i st* VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD PKKSHED bricmjb . A tow n hal ie being erected at Central Point. M. G. VV srner, the piano tuner, io is the city thia wee«. A large aswrUneat of games and toys at D. L. Bmkier dk Hon's. Mrs . 8.8. Pants sad infant are visit­ ing reUtireais Ca&fornis. W. II. Boo»wfck et Applegate killed a 435 lb. bog the other day. Bill Barrett, tbe stage driver, died recently tn Klamath Falls. Con ductors Hendricks and Tynan are borne from their foreign tour. On December 2d a daagbter was born to ‘be wife of N. 8. Besaott of Medford. VOL. V ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1892 A Pioneer Character Gone, | y alley * netwuw ASHLAND, OREGON, Chief of the County I Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. NO. 32. F xclusively I firstïglâss D SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year.................................................... »2 60 Six months ............................. <................ 1 60 Three months............ ............................. 71 Advertising rates given on application. c- CALDWELlz, Sim Southern, widely known in north­ MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE-’* ern California as a pioneer citizen and as DENTIST. the owner of Southern’s stave station on tbe Sacramento, died at Redding last Chase Combination Dental Ltate» atW with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. week. He was born in Elizabethtown, Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain f eett» Kentucky, 72 years ago, when a large to perfect appearance. portion of that stats was yet a wilderness. Gold Crown and Contour work a specially, - Peter Applegate bn returned from bis When the war between thia eountrv and ! Office over tbe Bank. , Mexico broke out he enlisted in Jefferson I government suivey in Benton county. Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 1C. Davis’ Mississippi regiment. He to 9 a. m. and 4 to 5 p. m. Tom Centers gives a Christmas ' participated in the battle ol Buena Vista, masquerade ball Dec. 23d at Central and was at tbe defeat of Santa Anna In ' Jg D. BRIGGS, t Point the witter at 1848 '49 be wintered with ÆSTTLTAISriD, O EÒE G-OUST. luiiington, nov Larbering at bis coaspaay in Utah under command of | LAWYER, ir, is v.siuag Baa fraacfoco with j Got. Steptoe. In tlx spring of 1849, after , A shland , _ _ _ OtauuN. THE BEST BCILT, THE BEST FURNISHED, peace was declared, be came to Cal torn is. | Ho was forage master of the advance Will practice in State and United State* * ÂXD THE BEST COX DUCTED HOUSE C. C. Beekman, wife and daughter i guard of the company. In the summer courts, and U. S. Land Office. fehlt * - Carrie, will spend tbe winter in Portland of 1M9 be was mustered out of service, STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA; The R oyal fulfils all the society. and coming to Stiasta coun v, settle ! in J^OBEIIT A. MILLER. Our stock of holiday goods is much larg­ the old town of bhasta in 1855 and took requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening er and prices lower than ever before. D. L. , charge of the Eagle hotel in that place ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Minkler A Son. power than any other. - s and ran it for three years. Subsequently , ATTORNEY-AND-OOUNSELOR-AT- he went to French Gulch and took charge Tbe People’s psrty vote in tbe south­ Invalids and others seeking pure air, mountain water LAW, • ;; STATE CHEMIST, WASHINGTON: There is no question but ern states is considerably larger than in ol the old Empire hotel in that place, and in 1859 be moved with bis wife to tbe 'J acksonville - - - - OtiEribN.