Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911, September 22, 1892, Image 1

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Thotnaa Morine baa been appointed
marshal of Medford.
Did you ever eee a federal office holder
er ho vents a reform?
Mrs. Samwel Furry baa returned from
her visit in California.
Mire Lulu Kubii, of Jacksonville, is
attending St. Helens ball.
Gohl Hill Items.
Worse than the Ta-ra r»-boom-de-ay
is tbe Cbolera-rs-boonu-do-sy.
a< ademy at Jacksonville.
A eon of Ol. Weaver broke his arm at
W. 1*. Jacoby w »till buying wheat, and The benefit, that the People Would
tbs Eaton place near Jacksonville.
Gain If They were Operated In
has shipped several car loads.
We do not ernment in the interest of the people.
It is to the point and strikes terror in-
The Portland Industrial Exposition: hesitate to guarantee them every time, and
stand ready to refund the purchase to the hearts of the “Knights of the
this year, which will open its doors Sept. we
price, if satisfactory results do not follow Road.”
21st, for the fourth time, will far excell their use. These remedies have won their
This is a now move and the only one
all its predecessors, both in the mag­ great popularity purely on _ their
___ merits.
which will make the railway a blessing
nificence of its exhibits and the character E. E. Winchester A Co., Druggists.
to all the people, tbe same as is the postal
of the entertainmeuts that will take place
on ths different days specified.
Use» and Frait Culture.
There is absolutely no justice nor sense
The one particular feature will
Every fruit grower who observes cor­ in giving individuals, no matter if few or
be the music. It will bs> discoursed by
the famous American Band, of Provi­ rectly aud who has examined the sub­ tnany the right, the authority and power
dence, Rhode Island, under the leader­ ject confidently asserts that the bouey to levy toll or tax in such an arbitrary
ship of D. W. Reeves. This band is one bee docs not and cauuot puncture the I way as is done by the railways. The
of tbe best-known throughout the east. sktna of Units so us to partake of their very spirit which brought the railroads
All lovers of symphony should not tail juices. They have not the tools to cut in existence is its claim, “for tbe public
hearing it.
through the skins. They simply have uood.” Railroads are made by and for
Tbe art collection w ill contain an array long tuugues with which to lick or lap. all the people. Then let tbe people own
of paintings, etchings, and articles of Other iusecta and birds cau aud do them. Noone man earned money enough
to build a railroad ten miles long. It is
virtu, valued at over »300,000. It will
include some of the finest works on tbe puncture (rutte aud if the juices are a true axiom; What men have not
quite sweet the bees follow in the wake earned, they have stolen. Consequently
Pacific Coast
A combination electrical display will of »uch marauders ami partake. Bees they do not own it. The law may give it
also be exhibited by th6 Thotnson-Hous- in late summer and autumu, in Ualifor- to them, but that is legal stealing.
Now suppose the People’s party should
ton-Edison Company. In addition to nia; and many ether injects, birds and
producing some brilliant effects of light animals are hard pushed for moisture eotue into power and the railroads of the
and color, it will show the latest adaption and re**rt to juicy fruits aud succulent country should be owned and operated at
of electricity to the use of the age.
i vegetables for it- Then bees aud yellow cost for the benefit of the people (not a
The stock department will exceed, in jackets swarm to the drying fruits and I lew private individuals), tho same as is
the postal service, what a saving there
dimension aud interest, all previousones
Tbe premiums for the finest exhibits is grapes for moisture and sweets. Instead would be to tlie taxpayers and consum­
of being injurious to the orchardist ers. All the expenses of the government
this line will be greatelv increased.
Over 80,000 square feet have been de­ nearly the whole family of bees proper ' could be paid from this source and
voted to the horticultural display. That are of the greatest benefit in distributing freights and fare would still be cheaper
than thev are now.
We could then dis­
alone will be worth a visit to tbe i , pollan.
pense with that big republican protege, a
Pocket Map of Washington, Oregon, nigh protective tariff humbug, which for
The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows will
meet in Portland September 19th. On ' i Idaho. Montata and Wyoming—live States tbe last twenty-five years has taken all
one cover—handsomer, handier, better , tbe time and attention of our so-called
that evening, members of the order, from i I m
than any $1.00 map yet made; 7 colors; in
all parts of the United States, will visit strong cover; all counties, rivers, railroads, statesmen. The next in order would be
tbe Exposition Sept. 22d. A special post-offices. Correct to date. Also Maps to dispose of our custom houses.
musical programme has been composed of all States in same style. Agents wanted | could sell them and take the money re­
Even boys and girls make money fast. alized and pay off the national debt.
in their honor by Director Reeves.
