Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1892)
COAST HAPPENINGS. Eagle Point Items. A FATAI. MISTAKE. Chairman Boatner of the house com Fresh Salmon for the East. mittee investigating the charges of E ditor V allfy R ecord :— W HEAT No l v. h te, »1 4 t* ctl ehoi do, A Victoria (B. C.) dispatch says: John Rader has been building an addi-1 81 37'.: m l.i.'.g. 31 40.$l 45 for new ,.nd fl 42*4 Three Men Drink Carbolic Acid far It is now believed the Chinese mer drunkenness in the house made by Wat- M. Runy of San Francisco arrived from WUlsky—Two Die in Great Agony. chants of Tacoma will not be interfered eon of Georgia submitted hi» report at tion to his large granery. (41 47’, fo: old The People’s Paper Mrs. Digman is very low and doubts are ■ BARLEY - Feed 9*@9S\e ¥ ctl; brewing, with by the laboring men. A Chicago dispatch says: In the be the north several days ago. having just the last session of the house. It was ap-1 entertained fl 0531 0 ■ for uew; choice old, fl e5 of her recovery. completed a cold storage system at Cun ABHLAND O b .. 1X0 In the case of tbe Coeur d’Alene strik-1 proved by three Democrats and partially Oats — N w: Coast, fl 25@! 83 ¥ ctl: old, lief that they were drinking unusually ningham's cannery on the Skeena river We are pleased to state that Miss Daisy' ers on trial before the Federal court in by Grout (Rep.) of Vermont. The re-| f i 27'4r4l 30 for off grades: fair to good feed, good whisky Dr. Vincent Cole, Clinton Stanfield is gradually improving. fl 32-2<g, 37’4 choice to fancy, fl 42@l 0. mill 8. Ingraham of San Francisco and Louis which ia proving a big boon to the can Idaho their counsel set up a plea in their Coagraes has ad journed “without day” defense which is regarded as a very sin port say» three or four members ap- ; R. B Hubbard and Mrs. M. A. Thomas I ing, 31 4Z*.'@1 47*^; a irp ise, fl 5,@l 5; gray, Brunig drank enough carbolic acid to nery men besides opening up a new peared on the floor more or less under 1 —and witbout regret. by Mr. Dodge. I fl s0@1 45 b ack, Fregon. fl 27',(gl 30. do Cal- gular one. It was that some of the de the influence of liquor, but none in the , have each bad a well bored kill a dozen men. Ingraham and Dr. phase in the fishing industry. When • ifo nis. fl lT’ j^l 27: i Rudy left Skeena 6000 salmon had al The entertainment referred to in my last fendants charged with crimes of differ- Cole are dead. CORN — Large yellow, 81 30@l 32 ,$ ctl; small condition charged. The committee re- ; Adlai is a Hebrew name, was well attended and was quite a eredita-1 do. S ready been frozen and were being pre whiee, fl 30@l 3J 4. ferent kinds were not citizens of the Dr. Cole invited Ingraham and Bru- ported a resolution declaring that Wat “the just.” It is pronounced 3EAXS—Pea. ,~2 40@2 50 ¥ ctl; pink, 82 2@ pared for shipment East. The fish, im United States. Judge Beatty did not son'» charge is untrue and an unwar ble affair. tig into his office to take a drink. The 2 85; Rayo, 82 4). 8 nail white, 32 3n@2 45; large A. Jonas is gettir.g out lumber to fin do.»2 2-V-tl 35; butter, nominal; red, »2 25@2 35; bottle was found to contain hardly one mediately after being taken from the Anarchists organize in “groupe.” pay much attention to this defense. ranted assult on the honor and dignity , ish J. his barn, and is putting a new coat of Lima, 82 50@2 is in job The state of California is to take radi Tbe proper way to hang them good sized drink, so the doctor opened Water, are pntin a room where the tem of tbe house and has its unqualified dis paint on his dwelling. SEEDS Rape. z*4l»’’^c ¥ lb; hemp, "*I@4*«C his surgical case and took therefrom a perature is twenty degrees below zero. lots. cal measures to insure the payment of approval. Grout presented a minority , Died An gust 5th near Eagle Point on the canary, 3c for imported: do California, 3»io: They are left there six or seven houra, delinquent taxes on real estate. It is report allowing Watson an opportunity Stow place, the infant child of Mr. and flaxseed. 2*4c; alfalf.*., nominal, mustard, nomi two ounce bottle which he said con The corn is growing in Missouri, proposed if the plan is carried out to to retract hi» statement. Simpson of old nal. tained some whisky. It was of the same when they are removed to another and Mrs. F. Morgan, aged about 5 months. Another evidence that the foreitrner serve notices on all owners of these de larger room thirty degrees below the HAY—New: Alfalfa, f '039 00 ¥ ton; oat. the Fanners' Alliance submitted a mi Since Mrs. A. J. Florey's return from the fS 00310 00; wheat, 39 * @12 SO; wheat and oat, color or so near like it that nolx>dy de pays the tax _____ freezing point, where they are kept for linquent properties that the state will at nority report dissenting from the views rm untains she looks several years younger 80 0 @1 50 Sto k. fo 5 @> .'A; barley, f6 00@ I tected any difference. The host poured and appears to be greatly improved in gen 9 00: clover, 89 0 @11 00. com pressed hay, 19 00 out three liberal drinks, building up several weeks. They are then placed in the end of thirty days after service of Mrs. .fnn« Sutherland of the majority and exonerating Watson. The leaders oi ti>e money power and eral health. @11 00. ! from the whisky he had previously taken hermetically sealed cases and are ready Kalamazoo, Mich., had swelling» In the neck, or tariff swindle both, live in Ohio—Sher the notice apply for and receive a deed By authority of the house Holman has STRAW- 40@5 c ¥ bale. to the property in question. The young ladies of this place have pro from the bottle. Ingraham took his for shipment. It is claimed they will man and McKinlev. printed a speech in The Congressional HOPS—Nominal. keep for years and are just as good as Goitre X" «40 Years The question of