VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD PRESSED BRICKS. Wanted—-A la<ly to wser the Capo of Good Hope. Mr. Rsnsome and wife have gono to Oakland, Cal Alva Beale and wife returned Monday to Klamath Falls. N. Baer, of Central Point, has returned from his Trass trio. To tho wife of Hamuel Vandyke, Med ford, April 17, • soo. In Medford to tho wife ot F. T. Crewe, ApYU17tb,a daughter. Seos Brown was in from bis Round prairie ranch last Saturday. Ex-Sheriff Wm. Bvbee was op in the Puget Soand section last week on basi- VALLEY RECORD- VOL. IV. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1892 ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. NO. 51. 8UB8CR1PTION RATES: One year................................................. $2 50 Six months ............................................ 1 0 Three months................... ..................... 75 4.4vpr i-in ra’ei given on application. Home from Germany V. sALuhnl.L, Peachblow Paradise Pracht received a w 2 Highest of all in Leavening Power. — Latest U. S. Gov ’ t Report letter from hi« eldest son, Wm. B., MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE dated Cincinatti, April 17tb, announcing DENTIST. his safe arrival there from Freiberg via Chase Combination Dental Plates made Hamburg and New York. After a few with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. weeks to be spent in visiting relatives in Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth Cincinatti and Chicago and a short stop to perfect appearance. in San Francisco, Willie (who has now- GoldCrown and Contour work a specialty. Milton Gregory has a position with Office over tbe Bank. grown a lovelv mustache, as all the Hammond's surveying party of Port- young ladies say who hive seen his land. FRESH SAUSAGE in 5 and 10 lb. Pails, seaed photo’s) will make his reippearance in D. BRIGGS, Tbe fruit crop in Hhasta county, Cal., Ashland. His father says that to keep with Lard on top. has been almost entirely destroyed by him out of mischief and matrimony, he LAWYER, frost. has secured him a job breaking rock for A shland , - - - O regon . Supt. Wilson at the Ashland mine, and E. Sayles and wife were down from expects to drive him over from the Steinman last Saturday laying in sup Will practice in State and United States For Sale by station to the mine direct. In this case plies. courts, and U. 8. Land Office. febll however, tbe R ecord is of opinion that Mrs. J. M. Wild and children returned Max will not connect — the Ashland TALENT, Jackson County, Oregon. Sunday from a week’s visit with Granta J^OBERT A. MILLER. girls have decided to have a dance at tbe The Russian government has closed Matthew Stanley Quay, that good Pass relatives. Dont Know What Strack Him. Oregon first. its smokeless powder factory. statesman from Pennsylvania, insists Levi Eagan, tbe carpenter, is com Colonel Cogswell, of Lake, who in tbe Queen Victoria’s coming visit to the that the world’s fair must be closed on ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSELOR-AT- pleting Homer Gee’s residence on Democratic State Platform. democratic state convention intended to Sunday. For a long time it has been German court will be strictly private. Granite street. Adopted at tbe stale convention April lav Jackson conntv on the shell and then LAW, Emperor William will visit England in. thought immaterial bv him whether the On April 10th, tbe home of Dick Bee ruptured himself before be got his own 20, 1892: ballot-boxes in his state were open or July. J acksonville - . - - O regon . wick was blessed by tbe arrival of a 101b slippery carcass on the band wagon, has The democratic party of the state of closed on election day, but the bank ac- baby daughter. European powers are anxiously watch •ount of the tariff beneficiary has been the Portend Telegram give the following Oregon, in convention assembled, renew Will practice in all tbe coarts of tbe their pledges to the principles upon ing affairs in Bulgaria. War may be open to him at all times. Quay is F. H. Downing, an experienced miner version as tbe cause of the wreck: State. Office opposite the C iurl house. which the democratic party is founded ; of Uwdville, Col., is visiting his father precipitated by that cxmntry at any mo much in the habit of bossing that he C. A. Cogswell, of Lakeview, demo at Central Point. cratic nominee for state senator, and remembering that they represent a party ment. cannot let even the world’s fair alone. J T. BOWDITCH. Lieut. Fred Sehwatka, tbe noted ex who took an active part in the recent not created by political expediency or de An investigation by the German gov pendent for existence upon temporary We have a soap that will please you. It plorer. is at