doubted not I should be conducted to GOLD AND SILVER. lightened. None of them claim any the same cruel fate as niv poor relatives benefit from redemption in Christ, bnt Portland Telegram.] had met. But mc-ming came, as I had each must atone for their own sins. If within our home we would nee the same The advocates of monometallism, as guessed by the sound without, and still “speck*" Then there is the strongest presump­ The People’s Paper. we have frequently pointed out, are That we use when we virit next door. tion that if there is such a thing as psv- I no summons. Worn out with suspense And rearch for tbe fiaw. a. we did over there, and waiting. I fell asleep. When I > prone to rest their case largely on as­ chotnaney or conversing with the souls I think we would find many more. sumption and epithet. They denounce of the dead, that as none of them are ASHLAND O b ____ T bcmdat , Mar. 3 1892 If we’d use the same “specks" when we look awoke hunger and thirst oppressed me. the proposition to coin silver and put it, Happily I had stored some bread and or paper money based upon it, into circu­ said to have seen Christ or been bet­ at ourselves That, we don when our company*, near. meat and a small bottle of wine in one lation on a parity witb gold, as fraudu­ tered by him and as their organs state Oflea in McCall's Hall, np-*t*ir»; (taira on I fear we would need what would magnify less. aorta aide of Maaomc budding. of the pockets of my coat preparatory to lent, and repeat with endless iteration large farina are tilled, slavery and other Or astonished we'd be, never fear! punishment is inflicted. But vou can Perhaps you do not believe these my intended flight. Of this I now ate the assertion that gobi is the only “non- I perhaps get a thousand descriptions of Entered in the Poatoffiee at Ashland as , statements concerning Green ’ s Au ­ But I find all powtees 'where'er they may live) Second Claaa mail matter. and drank. No one came nigh me, and eSTbe}°S to assume, in all their war- ?Lthei. ’ r de8tin / and nearl>' ... i : _i:_. For their own use a kind deftly made. gust Flower. Well, we can't make With differ in their place and occupation . the glanse. all darkened, to hide half th< yet I could hear sounds as if wretched you. We can’t force conviction in­ prisoners were being led forth out of fare against silver, that gold is the only view, God is one in person, one in all His Notice to Tax Payers to your head or med- bo their own fault* remain in the shade. neighboring cells, doubtless to death; metal that Las fixedness of value. The government and all bis subjects are one But the ones which they use when at others for they wept and pleaded vainly as it price of everything, including silver, i" Vf"® Prophets and apostles appear Doubtlng icine into your they glance , must be measured only by a gold stan- one in Him—all of the same mind and B UNDBKtilGNBD, sheriff of Jack­ seemed to me. throat. We don ’ t Have the glasses transparently clear. i dard of values. This is a very fine ton county, Oregon or his deputy "Castorlais so well adapted to children that “But the third day a great stillness fell | theory for the money monopolists, who, j doctrine. Is it not possible that all such a power to magnify things twice the size want to. The money With will meet the tax-payers of said * county for Thomas. ' * ’ * ' I manifestations may be the souls of the That the same through the dark one* appear. on the prison. I could not understand the purpose of receiving with the aid of treasury officials, can ' damned that still have hope of advance­ I recommend it a* superior to any prescription is yours, and the known to me.” H. A. A rckxk , M. D., Taxes for 1891. think that the world would much hap­ it; my senses were enfeebled for want manipulate gold nearly at their will; but ment? As their flesh-clotbed adherents misery is yours; and until you are Now I pier Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. be of food, for my small stock had long 'it is not so certain that the theory rests _ ;,r-------------------------------- :"~ on the following daya, in their respective willing to believe, and spend the one If the specks, once for all, we would change, 1 lat ar? K01.n^ precincts, at their usual places of voting, been exhausted and I almost lacked upon any solid foundation, or that its . “ For several years I have recommended haPPler and will remain in each'pi irecinct from 9 for the relief of the other, they will And within our own room* use the spectacles strength to wonder why I was left to practical operation is beneficial to tbe LJim« “The use of ‘Castori*’ is so universal and clear, realms of knowledge, and at the same its merits so well known that