the Pacific Mail Steam Record dealing with the appropriation» cured a croquet set and now they entertain RYE—Prices su ject to change. New, fl 2214 drink first, downing it at one gulp. the young men moonlight nights in Mrs. fresh fish when opened. Other northern great suffering. When she caught cold could not “ My God, ” he exclaimed, "but that ’ s @1 2.5 ¥ ctl; old, 11 :»@1 3 . One might infer from the report of tbe ship company’s right toman its steamers made at the last session of congress. He Simon’s front yard. canneries are negotiating for the erec walk two blocks without fainting. She took DRIED PEAS— App.o ¡mate priees: Gree hot stuff?” investigating committee that beef tea I with crews of non resilient Chinese has says; The appropriations made at this Ina former article I stated that Mi«s Cora fl w@l 50 ¥ ctl; Nile-, fl ;;u@l 50 black, nom tion of similar plants, and it is expected waa tbe only beverage dispensed over been definitely settled. Secretary of the session of congress, including perma- - Rrown “ Oh, I guess not, ” responded the doc had gone to British Columbia to inal. the Capitol bar at Washington. tor, and to show his confidence he emp that before long Easterners will be en treasury Foster ha» decided that no neut appropriations, show a reduction visit her aunt. In that latter fact I was Mill Produets. tied the contents of liis own glass dowi abled to eat fresh Skeena river salmon And is now free from it all. She has urged Chinese shipped outside of the United of |33,529.291 under those of the last ses mistaken She had gone to live with an BRAN—117 50@ 8 5* r* ton. uncle who is in business in Revelstope. B. Oakland Times: Bv the way, what States could be employed on the Pacific his throat. Brunig started to do th* in their homes. Besides opening up this many others to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and MIDDLINGS-»2 0 @22 10¥ ton. i* tbe name of General Weaver’« baby Mail steamers or on auv American ships sion of the last congress, or a reduction C.. and she speaks of that country in high same but only swallowed part of Li new industry, cold storage is also of they have also beeu cured. It will do you good. GROUND LARLEY—121 ' @22 CO ¥ ton. equal to $100,000 to each congressional terms. grand-daughter? We want tn kinder for American vessels are always and great benefit to the cannerà in saving CHOPPED Fl ED-ra. 0 @21 •< ¥ «<*n. H oods P ills cur» a*1 Uva» uu. u«ndi«. dose. district in the United States. But for Quite c. number of our citizens have gone garten tbe kid with Baby Rutb and FEi.D COCN.MEAI.-I27 .«'@28 5. f ton. fish after a big run. With it they are •lek headache, biliousness, tour stomach, sa l sa In horror the doctor cried out that h* everywhere American territory. The the purpose of comparison the amount to ibe soda springs this last week, among McKee. CRAI.KEDC R.\' 128 1 (X$Z9 01 ¥ teU- had made a mistake. Seizing the nearly able tc take all the fish they can and crew imported by the City of Peking, of the river and harbor bill, $21,153,618 whom are C. W. Taylor and familv, Mr O1L(. AKE MEAL—4.0 00 ten at tbe inilL Williscraff and familv. A. J. Carlton. W. ELOUR — Net . ash priees: Family extras, 14 40 empty vial and placing it to his nose thi put them into the cold storage house till would have to be returned to China as General Weaver drove an ox train should be deducted from the appropria H. Bradshaw, aud their families, Miss So .>0 ¥ bbl: b 1 ers’ ext a, »4 z5@t 35; shippin gravity of his mistake was plain to him. they are able to use them. down the Humboldt in *53 and he will passengers by the company that brought tions of this session, for the reason that phia Simon of the Pioneer hotel and Miss @4 superfine, 32 75@3 CO driAe the gold bug plutocracy up Salt them. Some of ti.e .«vaults way ijeruietuer is no river and harbor bill was passed at Lou Nichols. VARIOUS—Cash prices, ¥ 10-18 sacks: Cracked He had treated hia friends to carbolic ----- SITUATED IN----- riuer in '82.—San Jose Phoenix. Thomas Beaver of Loe Angeles ended the last session of congress, against the wheat, 3*£c p ft; rye flour, ’.^c; rye mea s^e acid instead of whisky. Rushing to the the only reliable household remedy are: H. T. Severance has gone with Geo. Heck 1. It is pleasant to take. 2. It is absolutely Willow Springs District, bu kwheat flour, 5.-; cornmeal, 3 ; oatmeal, 4)^ his life in a tragic manner. He was a appropriations of which those made at athom to the soda springs on the north water pitcher the three victims of the 3. It makes no mistakes in di Tbe R ecord is pleased at Mr. Pracbt’s married man and the father of four this session should logically be con fork of Rutte creek, where he intends to re @5e; oat groats, 5c: hominy, 4'2@l'Ac; ri e awful mistake drank until there was harmless. WO AND ONE-HALF MILES from agnosis, but goes right to tbe root of dis main about three weeks when he expects to flour. 8 :; farina, 4^ -; peirl barley, 3 ,@l*4c; none left. Gold Hill, 5 miles from Central Point. appointment to a fat office. There is children, the oldest of whom is a 14- Brunig found a basin of ease by purifying the blood and toning the split pea, 4*^95'40; rolled oats, 5c; buckwheat trasted. Without the river and harbor be joined by his daughter, Mrp. John Rad All good Grain. Fruit and Alfalfa land. perhaps only one clear-cut difference of year-old girl. For some weeks past groatf, 8’4c; graham flour, 3J4c. soapy water in the sink which he poured nerves. 