I i r VALLEY RECORD C ü ,.G.RL3 û :ONAL proceedings . SENATE. The People’s Paper. XuvMlay, Jan. 16. THE NEW INCOME TAX. Methods of Levying th« Impost and Collecting It. 1 . Twin Dress Stays at Vaupel, Norris Despite the fact that last winter was The transcontinental railroads have & The Drake’s. the most disastrous the stockmen ex­ some to a partial agreement on the traf­ Chicago Repair : v >. ilh have concluded perienced in many years, the shipments fic question. to contest the election of John P. Hop­ of cattle from Montana netted the state Great damage to the streets and kins, mayor of that city, on the ground not le^s than $6,900.000 during the ship­ sewers of San Francisco resulted from of fraud. ping season. To the receipt of this the recent heavy rains. Frank H. Ball of Fresno is defendant large sum is in a great measure due the Evans and Morrel are reported to have in a breach of promise suit brought by ability of the big banks of the state to crossed the Mexican border and are now Mrs. Eva S. Myrick, who wants $20,000 resume, ami the general support of the in Lower California. damages. financial institutions of Mantana dur­ A battle at Choluteca, Honduras, re­ Peter Sparkman, who shot Officer Col­ ing the panic. The cattle business sulted in favor of the allies. Vasquez is lins at Riverside, committed suicide saved the country in 1893. Dur­ said to have lost all his artillery and is a when surrounded by officers. He pre­ ing the shipping season 220,000 head fugitive. were sent to market, and 57,000 head ferred death to capture. Travel to San Francisco from the East K rause ’ s H eadache C apsules —Warrant were delivered to Indian and military is increasing daily. The transcontinen­ ed. For Sale by T. K. Bolton, Sole Agent reservations. At $30 a head these cattle tal railroads are increasing facilities in Grand Master Workman Sovereign of would aggregate $8,374,400. Seventeen expectation of heavy travel. the Knights of Labor will endeavor to thousand estrays were reported to Sec­ A memorial window in commemora­ secure an injunction to prevent Secre­ retary Prewitt of the Stockowners' asso­ tion of the sailors who were killed in tary of the Treasury Carlisle issuing ciation. During the last three years 650,000 cattle have been shipped from Samoa in 1889 has been placed in the $50,000.000 bonds. The prince of Wales intends to be at the state, their aggregate value being naval academy at Annapolis. over $30,000,000. Stock is reported in A farm hand found a pot of gold and Cannes during March, and his royal good condition for the winter, though highness has ordered the cutter Britan ­ silver coin amounting to $3.100 on a there are fewer cattle on the ranges farm near Abilene. Tex. It is supposed nia to be ready to take part in the Medi­ than usual. The wolf pest is reported terranean regattas. to have been buried by border bandits. There has been no change in the po­ to be worse than ever, and the beasts A Boston clubman will soon start on are multiplying rapidly. a trip around the world on a wager that litical situation at Hawaii since Jan. 1. Jan. 17, the anniversary of the revolu- The Swine and the Flower. he will make the trip in one year and return with $5,600. He is to start with­ lution, has been declared a holiday and I shrank to meet a mud-encrusted swine, And then he seemed to grunt, in accents out a cent and must earn every dollar. will be celebrated on a big scale. rude. Nineteen head of valuable Guernsey Shiloh’s Cure, the great Cough and Croup •‘Hughb Be not proud, for in this fat of cattle, including one which received the Cure, is for sale at Bolton’s drugstore. mine, Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, highest award at the World’s Fair, the “Behold the sources of richness for your only 25c. Children love it. food!” property of ex-Vice President Levi P. Chinese hiAbinilers had a pitched Morton, have been killed on account of I fled, and saw a field that seemed, at first. battle in Trirtry church, Denver. The tuberculosis. One giant mass of roses, pure and white. With dewy buds ’mid dark green foliage members of 1 be Sunday school class at­ nursed, A High Liver tacked the interpreter. The Sunday And, as I o’er this lovely’ sight. Usually has a bad liver. He is bilious, The summer lingered school teach, rs say the highbinders are breeze that cooled that south­ ; has indigestion and dyspepsia. endeavoring to break up the Chinese constipated ern scene. If there is no organic trouble a few doses of Whispered, “Behold the source of Cotto- Sunday school classes. Park's Sure Cure will tone him up. Park’s lene!” —M. E. W ilmer . Mrs. Senator Stewart has been coh- Sure Cure is tbe only liver and kidney cure Timothy C. Dunton, aged 60, left . .we sell on a positive guarantee. Price $1.00. snlting with Secretary Gresham at ‘ Sold by E. A. S herwin . Sonora, Cal., for his home, about 10 Washington about a suit