VALLEY Mining Items. Have Levied Taxes. RECORD. BREVITY BASKET. When you send your child to SHERWIN The following school di-tricta and towns Wm. Still well, who has a number of C. A. Eliason went to Yreka to-day on ! have levied tax for school purposes as fol­ quartz properties near Ashland under for Drugs and Stationery Supplies business. lows: bond, returned yesterday from San Fran­ Miss May Jessup, formerly of this city, is District No. .... 1, Jacksonville; ? 5mills cisco. ASHLAND, O r .,. ...T hursday , Feb. 1,1894 School << ......................... it is always better to send an order in writing. in San Francisco. ” 5, Ashland; “ 6, Central P ’ t; 5 <• E F. Kennedy of Oregon City is in Ex-Governor Chadwick is an applicant << *• 38. Steinman; 3 town trying to start a custom quartz mill for the postoffice at Salem. .»ER9ONAL ANI» SOCIAL. •< “ 49, Medford; 10 <« or put up a mill on some of the well-de *’ 73. Boulevard; 8 Cord Sackman, who came to Scott valley, SHERWIN deals with children just the same Go to G. W. Vaupel’s Shaving Parlor. veloped prospects for an interest in tbe Town of Jacksonville, .................. 10 Siskiyou county, in 1850, is dead. same. Jim Helms and wife went to San Fran­ " Medford,................... 10 Harry Miller’s firm shipped 900 car-loads as with you. City *• cisco to-day. Ashland,................... 10 Staples «Sc VanVactar, in the Siskiyous. of lumber from Grants Pass in 1893. started their mill again Tuesday on that E, K. Brightman returned Tuesday from A Splendid Wind-Fall. Rufus Cole was over yesterday and re free-milling ore that will go $40 per ton. San Francisco. Mrs. E. K. Brightman has fallen heir The deep snow prevents them getting in ports the winter very fair at his place so Rev. W. B. Moore was up from Jackson­ to $25,000 by the death of her father, Pfunder’s Oregon Blood Purifier is the very best SPRING far. their concentrator. I ville yesterday. i Martin Harkey, of Nokomis, Ill. The A son was born to the wife of Waiter Miss Adah Horton, formerly of Ashland, eetate was appraised at $100,000, to be Assayer Allmen to-day turned out a Sutton at Port Orford, Curry county, Jan. MEDICINE you can use. is living at Palo Alto. divided equally between five children. brick for the Ashland Mining Co. The 13 th, Mrs. Joe Beach was on yesterday's train The will has been properly probated and operations on their lower level tunnel Bessie Louise King, once prominent as a for her home at Los Angeles. she will soon receive her share. Mrs. were impeded bv a break to the Burleigh singer and actress, was on Sunday’s north BUTTE CREEK NEWS. W. W. WALTERS. G. W. JOHNSON. A. J. McKeaney went to Po'rtland Tues­ I Brightman is at present visiting her drill. The necessary repairs were shift­ tram. ped from San Francisco to-day. daughter at Biggs, Cal. day evening on a business trip. Nick Young, a pioneer citizen of Yreka, E ditor V alley R ecord : The Steam Beer placer mines near Le died there Monday of pneumonia, aged 65 Jos. Robison and wife left to-day for San The Deputy U. 8. Marshal Business. Wild flowers have made their appearance land, have been sold by Judge Fullerton years. on our hillsides. Francisco and the midwinter fair. F. W. Hogg has sent in his resignation and J. Rast to E. Nicodemus of Chicago feel faint and weak in the stomach- Francis Fitch, the Medford lawyer, was as deputy U. S. marshal. This makes it for $6000 The owner has taken posses­ no You to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lewis, Jan. WALTERS & JOHNSON, appetite. Take Simmons Liver Regu­ 30. Born 1894, a daughler. in Ashland yesterday and to-day. necessary for Marshal Gradv to make a sion and will work them on a more ex­ lator. Mrs. John Pelton and daughter were up third appointment during his brief term tensive scale. Mr. Norcross of Central Point was here Counciling and Mining Engi­ C. C. Ragsdale is up from Colusa county last The first man was Thos. Morine of Med­ this week visiting Mrs. O. Ganiard. week on business. neering. W. W. Walters left Sunday for Siski­ to look after his business interests in Wil- and after he held the place two low Springs precinct. The 7th Day Adventists expect to have ford, Mrs John Baker is here visiting her sis- you county to do field work for the firm REPORTS, WORKING MAPS, a baptizing at the Helman baths next Sab­ months Grady asked him to resign "be­ of Walters & Johnson, to be absent about There is a revival going on at the Baptist ter. Mrs. Chris. Pearson. cause he was too much of a