- and desiring to benefit by the use of the various hot or cold the northern states. the R oyal is the strongest, purest and most wholesome place on the upper Sa ramento now * Miss Carrie Cooper, of Medford, Las known as Sims, and together they hewe i mineral, chemical and sulphur springs in and near Ash­ Will practice in all the -ton i ts of the baking powder in the market. gone to Santa Clara county, Cal., to keep out a home there out oi> wilderness long State. Office opposite the court L oumx ------- ------- ----- —------------------ ———T . bouse for ber father. . land, will find sympathetic accommodations at the bettm even a wagon road was construct*! U. S. GOV’T FOOD REPORT: R oyal B aking P owder IS J T. BOWDITCH. D. M M. Gritfttb* beck from old up the river. At this place be and his HO'TEL. OREGOIXT. Missouri an# le prospecting on tbe south wife remained ever since, reared a family shown a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in <•( seven children—William, Ida, Mac, ATTORNEY AT LAW. side ol Uw ¡Siskiyou*. Elza, Fannie, Belle and Sitnmie—all of leavening strength. A shland , .................................. o resow Mrs. Pracht is in charge as Housekeeper. H. Lewis and wife, of Centralia, Wash., whom with their mother survive him. are visiting tbe latter’s folks, J. W, From a packer’s trail he saw the country Will practice in all courts of the state. CANADIAN OFFICIAL TESTS: R oyal B aking P owder is Commercial travelers will bear in mind that the pro- Collections promptly made. Shores and family, of Emigrant creek. develop to a wagon road, built through to commended as of highest excellence, and shown to be Mrs. Haavey has returned home from a i Portland, to the building of the Califor­ prietor was “one of’em” for 15 and knows how to visit with b*r daughter, Mrs. Charley nia and Oregon railway. His home and greatest of all in leavening strength. , resort on the upper Sacramento was a Rippey, at Meahlaburg, Cal. take care of “ the boys. ” haven of reet for tbe weary traveler in H. Scherrer is now furnishing over one pioneer date, and in later years became SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH: We cordially ap Address for terms, &c., hundred incandeecent lamps from his popular and widely known us a summer electric light plant in Dunsmuir the News resort for tourists and health seekers. rove and recommend the R oyal B aking P owder . JOHN It. PELT0K. E. T. WEIL. reports. ! As the country developed he prospered t is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best biekiydu bounty having voted a countv and bis property increased in value and siikiy^u high school, Sisson, Dunsmuir and Mott at the present time it is a handsome ingredients, of the highest strength and character. novi 9 ASHLAND OREGON. —Letall and Wholesale dealers fit— are trying hard to get it. But Yreka will estate. From a rough hewn cabin, typ- undoubtedly capture the prize. ice! of the California frontierman, he BOARD OF HEALTH, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Finding in . . t . _ .has erected a beautiful home ami a fine The Red Mens lodge at Jacksonville hotel, which for many years has been analysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, we having Iwenre-satablished on a flourish­ ; liberally patronized by tourists, sight­ heartily recommend the R oyal B aking P owder for its ing basis, Wenonah Council. Degree of Beerg> seers, invalids, inval'ds, and and notable notable peoph i>eople from Pocahontas hat taken on a new lease of every quarter ot the globe. All Kinds of Fresh Meats great strength, purity and wholesomeness. life. Catarrh in the Head Kept constantly on hand. Fair living The leading grocers keep “8nowy BOARD OF HEALTH, TACOMA, WASHINGTON: In our judg­ prices is all that we ask. Butte” flour. If vou don’t patronize the Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood, and as such onlv a reliable blood purifier can leading grocers, it is time you were doing effect a perfect cure. Hood’s Sarsaparilla ment the R oyal is the best and strongest baking powder We will make it to your interest to Aek vour _ grocer if be keepe “Snowy is tbe best blood purifier, and it has cured •O J J J deal with us. febl’92 before the public. Butte” flour. many very severe cases of catarrh. It gives N. II. Hoencer, of Griffin creek, hat an appetite and builds up the whole system. BOARD OF HEALTH, SPOKANE: Certainly there is no baking Saturday --------- , sold ---- two . hogs to Joe Hocker- Hood'a Pill« act especialtv upon the liv- smith. weighing 935 pouniis. These are er.rousing it from torpidity toils natural du- powder known to us equal to the R oyal the heaviest,bo«a yet brought to Med- I ties, cure constipation and assist digestion, ford. They netted $21 each.