for damages us. miles distant. His frozen body was against the government for injuries Fifty negro families living in Monroe found in the bottom of his wagon some done to Stewart Castle while occupied county, Ark., by agreeing to place in by the Chinese legation. Secretary the hands of Governor Fishback all their three miles from Sonora. His horse re­ Gresham will refer the matter to the property, to be sold to defray their ex­ mained standing in the road all night amid a fearful storm of rain and snow. Chinese government. penses. have arranged with the Ameri­ Dunton is supposed to have been the John Hart was placed on trial for the can Colonization society at Washington worse for whisky, fell from the seat of murder of his two sisters, Mary and for transportation to Liberia. the wagon and froze to death. Nellie, near Rockford, Ills., last Septem­ The treasurer, secretary and general A farmer living near Harrington, Lin­ ber, the former being instantly killed, auditor of the Northern Pacific have re­ coln county, Wash., helped steal his and the latter being forced to swallow a signed because the receivers refuse to fatal dose of Paris green. Before death pay them their salaries for doing work own pig one night recently. He was awakened from his sleep and asked by she made a statement fixing the crime for the present management. President two men to assist them in loading a on her brother. The defense will be Ives haa made an application to the hog which had tumbled out of the crate emotional insanity. It is expected to courts for an order directing that the in their wagon. . He willingly gave a take several days to secure a jury. salaries of the officers named be paid. helping hand and returned to quiet The school children of San Francisco slumbers. The next morning he went Karl’s Clover Root, the new blood puri­ fier, gives freshness and clearness to the are distributing food to the men who out to feed his porker, but there was no WT TEACH SHORT O WE TEACH TEL1O- complexion and cures constipation. 25 are working in the park for $1 a day. cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold by T. K. B ol ­ Committees are appointed by each school porker to feed. HASD ASP BAPUY AND ton All persons indebted to R. F. High, the to attend to the distribution of the food TTFEW»ITIKG. A negro was burned at the stake near barber, are requested to call and settle up. Verona. Mo. Two burly negroes at noon each day. The pupils bring the He needs the money. dragged the 12-year-old daughter of a food to the school in the morning, and man named Jacquin t> the woods, tied it is sent out to the park in wagon loads her to a tree, assaulted her repeatedly, and given to the 2,400 men who are hav­ “A b old as and left her where she was found later, ing such a desperate struggle with pov­ thehill8 ”and erty and hunger. fearfully hurt, but able to give a de­ never excell ­ scription of her assailants. Armed “All human history attests ed. “ Tried That happiness for man,—the hungry posses at once started in pursuit with sinner I— the avowed intention of lynching the and proven ’ Since Eye ate apples, much depends on fiends, and the burning at the stake is is the verdict dinner.” w the result. And a good liver is absolutely essential o f millions. appreciating a good dinner. Lord By­ The great tunnel through the Santa for Simmons ron knew that as well as anybody. One of Lucia mountains, San Luis Obispo his greatest regrets was for his weak stom­ Liver Regu- county, which the Southern Pacific com­ ach. '-Gad. man!” his lordship would say, ipx lator is the “ why don ’ t one of these infernal doctors pany has been boring for a year past, a liver medicine?’’ T* ° n 1 y Liver has been opened. It is nearly 4,000 feet invent Byron would never have asked that ques­ and Kidney long and is one of the largest and most tion were he now living. Why? Because important tunnels in the world. This is he would have been using Dr. Pierce’s is^y ? Prepare Yourself for medicine to third finished out of the seven tunnels Pleasant Pellets, an absolutely sure cure which you I a Useful Life. for Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious At­ which the railroad has to make to com­ tacks and all derangements of liver, stom­ can pin your plete the coast line. The remaining ach and bowels. There is no griping or vi­ Write for Particulars. faith for a four are short ones. All are being bored olence about these pills, and they’re guar­ anteed to git e satisfaction, or your money and will be finished before March 1. cure, A is refunded. Don't live with the stomach mild laxa- ] For pains in tbe chest there is nothing weak, when the cure is within your reach better than a flannel cloth saturated with for 25 cts. Live, » n d Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound een appointed no information can be made public as to deputy U. S. district attorney by Attor­ wool schedule. the details of income reported by citi­ Tliurxday, Jan. 18. ney-General Olnev Consideration of the tariff bill was re­ zens. If such details become public it The Portland Sunday Mercurv, it sumed. Johnson of Ohio offered an might injure the credit of a firm or in­ seems, will never down. It is now pub amendment placing steel rails on the dividual. For that reason any public lished by Harcourt & Clute, two reliable free list. Dalzell of Pennsylvania at- or private person who divulges any part and successful newspaper men of the tacked Johnson’s amendment. At the of this information concerning incomes met ropol is. night session Sibley (Democrat) created is made subject to criminal prosecution Ward McAllister recently attempted to a sensation by attacking the Wilson bill. with hedvy fine and penalty. This provision is in line with the Eng- have Mrs. Cleveland establish a court He claimed it was neither a free trade I i lish law of 1857. The British income circle at the White House. This certain­ nor a protective tariff measure. i tax was very unpopular because it made ly is a blow to the prevalent opinion that Friday, Jan. 10. McAllister hasn’t an idea. 1 public the details of private business. Johnson’s amendment to the tariff bill Particular provision is made for the col­ A government that can issue bonds can placing steel rails on the free list was lection of the income tax due on salaries issue money. If congress does not issue defeated. General tariff debate occu­ i —not only official salaries, but salaries more money shortly, the people will is­ pied the day and evening session. of individuals received from business sue a new congress. One of the two is Monday, Jan. 22. firms, occupations, etc. An individual inevitable and will come to pass. The fight today was on the sugar receiving an official salary does not pay The Farmers’ Journal of Portland has schedule of the tariff bill. Additional the tax, but it is made the duty of every been merged into ttie Salem Independ­ Hawaiian correspondence was read. government, state, county and munici­ ent. Populist newspapers are springing Boutelle raised a row and was ordered pal disbursing officer to retain 2 per cent up all over the state and are with rare to sit down by the speaker. The sugar of all salaries over the taxable amount. debate was resumed and the amend­ This 2 per cent is to be taken out of the exceptions edited with much ability. ments abolishing the duty and the salaries in bulk at the l^t payment of The name Republic gives no guarantee bounty were passed. the salary for the year, and not at the of permanency. Injustice will undermine end of each week or month. This the foundations of a republic as surely as GOVERNMENTAL GOSSIP. avoids the complexity which would re­ that of a monarchy. The common sense sult from taking out a portion of the and brains of the nation must assert The president gave a dinner the other salary each week or month. itself. day to the diplomatic corps. The tax upon corporations includes The tariff debate in the house will end every phase of corporate stock. This The populists of Jackson countv have 15 clubs already organized, with the best this week. Next Monday voting on the tax is general and is without the $4,000 of indications that their club lists will far measure will begin. exemption allowed to individual in­ exceed the membership of two years ago The Olympia earned a premium of comes. It is provided that in collecting And the work of organizing the county $300.000. The speed requirement was 20 the tax on corporate stock the corpora- has juat begun. • k knots and she made 21.69. | tion shall pay the tax and deduct the The president has nominated Wheeler amount from the dividends of the stock­ Sunday Mercury: Brigadier-General H. B. Compson is in town to-day. Mr. H. Peckham of New York to be associ­ holder. This obviates the necessity of levying taxes upon the army of corpo­ Compson is receiving letters from friends ate justice of the supreme court. in all oarta of Oregon urging him to ac­ The cost of production by hand labor rate stockholders throughout the coun- cept the democratic nomination fok gov­ and by machinery and the effect of ma­ ' try, and restricts the business of the ernor of the state. He realizes, however, chinery on wages are to be investigated government to dealing with corpora- that in a triangular tight, such as there by congress. ' tsons. It is made the duty of each cor­ will be, an election is very uncertain. The Portugal minister at Washing­ poration to take 2 per cent of each an­ The state republican central committee ton, Senor Tomaz de Sosa Rosa, was nual corporate income from the amount and the same congri regsTiinal committees thrown' from his carriage and two ribs set apart for each stockholder, and pay the total to the internal collector locally. meet in Portland W< eonesday, «■ t^Mn. 31st, were