9 I VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD VALLEY PRRM£» BRICK*. K. V. Mills kit Tnroday for Chieatfo. m W Minnie Weaver ie visiting Eu- 1 ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: l^rf M F. ae «« roterned SetnrrUy from 1 fete trip to Woodbarn. Col. Fred Cwker ha* given $50 to the! Dnnsmnir M. E. dnnete. One year................... ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1802 VOL. V $2 50 Six months .......................... i Three months......................................... Advertising rates given on application. ba°o“‘‘ Hani melon arid Klamath'« R. It. C. CALDWELL, □„mt, p,« Conner.] Tbe Klamath Falls Express print« the i Dite. Attorney ««*>" ’* M>«nmone.) i following letter from C. P. Huntington: Highest of all in Leavening Power —Latest U. S, Gov’t Report. 1 MECHANICAL AND . Bowborg BatanAny. ■ u to Medfanll Medford Frida to represent the «tote 23 Broad Street, N. Y., Jalv 9th. dentist : Hugh Giltatte hao ratnrned from s a tour' in acaiaat one Hwnrr Robinaon Iu a case against G. J. Farnsworth, Klamdh Falls. ; I Chase Combination Dental Plates made i for polygamy or bisamy. The evidence Or.—Dear Sir: Youmof tbe 1st. inat. all throoieh eaatorn OnqpMi with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. was considered sufficient to bind the de | re eived and contents carefully noted Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth Rnfaa Cox’a big steam threshing outfit' fendant over to tbe grand jury, but be to perfect appearance. I will send your letter to California with ¡0 busily encased thia aeaeoo. Gold Crown andiontour work a specialty. kicked a hole through tbe jail that night tbe request to my people there to ex Office over the Bank. The people’a party I umi elected 8 sena and escaped. Toe eonstebte up there amine tbe matter. Extracting and «avoidable calls from 8 tors and 39 representatives in Alabama. telegraped Mr. Benson, “Prisoner es I hardly think we could be induced to to 9 a. tn. and 4 to 5 p. m. caped; what will I do? ” The answer build a road up tbe Klamath on account A summer flirt in a lawn gown is a of the cote of buildina, as I am told it mower of suaceptible masculine bearta was sent back “Catch bun. ” ». . BRIGGS, would be very expensive and a longer Tbe Huickinen’s Koewiy. Mia Mamie isaaca of Medford hsa road than to build from some other point LAWYER been parinc Grants Pass frienda a viait. Grants Paas Courier.] on oer road further aonth. I am mvself Asinas®, - - - O regon . Panthers are numerous and ravenous in favor of building a road to connect ASHL-A-ISTD, OURZEG-OJST. A daachter was born to the wife of oar improvements with the Klamath lake ip tbe Althouse mountains above Browo- G. F. Mehmidtline, Woodville, July Will practice in State and United S’ate- THE BEST BlILT, THE BEST FURN^SHED, town. They have kilted several calves coantv. My associates are rather slow Mtb. courts, and U. S. Land Office. febll for Jacob Hensenth and colts have dis- about doing anything at thia time. In AX1) THE BEST ¿OMDUCTED HOUSE Mra. Annie Grabam and Cbaa. Miller aupearsd in tbs same manner. It ia fact they do not see business enough to A True and Strange Story. JJOBERT A. MILLER. ling. Just at thia point in my cogitations ofBedBInff arrived Matnrday to visit aaT<I the panthers are able to kill a good- pay a fair interest on the investment though not being fully satisfied that my Mrs. Cote. aized deer and puck it aome diatance For my own part I woald be willing to E ditor V allby R ecord :— The following narrative is strictly time mental analysis of the problem was in Frank Morine and Ernaat Carter and Without letting tbs rorcaas touch the build with the expectation of receiving ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSEI.OR-AT- Eiriy particular painvut.ii faultless, aaaumroc, A I waa n no auvui IU every about to ArHearehotne from their tow east of the ground. Mr. Chapman's aheap are in only very small returns on my monev for and can be verified by at least six per ELECTRIC LIGHTS. "ismiss tbe the subject as a carious curious and un- XuA-W, that neighborhood, in charge <4 J. L aome years to come. I will be glad to sons other than myself, whose names ! dismiss Knighton, and the utmost care has to be hear from you at any time in reference to take the liberty to here insert without ust um I one when aa casting my eyea again J acksonville - - - - O regon . Invalids and others seeking pure air, mountain water Henry Booth and Ernest Philpot have ' taken to prevent consulting them. All are people of ma-1 tot ■inLrd the floweaa I saw that a beautiful ■vent the the.flock flock from t being these matters. tanacbed a new «ail baab^MMIM riser * dacfitaatod rose that fori _ pai t of the bunch or ture age, discretion and probity, are i You speak of a road through to Ya- by Uba praying vartninte. L-\-7. ' -v.L4 --------- Will practice iu all the courts oi the w: at Grants A mb . n a tremor had taken and desiring to benefit by the use of the various hot or cold State. Office opposite the conrCBtrnse' " qsl a e ®ay over tha Oregon Psctffc. I matter of