—Mail. Oar Storn OI<1 Governor. DR. BINSWANGER, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON: It is also my T. H. Critehlow died at Phoenix De- Portland Telegram.] opinion that there exists no purer, better or stronger baking comber 5th. He was an Oregon - . , pioneer .. ’ The landslide has not shaken Gover- and an obLapldier. A A wife and family nor pennoyer’s faith in free silver coin- powder than the R oyal . I confidently recommend it. beeulee hit, hjirnodiate i friends are left to # e rtmaj|l8 j0y8| m his convictions cherish Ide memory. I through ..................................... mourn end ch Shasta Line. all political changes and convul­ Geo. E. Bloomer, our popular county sions. When recently asked for his opin­ ______ ______ < treasurer, has resigned his business in J. ion on the policy of restricting immigra­ 4 Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. Nunsn’s store st Jacksonville. He is one tion, he replied; “If tbe United States of She owners <4 Ute Eagle Point Roller is to be restrict*! to a narrow gold basis South I North Mills, which will command bis time, instead of the broad bimetallic money 7 :0C p iu Lv Portland Ar 7 :35 a m basis of tbe constitution, then, in order 10:20 a m Ar Ashland Lv 4 :• 0 p m A Mai) and Express text: "Be not ! to have sufficient money for our people,it 10 :SO a m Lv Ashland 4: Op ni Ar thou afraid whsn one is made rich, when will not only be necessary to entirely re- 8:15 a ni Ar SanFranciscoLv 7:Ut'r m the glory o< t.'ia house is increased; for j strict immigration, but also to expatriate News in Brier. Good Showing tor Oregon. General News Items, Above trains stop only at following sta­ whenhsdiath he shall carry nothing ‘ some of oar citizens. ” The report of Poatnir.ater General tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, French’s gigantic statue of the Repub­ Typhus fever has broken out in New awav.” Probably meant for admonition Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany,’ Wanamaker shows that the lowest per lic for the World’s Fair is finished and York. owlv U came too late. I The QmlckMt Way to Cure aCoM. Tangent, Sliedds, Halsey .Harrisburg, Junc­ cent, of expenses for postofficee of any has been boxed up for winter winters. I Do you wish to know the quickMt way to . The United States supreme court haa tion City, Irving, Eugene. , The proeecutinJTKttSm^y 5r the Doug­ State in the union is for Oregon, being 33 I curs a cold 1 We will tel) y'ou. To cure a There is nothing now visible of this im ­ decided the Chicago lake front case in las cqqnty Oatrict has taken on a '•»y*’* I cold qetekly, it must be treat*! before the per cent of the gross receipts. The high­ th Roseburg Mail Daily. moral SlW

a dryr traff wHHfe s 76 per cent. The average for the which is held iu the left hand. It is safe nois Central railroad claimed title to the % p Jua Portland .. .8:30am I Roseburg. . Boeeborg he has ctoeed both front and , and sneering. The cough Is soon followed whole country is about 50 per cent. to assert that never before was such a submerged land along two miles of the Roseburg .7:00 a tn | Portland . 4 :U0 p in bv watery expectoration and the sneering This includes tbe free delivery systems, huge box constructed. It is 24x22$ feet lake shore. back doors. This is cer­ and stands 90 feet in height. The frame­ A. D. Sanders had a leg broken while by a profuse watery discharge from the nose, but not the mail routes. Albany Ixx al, Dailv, (Except Sunday) The colored people and medical fra­ In severe cases there is a thin while coating tainly a good showing for Oregon post­ at work on the Mvrtle creek ditch. Dr. i on work is so big that if placed alongside tbe tongue. What'odo? It u only _____ leave : __ AxaivE: _______ tati L. W. Brown of ’Eugene attended hin> necessary to take Chamberlain's Cough masters—indicating also that they are one of Chicago's skyscrapers its top ternity of San Antonio, Tex., are very much interested in a case of suspended Portland .. .5:00 p m 1 Albany 9:00p m and amputated his leg. Sandors has Remedy in double dose; every hour. That doing more work for the money than could easily reach the sixth story. A litany 6:31 a tn I Portlam ‘ortland ... 