Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1892)
VALLEÏ RECORD. FMCÜMED BKICKA. VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. I R. Sherman tue returned from Klam- I •th county. Miro Alice Hanley haa been visiting Roseburg friemia. Nat ixngell ia in Coot county on internal revenue bnaiam VOL. V. “AU hands to the pumps” ia suggested M a prohibitionist battle cry. Al/ Sitnoua ia with ths Howard A Scandal of Local Interest. surveying party near Buck lake. Many Ashland people undoubtedly re K<v. G. J. Wabater and F. H. Carter member Mrs. Bowman, wife of Geo. M and family are out at Crater lake. Bowman, who for a time owned the Mrs. W. G. Holmes is teaching a ‘ Tolman place four miles from Ashland. She wore a $250 seal skin sack, and had school in Ran Joaquin county, Cal. every evidence of being a good woman, The first carload shipment of water- I but the devil has been stirred up in her melons left Grants Paas on tbe 9th. since the death of her husband at Seattle The Maat child ot Aaaeasor Woold- I about a year ago, leaving an estate worth riduadied on the 10th at Missouri Flat. 1500,000. She became infatuate»! with a H. B Baed and A. D. Spencer, ot Port pampered English dude who has a wife land, are rusticating in Josephine county. and child in the east, and their conduct became so rank that the Bowman child Mias Ora Daley, of Lake creek, has ren had to be taken from her. Seattle returned home from a visit with Ashland becoming too tropical for her and her frieoda. paramour they left for Portland and Mrs. Carrie P. Brown aud J. D lived under assumed names. A few Maxon were married on the 7th at weeks ago Mrs. Bowman gave birth to as illegitimate child. Last week both Granta Paas. were arrested in Portland for lewd Mrs. G. T. Mann, of Wagner creek, cohabitation, bat the charges were dis recently fall, badly injuring and breaking missed and they have skipped the town. her left aijn. Have Yos Read BL Anderson and Fred Furry, ac How Mr. W. D. Wentz, of Geneva, N. Y.. companied by their «ires, are rusticat was cured of the severest form of dyspep ing at Lake ot the ooorit. sia ? He says everything he ate meme«! Gao. M. Love haa been appointee! like pouring melted lead into his stomach. rxxitmaster of Jacksonville by President Hood's .Sarsaparilla effected a perfect cure. Full particulars srill be sent if you write Harrison, vice H. Pape, deceased. Q I. Heed A Co., LowsU, Mass. • L Shidetor aad family are camped at The highest praise baa been won by io apriiiRB in the headwaters of Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efficient eroah and Little Applegate. action. __ _______ Canpera edible outfit«, none can better The school census of Oregon just com «ait you than O. Winter. Elder David Brower, tbe Dunkard pleted, shows 6,148 more children of preacher, haa purchased Clinton Carey’s school age in the state than last year. place at Talent lor $«00. Tbe latter will The secretary of war has announced «on to Dmies eaunty. that no steps urill be taken in the matter Helt—stock and Liverpool dairy, a car lot of tbe reuioval of the military head of the beet just raeeivad by (.’rocker Gro quarters from Los Angeles. cery Co. William K. Vanderbilt has sold the I). U. Brownell, tbe Klamath county Yacht Alvu for $8,500. The boat cost attorney, has purchased Chas. Hughes’s nearly $1,(X».(MX>. She now liee sunk off farm ef 335 acres near Waldo foe $3000 Pollack’s Rip. She was recently run and will live in Josephine county. down by a passenger steamer of the Equal to any 10-c goods on the market. New York and Boston line. Detroit Free Pre«« 5-c cigar— D. L. Minkler Twenty million dollars in gold was A Bona. shipped Cve-.daml by a iq>eeial train J. N. Phillips lectured at Marshfield from San Frunui«co to New York a few recently on “The eigne of the times from days ago. The treasure was sent in five a polities! stand point.” The Bun says Every precaution against he hwl a good audience. The lecturer mail cars. roasted tbe plutocrats and the republican robbery wa» taken. Father Casanova wants twenty feet party. reserve«l for the Monterey Mi.-«h .nary Go to Crocaer Grocery Co. for staple gro Era in the historic exhibit at the Sacra ceries in large lot« at low prices. mento state fair. • The exhibit will be lire. Al. Nortnsn, wife of the 8. P. under the direction and iu charge of passenger brakeman, died at Roseburg last week. This is a particularly aad father Cast «nova. Telegrapic dispatches from Washing- ilaatli, she having been happily wedded to an exemplary husband only six weeks Inn to Los Angeles say the military headquarters will not be removed from before. An elegant new line of Linen Papers and that city. A report had gained wide credence that they were to be estab- Tablets at D. L Minkler 4 Son’s. .MMM) cords of railroad wood was burn Habed in New Mexico. Tbebpokane and Northern Railway ed at Wrights spur, near Bisson, last week; loss $9000. The Mascot says it company has completed arrangements required hard work to prevent tbe Bis tor the eonatructiou of Nelson and Fait son. Crocker A Co. saw mill from catch Shepherd railway, which will give ing fire. through railway connection with the Young America cheese, at Crocker Gro outside world to the Kootenai country. cery Co. Week will be pushed to completion. The original locators of the Lucky A. M. Brown, superintendent of the Queen mine it seems didn’t strike tbe great Omak silver mines, Guloime, true quartz ledge. Messrs. Smith A Alaska, and four smployea of the mine Taylor have now a force of men develop have arrived at San Francisco. They ing a recently-discovered ledge up there, which is three to five feet in thickness.