fact discriminating persons1 1 bouquet th<t twaW ! featui the form, features and dress of a female Aok Your Friends do not know just what voa people would such as courts and juries are wont to heed mineral, chemical and sulphur springs in and near Ash Frank Appieitate, wife and son and | Mra. E. L. Applegate returned Friday to Who iiaveAaken Hood.'» Sarsaparilla what Want to do with a road there. If thev when on the W’tneas stand. If this nar- j tinman being. It appeared to be en J T. BOWDITC1I. sconced among the other flowers and land, will find sympathetic accommodations at the they think of it, and the replies will be pos- had any use for it I should think it rative should fall under their notice each Josephine county. near the edge or side of the bouquet near ftiv’e in ita favor. One has been cured of would, perhaps, be cheaper to get ont will bear me testimony that I have neith ATTORNEY AT J.A1V. The Oregon people’s party will have iadigedion ___ L. 1 «nd dyspepsia, another finds it that way than anv other. Yaquina Lay er exaggerated the facts set forth nor est the coffin and presented the attitude HO'FieL OREGrOlV. A shland , ..... O bkuon . indispensable two senators and three representatives in '* J*-------- 1 for siek headache, others re have I in any way deviated from a sin of looking down and at the coffin. Up port remarkable cures of scrofula, salt is a bay that is very difficult to get into the next legislature. to this moment I had made no mention Will practice in all courts of the state. and no vessel drawing over sixteen feet cere and frank statement of what oc rheum and other blood diseases, still otliers Mrs. Pracht is in charge as Housekeeper. Collections prompt!}' made. Mrs. W. W. Willets, of Prospect, has will tell yon that it overcomes “that tired of water can enter; and I understand curred at the time and place indicated.. ior in any wav apprised any one of the returned from a vidt with Ashland feeling,” and so on. Truly, ths best adver there is a ledge running across the mouth The names of the persons are John Clint, I occurrences that were passing before m v Commercial travelers will bear in mind that the | tising which Hood's Sarsaparilla receives is of the harbor which would make it very Mrs. John Clint, Timothy Noonan. Pat . eyes. I now became more interested friends ami relatives. the hearty endorsement of the army of expensive to improve so as to allow ships rick Fitzpatrick, Mrs. E. Carter and Win. | than before and thought licet to call the Tbe "infant industries” of this country friends ft nas won by its positive medicinal of a larger draft to enter. In fact I see Lyttleton. All are now, as then, resid-j attention of others to these strange ap prietor was “one of’em” for 15 years and knows how must be protected if it coats the life of merit._______________ pearances. Without moving from my take care of “the boys.” no particular use of their entering there ing in or near Ashland. every Pinkerton in America. It is what Hood's Sarsaparilla actually as Portland is pretty sure to do the busi I have no gift of power with pen by seat I leaned toward the person nearest JOHN E. PEI.TON, Miss Alice Carson of the Granta Paas does that tells the story of its merit and has ness of the Willamette valley for a long which to catch the reader’s attention and me, perhaps not more than six feet away, Address for terms, &c., time to come. I take it that what you hold it whilst beguiling his imagination and beckoned him to me. When he had public school, is taking a trip through given it the largest sale of any niedieine. want is a road out to our line which will with highly wrought and improbable advanced to my side he stooped his head Alaska to improve her health. Home First Things In Oregon. then connect fairly well with Portland tales that must depend for belief on the : to near my face. I spoke to him in a i John McBride, of Sisson, has been : whisper and asked him to stand just at The first marriage in the Willamette and be the best possible line to San Fran —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— nominated for assemblyman by the re valley was that of Rev. Jason Lee and cisco, which is the l»est city on the coast arts I shall use to mystify and mislead my back and to look over my shoulder at his senses. To me belongs only the novi!) publican party of that district. -ASKEL t YJSTTD OREGON'. I Ann Maria Pitman, on June 16, 1837. and will no doubt remain so, and be the simple power to put down in simpler 1 the bouquet nearest us. He did so. J. C. Hannon of Grants Pass, is culti David Lee performed the ceremony and great commercial centre of the west coast phrase the facts as they occurred, leaving i then whispered, do von see anything I vating the Japanese wine berry and has immediately after it Cyrus Shepherd and tor all time to come. Yours Truly, to time and evolution to demonstrate the singular or strange in that bouquet. He replied, “Yes, ’tis in a flutter and I see Susan Downing and Cbas. J. Roe and C. P. H vntington . quits a crop of tlie dark, rich fruit. cause thereof. i the image