Drain suffering from a democratic state committee held in this ATTORNEY AT LAW. ernment has disclosed a league of an «mells sweet, don’t chap the bands, a fine city, was an aspirant for national esu- success, but coeval with the constitution severe disability, A shland ,....................................O reuon , archists whw object was to terrorize wisher, and will save you money. O. and adhering throughout its history to A eon was born to the wife of Frank vention honors, and the reason of his that instrument. Winter. all Europe. Will practice in all courts of the state. Applegate, at Slate creek, Josephine failure to secure the nomination is in First—We reaffirm the doctrine of the During a mission recently held at Collections promptly made. teresting. Mr . Cogswell was a member county, April 17th. -ÆSZELL t ATJ id , OTL.EG-OJST. democratic national platforms of 1884 Montreal by the Paulist fathers of New K. R. G. MADE HIM FAT. Mrs. R. M. Simpson, wile of a Jose of the committee of five on credentials, and 1888, indorsed by the popular vote and while he was busily engaged pre York 50,900 people signed the total ab THE BEST BUILT, THE BEST FURNISHED, phine eounty nurseryman, died on tbe M emphis (Tenn ), October 7, 18S9. paring tbe committee's report bis four in those years and so overwhelmingly stinence pledge. 14tb, aged 35 years. ratified by the popular verdict in the R oyal G ermetcer Co.: AND THE BEST CONDUCTED HOUSE colleagues, who were also candidates, The new clock being made for St. Wm Johns was in town from the north were in the convention working for the congressional elections of 18140, and point G entlemen :—You will be pleased to learn Paul's cathedral in London will have a that I am thoroughly restored to health last week and went to Siskiyou county very place Mr. Cogswell desired to se with pride to the administration of The thanks to the efficacy of K . R. G. I am bet JOHN E. PELTON. K. P. SUL. canvassing Monday. cure. Had the gentleman from Lake Grover Cleveland as exemplifying the face thirty feet in diameter. ter than I have been for ten years. After a "Assignee” Rodgers is iu Seattle and view allowed the committee work to go emlxxliment of those principals in prac hammer which strikes the bell weighs thorough trial of Germetner'l do not hesi has transferred hie assignee business by default, he could essilv have secured tical government affairs and condemn the 680 pounds. tate to say that it is the best medicine ex ELECTRIC LIGHTS. over to the circuit court. the nomination, but he realised that the wanton extravagance of tbe billion-dollar Two men found a grenade at Berlin tant—[Henry W. Grady said : “I believe it congress, whereby the surplus of the — Retail and Wholesale dealers in— Horace Creese, aged 40, of near Colfax, work bad to be done; that tbe other Invalids and others seeking pure air, mountain water and being unable to carry it home they to be the ultima thule of medicines.”—R. G. Co.]—an able substitute for the family Wash , has gone insane on tbe doctrines committeemen would not do it, so he jieople’s money has been squandered. tried to smash it with a hammer. One doctor with his nauseating doses (Germe and desiring to benefit by the use of the various hot or cold Second—We arraign the party in power sacrificed ambition on tbe altar of of the farmers alliance. for its utter disregard of all the pledges man was blown to atoms and the other tuer is pleasant to take] and alwavs exor The female spiritualistic never ex duty. bitant bills. My daughter has been greatly mineral, chemical and sulphur springs in and near Ash made to the people, whereby its ascen fatally injured. troubled with indigestion. She began us poses herself. That is to say, she never No Other Sarsaparilla has the merit bv dency was secured st the last national Correspondents assert that the object ing Gernietuer September 27th, and I never goes out without her wraps. which Hood's Sarsaparilla has won such a election ; and especially do we condemn land, will find sympathetic accommodations at the of France in invading Dahomey is to se saw such rapid improvement before She If some men could only be convinced firm hold upon tbe confidence of the tbe McKinley bill as the blighting cure the buried treasures at Abomey. insists that it has entirely cured her of in All Kinds of Fresh Meats that it pave to be good, they couldn’t be people. digestion and her general health is much No Other combines the economy and iniquity of the age. It is estimated that 500,000,000 francs in kept out of church with a gun. improved.” Kept constantly on band. Fair living strength which make "100 Dores One Dol tariff reform demanded . bullion is buried there. November 17tb—“I have entirely recov Dr. Geo. W. McDonald, the Yreka lar” true only •( Hood’s Sarsaparilla. prices is all that we ask . Mrs. Pracht is in charge as Housekeeper. Third — We declare our unfaltering ad The European ministers in China have ered my health. When I left Hot Springs, No Other possesses the Combination. veterinary surgeon, was over last week We will make it to your interest to Proportion, and Process which make herence to the cause of tariff reform, presented a joint note to China concern Ark.. I weighed 160 pounds; I now weigh to see a sick horse of Homes’«. 