The Quarte Mill. BREVITY BASKET. Supt. Wilenn has the Good A Thorn Impact Crasher quariz milt and tire Harv. Martin is at Lakeview. Water power at the planile? null site C. D cXnitnon« i« preparing to j edd’c ASHLAND, Os., nearly tn readmeea for l-tuii-ww Ore fruit in the neighimriioud >>f i’okeg .nia and from the Ashland Mining Co.’s mine will i also in Klamath county. be hauled tomorrow and it is expected ' W. H. Simmon«, formerly occupied in _ _ _ PF.IUMJNAL AND SOCIAL.. Weaver anti Field. that some crushing will be done Satur­ the planing mill, came up from Sacramento I TV Candidates tor president and vice­ day. Sunday on a business tnp. ! Janie« Morton returned to Bonanza Mon­ president on the people’s party ticket day. The New Filevator. Dist. Atl’y. Janies F. Lodge of Siskiyou I will paas through Ashland on the north­ - ------:o: Franeii Ply mala is up from Medford to­ bound passenger train next Thursday For Jacob's A Virgin’s Ashland Roller county, was married last Sunday to Miss day. ;Angust 11th} afternoon. The train ar­ mills is nearing completion. It lias a Olivia R. l’axton, of Ft. Jones. J. H MARTIN having purchased the The John Robinson circus exhibits at Frank Anderson has returned to Silver rives at 4 :10 and remains thirty minutes. I capacity of nearly 20,000 bushels, which take. Arrangements are being made to provide with the old elevator will give them Grant« Pass Saturday afternoon and even­ Wilson Walswortli stock of Mi«« Ijita Casev ha« returned from Eu­ tbe party with lunches and some of our storing room sufficient to accommodate ing. The papers up north speak well of it. gene fine fruits, etc., and have them give up their increasing business. Their new 17- No Other Sarsaparilla has tbe merit by inch I^iffel wheel has been placed in W. S. Crowell was up Tuesd ay from his the thirty minutes in speech-making. A running position while the water is low. which Hood’s Sarsaparilla has won such a firm hold upon the confidence of the people. •> people's party club will be organized farm. They are paying 55 cents for wheat. The Kings Daughters will give an ice I. N. shook and family are in the moun­ the same day. Has moved them into his store and is closing them [ cream and supjier entertainment in the Death of Henry Pape, Sr. tain«. Drowning« in Klamath River. ! grove Saturday, the supper from 3 o’clock I Henry Pape, who was stricken with to 9 in the evenin g. out at Figures that Astonish you for Cheapness. M im Coleman is «pending the week at Friday afternoon being hot, Wm. Cole»tein. Laird, eon of W. T. I^ird, of Ager, and I paralysis while performing bis duties as Found. — A pocket book, containing re ­ Mi»« McDonald of Tolo, is visiting Mrs. I Charley Sweeps, a young man aged about postmaster at Jacksonville on Wednes­ ceipts, etc., and evidently the property of B. Bea.b 15 years, employed at Win. Laird’s farm day of last week, died at the family resi­ Chas Chappin. Owner’can recover same dence Sunday at 6:45 p. in. The funeral Mrs. J H. Martin is in Oakland, Cal., went in swimming in Klamath river took place Monday afternoon under the by paving for this notice. i on bustne»». i near the mouth of Willow creek. I I J. F. Johnson, formerly a bar tender at auspices of the A. F. A A. M. Medford, was married in Douglas county Dr. and Mr«. T. H. West were visitors in Young Sweeps was so unfortunate as to Mr. Pape came to Jacksonville a num­ July 22d at the residence of Ben Wiseman, Removed to New Quarters loee his life by drowning. The body was town Monday. ber of years ago from Yreka and has al­ to Mrs. Mary C. Kennedy. Big Bargains in Boys’ (’lothing— recovered and buried at the Henley ‘ The 400 are returning. The mountain« cemetery Saturday, a large concourse of | ways been one of Jackson county’s fore- Earl A Vincent of Gobi Hili disposed of MRS. E. B. CHRISTIANS We have a large line, all reduced. are taking a rest. most citizens, having been county treas- 500 lbs. of salmon from Rogue river in Ash­ people attending the last aa-1 rites. urer two terms and postmaster of Jack land and have taken out a month's license Mr». Jo*. McVey catne over from Horn­ John Acer», recently from Michigan, »onvi’lje” ever since^cieveiand's first to sell salmon iii'the city limits. Men’s suits way down to close— brook last evening. BRING YOUR L. L. Burtenabaw of Myrtle Point has employed as cook for the Pardee, Cook A term. 1 8. M. and John H. Inman and their fam­ Fine Gray suits for summer, $5.00 to $15.00. , Co. loggers now at work on the Klamath ------- AND------- gone to Letuore, Cal. ilies occupied a private car on Tue-dav’s A Klamath Book Coming. i river at the rapids below Jenny creek, train They are railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 11. Tyler are at their , went bathing in the Klamath after snp- T. F. Riddle is writing a biography of I 1 southbound Special Bargains in men’s fine Cutaway suits— steamship and cotton-owners of world-re­ Dead Indian spring». | per Saturday evening with a number of himself, in this history of his life and nown. Reduced to $15.00 per suit. character, Mr. Riddle, the interpreter Ed. Wheeler of Bisson ia visiting Ash­ ’ others. He was an expert swimmer and Ex-Chief Justice R. 8. Strabn has formed land. A aerioua case. • allowed himself to get in dangerous who freed from mystery and obscurity so a partnership in the law business with 1 Men's fine Prince Albert coats and vests— Wm. Armitage is up in Portland and the quarters. He was floating down the much of the talk of the Indians to the Judge Whalley, of Portland, and they ---- TO THE----- whites the .■>«»<«»<. Modoc war, wm will ue be will open an office for business in that city stream on hia back and when near the >" “••7* during n-<= Willamette on a tour. Regular price $25.00, reduced to $15.00. Is now located on Main street, _ David Ralph leaves this week tor Madeira, rapid» flopped over and commenced Dy-1 equally good at disengaging from the about September 1st. Cal to paint the town ’ •*<« ing to to awirn swim out out of of the tbe wav. wav. The Ttc current ..5..-C..: ' ‘f'nniess of Modoc war hiatory every in- opposite Granite The Terry property on Pine street ha.« Men’s summer coats and vests, $2 to $3.50. waa too awift swift at that place ami and Boon soon tereating Greeting fact fact relating relating thereto. thereto. The Iwensold to Harvey Gage of Rosalia. Wash., i . iweek 'reka carried him over the falls, which waa the 1 'nanuacript will be replete with Modoc who will take possession this fall. Mrs. I> HERE CAN BE FOUND Everything and tn Nukiyou countjr. - last seen of ......................... . ..x . be placed in the Men’s summer coats, neat ones, $1 each. him bv his companions, j 1------- war sketches, and will in the Millinery Line at the Lowest i G. Terr;,’ and children left Monday for Prices. Mr». Dr. Mead and M um Bore Yantis left The men did all in their power in div- hand« of aome publisher with a view to Whitman county, Wash. Men’ summer neckwear from lOcts up. Monday for Puget »ound. t ing, ing, dragging dragging the the stream, stream and I other putt ng it into book form.—Klamath ■ Phil Mullen was over Monday from the ; Neat Fit and satisfaction guaran­ ... at .. • Star, teed. G. F. Billing» and family and Wn>. Myer ' mpana mean« fn to find tho the fwlv body. O On Sandav ^tar- __________________ i Spencer Mining Co. on the west branch of. ------- WE PAY THE------- Largest line of men’s and boys’ shoes j Cottonwood and reported that their new : have gone to Pelican bay. 1 f __ , , 9 o’clock p. m. the company’s upper J. dam Gohl Hill Item«. I two stamp quartz mill would be running in Byron Cole, proprietor of Coiesteiu. was ’*?_ V,r.?e<‘wo,?'<' aL ® ' in this locality. Prices way down. o'clock the next morning reduce the MfS-D*in has let contracts to several I full blast Tuesday on the ore from the ! over yesterday on biisioes*. depth of the Klamath at the falls where . part,e8 to *et out ore at tlle Bra Ie" ,u,ne mine. Men’s working shoes, $1 to $2 per pair. Abe Weiaa ia down the Klamath at the man was drowned, over one foot I Mire Stanley of Ashland is sojourning W. N. Luckey has moved his real estate Uottvilie mining for a month. A skiff was also constructed at the mill with the Misses ----- -------------------- Chavner near Gohl Hill. . office to Mrs. liePeali’s building two doors Men’s low-top Russet shoes, $1.50 per pair. I we«t of the Crocker Grocery Co’s, block, Felix Kahn of Fort Klamath passed Sunday afternoon to be used in the work A. J. Barlow caught twenty-eight and M. Mayer, the merchant tailor, has through Tue«day for Portland. of recovery. Men’s canvas shoes, 75cts per pair. > pounds of fish last Tuesday in aliout one j moved into the room just vacated south of Wm. lllrick was out in Klamath county 1 McCall's store. ! hour. The Temptation last week on insurance business. Men's boots, all at cost. How is your eye sight? If it is failing To go out of doors in rough weather >s r___________ Mrs. Irwin has been compelled to shut E. B. Hunsaker was up from his Table MANAGER. 