of a person there.” I eaid, Nancy McCay were also united, making 'All Kinds of Fresh Meats ’Tis not yet a twelvemonth since death ! now don’t speak a word for a moment Tbe Rev. G. W. Hoxie’s saw-mill of it a triple wedding. Mrs Jason Lee i called from among our community a lady, and I will ask these other people if they property and $1000 worth of lumber was died about a year afterwards and with l Kept constantly on hand. Fair livin r whose identity I have no wish now aiid destroyed by fire at William’s creek. can see anything. I then asked one or j prices is all that we ask. her babe was interred in the Lee Mission here to disclose. It was my fortune and two others to come to where we were. Will L. Miller returned Sunday from cemetery, being the first grave ever pre pleasure to have known her intimately They did so and in low tones I asked We will make it to your intere.-i A-IELIE DAILY -A-LLLLIVI^STG- liis visit in California, the guest of his pared in Oregon for the receptiou of a in life, and all in this city who shared a them the same questions I had asked of deal with us. ' febl’92 white mother and child. Rev. David sister, Mrs Joe Beach, of Monterey. similar privilege tbe dozen years of her the other person. Their replies were es Leslie was made a justice of the peace in residence here would admit that by her sentially like the reply given by the per- J. W. Howard and wile and Chas. 1839. He was the first officer to bear Stock Farm For Sale. gentle and uniformly kind disposition, ■ son first interrogated. By this time the Chanalor of Grants Pass attended tbe this title in Orejjon ami there was more her ready sympathy with all who were curiosity of all the company had become I Knights Templar conclave at Denver. title than anything else to it, since his HE BELL ESTATE, containing in trouble or distress, her uncomplaining ■ aroused and all came forward and stood I Col. Burton, Lieut. McClure and two appointment was simply acquiesced in acres of land in the heart of a good demeanor in regard co her own grievanc i in a group and saw and wondered at the cattle range. About 6 miles from Henlev soldiers of Ft. Bidwell have been hunt by the settlers. Dr. J. L. Babcock was ! es, she exhibited a fortitude remarkable Cal., on the Klamath river. strange actions and appearance. I then GENBRAL NEWS. ing and fishing in the Ft. Klamath sec Oregon’s th st supreme judge. He waa in these days when captious outcry is as ' asked them to stand as they wore till I ••• Also about 56 head of cattle. ••• :it elected when it was decided to do awav tion. often heard as quiet endurance is notice For further particulars inquire of Nearly all the buildings in Vacaville able. Her earlier history was known to should go up to the flowers and see if on THUS JONES, lienley, < al,, Mra. James Porter and daughter, Mias with the office of governor in 1841. He • nearer approach the appearance was the was instructed to render his decisions injnred by the earthquake last April are me. She like many another had under or W. T. LAIRD, Ager. Cal.. Ida, and Mrs. C. H. Sampson, of Granta same. They stood as requested. I according to the code of New York. niay28 Administrator-. repaired. The public school building estimated the width and depth of the walked along past the flowers but could Paas, have been visiting I’ortland E. ,1. FARLOW, Agent. Ashland, Or. will be ready for occupancy Sept. 1. friends. influence of early teaching and having in see nothing other than I had seen when A True Friend A special train carrying a party of the first years of her womanhood met at my chair. After this there was com If Grover should by any chance be re to the sick and suffering is Dr. Kaufmann's turned lo the white house he will doubt great Medical work finely illustrated. Send Pennsylvanian Knights Templars jiassed and married a man whose natural bias plete silence in the room for some min less be flrm and grim as of yore, but not three 2-cent stamps, to pay postage, to A. through Oregon and California en route and early training was as dissimlar to utes I know not what others thought. P. Ordway A Co., Boston, Mass., and re her own as it is possible to be, a decade Ruthless. so Denver. All the points of interest of years was spent in fruitless effort to : I did not care to ask. I felt a conscious- ceive a copy free. 1 ness of utter inability to explain these were visited. G. W. Riddle, J. B. Riddle and WiUQ. compromise their ineradicable differences things satisfactorily, occurring as they July Weath-ar Report. Brown have aold mining pronerty near The charge of corruption against of opinion on questions of propriety that were ata time, place and occasion so sug Following is the record of weather obser Auditor Miller of San Diego county has relate to domestic and marital discipline. Riddle to W. H. Taylor, of Chicago, con gestive of a possible demonstration of vations for Ashland, made by F. H. Carter, sideration $7500. Separation followed, and as always is the observer for the Oregon State Weather been dismissed on the ground that there case, hers being the sincere