4. It does not simply patch up but Good new hard-finished house, 500 young opinion between the two big political par fnends of his from the East have been bill the appropriations of this session er, and then they expect to gosSo the soda radically cenxs. Try it and use nothing else. down his throat. By that time Ingra i>each and prune trees, 50 bearing apple Vegetable». ties to-day on a living issue and that is visiting him and he appeared in the hap are $54,682,909 less than the whole of springs on the south fork of f jttle Butte. trees, 60 acres under plow, 100 acres fenced. ham and Cole were in terrible agony. the appropriations made at the second The Central Point base ball club met the ONIONS—Wharf priees: Silvcrskins, 4 c sue is the various federal offices. When Ths Carnagla Boycott. Nice location. Good water. Near school. piest possible frame of mind. After tbe In this critical emergency the doctor Eagle Point base ball club last Sunday (yes ¥ ctl: red. 2 @ ¡Oc ¥ sack. “greet” parties get so selfish ns to refuse session of the Fifty-first congress. Rep This Ls one of the choicest farms in the A Homestead dispatch says: As a re POTATOES—From whar in sacks: Ea-lyR- se lost his head. Druggist Schfieker to take up something new, or to refuse to departure of his guests the other day he resentative Henderson of Iowa, the een- terday) and had a very pleasant and inter valley, and can lie had at a bargain. esting game on the grounds of the latter. 45@ ó ¥ ctl: Pee le s, 5 @65c: Burb n >, 60@75c sult of the secrect visit of Samuel (tam progress, foa fear they may lose the great entered the house and walked straight ior Republican member of the house The game was won by the Central Point for river—some ther hi . her Garnet Chi e, 75c; I went to their assistance and found In ffV“Terms easy. Inquire of B. E. MINER. Owner, issue—the offices—we must also be ex to his bedroom, after greeting his fam appropriations committee, reviews the boys by three tallies; but tbe Eagle Point b xes, -50c@3I 'Al or Early Rose a d 7 .< @31 15 graham dead. Dr. Cole was dying and pers to Homestead, the American Fed Ashland, Oregon. cused for takings selfish pride in the fact ily affectionately, and a few second later appropriations of the last session as fol boys are said to have played remarkably for Burbanks, occasionally higher lor extras, Brunig wits suffering intense agony. eration of Labor will take up the boy cott against Carnegie. that not onlv one of our fellow townsmen a pistol shot was heard. Mrs. Beaver lows: The appropriation bills as they well for new beginners, as some of them both k nds. Brunig may possibly recover. were novices at the business. One of them has received a big slice of the great isene grabbed her youngest child in her arms VARIOUS—Tomatoes, 2'@30e ¥ box for Vaoa- Ingraham's wife is on the way to Chi but that this office and the appropriation and the family rushed from the house. passed the house at this session, without informed youi correspondent that he never Vil'e: river, large box<s. 3C :@1 25; string cago from San Francisco to join her struck at a ball before in his life. including contracts or re-appropriations, beans, ’ . '@2 ,0, as to kind; summer squash, 2o@ were made especially for him. Mr. A second shot was fired just as they husband. etc., are $21,885,820 greater than the Pracht is public spirited and progressive In spite of the cry of hard times there 85c; cucumbers, 5C@8.‘>c ¥ box; garlic,l@2c ¥ ft; eggplant, 31 2 @ 5; ¥ box: zreen pe ipers, c@ and this town will always be benefited reached the yard. Mrs. Beaver started first session of the Fifty-first congress as seems to be considerable business doing. 75c for Chile, and 7.3@31 25 for Be 1. green orn, by a salary that he has the handling of. back, closely followed by her daughter. they passed the house. Including ap Geo. Brown, one of our leading merchants, 15@2tc ¥ dos :or bay, do Berkeley, 75@wc ¥ Just as they reached the bedroom door propriations for pensions purposely left is receiving a large stock of goods from Crate; green okra, 8@lec ¥ »• z^Mrs. M. £. Tyler Chicago. New York and San Francisco, and Marv E. Hobart writes as follows of Beaver again raised the pistol and pulled for the senate to add they are $33,848,- A. J. Florey has got to get more goods or Fruit« and Nuts. A troublesome skin disease the trigger but the cartridge did not ex 104 greater. Mrs. W eaver: our children will have to do without candy caused me to scratch for ten FRESH BRUITS—Strawberries, 34 0@* 00 V It mav not be geueraiiv known to you plode. Mrs. Beaver made a rush for and nut», and the boys and men will have chest for Dongworth and 34 0 @7 0 for Sharp- I^SB months, and has been KEQ| Artist. The death watch lias been appointed I to do without tobacco and cigars, and the le-s; raspberries, 35 0@7 0 ¥ chest; bl ekber- cured by a few days’ use of KBKS that Mrs. Harrison has been greatlv an him and caught him in her arms. Her noyed since living in the White House by daughter did the same thing and for a for the Transcontinental Association. I ladies will have to do without their little 33 5 @6 uO ¥ chest; huckleberries, 12.@15c M. H. W olff , Upper Marlboro, Md< Corner Main and Granite Street». its old fashioned style and lack of modern few seconds the two women made a des Unless there is a totally unexpected re notions; but Jack always replenishes in ¥¥ Dr. Terry of the City drugstore sends Cherries, 7 >@9 c ¥ box for Royal Aune: sour, grandeur. Ho much has it troubled this perate struggle to get possession of the prieve it will join the long list of de time. off a large order for goods in his line this 35@5 c; ap 1 ots, 4 @7.