broken. to fix the time and place i or calling the The senate has rejected the nomina­ Severe penalties are provided for failure state convention and apportioning the tion of J. Scott Harrison to be surveyor to make a proper reduction from the delegatee. W. I, Vawter is the com­ at Kansas City. Harrison is a brother dividends of stockholders or for failure mittee man for Jackson, D. C. Brownell to make returns to the revenue collector. for Klamath, H. B. Miller for Josephine of ex-President Harrison and was ap­ The entire business of levying and col­ pointed over the protest of Senator Vest. and C. U. Snider for Lake lecting tax is placed in charge of the It is understood a syndicate of New Thing! keep on a “drappin.” Repeal York bankers is preparing to offer to deputy commissioner of internal rev­ didn’t atiffen the prop anv. And now it take the entire proposed issue of $50,- enue. The different revenue districts of ia all on account of the tariff, you know 000,000 in bonds at Carlisle’s figures. the country are also provided with The tariff “boo-doo” has been too long Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia bank­ deputy collectors, who will especially manage the collection of the income tax. in the tree. In the apnng the birds will pick cherries alongside of it without ers want a show at them, however, and fright. The suck er crop, that has actually to prevent them from overbidding it is discovered tbe civil war is over, cannot likely they will be admitted to the syn­ dicate. be humbugged much longer. Secretary of Agriculture Morton has When Baby was sick, we save her Caatoria. One of the causes of hard times in been severely criticised by the National When she was a Child, she cried for Caatoria. Portland is the fact that people are send­ Farmers’ Alliance at Chicago for saying ing to eastern cities, annually, over $290,- in a speech at the World’s Fair “that When she became Miss, she clung to Caatoria. 000 interest on an indebtedness of more blind adherence to the teachings of ig­ When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria than $4,000,000- This is a heavv burden en our community.—Portland Welcome. norant leaders and vicious demagogues Why, of course, every farmer in the is necessary to membership in the alli­ rural districts knows that. Uaurv knocks ance, ” and the alliance requests him to A citizens meeting at Black Rock, them all out; the devil himself being un­ resign his office. Ala. , where the negroes have been or­ able to hold bis own against interest and Senator Vilas stated he would protest taxes. against the designs on award medals of dered away by white mill and factory the World’s Columbian Exposition. He hands, parsed resolutions strongly de- Gov. Lewetling, the famous chief ex i nouncing ihe outi'Rges perpetrated by ecutive of Kansas, is in San Francisco. secured proofs from the Philadelphia the lawless element —i. It was set forth mint. On one side of the medal the de ­ The “wild” populists who are administer­ that the mill ov ■;?rs and factory mana- sign has a stalwart specimen of Ameri ­ ing public affairs in Kansas have saved to _ to select? ______ and the taxpayers of the state through in­ can manhood holding in his right hand gers had the It ;!‘l right creased assessments in railroad property, a lighted torch and in the left a shield. Control their owu forces, and that inter­ cit s of socialism not to reduction of state lew and more econom­ Nearly all the senators condemn the de­ ference wa a ical conduct of public affairs $1,500,000, sign and some other figure will probably be tolerated in Alabama. The same story is told in those counties be substituted. The Duval Athletic club of Jackson­ officered by populists. The railroad com­ ville will have considerable difficulty in The heirs of Colonel Nicholas Lutz of mission has effected a very material re­ Reading, Pa., who furnished Washing­ bringing off the Corbett-Mitchell fight. duction in rates. ton's army with flour and wheat, claim The governor is determined to prevent Mr Carlisle’s proposition to mortgage to have discovered in the archives at the fight and t he battle will take place the country bv issuing $50,000,000 of Washington that he was never fully outside of Ja. ?. smviile if it is fought in bonds is simplv infamous. It is a part paid and will shortly bring suit to re­ Florida. Th? club lias chartered a rail­ and parcel of the plans of the conspirat­ cover $3,000 and interest from the gov­ road and the fighters and the spectators ors when they commenced the war on ernment. Colonel Lutz was at one time will go out on a special train to the bat­ silver. The silver in our mines is to lie on Washington’s staff and conducted tle ground. When the train leaves a idle and valueless because the rotten several flouring mills near Reading. section of track will be tom up, so the plutocracy which controls this govern­ Secretary of