There will be a pioneer day, a welding We mail agents auv samples wanted on This would abolish all our national
day, a cbees day and a fat men's day. receipt of 25 cents each; Address The banks and some more of Uncle Sam’s
Added to this, there will be many Matthews-Northrup Co., Buffalo, N. Y. paupers would be compelled to make
others offering varied attractions and
The R xcobd and the 8. F. Examiner one perhaps an honest living.
The custom houses gone, all the offices
amusement to those attending them. year for $3.50.
Chief of the County Papers.
Published every Thursday.
E. J. KAISER, Proprietor.
One year.................................................. $2 60
Six months ............................................ 1 50
Three months.........................................
Advertising rates given on application.
NO. 20.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
the Interest » of the Public.
Mrs. Geo. Bartlett is out from Port­
George R. Hammersly has gone to Jump-
land visiting her mother, Mrs. Cooksey. ott-Joc to look after his placer mines.
Editor V allby R ecord .]
A son was born to the wife of Manley
Mike Chavner is Laving a fine re-idence
Whorton at Lakeview on the 8th inst. built near Gold Hill. Wui. Stuart is the, When the first dawn of civilization cast
its progressive gleam on humanity, agri­
A. McCord died st Wolf creek last
Lucky Bart has sold his famous mine on culture was then the first industry of a
week. He was well-known in Oregon. Sardine
creek to Morton Lindley of Sacra­ settled life and a large majority of the
world’s toilers have alwavs belonged to
Theo. Cooper, of Baker City, is visiting mento. Consideration $30,000,
bis folks at tbe Claremlon hotel, Medford.
Professor Freeman is conducting a splen­ this class. Indeed, tbe work of the agri­
school at this place, having an average culturist is the foundation of all enter­
W. H. Parker, Esq., the Jacksonville did
prises. Without him the whole social
attendance of over forty scholars.
lawyer, baa moved hie family to Medford. I
would go to pieces. There is
Doctor Stanley will soon stock the store no doubt that he has liorne tbe largest
N. S. Drew and family, of Klamath formerly occupied by Mrs. Williams. The
county have been in the valley the past i doctor will have a full and complete stock share of the heavy burdens heaped upon
tbe back of the toilers and when we ex­
of goods.
amine the report of Superintendent Port­
Hawley Bull, the Lake county stock-| A large force of bridge carpenters are er’s census bulletins we find that the
man, has moved his family to Phoenix at work renewing tbe wings of the Rogue farmer’s load is too heavy yet.
, river bridge. A gravel train has just com­
for the winter.
pleted a fill ot tbe long trestle south of the 9,000,000 oi American homes mortgaged,
owning less than 22 per cent, of the
Mrs. L. G. Rosa an<l child, of Isike- bridge.
view, ia visiting in Jackson cownty ami
Billy Ulrich, he of insurance fame, came wealth of the country and yet paying
will then visit Portland.
into Gold Hill on Wednesday driving two four-fifths of all the taxes, is it any won­
bigb-strung bronchos. Billy wore a Harri­ der that the farmer is dissatisfied? Of
John Dyer, ex-conductor on the Jack­ son-Reid
plug hat. On the approach of the
sonville branch, ia employed on the S. P. freight train, tbe horses became frightened the many causes operating to impoverish
agriculture, I will consider tho transpor­
gravel train near Granta Paas.
and started to run. Billy’s hat was tation question.
with a rubber string under bis
Mrs. Wm. Mills has returned to Poke-i fastened
Those who are familiar with the history
it would bounce off his bead and then
gama from Ventura county, Cal., and jaw,
eotue back with a spring and perhaps light of the last sixty years will readily recog­
wm viaiting Ashland friends last week
wrong »ide up on top of his care worn bead. nize the immense benefit the railroads
Finally the team ran against a stump (just have been to civilization, nor will they
Halmon are climbing the fish ladder at as
Harrison will), and became disengaged grudge tbe men who have carried forward
Pokegama at a lively rate. Large num­ from
the rig, leaving Billy and bis hat this great undertaking a rich reward.
bers aie being caught at the dam five in tbe back.