219.” holding that the policy of favoritism pur Commercial travelers will bear in mind that the pro deal with us. fehl *9*2 Hood’s Sarsaparilla peculiar to itself. ing the the murder of the missionaries, Mrs. John Weeks, of Phoenix, is this December 1st — “ I weigh 236 pounds — a sued by the republican party in general and it is probable the United State« will gain of 76 pounds in 64 days, and am in prietor was “ one of ’ em ’ ’ for 15 years and knows how week entertaining her sister, Mrs. J. Hood's Pills cure 8ick Headache. to legislation is subversive of the principles perfect health—all owing to King’s Royal McKav, of Woodstock, Canada. Stock Farm For Sale of justice, equality and true democracy, joiu iu the protests and demands. Gernietuer.” take care of “the boys.” Josephine County Mines. and deny the right of the government to Charley Howard of Scott valley was The pope ’ s recent encyclical urges “I bad been a great sufferer for ten years [Grant ’ s Pass Courier.] levy a protective tariff except as inci French Catholics to support the republic. from rheumatism, liver, kidney and bowel HE BELL ESTATE, containing 160 married recently to Miss Susie Begian. Address for terms, &c., Peter Hansen, one ot Josephine dental to the raising of revenue to defray acres of land in tbe heart of a good He used to go to school in Ashland. troubles, and have been suffering recently They are also reminded that it is their county’s commissioners, is working a cattle range. About 6 miles from Henley, G. B. Addington has gone to Horn giant with good results on one of the the expenses of the government econom duty to uphold their religion. This can with general debility and nervous prostra Cal., on the Klamath river. During this ten years I have been brook, in order to see about starting up tributaries of Altbouse creek. During a ically administered, or for any considera be done by electing men who respect re tion. Also about 56 head of cattle. treated by the most eminent physicians in the Medford Mining Co’s mines on recent clean up he found a silver hall tion save those cf public welfare; we de ligion. For further particulars inquire of Memphis and New York. I have spent mand such a revision of the tariff laws as Trilli JONES. Henley, Cal,, the Klasnatb. several seasons at Hot Springs without novl9 dollar of the mintage of 1850, a five dol will entirely eliminate from their opera ASHLAND. OREGON. Two men and six children were killed orW.T LAIRD, Ager, Cal., benefit. Among the physicians consulted Jesse Watters, the Bly stockman re lar piece and a Brazilian dollar coined in tions personal, class or special interest may28 Administrators. turned homeward 8unday as a delegate 1607. He is washing one of the aban with a view to securing the greatest pos in a crush at Hamp«tead station, Lon is one of President Garfield's attendants. given at our office— R. G. Co.] E. J. FARLOW. Agent. Ashland, Or. to the democratic state convention from doned townsites of that once famous sible revenue with the least possible bur don. The crowd made a rush for the [Name G. P. M. T urner ” cars before the doors were opened and Yours truly, Klamath county. mining district. den to the people. General Turner was for several years At those in the tear crowded those in front Col. Fred Fradenburg was on last torney-General for Tennessee. Although Fourth—We believe in honest money, Mr. G. A. Moody, son of Ex-Governor Saturday’s train going to Pokegama, Moody, who is interested with Dr. W. the gold and silver coinage of the consti against the wall. be testifies to a very remarkable increase in (the great timber center o> the world,) H. Flanagan in the Exchequer group, tution, and in a currency convertible into Leading military men of Great Britain weight, Gernietuer is not a flesh producer, —VIA— to visit his bosom friend, J. R. Cook. twelve mile« from Grants Puss, was such coinage without loss, and of suffi concur in the opinion that her majesty’s ft simply places the system in its normal condition and nature adds the flesh. We DAILY _ÆIK_EÔI'V"IZN ’ C3- Thad Powell and Burt Tozier, who in the city last week after machinery ex cient volume to meet all