it seems a work Sour * Castoria,' and «hall always continue to o'clock a. w. until 4 o'clock p. of each stay so. John H. Foster, uaa Witb the dark for tbe much broader range. live so long. Presently arose an awful j people at larire * i f 1 mo v*'z\nlz4 A** o *o as it haa invariably produoed beneficial of supererogation to endorse it Few are the gold dollar contains so manv grains w'.t ?:^Uade, to renounce intelligent families who do not keep Castori* results." day, to wit: Brown Street, Philadelphia, says: Then, the fault* that appear to us jaggedly terror, lest this should be my sentence, of A gold; Willow Springs . .February 1892 a silver dollar so many grains - t0 ' “ n . d ttie Bible and obliterate the only within easy reach. ” 44 E dwin F. Paanas, M. D., rough. “ My wife is a little Scotch woman, Gold Hill to perish miserably for want of food in of silver. Tbe nionometallists say that hope of true intelligence that has started C arlo * M artyn , D. D., ll Would melt into outline* so fair “The Winthrop," 12B«h Street and 7th Ava., Bock Point .... New York City. thirty years of age and of a naturally the arts, sciences and all polite literature this damp dungeon. Death on the scaf- i • 4 the number of grains in i gold dollar is We would find that the world was a beautiful New York City. Foots Creak Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. delicate disposition. For five or six 04 fold appeared light by comparison. I “worth 100 cents,” while the number of and shown man the only road to heaven. place. Woodville.......... What bast thou that thou didst not re- • 4 And good people lived everywhere. clamored at my prison door. I shouted grains in a silver dollar is worth only 70 Pleasant Creek. years past she has been suffering 44 — Berth* Packard Englet in Good Housekeep­ But if they a-ive? InH'm we live, move and exist. Flounce Bock . “" J " ” 7 will ”1 comDaresilvei- ___ i_____ as loudly as I could—all to no purpose. cents. P from Dyspepsia. She You may be partial enough to think ing. Trail Creek ..March with gold to find out the comparative Then I burst into an agony of tears; my 44 Vom it became so bad at last Meadows............... these are bare assertions, not proved. value ofthe silver in a dollar, with what do 44 fate was too dreadful to bear. With the Table flock that she could not sit 11 defy any man impartially seeking after FORGOTTEN. 4e Ba1111 TIB WiTBB 18 1 T4IIC. block. Will work at atiention to tbe th-less tongue. It is full sarily enhanced the comparative value of it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread $95.00 small town in France. OUR gold, and degraded and lessened tbe that insidious disease Consumption, nse it. Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates Price* to Suit the Time». “My uncle, as I called him out of of beauties, and some of the university value of silver; and now we are told that Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, fungi and animalcules, and neutral­ No better Half-soling men’s wear, 75 cents a pair. friendliness, was a kind, good fellow, extension or university guild men who gold is the only “honest” money. This Price 10 cts., SO cts. andll.OO. IfyourLnngs ising and correcting all acidi- ▲HE propose to settle in the darkest east side, legislation in favor of gold and this de­ are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Women ’ s wear, 50 cents a pair. Chil ­ well known and respected in the place, machine made at ties it promotes a normal and dren’s work from 40 to 50 cents. Ev­ where he carried on the craft of a watch­ or where boils Hell's Kitchen, or amid monetization of silver simply made it Plaster. Price 25 cts. For Mie by all Drug­ healthful condition in every gists and Dealers. the conflicts of Battle Row, will doubt ­ any price. part of the system. more difficult for the common people to 1 ery kind of work to suit the hard times maker, and’he proposed that I should ALL PARTS procure the favored metal, anil obliged j less study the language of the natives in monev matters. become his apprentice and partner. I — SWIMMING RINK. — them to part witb more of their products liked the little town, I liked my uncle, und write its grammar and its vocabu­ of JAMES W. WALTERS. Bicycle Catalogue Free. value to pay their debts. Inclosed and covered, the same medical lary. One sometimes hears engaging aMe. I liked my aunt, and I soon gave my Gold has no more fixedness of value water, always clean, for the springs run a consent. They had no children—I thank sentences of it in the elevated cars. I than Bilver, except that its coniparitiye T he ^^ S ower nf has heavy volume—more than twelve hun­ $85.00 $85.00 God for that now—but my aunt’s kindly