« ¥ box and 5 @75c for PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED funct railroad associations on August week. “first lady of the land,” that at the cost baskets; in bulk to caiine:», -@2*4c ¥ f*: pears, Bromides made in all sizes. Call and of much arduous thought she has planned pistol. Their struggles were not suc 23. A meeting of the association had Blckheadaches are theoutward indication« c; best I see by the R ecord that you. Mr. Editor, 85@5)c ¥ basket; do small loxes, I examine our work. a magnificent palace outvieing the pal I cessful, for the man possessed extraordi been called for August 29 at Saratoga, have of derangementlot tbe stomach and bowels. Bartlett, 31 00@l 50 in la-ge boxes: culls 50@75o. I been visiting Sains valley and I just aces of European royalty in splendor and nary strength and with one hand he but a probably successful attempt is now thought that if you wonld do as Robt. west- Al Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla Is the only Apples, 6 c@l 25 ¥ box; do baskels, 4O@5 c. j costliness for her successor. This royal held his wife and daughter and deliber on foot to change the date to the 23d rop of Central Point did that vou might peaches, 3 c@u ¥ box and .n c@31 ou ¥ bskt; bowel regulating preparation of Sarsaparilla, palsce is to be built with outer courts and ately raised the pistol to his head and and the place to Chicago. As a mem improve your health and get Heshy. as he plums, 7 <@H 25 as to variety aud rise of box; it ia seen why it is urn only appropriate I was cured several years ago of white swelling ne tarines, 5 @75c; watermelons, 31 5 ! @! 5u ¥ Inner courts, with marble columns and fired again. This time he was success did. He came over a short time ago to Sarsaparilla in sick-headaches. It ia notonly ANTED, a bright boy or girl in every and have had no In my leg by using ber expressed it recently “ We don ’ t doz. can aloupes, 3: 0@l0> ¥ crate; crabap- drink from the famous sulphur springs of colonades, with costly stones, richly ful. The bullet entered just behind the appropriate; itiaau absolute cure. After* town to send us a postal card asking turn of the dis- s.s.s. pic«, 4>@76e ¥ box: sweetwate grapes, 7-5@31 2.5. i symptoms of re ______ want to go to a health retort for a fun A. J. Daley, and he assured your corres for particulars of how, by a little pleasant stained glass and antique carvings; but I right ear and he sank down a corpse. course of it an occasional dose at intervals < ranges-Klve side navel, uomin.l do seed ease. Many prominent physicians attended me pondent that he had not drank of the water work, they can earn a bicycle, a watch or am authorized to sav to tbe women of In liis fall he dragged his horror-stricken eral.” The Transcontinental Associa nut a few days when he felt like a new man. lings,31 *0@l 7 > ¥ box Highland and Redland and all failed, but S. 8. 8. did the work. will forever after prevent return. choice library, without its costing them America that Mrs. Weaver desires you wife down with him. Beaver gave no tion has for its main object the paying In tact it had such an exhilerating effect see 1 lings, 82 5 @2 75; Los Angele' seedlings. 50c Jno. M. Cox, of 735 Turk Street, San Fran P aul W. E jbkfatrick , Johnson City, Tenn. another cent. Box 46, Boston, Mass. to know that if her husband is eleated of a subsidy of $850.000 a year to the and he felt so much at home, that he got a @31 50; Santa Bar ara (Tahiti and 1 right) seed cisco, writes: “I havo been troubled with that the presidential mansion over which reason for his deed. Pacific Mail ¡Steamship company. move on foot to improve our . streets by lings, 32 0(@2 75; Santa Paula (Havana seed) attacks of slck-headache for tbo last three Another Southern Pacific express train Railroad men usually refer to this clearing awav a lot of posts and rubbish of 82 («9- 75; Mediterranean sweet aud St. Michael, Martha Washington presided will be Treatise on Biood and Skin Dis years from one to three times u week. Some 00. good enough for her until after the nine has been held up in Southern California. subsidy as “blackmail" or “blood mon different kinds and tried to get volunteers X5c@32 time ago I bought two bottles of Joy's. Vege Ela-mons and Limes—I-emous: Santa Barbara, eases mailed free. TO PICK UP THE LOOSE STONES IX THE STREETS millions of mortgages are lifted from your The latest robbery occurred between ey,” but the transcontinental lines had table Sarsaparilla and bare only had one S wift S pecific C o ., and haul them orr. Bue the public spirit 34 00@5 u ¥ case: Santa Paula (Eu ok«), 3< nn@ homes and until after the starving mill Roliuda and Pratton. A gang of mask to pay it in order to get the Pacific Mail ed men of our town had gone a fishing and 6 U); R verside, 32 5095 00; Los Anxeles, 31 (0@ attack since and that was on the second day Atlanta. Ga. ions of tbe sewing women of America ed robliers boarded the train and com after I began using it” at last accounts the stones were still there, 2 0 i Sicily, nominal. Limes— Mex can, 3z .'0@ have bread and meat and fire and home. pelled the engineer to stop. They fright to maintain rates. Of all transconti but 1 think if he continues to drink of that 8 00 ¥ case. Varlou — Bananas, 81 25@:J o;i ¥ bunch; Hon nental lines the Southern Pacific alone Grand thoughts of a grand woman. Ye ened everyone away by a volley from sulphur water he will succeed. Inii’c Vesetab,e Money to loan on improved farm prop olulu pineapples, 32 00@2 5 ; Acapulcodo, 34 CO toiling women of America lend your in shotguns. They then blew out ths side will vote in favor of continuing the sub erties by B. GOLDSMITH, We have had another lawsuit in Justice @4 0. sidy. The other lines have figured it Johnston's court. A family feud. Mrs. German Savings and Loan Society. fluence to placing this woman where she vUy vSarsaparilla Agent DRIED FRUIT—Crop of 1'91: Apricots, sun- of the express car with dynamite bombs. V. O. Box 403. PORTLAND, ORE, deserves to go, for I am satisfied that out that in time of peace they do not James Dunlap was assaulted by her hus dried, 4@5<' ¥ ft: do bleach d, 7@9c; Moorpark when she is there you will be as welcome George D. Roberts, the express messen get commensurate returns for their share band who