the demands of i army is in a deplorable condition. Ad have statements that show a decrease in were in town the first of the week, report pected froiff San Francisco. the people; we demand that all money jutant General Wood declares that 50 flesh where the weight is due to disease. It tbe enow moot all gone in the Dead- Person« who are in a position to know coined or issued by the United States per cent, of the men encamped at Aider has no equal as a stomachic and reliable Indian country. Stock doing finely. claim that the Simmons’ hydraulic mine should be of equal monetary value, and shot are unfit for service. The Duke of tonic. It is just the thing to use to over Mr. Robbins, of Phoenix, last week forty miles south of Grants Pass will of equal purchasing power for the rich Cambridge, commander-in-chief of the come tlie evils left by la grippe. Cures dis eases of the blood and nerves. Sold bv Shasta Line. shipped 2000 lbs of dried prunes to Port clean up in the neighborhood of $150,000 and the poor, and that all paper currency druggists. $1 per bottle; six bottles for $5. land. Ho bought them from "Tenneose” during the present season. The Witner issued by the government should be re army, indorse« the statement. Be sure to get Gernietuer, with red, white A Lutheran minister at Oldenburg has and blue label. Write for information to Smith, who owns a fine trait ranch near claim in the same vicinity it is estimated deemable in either gold or silver coin at Express Trains Leave Fortland Haily. there. will turn out nearly if not quite as much, the option of the holder and not at the been sentenced to fourteen years’ im Royal Gernietuer Co., manufacturers, 13 ’••• ••• discretion of the secretary of the treasury. prisonment for forgery and embezxle- “B,” Polk street. San Francisco. w Ranchmen are not rustlers in the as the water supply is abundant. South 1 1 North For sale by E. E. W inchester Jt Co. pension legislation . technical Wyoming sense, but they are ment. He swindled his parishoners by Pharmacy, One of the richest and most promising 7:0(' p m Lv Portland Ar 7:35 \ m Ashland, Or. rustlers in the sense ot "getting there” at properties in the county is that of J. W. Fifth—The gratitude of a generous telling them be could invest their sav 10:20 a m Ar Ashland Lv 4:40 p m tbe right time and in proper strength to Sherer & Co. on Galice creek near the people and a wise national policy alike ings at large in interest. He obtained 10:50 a m Lv Ashland Ar 4 10 p m ward off invaders. "Big Yank” ledge, some twenty miles demand that the government should pro 860,000 marks from the poor peasants 8:15 a ni Ar SanFrmici.icoLv 7 :Q0p m E. F. Walker of Medford, people’s southwest of Granta Pass. One hundred vide with liberal hand for tbe wants of and squandered the money on women. Above trains stop only at following sta party nomine«for county treasurer was dollars per day is being taken with one those who suffered by wounds and disease tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, In reporting to the London board of Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, button holing tbe select of this city last giant and two men. On Grave creek the in the late war, and likewise of such de Tangent, iSliedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc Friday. He claims to have promised same parties have a five mile ditch, pendent persons as were deprived of trade on a recent fatal accident to the tion City, Irving, Eugene. about completed, with an abundance of their natural protectors and supporters. guard on a goods train on the Midland ho deputyohips as yet. Roseburg Mail Daily. Miss Alito Rideout, of San Francisco, water and nearly 200 acres of ground, es But it should be remembered that we railroad, Major Marinden condemns has been awarded the contract for the timated to be fully as rich as that of have already been liberal beyond prece without measure the habitual overwork Early or Late varieties of the LEAVK arrive : dent in tbe civilised world, and we in ing of employes on English railroads. sculptural work on the Woman’s build Galice creek. Portland . 8:00 am Roseburg 5:40 pm sist that in legislation and administra Work is still being pushed on the The dead guard, he says, worked for ing at the world's fair. 8he will be .best quality Roseburg . 6:2U a m Portland . 4:00pm Jewett mine, two miles southeast of town tion touching pension affairs, regard be consecutive periods of twenty, seventeen, paid $18.200 for tbe work. had to honorable past service and present Doc Taylor, now el Portland, formerly with gratifying results. It is learned meritorious necessity. We are opposed twenty-three and twenty-two hours in Albany Ixxal. Daily, (Except Sunday.) from an unquestionable Bource that a a resident of Ashland, is tbe principle leave : to all measures which draw no dis the period during which he was killed. arrive ; one-half interest in the proDertv has owner of the Bohemia mine in Douglass tinction between the veteran m the field Other employes suffered similarly. Portland . 