heard two youug men of tender age but value has been enhanced by legislation dred gallons per hour. no S econd C hance . , t Qood sen*« aaya make the most of the first J may dive and swim and have more soul could not be content without young tough appearance conversing earnestly adverse to silver, in the interest of a j JOHN I>. LOVELL jVTLMS CO. fen than "anybody"—come out as "fine people around her, bo she kept and in a Sixth avenue elevated car the other favored class of people, and to the loss gas silk” and “white as wool"—rejuven­ night. MANUFACTURERS BOSTON, MASS. c and damage of the toiling masses. clothed two house maidens, children of ated and happy. . One asked the other how he was com­ Stud lix anti is itimpi for oar IM pjgt lllutrtted Cttalogw of C.n*, titles, Itvolren, Sportin« Good« of ill kinds, etc. some poor neighbors. Trim and neat Located on the Universality of Law. they looked, too, wearing the costume of ing on with his sweetheart, “How’s de HRLMAN LAND, HALF A MILE girl, hey?” The answer delivered with I E ditor V alley R ecord :— that part of Germany from whence my "have made and kept Fctry’s Seed Business’ NORTH OF THE PLAZA. I see in your valuable paper an article the largest i* the world—Merit Tells. it aunt came, a pretty fancy of her own; evident irritation and resentment, re­ Ferry’s Seed Annual for i8ga it seemed quaint enough in a strange vealed a beautiful gift of metaphor, “Oh, on “the discovery of the fact, the recogni­ she give me de frost, see!” The canker­ tion among men of learning and advanced tells the whole Seed story—Sent free for the land. . thought that law is universal." The gen­ asking. Don't sow Seeds till you get it. Pi oprletor. “It was a happy household. No won­ ing of the bud of love by envious,sweep­ tleman dues not presume to be under­ And a good lamp kD.M. FERRY & CO., Detroit,MichJ der I was glad to belong to it; but, alas! ing frost couldn't be expressed more elo­ stood to say that universal law was not must be simple; when it is not simple it is quently. 'Shere will be a th-less poet WEAK, NERVOUS OR IN PAIN it was soon to be swept away by terrible yet. As for what his gift for the terri­ vindicated by Herschell,Newton, Brande, not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good —these From some long-standing ailment, or feel affliction. For some time we had heard ble will be, judge by the villainous but the Bible and the most learned. But words mean much, but to see “ The Rochester ’’ I understand him to infer that spiritual that your constitution (nervous system) is of strange troubles going on in Paris and will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, failing, or that some affliction has taken, the large towns, but our little place was powerful oath of disculpation which the forces brought to our knowledge by tbe tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only, or is taking, permanent hold of you, which still quiet. One morning, however, we members of the now extinct Whyogang studj’ of psychology was the law that you have been, and are still, unable to it is absolutely safezxA unbreakable; Like Aladdin’s had to take, “If I done dat, may I be : governed the universe. Any one half woke to find everything in confusion. throw off or control, whether in tbe first or 1 versed in science knows the force govern- of old, it is indeed a “wonderful lamp,” for its mar­ GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING FELT costs last stage—remember that Dr. Gregg’s Our mayor had been ordered to resign, as bad as my mudder.”—New York ' ing inanimate matter is one force and in only $2.00 per 100 square feet. Makes a velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, Electric Belt and Appliances and sys­ and his place was to be filled by some Truth. ' attraction of gravitation is altogether in- good roof for years.and anyonecan putiton. tem of Home Treatment will cure one sent from Paris. softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. What the Pens Do. j dependent of the substance on which it Send stamp for sample and full particulars. A8HDAND, OREGON. you. Look for this stamp— T he R ochester . If the lampdealer hasn't the kcbh I bm “Still, we never dreamed of what fear­ GUM ELASTIC ROOFING CO.. No medical or other mode of Electrical It is estimated that 3,500,000 steel pens 1 acts. “The idea of law infers a superior Rochester, and the style you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue, N ew Y ork . ful misery this was the forerunner. We are consumed daily. It is interesting to and subjects.”