By tbe aid of railroads distances have
miles below Keno.
been overcome, so that those of different
“Tired all the Time,
T. P. Judson, ot Grants Paas, burned a Is the complaint of many poor mortals.who countrys are alsioet next door neighbors.
kiln of 425,000 brick last week, probabaly know not where to find relief. Hood's Sar­ Tbe wilderness has bean made product­
tbe largest amount ever burned in tbe I saparilla possesses just those elements of ive, countless numbers of farms brought
county before at oue time.
strength which you so earnestly crave, it within reach of markets, mines opened,
will build you up, give you an appetite, mills, factories and forges built, towns,
Ike. Diener, of tbe Golden Eagle hotel strengthen
your stomach and nerves. Try villages and cities have dotted hill and
reetaurant. ie a candidate for tbe demo­ it.
plain, the busy hum of industry is heard
cratic nomination for conetable of thia
act especially upon tbe all over our broad land. Yes, with rail­
township.—Reilding Democrat.
liver, rousing it from torpidity to its natur­ roads we have made more progress in
Tbe Express says Capt. O. C. Apple­ al duties, cure constipation and assist di- fifty years than we could without rail­
gate and Gilbert Anderson made a | gestion.
roads lor one thousand years. Such are
circuit of Crater lake by land, the flrat
but a part of the good results flowing
CommlMiouent' Court.
time it wm ever known to be done.
from the construction of railroads.
September term.]
Willingly has the farmer performed his
New crockery and glassware—Crocktr
Hon. J. R. Neil, county judge; Ben Hay­
Uroeery Ce.
mond. Samuel Furry, commissioners; Max labor, expecting to share in the prosper­
ity of tbe country, yet not always content
The residence of John Thompeon, on Muller, clerk; J. K. Pelton, sheriff.
County road petitioned for by Walter S. with his rewards; ami now at this date
the Randale place near Tolo, wm de -
Kitchen et al, Jacksonville precinct; first lie is convinced that those controlling
stroyed bv fire with ite contents one day reading
of reports.
the carriage of his products are exacting
but week. I jom $500, no insurance.
County road petitioned for bv J. G. Bu- a toll more than a just proportion there­
D. L. Minkler * Moe have just received sere et al. Trail creek precinct; C. J. How­ of. Year after year he has seen tho car­
ard appointed surveyor, J. A. Houston, J. rier adding to hie property, building new­
another largo stock of fine stationery.
C. Hannah and Perry Foster appointed
Mrs. Chas. Prim, Misaee Minnie viewers, to meet at beginning of said road lines. paying large salaries to high of­
ficials riding in palace care, corrupting
Bvbee, Amelia Britt, Laura Harriaon, Sept. 30. at 10 o’clock a. tn.
James Linn appointed to a scholarship in legislatures, and all the thanks the farm­
W H. Parker and K. Kubii, all of Jack­
ers got from those bloated upstarts has
sonville, were in Portland the past week. the state agricultural college at Corvailis.
County road petitioned for by B. F. Rags­ been “The people be damned.”
Fine breakfast bacon and nice meats at dale et al; C. J. Howard appointed sur­
But a new era baa dawned on the
Crocker Grocery Co.
veyor, C. C. Gall. H. I. Pelton and H. W. farmer. One of the most potent factors
B. F. Wade, sent up from Jackson said road Oct. 1st, at 10 o’clock a. m.
is the farmers’ alliance and industrial
eountv for forgery, and J m . F. Tipton,
Monthly report of Emil De Roboarn,keep­ union. For the first time in history the
from iJouglas (o>- rape, have l>een par­ er of county hospital, showing 15 patients farmers are becoming united in a com­
doned by the governor. It ie stated that in keeping with two discharged the past mon cause.
tbe latter is innocent of tbe crime ac* month; report approved.
The farmers have learned in this school
In matter of building bridge across Ap­ that according to Poor’s Railroad Manual
cording to affidavits on file.
plegate. near Benedict’s place; contract the number of miles in the country are
Camper* edible outfits, none can better awarded to John and George Clements for
suit you than O. Winter.
the sum of $1600 for main span, and ap­ 156,082. They show a capitalization, in­
cluding floating debts, of $9,369,398,954
for the sum of $2.55 per foot.
When vow are in Portland you will proaches
Ordered that license be granted for six On this enormous sum the railroads pay
want a fine photograph of youraelf taken, months from 9th day of September, 1892.
interest and dividends, and to do this a
to show your friends that while you wore
Bid for hospital opened aud awarded to tax or toll is levied on all the industries
in tbe metropolis vou were “right up in Emil De Roboarn at $4.50 per week, and of the country. Tbt farmer also has in­
tbe pictures,” as the saying uoee. Go to said DeRoboam required to file usual bond. vestigated bow much of this vast capital­
A number of bills audited and allowed.
B. C. Towne, tbe popular pnotographer.
ization is real and how much is fictitious.
The estimated cost per mile of existing
Housed mackerel and all kinds of salt
Chamberlain's Cough Keniedy,famous for
fish at Crocker Grocery Co.
its cures of bad colds and as a preventive railways is $30,000, but theie are more
cure for Croup, 50 cets per bottle.
miles of railroad built under $20,000 than
Tbe Observer says the bop crop of ami
ChamlierlaiB’s Pain Halm, a general fam­
Josephine county ie gathered aud learns ily liniment and especially valuable for the above sum.