natuie suf that much discussed problem “can the waa no evidence of misconduct on the loved dead make a sign.” Any random Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Crosby, of Walla Bureau, for the month of July, 1892: fered most as well after the separation as or merely conjectural talk could onlj’ add Walla, Wash., will soon remove to Rid part of the officer. Shasta Line. before. mystification to mystery. I took the dle, where Mr. Crosby will take a posi K County Clerk Gassaway of San Diego K 1» But this is a digression. ’Tis not of same Beat again and watched to see if tion in the Riddle house. who has been on trial for alleged mis things M pertinent to her life that 1 would more unusual appearnces should pre Express Trains Leave Fort land Daily. A woman carries her purse in her hand conduct in office, being charged by the write but of something singularly re any Clear 80 40 sent themselves. I saw nothing more Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and Clear ao that other women will see. A man 91 50 late grand jury with navmg misapplied markable that followed. South I and after the lapse of an hour the image I North Cw 98 M funds belonging to the county has been at Prices that Defy Competition. 7:0Cp ru Lv Portland Ar 7:35 a m When the tidings of her ifeatW had had lo t its outline, tbs rose that formed Clear 54 87 wife won’t “get onto acquitted. lO.Äla m Ar Ashland Lv 4:40 p m Fair 53 spread abroad many kind and trne neighr : it waajmp and withered and the tremb 75 A AHord is running a new threshing 10:50 a m Lv Ashland Ar 4:10 p tn Fair 4U 75 It is reported that Owens lake, Inyo txirs came to the house of mourning to ling in ivelhent had ceased. We call special attention to C. M. HENDERSON A CO. ’ s (Chicago) Red 8:16 a m | Ar San Francisco Lv 7:00p ni Clear W machine thia year and when through 91 P. L yttleton . | county, Cal., has been sold to an Eng inquire if their services could be made Clear School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN & CO.’S (Boston) $3 00 calf B J !M 49 in thia valley goes to Klamath county Ashland, Oregon, Aug. 7th, 1892. Above trains stop only al following sta useful in any way. During the day lady lish syndicate for $3,000,000. The lake 49 Clear 86 where the season is later. Shoes, the best made. Every pair guaranteed. tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Clear is estimated to contain soda worth $200,- friends of deceased vied with each other 44 83 I bare no hesitancy in recommending Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, Snow, who aet the Yreka tail on fire Fair 41 73 000,000, and the object of the purchase in rendering those little attentions to the i ChamLerlaiW’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Tangent, Bhedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc befitting preparations for interment of : Remedy to the public, as I do to my friends I Fair 74 46 about a month ago, killetl Hamburg tion City, I rving, Eugene is to establish great soda works. Clear 80 46 the lady on the day next following. No and pairons. I used it myself after other John, an ol«i Indian chief, at Hamburg Governor Markbain has been pre place within my knowledge can or does ' well-known remedies had failed, and it ; Roseburg Mail Daily. 43 Fair "7 Rar last Sunday.—Yreka Telegram. 51 Cl’dy 78 sented by the Miners’ Association with a produces community tbe ladies of which cured ine in a few minutes. I recommend I.CAVK ABRIVX Fair 80 53 Engineer W. E. Snapp, for several handsome gold match box. The match excel those of Ashland in showing a hu . it candidly and cheerfully upon its merits. 40 Portland .,8:30am I Roseburg .5:50put Clear 81 | not from a financial stand-point, because I veers past with the H. P. on the Mt. mane tenderness of feeling toward the box was made from gold taken from the Roseburg ,7:<X)a m [ Portland .4:00pin Clear 46 87 haae others in stock on which I make a Shasta division, has resigned and gone larger profit, uul> hut ouv because uccituse Chamberlain's vlmml«rialI1 a „ Clear Gould & Doolittle mine near Dutch respected dead. Acquaintances intimate : larger 82 53 is east. Real estate investments have made Clear 43 85 i Albany Ixx:al, Daily,(Except. Sunday.) Flat, during the recent visit of the and casual came, many of them bearing the best remedy I know of for bowel com- him quite a fortune. Clear 45 78 flowers made by deft fingers into forms ■ plaints’ There is no doubt about it, it does Eastern editors there. LEAVE ARRIVE: Clear 53 78 of crosses, wreaths, chains, bouquets and | the work.—Janies torgy. Druggist. McVey- I). A. Hoff, the railroad man who wae Portland. 6:Û0pm I Albany . . 9:00p iu Clear 41 82 Sam Davis, editor of the Carson (Nev.) mottoes. These were arranged on the town, Penn. Eor sale by Druggists, injured recently near Eugene, has recov Albany . 