knocked her down and then his do, @9@1 c: apples, sun dried, sliced, 4@l';o; guests at the White House as tbe wives ger. put out his lights and prepared to of the payments. In the present war mother, “Old Roda” jumped on her with qrs, ó@4:; evspo ated,5@óc; beaches, bleached, ot the millionaires aie now welcome, so defend the property in his charge but he on ocean rates between New York and her feet, stamping her on the breast and 5@7c: do peeled, 109 5u; do sun-dried, 4@5c; OF THE kicking her on the legs, etc., and otherwise pitted plums, 596?; pears, suu-drl-d, sliced, r@ that tbe primitive simplicity of the re was rendered insensible by the explosion San Francisco it makes not a particle of maltreating her; wherenpon Mr. Meeker 6c; do qrs, 3@ic; do evaporat 'd, 7@8c. public will be restored. of the dynamite. The robbers com Raisins—Layer«, 75c@31 10 ¥ lox ; loose Mus difference whether the Pacific Mail seemed to make a move as though he was pelled the messenger to open the safe going to interfere when Old Dave Dunlap 1, tasks, 2*4@\c ¥ ft. do bexes, 7C@8',= ; it is given out at Homestead that the and they took the contents. The mes maintains rates. Consequently the sub struck him on the face and then Mr. Carter, cat seed ess Sultanas, .5)4@6>^ ¥ ft; dried grupea, reported strike at the Studebaker wagon senger had removed all the gold from sidy is useless, and unless the Southern a stepson of Mr. Meeker, interfered and got iH@2c. works, South Bend, is the first fruits of the safe and secreted it in bis bunk. All Pacific pays it all, the Pacific Mail must his finger badly bit. Dave Dunlap is now N ITS—Jobbings pr ecs: Brazil, 8@9c ¥ ft; Al arrest and “Old Roda" and Jim Dun monds. soft, ll(i@12c. do paper shell, 14915c; the work which has been done by Hugh the robbers secured was some bags of ' struggle along without it. The South- under lap are sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dol hard, @6lxc. wa nuts, Calif rnia soft shells, All kinds of Watch work O’Donnell since he left Homestead so silver and some bills. After robbing the ' ern Pacific has an Atlantic seaboard ter lars each, having pleaded guilty. Dave 8@9e: 5 paper sh 11,10c hard, 7@s.-; pecans, 11@ minal at New Orleans, and is vitally in called for a jury trial and his case'comes up 13c; California peanuts, 3*^@l'4c: filberts, ll'J mysteriously after being released on express car the higwaymen disabled the done in good shape. bail. He has been visiting the large es engine by exploding a bomb on the pis terested in continuing the subsidy. It to-day (Monday). The general opinion 912c; pinenuts, ll@l2c; 0 «coanuts, 34 U0@4 50 to be that the tax payers mignt as ¥100. tablishments which use Carnegie iron ton rod. The robbers th?n escaped on has, consequently, propose J a set ot re seems well support them in the county jail as in Dairy Produce and Honey. ENGRAVING NEATLY EXECUTED. SBd working with the employees to get their horses. The robbers were tracked duced rates from New York to San the poorliouse: but then the additional ex —Fresh cream ry, 25@26c ¥ tb; fancy them to boycott iron from Homestead, to Visalia by the officials. They were Francisco by rail, keeping up all the in pense of constable, justice and witness fees dai BUTTER y, 22@ 3c; . ood to choice, 19@z0c; common In Winchester Pharmacy, give no names, but say a large located in the house of Chris Evans. De-1 terior rates to the present basis. Ex might have been avoule«!. If there could to fair, 14®: 60; pickled roll, 219.2c; keg, 19@21c; be some way such cresPires could be made •Umber of plants will be compelled to tectivee Smith and Witty asked for tracts from the projiosed tariff show to work they would imt perhaps go so far. Eastern ladle packed, 15917c. A shland , _ _ _ O regon , Will be held at the Fair Grounds near CHEESE—Cal fornia, cholos to fancy, 7@10c Stop using Carnegie iron or be closed. The George Sontag. Sontag consented to rates of $2 75 a hundred on dry goods and «ave thè tax payer« the money and the Central Point commencing on ¥ ft; lower grades, frg.Sc. You g America, 94@ Carnegies have been expecting such a go with them and he was locked up. from New York to San Francisco, the community the disgrace. I am glad that it 10c; New Y. rk « ream, 14c; Western, 12)4@13o. move, but from assurances received The detectives returned to the house Chicago-San Franeisco rate being $3 90. was not in our neighborhood but in Big HON EY—O d crop, 11 g 0J4C Í » f r comb In WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28,1892’ Butte. D ick . l-lb frames; d >2-.i>, 8@12e; extracted, 5)i@6J4c; from customers <lo not anticipate any and saw John Sontag enter. They went On hardware it is proposed to charge $1 Eagle Point, Aug. 8, 1892. new extracted, !i96c for light amber and 69 And continuing four days. serious loss of business. j to the door and asked for him. Evan’s a hundred from New York and $2 10 6>»c fo water white. Denver Crowded with Sir Khights. from Chicago. The Chicago lines Astronomers throughout the world little girl said Sontag was not in the BEESWAX—From 24@25o ¥ ft- A Denver dispatch says: Knights are studying Mars with much interest. the house. Evans then came in and said promptly decided to oppose this tariff Poultry and Eggs. The planet is nearer the earth than Sontag had gone up town. Detective and nothing now remains but for the Templar have taken possession of the POULTRY—Hens, 86 5) @ 7 50 ¥ doz: broilers, Southern Pacific to pay every cent of city. Hundreds of gaily decorated usual and its surface and outlinescan be Smith stepped to the entrance of the Offered in premiums and purses. 