. » 100 00
from reliable authority that it amounts rheumatism, sprains, bruises, burns and Grubbing and clearing
Right of way aud land damage....... 2500 00
to 70,000 lbs. Tbe average cultivation is frost bites, 50 cents per bottle.
and rock cuttings......... 4500 00
W b S bll Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera Earthwork
about 120 acres and only seven individuals
BridgM, culverts and masonry....... 3000 00
are engaved in its cultivation. From and Diarrhoea Remedy .the most successful Ties, 3UOO............................................ 2000 00
$10.000 to $15,000 will be put in circula­ medicine in use for dysentery, diarrhoea, Rails, plices, bolts and spikes ....... 4000 00
colic and cholera morbus, 25 aud 50 cent Switches, side tracks, cattle guards,
road croppings and fences......... 1100 00
St. Patrick’s Pills. They are the best
Have vou tried fee Detroit Free Press?
laying, surfacing, ballasting 2300 00
physic. They also regulate the liver and Track
Let a ft seatsr
Depots, water tanks, stock yards,
bowels. Try them. 25 cents per box.
shops and terminals.................. 3500 00
Izike county ie excited over the pros­
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment
pects of baring a railroad. Surveyor for tetter, salt-rheum, scaldhead, eczema, Equipment........................................... 4500 00
rents, interest and con­
Warner’s pertv I m ! week completed a piles and chronic sore eyes. 25 cents per
tingencies ..................................... 2500 00
survey from Amadee, the present term­ box. For sale by Druggists.
inus of the Nevada, California and Ore­
Total.............................................$30,000 00
Klamath County Items.
gon railroad to Lakeview and aavs tbe
Number of miles of railways, 156,082.
work of construction would be light.
Total cost, $4,682,460.
last week to buy cattle.
Lakeview ie the proposed terminus.
Here we find water to the amount of
Do you want the genuine French sar­ for the Ashland market.
$4,686,938,954, or in other words more
dine?—of the Crocker Grocery Co.
than half the capital stock of the rail­
Jacob Thompson of Ashland was in roads of the country is fictitious, and on
Trout fishing in Rogue river is now at Klamath Falls last week.
which the railroad user has to pay inter­
Ito beat and many large fish from six to
Miss Susie Ward has returned to Port­ est.
nine pounds are being taken. The fish land
to finish her education
Tbe farmer also knows that in Kansas
seem partial to a particular kind of pat­
Harvey Oatman, of Portland, is at Bo­ tbe railways are capitalized at $52,155 per
ent fly known m “the proffeeoor” being
mile and assessed at $6,585 per mile; in
a cembination of gray and red. Tbe fish­ nanza settling up his business affairs.
ing will continue good until tbe early
C. S. Moore is in San Francisco and his Illinois $42,450 per mile, assessed at $7,-
rains csum a rise in tbe water.— wife is visiting her folks at Jacksonville. 863; Iowa $38,069, assesed at $5,189 per
Charles Humphrey is engineer on the mile; Nebraska $38,069 per mile and as­
Lottie C. plying ou the Upper sessed at $5,829 per mile.
Tbe fl neat pickle* we ever sampled, Mr.
According to C. Wood Davis, the rail­
Klamath lake.
Winter told us.
roads have within tbe last fifteen years
lion. J. S. Herrin, of Ashland, bought
venerable and respected parents at Col­ exacted tolls wholly based on water to
on last Thursday of Hon. D. W. Stearns his
umbia, Ill., not having seen them for eleven the sum of $2,422,588,455, from which
25 fine Merino bucks to be shipped to years.
those in possession have constructed 80,-
Mr. Herrin has been for
Tbe Riverside hotel at Keno was de 752 miles of new railway—which is more
several days looking over the country for stroyed
by fire together with its contents. than half the number of miles in exist­
fine sheep bnt found none to suit his idea It was owned by Mrs. Pierson and insured ence—and on this stolen property the
until he looked at Mr. Stearns fine bucks, for $1000.
railway user has to pay toll. Can
from which he at once selected tbe
bery go further?
desired number.—Roseburg Review.
The farmer, understanding that rates
panied Col. Leonard to Klamath Falls.
unjust by reason of this enormous
An elegant new line of Linen Papers and Leonard has been viewing condemned are
fictitious capitalization and that such
property for the government.
Tablets at D. L Minkler A Son’s.