— had a rough time at the mines. Food ran out ard they lived for several Courier. The finest pickles we ever sampled, Mr. months on fish, seal oil and horseflesh. Winter sold us. I have no hesitancy in recommending ’s Colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Wm. C. Boutelle, a United States Chamberlain Remedy to the public, as I do to my friend ixiatal Inspector, paid Postmaster How end patrons. I used it myself after other ard an official visit Saturday. Of course well-known remedies had failed, and it lie found everything in apple pie order. cured me in a few minutes. I recuiutnend It was also found on investigation that it candidly and cheerfully upon its merits, J. S.’s Harrison plug was the only not from a financial stand-point, because 1 genuine bell-ahaped grandpa ‘ hat in haze others in stock on which I make a larger profit, but because Chamberlain’s is town.—Medford Mail. the best remedy I know of for bowel com New stock Iceland halibut and other va- plaints’ There is no doubt about it, it doe.- rietles of fish at Crocker Grocery Co. the work.—Janies Porgy, Druggist, McVey town, Penn. Eor sale by Druggists. The ledge being developed by the company composed of Messrs. Boynton, Millionaire A. J. Borden and his wife McFeroon and Orme, promises to' make its owners rich in the near future. Thia were murdered at Fall River, Mass, ledge adjoin« the famous Jewett mine Their heads were shockingly mutilated. about four miles from town on Old Baldv. Their daughter is suspected of having It was a blind ledge and was discovered killed them with a flatiron. with a pick and pan. The lowest assay Judge Ebee Hutchinson of Chelsea, figures $61.15 to the ton, and the highest Mass., who recently failed, gave to his reaches $400. Ths spur of ths ledge is law partner, before he left the city, a twenty inches wide between well-de document acknowledging that he has fined walls, but the main ledge is much wider. A shaft is being sunk and the embezzled vast sums of money belong men are down twenty feet. The ledge ing to his clients. A fashionable French dressmaker at is widening and tbs rock getting richer as the sinking proceeds .—Grants Pass New York has been caught smuggling Courier. laces. Her looked so large that the cus 1>. I.. Minkler A Son have just received toms authorities were suspicious. She another large stock of fine stationery. was searched and $2,000 worth of fins Geo. W. Mathews and Miss Amelia laces were found in the lining of her Otten, young people who reside at Rock dress. Point and Woodville respectively, E. Q Love of Riverside, CsL, was skipped out for Crescent City recently fined $100 for contempt of court. He procured a minister, were towed out in the Pacific ocean and married in the was subpenaed as a juror in a case in presence of A. W. Sanders, of Rock the superior court and at once proceed Point, and Mias Alice Mathews of Jack ed to investigate the case in order to be sonville. The newly wedded pair have disqualified. The matter was brought since returned and made negotiations before Judge Otis of San Bernardino and with Fred Otten ("who reared and adopt Love was quickly hauled up. ed the young miss who ia yet under age) Charles Hubner. aged 33 years, com in regard to a reconciliation. mitted suicide at Stockton. He was the Sliced sngar-cured ham, chipped beef, eldest of three sons of Mary Hubner, cheese, and canned meats in endless varie whose husband died some years ago ty at Winter's. leaving her considerable property. Grants Pass Observer: Lieut. Francis Young Hubner was despondent through Rawn Shunk, of the United States his mother's refusal to advance Engineers Corps, spent a day in this city him money to start in business. He had collecting information regarding the commercial importance of that portion of two little children. Their mother is southern Oregon tributary to Rogue dead. river. The lieutenant was sent out to Remarkable Rescue. collect information and to make a report Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, Ill.. on Rogue river as to the feasibility of im makes the statement that she caught cold, lungs ; she was treated proving the same. He left Wednesdav which settled on 1 her lun$8 mil j’ physician, but family evening for Crescent City where he will for a month by her fa go by privste conveyance up to the grew worse. He told her she was a hopz - victim or consumption and that no mouth of Rogue river and from there to LK8S medicine could cure her Her druggist tbe mouth of the Cheteo. suggested Dr. King’s New Discovery for ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18. 1892. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. NO. 15. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; One year.................................................. $2 50 Six months............................................ 