6:30 am | Portland 10:30 a m 84 42 Clear Appeal, charged city officials with mal coffin and on stands and tables near by. , ered and waa with the crew that brought Clear M 45 Life Lost in War. When all were placed in order, then, in feasance in office. The grand jury in the circus over thia division. Hie lady Clear 89 48 frienda are pleased to know that Doll ia at vestigated the charges, and asked Davis delerence to a custom long in vogue in Dr. Engel, German statistician, gives Fair 53 90 PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. hinteelf again. Clear 91 50 the source of his information. He re the ancestral family of deceased, three the following as the approximate cost of 56 Clear candles were lighted and put in candle the principal wars of the last thirty 96 fused to tell, and was locked np for con A. Giddings and wife. Perry Johnson, 56 Clear 96 Sccond-Clas* Sleephiii Curs tempt. L. Stevenson, the man who sticks, which were placed near the head years: Crimean war, $2,000,000,000; Mary E. Johnson, Lixais Dean, Eugene 52 65 Cleor of the coffin on a small table. The light For accommodation of Passengers holding Spencer, of Kono, James O’Brien, and H. gave him the information, came forward from these candles was supposed not to I Italian war of 1859, $300,000.000; Prusso- Max. 96, Min. 40, Mean 06.02. second-class tickets, attached to B. Martin, of Aohland, were here this and released him from the obligation of be utilized for domestic purposes and Danish war ... of 1804. $35,000,000; war . , .. Express Trains. week nn limber land business —Lake While at Big Island, Va., last April, I was secrecy, and the editor was released. therefore was supplemented bv a large i the rebellion—north, $5.100,000,000; view Examiner. taken with a very severe attack of diarrhoea. oil lamp that was placed a few feet dis- ! south, $2,300,000,000; Prusso-Anstrian WEST SIDE DIVISION. All the mines in the Occur d'Alene 1 never had it worse in my life. 1 tried An elegant new line of Linen Papers and several old-time remedies, such as Black country are in operation. Troops are tant. These four lights made the room I war of 1866, $330,000,000, Russo-Turkish Between Portland and Corvallis. Tablets at D. L Minkler A Son’s. berry Wine, Paregoric and Laudanum, being sent home, and the union men un in which the corpse lay very lightsome j war, $125,000,000; South African wars, MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) The watermelon crop of Josephine without getting any relief My attention der arrest are bing prosecuted vigor and bright in the vicinity of the tables i $8,770,000; African ‘war, $12,250.000: was then called to Chamberlain's Colic. leaves : arrives : whereon they were placed. The room in Servo-Bulgariaii, $176,000,000. All theso erninty will be reasonably fair this year Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy bv Mr. ously. It is probable that one or two Portland. 7:30am I Corvallis. 12:10pm in quantity and ef good quality. The R. C. Tinsley who had been handling ft companies of troops will remain in the which the corpse lay was separated by a ' wars were murderous in the extreme. Corvallis. 12:55 p in 11 Portland... .5:90 p in n pricesAre good. Over 100 carloads of there, and in less than five minutes after district for some time. It is asserted partition from the main or larger room ’ The Crimean war, in which few bat At Albany and Corvallis connect with unelont were shipped out of that county takihg a small doae 1 wn entirely relieved that if all the troops are withdrawn adjoining, and both these rooms com- ' tles were fought, cost 750,000 lives, only prised the lower story of the house. The , trams of Oregon Pacific Railroad. —O G. Burford! Harris Creek, Amherst last veer, the < Iboerver reports. the non-union men will leave the mines, partition has a door in the middle which 50.000 less than were killed or died of Co., Va. For sale by Druggists. Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) Campers edible outfits; none can better stood fully ajar. The watchers occupy their wounds, north and south, during as they fear another outbreak. «nit you than O. Winter. LEAVE _________ arrivr :______ the war of the rebellion. These figures ing the main room were at all times in The Norwegian ship Frank Carville, A Much Dreaded Fly. Portland 4:40pm M’Minnville 7 :‘J5 pm _ it must be remembered, are German easy and close proximity and generally Will Nickerenn and wife, Mies Grace .»*«.. ---- . ■ The man eating fly of Central Amer 200 days out from Leith, Scotland, has ¡_ M’Minnville 5.45am Portland .8:20ain Marie in -=->-* sight of the structure whereon the and might not agree precisely with the Nickerson, the Misses Oekie end __ Matthews and Hattie Thornton, and ica inhabits the low lying coast regions, arrived at San Diego. She was so long coffin rested. American estimates. The Mexican and « TH ROUGH TICKETS h all point* C. C. Chitwood, Charles Harris and A. i and is much dreaded by the natives for past due that fears had been entertained As the evening wore along toward mid ¡Chinese expeditions cost t $200,<HK),000 EAST Alb SOUTH. A. Cunningham left Monday for a visit ' the fearful results which follow its for her safety. She was beating about night several of the watchers after asking and «« 65,000 lives. There were 250,000 to Crater lake.