1 or you are having inflamed lids, you not atrong, but we are, many of ua, coin- I down the mill at the Braden mine on ac- Trunks and Valises, all at cost. Kock farm thia week on bu«ineas. Fl It ST CLASS. | should consult Dr. C. F. Hughes, who .______ polled to face rough weather frequently. | count of the scarcity of water. Fred Curry returned iSunday to Grants Diseases which arise from a chill ^are is now located next to post-office, Ash- Big Drives in men’s odd pants. T n,..« ___ _ ..... Pass from his Ban Francisco trip. Lucky Bart of Sardine creek was in peculiar to no aeaaon of the year, I !1him,.tUonni!e8‘1,‘day’ AuBU8t 7,h * ** AUCTION SALE, Whittle. Batcbwell and Hogg have re­ ia true, therefore there should l>e in the iiie town last Tuesday after supplies. He is pushing work on his famous mine earlv turned from their Crater lake trip. cloaet of every household—what? l._. Mrs. Rena Smith and daughter Alma, of I ¿J A TIT UTA A V A TTfTTQT ml. ’ ot and late. Wallace. Idaho, who has been visiting ‘ i UKDAl , AUuU&l tit 11, Mr. Parker. Jr., rode up and returned to an unmedicated stimulant, absolutely devoid of anything but an excitive ac­ Professor Washburn of the agricultural friends in this section for two months, have Jacksonville Monday on his bicycle. gone to Siskiyou for an extended visit with I-V THE PLAXA. ooil Mrs. Wick Huff, the passenger conduct­ tion, but a tonic combining, in the college at Corvallis spent Sunday and Sirs. Smith’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Aytch. j effective form of an invigorant and an Monday at this place. He was out in or's «rife, came out Friday on a visit, —Giendale correspondence. ... ' alterative, the quality of defence against the interest of the college. NE HORSE, one set of harness hand­ ± “A cJ.'«nKes. of weather. Hostetter’. Stomach Ypatpriln v N , Chas. T. Bailey, a young teacher aged 24 made and gold-lined and a handsome from a viait at Delta and Castle Crag. Yesterday was Miss Nellie L. Barlow ’ s years, was drowned in the Klamath river Bitter. Bitters has three or four properties that buggy. birthday. She was made the recipient at the mouth of Thompson creek last : R. L. Ulen and Mr. Rockwell went out no other art’cle of its class possesses. Plow, Cultivator, Sundry Farm Imple­ Not Sunday. While in bathing he was taken ments, etc., etc. to Baldwin mountain on a hunting trip. I*. H. DONOGHUE, Not only only does does it it relieve relieve the the complaints complaints “L™ with cramps. This makes the third drown- which it eventually cures, it fortifies the te 8 ka e ber * BUr P n8e P art .'- Auctioneer. J. E. Hannon and wife, of Yreka, passed 1 ing in the Klamath on Saturday and Sun- 1 through Sunday on a visit to Washington. system against the bad effects of changes Men’s and boys’ white shirts from 50cts up. Large line of Jerrv Kinney, Riley and John Hani- day. For Sale or Exchange, Dr. Jones, wife and child went to Castle of temperature, fatally and too often mersley have returned from their trip in men’s and boys’ strain hats, all at cost. M. M. Obencbain and H. D. Pierson, the Crag Saturday, the latter to remain awhile, i shown in the deadly form of “la grippe;” the mountains. They killed eight deer latter the discoverer of tbe Annie mine in i it produces a radical change in the and caught any amount of trout. I the Bohemia district, are working on a TTii IOR AN IMPROVED FARM in South-; V ern ______ ____ __________ _________ Oregon. 640 acres of wheat land ... in ' ...... iweii ivr iiirce inuuius. . .. ,, . . .. , . .. ■ . .. uivdoib louiici purcnaseri Messrs. . oicvi Steel A Moffet purchased a quartz ledge five miles southwest of Horn 8uX*nT Cian,e.OU‘ ,r°m P?rtUind ‘*n'd.ta p'rovide SnaVlhe^laAge?’re mine from John Masterson two brook that now assays from $20 to $50 per the Palouse vallev, Whitman countv.Wadp O. took his family over there ington. The land is situated about 15 miles ton. Mr. Q. CALL TVISTTD EXAMINE OTTZEÒ STOCK. Sunday on their bicycles on a rusticating gt|ltin({ from an ¡Xoveri.hed condition tuilea above town, and are making prep- j Tuesday. : from Colfax, the county seat, and 5 miles arationa to work the aame extensively. trip. United States Marshal Tlios. It. Brown from Alniota. a steamboat landing on the! of the blood and a disordered state of the l>n;*eerr . i? fal1 acres in fall Dr Geary of Medford waa seen in town of Washington, day’s south train for Ft. Jones from the ecord to trade some of his property ) wheat wheat; ¡ between 450 and 500 oOO acres good plow ; | last Monday. He had been to see Mr. the R ecobd east. section. tand. the balance is good pasture land with house next to my store on Jacksonville Jottings. Dusenberrv, whose leg was broken last in that state for property in this section, living stream of water running through Bonnet McConnell caiue over front Yreka i Chas. Nickell is at Giants Pass. week. He found his patient doing quite Brown to is a reliable man and if any one « !