—Brande. And law is 39 & 41 W est B boadway , Treatment can at all compare with them. and we will send you a lamp safely by express—your choice of over 2.000 AU work ordered will be made to give entire Thousands of women, who suffered for Local Agents Wanted. varieties from the Largest Lamp Store in the World. had no time to dream, either, the blow ' nothing and can do nothing without an years with complaints peculiar to sex, have fell so suddenly. There bad been a stir think what they do. For instance, they agent to enforce it; and if law is tbe mind KOCHKhTLR LAMP CO., 42 rark Place, New Tork City. SATISFACTION- been completely and permanently restored make love, write gushing poetry, scrape to health. No fewer men have also been going on in tbe market place for the two out the briefs in a breach of promise 1 of that one great agent it is not law but Repairing neatly and promptly done, days following the arrival of the new snit, cut and thrust at reputation, mind. So from the confession of the cured. Electric Treatment for diseases suggest­ official; but my uncle and I were busy scratch out realistic novels and political worthy gentleman there is no law but the and at Low Rates. mind of God. So here he has sure foot­ ed, properly applied, is perfect and has no over a discovery which he had made in editorials, chronicle sensations, puff this ing on the good old orthodoxy platform good substitute. The Gregg Electric Belt our trade, and we were less than usual and appliances are the only ones in exist­ and belittle that, and, in 6hort, do more —that there is no such thing as natural ence that supply a perfect mode of applica­ in tbe streets. to make and break, to save and destroy, law, but God’s laws—which is true. But O SAVE from 25 to 50 cents on every tion. “At noon, on the third day, however, to civilize and degrade the human race as God has shown himself in all his dollar you spend7 If so, write for our The Gregg Electric Foot Warmer, price he went out for a stroll to rest his eyes MANUFACTURERS Illustrated Catalogue, containing illustra­ than anything else under the sun.—De­ works lie has certainly manifested him­ $1.00, keeps the feet warm and dry and is tions and prices of everything manufact­ and look about him for a few moments. troit Free Press. self to man, the object of all creation. OF WROUGHT STEEL RANCES the only genuine Electric Insole. But perhaps he was thinking about ured in the United States, tat manufactur­ People who have paid their money and My aunt and her maidens arranged as been cured can tell vou what has been done usual tbe midday meal, and we were all Winter Plowing. that new revelation commencing at ers’ prices. for them in a way tbit will convince vou. ready to sit down, only my uncle was Winter plowing on rolling land, and Hydesville, Mass., by Kate Fox shaking 10,000 Illustrations, all lines represented. Complete catalogue of testimonials, prices, the window sash, saving “Here, old split missing. He was usually so punctual especially on sandy and saudy loam soil, foot, do as I do.” The name being ap­ etc., 6c. Circular free. CATALOGUE mailed free on applica­ that we wondered and waited, and at should be avoided when possible. Heavy propriate, the sash responded. BIC IWIEIEHS TO COOD 1OJT8. A new tion. last we dined without him. At the Address the winter rains play sad havoc in the fields revelation! Nearly as old as old as an­ Address, close of the meal I stepped out to look by washing out gutters. Many fields cient history, an enemy of God, Bible GREGG ELECTRIC CURE CO., for him. CHICAGO «EWERAL SLPPLY CO,, Largest Stock of Trees and enlightened humanity. They never Suite SOI Inter-Ocean Building, “I had not got a dozen yards from our are now in a sad plight from this cause. have added one scientific fact that lias 178 West Van Buren St., orchards the ground should never be aided mankind. Read their organs.then Chicago, Ill. CHICAGO, - ILL- house when I met our baker's wife, her In mayl4 ’ 91 in the Northwest, plowed in early winter. If it is abso­ read heathen mythology and you will •yes staring out of her head. lutely necessary to plow, it should a! find heathen mythology much more en- “ ‘Go back,’ she said, ‘go back! It is ONE AND THREE-FOURTHS too late. The monster—the wretch! He once be sown with rye or other grain to has executed the honest man, without hold the soil from washing, and the The Next Number Especially Good. MILLIONS. DEALERS IN All who are saffering from the effects even the farce of a trial, on the accursed grain should be turned under in the A MARVELOUS SUCCESS spring, to enrich the soil. When plow­ of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, guillotine yonder!’ TALES FROM PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, ing the little swales and water courses loo,(XX) Prune Trees (mostly Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, “I was petrified with horror. Could WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC., Syphilis and the many troubles she be speaking of my uncle, so respected, should never be plowed up, this will of­ French^ Stricture, which are the effects of these terrible ten prevent the washing out of deep gut­ Building Papers. Wrapping Papers 35,ooo Royal Ann cherry. disorders will receive, F ree of C harge , so quiet as he was? It was too true. The ters. Often great good can be done by Guaranteed to be the most eco­ wretch in office had lost no time, but had and Twines. READ BY ALL MEN AND WOMEN. full direction» how to treat and cure them ­ nomical, most durable and most E mbodies E very D esirable I mprovement 10 ,ooo Early Crawford peach selves at home by writing to the C vijfob - begun his work of bloodshed at once, and turning the flood water out of such Published first day of December, March, perfect Range on the market. by furrows so run as to prevent too M any E xclusively I ts O wn . All kinds of June and September. Moorpark and Royal nia M edical and S urgical I nfirmary , my uncle was his first victim, his only great Suitable for hard or soft coal, or a flow of water into them. crime being that he was of foreign birth, 1029S Market Street, San Francisco, ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. wood. —————• DELICATE, DAINTY, WITTY, Apricot. California. febll’91 and had sheltered under his roof, some A. A. Hayes of New York, who ha« Send for catalogue to CONTRACTS FOB 35,ooo Esopus Spitzenberg months since, a poor Swiss. I retraced for years made the immigration ques­ my steps to the house. My aunt’s anxious tion a special study, said in a recent in­ Every reputable news aud book stand has it. P ainting , P apering , E tc . apple. One Dollar Weekly face met my troubled gaze. She had terview: “A distinguished Englishman Price, single number, 50 CENTS. S-.00 i Aahland» Oreqon. 2o,ooo Gravenstein apple. PER YEAR, postage FREE. EVANSVILLE, IND. UYS a GOLD WATCH bv our Club • begun to suspect evil. The two girls recently said to me that the United 25,ooo Yellow Newtown Pip­ System. Our 14-carat, gold-filled cas-! waited fearfully in the background. I States is now the Botany Bay of Eng ■ This brilliant Quarterly reproduces the best stories, sketches, burlesques, poems, witti­ es are warranted for 20 years. Fine Elgin ! to speak, but I turned away and : tried pin apple. or Waltham movement! Stem; wind and I burst into tears. I was young then,1 land. As far back as 1881 tbe land com­ cisms, etc., from the early numbers of that New York Society Journal, set. Lady’s or Gent’s size. Equal to any' mission authorized the guardians of the much talked-about 15,ooo Ben Davis apple. Tories, which Is published weekly. Sub­ $50 watch. To secure agents where w'e Master Landlord, and had tears to shed. ! poor to expend £200,000 In shipping pau­ Tows A LIVE AGENT WANTED IN!£VEFrrTOWN scription price, $4.00 per year. none, we sell one of the Hunting Case My aunt passed me by and rushed into pers to America. The two publications "Tows Tones' and The United States Large Stock of all Other Lead­ have Watches for the Club pnee $28 and send C. "T aizs from T own T opics " together, at the standard roRtfcENTufiv O. D. bv express witb privilege of examina­ the street, straight to the market place. government protested in vain for the low club-price of $5.00 per year. ing Varieties of Fruits. Ask your newsdealer for them or address, tion before paying for same. I could not follow. What happened paupers reached the state just th. same. MUNICIPAL BONDS TOWN TOPICS, FRIE FROM INSECT PESTS Our agent at Durham, N. C-, writes: there was told me later. One committee sent over 8,000 paupers 21 West. 2M Street. N. Y. O* "Our jewelers have confessed they don’t “Wild with agony at her husband's to the States between 1882 and 1885. INDUSTRIAL STOCKS know how you can furnish such work for Catalogue Free. Address: fate, my gentle, loving aunt had burst Another agency for the emigration of the money.” lave you written M ais S trebt . O pp . B owditch ’ s O ffice . CORPORATION BONDS Our agent at Heath Springs. 