10:30a ni animation, the patient being Sally Clif­ sued Dr. Brown for $11,000 for mal­ will greatly lessen the severity of the cold those of any other state in the union. The United States senate committee i ton, a 16-year-old girl who has been in a practice. Both sides have able Attor­ and in many cases will effectually counter Official. on immigration heard the views of Dr. trance for some days, having “got reli­ act it. and cure what would have* been a se neys. It ¡ b our earnest desire to impress up Edson of the health board regarding the The Loe Angeles Express claims that I | vere cold within one or wo days time PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. I Try it and be convinced. 25 and 50 cent on the minds of the public the supericrity probability of a visit of cholera to thia 1 gion," as her parents expressed it, at a the people of Chicago want the iuir closed ; Ixnles for sale byj. C. Barrett & Co. Methodist revival, and was carried home of the service offered by the Wieonsin country in the spring. The doctor ex­ on Sunday themselves so that the visit- I Secon.d-Clans Sleeping Car* insensible. Since then she has not taken Central Lines to Milwaukee. Chicago and ors will have to open up their purseaelee- Virginia City, Nev., Dec. 6.—Mining all points east and south. Two fast trains pressed the belief that cholera would nourishment of any kind. She lies on For accommodation of Passengers holding where. Ingenious, certainly, but will men often indulge in argument as to leave St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth probably come at that time, and he her back with fixed eyes, breathing second-class tickets, attached to not six days a week be enough for tbe when and where the largest gold nugget daily, equipped with Pullman Vestibuled thinks there is a big fight in store for lightly. Sometimes she shows increased Express Trains. banditti? was ever found, how much it wei hed, Drawing Room Sleepers, Dining Cars and the country against the disease. The signs of animation and then then she WEST SIDE DIVISION. The Roseburg papers are still crowing etc. It has been reported that the largest CuaeheB of the latest design. Its Dining doctor thought the restriction of immi­ clasps her hands and shouts “Oh, hal­ Agent for Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Between Portland and Corvallis. over the removal of the 8. P. repair nugget ever found was discovered in Car service is unsurpassed, which ac­ gration for one year would prove a lelujah!” Her clasped hands fall back shops from Junction City to that place. Australia and that it weighed abou counts, to a degree, for the popularity of potent factor to keep cholera out. MAIL TRAIS DAILV («X5 the genuine. Prepared by Scott l<* and sponginess. ALUM­ photographer on tbe battle field. Ex-Senator Edmunds of Vermont and see and won’t be­ INUM ALLOY unites Copper with Iron borne at Fort Hamilton, L. I., after an break has been at Leeds. lieve who has to The United States steamship Constel­ family are at Redlands, Cal., where “Snowy Butte” flour now leads the 1 absence of forty-five years. He found and Lead with Iron and Copper, heretofore stiffer. market in thia valley. ' his wife the widow of a second husband, lation, having on board the exhibit sent they will remain during the winter. And it’s need­ considered an impossibility. PRICE—$5.00 per 100-pound box, $28.00 W. C. Owen, one of the most promi­ 's less. There’s a Mr. Anderson and Mr. Holyoke, of with a family of grown-up children. by the American artists in Italy to the medicine—a legit­ per barrel or 700 pounds or $SO.OO per toil. the “Horeehead” mine have cleaned up Clarence was in the army aud was sen» World’s Fair in Chicago, is on her way nent members of the Socialist league of BEST IM THE WOKE». Book of i'Overnnien» Government Official BOOK OI »nuvoli Report of , Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, imate medicine — Ita wearing qualities are unsurcaaaed, lictai llg after running through their 5-etainp mill West y ears ago. His wife refused to go for Havre, where she will take on board New York, has been publicly expelled tests made at Rock Island Arsenal and oth- cmtlaatinff two boxes of Sty other brnnd. Kot that’s made to oick Headache and Constipation. 