people’s party bath. and BLUE PRINTING, of the church this week under charge A. G. Johnston had a horse badly cut on man.” The U. S. marshal business is a ten days. He goes in interest of San David Herrin has sold out at The Dalles fee office and that high official expects Francisco capitalists. Tbe firm has a pastor. Rev. G. W. Black. barbed wire a few days ago. SAMPLING & ASSAYING. and opened a photograph gallery at La his deputies to be thrifty and “make large business and emplovs several lead­ Dr. Powell Reeves, the notorious, manv Miss Grace Stanfield left last week to Grande. creditors may like to know, is now located :o: visit her friends in Ashland. business.” Being “too much of a people’s ing men of reputation on mining, among Dan Cardwell, representing the Roseburg 1 party man” is a piece of slang among the list Charles L. Lang, O. E. Crawford at Los Angeles, California. Born in Eagle Point Jan. 27, 1894. to Mr. stimates furnished on all Keeley institute was in town yesterday on officials that means that the person and ethers. This firm merits the confi­ Lawrence Wall, of Lake creek, has his and Mrs. ‘‘Ted” Howard, a son. kinds of Mining and Mill Machin- business. arm laid up with fracture of the wrist bone. charged with it is one of those kind of dence that tbe public has already shown Opposite Oregon Hotel, Ashland, The B. C. R. M. C o . are enclosing a large ery. A fiery young colt kicked him. Mrs. F. K. Butler, wife of the Wells-Far­ public officials that have a conscientious them. l-ll-tf lot and erecting pens for the use of their Oregon. go express messenger, is out from Portland regard for their oath of office and admin­ Joe Hockersmith leaves to-day with a If the predictions of Mr. T. James, min­ fine hogs. on a visit. train of 21 carloads of hogs, sheep and cat ­ ister its duties with fairness and justice ing superintendent of the Bears Gulch prop­ Dr Officer reports Mrs. Morine and Mrs. Don’t lose time and make yourself worse in contradistinction to those officials who erties, Anderson, Sanford .t Co., are full- tle for the San Francisco market. Burnett of Brownsboro on the sick list but tilled, southern Oregon will, in the course with pills and oils. Take Simmons Liver "work the office for all it is worth.” Mrs. Donna Graffis returned ’home to improving. ¡Our Mackintoshes sold low before at $7.50 of two years, astonish the mining fraternity Sacramento valle,-Saturday from her visit Regulator. throughout the world, and Ashland will be with her parents, S. Furry and wife. A Million Friends. Reduced to $5 each to close Mr. Watkins. Sr., and faruilj’ are living The pay car went southward yesterday at tbe Eldorado of the west. Mr. James, who A friend in need is a friend indeed. ___ in the old Frank Lewis house near the ford and high-noon, scattering its silvery harvest S. P. Wilson, former presiding elder not less than one million people have found is a recent arrival in this section, is former­ Rev. Our all wool tricot Macintoshes sold for $12, along the way. this conference, will move to Storm lake. on Butte creek. just such a friend in Dr. King.s New Dis­ ly from Colorado, where he was connected of Mr. Vestal ha* been prospecting on Henry Oliver, Jr., who has l>een spending covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. with quartz and silver ruining and was the Iowa, next month, to be pastor there. Closing out at $9 each creek and claims that he found a M rs. Dr. Webster goes to Sacramento [ j ‘ Reese the last three months at Tolo, has returned —If you have never used this Great Cough manager of the principle gold mines of color, ’ - also signs of coal Boulder county. Mr. James stands high in next week to take up the work of a lady Medicine, one trial will convince you that it home to Portland. !Our dress overcoats, sold before for $12 wonderful curative powers in all diseases the estimation of many mining millionaires physician, who retires from practice there. D. P. Matthews has turned out a large Mrs. Wm Lyttleton and children re­ has the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Each bot­ in Denver, and he has hopes of interesting I number of cattle to rustle for themselves. Reduced to $9—all must go turned to Cole’s, Cal., yesterday after a of Scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired, tle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or some of them in quartz mining in this dis­ is thoroughly expelled from the blood by They are looking quite well. visit of several days. money