*• hvnig J'O'niprovemcnts excepting some fenc- wants take advantage of a good trade yesterday on a visit with friends and rela­ nicely, they had had better better write write hi him. ing. Value $20 per acre. This land is sit­ Main street, I will open a they nim. Brad Dean and wife of Willow Bprings tives. J 1 uated ____ _____ in the _ _ greatest ______ wheat producing Messrs. McKinney <4 Slover have com­ «pent a day in town this week. I pleted Luther Benson, the temperance orator, country in the United States. i- My Siv oujec A. W. Cormack of Big Butte returned object in Commission House for the their wing dam on Rogue river Judge E. Watson and family of Port­ below the mouth of Sams creek and are ' who was in Ashland last winter, who had exchanging is to find a warmer climate, Tuesday from a visit with his son near such a struggle with the drink habit and ‘ '' .. .................... ........... land are visiting Jacksonville friends. Y reka. Address THO8 R. BROWN, doing quite well; in fact they get an ex­ fell again shortly alter he was here, died re­ aug4 Tacoma, Washington. sale of all kinds of Farm Pro­ Judge Hanna. Attorneys Prim and Fitch traordinary prospect. Miss Etta Judge arrived Tuesday from cently in the east. The story of his life is n Chico, Cal., on a visit to her parents and , attended court at Grants Pass this week. Oregon Weather atul Crops. Meaara. Wilson, Pracht, Bowditch and sad one, and a more pointed temperance duce. friends. Henry Pape, Jr., and wife arrived from Carter of Ashland and Edwards, of Tal­ lecture could not be written. For week ending Tuesday. August 2d, 1892.] j Corvallis Monday to attend the funeral of The Misses Wilson of Rock Point were in Mrs. Dr. Sawtelle, the lecturer, will re­ ent spent Sunday fishing along the tur­ WESTERN OREGON—WEATHER. Bring along your Flour and Ashland from Friday to Monday visiting H. Pape. Sr. bulent waters of old Rogue river for tlie main until Sunday and can be found at her the dentist. About normal tempcratuer ha« prevailed. : George M. Love has »old the livery stable festive trout. They were not very suc­ office opposite the Ashland House. tbeextremes ranging trom 5<'i to HO degree.«; Grain. 1 Treatment and prevention of disseases of John R. Norris and Fred M. Drake re­ to — Hines of Applegate, who took charge cessful. women and children a speciality. Miss E. the mornings have been cloudy, from noon turned Sunday from their northern trip as the first of the week. Charley Rippey who was recently en­ Sawtelle, her daughter, will give private it has been cloudless and warm. No rain ; J. H. MARTIN, I far as Idaho. Mrs. W. P. Miller and daughter left op gaged in business at this place js here i instructions ill physical culture tree of has fallen. Miss Alice Jackson came out from Port­ Friday's train for Ban Jose after a brief visit now packing iris goods and tinner’s uten­ charge morning and evenings at tne office. Crops —Heading and threshing is in full Ashland, Aug. 3, 1892. land Friday with her father, Walter Jack- with relatives in towq. . 7 operation, a large proportion of the winter- sils preparatory to shipping the same to I bight ia >• priceless; >>■ , uuve once >vo., lost, ..v.c. never 1 re- e- wheat has iieen been cut, considerable has been son, qn a visit, Mrs. O. Eckleson and children and Fred Healdsburg, Cal., whither he goes to en­ turns, Dr. r C. F. " Hughes, now located threshed and so^ie has already been <»e- John F. Winter has quit the passenger Pape arrived on Tuesday’s train to visit gage in business. B. * — ■ . The berry Is of ______ next to " post-office, Ashland, until Sun- ”-------- livered to - the warehouses. their mother, Mrs. H. Pape. train and taken a position as Wells, Fargo cures weak and in- ' much better quality than was expected and agent at Chico, Beware of Ointments for Catarrh ! dav, August 7th, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Hanley left Friday u — — __ : __ u:- __ I in niflnv sections it ia in onalitv I tn to flamed eyes bv wearing his Parisian j? nlanJ’ sections it is in quality poha equal that Contain Mercury, W. P. Lean’s folks have returned to San for Harney valley by private conveyance, -- lens, something intirelv new. the average. medicated Francisco. Mr. L. will remain at Wagner's and will be gone six weeks. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of Oats are turning out much better than springs awhile yet. and completely derange the whole Don’t fail to see him, until Sunday was expected, they will make fully two- Mrs. Theresa Gaskins and son of Califor­ smell only. Best for least money for CASH, system when entering it through the mu­ tliirds of a crop. Mrs. Bowditch and Col. J. T. Bowditch nia are visiting relatives. Mrs. Gaskin« is cous surfaces. Such articles should never Spring wheat has improved considerably Address for > ppc J h 1 prices, The Sisson Mascot editor has lieen at are at Grants Pass this week, where circuit a daughter of Chas. Schultz be used except on prescriptions from reput under the favorable influences of the court is in session. the top of Mount Shasta lately, with Smiths* Cash Store. The family of Sheriff I’elton came down able physicians, as the damage they will do weather during the past three weeks, so 410*41 K Front St., H. 1’. Rev. Rob*. Ennis and family areupfrom from Ashland Tuesday and are occupying is ten fold to the good yon can possibly de others, and says the government monu­ that more of a crop will be secured from it. Jacksonville today visiting Rev. F. G. the Miller residence, next door to II. A. rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure.'nian- ment is out of plumb, leaning to the than has been anticipated. Reports from Strange and family. Miller's law office. ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. southeast at an angle of 80 degrees. The threshed wheat are that it is turning out PokcRa m.a Noles. . contains no mercury, and is taken in­ force of the severe winter storms is pro­ from 20 to 35 bushels per acre. Jay Niles and family of Henlev were visit­ Teachers wishing to take the examina­ O and acts directly upon the blood bably the cause of its getting out of per­ Hops are beginning to come into . . Dr. Harwood, who recently located here, ing in Ashland. Mrs. N. lieing a daughter of tion for state certificates or state life diplo­ ternally, mucous surfaces of the system. In pendicular line. blossom, the lice have done some damage I is a splendid physician formerly of Yreka i Capt. A. D. Helman. mas may do so by presenting themselves at and ■ buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get already, but it is not expected that they : and has a fine practice. the next quarterly quarterly examination. Wednes- Well’s, Fargo & Co. have discontinued will be’ as bad as last year. the genuine. It is taken internally, and Mrs. Gen. Chas. F. Cadwalader and chil­ made in Toiedo, Ohio, by F. j. Cheney A their office.« at Bonanza, lM Medford today VII on WOIIIVO3. business. sen returned Saturday front a protracted t the —— consideration — —-------- ——----- O . $,(*). - - This —--- — 1.« — —— — visit in the Dunsmuir section. sirable piece of real estate and favorably 1Ö-, Rd. Sims, brotb.r-in-law of D. T- Will- I Red Bluff, where the speed association rac­ 90 to 105 degrees, the minimum from 45 to The First Step. ___________ - . iams, is here from Sacramento on a visit. es take place. They took with them “MacK­ 60 degrees. No rain foil during the week. Mr». E- J- Emmons .nd son. of Sisson, catqd- ey." “Frank Evans”and “Vanity,”and the Tbe wind has had less velocity than Perhaps you are run down, can’t eat, ha*e been visiting 8. J. Tutthill's family in The reports oi the San Francisco Mrs. E. L. Mann, wife of the popular J probability is that there will be some sur­ foFMieriy. can’t sleep, can’t think, can’t do anything . Ashland, returning home Tuesday. Board of Health, and of the Taeoma, freight conductor, is over from Dunsmuir, prise when these horses are turned loose on Crops.