40 in 45 tons of quartz, which gave them re­ with hiui, and a year after married the paintings destined for the World's from that order. Owen deserted his stop woman’s suffering and cum woman’s er indisputable testimonials from foundry­ effected by beat. OTOETTHEUEN UINE. each bottle. Price 25c. For sale by turns of $6.50 in free gold and nearly another soldier at Fort Hamilton. yoBHALEBTDEALEBS GENERALLY. Jfys» men FREE. wife and returned to England. He also Fair contributed by American artists in ailments. It's Dr. Tierce's Favorite Pre­ druggists. 1Û0D lbs of clean concentrates, which scription. It's purely vegetable and perfectly left a number of unpaid bills. France. The HartsMd Furnace & Refining Co., Picture “7,17, 70” and sample dose free. shows the ore to carry about one per harmless—a powerful general, as well as ute­ American Cholera. Ladies, Pay Attention. NEWPORT, KY. rine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor and J. F. SMITH A CO., Proprietors, HEW YORK. cent of snlphurite. Some of the ore ' From the Daily Reveille,Whatcom,Wash.] “Yotir Work in Life." Catarrh in Colorado. strength to the whole system. For periodical avaayed $90 per ton. The concentrates ' 1 used Ely’s Cream Balm for dry catarrh. BRANCH OFFICES ANO DEPOTS— HY WILL YOU SUFFER, when “T. p. Burnett, the democratic candidate A series of 13 articles by successful men according to their assay would be worto for sheriff, was taken violently ill at Clear­ in as many pursuits is one of the many It provad a cure—B. F. M. Weeks,Denver. pains, weak back, beaiing-down sensations, Judson Mfg. Co., San Franeisco, Cal ; Lo- you could eet relief bv using the fa- nervous prostration, and all “female com­ mer Rose, ilontri al and Toronto, Can : Ely ’ s Cream Balm is especially adapted $90(90 or $8100 leas the free gold ex­ brook. He bad all the symptoms of Asiatic strong groups of articles which are an­ mous, well known reiuedv Orange Blos­ plaints." it’s a positive remedy. It improves It W.C.Carroll Y ovth ’ s C ompanion , Boston, Mass. Granta Pass Courier. work, thev can earn a bicycle, a watch or mutual consent. JAMES F. WELLS. Helman street, near the Youle A Gilroy i»reparation will be in’great demand because hoice library, without its costing them You save 51 cents by subscribing for the Ashland, Or., Nov. 24,1392. Prevent and cure Constipation and Sick- t can always be depended upon. For sale 1 1 New car lot of best oi's of Standard Oil , planing mill. miother cent. 13ux 4G, ISootun, Mass. ISGOBUSDd^- F. Examiner together. ' Headache. Small Bile Beaus. 1 Company at Crocxer Grocery Co. to* i. Q, Sarrstt 4i Co» » * Health Officers Speak. • City, State and National Authorities report the Royal Baking Powder in every way Superior to all others. . HOTEL OREGON. Between San Francisco and Portland. ¡SMB< iwrcr’i ? MAX PRACHT, Prop. FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s. Beef, Pork and Mutton. Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To EAST AND SOUTH II. Do not permit the slanderous stories of interested parties to influence you infusing any other than « The Best, The Royal. C. MYER. Ashland,. Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES CROSS-COT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS, AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. W. P. SQUIRE, ASHLAND, OREGON. Special attention paid to Eastern Correspondence. ipMYonr^ Children, w ScOtt’8 Emulsion WORK FOR OS N. D. YOUNG H II Alloy CR&P BflHK PGfHTERS COMPOSITE FRAZER GREASE W W