will be refunded. Trial bottles free trict. The similarity of the ledges between Hood’s Sarsaparilla,the great blood purifier. those of this district and those of Boulder, Rev. Richard Fysh, I. A. &c., &c.. is now i oys’ overcoats, regular price $4 Ben Beall of Central Point went to San at Ashland Drug Co. Large bottles 50c. Clear Creek and Gilpin counties, Colorado, constructing a turning lathe and there is no The midwinter fair rates are increasing Francisco and the Sacramento valley yes­ and $1.00. i be says, are astoni-hing. The hanging telling what he wont do next. Reduced to $2 to close the passenger travel southward to such an terday on a business trip. walls with its hard, black granite, im­ extent Co. “D” Celebrates. that the coaches are full of people A gentleman is expected here from Wash ­ pregnated with pyrities of iron and tnica; again. Geo. W. Vaupel is now the local agent of , ington to look for land adapted to hops. Last Saturday evening Co. Dcelebrated its Men’s wool lined gloves, regular price 75c slimy shale; its foot-walls with its regu­ the Salem steam laundry. Leave your We have acres of that kind of land in our their sixth natal day. All the available lar contact ma ter, are so regular that re­ John Parkinson, the Seattle man who rich clothes at his barber shop, Reduced to 50 cts bottoms Settlement Wanted. room in Granite Hall was fullv occupied. bought the Roper place east of Bear creek, Asher Heald, of Barron, returned Satur­ About twenty picked men, tinder the lead­ semblance is striking at a glance. Clinton Wiley, who has been living in was here looking after his interests the day from a visit with his pioneer friends m BLACKWELL MINING ITEMS. Men’s wool mitts selling for 25 cts Siskiyou county, Cal., for some time past A LL PARTIES knowing themselves in-1 ership of Capt. J. L. May, went through other day, the northern end of the valley. debted to Dr. 8. T. Songer for medical j i ; the usual drill and at 9 o’clock the parade came home on a visit to his parents the first Blackwell Hills, Jan. 27, 1894. Thos. Morine and wife, of Medford, went i of last week. services or otherwise are requested to settle Mrs. Clark pas«ed through to-day from I of guard mount waa executed, just the Knowing the interest you have mani­ Men’s crush hats 50 cts—great bargains up immediately, as the books wi I be placed Crescent City to Vina. She will return soon , same as regular soldiers. After the com- fested in the niinitig industry of this sec­ to Oakland. Cal., Friday. Tom is a relative I atn sorry to state that Miss Lizzie Will of Sheriff Harlow of Alameda county, and in tbe hands ol a collector Feb. 15, 1894, for to take a hotel at Crescent City. i son is reported verv ill with tonsilitis and forced collection. , pany was dismissed and the munitions tion, I think a few items will not be out may locate there. feb25 Meh’s latest style Fedora hats $1.50 [ pleurisy. Dr Off! er was called ye-terdsy Rev. Geo. Robert Cairns, the Baptist : j of war stored awav, the hall was surrend- of order. For all accept many thanks The supreme court Monday reversed the 1 and lanced both tonsils. Last night she evangelist, passed through Tuesday to con- i ered to their guests. The armory proper from several old miners. There is a decision of the lower court in the case of Boys’ every day hats 25 cts duct a revival at Snohomish, Wash. To Whom it May Concern I ! had been fitted up with tables, where the great deal of quartz mining going on late­ Alonzo Nutt vs. the 8. P. R. R. Co. and re­ was somewhat easier. J. M. Hansbrougb and Hufl A Happer- I ; older people joyfully engaged in various ly and some new strikes are reported manded it for a new trial. A. J. Florey wants to know if you have sett, the irrepressibles, are doing the turn games of chance. The lower floor was daily. New miners are flocking in con­ Boys’ nobby hats, all styles, 50 cts R F. High’s barber shop carries the any democratic badges in Ashland; i. e.. a 'VTOTfCE I« HEREBY GIVEN that on the Grants Pass-Ashland freight. litterally a mass of dancing humanity, all stantly anti before long our country will genuine seafoam. Remember that High’s big pa>ch on the knees of the pants, worn LN the undersigned will not be respon­ remaining in position to repeat that sible for any debts contracted by bis wife or EMEM ER. these are Rev. 8. B. Chastain, the Central Point bent on having a good time. Messrs. see a great txxrm. The only drawback to place is the shop that you get a first-class by "democratic prayer.” her daughters. NELSON CHURCH. this section is, that a great deal of min ­ Baptist minister, held services at Talent Alonzo Wimer and Wash Powell "rubbed siiave. Opposite the piaza. Ashlai d. Or.. Jan. 31, 1S94. “S bonafide Bargains, so Last Saturday Baxter Grigsby and fani- Sunday and spent Monday in Ashland. the hair of the horse to the bowels of the eral land Las been taken up by men who According to final figures, Oregon pro­ ilv, living on the Merriman place near ___ pretend to be deeply interested in agri ­ cat; ” E. Fitzwater thrumbe3333.33%. Wm. Jeans and wife, who ha”e been vis­ from Dakota this week feet, and can be easy shoveled out. sale of the mines to the English syndicate. er one. and will utilize the ground it stood Geo S Sanford to M J Goldner—% inter­ iting S. G. Netherlands and wife, left for O. Harbough was in Ashland Sunday to It looks black like coot aod prospects The sale of the Riddle nickell mines, like on for garden purposes. est in same property; same consideration. Reopened, Refurnished and Completely Renovated. Missouri yesterday via Los Angeles where look after a band of sheep he has a mort­ rich in fine gold......... Parmer & Warner the pay day at the Pokegama lumber mills, We have had a change in our business Geo S Sanford to H S Sanford—% inter­ they will visit other relatives. gage on. keeps right on being expected. affairs here, F. B. Inlow having disposed of est in same property; same consideration. are down with their shaft about 65 feet .,<■= .-¿.=====Un(ler New Management, B. F. Myer, who has been visiting rela­ John Savage. Jr., has returned to Salem in Soldier’s gulch on a ledge which pros­ C. W. Dunn.who was in the San Francis­ his stock of eoods to Mrs. Sophia Emery Geo Crowson and wife to E Sutherland— tives in Ohio and Pennsylvania for some after some time profitably spent m southern pects well......... Prof. Saudlewood has co jail for several days last week while the (consort of the late Eber Emery) and Jas. all of the t> w % of s w % of s e % sec 14 tp I time past, will return home at an early Oregon. were convicting him of every Davis, her son-in-law, is now in charge. 39 s, r 1 e; $400. prospected Ibis section for the last two newspapers date by way of the Southern Pacific. H Scribner and wife to J H and W Lette- I villainy known in the catalogue of crimes, We wish Mrs. E. abundant success in her F. Fetsch, of Grants Pass, was here this months successfully, with his stick pro­ ken—s e % sec 1 tp 35 s, r 2 w: $600. H. Templeton, formerly of Dead Indian, week visiting his brother, A. Fetsch, our cess. The old gentleman discovered, has been discharged from custody, the |x>- new enterprise. E I’ Pickens and wife to Otis Frierson— II lice being unable to make him fit any of has taken up a ranch near Scottsburg. enterprising and rustling merchant ta>lor. FKEE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. I spoke some time ago of the arrival of 320 acres of land in tp 36 s, r 2 w; $7.200, with the aid of his stick and a $5 piece, the prison cells that the sensational papers Douglas county. Jim Hess, who left here Mr. W. H Schmerker, the new miller. Mrs. C. H. Daley, of Tolo, has gone to Philander Powell and wife to directors of i three of the finest defined Bull ledges in had located him for. with him, is trapping near Loon lake. Well, he has proved himself to be not only school district No 60—1.13 acres of land in Portland on a visit, and her parents, Mr this country. As soon as Bill Nye comes Parties intending visiting the midwinter a first-class miller but he knows how to use sec 33 tp 39 s, r 2 e; $ 1. Miss Etta Judge, of the Postal telegraph, and Mrs. Roberts, will return with her. i back from England he and the professor fair should patronize the Union Pacific the plane and saw. for he has made for his who has held a fine position at Stockton, H Fleckenstein «-tai to L Livington—tract I Henry Klippel was up in Oregon the past will begin operations at once. God bless use in the mill a tool chest that would re ­ steamers, as this company has placed in Cal., returned home to Ashland Tuesday to week to see Henry Blackman about being in tp 35 s. r 2 w; $215.50. remain for some time to improve her health. appointed deputy internal revenue collect­ him and the Salvation Army, as both effect from Portland the low rate of $22.00 flect credit upon any of our cabinet makers. E F and Prudence Walker to C B Rostel j probably will prove a great benefit to our | to San Francisco and