATTLE, WASH Located on the HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE NORTH OF THE l’LAZA. GRANT HELMAN. Pi oprtet or. PECIAL ATTENTION TO GREEN ami Dried Fruits, Butter. Eggs, Chees S and Dressed Poultry. OF*' Consignments Solicited. Æ. c. & co.