1 Three months......................................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. C. CALDWELL, GES. WEAVER'S SPEECH. An Eloquent Appeal For Human Kights and a Civilized Currency by the People's Party Candidate For President. Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen : If these meetings continue to increase iu numbers and enthusiasm we will have to make it unanimous and abandon the campaign. This campaign began at Vin cennes, Ind., on the 21st day of July.and now here we are at the Golden Gate, and all along the route clear across the conti nent crowds of this character and magni tude have assembled to greet us and bring us the assurance of victory in the Ides of November. My friends, we are in tbe midst of tbe most tremendous po litical upheaval that the world has known anything about. When I was a boy I remember tbe great break-up that took place between 1858 and 1860, when the Free Soil Democracy and the Free Soil Whigs despairing of doing anything with the pro-slavery parties came out and met in the middle of the road and saved this Union, and saved the spirit of liberty un der the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Here we are in the same phase of the same battle. What was the underlying philosophy which culminated in the nomination of Abra ham Lincoln in 1860? Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. F xclusively T fìrst X clàss D MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE DENTIST. Chase Combination Dental Plates made with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. Gold Filling- inserted in Porcelain Teeth to perfect appearance. < «oldCrown ami Contour work a special!' . Office over the Bank. Extracting ami unavoidable calls from » to 9 a. in. and 4 to 5 p. m. J7 D. BRIGGS, LAWYER, ABSOLUTELY PURE THE BEST BlILT, - - _ O beuvs . OTRBG-OTT. A shland , THE BEST FUBMISHED, Will practice in State and United Stetes courts, and U. S. Land Office. febll AND THE BEST COSDUCTEI) HOUSE T J^OBERT A. MJLIiEIl. ing about his fortune I presume there Tommy’s Wild Run for Life. is no man here to-nignt, unless be has Tommy L. Dyer, a fourteen-year-old been converted by tbe People’s party, attorney - and - counsewr - at who would not have done as Vanderbilt. boy, of Hulburt, Mich., bad au excitnig ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Now I put the question again to those adventure on Wednesday in which ha LAW', who have been standing aloof and won narro wly escaped being devoured by a J acksonville - O regon . Invalids and others seeking pure air, mountain water couple of big gray wolves. dering if this movement was going to ac complish anything. Do you think that Near the town is a lake of considera and desiring to benefit by the use of the various hot or cold Will praotice in all the courts of the this republic ia in a liealtliy condition ble extent. G. W. Dyer, father of the State. Office opposite the court house. when such results can take place within boy, is in charge of Hulburts lumbering mineral, chemical and sulphur springs in and near Ash a lifetime. [Cries of No!] Well! That Operations there. At the request of his T. BOWDITCH. is what the trades unions think about >t land, will find sympathetic accommodations at the and the farmers’ alliance and tbe wage son he caused a half mile track to be ATTORNEY AT LAW. workers. Do you think you can stop this cleared on tho lake by a snow plow so UOT1E3L OREOOIV. his boy aud others could enjoy skating. A shland , • • . . . O regon . movement? [Cries of No!] Get out of FOR THE FREEDOM OF LABOR. its way or it will run over you as sure as Wednesday afternoon Tommy was out Will practice in all courts of the state. Wendell Phillips said to me in his own you arc living. Mrs, Pracht is in charge as Housekeeper. alone at the end of the track farthest Collections promptly made. residence in Boston, “Mr. Weaver, there These are some of the facts that have from camp. As it began to grow dark are but few people who understand the caused the people to organize. Our fath the boy was about to start for home Commercial travelers will bear in mind that the pro movement which culminated in the war. ers state in the Declaration of Independ when he was startled by the howl of a prietor was 11 “one of 'em'’ for 15 years and knows how to That movement was the great battle for ence, and this movement is to vitalize wolf not far oil. followed instantly by the freedom of labor, but it is yet to be that declaration, to protect the rights of fought out on this continent, because tlie laborers in this country. Our fathers another. At the same time two large take care of “the boys.” result of that war was simply the exten state, “We hold this truth to be self- aud fer.Hiions timber wolves made their JOHN E. PELTON. R. r. NEIL. Address for terms, &c., sion of the battle, not to conclude with evident.” What is a self-evident truth? appearance a short distance away. the freedom of the biack man, but to con It is one that is ns evident as the sun in The boy. aware that his lifo was in tinue with the moneyed power which be heaven. We feel it. How