return, which includes 1 unintentionally omitted to state in tny and P Donegan—120 acres in tp 36 8, r 2 I While coming over the mountains from or. meals and berth. Full particulars can be last that Mr. B. B. Hubbard, who has been w; $1. country. A n O ld M ines . Ft. Jones to Yreka J. C. Eubanks met with obtained bv addressing W. H. Hurlburt, A. confined to the house with la grippe and a R. R. Dunn was here this week. He for­ Anna Dean to I J Hansen—18.15 acres in an accident that mashed one of bis feet. merly represented Staver & Walker, but is G. P. A., Union Pacific System, Portland complication of other d'seases is so that he tp 37 s, r 2 w; $1. Spray your Trees lor the Scale. He was laid up at Yreka for ten days but is now with tbe Wheeler & Wilson Co. in San Sisters of the Holy Name to 1 J Hansen— , K rause ’ s H eadache C apsules —Warrant­ is on the street again. Also that Mrs. again able to be on the road. I am now prepared to spray trees and Francisco. ed. For sale by T. K. Bolton, Sole Agent. "Dick” and family (they all had the grippe) 7 acres mining land in Willow Springs dis­ shrubbery for the San Jose scale, T am Misses Flora Taylor and Josie Dixon, Misses Pearl lleeser and Nellie Bolton, are able to make good hands at the table trict ; $25. Bob Riel.v, one of the la*t survivors of the again. F Roper to S O Chautauqua Ass’n—7.73 i Clarence Farnham, Ed. Drew, Horace Robt. Everly, G. C. Farr and R. J. Lamar using Mr. J, H. Stewart’s compound with Rogne river Indians, brought to the Grand Reeser and C. E. Hooper went to Medford were the Grants Pass delegation here at which he had so much success in the past acres in tp 49 s, r 1 e: $1500. Rev. F.vsli preached last night to a crowd Tuesday to attend the young people’s Bap­ Tuesday’s convention. U S to E F Walker—patent to 120 acres | year in his orchards near Medtord. Ronde agency in 1856. died there the other ed house on the subject of "lost opportuni­ day trom la grippe. He was aged about 60 in tp 37 s. r 2 w. tist convention and hear John A. Chap­ J. R. Williams is out on $100 bail await­ J R. C asey . ties. ” a splendid sermon. He preaches iears and was much respected by both E Brown to Chas M Pbeister—10 acres of I man’s lecture. ing the action of the next grand jury charg­ ndians and whites for bis many amiable next Sunday at 11 a ni to the children,and land in tp 37 s, r 2 w; $800. Piercing Weather in Klamath. Miss Amelia Muller, who has been visit­ ed with pulling a gun on Mr. Noe Both qualities. There are only two Rogue Riv­ at 7 p. ni. on the subject of the unanswer­ ing her father at Jacksonville, returned hail from the Kock Point neighborhood. A letter from Bly, (Or.), tinder the ers on the reservation now—Levi Taylor able praver. He called a meeting for to­ Rheumatism yesterday to her po-ition in a San Francis­ night (Monday) to take steps toward build­ Jeptha Davison is living at Forest Grove, date of Jan. 28th, says the weather for and Sampson Wilder. Is a symplon of disease of the kidneys. co typewriting and stenographic office. Washington ing a church and parsonage. • county, The reports about the past week has been fearful; the wind It will certainly be relieved by Park’s Sure J. W. Hockersmith's special train of 21 County Clerk Muller will visit his family in his mysterious disappearance* and sus- blowing Buch a gale that it was almost cars will leaveAshland about 4 o’clock. The The first of last week N. A. Young re­ Cure. That headache, backache and tired San Francisco in about two week». iiirions of foul play were without any impossible for the stockmen to feed their load is made up ot cattle, sheep and hogs ceived a telegram stating that his son Thom­ feeling come from the same cause. Ask Miss Dora Pennington returned Tuesday oundation. cattle. About eight inches of snow, which for the San Franciso market. Tne hogs as. who is living about twenty miles from for Park’s Sure Cure for the liver and kid­ from San Francisco. Her reported marriage was on the ground, was melted by the and sheep were loaded at Medford. The Klamath Falls, had been kicked bv a horse neys; price $1.09. Sold by E. A. S herwin . Benj. Eggleston and wife will return to to Clarence W. Dunn proves to have been was in a critical condition. His broth­ Ashland next week, Mr. Eggleston says rain and all the lower ground wascovered cattle at the yards of Ashland at present and without foundation. As soon as Miss In Probate. er Peter started next morning bv daylight came from the bands of Barron, Butler