—Klamath Star. i sting. Naturalists call it Lucilia homi- Cape Horn for two months liefore she kindlj’ of tbe master of the house if their i killed and mortally wounded during the surveyor . u, x w v xw vr, an(J 60vernmenf Lan(j Locator. For tickets and full information regarding Salt—«tock and Liverpool dairy, a car lot nivora. The average specimen is about could round the cape. In a gale the for services could be of any further immedi Russia-Turkey war, and 45,000 each rates, maps, etc., call on company’s agent of the best just received by Crocker Gro- I a third of an inch long, it has a big ward house and cabin were stove in and ate use and being assured that their sym- [ in the Italian war of 1859 and the at Ashland. eery Co. JACKSONVILLE OZELZEG-OZISr. head, with the eyes on top. Its cheeks other damage sustained. A large part patny and assistance was greatly appreci-1 war between Prussia and Austria.—San R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, ated, withdrew, to seek their homes. | Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt The Granta Pnss hand challenges any are a golden yellow, its abdomen dark of the provisions was damaged, and for These AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac Francisco Post. departures diminished the number j band in Oregon <outside of Portland and bine with purple bands, its legs black, three weeks Captain Neilson and his of vatchers to the seven referred to, who ' tual experience, 1 am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the est of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 itateMi; of fifteen members or less to a its wings unusually big, and they pro crew of eighteen men have been living Regarded It ai a Real Body. soon began conversing in low tones in ■ ontaat for $100 a side, the winner to duce a continuous and loud buzzing on rations of one sea biscuit and a small couples as their desires or tbe choice of Ladies, Pay Attention Two old country dames, whom we take To War cent , second beet 20 per when in motion. quantity of thin soup a day. When subjects interested them. came across in the churchyard of an an ■•ent. and third 10 per cent. Contest to The person bitten by this fly gets a they arrived in port every trace of food It chanced t hat I sat alone. The posi- j cient country towm. were curiously re HY WILL YOU SUFFER. when take place at the Pam. disease called myiasis. It generally be had disappeared. All bore the depriva tion of my chair was immediately in line i garding a monumental stone, surmount you could get relief bv using the fa Equal to anv 10-c good.« on the market. gins with an itching of the nose, then tion without a murmur. with the partition door and likewise with ' ed by the recumbent figure of a woman mous, well known remedy Orange Blos Detroit Free Press 5-c cigar—D. I.. Minkler that organ swells and bleeds; next it be som, a sure specific for all the troubles nnd I The party that left San Diego for the the stand and table on which the candles, several sizes larger than life. A Sons. sufferings peculiar to the sex, when it has comes ulcerated, and in these ulcers purpose of bringing in the bodies of S. lamp and flowers were placed. These j “And so they brought the poor young cured thousands who stand ready to give -CITY- Prof. Slater, the spiritualist medium may be found the iarve of the fly. The J. Breedlove and Farnam T. Fish, stood partly encircling the bead of the : testimony of its great virtues and curative coffin. In the quiet and solemnity of the ; woman here and laid her a-top o’ that who predicted that Sieeon would experi whole face becomes swollen, erysipelas qualities. Ladies, remember its the old. reached Campo the other day on the re occasion and hour I began musing on the i there stone t Well, now, who would ence a disastrous fire on the 28th ult., tried and true, your friend in trouble and and which occurred aa predicted, eaid at ■eta in. followed by meningitis and turn trip, ami telephoned that the body sorrows, changes, and reversed situa- j ever ha' thought it ?' said one, laying a ■ time of need. Give no credence to these death. One man 1 knew shot himself of C. W. Breedlove, the sou, had been tions that ever beset and attend humani- | half-shrinking hand on the cold, hard the same time that another fire would new and worthless compounds that are flooding the markets For sale bv follow shortly ami that it would I* of in after he had been bitten rather than found only a mile and a half from the ty,and what would be the probable result image, which she undoubtedly believed TZEòJLJSrSIFIEIR,. MRS. M. ROBERTS, face the tortures he kuew were certain place where the other Ixxlies lay. He of the breaking up of this household i ; to be the veritable body of the long de cendiary origin.