broad that is. danger, at once sought safety in flight. gan where the slave power lost,and which How like tbe heart of God. How “all The ugly brutes, half famished dining —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— great battle of labor lias yet to be fought men are created equal,” one man before the winter amt intent on having a feast, novio out on the American continent. You another. I stand here deriving my LASHZLÆJSriD ORÒEC3-O2ST. nay live to ase it, ami probably will, but rights from no government but from my immedi.iteiy started in pursuit. Fear 1 will be called home long l>efore that Creator. What is an inalienable right, a lent sp<'cd to the flying feet of the fugi contest will take place,’’ and I thank God right that can neither be bought nor tive, and he raced along with all the to-night that that great prophecy of a sold, no man can buy it, nor can he sell, strength he could command. Fur a All Kinds of Fresh Meats great man will be fulfilled at the ballot either for himself or his children. There time he distanced his pursuers, but he liox in November. Now, I want the are certain inalienable rights, life, lib Mum began to lose bis strength, and the Kept constantly on hand. Fair living careful attention of t the people to-night erty and tbe pursuit of happiness. To hungry animals were soon close behind, prices is all that we ask. while I interpret this question which ia these good governments are eo many with their eyes gleaming like coals of now shaking the republic from center to men deriving their power from the gov lire and their red tongues hanging out We will make it to vour interest to A.IEÒE DAILY ARRIVING sea. What does it mean? Is there no erned. When these governments do not. deal with us. ‘ febl’92 justification to it? My friends, have do right it is a duty to abolish those gov ■ between cruel, glistening teeth. The hut coutiuued his exertions, how you ever taken your seat upon the shore ernments. Now, if that is treason make Stock Farm For Sale. ot the Pacific here und watched the great the most of it. I propose to live to it ever. calling loudly for help. At last, waves as they chase each other like and teach it as long as I live on this feeling the hot breath of the panting HE BELL ESTATE, containing 160 things of lile and push thus one tbe other? earth. It is tbe great palladium . of the brutes, be was about to give up in de acres of land in the heart of a gooti Just eo it goes and one follows another world. If you have the right to abolish spair. when George Colvin and Aleck cattle range. About « miles from Henlev. in this movement of the people, which I a government you can blow into flinders Stewart, two brawny woodsmen who Cal., on the Klamath river. wish to interpret before you to-night. these part which destroy four rights. were working near, heard the fright :fc Also about 56 bead of cattle. ••• Now, I am talking to you and shall ad A party is . For further particulars inquire of 3, means to an eod. Well end cries of the boy and the fierce dress you as laboring people. THO8 JONES. Henley, Cal,, now I am co. ’ng right home to you. howls of the wolves and started to the or W. T. LAIKI). Ager, Cal., THE STATUS OF LABOR. You are eitliei Democrats. Republicans 1 rescue. They arrived just in time. An maj’28 Administrators. Labor produces all the wealth of thia or People’s Party men, and I would not other ininuto would have been too late. E. J. F a KLOW, Agent, Ashland, Or. world. Labor clothes tbe naked back of be surprised if uo to a iuonth ago the The wen attacked the brutes with their die world and you feed its hungry mouth. great majority of you bad been Demo Thq werld waits for your industry. I as crats or Republicans. Now tell me what axes and drove them away after a strug sert, without fear of contradiction, that is there to hope for from either tbe Dem gle. —Cor. Chicago Tribune. vou enjoy lesa of it in your homes than oeratic or Republican parties. [Cries of —VIA— any other class of people living under our “Nothing! Nothing!”] Why, did you I i not gut tired of the Republican party and r flag. Let me call attention now to a few Í facts that are indisputable. A statistic put it out of power and put in the Demo ian of known reputation that no one will cratic party with its own legislature? question says that in 1889 30,000 men, Then the Democrats shouted themselves i ueada of families, in thia country—men hoarse and said. Look out for a real old Was there any who never earned adollar of wealth, as Jacksonian party. Shasta Line. laboring men do, in their lives, and he change? [Cries, “No! No!”] says, after mature deliberation, he can ONLY IN THE OFFICES. reduce it to 25,000 men—own one-half of Oh, yes, in tbe San Francisco postoffice. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and the wealth of this entire country, or $31,- Well, the people got tired and put the South I 000,000,000. I have no way of properly Republican party back in power—the ■ North aa oaiueky TnmiKlu. at Prices that Defy Competition. conveying to your mind bow much $31 ,- whole government back Lo 7:0Cp m Lv Portland Ar 7:35 a in hands of 10:20 a m Ar Ashland Lv 4:4»y tn >00.000,000 are. Tbe war for tbe wup- the Republican party. Then the Repul> j fltegfhgrr Knowblow, of the Brie, has 10:50 a ru Lv Ashland ___ ____ Ar 4:10 p m pression of the rebellion cost $2,000,000 licans said, now let us show you what we finally agreed to preside at the throttle We call spec ial attention to C. M. HENDERSON & CO.’s (Chicago) Red 8:15a m Ar SanFranctecoLv 7:00p m per day to the Federal government. Let can do. They have had it for tlirpe years of engine Na *70 of that road. This is is say that the cost was equal to the Con or over, and what have they done? ■ the machine that passed through the School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN & CO.’S (Boston) $3 00 calf B J Above trains stop only at following sta tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, federates. That will make a total of (Cries of “Nothing! Nothing!”] Oh, ves . two terrible wrecks on that road at Ra Shoes, the best made. Every pair guaranteed. Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, #4,000,000 per day. Tbe war lasted 1,460 —changed tbe postoffice the same as tbe I Tangent, Shedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc days, which makes a total cost of the war other fellows. Now, suppose my friend I venna an July 3 and at Kent on Sept tion City, Irving, Eugene ot about $8,000,000,000, yet these 25,000 here has an old buggy with axels sprung I 30. When it came out of the Meadville shops recently none of the boys wanted Roseburg Mail Daily. men have accumulated in thirty years and spokes loose and the boards in the $31,000,0000,000. They have accumulat bottom of the bed broken, and the torn to sit at the right hand side of the cab LBAVK: arrive : 'd enough to carry on a war for four flaps flying in the breeze. Suppose he In the unlucky engine, and it was only Portland. 8:30a in I Roseburg 5:S0pm veara and carry out the work with an should change his driver, would it help after considerable persuasion that Engi Roseburg.. .7:00 a in | Portland 4:00 ji in ■xpenditure of less than one-third of the the buggy any? [Laughter.] And that neer Knowblow was persuaded to take wealth they have accumulated. 1 put is what you have been doing, my friends. charge of the hoodooed locomotive. Albany Local, Daily,(Except Sunday.) the question to tbe critic, to the editor, Yon have said the buggy is al) right, but Railroaders are like sailors—they have leave : ahrive : the lawyer, the banker. I want to ask she won’t track. It is not a change of their superstitions, and an engineman Portland... 6:00pm I Albany....... 9:00p m vou in the face of theee facts, dare you drivers wanted, but a new vehicle. i no more likes to run an unlucky ma Albany.. . . .6:30 a m | Portland 10:30 a m <ay before God and in this presence that chine than does an old tar to sail on THE DUTIES OF CONGRESS. rhe republic is in a healthy condition when such things can take place in your Well, what does this new party prom certain unfortunate vessels.—Pittsburg lifetime and mine? Ah, my brother, ise that the old parties don’t? Let me Post. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. why do you criticise these laboring men ? give you an illustration in constitutional A True Fricud How can you find it in your heart to say- law. I invite the attention of the legal Second-(Jlu.8* Sleeping Carn tbe sick and suffering is Dr. Kaufmann’s hat these farmers, these wage-workers profession. I will make an illustration to great Medical work finely illustrated. Send For accommodation of Passengers holding should be quiet and subservient when Plain, because all laws should lie plain, three 2-cent stamps, to pay postage, to A. second-class tickets, attached to they have been having this treatment and I believe before God that if ever a P, Ordway A Co., Boston, Mass., and re Express Trains. or years? You might stop to inquire class of men were inspired, excepting ceive a copy free. into the causes of this enormous accu those who compiled the Gospel, I believe WEST SIDE DIVISION. From Loudon to Chicago for 8125. mulation of wealth without toil. Oh, my those are the men who made the Consti Between Portland and Corvallis. brother, that you should have been going tution of the United States. That Con Tours suitable to all pockets are being MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) md casting your vote with the corpora stitution says this “Congress.” What is arranged by the London Polytechnic tions of this country, with tbe trusts, and Congress? Why it is the power of the Young Men's Christian institute. A LEAVES arrives : ’hus strengthening their hands to crush people which takes in the entire country. yachting trip to Norway, lasting three Portland. . 7:30 am I Corvallis. 12:10 p ni >ut theee laboring men and reduce them “Congress shall have power to regulate weeks, and including a visit to the land Corvallis. 12:55 ]> m | Portland. 5:30 pm to serfdom. commerce among the states, with foreign of the midnight sun, is to cost only £13 At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad THE RIGHTS OF LABOR. nations and with the Indian tribes.” 