—Wheat harvest is well along in to your satisfaction, and you wonder what! the California tracks. — Lakeview Examiner. the Columbia river counties, the reports Seattle and Spokane Boards of Health, on »visit- Conductor Tom Kearney went to work ails you. You should heed the warning, l again Monday after an aosence of a month are unusual tributes to be paid even to Have you tried the Detroit Free Press? indicate a better berry than usual and very you are taking the first step into Nervous ; Our Stock is the cleanest, best arrayed and Butler went _ to Castle Crag today Joe Butler.went well filled heads. The fall wheat will on a vacation as far north as Idaho. i Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and i an article of so high a character as the ; where his wife has been taken down with' Its a 5-center. best satisfying—if freshness, cleanliness and a -, erage up fairly well. In parts of Gilliam, in Electric Bittern you will find the exact. J. T. Briggs, wife and family, of Sheri­ Royal Baking Powder. These Boards typhoid fever. John D. Ruggles, th© stage robber, Morrow, Sherman and Wasco counties not remedy for restoring vour nervous system [ dan, Placer county, are visiting Ashland, say, in their judgment “it is impossible low price is an object. C. H. Warrington, railroad agent at on»-half a crop will be secured. to its normal, healthy condition. Surpris­ the guest of one of the family, Mrs. J. W. to' make a purer or stronger baking Woodland, with his wife and daughter have murderer and lvnchee, lived in this over Spring wheat is poor and much of it will ing results follow the use of this great Nerve section in 1890, working at the Messen ­ Moran. been stopping at the Depot hotel. powder than the Royal.” ger saw-mill at Dead Indian, for Ras not lie cut; some fields that last year ! Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite re­ Albert Roach came over from Yreka P. B. Whitney, who piloted the six car­ Wellsand Austin Bish. He went by the ! averaged 25 to 30 bu«belr to the acre, this turns, good digestion is restored, and the Connell Doings. Monday with C. W. Kahler's blooded loads of Knight Teiuplars from Philadel- I name of Thomas Harrison Hayden, and year yield from 21 to 27 bushels per acre: Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. I mare, that has been over at Swan’s Special attention is directed to our Finest Sugar Cured Try a bottle. Price 50c. at E. E. Winches- : Minutes of meetings beld during July > phia that passed through Friday for San was a good hand and a very quiet man. lu other fields there is a less yield. Oats are fair and vary in’ condition as ter A Co. Drug Store. stables. G i Francisco, returned on Monday’s train, approved. Hams, Teas and Coffees, Canned Goods—Imported Fancy At the saw-mill lie. ftaq'ld1 hot sleep does the wheat. Corn is coming on fairly Mrs. E. L. Applegate, Frank Applegate, Monthly reports of Marshal Smith,. Wanted—To rent a good kodak for lteal Estate Transfers. wife and sun came up from their Jose­ Recorder Berry, St. Com. Nelson, Water i about a month. Care of instrument guar-< with the iqeu at‘the bunk house, but well. and Domestic Brands. Our prices all through are the East and south of the Blue mountains Would take his blankets to a hay stack phine county home Sunday on a visit with Theo Cameron to Win Cameron—land in anteed. Address “Outing,".-egre <4 «ie-1 and sleep there. hay harvest is yet in progress. Wheat and Supt. Dodge accepted . friends and relatives. ori > office. oats are indicating less than average yie[ds. see 1. tp 39 s, r 3 w; $100. Petition asking council to extend water , Theo Cameron to Zack Cameron—20.48 Headmaster John Galvin and wife re­ Best line of baking powders in the citv at The warm weather of last week did no E. D. Foudray and family and Miss Leta damage, but was rather beneficial, as it acres sec 3, tp 39 s. r 3 w : $1. turned Monday from their eastern trip pipe down Oa|t street, also a petition Rose are caniped at Colestein. Their hors­ Winter’s. Lena A MacNevin to S F Chadwick—35.45 Galvin has gone to work and was here yes­ asking that a water pipe be laid along , es got away Tuesday and came home to j advanced the vegetation. Mellons and the upper part of Church street, were ' Phoenix, Mr. F. coming after them vester- I Sam Jackson, a «¡hasta vajiev farmer ! sweet corn are ripening well and will lie an acres sec 18, tp 3G s, r 2 w d of c; $1. terday with Surveyor Grondahl. Louise .McAllister to same—30.45 acres in «huge wealth is rated up in the hundreds 1 average crop. Mrs. D. W. Mathews and son were ! each read and referred to water com- day. sec 18, tp 30 s, r 2 w; $1. of thousands and who in appearance visiting Ashland friends the first of the 1 m it tee. J M McCall to E K Anderson—1.30 acres The month of July was much cooler than Geo. Stephenson has n,ovcd into the Old represents the typical backwcods bay­ week en route to Klamath Agency from a Amended field notes and plat of survey Pioneer bqildiiig on Oak‘street, which has usual, west of the Cascades there were no . tp 89 s. r 1 e q c d; $1. visit to their