34 0 @5 0 j for large and 32 0@3 00 for small; more definitely distinguished than ever next room and Sontag stood there with the $850,000 subsidy to the Pacific Mail special trains have brought in visitors roost rs, 36 5. @8 0 for youug and 36 1» @7 00 tor NO ENTRANCE FEE WILL BE until the city is overflowed. Commin- old; geese, pair, 31 25@1 75; ducks 34 uo@5 50; before. The astronomers at Lick ob a shotgun. The officers reached for their or dissolve the association. CHARGED FOR PAVILION Six of the largest milling companies daries from all parts of the United live tu sey-5, 16@18c ¥ **> for hens and 18@20c servatory have made some very interest pistols under their buttoned duster and for gobblers, pigeons, young, 31 5C@1 75 ¥ doz; EXHIBITS. ing observations recently. The World then saw that Evans, who had not been in California have united under the States are gere to attend the grand con old, 32 5C@3 0«. name of the Sperry Flour company, clave. Over 159,000 strangers are with publishes the following dispatch from suspected, also had them covered with a KGG3—California, store, 17@22c ¥ doz; ranch, Milan: Professor Schiajiarelli. the illus shotgun. The detectives started to run and will hereafter be run under one in the city. Cheap cots are being sold 2«@28c, occasionally hi-her. Eastern, 16@20»; ALL ARE INVITED to COME Oh say, Mister, have you seen in your wisdom, trious astronomer, whose fame is now and the robbers shot them. Witty was management. The mills owned by the in the streets and food is obtainable from selected d 1, 2lc; farallón, 17@18c. And each is specially requested to bring The groceries that we receive almost every day ? Provisions. new concern have an aggregate capacity booths along the sidewalks. The mayor so gloriously vindicated by the Lick tel- wounded. Evans and Sontag then along whatever in his line he may adjudge CURED MEATS—Hams, Eastern, 15@15)4c ¥ worthy and place it on exhibition. scope, waa seen here by the World cor jumped into the buggy belonging to the of 6,000 barrels of flour daily, and has issued a proclamation requesting the They ’re the best groceries for folks and children, ft; A- I -C. 15c; California ref igerator cured, 13 respondent. He has known the progress detectives and Btarted to the mountains. twelve of them are now running, giving citicene to throw open their homes to @lS*-4c; California salt, ll*g@12c. That ever were made—as some people say ! £HP*No pains will be spared by the man of observations by Lick astronomers, A posse is in hot pursuit and the men daily employment to an aggregate of the visitors. Baeon—Eastern breakfast, i3@13)4c ¥ ft: Cali 1,000 men in different cities of the state. fornia sonuik d, he >vy and light medium, 10>i agement to make the Fair a success. with whom he has been in conference, will be hanged if caught. Evans here “Oh, yes ! my wee friend, I’ve heard of these groceries, combination is one of great impor The disposition of the 204 prisoners 910>*c; lignt ll?i@>->l4c. extra, 13c@13 4e; clear DR. JESSE HINKLE, President. and expressed great admiration for tofore bore a good reputation. The Son- The tance on more than one account. Finan confined at Wardner and Wallace is as sides, I0^@10-\c. J. W. MERRITT, Gen l Manager. And further, I’ll say, that I’ve eaten them, too,— American enterprise which had brought tags have been suspected for sometime. cially it cuts a considerable figure, for Pork—Extra prime, 314 00@14 51 ¥ bbl; prime MRS. W. J. PLYMALE. Secretary. far from settled as ever. If the prison- their splendid observatory into exist Their Eastern record is bad. That’s what makes me so fat and so very good natured; the corporation is capitalized at $10,000,- ers are turned over to the United States mess, 315 0n@:5 5>; Mess, 317 5f@l7 75; extra clear, 819 * 0@19 .50; clear, 318 5)@18 00; pigs feet ence at so great a cost. It is gratifying Later—When Evans and Sontag left 000, and boasts of $5,800,000 in paid up Crocker ’s Groceries are excellent, I tell you.” marshal and a special term of the United 312 5u; hf bbls, 36 5«. to the Milanese to know that tbe Lick with the team belonging to Witty and stock. Two of the historical mills of For Sale or Exchange, —Mess, 37 .»@8 00 ¥ bbl; extra mess, 86 50 telescope has confirmed tbe existence of Smith they drove several miles into the the state—the Golden Gate mill in ban States court is held at Coeur d’Alene 99 Beef 00; family, 311 nJ @11 ¿0; California smoked, hM famous duplicated lines on Mars. Of swamp and then doubled on their pur Francisco and the Sperry mill at Stock- City, General Carlin will have to furnish lll,@12c ¥ ft- OR AN IMPROVED FARM in South guards to convey the prisoners to that ton. both of which were founded in Lard—Balifornia, 83i@8)i'.: ¥ for tierces; 10-ft thia planet he has made a sjiecial study, suers. At night they returned to Evan’s ern Oregon, 640 acres of wheat land in 1852—are included in the deal. point, which will require the retention tins, 10%910*¿9e;5-tb, 1 S@io?ic: ke s, 9@9*ic: the Palouse valley, Whitman county,Wash having devoted to the work the greater house for the purpose of getting the 20-n> buck ts, 9 4c; 10.1b buckets, 9S4C: Eastern, ington. The land is situated about 15 miles of all the troops at Wardner for at least Political and Personal. part of his active life. money they had taken from the express d, 8'4@8?gC for tierces: do prime steam front Colfax, the county seat, and 5 miles six weeks longer. When the prisoners compou 10-» tiiiB. i%c; 5-ft, wqc; 3-¥, 9c. from Almota. a steamboat landing on the A Washington dispatch says: The car. A party went out to watch the General Weaver, the Peoples' party are finally disposed of three companies Wool, Hides. Etc., Snake river. There are 160 acres in fall president has made the following ap house and saw a team standing in front is addressing large audiences in Califor are to remain in permanent camp at a WOOL—San Joaquin, choice, 11916c¥ ft; do wheat; between450 and500 acres good plow