—Sisson Mascot. Helman street, near the Youle & Gilroy Go to Crocaer Grocery Co. for staple gro Cure is difficult. Subcutaneous injec had apparently been dead some length of Continuing to meditate in this mood with j ceased lady, which had been committed M ain S treet . O pp . B owditch ’ s O ffice . planing mill. I tions of chloroform sometimes do good, time, and was in the same desiccated my face toward the lights and flowers my i to the earth generations ago. By what ceries in large lot« at lo’w prices. Passenger Coach to Every Train, I but as often fail. One inan 1 heard of condition as the others. The body lay attention became interested in a gentle, ( process she imagined it to have been pet- i The R kcorp inadvertently neglected to tefc-Freight moved about town at rate, tremulous motion or stirring of the leaves ! MISS-OUTS mention the death of O. C. Gunnuson in was cured by lemon juice injected into only a few hundred yards off the trail and petals of the bunch of flowers nearest j rifled and enlarged to 6Uch a shape it 1^—Batik » alwaja LO ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE, the last iasiie, which occurred at the home his blood.—Interview in New York followed by the searching party two or me and not more than ten feet distant. would be curious to discover.—London wia. Only dice for the in bide. 2W bet m in Kamen,all winning. Perfect three times. All three bodies will be ' The motions were tremulous and quiver- Tit-Bite. of hie daughter, Mra. Rice, in Salem Tribune. work, weight, and cannot lx» de Fire wood of all kinds delivered any- tect4’d by outsiders. Confidential brought in by the party, which will : ing and were universal throughout, and Ho waa visiting there while en route to correspondence with games invit A Safe Investment where n town at lowest prices. Ashland trom the Portland hospital, ed. Price ‘ Mis»-OuU ’per set, reach here tomorrow evening. bad no swinging or swaying movement. Pair Birds Eye. ivory (see cut) pair, t2.50; loaded, Is one which Is guaranteed to bring you Eariy in ths morning lie arose, <ireseed A woman “ru% i My first impression was that a draft of high or low, S15. Ordinary work, to pass, bone, l z results, or in case of taihire a Bucklen's Arnica Salve. dotcii , ” overwork or • 16 inch, pair, SI ; Ivory, 61.50. Finest marked himself and started down stairs. While satisfactory return of purchase price. On this safe plan cards made, 60c, 61,61.25 a j>a» k. 64-page cat. FRk.&« The best salve in the world for Cuts, air was coming directly to the flowers ed, weal: nervoua deeending the stairs he fell, hie head you can buv from our advertised Drugg is Dice guaranteed. 1LI BBOb, Box K, CLlcofO, ih. and instantly I cast my eyes to the can i Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever and debilitated — striking the wall and breaking hie neck. a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery io Sores, have 2.1 to LU oenu on every dollar you s;tend Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains dles to see if their light was flickering or that's a woman Write for oar mr.ir.motb Catalogue. a 800-pagi Their that Dr. Pierce’s We have a soap that will please you. It Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring Coms, and all Skin Eruptions, and if they needed any attention. book, containing il lustra: ion aud giving lowe-l man Favorite Pre smells sweet, don't chap the hands, a fine relief in every case, when used for any af- positively cure« Files or no pay required. flame rose steadily and directly upward ufacturers’ 1 rice», w'.'.b manufacturers’ direouuts scription is made wssher, and will save you money. O. fectiou of Throat. Lungs or Chest, such as It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, and evidently were not affected by a of every kind ot good- and -applies manufactured Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs. or money refunded Pnce 25 cents per box. for. It gives and imported inuj the United States. Groceries, Winter. draft of air from anv direction. I then Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough. For sale by E. E. Winchester A Co. her health and Household Good-, Furniture, Clothing, Ladles’ I noticed that no other flowers save the General Snowden objects to newspaper Croup, etc,, etc. It is pleasant and agree and Gent»’ Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Dress strength. All bunch mentioned, were in motion, al Goods, Wh'le Goods. Dry Goods, llats, Caps, woman’s weak discussion of the lams outrage. He able to taste, perfectly safe, and can always Tons with Ulatortea. Boot, and Shoee, Gloves, Noti.m», t.Iaaaware, though all were seemingly subject to like nesses and all would, in all probability, be pleaaed to i be depended upon. Trial bottles free at E. The towns and villages of Yamhill Stationery, Watches, docks, Jewelry, Stiverware, E. Winchester A Co. Drugstore. 