Mr. Walters, wife and three sons and rates reduce the value of his land and its
General Liah Applegate, whose name Miss Alta Mayfield and Miss Hessie products, appeals to legislation for relief,
tuu been familiar in Oregon since its Collabam have returned from the huckle­ which states have sought to furnish bv
earliest days, recently Indian agent at berry range where they gathered 100 gallons laws regulating rates and methods of ad­
ministration. Those laws are denounced
Klamath, a prominent politician and of fruit and lots of fun.
leader in tbe republican party of Oregon,
B. B. Gibson, superintendent of Pardee. as acts of robbery by those very men who
was in the city today, and walked in at Cook A Co.’s logging operations, is in town have plundered tho public and whose
the open door of *tbe Democrat office. arranging for the final purchase of several motto is, “Charge all the traffic will
General Applegate proposes to exercise hundred tons of bay on the Mills ranch. bear.”
The latest attempt to regulate the
the right of the American citisen, and Mr. Gibson savs tbe chute being built at
creek will be completed in three transf>ortation question comes from tbe
will not support Harriaon, who put into Shovel
and then the rivei will be filled with platform of the l’eople’s party adopted at
execution the star chamber on the logs.
Omaha July 4th, 1892:
general. Mr. Applegate is down on the
Merit Wius.
Transportation being a means of exchange
“snivel service,” m be calls it, and
We desire to say to our citizens, that for and public necessity,the government should
doesn’t want auv of it. Tbe call of the
general was a pleasant one and we are years we have been sailing Dr. King’s New own and operate tlie railroads in the inter­
of the people. Tbe telegraph and tbe
under obligations for numerous erudite Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King’s est
Life Pills, Buckleu's Arnica Salve and telephone, like the postal system, being a
ideM advanced by Mr. Applegate.— New
Electric Bitters, and have never bandied necessity for the transmission of news,
Albany Democrat.
remedies that sell as well, or that have giv­ should be owned and operated by the gov­
en such universal satisfaction.
Chase Combination Denial Plates made
with Gold and Aluminum Roofs.
Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth
to perfect appearance.
Gold Crown and Contour work a specially.
Office over the Bank.
Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8
to 9 a. ni. and 4 to 5 p. in.
of collectors of custom would naturally
follow and this would again save millions
of the taxpayers’ money. All the rail­
roads of the country could be controlled
by on«* man, a general superintendent, to
be elected or appointed by the president
and be a cabinet officer. His salary need
not be any more than $10,000 a year
whereas now there are about six hun­
dred railway corporations maintaining a
staff of costly officers, the presidents
drawing salaries of $50,000 and more.
C. Wood Davis in the August, 1891,
A ret. a estimates the saving from this
source to be at least $25,000,000. If the
nation owned and controlled the railways
freight and fares would be the same for
all distances. A person could travel one
thousand miles as cheap as ten miles.
Would anybody be wronged? Is this
No, this would giye all our citizens an
equal chance, would equalize land values.
It would give the farmer 1000 miles from
a market the same chance with his
brother farmer only five miles from the
same market. The way it is now mill­
ions of dollars worth of perishable prop­
erty annually rots on the ground, such
as fruit, because it does not pay our high
trans|K>rtation rates. Vast quantities of
corn have lieen burned as fuel because it
would not pay to ship and sell it and buy
The struggle for existence becomes
more keen every year. Families are
scattered all over the United States hunt­
ing a living. Our present industrial
system of wage-slavery is as destructive to
family life as were the auction blocks of
chattel slavery.
When our children
leave the old home to go into the world
to make a living nine times out of ten
they never get back again, because rail­
road charges are so tiigh, so unjust, so
exorbitant; so thev forego the pleasure
of ever visiting the scenes of their child­
Suppose the fare across the continent
should be one dollar. What a reunion
of families there would be.
How much
happiness this would cause. What a re­
joicing there would be all over out broad
But the objectors step up now and say:
Under such a system all would travel;
all would run around: we would have to
build one hundred cars wiiere we have
but one now. All the better.
Work is
wanted. Millions of men want some­
thing to do and there is no work. But
another objector steps up and calls this
only a Bellamy’s dream, never to be re­
alized, not practical.
Well, my friend,
the unexpected is always sure to happen
in this world. The dream of the idealist
to-day becomes practical to-morrow.
Every blessing civilization has showered
down upon your unthankful head was
first a mental picture,an idealist’s dream.
Do not despise the source of all blessing.
Learn of the past. Think, live and prac­
tice your highest aspirations and then
the world will realize the dream of the
W m . H, B reese .
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Oregon Weather and Crops.
For week ending Tuesday. Sept.13, 1892.]
The week opened with threatening
weather in all sections, but the long looked
for and needed rains have been con-
spicious only for their absence, but not
enough even to lay the dust. The re­
mainder of the week was attended by
warm, dry and densely siuokey weather
with tolerably cool nights. Although it is
generally conceded that at the present
moment a good rain would prove beneficial
in many respects, yet, heavy rains would
do more harm than good, because all farm­
ing operations would probably be para-
lized, so that barring a slight oppressiveness
of tlie atmosphere owing to the dust and
smoke held in suspension and a little heat,
the weather has not been so bad after all
since it has permitted the farmers to bring
most of their harvesting work to a suc­
cessful close.