and I the report that he had shipped a carload of with several inehes of water. A heavy Wells. Geo. Barron goes along as chief for his bedside and up to Saturday no word Pennington was informed of his unworthi­ In the matter of the estate of Emeline apples to Portland that were so afflicted ness his ambition as well as his name was freeze that night prepared the ground for “buccaroo.” He will punch up the down­ had been received from him. Turner; order admitting wi I to probate, Dunn, and he never saw her again. Miss with scale that they had to be dumped into the 20 inches of snow that fell the follow­ trodden steers and afterwards take in the and appointing Susie M Turner executrix the Willamette river was entirely false. In a private letter trom W. W. Parker, Pennington was with the family of Kev. A. ing day. The snow on the mountains be­ midwinter fair. living on upper Rogue tjiver, Lamont P. O.. with bonds fixed at $6,000. J E Pelton, J F p M. Russell, formerly of Ashland, during The young people’s union of tbe Rogue ■ and 8 J Day appraisers. Bly and Bonanza is reported by You can never tell what a slight cold may he informs me that there was a new arrival White her stay in California. The high-toned air river Baptist association held their confer- j tween In matter of estate of Robert Westrop: | of Dunn, his apparent refinement and the ence in Medtord Tuesday, the attendance the stage driver to lie seven feet in places. lead to; it is best, therefore, to give vour- in his familv on the 15th inst., a fine boy order appointing .1 G McDonald adniinistra- i absence of any remote suggestion of vulgar­ being quite large and much interest was Walker Brown, an Indian, died at his self the benefit of the doubt, and cure it as weighing 9% lbs. The mother and child tor. and W K Price, C LI Daley and W P ! ity in conversation led the young lady to manifested. The national president of the brother-in-law’s place on Spring creek soon as possible with Ayer’s Cherry Pecto­ are doing well but poor Wantz is evidentl, Counts appraisers. innocently accept his attentions at their union, John H. Chapman, of Chicago, was last Thursday. The Si washes turned out ral. A day’s delay, sometimes an hour’s very much excited over the event Blit his In matter of estate of M Hanley; citation face value’ .Miss Pennington was fortunate present and delivered a highly interesting in force to do honor to the deceased. Six delay, may result in serious consequences. father thinks he will l eather it through if issued to I L Hamilton administrator de the winter don ’ t last too long. He also in being fortified with a good name and lecture in the evening before a" very intelli­ squaws were hired to cook; two beeves Sheriff A. W. Charlton in charge of adds that they have had thirty inches of bonus non requiring him to renew final I reputation and in being surrounded with gent audience. Mr. Chapman went south Were killed and others soli! to procure Mike Maloney, an insane man ; and Dep­ snow and that it has settled down to ten or settlement Feb. 6th, 1894; citation issued. friends of good-standing and character. Wednesday. In matter of estate of Henry Richards. other food for the funeral feast. The uty U. S. Marshall Manley Wharton who twelve inches and that his other children In matter of estate and guardiamhip of Dr. J. S. Parson was down Monday as ­ coffin was the finest that could be manu ­ are playing on its crust. Stock is doing HOTEL OLtEG-OISr sisting in removing an adherent ovarian factured on the reserve. The covering with a guard, W. L. Moss, had two Chi­ well thus far. but feed is getting scarce. minor heirs of Saini Earhart ; citation issued to Etta Earhart Stevens, guardian, to ap­ tumor from Mrs. Turner, a lady sixty years was entirely of velvet; the outside green; namen arrested for selling liquor to Indi­ F. T. Fradenburgh, Prop. Eagle Point. Jan. 29.1894. D ick . ans, were in town Friday bound for Sa­ pear Feb. 6th, 1864 and show cause why she old. She had been afflicted about* two should not furnish a bond. J as C Murray. Port L Wasserman, Port months and a half and the growth had the inside a bright red. w hile brocaded lem and Portland. Thev all left Lake­ A bale old man, Mr. Jas. Wilson, of Al ­ In matter of estate and guardianship of B l^Ceepiro, Chicago Otto Guthman, reached the weight of 41 pounds. The velvet did duty on the lid. The handles view together on a big bob-sled and came lens Springs, Ill., whois over 60 years of O N Sullivan, C My rick. operation