1 HARRIS & MURPHY BROS., woman ’ s ailments are cured by it. It ’ s a le conditions of location, with reference to order the "punishment” of every dissent- j Buggies,’ Whips, /.gricnltural Implement«, etc. TIME SCHEDULE county, Or., all have a history more or furniture and other objects near by. My gitimate medicine—not a beverage; an in ONI.Y FIRST CLASS GOODS. Catalogue sent ing editor, but fortunately the days of . ________________ _ ___________ >thing A Question aad an Answer. restorative tonic and a soot 1-’— ! less interesting. Lafayette is probably habits of thought through life have been vigorating, on receipt ot 25 cents for expreaaage We are the i witch burning and thumb screwing are only concern which »ells at manufacturers’ prices, Between Medford and Jack A correspondent in an Alabama town the most historic in the county. It was of a somewhat philosophical character and strengthening nervine, free from alcohol past (except in Pennsylvania) and both allowing the buyer tbe same discount that ihe and injurious drugs. It imparts tone and •ends a "poem, ” on the margin of which founded by Joel Perkins about 1850, and OREGON.! ASHLAND, nisnuiartnrer gives to the wholesale buyer. We and availing myself of the opportunity* to vigor to the whole system. he and Colonel Streator must take their sonville. rmaiantec all goods as represented: If not iound named after his native town, Lafayette, divert my mind and mood from the sad For all functional irregularities, periodical i medicine, un;alatable though it be. The he asks the following question: so, money refunded. Goods sent by express or ........8:30 a. iu. Jacksonville. Or “Do you Think i will Evor maik a Ind. Dayton, founded by General Joel ami introspective phase the occasion had pains, organic displacements ana uterine i freight, with privilege of examination before pay- Leave lesson mav teach them that cruel and un «» 45 it’s a positive remedy. ....... 1:00 p. in. H A. KAItl’EN & CO., usual punishments are prohibited even j Ritur?" Palmer and named after his native called about 1 sought to find a cause for diseases, 44 44 And a guaranteed ano. If it doesn't give ....... 4:10 p. in . 122 Quincy street, Chicago, lit in the disciplining of Pennsylvanian You may. But you are liable to have town, Dayton, O., was the principal tbe trembling of the leaves and petals of satisfaction, in every case, the money paid Opened at the old Ashland market stand on the flowers. Notwithstanding the leaves militiamen. Flogging been abolished Leave Medford, Or ............ ......... 9:45 a. m. it is refunded. No other medicine for Main street, facing the bridge. J-- >----- has aKX^. a__ . a bad spell of it.—Atlanta Constitution. shipping point for the entire Yamhill of no other flowers were in motion, I was for 44 H ,.. .2:00 p. iu. in the navy and prisons of thia _____ country women is sold on these terms. WE WILL PAY H 11 Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood. writing trom valley before the advent of railroads. alout to conclude that the most reason ......... 5:20 p. m. That's because nothing else is “ just as A salary of k2t> t<> S-’< per week to GOOD agents I think Ely's Cream Balm is the best Georgetown, Del., says: “Two teaspoon McMinnville was founded by W. T. able hypothesis was that tbe flames ot good.” Œ" Shop thoroughly renovated and re X- reprewr.l us in every c*>unty,and sell our general Trains run in connection with Southern remedy for catarrh I ever saw. 1 never fnls of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Newby in 1854, and named after his the candles and lamp were heating and Perhaps the dealer will offer something fitted. > :• or ,.trr<-!i:.u<t!-e-i iomofacuren*’ price», ONLY took anything that relieved ma so quickly, Diarrhoea Remedy saved the ■ life of Mrs. native town, McMinnville. Tenn.— •I-*-ksT siea OY r.ui'LorMEXT need Pacific trains going north and south. that's “ better. ” rarifying the air, creating a comparative Trains will stop at “Harbaugh's'’ on be __ Thomas, _______ , of _ ___ ___.” He also and I have not felt so well for a long time. Jane this place. .111 < a •>-■ ■• .... I iici-Jcula:» seuton receipt He means that it's better for him. vacuum and that the draft of cooler air ing signalled. .- _*» emu» for exprtfc'riajfe. I used to be troubled with severe heedaches states ------ that ‘ several ’ other very bad cases 01 Philadelphia Ledger. A. K XKl'EN * CO. in its passage among tbe flowers to fill two or three tames a week,—J. A. Alcorn, ,, bowel complaint there havebeen cured by The choicest of Freth Meat»—Beef. Mut lixQuiues Mrcet, Chicago, 11* ''Subscribe for the V allxy R ecord . W. HONEYMAN, President Ag t V. P. R. S. Co., Eaton. Colo. thia partial vacuum caused tbe tremb- this remedy. For sale by Druggists. The R ecord gets all the news. ton, Veal, Pork, Saeuaqee, etc. Keno, to ren uwta ■ nearer. aD<1 d**h‘*r * 10 muai ÊXCLUSIVELYÏFiRSTÏCLfôSD HOTEL OREGON Between San Francisco and Portland. MAX PRACHT, Prop. PELTON & NEIL, Prop's Beef, Pork and Mutton And will be sold at our well known LOW PRICES* • I T Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Hats, Caps, etc. EAST AND SOI TH J. M. McCALL. FOR MOST C OMPLETE LINE OF J Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To li. C. MYER. Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GENS, AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. N D YOUNG H M. MAYER H icks &M c R ride , W PASSENGER & FREIGHT A Liberal Share of Pat rouage solicited. NEW MEAT MARKET. r • ft > MONEY SAVED IS MOHH MADE, Rogue River Valley Railway Company.