5:00pm | Albany 9:00p m been sold to a Boston syndicate for $500,- county, claims to have millions in eight, Albany....... 5:00 a in | Portland... 8:55 am England is face to face with a great Can supply any order up to 000. Old miners, familiar with the won and the camp-followers in the rear as in but can get no nearer to it. derful output of this property in the volving a cruel wrong to the soldier snd industrial struggle. Already the thou Siaaon Mascott.—Ashland Or., con early ’60s. have alwavs looked upon it wanton wage of the people’s money. 20,000 lbs. Satisfaction sands who are starving have threatened tinues to grow in buildings and popu as a winner. The mine is in shape at Sixth—We favor the adoption of an violence and violence seems certain to Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Guaranteed, Call on or lation. It is one of the finest little tbe present time to put 200 men to work, amendment to the federal constitution cities on tho coast and its people are and it is expected that work on a scale providing for the election of senators by come. Bread riots have occurred in the at Prices that Defy Competition. address 10UR1ST SLEEPING CARS north, owing to the shutting down of prosperous and enterprising. never before witnessed in Oregon, will be a direct vote of tbe people. thomas M c A ndrews , For accommodation of Second Claaa Pas Seventh—Being profoundly impressed cotton mills. Bread and grocery shops Bob Garrett and Dan Waldrop have commenced as soon as the eastern repre We call special attention to C. M. HENDERSON & CO.’s (Chicago) Red sengers. attached to Express Trains. with the conviction that the chief pillars have been broken open in Sunder gone to take possesion of their Jenny sentative arrives. Medford, Or. School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN & CO.’S (Boston) $3 00 calf B J of our republican form of government are land, and in West Hartlepool people are creek homesteads, with plows, swords WEST SIDE DIVISION. Shoes, the best made. Every pair guaranteed. and pistols, fully equipped to put in the Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. an enlightened yeomanry and a free and starving rather than accept pauper re Between Portland and Corvallis. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. honest exercise of the elective franchise, lief from the authorities, as thereby spring crop and kill a few snakes. Hurb of Groton, 8. D., we we' quote: "Was we pledge the democratic party of the they would lose their right to vote in MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) TO STOCK MEN. Ik is reported that Mrs. Phoebe taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Hearst, wife of the late Senator George Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated state of Oregon to the cordial support the coming election. leaver : arriver Hearst, will donate a million dollars to in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up and advancement of our common school Portland. 7:3U a m I Corvallii,. 12:10pm construct an art gallerv in the park at saying I could live but a short time. I system ; to the passage of effective laws Corvallis. 12:55 p m | Portland. 5:3O p in San Francisco and supply it with art gave myselt up to my Saviour, determined for the prevention of the corrupt use of At Albany and Corvallis connect with if I could not stay with my friends on money in elections, and the enactment of trains of Oregon Pacific Kailroad earth, I would meet my absent ones above. such measures as will secure to every Mr. Shearer, tbe Colusa mule buyer, My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s voter the right to cast a ballot in accord Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) purchased fifteen head of voting mules New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs ance with the dictates of his own con The Standard-Bred leave : ARRIVE _____ from H. F. Barron and five head from and Colds. 