was successful and the patient and trimmings were purchased in Klam­ this way in that conveyance for a dis­ age, says: “I have in my time tried a Emma Jane Webber, a minor; order ap­ I) McCarthy, G Pass resting easy at last accounts. This is the ath Falls at a cost of twentv-two dollars. tance of 80 miles. Sheriff Charlton re­ great many medicines, some of excellent pointing A C Stanley guardian, with bond Alick, S F at $200. F E Corgrove, R B James Porter " first time an operation of this sort has been turned this morning, Moss passing quality; but never before did I find any fixed In matter of estate of V Schultz; order J DePanglier, " F K Dunn, Medford accomplished in southern Oregon that would so completely do all that, is 20,000,000 Stars. through Monday. apart property exempt from ex­ W A Hemphill, Oak G E Place, S F claimed for it as Chamberlain’sColic, Chol­ setting The fame of Johnny Barnum, “the can be seen with a powerful telescope. The ecution and order for sale of personal prop J M Kader. Eagle Pt F Cosgrove, Sac A concert will be given under the auspic ­ era and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is truly a ‘ es of the Y. P. S. 0. E. of the Presbyterian J Nichols, ” J Del’angher, FrostV youngest railroad conductor in the world,” number is vast but so are the hours of sut- medicine.” For sale by Ash­ ertv. In matter of estate of Enieletie Turner; J H Tyrrell. L’k Cr’k A L Morns, Roseburg is no more. His father, W. 8. Barnum, fering of every woman who belongs to the church at the opera bouse on Feb. 7th, 1894 wonderful after one year’s lease of the Jacksonville overworked, "worn-out,” "run-dowii,” de­ under the direction of Miss Esther Silsbv, land Drug Company. inventory and appraisement. G F Schuler, Duns A J Jackson, In matter of estate of Ada M Holmes; W K Price. Tolo Milpitas branch railroad, has had his fill of being a bilitated class. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ assisted by the best musical talent of Ash­ Circuit Court Proceedings. order for sale of real property. John Parkinson, ¡Otis Frierson, Ct Pt railroad magnate, and along with Leadbet- scription cures nausea, indigestion, bloat­ land. Anna Teoper vs John Toeper; divorce: Seattle W L Whitmore. Chic ter. is no longer connected with the road, ing, weak back, nervous prostration, debil­ and Honey man, DeHart & Co. are again ity and sleeplessness, in fact, it is the ordered that evidence bn transcribed by A Thoughtful Verson N A Ambrose, City W P Haskell. 8 F List of Letters running it witti John Dyer as conductor, C. greatest of earthly boons to women. Re­ and plaintiff given 20 days in consults bis best interests by baling a box W B Jenkins, St Louis The Mayor of Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland stenographer F. Lewis engineer, Marion Tryer fireman. freshing sleep and relief from mental anxi ­ which to tile brief and defendant given time of K bause ’ s H eadache C apsules at hand; Steinman AS Ward, Oakland I P. 0. Jan. 29, 1894: to file answer and plaintiff given five days taken as directed will prevent or stop any E E Sayles. Steinman G E Schuler. Duns Bednail, Mr J (2) Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, III., was ety can be enjoyed by those who take it. Swain, Erwin N to reply. Manley Whort«n A IJ McCormick, Stein troubled with rheumatism and tried a num­ ; Badger, Mr G S kind of a headache, no matter what the Taylor, Mr M insane Miner. Adjourned for the term. 2 Chinamen J C Pendleton, Oak ber of different remedies, but says none of cause—in fact if your skull was cracked it I Lon, Henry H Welch. Mr A W Charlton, H H Howard, Port Jonathan Ferrell, aged 73 years, was : them seemed to do him any good; but W. H. B bunk , P. M. Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need for would prevent pain. The frequency of the Lakeview E C Evans, " j finally he got hold of one that speedily Thursday oom milted to the insane hos- i Dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid­ attacks will diminish, and by taking the F W Reid, Bluffs __ ........................... __ .................................... W L Moss. I cured him. He was much pleased with it. pital from Josephine county He is in- ■ Jacksonville Jottings, trouble. It is guaranteed to give yon capsules at the approach of a headache Mike Maloney. “ Geo Schuler, Castella j anj feit sure that others similarly afliicted sane on religion, and is vicious, tor I Miss Rose Buckley, of Uniontown, spent ney satisfaction. Price 75 cents. Sold by T. K. vou will never have another. 