Hornbrook Mining Items. BREVITY BASKET. A Matrimonial Surprise, Demhor a . g .cotvm Pacific Coast Agents for Correspondent Yreka Journal.] A G. Colvin died at Jacksonville this Senator Theo. Cameron of Uniontown D M. FERRY &CO.’S W. A. Harrison arrived last Thursday Jillson & Co are at work with a full morning aged 55 years, from asthma, and Mrs. Ella Krause of Jacksonville from Oakland, Cal. All tested and reliable. head of water. A few days ago Mr. ASHLAND, Os., T busssat , Mar. 3, 1882 **vinK » wife *n• v wa.v vuvui-| ucuvi maumatui tur lauu ui uif BKIC3, was sold Tuesday by Mrs. A. C. Helm to mences next week under the supervision bitant bills. My daughter has l»een greatly a*1/*? vote.th« piuiiiuiuuu prohibition uvact ticket pi pro- caught $ Vanderbilt and oiner other inn- mil- Mrs. J. H. Barnum for $1300. This is of Isa Leskeard. da* in v- . ] which w uicfi uaugii v anueroiii ana troubled with indigestion. She began us­ sy in Asnlan 1 returning home next , vi H at ! that, thia Hat 4 sec 22, tp 38 s. r 2 w, 80 acres; $500. Attorney-General (former) of Tennessee. art class here. Ashland and will result in the popula­ Germetuer is just the thing to use to over­ Vice-President Oakes of the Northern sooner •o<’n«r believe bdieve the little tin god idea in- in ' producing class in a scheme of in­ j to M N Long to A C Hopkins—ICO acres sec tion of that district with more settlers. come the evils left by la grippe. Sold by in »h» the Geo. Washington his Pacific was on Tuesday's northbound train ' culcated m w<..h.n<,»nn and k .. dustrial slavery more galling than that 26, tp 39 s, r 4 e; $1000. $1 per bo'ttle, six txittles for $5. Cigars-best 5c and 19c cigars at Crocker hatchet story. Mr. Wolfenbarger must of African slavery. It was the land loan in a private car. C J Anderson to A C HOpkins—160 acres druggists. Be sure to get Germetuer, with red, white Grocery Co. have felt the tone of his audience on this and sub-treasury ideas by which the sec 26, tp 37 s. r 4 e ; $1000. * The »now has about disappeared from and blue label. Write for information to B W Powell to Jos A Ward—lota 1, 2, 1, Royal Germetuer Co., manufacturers, 13 Crowson A Parker yesterday sent an in­ Klamath connty and farmers have com­ point and was evidently somewhat sur- government was to issue money direct to 4 blk 4, Park add to Medford ; $220. prised for he defended hie remarks by the people at 2 per cent instead of to stallment of fine seed corn to the state menced plowing. "B,” Polk street, San Francisco. agricultural college at Corvallis. Prof. E N Faulconer to O Hanson- land in the For sale by E. E. W inchester & Co., J. J. Donahue and family returned to deprecating the notion that a high office national banks st one per cent and from French, when in Ashland recently saw Galloway add to Medford ; $30. I Ashland. Ashland Saturday from Walla Walia, should shield men from having the truth I them to the people at from 10 to 20 per this com and pronounced it the best’in the cent. • told about them. Helen Fox to Geo W Crowson—lota 2 and Wash., to remain. It was raised at Talent. Southern 3 blk T, R R add to Ashland; $500. They explained the difference between state. Wolfenbarger and Huckins are an able Oregon is a corn country all right enough. Buu l^cey, who has been with the stage -Edward Brace to Mrs E E Faulconer—a company at Ager, returned to Medford team in their work. Huckins does some the alliance and the people’s party. 5 Pineapples—Acapulco brand at Crocker parcel of land 118x200 feet in GaLoway’s little talking too, being the funny man. A man can belong to the alliance and Tuesday to remain. , add to Medford; $190. Wolfenbarger does some singing. To­ belong to any church or political organ­ Grocery Co. Mrs. Waite of Roseburg, mother of „ . A man named Curtis, who styles himself they talk prohibition into the au­ ization under the sun. The people’s Tobaccos—leading brands at Crocker Ceiling, Chi ¡fon Trimming, and Engineer Jap Waite is here visiting her gether 1 dience, sing it into them, hammer it into party platform is the Ocala platform and "Club Foot Joe” arrived here Tuesday from Grocery Co. daughter, Mrs. Bush. up the coast. He claims to lie connected School Hata for Children, them, work it into them and drive it into it binds you to support their nominees Mrs. J. J. Donahue and children re- them, < Democratic County Convention. and their actions. Mr. Wakefield read with the mail service, but his work seems any way to get it into them . i to be striking for a loan of a couple of dol­ turned Saturday from Walla Walla, Wash., the following from the constitution of the lars.