8. C..writes: into a flood of reproach of his murder. criminals is in London and is called the ne yet? If you "Your watches take at sight The gen­ In these days this was crime enough for ‘Pioneers' Aid society,’ and, so far as I Haven’t, wiadosa tleman who got the last watch said that be the heaviest punishment, and before md intelligent APPROVED BANK STOCKS I know, they make no attempt to conceal I unbitioii tugjetl examined and priced a jeweler's watches in ■ irrile to-day. 1 OAREFUIXY SELECTED, Lancaster, that were no better than yours, evening she had fared the same fate as the business they are engaged in. The promise you my but the price was $45.” ipccial, peraonal my uncle. Jewish lx>ard of guardians at London A YEAR ; TRIED, SAFE, -Attention. I un ­ Our agent at Pennington, Tex., writes: “The Reign of Terror had indeed begun shipped to the United States between dertake to briefly PAY GOOD INTEREST, "Am in receipt of tne watch, and am leach any fairly jitelliffent person pleased without measure. All who have with us. The girls had fled, terrified at 1882 and 1886, 8429 Hebrew paupers, f'.’f of either » cm , who the fate which had befallen their pro ­ principally Russians. Sweden and Ger ­ seen it say it would be cheap at $40.” ean read end write, and who, DBfilRABLB INVthTMBNT 8. C. 8TKVES. B. F, SNYDER. One good reliable Agent wanted for each tectors, and I was meditating in a half many are regularly sending their crimi­ RROrsRTISt after instruction, IN PRO8FIROU8 CITISO, place. Write for particulars. will work indua- stupefied way the same measure, when a nals to the United States. Until re­ triouslr, ho'v to novl9 EMPIRE WATCH CO.,New York. knock came at the door, and two men, eatrn'1 liree Ihou- cently Switzerland did the same, and it FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND REFERENCES, aand Dollar* e who had often eaten and drunk at my still requires all the vigilance of the STEVES 5 SNYDER, year in their own WRITE localities, where- nncle's table, came in and made me a American consuls in Switzerland to pre­ ever they live. 1 will *140 furuiah ESCHBACH, MoDONALD A. CO., I reporters‘and Dealers in prisoner, confiscating all the possessions vent this. As for Italy the fact is no­ -CITY- situation or emplo; nieutf at *• Y»M«*h«ll 84.. New Yrefc. of the family to the state. torious that the worst criminals of that which you eau PARROTS, FANCY earn that amount. “In those days a man's foes were often country are assisted to emigrate to ths HARRIS & MURPHY BROS., I charge nothing and SINGING BIRDS. they of his own household. I offered no United States, and the number is in­ and receive noth­ Salary $25 Per Week. ing unlese »ac­ FANCY DOGS, ASHLAND, - OREGON. resistance; the shock of the day had creasing rapidly. ” cess ful, as above, othinc difficult TZEóJLItTñlFIEIEó. completely unmanned me. I made cer­ learn, er that There is no danger from whooping cough requires much tain that I, too, should die that night. Pigeons, Ferrets, Gold Fish, Shells, time. I desire but when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is free ­ Opened at the old Ashland market stand on ANTED—GOOD AGENTS to sell ;___ person from But my time was not yet come. Passenger Coach to Every Train. ly given. It liquefies the tough, tenacious Main street, facing the bridge. each distrUt or Mounted Specimens, Etc. our general line of merchandise. No county. I haveal- “In consequence of the lateness of the mucus and aids in its expectoration. It peddling. Aboye salary will be paid to I Freight moved about town at rates ady taurht and also lessens the severity and frequency of "live ” agents. provided with em­ £W Shop thoroughly renovated and re­ hour I was taken to the town prison, a the paroxysms of coughing, and insures a ployment a lar(e ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. LO For further information, address: g^Bird» Shipped by Ejcpre»». dismal building, which I had never speedy recovery. There is not the least number who are fitted. CHICAGO GENERAL SUPPLY CO., or«r 1 hr«« Thonsand Dollar* • Tear, each. All b new, Fire wood of all kinds delivered any- known to be occupied. There I was danger in giving it to children or babies, as makins •olid, mt «. fall particular» free. After you towgXyw 184 Washington Street, West Van Buren St., Chicago, Ill. The choicest of Fresh Meat»—Beef. Mut thrust into a deep dungeon, and left in it contains no injurious substance. 50 cent conclude to ta no further, why, no harm it done. AddreN, n town at lowest prices. WAT(RlQ9 Vi AST CO OCTROIT81CH where E. c. JkilJUL Bas «♦. Augaata, MalM. ton, Teal, Pork, Sausages, etc. •OVN PORTLAND, OREGON. toUl darkness tUl tbe njorning, when 1 bottles for sale by J. C. B abbitt CURE. LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES. \ BOOT AND SHOE N Cushion Tires Warranted Interchaiie- Seeing is Believing. GRANT HELMAN. H. JUDGE. Harness & Saddle Manufacturer. ROOFING. “The Rochester.” INDIANA RANGE CO, T E FREE to the AFFLICTED EVANS & BRUNK T own T opics M ann °* e ’I INTENSE. INDIANA RANGE CO. B M MAYER TAILOR J. H. SETTLEMIER. Woodburn, Or. A liberal Share of Pat rouage solicited. TWINBROTHERS H icks &)U c R ride , DRY HOP THE YEAST PASSENGER & FREIGHT QUICK RISER W LIGHTBREAD ¡ U H