pointments: Senators Allison of Iowa of the barn. Among the watchers was nia. point to be designated by Governor fair to good, 13 gllc do poor and trashy, 10@12c; land, the balance is good pasture land with Deputy Sheriff Oscar Beaver. Two men and Jones of Nevada, Representatives Vice-President Morton and James G. Willey. It is said the feeling of the do year,» fleece, 10@134e. Southern coast burry, a living stream of water running through McCreary of Kentucky. General Francis came from the barn and put something Blaine will take active parts in the com union miners is very bitter toward Alli J0@13c do free, 13@1 c. Northern fancy and it. No improvements excepting some fenc free, including Humboldt and Mendocino, 1 j @ ing. Value $20 per acre. This land is sit- A. Walker of Massachusetts and Hon. into the wagon. Beaver called to them. ing compaign. son, who joined the miners’ union at 21c. do fair with defects, . 16@18c Nevada heavy _ ___________ , uated in the greatest wheat producing The reply was a volley from a shotgun. Henry M. Cannon of New York as dele Don. M. Dickinson, of Michigan has Gem as a spy. He was elected secre and sandy, 12014c: do goo i to choice, 1 ■@16^c. country in the United States. My object in Beaver was hit and fell. He returned gates to the international monetary con HIDES AND SKINS—Dry hides sound, 9c ¥ exchanging is to find a warmer climate. tary of the union and it is Btated that the fire and disabled both the horses. been chosen chairman of the Democraic ft; culls, 6c: .. sc; __________ Ik; fie; brands, 6c kip, culls and,' w Address THUS R. BROWN, ference. his testimony will be sensational when campaign committee. brands, 6c: heavy salted steer, sound, 7@7J^c? aug4 I Tacoma, Washington. Allison has been for many years one Evans shot Beaver with a revolver and he takes the witness stand at Boise. brands and culls, 6c; do medium, 6c: brands, | The People's Party of Nebraska has of the leading senators of the United the latter died in a few minutes. Evans and culls, 4)ec; do light, 4@4^c; do brands and, The proposed Canadian Western rail States, and for a long time was chair and Sontag started for the mountains on nominated a state ticket. Senator C. H. way will extend from Victoria to Sey cu II b , 314c. salted cows, 4>£c; do brands and culls, 3'4C; salted kip, 4c: do brands and culls, foot. They walked about eight miles Wyck is the candidate for governor. man of the committee on appropriations more Narrows, on Vancouver Island, 3c; long wool pelts, 9 e@3i 40 each: medium do when they took a mule and cart from a The opening and dedication of the and a member of the committee on and on the mainland to Yellow Pass, the 70@9 c; short do, 40@70c; shearling, 10@25c; finance. He is unusually well informed rancher. They were tracked to Nigger Watterson club house at Louisville, eastern boundary of the province, there deerskin, summer, 371z,c. do medium. 30@32)4c; creek where the trail was lost and the do winter and long haired »kina 20 »250; el; was a gal* day for Kentucky Democrats. qb financial matters. Senator Jones is to connect with the line being built hides, 10@13c goat skins, prime and perfect, 30 Hon. Adlai E. Stephenson was the chief also a leading member of the finance posse returned to Visalia. from the East. The line is subsidized @5vceach; damaged, 10@25c: kids, 5@10c. A contraband cargo of gin and cigars speaker. committee in the senate and has given Fresh Meats. with 20,000 acres per mile, and will also special study to the silver question. He from Honolulu was captured cn ths Alabama election returns show re receive cash assistance from the Domin BID-Steers, first quality, 4S®5c ¥ ft; sec-, ia noted for hia speeches on financial is schooner Glendale at Santa Barbara. markable strength of the Alliance. It ion and Provincial governments and ond, 4@4)$c; third, 3@3}$c; cows and heifers, 8%(04c. The hearing at Boise, Idaho, in the is claimed they polled 70 per cent of the from Victoria city. sues. McCreary is a member of the i CALV1S—4%@ae ¥ ¥ ior heavy range; light i house of representatives and was for cas« of the miners- charged with con Democratic vote of the state. The English parliament is again in do, 6@7c. merly chairman of the committee on tempt of court by violating an injunc LA MB-9@9>4c¥ ft. The Democratic and Republican cen session. At the opening the queen’s MUTTON—Wethers, 7' ^wic ¥ ’*■; ewes,7@7>. foreign affairs. He introduced in the tion by their attack on the Gem mine tral committees of Sonoma county hit PORK—Hogs on foot, hard, grain fed, hee. house the bill providing for the present will continue this week, and some sen upon a scheme that will cause consider- speech was read. It was the shortest •'951z* ¥ ft: medium, 5Ji95'4c: li international monetary conference, and sational testimony is looked for from one erable woe to the political strikers and ever sent from the throne and declared average, average, ’«*49 %c soft, 4%94%c. feeders. : '■ has taken special interest in the subject. Allison who joined the union as a spy bummers of that county. The two com that there was nothing for the new ad 3%c; stock, 3%@3%c. ministration to do. The message was Mr. Cannon has for years taken a lead and was elected secretary. mittees will meet in joint session to received with groans in the commons. ing part in financial operations in New The statement comes from high ec formulate and adopt a plan to protect A riot occurred at the Duquesne plant York. He was formerly comptroller of clesiastical authority at Rome that the candidates from the voracity of A resolution of “no confidence” was of the Carnegie company at Pittsburg, AT THE- the currency and is now president of the Archbishop Corrigan at New York had camp followers who trail along behind passed. The Liberal party is now in