—Crescent City Record. Jnst the same A Democratic County Convention for to remain in Ashland. , A new feature is dialogue singing. precinct club organizations: They have a comic song about Levi P. identical amount he has tapped the boys Jackson County Oregon, is hereby called to Mias Minnie Preadmore returned Sunday Morton and bis Shoreham hotel and sa- Sec. 12. Any be held at the Court House in Jacksonville, . citizen of this — precinct ,--------- around here for. from San Francisco where she had been j loon which they give in variety theatre may become a member of this club by on Thursday, the 14th day of April, 1892, at New pants patterns at M. Mayer’s tailor 10 o’clock, A. M. for the purpose of elect­ studying stenography. ( song and dance style that takes the signing the declaration of principles and —H eadquarters at — shop at reasonable prices, ing eleven delegates to the Democratic Sir Arthur Conklin, the scented and as- I bouse down. This was the moat success- platform of tbe people’s party of the convention to be held at Portland on Mrs. Bertha Breton, widow of Chas. State thelic Ward McAllister of Grants Pass wss ful | C. O. D. Emporium. meeting held in Ashland in many a United States and pledging unqualified April 19th 1892. doing tbe city Saturday. year, and beats anvthing ever undertaken support of the principles of the party. Breton one of the pioneer ladies of Yreka Tbe Democrats of each precinct in the and than whom there was no more kinder Every member of this club shall be en- hearted woman in the world, died at that county are requested to hold primary con­ John A. Graffis and wife (Miss Donna >y the two old political parties. ---------------------------- titled to voice and vote at all meetings of place on the 26th. aged 57 years. The ventions on the 9th day of April, 1892, and Furry) left Monday for their home in Cali­ fornia, near Marysville. Circuit Court.-------------------- this club, of the County Central Club Journal says the funeral procession was elect delegates to said county convention in accordance with the following apportion­ C C Beekman vs Jas Hamlin—motion lor I and at all caucuses in this district by the the largest ever witnessed in Yreka. M B. Ranken came out from Portland ------AND------ ment based on the vote for Hon. Sylvester ' 1 people’s party. Saturday, leaving Sunday for San Francisco a 1 new trial; taken under advisement. Crackers, oysters, fish. We replenish Pennoyer for Governor in 1890, being one Hattie B Winters vs Geo W Winters—di­ on timber land purchasing business. Sec. 13. Any member that makes a every few day ’ s . O. Winter. delegate at large for each precinct, and one Furniture for Sale. TheOnly House in the City making vorce: W N Luckev appointed referee to re- j for each twenty-five and one for each frac­ 8. L. Wells returned from the mineral duce the evidence in writing and return the | motion to endorse the candidate of, or to Salton lake is getting larger and the in- into a fusion with any other polit ­ tion of thirteen over 25 of said vote. The creek mines in Washington, finding them same to this court about the 1st of April enter ' Intending to retire from the hotel busi­ no -{ood and left yesterday for Yr«xa. term, 1WI2. 1 ical party shall immediately cease to be a , dications now are that it will be a per­ various precincts are entitled to the follow- ness after many years of service I offer manent lake. Snows in the mountains ing representation • t Mary E Hamlin vs Geo W Hamlin—di- 1 member of thia club. Dr. Parson was at Hornbrook Monday VOTES DELEGATES tbe Sec. 14. Each member shall be re­ at present are heavier than for years, and to see M. H. Burckhalter who has recently vorce; decree granted and plff given care .. 245 11 and custody of minor children. ASHLAND HOUSE quired to subscribe to some reliable re­ coming as water will, when they melt on Ashland............. returned from the Sacramento hospital. 