Crops:—Corn is reported as doing
tolerably well under the circumstances.
Oats in Curry county will yield from 40 to
45 bushels to the acre. Hop picking is
about completed in most comities, anti
there is every indication of good prices
being obtained for the crops this year.
CorresjHindents from tbe onion district
report that their crop is being cured rapid­
ly. the weather being all that could be de­
sired for the purpose. Gardens are not
doing as well as they might if only a
little rain would come to the rescue.
Fruit and tender vegetation in portions
of Lane and Josephine eounties were slight­
ly injured by frosts in the early part of the
Prunes are said to be ripening fast in
Yamhill county, where several evaporators
are in full blast. In some sections the
ranges are dryiug up fast and cattle suffer­
ing in consequence.
Great forest fires are reported ragging in
Josephine county filling the air with a
dense smoke. It is really a great pity that
so much valuable timber should be'want­
only destroyed in this state. But few
people seem to realize that this wholesale
destruction of valuable timber is having a
decide.! effect on the annual amount of rain­
fall of western Oregon, but it has as
observation shows.
when they get into the hands of the con­
sumer in this town is a matter for con­
jecture, and a task that would cause
pleasant thrills in one inclined to mathe­
matics. Any one who has ever spent
any .time in the country and made a
proper use of his eyes knows it is the
habit of farmers to keep their eggs un­
til they have a certain quantity before
disposing of them.
The farmers may collect the eggs for
an entire week and then dispose of them,
or they may keep them for two weeks
before the huckster gets them. That de­
pends entirely upon the number of eggs
which that particular farmer’s hens will
lay in a given period.
The hucksters go about the country
once or twice a week the dealers say.
They gather the eggs here and there,
and when they have gathered a certain
quantity turn them over to the shippers.
The shippers, in turn, hold the eggs
until they, too, obtain a certain quantity
and then consign them to the dealers in
this city. When the eggs get here final­
ly the dealers say they have received a
shipment of fresh eggs, and mean it too.
The dealers maintain that an egg two
weeks old in ordinary weather is just as
good as an egg that is not more than
twenty-four hours old. In fact, they
make bold to say they would eat an egg
two weeks old just as soon as one two
hours old, and relish it just as much.—
New York Evening Sun.
O regon .
Invalids and others seeking pure air, mountain water
and desiring to benefit by the use of the various hot or cold
mineral, chemical and sulphur springs in and near Ash­
land, will find sympathetic accommodations at the
J acksonville -
O regon .
Will practice in all the courts of the
State. Office opposite the court house.
A shland , -
• O regon ,
Will practice in all courts of the state.
Collections promptly made.
Mrs. Pracht is in charge as Housekeeper.
Commercial travelers will bear in mind that the
prietor was “one of ’em’’ for 15 years and knows he
take care of “the boys.”
Address for terms, <£c.,
Will practice in State and United States
i courts, and U. S. Land Office.
Between San Francisco and Portland
The Age ot Fresh Eggs.
A shland ,
A b to just how old the eggs may be
R. p. JtKIL.
PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s.
—Retail and Wholesale dealers in—
Beef, Pork and Mutton.
Kept constantly on hand. Fail living
prices is all that we ask.
We will make it to your interest to
deal with us.
It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi­
cial to you and your children. Such is Scott's Emulsion
of Pure Norwe^kin Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos­
phites cf Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the
children ar.d produces sound, healthy flesh. It keeps
them from *
cojJ and it will do the same for you
The demand for Chamberlain,s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is steadily
growing, from the fact that all who give it
a trial are pleased with the results and rec­
ommend it to tlieir neighbors. We feel
sure that tLe remedy cannot be recom­
mended too highly.— W adley A' S mead
Druggists, Newton, Iowa. For sale by
Au Automatic Cutout.
An new design in automatic cutouts
for electric lighting instruments has re­
cently been brought out. The instru­
ment is so arranged that the current
passing through the solenoid attracts a
core which is attached to an arm about
which it swings, When the current ex-
ceeds a certain limit the core is drawn
into the solenoid and raises a lever,
which in turn releases the switch and
opens the circuit. If, as in the case of
stationary motors supplied from central
stations, the current is suddenly cut off
when changing from one machine to
another, the circuit is automatically
opened by the tension spring which en­
gages the small lever by withdrawing
the core from the solenoid and thereby
raising the lever, which releases the
switch the same as when overloaded.