25c per box. J MHansbrough, 1 .... .. . . G S Sanford. N Y For sale by T. K. Bolton. Sole Agent. I would like to know what the remedy was three years he bus lived the life of hermit I Sunday in Jacksonville. «i B oltov . Roseburg ; that cured him. He states for the benefit F E Engwicht. at Grave creek, having a rich placer R D Hawkins, Tolo E P Tvnon, of the public that it is called Chamberlain’s Misses Nellie and Lilab Mitchell, of Med - A J Jackson, Nevada E Allen, Philadelphia Pain Balm. For sale by Ashland Drug Co. claim there, which he hail worked con­ ford, are attending tbe convent. R E Cantrail, siderably. He denied bimBelf nearly all Miss Amy Cantrall, of Sterling, spent a Applegate The freight trains from Dunsmuir to tbe comforts of life, while there were I’ H Tynon, Koseb’g Francis Fitch, Med Junction. Lane county, now run tri-week- many dollars in gold dust in bis cabin. few days of the past week m town. F Engwicht, 8 P Co R Cole, Coles ly, and from Junction north five times a Up to the time of his arrest, by Constable Mrs. Geo. Howard and sister, Miss Mag­ Awarded Highest Honors World’s Fair. R D Hawkins, “ ” F ” E Cosgrove, --------- ” R ” R week. Sooth of Dunsmuir they go-daily. Randle, who brought him to Salem, the gie ----- Eaton, ... - of Medford, spent Sunday in A A Allen. Port J DePangber. " The tri-weekly comes into Ashland on old man had subsisted on a cow hide i Jacksonville, _____ F H Baxter, N Y Dr A C Caldwell. ■ the old time and leaves the same—every diet. Phoenix John O’Neil, Duns The Winonah Council No. 4, will give a I social dance and supper at their hall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Jack I H C Vaupel, GasburgiS Baker, The report reaches Caliente, Kern Friday, Feb. 2d, 1894. I'D Wagner, Talent C I. Hughes, " Andrews is the conductor for the G E bchuler, H’nbr’k Ashland-Grants Pass division, W. H. county, that a very rich 4-foot ledgr? rias S F Longborough, m ” Ira Daniels was examined by Judge Neil o Wilson, a 8 ia St Louis T R F i Jamieson for the Pass and Roseburg, been discovered on the summit of one and pronounced a fit subject for the reform Ban F Louis, N Y T __ M _____ Ward, , - S - F Fred Wall from Roseburg to Junction, I of the mountains which surround the school. Ira is not a bad boy; he was more E K Brightman. Harper, Duns and E " 2.:„_ ______ do , James _____ Lee Hendricks and Pat Tynon from old Havilah mining rump. That place sinned against than sinning. W I* Haskel), Sisson J H Cannin, Phila Junction to Portland. Lynde, Helmirth, has been dead to B J Phillips, " Sacto for the last ten I Mrs. James McCully leaves for Indiana F W Reid. " .............. * F K Butler A wf. P’t Parker and Sailor run out of Dunsmuir years, but this t ■ ’ ’ iscuvery has awakened next Thursday. She goes for the purpose of E D Ivory, “ C D Cardwell, Koseb’g both wavs, making Ashland every eight administering on the estate of her brother K K Montgomery. excitement. who lately died there. _ He left a large for- Grants Pass i F Fetscb, Grants Ps days. Twenty men are throwed out by interest and ___________ ___________________ ____ A Fetscb, Medford • the change, which will last only one Don’t forget the concert at the opera 'tune- of which consists of real tl estate Maurice Winter. Pt F S Campbell. Albany month during the dull freight season. house Feb. 7th, given by the best musical ’n ^an Diego and.Riverside. California, and . . e . . , » J M Will in Tacoma, Washington. \.l Mrs. M. will go Wm McCarthy. 8 F W P Smith, Port talent of Ashland. The boys don’t like the change. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. « via Riverside and San Diego, returning by Toni Bernhard, N Y| Frank King Bring your job printing to tbe R kco M) TacomaSbewillbe accompanied by"her H C Kinney, G Pass Geo E Neuber, J’yille J. R. Secbrist and wife will visit Ashland Used iu Minions of Homes—40 Years the Standard daughter and grandson. M F G*tyU office and law swaay. ll 1« ll ll 4» n It ll ll OPPORTUNITY MIMW& ASSAY OFFICE We have a few Overcoats and Mac intoshes left and as we do not pro­ pose to carry any of thesegoods over, we are selling them at a great sacrifice until closed out. E TYLER. ASHLAND, OREGON. Sold On Time IO. II. BLOUNT ASHLAND HOTEL, J. H. McBRIDE, Prop. REID * M q TAGGART, Merchant Tailors. Opposite HOTEL OREGON ll ll HARDWARE STOVES and RANGES, I I M1AA.WAA O V ItnilLUl <£> H UU V J w* --w - I I Oil CAPRICE’S (MÄT/t iSupplies. ASHLAND, OREGON