3 Main A Winchester vs W G Cooper et al— form paper. land already in large part saturated, a Applegate.............. ....58 When you bny your spring medicine you suit to foreclose a mortgage and mechanic's 19 1 Furniture for sale and the hotel for lease. Mr. Wakefield explained that if any of [ lake otunexampled extent will probably B13 Butte............ should get the best, and that is Hood’s Sar­ lien; confirmation. .47 3 The furniture is new and in good condi­ We carry the most complete and choicest stock in Ashland , be created. Old residents believe that Chimney Rock.... their candidates accepted a nomination saparilla. It thoroughly purifies the blood. .140 7 tion. The hotel is doing a fine business ; Central Point....... Mary C. Miller vs Win M Miller—suit for of tbe other parties they would be in the 1 about one hundred miles of track of the Eden....................... ...76 4 the best paying house in Ashland. Call and will positively not be undersold. All prompt­ Mrs. H. Truitt who has been spending . partition; confirmation of refferee’s sale. , Southern Pacific which lies in a desert be- 2 ring and of no service to the people. ... 26 Foots Creek ......... Ordered that Chas Schultz be allowed $33 a week or more in Ashland for her health on or address. [ low the sea level will be overflowed. After the lecture Mr. Wakefield said ...20 1 ly settled accounts and cash custom dis­ Flounce Rock ....... ' as bailiff for December term. returned home Monday to the Klamath 4 . 65 there was a little inconsistency in sec­ E W Gowan vs I N Shook—continued. E. K. BRIGHTMAN, It cures the la grippe. King’s Royal Gold Hill hot springs. 187 8 Jacksonville......... Ordered that Wm M Colvig, dist att’y, lie tion 13 and what they intended to do at ; Germetuer at the Winchester Pharmacy. counted Ashland, Oregon. Mias Maggie Chavner, Gold Hill, Miss > allowed $70 as fees. 101 5 Little Butte.......... their county convention at Central Point Frederick S. DeWolfe, President of the Lost Creek............ ...11 1 v1 ■ Rose Bucluey, Uniontown, and Rowena i All cases on the docket that have not ■■ 1 1 » « Nichols of Jacksonville were visiting Ash­ been decided continued until nezt term of next Saturday. Mr. Wakefield cordially Bank of King County at Seattle, Wash 195 9 Medford.................. MARRIED. invited the prohibitionists to join with 99 1 land Monday. court. _________________ and one of the state’s most substantial Meadows................ the people’s party for a fusion in a Jack- and prominent citizens, spent Tuesday Mount Pitt............ 15 1 GRAFFI8— FURRY—At the home of the f W. K. Jacobs of the Ashland Roller Mills 1 Jacksonville Jottings. son county ticket of all reformers, and and yesterday in Ashland. ....40 3 Mr. De Pleasant Creek bride’s parents, Hon. and Mrs. Samuel left last evening for his old home at Puyal­ i 3 Guy Stone of Ashland was a participant that he would be in favor of granting Wolfe’s business was the selling of the Rock Point............ ....... 45 E. Furry in Eden precinct, Feb. 24, 1892, lup. Wash. He will return in a few weeks ...10 WE DEFY ALL COMPETITION. ■Sterlingville .......... 1 of the leap vear party. them all reasonable concessions. John A. Graftis and Miss Donna Furry, with his family. Landers land at public auction. There Steamboat.............. ....... 12 1 Rev. Robt. Ennis officiating. , Our voters are well pleased with the were a number to bid but did not reach Trail Creek............ . ........ 33 1 S tate or O hio . C ity or T oledo ,) 2 Mrs. Hattie Winters departed Monday • high enough and Max Pracht bid it in Table Rock............ ...100 5 HENDERSON—HENDERSON—At the L ucas C ounty , j ss for Albany where she will remain a month t new method of voting. residence of the bride, the home ot Law­ 4 and then join Mr. Abbey’s folks at New­ ^TWe respectfully solicit your trade, deliver goods Welborn Beeson of Talent tarried in ‘ F rank J. C hunky makes oath that he is for Mr. DeWolfe for $2800, and the place Talent..................... ........67 rence Henderson. Woodville. Feb. 25, 3 port, Yaqaina bay. town Monday evening. the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J. C he - has been leased for a year to John Real. 1892, by Rev. J. L. Frutell,Samuel E. Hen­ Woodville ............ ...29 2 Harry Jackson, who has been attending derson and Miss Delila May Henderson. promptly and will treat everyone white Try the only John Stanley of Ashland paid our . ney & Co , doing business in the City of Get a bargain on oysters and sardines . 4 Toledo.County and State aforesaid .and’that by the dozen or by the case of Crocker Willow Springs.. . .... 69 school in Ashland returned to Portland town a visit Saturday. BOWLES—ALMY—At the U. 8. hotel, said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUN- Grocery Co. Monday to be eniployed4n tbe firm of Es- Jacksonville. Feb. 25. 1892. M. D. Bowles first-class grocery in the city. 91 Total Judge Webster and J. H. Huffer were > DRE1) DOLLARS for each and every case berg, Bachman A Co. and Miss Jane Almy, S. J. Day. town re­ A Democratic County Convention to of C atarrh that cannot be cured by the use The courtmartial of Lieut. Jas. A. at Ashland the first of the week. corder, officiating. Charley Slade arrived today from his of H all ’ s C atarrh C ube . Swift some months ago resulted, as men­ nominate County officers will be held at Miss Josephine Orth has gone to Rose ­ stage line east of The Dalles and accompni- the same place on Thursday, May 5th, 1892, FRANK J. CHENEY. tioned at the time in the R ecord , in his ed t>y Dr. and Mrs. Songer went to Yreka burg to visit her sister, Mrs. H. McClel­ at the hour of 9 o’clock A. M. the various If you haven’t seen the new $25.00 grand Sworn to before me and subscribed in my being reduced in rank. Since leaving precincts will be entitled to the same rep­ this morning on a visit. lan. 8rize, baking powder, hurry around to the presence, this 6th day of Dec.. A. D. 1886. Ashland Lieut. Swift was promoted from resentation as in tbe foregoing. pera House Grocery. County Treasurer Bloomer visited his ■ —> Mrs. Q. M. Dickerson and daughter, Miss Av W. GLEASON, second to first lieutenant and had only The primaries for electing delegates to Edna, left for Portland Sunday. The lav lat­ narento at Gold Hill from Friday to ( Notary Public. one man between hiur and a captaincy in said last convention are called to be held in Barber Shops to Close oil Sundays ter will remain there with a married sister Tuesday. the regular U. S. army. The courtmar­ the various precincts on Saturday, April Notice is hereby given that.after March and attend r business college. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally Mias Laura Harrison who has been tial reduced him down to plain 1st lieu­ 30th 1892. Mrs. T. K. Godfrey and children who seriously ill for some time, is reported i and acts directly on tbe blood and mucous tenant without promotion for five years. Balloting in said County Conventions to 6th, 1892, the barber shops of Ashland will be closed on Sunday. surfaces of the system. Send for testimoni­ have been stopping in Ashland during the improving. conducted viva voce. Lieut. Swift has asked some of bis friends be By als. free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., G. W. V acpki . school months, returned to Josephine coun­ order of the Democratic County Miss Rosa Buckley of Uniontown H^Sokl by Druggists, 75c. Toledo, O. in Oregon to circulate a petition for his Central Committee. ty last evening for the summer. C ottbeli . & M illion . passed through town Saturday en route pardon. M. P urdin , Chairman. H igh & R obinson . Wm. Ulrick, the unterrified insurance to Medford and Ashland to visit friends. At the regular convention of Granite We have a soap that will please you. It man, was here yesterday. He is en route Misses Eller Young, Mamie Day and lodge No. 23, K. of P. on Friday evening, smells sweet, don’t chap the hands, a fine to northern California selling the products Feb. 26, 1392, the lodge unanimously wssher, and will save vou monev. O. Mary Colvig were the guests of Grants of the Medford pork packing company. tendered a vote of thanks to the ladies Winter. Profs. Wolienbarger and Huckins were Pass friends and relatives during the and gentlemen of Ashland who so kindly The news reaches us, from republican tbe guests ot J. H. Russell during their week. surprised them with their presence and stay in Ashland. They talked at Medford A. T. Kyle, Ed. Thornton and Robt. a bountiful supply of elegant refresh­ sources though, that there are 32 candi­ By arranging our Purchases to meet the demand last evening and at Granta Pass this