resulting in the injury of about fifteen Chase National bank of New York. Mr. fallen into disfavor with the pope be the candidates and ring in on drinks at power, and Gladstone is again the lead men. The foreman of the mill, Stagle, ing spirit in the commons. The party Walker is well known as a writer on cause he had contradicted in an iudirect every precinct in the county. Hereto and another workman were badly cut economic questions. He has been super way the written words of the pope that fore the candidates have traveled about is committed to home rule and that is about the head, and about a dozen oth sue will be paramount. intendent of the census and was a mem Archbishop Ireland had not in his me the county in a body visiting every pre ers received bruises and were knocked The customs collector at San Diegore down. The statement is made that a ber of the international monetary con morial expressed hit fear of a cultur- cinct. Their advent was always well ports that a large amount of gold dust ia ference held in Paris in 1879. He is kampf in this country if Archbishop Ire advertised, and invariably there was al number of old workmen were about to president of the Massachusetts Institute land's plan of education was not ap ways a part of the same crowd that re imported at that point from Lower Cal enter the mill to return to work when of Technology, president of the Ameri proved The authoritative and no lees joiced equally at the arrival of Repub ifornia, and considerable difficulty is ex they were attacked by a mob with the Main St.. Opposite Flagstaff. can Statistical society un*l honorary fel interesting statement is made that Arch licans or Democrats, and some of them perienced in obtaining information as to result stated above, and were driven lew of the Royal Statistical society of bishop Ireland on his arrival in New would ring in two or three times on one the correct amount. The assistant sec away from the mill. The assailants are retary of the treasury says that gold said to have been strikers from Home London. York and straight from his conference treat. This method has about well nigh I dust is exempt from duty and no con stead. Word was at once 6ent to the with the Pope peremptorily refused to Congress has adjourned sine die. A attend a banquet in New York prepared bankrupted the politicians of this I sular invoice is required. The depart camp, and a regiment of militia arrived county and both sides are now ready to ment is of opinion that no formal entry bill appropriating $2,500,000 for tbe in his honor at which Archbishop Cor and disposed of the mob. Two compa abandon these practices. thereof should be required where it is nies of militia remain at the scene. World's fair was pawed by the house rigan had consented to preside. DEALERS in brought in on the persons of passengers, just before adjournment. The Pinker As soon as the soldiers marched up the PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS’ TOOL8, To Haul Lumber. but for the purpose of securing statis ton investigation committee reported street the strikers, fell back and further Wholesale House Established. WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC., tics of information they should be re violence was ended. None of the repair and a compromise was adopted, which ' T WILL GIVE 1000 FEET of common quired to report to the inspector the forbids the employment of Pinkerton _L lumber at the Dead Indian saw-mill for men would go to work, however, being Bnilding Papers. Wrapping Papers We challenge the world for purity < °* * hauling 1000 feel from there to Ashland. amount of gold in their possession. guards in the District of Columbia. too badly frightened. Treasurer Curry and Twines. JAMES NORRIS. I goods. Tbe Medford Distilling and Re Hotel Pokegama. of the Carnegie company says the ma- Lumber yard north side of Railroad track The Native Sons fining Company has established a whole When you go to the big milling town on jority of the old men at Duquesne wish All kinds of , _ Col. R. A. Miller was up from Jackson i sale bouse at Medford. Our goods are tbe Klamath river,stop at Hotel Pokegama. to go back to work. There is nothing ville yesterday to attend a meeting of the made from the best of Corn and Rve and Notice to Settle Up. located opposite the railroad track on the artists ’ materials . Native Bong Association of Oregon, formed j are absolutely pure. We solicit your' banks of the river and conducted by Mrs. new at homestead. last year at the Pioneer re-union. They valued orders. Address, contracts tor E. K. Brightraan. than whom there is no VALLEY RECORD. Hood’s Sarsaparilla t'AKM FOR SALE. T s CRATCHED TEN MONTHS. IIOTOGRAFnS. SI OK Head Aches SWIFT’ PECIFIC W s JACKSON COUNTY H. L. WHITED, The New Jeweler. OVER $5,000 FINE GROCERIES F PLAZA mu STORE. ASHLAND KOLLER FLOUR MILLS J. C. BARRETT & CO W. P. SQUIRE, EVANS & BRUNK ASHLAND, OREGON. Special attention paid to Eastern Correspondence have arrange«! a program for their first annual meeting at Jacksonville. Oct. 8tb. - Ck>l R. A. Miller to deliver tbe address of w«taMM and Ucd. W. ihjan to deliv«r «a • oflrtjan. i 8 Suttasiifc T«ESS ! Flint Glass Mason Fruit Jars at D. L better landlady on the coast. Just the place decuord, cregon.! Aihpoieare requested to call at the store at I tor summer tourists; fine bathing, boating Minkler & Son’s. fishing and hunting. Beautiful trees shade | Eagle Point, and settle, as all the notes and 1 Durkee s Salad Dressing at the Crocker 1 atctfunffi ere peywble to F. U. IN LU W. I tbe hotel; a fine cool breeze blows up the fi* ttm Vssjjfy Kwm>. river. itrBtrUwstxvuuuiAUuuuj. Gjowry Ito* P ainting , P apering AtMand. Oregon. E tc . Agent for Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. of San Francisco—one of the best in the United States.