State Gresham is devot­ militia can > ot follow. It remains now ment want to still further mortgage our to see what Governor Mitchell will do if industries. More bonds, more debt.rnore ing most of his time just now to Ber­ this scheme is carried out. serfdom, more bank shinplasters, more ing sea matters. He is in daily consul­ interest,more degradation for the people, tation with Sir Julian Paunoefote, the General William Henry Forney, super­ The Puzzle Solved. more millionaires and more luxury for British minister. He appreciates the Perhaps no local disease has puzzled and intendent of Gettysburg battle field, the few. fact that it is high time that the pro­ baffled the medical profession more than died at Anniston, Ala. posed regulations for the protection of nasal catarrh. While not immediately fatal The receiver of the Guarantee Invest­ Gen. B. F. Butler was in command of it is among the most nauseous and disgust­ seals in accordance with the recommen­ ing ills tbe flesh is heir to, and the records ment company at Chicago reports liabil­ troops in New York City in the fall of 1864 and wrote Stanton, spcretarv of war. dations of the arbitration tribunal were show very few or no cases of radical cure of ities $55,000,000, assets $449. on Nov. 7, as follows: “The gold busi­ formulated if anything is to be done chronic catarrh by any of the many modes The three young men who tried to treatment until the introduction of Ely’s ness is all in the hands of a half dozen flaring the coming season to protect the of Cream Balm a few years ago. The success blow up the Nelson monument at Mon­ firms who are all foreigners or secession­ Chis. of this preparation has been most gaatitying treal got off with a fine of $28 each. ist!, whole names and descriptions I will and surprising. No druggist is without it. Joseph Dawn, a miner from Breckin­ Park's Cough Syrup give you.” What was true then has ridge. Colo., fell in among thieves at Has been so highly recommended to us Th® largest foreclosure of a mortgage been true ever since and is true to-day. This “gold business” is in the hands of that we have taken tbe agenev for it and ever executed in Butte county took place San Francisco and was robbed of $500, foreigners and men opposed tooursvstem now ask our friends who are suffering with in the suit of James D. Phelan et al., Boston says the “Kouta Kouta” dance cold to give it a trial and if it does not of government. Butler further wrote on a give satisfaction your money will be refund- executors, against D. M. Reavis and by Midway Plaisance dancers is im­ the same date: “It has got noised about en. Every bottle is sold on a positive guar­ wife. Judgment was rendered for the moral and has banished it from the city. that we are looking after the gold specu­ antee. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Sold by Phelan estate for $855,000 and for C. W. lators a little and gold has not risen any E. A. S herwin . Clarke jr. on a mortgage fog $125,000 today, up to 5 o’clock.” We need a against the same parties. The land or­ The Mexican rebellion, said to be in Is E ssentia Butler to look after the gold manipulators progress on the Rio Grande border, ac­ dered to be eold embraces 8,000 acres of of to-day.—Lebanon Advance. to cording to latest reports, is gaining the finest land in Butte county. HEALTH. If you have over-indulged in eating or strength, while depredating the coun­ Dearness Cannot be Cored drinking take a dose ot Simmons Liver try. An attack on El Paso del Norte is by local applications as they cannot reach Regulator. thought to be in contemplation. the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is Blaine's Handy Manual of Useful ISIMMJRE. When War is Declared by constitutional remedies Deafness is Infiirms'iun. Against a man’s happiness by his stomach, caused by an inflamed condition of the mu­ If yon are troubled witl There has iust been published in Chicago ' the enemy may be pacified and brought cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When a most valuable book with tbe above title, speedily and easily to terms. That potent this tube gets inflamed you have a rumb­ compiled by Prof. Win. H. Blaine, of Lan­ regulator of digestion. Hostetter’s Stomach ling sound or imperfect"hearing, and when f BOILS, ULCERS or caster Univer-itv. Its .