former home at Salem. ' of High street; referred baejt to city 8Ur- been fitted up as a dwelling. J. H. Mo- seed aa he is pictured on the stage and in very warm days, while east of them it was Lucinda Pullen to Josephine Paley—lots copaic cartoons, went over to the Castle not until the past week that very warm ) 28 and 29 blk B. and lots 29, 30 and 31 blck Bnde will rent the buildim- which he va ­ W. H. I’ L Legate took his family over to ’ yey or for further amendment- I ' C'rag Tavern where the “nice people” weather was experienced. I M. R R add to Ashland; $1000. cated. where the Ktatnath i Tqesday, __ __ _ he is operat- Resolution adopted: I from the city go. He was not allowed to Wm Edwards et al to I J Phipps—prop­ Tbe rainfall was generally less than an ¡r,g the Medturd fard company » placer ___ mine Hiwon had a $50,000 fire last Thurs­ dine at this fine hotel and invited to inch, was fairly well distributed and was erty in see 19, tp 37 s, r 1 w; $1. Resolved, that all persons be and here­ | and reports it paying well for top dirt. by are prohibited from using waler from day. Sixteen families were rendered . Chas B Kingsburv to O T Brown—105.41; about the average. Jerume Churchill. Jr., and wife, Jesse the citv water mains of the city of Ash­ homeless. Knight A Son and J. Silber- leave. When the hotel managers found acres tp 39 s, r 1 e; $3500. Churchill and wife. Misses Wheeler, Dr, land, Jackson county, Oregon, for irri­ stein <5c Co. were the main business out who it was that they had treated in Volna Webster to Maggie F Noble—194 I Racing With Wolves. ' this manner, they hunted up Mr. Jack- Collar and family, Bryce Martin and Ed. feet off the north end of lots 9, 10 blk 8, son and apologized most abjectly and. Many r thrilling tale lias been told by Medford; $200. McMulta left Y reka this week for Crater gating purposes, during the months of bouses destroyed. August and September, 1892, except be­ lake. Mr. Robert«, the English gentleman who profusely aad now Mr. Jackson is the travelers of a race with wolves across the C B Kingsbury to J K VanSant—13 acres ! tween the hours of five o'clock a. ui. and has been stopping at Hotel Oregon for the star boarder when he goes to that place, i frozen steppes of Russia. Sometimes only in Ashland; $2000. T. M- Hurlburt, wife and child, are the picked hones of the hapless traveler are Dr Win Jackson to Robt A Miller—house | stopping at Hotel Oregon- They lived here , one o'clock p. m. on Wednesdays and pa«t few months, has returned home to Durkee s Salad Dressing at the Crocker found to tell the tale. In our c< untry and lot on California street; $700. in railroad construction times and Tom is between the hours of five o’clock a. m. British Columbia. Besides being a cultured thousands are engaged in a life-and-death U S to Edgar D Rose—100 acres sec 17, tp I now county surveyor of Multnomah and six o’clock p. m. on Sundays. That gentleman, be is an artist and has taken Grocery Co. race against the wolf Consumption. The all persons violating the provisions of many sketches of the scenery about Ash­ county. The Crescent City R ecord reprints the best weapon with which to fight the foe, is 32 s, r 3 e. land, with which he is charmed. L Woolridge—80 acres sec 4, following from the C. C. Herald of June Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. I tp V 37 8 s. to r Geo Misses DeShields and !. L. .Minkler DIED. $1*0.06 »nd-wite. Mrs?Chas. Barnum and children, tain Herald says they asked permission Estate of Baptiste Chegar; ordered that Joe Olwell. of Central Point, passed ; g . o . W’. Smith—»alary for July - 50 00 (.. H. Vaupel and family, E. C. Kane and of the whites to avenge their bretbern, Sept. 6th be fixed a> day of final settlement. through Monuay V» take a course in > Ira C, Dodge—salary-for July 40.00 family. D. II. Mills and wife. Mrs. M. L. and that it was promised them, unless Estate of Elizabeth McHr-ium, 8. T. Son­ VAN ATOR—At residence of his daughter. Head s business college. oat« Man Francisco. . ; J. T. Bowditch—salary for Ju: June and HICH we are prepared to give you very low McCall and a lady friend, Mrs. I. W. Rerrv. the Shastas would give up certain fugi­ ger appointed ad.ijMisiratbr and letters is­ Mrs. D. P. BriUain, near Talent, Aue. 2, w ____ _______ young Juab an industrious youn man who *■ will - ......... July ............................ 