The tension spring is so arranged that
it can be made to open the circuit for
any predetermined amount of current
One of the main features of the cutout
is that it does away with all fuses,
which is usually a large item of expense
in central stations. It can readily be ap­
plied to railroad circuits by using mag­
netic blowouts at the switch contact
The cutout has been given practical
tests and found to work very satisfac­
torily.—New York Telegram.
Scott's r • .ii
Colds, O f-r.'’.-'
all An&er'ii-■/.
Prevent in
the genuine. T.
Bowne, Cuemi-i
all Druggists.
Stock Farm For Sale.
HE BELL INSTATE, containing 160
acres of land in the heart of a good
T cattle
range. About 6 miles from Henley.
Cal., on the Klamath river.
Also about 56 head of cattle.
For further particulars inquire of
THOS JONES. Henley, Cal,,
or W. T. LAIRD, Ager, Cal.,
E. J. FARLOW, Agent. Ashland, Or.
■ Emulsion
Shasta Line.
Express Trains Leave Portland Daily.
South 1
1 North
7:0C p m Lv Portland Ar 7:35 a m
10:20 a m Ar Ashland Lv 4:4O p m
10:50 a m Lv Ashland Ar 4:10 p m
8:15 a m Ar SanFranciscoLv 7:00j> in
Above trains stop only at following sta­
tions north of Roseburg: East Portland,
Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany,
Tangent, Sbedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc­
tion City, Irving, Eugene.
Roseburg Mail Daily.
leave :
arrive :
Portland. . 8:30 a ni I Roseburg. 5:50pm
Roseburg . J :00 a ni | Portland
4:00p m
And will be sold at our well known
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods
Hats, Caps, etc.
Albany Local, Daily,(Except Sunday.)
Albany .
,5:00pm I Albany
6:30am | Portland.
9:00p m
10:30a m
“I would rather trust that medicine than
any doctor I know of,” says Mrs. Hattie
Mason,of Chilton, Carter Co.. Mo., in speak­
ing of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di­
arrhoea Keniedy. This medicine can al­
ways be depended upon, even in the most
severe and dangerous cases, both for chil­
dren and adults. 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by Druggists.
Those of our correspondents who have
been busy harvesting their crops are tiekel-
ed over the fine weather that has prevailed
all the week, which has been so propitious
for farming operations; while others who
have crops still in the ground are earnegtly
praying for a few drops of rain, and it is
quite rational that thev should for in Mor­
row countv, for instance, there has l>een
but one little shower of rain since last May.
Tbe temperature has not been very high,
in fact it was about as usual at this time of
year. There has been a goodly amount of
sunshine, though at times the smoke was
so dense as to completely obscure old sol
himself. The nights were particularly cool,
the thermometer hovered around the freez­
ing point on several occasions in exposed
Crops:—The weather has been very
favorable for threshing operations, which
are nearly completed bv this time. A
large hay crop is being laid by. Correspon­
dents in'the potato growing' districts are
disgusted with the way in which their crop
has turned out. The oat crop in Sherman
county has been secured. Fruit is doing
fairly well, though the cool nights are not
helping it any. Pastures are showing the
ill effects of the long drought and are fast
drying up. Our valuable correspondent at
Ajax informs us that beef is shrinking on
the ranges as grass grows more scarce.
Ely’s Cream Balm is especially adapted
as a remedy for catarrh which is aggravat­
ed by alfcaline dust and dry winds.—W. A.
Hover, Druggist. Denver.'
Largest and most complete line of soaps
at Crocker Grocery Co. Dobbins' cheaper
How to Make a Bulldog Let Go.
THROUtiH TICKETS to all points
For tickets and full information regarding
rates, maps, etc., call on company’s agent
at Ashland.
Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt
We have a soap that will please you. It
smells sweet, don’t chap the hands, a fine
wssber, and wiU save you money. O.
A feeling of
dullness, languor,
and depression
means that your
liver isn't doing its
part. That means
Impure bleed, to
begin with, and
all kinds of ail­
ments in the end.
But you can
stop them in ad­
Medical Discovery invigorates the liver,
purifies and enriches the blood, and rouses
every organ into healthy action. It pre­
vents and cures uU diseases arising from
a torpid liver or from impure blood. Dy»-
pepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Scrofulous,
Skin and Scalp Diseases—even Consumption
(or Lung-scrofula), in its earlier stages, all
yield to it.
The makers of the “ Discovery ” claim for
it only what it will do. They guarantee that
it will do it If it fails to benefit or cure, in
any case, they’ll return the money. Nothing
else thet. claims to purify the blood is sola
in this way ; which proves, no matter what
dealers may offer, that noiliing else can be
“just as good.”
Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To
Save 25 to M) cents on every dollar you >-|»end.