‘4)0 pages are full of Bitters, disciplines the rebellious organ it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, | PIMPLES, SORES just what its mime implies—useful infor­ thoroughly. Indigestion arises from weak­ and unless the inflammation can be taken mation—and we fullv advise all our read­ ness of the stomach, and the food in it, for out and this tube restored to its normal «your blood ij bad. A tew bottles of 8. S. S. will; ers to send for a copy of it. It is a compen­ wan t of the power to digest.decomposes and condition, hearing will be destroyed for­ «thoroughly cleanse the system, remove all im- dium of things worth knowing, things diffi­ acidifies, giving rise to hearthurn, flatulence ever; nine casés out ot ten are caused by parities and build you up- AH manner of b' cult to remember, and tables of reference of *9<1 pairt, besides a multitude of svmpioms catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed «ishes aie Seat value to everybody, that it has never both changeful and perplexing. But peace condition of the mucous surfaces. ? CLEARED AWAY fore been our good fortune to possess in soon reigns when the great stomachic is re­ We will give One Hundred Dollars fbr »by its use. It is the best blood remedy on earth. such compact shape. Our wonder is how sorted to and used with persistence. Dyj any who have used it say so. case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) »Thousands “ My blood was badly poisoned last year, which got m it can be published at so low a price as is pepsia gives rise to morbid discomposure of toat.cannot be cured by Hall ’ s Catarrh /¿whole system out of order—diseased and a constant sourc asked for it. It is handsomely bound in mind, and even sleeplessness and hypo­ jgof suffering no appetite, no enjoyment of Hie. Two bottles ‘ ' brought me right out. There is no be flexible cloth covers.and will be sent to any chondria in chroic cases. To tbe complete Cure. 8end for circulars, free. remedy for blood diseases. F. J. CREN ey & CO., Toledo, O. ! s.s.s. address, postpaid on receipt of 25 cents in dismissal ot these tbe Bitters is fully ade­ --------------- JOHN GAVIN. Dayton, Ohio postage stamps, by the publishers, quate. Liver complaint, constipation, de- H^Sold by Druggists, 75c. reatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. il. W. O gilvie & Co.. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.,Atlanta,Ga. ^d^^rhsu^^rism and ,ualar** «re .cqxp» ill. Good D Inrtrl i°A,?be*e" i ft ST. JACOBS OIL, You’ll Use if Always for a Like Mishap. FALL STOCK Of DRY QOODS, F ancy Goods, N otior^s Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS and VALISES. Come in and see VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE « QJ „MEDFORD (d * BUSINESS ÇOLLEQE. Practical Business Training School of Oregon. OUR NEW BUILDING IS NOW COMPLETED ^)M. E. RIGBY, “■ p. Principal. wnWf FWCTto*. * ¿'Medford, .................................... Than J. POHLE & CO. Pills .1 ASHLAND. FIT GUARANTEED. Hair Death I H. S. EVANS, ASHLAND. OR. Heart Palpitation PAPERING, PAINTING, ETC. GOLD HILL, H PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s. Beef, Pork and Mutton. DEMANDING. ATTENTION HOOD’S Sarsaparilla Kept constantly on hand, Fair living prices is all that we ask. Winter Millinery f We will make it to your interest to febl’92 deal with us. January 2d, 1894, at CURES «ISS SAME OBER'S by sympathetic heart trouble, and Hood’s Sar­ saparilla has done ms vsry much good. W» have also given it to the children for Impure blood and ringworms with very good resuits.’* ba MILLINERY PARLORS, íá D. W. B ridges , Pleasaut Hill, Oregon. N. B. If you decide to take Hood’s Barsapa. rilla do not be induced to buy any other. li ODD FELLOWS' BLOCK Hood’s Pills cure all Liver Ills, Biliousness Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headaehe. 25c. MILLINERY & NOTIONS CALL AND SEE OUR FINE STOCK OF NEW : GOODS With More Coming. They are pretty and cheap— sure to please and give satisfaction. MRS. E. B. CHRISTIAN’S Millinery and Dressmaking ------- Parlors.------- FAT JUST A MINUTE F. L. CAMPS, F YOUR VALUABLE O time, please, to remind you of this season’s novelties Artistic Photographer PEOPLE and millinery at Mrs, L. A. P ark O besity P ills will reduce your weight PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 pounds a month. NO STARVING sickness or injury; NO PUBLICITY. They build up the health and beautify the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or flabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breath­ ing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. A11 orders supplied direct from our office. Price $2.00 per package or three packages for $5.00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed )2cts. All Correspondence Strictly Confidential. Millsap’s. The goods are bright and fresh—just what you want. Let us whisper : Don’t say anything to any­ body, but hurry down. The price is HALF. ISHES TO NOTIFY the people that he has dissolved partnership with W Tyler and opened out a new gallery ranged in artistic style and equipped with the latest improvedinstruments, and will guarantee only first class work of all kind» in the photograph line. Prices as low as the lowest. Siltings in all kinds of weather—rain or shine. Portraits to Life Size, Enlarging to any Size, Views, Crayons. India Ink, Pastel, stc. ar IF. L. O j AINLZPS, Opposite : Hotel : Oregon. ASHLAND, OREGON. MUIMOK*» MA 1Mb a ¡¡ff « » 1