1 gave it a trial, took in all science. Mr. Harvey. He drives to Montague eight bottles; it has cured me and thank Portland 4:40p ni | .M’Miiinville 7:25pm Eighth — We are in favor of the regula for shipment. The average price per God 1 am now a well and hearty woman.” tion of railroads and other transportation M’Minnville 5:45am ’ Portland ,8:20am Trial bottles free st E. E. Winchester A bead was about $125. Co’s Drugstore, regular size, 50c and $1.00, agencies bv law as common carriers TH ROUSH TICKETS t« all poinh Burb Bro<-kway, of Roeeburg, was in Ninth—We approve of declaring eight To Make the Season of 1892. EAST HI SOUTH. Portland last week as a delegate from Upholding Oregon. hours a legal day’s labor upon all public Douglas, making the democratic state The claim that California is the gar works, and we also favor laws giving the DOLPH AND TELLER. For tickets aad full information regarding ticket with advice and suggestion born den spot of this country is contested by laborer in all fields of labor a first lien on LLEGRETTO is a bright bav stallion, rates, maps, etc., cull o*n company's agent of many years of experience and obser Mr. Edmund Robinson, of Newberg, the product of his labor. The contrast between Senators Dolph black pointe, solid color, foaied in 1885 at Ashland. vation in political affairs. Oregon, who writes the American Farmer Tenth—We recognize the enlightened and Teller is worthy of oliservation, es by J. B. Haggin’s Rancho Del Faso, Sacra R. KOEHLER, E P. BOGERS, Tbs Medford Wire Brace Fence Co , that finer apples, pears, eherries, plums, policy of favoring and doing justice to pecially in the west. Both are republi mento county, Cal., weighs 1240 lbs. in Manager. Asst.G. F A Pass Agt have filed articles of incorporation, E. A. prunes and berries can be raised in Ore the laboring classes, we therefore favor cans; both have served many vears in trotting condition and can be made to Welds, president; C. I. Hutchinson, gon than in California, though many of the enactment of a just and reasonable the senate; both have made themselves weigh nearly 1400 lbs. He is very stylish, exceedingly well built vice president and J. E. Enyart secre the residents of Oregon are only be homestead exemption law, and a just and so “solid” in their respective states that Ladies, Pay Attention. tary and treasurer. They will man ginning to realize it. The farmers of equitable system of assessment and taxa they can afford to be and are very inde and a natural trotter,— has nad but one ufacture and sell direct to the farmers. pendent in their course of action and in season’s work, proving to be very fast, and Oregon are paving more attention to tion. great bottom. Trotted the fourth heat their language. But there is a difference of Andy Payne returned to Siskiyou horticulture, which promises rich re- SURVEY PUBLIC LANDS. of his maiden race in 2:36 1-5 and on next HY WILL YOU SUFFER, when between them that is not only noticeable, dav in last heat of a six heat race, made Fine peaches, grapes and ap- county* Monday from Altbouse, where turns. Eleventh—We demand the immediate you could eet relief bv using tbe fa |u> was called by the sad intelligence of ricots can be raised in many parts of the survey of the public domain within this but of vast importance and interest to all the last half mile in 1:15; also tiotted the mous, well known remedy Orange Blos western people. One represents the peo 19th heat inside of eight days in 2:35 and bis mother’s death. He reports dip- state.—American Farmer. s'ate and tho adjustment of all land ple of this country—outside of purely po last quarter in 37 s., a 2:28 gait. som. n sure specific for all tlie troubles and ptheria prevailing in the Sucker creek sufferings peculiar to the sex, when it has grants and condemn the republican litical questions; the other does not. This fine animal breeds strongly after Beautiful Women. valley. Jamas White’s family is down cured thousands who stand ready to give party for delaying the opening for settle Teller is for free silver coinage; Dolph is himself, making him a model horse to Tbe magical effects of Wisdom's Robert- testimony of its great virtues and curative with it and oae child has died. breed to either for trotting or all-round ine as a beautifier and preserver of the com ment the forfeited lands of all railroads qualities. Ladies, r< member its tbe old. Lou Lowden exhibited a couple of plexion have been attested by thousands of in this state claimed without authority of against it. That is to say, Teller repre horses. tried and true, your friend in trouble and For pedigree and further particulars black bear cube on the streets of Med leading ladies of society and the stage. It law, to the end that titles may be settled sents Colorado, and with it all the west; time of need. Give no credence to these GKO. W. MCDONALD. ford last Tuesday. He expected to dis is the only article ever discovered which and said land occunied by actual settlers. Dolph represents the money monopolists write to new and worthless compounds that are of Wall street. Teller is opposed to Chi febll Yreka, Cal. pose of them to the N. A . circus. The