15s.; the island of Madeira can be visited How dare you staud up before these Now, whatever power is conferred there for £12, while £7 5a. will cover the ex Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) men and say they have no right to or the legal mind will see the framers pense of sixteen days in the Bernese leave : arrive ganize to protect their own families? thought it too important to leave to the Portland .. .4:40 p m I M’MinnvilJe 7 25 pm Now, let me give you another illustra states and so took it away. If tbe states Highlands. There is also to be a trip to M’Minnyille 5:45am | Portland .8:20am tion. A man diqd in this country a few were to exercise this power thev would tbe Chicago World’s fair, costing only twenty-five guineas from Liverpool- get into war aud exercise it to local ad tears ago, very rich. His name was TNROUCII TICKETS to all points Vanderbilt, and let me say here that I vantage. If left to individuals they will London Tit-Bits. EAST AID SOLTB. use it for individual gain, and so they have nothing to say against the man; While at Big Island. Va., last April, I was surveyor Got! forbid. I only speak against his took it away from all and gave it to Con taken xwwxMvr, and Government Land Locator. For tickets and full information regarding with a very severe attack of diarrhoea. xw. u, wealth. This movement is like the gress to regulate commerce. I never had it worse in my life. I tried rates, maps, etc., call on company’s agent Dutchman’s heart, who said, “I wish all COMMERCE AND CONGRESS. several old-time remedies, such as Black at Ashland. JACKSONVILLE OREGON! men were rich: it would be better for the i berry Wine, Paregoric and Laudanum, R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, If you are anything here you are a without getting any relief M v attention poor.” I want all men to be rich, if Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac commercial people. What is commerce? was then called to Chamberlain’s Colic. they get rish honestly. He should eat tual experience, I aiu thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the his bread in tbe sweat of his own face. It is the buying, selling and shipping of Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy by Mr. est of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 R. C. Tinsley who had been handling it the things bought and sold among tbe I do not like any man who insists that it Ladies, Pay Attention. there, and in less than five minutes after is his right to eat his bread in the sweat states. Now, what can Congress do? takihg a small dose I was entirely relieved of some other man’s face. This move Can it fix the price of wheat shipped —O. G. Burford, Harris Creek, Amherst ment is too big to fight one man. There from here to New York ? Can it fix the Co., Va. For sale by Druggists. HY WILL YOU SUFFER, when What does is no use shooting a twenty-four pounder price of goods here? No, you could eet relief bv using the fa the Constitution mean? Daniel Webster mous, well known remedy Orange Blos The Question of Birds. at a tom-tit. A triend of Mr. Vander said lhat the Constitution could only som, a sure specific for all tbe troubles and bilt came to his rescue and he was a rich We find every now and again long ar Consumption: she bought a bottle and to mean one thing, and that was to regulate suflerings peculiar to the sex, when it has man, and he said Vanderbilt was not Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve. her delight found herself benefited from ticles on the value of birds as insect de —CITY— cured thousands who stand readv to give worth $275,000,000, but only $220,000,000, the instruments through which com testimony of its great virtues and curative The beat salve in the world for Cuts, first dose. She continued its use and after by a conservative estimate, and said merce is carried on. stroyers. Generally the birds which do qualities. Ladies, remember its the old. Bruises, Sores, nicer», Sslt Rheum, Fever taking ten bottles, found herself sound and Whatarethev? They are three. It is the greatest injury receive the greatest tried and true, your friend in trouble and Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains well, now does hsr own housework and is furthermore that it took him and his wonderful how the figure three and the time of need. Give no credence to these Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and a» well as she exer was.—Free trial bottles father thirty years to accumulate it. number seven run through human forces. praise. Such writers forget or do not of this Great Discovery at E. E. Winchester know that many insects are of greater new and worthless compounds that are Now, I want to illustrate that; I want to positively cures Piles or no pay required. & Co. ’ s drugstore, large bottles 50c. and What are they? The producer, the man flooding the markets For sale bv It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, value than the birds. Only with their contrast that fortuue with the accumula $100. _________________ ufacturer and the distributer, They are MRS. M. ROBERTS, or monev refunded. Pnce 25 cents per box. tions of labor. You, laboring men here help are crops of any kind possible. The Helman street, near the Vonle & Gilroy the great divisions of human endeavor. For sale bv E. E. Winchester A Co. now, can you