Write for our mammoth Catalogue, a C00-pagi
book,containing illustration and gi ving lowest man­
ufacturers* prices, with manufacturers* discounts
of every kina of goods and supplies manufactured
and imported Into the United States. Groceries,
Household Goode, Furniture, Clothing, Ladiaa*
and Genta’ Clothing and Farniahlng Goods, Drew
Goods, Wb’te Goods, Dry Goods, Hats, Capa,
Boots and Shoes, Gloves, Notions, Giasswarst,
Stationery patches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Buggies, Whips, Agricultural implements, etc.
on receipt of 25 cents for expreasage
We are the
only concern which sells at maaui xeturers* prices,
allowing the buyer the same discount that the
manufacturer gives to the wholesale buyer. We
guarantee all goods as represented; if not found
so, money rentnded. Goods sent by express or
freight, with privilege of examination la-fore pay­
122 Quincy Street, Chicago, 111.
Ashland, Oregon.
N xj
am .
A »alary ot »25 to 550 per week to GOOD agents
to represent ue in every county, and sell our general
line of Merchandise at manufacturers’ prices. O nly
xri-LV. Catalogue and particulars sent on receipt
of 25 cents for cxpieseage.
122 Quiuca street, Culcu.o. 11!.
and Government Land Locator.
oe ^/ eg - oist .
AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac­
tual experience, 1 am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the
est of satisf iction. Locating on government lands a specialty.
H icks i M c R hide . 'W
Dank« aiwa;«
i. only dice lor the inaide.
set a in gaineti, all winning. P< rfe<*t
work, weight, and cannot be de
tected by outsiders. Confidential
correNDondence w ith games invit­
ed. I'rice ‘•NisK-Outs’pcraet, t25.
Fair Birds Eye, Ivory (see cut > pair, 92.50; loaded,
high or low, |15. Ordinary work, to pass, bone.12
or 9 16 Inch, pair, tl; ivory. 91.5*). Finest mark' d
cords made, 60e, |l,9i .25 a i.iu k. 64-T»aue cat. » BEE,
Dice guaranteed. ELY BEUb. Box a, Odeaco, DL
» ahm .
Property for Sale.
Portland 4:40pm | M’Minnville 7:25pm
M’Minnville 5:45am i Portland .8:20 a in
A method of impregnating logs with
zinc chloride in order to preserve them
is now in use in Austria, being known
as the Pfister process. The timber is
impregnated in the forest as soon as pos­
sible after it is felled. — Ner.- York Times.
7:30 a m I Corvallis. 12:10 p m
Corvallis. 12:l>5 p m | Portland.
]' "
" "
_ m
‘l p
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad
Express Train Dailj’ (Except Sunday.)
Preserving Logs.
Between Portland and Corvallis.
Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and
Says a breeder of bulldogs: “The
at Prices that Defy Competition.
quickest way to release a person from
the jaws of a bulldog, if he be unfortu­
We call special attention to C. M. HENDERSON & CO.’s (Chicago) Red
nate enough to be bitten, is by catching
the dog's hind paw, in the center of School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN & CO.’S (Boston) $3 0Ü calf B J
which is an exceedingly tender spot Shoes, the best made. Every pair guaranteed.
called the heart. This should be pressed,
or, even better, the paw taken into the
mouth and bitten with the teeth. The
dog will relinquish the hold at once. It
is a desperate remedy, but a sure one,
and one that is resorted to by the pro­
fessional dog fighters.”—New York Her­
You want to take a chance at the S. F.
Examiner’s premiums. You can get the
weekly for $1 by clubbing with the R ecord .
Sleeps uy
For accommodation of Passengers holding
second-class tickets, attached to
Express Trains.
Ladies, Pay Attention
you could get relief bv using the fa­
W mous.
well known remedy Orange Blos­
som, a sure specific for all the troubles and
( Opened at the old Ashland market stand on sufferings peculiar to the sex, when it has
cured thousands who stand ready to give
N ORDER TO CENTER my business
Main street, facing the bridge.
testimony of its great virtues and curative­
interests into the citv I will sell my place
qualities. Ladies, remember its the old,
of 20 acres, just outside tiie city limits. 15
and true, your friend in trouble and
acres is cleared and good fruit land, above T*- Freight moved alxiut town at rates
LSF~ Shop thoroughly renovated and re
time of need. Give no credence to these
frost level; house, barn, and good well of
new and worthless compounds that are
water; two acres in peaches and apples.
flooding the markets For sale bv
For further paiticulars inquire at tbe
R ecord office or address
Fire wood of all kinds delivered any­
Helman street, near the Yonle & Gilroy
The choicest of Fresh Meats—Beef. Mut
planing mill.
Ashland, Oregon,
where ii town at lowest prices.
ton, Veal. Pork, Sausages, etc.