gives a natural and beautiful tint to the We further demand the immediate and flooding the markets For sale bv circus people were evidently not fond of complexion, removing tan. sunburn, freck specific forfeiture of the grants ot all nese immigration ; Dolph is in faver of it MRS. M. ROBERTS, — for so we must count and class him Helman street, near the Yonle <k Gilroy '‘bar.” He stilt has them in his own les, and all roughness of the face and arms, lands unearned by railroads and wagon leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. after his action against the Geary ex planing mill. possession. All remarks on iu delightfully cooling arid roads in this state. clusion bill. Twelfth—We urge the passage of such Yreka Telegram.—H. H. Warner of refreshing qualities, a distinction not found Teller has shown on more than one oc surveyor appropriations and the adoption of such casion that he was a patriot and a states "Safe Cure” fame was in Yreka last in any other similar article known. ai . i vun v, and Qovernment |_an(j Locator. The Pittsburgh Lnr-.p Tuesday, and in company with Attorney I measures as will tend most speedily and man before he was a partisan republican. Three Boy Babies. Gillie of Yreka and Maxwell of San effectively to opening the Columbia and He is a man for Colorado and the west to is one c£ tho: Ìli • LU- JACKSONVILLE, OZRZECGOLT. Francisco, left for Scott Bar, at which i On Saturday last Mrs. Sinns W. Pot Willamette rivers to free navigation, and be proud of. Let it never be forgotten tions that seems to be place Mr. Warner has mining interests, ' ter, of the Waldo hills, presented her for such further appropriations as will that he was one of the republican sen AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac which are now, we believe, in litigation.: busband with three boy babies, The speedily and fully complete the improve ators who voted against the infamous finished, it seems to tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the TIME SCHEDULE Portland Telegram.—T. G. Reames is triplets are strong and healthy and con- ments at tne mouth of tbe Columbia. We force bill, and helped defeat it. est of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 Dolph, reach the end as to condemn the policy of the republican true to his narrow partisanship and to one of tbe old "war horses ” Through gratulations are general. goodness of light party in urging upon congress the feasi a third of a century he has on various his masters, voted for and tried to pass Between Medford and Jack ~ ________________________ Jerry Simpson,,the soxless senator, bility of the boat railway at The Dalles that outrageous thing. occasions served the democracy ____ and ____ the I in eveiy way, sonville. people” and has alwavs served them contemplates introducing a bill for an and denounce tbe measure as a subter We might continue the comparison and ease of onlv paid a long- appropriation, to cross fireflies with fuge whereby the people of the Inland along various lines; but it is unnecessary. well. The democrats only From Medford From Jacksonville floe debt when they conferred upon honeybees, so that they can work at Empire must remain in bendage for Teller is a statesman ; Dolph a partisan management. to Medford. to Jacksonville. years; and we condemn the policy of Teller is representing and serving the ‘‘T^tu’’ Kearnes the honor of sending night as well as in daytime, The only care him to Chicago to help nominate the DRUNKENNESS. OR THE LIQUOR the republican party whereby the im people, especially, as he ought, the peo Leave Jacksonville Leave Medford provement of the Cascades has been de ple of the west, in most particulars; it requires is Bext praaidsnl 8:30 a. m 10:00 a. m. Habit. Cured at Home in Ten layed unnecessarily by plans and ex Dolph serves nobody, as a rule, but the 1:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. A gunny sack containing seven little .filling and wip- Day« by Administering Dr. pedients which give no assurance that corporations and the plutocrats. 5:40 p m. 7:30 p. m. Will dead covotes laid on the floor of the Haines Golden Specific. the obstructions to navigation in the jave Whetrock Leave Davisville the time ever come when tbe people of county ' clerk’s office Saturday and a 8:40 a. m. It can be giveu in a glass of beer, a cup of Columbia will be released from the gTasp Oregon will have sense enough to send a 10:10 a in. piece of script amounting to $17.50 was! Dirt falls out when the chimney 1:12 p. m. M coffee or tea. or in food, without the knowl- 2:12 p m. M aim S treet , O pp . B owditch ’ s O ffice . issued to 8. M. Mitchell them. . ?