on an average support your birds do not discriminate but take in all M ain S treet . O pt . B owditch ’ s O ffice . planing mill. A parallel to the famous Robert Ray familes out of your wages and lay up $1 What can Congress regulate? Well, can kinds. Flight feeders such as night Passenger Coach to Every Train. The San ‘"raueweo and Sant* Clara Hamilton case has come to light at New pei day ? [Crias of “No”]. Congress regulate money? No. God <3^. Freight moved about town at rates bless you, they farm out that power to a hawks, swallows, martins, swifts and Railway co’-ipony haabeen incorporated. York. An adventuress, Florence M. A PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATION. all the fly catchers, which live entirely few aristocrats called national bankers. The purpos- oi the company is to con* Blood of Philadelphia, duped Ezra Park LO ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE, Now let me suppose that the first labor Unjy dice for tne inside Does Congress regulate money here? on insects, do a thousand times more •tmot a railway from San Francisco to Foote, a member of one of the beet setoingumch.all winning. rerf«ct er was Adam, and we will suppose he No; they have given that out to the damage than good. work, weight, and cannot be de Fire wood of all kinds delivered any- Gilroy. The survey **f the road has al known families of St. Paul, into mar never dies and accumulated $1 per day tecu-d by outsiders. Confidential bank. Well, someone may sav, correspondence with games invit ready been wade. It will'extend over a riage by fostering a child on him as his over hie family expenses for the whole national where n town at lowest prises. it he is opposed to the national bank, he ed. Price “Misj-Outs'per set, 925. distance of seventy-five miles, and is in own. The baby belonged to Mrs. The period of 6,000 vears down to the day be must favor the sub-treasury. I don’t. Fair Birds Eye, ivory (see cut) paJr, 12.50; loaded, '‘WeUI WeUf" high or low, 915. Ordinary work, to pass, bone.l 9 The fore Vanderbilt died ; he would have ac I am opposed to the sub-treasury that tended for an outlet to the western aeo- resa Campbell of New York. That’s tbe way or 9 If inch, pair, St; ivory, 91.50. Finest marked cards made, 60c, 11,11.25 a jmck. 64 page cat. FEES, mother of the child learned the use to cumulated $2,900,000 And yet Vander you have now. I am opposed to the na you feel after one tion of the Santa Clara valley. I Dice %daranteed. KLY BUUb, Dox E, Chicago, ill. or two of Doctor which her l»aby had been put and she bilt accumulated $220,000,000 in thirty tional bank snb-treasnry scheme. How .r, Pierce’s Pleasant Save 25 to M) eceb* on ever, dollar you spend. years, and would not have hired Adam do you start a national bank? Five per “Two years ago two of my family, a exposed tbe fraud. RjV) Pellets have done Write for oar m;>rnaioth Caulogue, a 60U-pagc voung man sad a girl, had very severe and for a hostler. Now, I will give you an sons go and deposit bonds with the na boolt.contaiuingillu-U’aliouaud giving lowevt mao- / ¡1 their work. You The greatest swindle ever attempted «iangerou» attacks of bloody flux,” says other illustration. There is a clase of diacturerr' price«', with mauulacturere'discomiU feel well, instead Mr. John Cook, of Pilot, Vermilion Co., has been exposed at Chicago. Deeds to men in this country for whom I have a tional treasury. Is the liond an evidence cf every kiua oi eoodr and suppliea manufactured oi bilious and con- of wealth? No, it is an evidence of your Ill. -Tbe doctor here was unabla. after a $1.060,000 worUi of real estate were and imported Into tbe United Slats». Groceries, stipatad; your sick iiouaebold Good-, Furniture, Clothing, Ladles' week’s time, to check or relieve either case. forged and an attempt made to sell ¿reat deal of respect, for they are doing a povertv, of the debt you cannot pay. headache, Hiwa- jreat deal of good for the human race. That is what a government bond is, and aud Gents’ Clothing aud Furuishln? Goods, Dress I then l>eg*n using Chamberlain's Colic, ness i __ ____ _____ _ and indigestion are gone. It's dona Goods, Wt te Goods, Dry Gooua, Hau, Caps, Cbolera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Improve them. Mrs. Hetty Green, the richest They are called scientists, and they have these men go and deposit them with the | mildly and ______________ ----- easily, J ---- too. ‘. You don’t have to Boots aDd Shoes, Gloves, Notions, Glassware, i ___ been _____________ vtry skeptical, and thought a few secretary of the treasury, and the law feel worse before yos feel better. That is ment was seen very soon end my children woman in the world and one the largest HARRIS & MURPHY BROS., Stationery, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, nM ago they fkzxx' ixora urnintr tn nrv 11 up n the thi> says that the controller can issue $90 on the trouble with the huge, old-fashioned pill. arose in a few days from what I feared real rotate dealers of Chicago, was the } «»^ TIME SCHEDULE rears were going to pry Buegies, Whips, Agricultural Implemen t, etc. would be their death-bed. It w a grand, ONLY FIRST CLASS GOODS. Catalogue sent Rock of Ages’ They