40 00 Mrs. J. Thompson, Mrs. Hawes, Mrs. Her ­ 1892, 15. F. Variator, aged 82 years, late of tives from justice, who bad conimitteil ____ _______ ... u;. sued Viilu u&nd at $1600. prices on, Especially in Quantities. Big As­ make «omeihing out of his schooling. Milton Berry—recorder's fees for bert Parker. T. E. Godfrey. I. W. Burris Ottwnwa. Iowa. , Estate of Jacob Worlow: Tuesday Sept. ___ ’............ .. . 17.80 and family. Miss Smith and Miss Minnie an aggravated crime Iowa papers please copy. O. H. Blount. E. J. Farlow, M. N. Long. J. July 6, 1892, appointed as day of final settlement. sortment of Camper’s Supplies and Picnic Goods. a i M.’Hanson—lumber .......... 2O.00 Preaduiore spent Bunday at Colestein pic- Flint Glass Mason Fruit at D. L R. M. Garrett and son, Dan Waliiroop Norris, ditto.......................... 7.00 nieing. They rode on the observarion car Minkler & Son’g, We also have a nice line of Wood and Willow ware. and Jos. T. Million returned Tuesday from Jas. 8.50 and had lots of amusement poking fun at I a general outing tour through the lakes Hicks A McBride—hauling The Elkhorn cigar store had on exhi ­ A. E. Matson — blacksmithing 5.15 i a newly married couple who werc.s|,reaaihg and the famous Crater lake, having had a Wm. Nelson- labor on streets 37.00 it on each othsp pretty tlik-k. bition «luring the last week a monstrous fine time. ¡All the leading brands of Cigars and Tobacco. And the A. B. Potter—lalior on streets rattler which was captured near Boc:i\ •' ------- ------- Fred Hansen, son and daughter have re­ F. C. Hunt-labor unstrews. Hotel I’okegama. 17» much by Mr. Fred Hansen on ki«i letftrn ¡ largest and best selected stock of Books and Sta­ lift turned frotn a toqr |o Crater lake and the T J Maxfield—lubet on street« When you go to the big milling town on .»luping and recreating points in its train- H. lloarb—labor on streets » • • 1 50 the Klamath river.stop at Hotel l'okegama. from a summer’s outifig »1 rob favori‘e tionery te be found in the county. wate;'u;g piaees.' Nis »nat'S’iip was as The trip was taken for their g test. Dr. W. Richard Payne—lialance due for an- located opposite the railroad track on t‘_M itnal sold from pound ............ (?. Baylor of Willows. Cal., who is so much ll.iXl luinks of the river and ccmiijpteq uy Mri, Wne a specimen»; ot.e wonlr some com­ the Complete List of Oregon School Books. fishing and hunting. Beautiful tree- shade Dr. C. F. Hughey, refraction specialist, total $361.25 the hotel; a fine cool breeze blows un ’h> petent taxidermist, but unfortunately no „naiaqew located next to the fwet- one could lie found to remind him that On motion the council adjourned. ' river, hirst-class accomniodat^us 1 r the “dogdavs” were here. The boss after j^TWe Guarantee Bottom Prices otfice at Ashland until Bunday, August M ilton B erry . Recorder. 7th, makes the adjust inent of spectacles, V.’o^en are now in politics to the ex-1 extracting his fangs and curtailing his eve-glasses, bearing instruments and Are you daaf? Hearing '„meuig tenf of (J335 postmistresses. This is a tail, fired bim out of the back door to go artificial ayes his »i>ecialty. Free ex­ and _ound qiara of afi kinds kept by Dr. larger number than we had supposed, and rattle no more. amination of the eye, |aU«v improved C. F. Hughes, who is now here at Ash­ and we are glad to know that the la:ger Sliced sngar-cured bam. chipped lieef. inssrumenta for examining the eye and land next to post-office. Free ex- proportion is in the ^outb—to serve as cheese, and canned meats in endless varie­ Vsed in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. _ a . szhzz L i - a . zn ‘ zd , ozeòzeg - ozlt sat, sa call at once—doa’t delay. aminations given. See him at once. object lessons of women in busineee. ty at Winter’«, si • » < >' it VALLEÏ RECORD. Destroyed by Fire. The residence of W P. Farlow of Lake ¡ i creek, was lemei to the ground Last Fn dav with the entire contents, nothin? te­ : T xcmds V, Aug. 4, 1<(2 ína saved. The total loes is $2iXk). With ' insurance on tbe house. At 0. H. BLOUNTS DRYGOODS, NOTIONS, ETC Here is the opportunity of your life for Bargains. Hey, There! MILLINERY BIG FAT HENS DRESSMAKING STORE W HIGHEST CASH PRICE H. D. PARKER. GEO. MARKLE BLACKSMITHING ! Spring O LLn'to W Street. Tolls We carry C and cuffs. Co.'s fine white shirts and collars They are the finest in the market. FARMERS “>Tlllio" »1 • ,•»»!" recoil. Yours Truly, O. H. BLOUNT, Ashland, Oregon. ARVEST OPERA HOUSE GROCERY a “T.” lowest, way down. 0. WINTER We are just in receipt of some Large Invoices of GROCERIES BOTH 1CM W I D^PRiCES D. L. MINKLER & SON, V • a . • « i *»