* * “ ’ *lge of the patient. It is absolutely harm- of a grinding monopoly which now holds statesman to represent them in the 5:48 p. m. 7:30 p tn. I the people of Eastern Oregon in fetters. is taken off, not into a pocket as senate?________________ _ tnoe in a ! less.and will effect a permanent and si Mitchell captured the trine speedv Leave Harbaugh’s Leave Harbaugh’« Thirteenth—We point with pride to the 8:43 a m. bole on Jones creek. The mother is cure, whether tbs patient is a moderate 10:17 a m in other central-draught lamps. A Much-Married Woman. Passenger Coach to Every Train. : record of the democratic party upon the I 1:17 p. m. 2:30 p. tn. Still at large, thougn her scalp is in con- drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been Mrs Fowler, of this city, was married Freight moved about town at rates 5:51 p m. Putting in a new wick is a very 7:41 p. mJ siderahte danger.—Granta Pass Courier. Riven in thousands of eases, and in everv subject of Chinese immigration, and we i last January to her sixth husband, and instance a perfect cure has followed. It demand from congress such legislation as ' Leave Davisville Leave Wbetrock LO ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. easy matter indeed. New pants patterns at M. Mayer's tailor never fails.' • The system once impregnated will prevent Chinese entering the terri strange as it may seem, five of them died 8:50 a. m. 10:20 a m. shop at reasonable price*. ! i with '** •* ______ an utter im- tory of the United States, and we favor exactly two years from their marriage day. 1:27 p. m, the specific, it becomes Fire wood of all kinds delivered any 2:25 p. m. Her p'resent'husband has been sick for the AU this seems strange to one 5:55 p. 7:45 n. m. Th. kin, h- -"*>< fSSS&X».“S74TE ¡tite to exist. the’ bill now before congress, known as last four months with chronic jaundice.and ! Arrive where >i town at lowest prices. at Medford Arrive Jacksonville who knows how troublesome other the Geary Chinese exclusion bill, and was given up by four of our best physicians; otwsfw Addrew die G..LI 9:00 a m. 10:30 a. m. denounce the action of the Oregon senator as a last resort be began using Sulphur Bit nuns, and will bold them a* hostages tn I Co , 185 Race street. Cincinnati. Ohio. gcod lamps are. 1:40 p m. 2:40 p. m. ters, and yesterday told our reporter that .1-------- coe in of case Mn of atta an Ck attack by the by tbe — ------- -— in attempting to defeat the same. ths capital -------------- 6:00 p m. 7:55 p. m. they bad saved his life, smilingly saying It is in all the good lamp-stores, French A farmer in Missouri grafted a tomato Chase A Sanborn’s Boston coffees and that be guessed Mrs. Fowler would be’un W. HONEYMAN. President, We have two •( U m greatest bargains in T*ne *nto .* P0*-*10 via« and got two Beech's Pure as Childhood tea are making able to take a seventh better half for some Prise Baking Powder ever offered in Ash- one Irom the top and the other many friends for D. L. Minkler & Son. time to come.—Exchange. IP" Z™™, a. c land. D. L. Minkler A Son. from tbs roots. A Perished Pioneer's Bones. Glendale correspondence Rose burn Plaindealer: On last Sunday as John Bailey and George G. Elliff were hunt ing near the old battle grounds of Hungry Hili, which is well known to all Kieera of Oregon, they found the y of a man, almost the complete skeleton, which has lain there bleaching in tbe suns and rains of nearly forty years, and when we consider the fact that this poor, unfortunate one lost his life in helping to secure for us the grand heritage of this beautiful country, it seems fitting that the society of Indian war veterans should send some persons there to give his bones a Christian burial. And for this purpose the discoverers marked the spot bo that it can be readily done. AO 75,000 Lbs. Bacon. Baking Powder 15,000 Lbs. Kettle Rendered Lard. Smoked Sausage in Sacks. Quality Guaranteed. ABSOLUTELY PURE C. K. KLUM, [XCLUSIVELYÏFiRSTÏCLÂSS^I HOTEL OREGON. ASHLAND MARKET. Between San Francisco and Portland. PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s Beef, Pork and Mutton. HOTEr. OI^EGOIV. T MAX PRACHT, Prop. NEW GOODS! EAST AND And will be sold at our well known LOW PRICES» Staple and Fancy Dry Goods POTATOES ! Hats, Caps, etc POTATOES ! Either to Eat or for Seed. J. M. McCALL J FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF Trotting Stallion, J A Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To H. C. MYER. Ashland, Oregon W GARLAND STOVES & RANGES CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS, AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. N D YOUNG Railway Company. H M. MAYER H icks &M c R ride TAILOR A Libera] Share of Pat rouage solicited. Valley Record and Mammoth Cy- clopodia in 4 vols., $3.00. SOUTH