thought they liad each $100 in national bank notes. What Theee are small, sugar-coated, easiest to take. intended victim. Through a filing of a on receipt of 25 cents for expressage We are the good medicine.” For sale by Druggists. little Pellet’s a laxative, three to four concern which sells at manufacturers* prices, Between Medford and Jack bill in chancery the fraud was discov- discovered a pre-historic man who lived is a national bank note? Tbe greatest One are cathartic. before Adam. Suppose they were right. allowing the buyer the same discount lust the OREGON only ASHLAND, mistake you ever made, my brother, was covered. The swindlers did not realize They regulate and cleanse the liver, stom sonville. Gia« Caatad Grape«. manufacturer fives to tbe wholesale buyer. We Suppose they discovered a man 00.000 when you supposed the government re ach and bowels—quickly, but thoroughly. guarantee all goods as represented; if not found East they spray grapes with the Bor anything from the scheme. They have years before Vanderbilt. Suppose that sides at Washington; it only does busi-1 They’re the cheapest pill, sold by druggists, eo, money refunded. Goods seut by express or Leave Jacksonville, Or ......... 8:30 a. m. <5 »» man worked hard enough, was never nessthere. You men and women are the because you only pay for the good you freight, viith privilege of examination before pay deaux mixture—a kind ot whitewash not been captured. ......... 1:00 p. m. ing A. KAKPEN A CO., Il li get. sick, never had a doctor bill ncr rent, ......... 4:10 p. m. government. »tuff. Utie farmer found it did not stick Ur. J. E, Thoroughgood. writing from 122 Quiucy Street, Chicago, Hl. Opened at the old Ashland market stand on They ’ re guaranteed to give satisfaction, and suppose he laid up a dollar a day, to the fruit well so he added glue and Georgetown. Del., says: “Twoteaspoon- THE UNCROWNED KINGS AND QUEENS. Main street, facing the bridge. I^ave Medford, Or ............ ......... H:45a. ni. every time, or your money is returned. «»1.^1 ;* tR.r »a«, AL v.xwij I 1 fuls oi of VDaznoeriain'8 Chamberlain’s vouc, Colic, vnoiera Cholera anu and how many dollars would he have accu Il It glued it ou on so tmely finely that th*t no one would DiarThoea Diarrhoeft Remedy saved the life of Mrs. mulated? It depends upon how many ......... 2:00 p. m. flued That’s the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's You women are the uncrowned queens Il ll ......... 5:20 p. in. buy his grapes. | Jane Thomas, of this place.” He also lavs there are. There are just 219,000,- I and you men are the uncrowned kings, and medicines are sold on. fff- Shop thoroughly renovated and re A eal?.ry of 325 to $50 per week to G(X)D agents “ Value received, or no pay, ” — you can ’ t . . _ , _ r-: 7 .. ,_ _ states that several other very bad eases of OOOdavs. So vou see Vanderbilt could j I salute you. The law says the treasurer o re:> eseni ck in cv^ry county,and sell our general Trains run in connection with Southern these terms with any other medicines, at fitted. I think Ely s < ream Balm is , t bowel complaint there have been cured ov mav give these bankers 90 per cent in notes get ;r;.- <•! h tudir*- t ¡M.-ouifacturers’ price«. O nly Pacific trains going north and south. have bought out the prehistoric gentle and price. retuedv for catarrh I ever saw ■ 1 J*this remedy. For sale bv Druggists, then continue to pay them on the any ,■■■.- taXNf SlteAOY EMPLOYMENT NiiKD Trains will stop at “Harbaugh V on ’be Can you aak more I took anvthlng that relieved me so - quickly, , J , man and had a million dollars with : whole 100 per cent every year, and in ad- . i ’ ly < i-iafuifu*' Ali i particular« pcnton receipt ................... —............. ____________________ «____________ __ _______________ ing signalled. and I . M.TW have . not felt so well for a long _________ time. We have a soap that will please you. U which to buy up the California legisla i vance if they so wish, and they let them *. Ivr exprc*«U£e. The choicett of Frerh Meat» — Beef. Mut ) 1 need to be troubled with severe headaches i smells sweet, don't chap the hands, a fine ture. Now I am mentioning Vander A. K UCPEN A CO. W. HONEYMAN, President L2 y Quiuo sUecU Chicago, Ui. wnaucj, and will aave you money. ton, Veal, Pork, Sautagei, etc. twooy thro«temwia week,—J. A. Alcorn, i, j I washer, O. The R ecord gets all the news. [COsnXUKD XN9 FINISHED OX ZAOE 4.] bilt’s name with respect. I am only talk- Winter. Between San Francisco and Portland. J ASHLAND ÍET PELTON & NEIL, Prop s. MAX PRACHT, Prop. Beef, Pork and Mutton. NEW GOODS! And will be sold at our well known T PRICES* « LOW Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Hats, Caps, etc. EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Route J. M. McCALL FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF J ! Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To II. o. MYER Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES CKOSS-CCT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. N D YOUNG H M. MAYER H icks a M c R mde , W A Liberal Share of Pat rouage NEW MEAT MARKET. MOW SAVED IS HONEY MADE. Rogue River I Valley Railway Company. ! WE WILL PAY