even­ Vining and others of Ashland attended ments on the eve of our twenty-ninth an­ dates for sheriff on the democratic ticket ing" the Leap Year party here on Menday niversary. It was an evening long to be in Klamath county. The two main ones of our sales we are constantly receiving New Lux­ Mrs. E. W. Allen, one of the lady man­ evening. remembered and words would fail us are Col. H. B. Compson of Naylox, agers of the woman's world's fair club, will brigadier general of the O. N. G., and uries in the Grocery line and are thus enabled to Ed. Temple of Rock Point and Mies meet the ladies of Ashland at the residence Martha Cardwell of Sams valley were were we to undertake a more eloborate Ex-Sheriff J.L. Hanks. Mr. Hanks was acknowledgment of appreciation. of Mrs. D. L. Rice on Thursday, March Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is often called th« place before our customers sheriff of Lake county before Klamath the guests of W. B. A. Temple and Yours very truly. 16th at 2 p. m, county was detached from it and made family Saturday. T. E. G odfrey , J£. of R. A I Good-Luck Baking Powder. Mrs. Geo. Dewey left Saturday for Or­ an economical and trustworthy admin­ The first leap year partv of the season land. Cal., to join her husband who has BOUND TO HAVE IT. istration . It is aiso stated that nearly took place here Monday evening at the located at that place Mrs. Jennie God­ Owing to the fact that good luck always attends the I must and 1 will have it, exclaimed the all the alliance men in that county are dard and Miss Ollie Purvis accompanied U. S. Hotel. A large crowd was present We handle nothing but the best brands of every­ and a merry time was bad. Another little man and he dashed the paper to the democrats. her to Dunsmuir. floor, jumped from his chair and brought use of Dr. Price ’ s, it is not essential to use it the moment partv is already talked of to be given by Some of the reasons why Germetuer is H. A. Fergus left Friday for Santa Rosa, thing and Guarantee our to be his clinched hand down on the table vigor CaL, to attend Prof. Sweets business col­ the Eastern Stars about May 1st. ously; then, mopping his brow and adjust­ the only reliable household remedy are: 1. It is pleasant to take. 2. It is absolutely lege, which is doing well. Prof. Sweet is a it is mixed nor is it required to have the oven always just Jacksonville held its first election under ing his glasses, be seated himself, seized on all. teacher of eminent ability and his Ashland tbe Australian ballot system, Tuesday, his pen and in a nervous, excitable hand harmless. 3. It makes no mistakes in di­ agnosis. but goes right to the root of dis ­ ---------- :0;---------- friend's are pleased to know of his success. when tbe following officers were wrote: D. M. Ferry A Co., Seedsman, ease by purifying the blood and toning the so, as in the case with ammonia or alum powders. It is not Detroit, Mich., G bntlemkn : Refering to Buick Bros, were visiting Ralph's family elected. Trustees, Max Muller, J. W. i your advertisement in the National In­ nerves. 4. It does not simply patch up but We also have oil which we - yesterday en roqte to their stock ranch at Robinson, Chas. Nickell, J. Nunan and luck after all, but the exacz accuracy and care exercised in I notice that you say that your radically cures . Try it and use nothing Silver lake from a visit at Roseburg. D. 8. D. Cronmiller. Treasurer, James Cron­ telligencer, else. Seed Annual for 1892 is free to all applicants, would like to Reduce our Stock that we will offend K. Buick and family left Tuesday over tbe miller Recorder, 8. J. Day. Marshal, As 1 buy considerable quantities of veget- the preparation and combination of all the ingredients of . P. for Sonneburg, Germany, to act as H. W. Grimes. Street commissioner, j | able A company of San Francisco gentle- and flower seeds each spring, 1 would Big Values in Teas, Coffees, . 8. consul; : esteem esteem it it a a favor favor if if you you vvould would mail mail me me i men M about t° start a new enterprise H. Wendt.__________________ Dr. Competent chemists Price ’ s Cream Baking Powder, sav it is : near Mott. They are making arrange- your Catalogue. My neighbors say Pickles, Prize Baking Powder, Soap, Blueing, Ac. Chas. Haight, a prominent fanner of The Boston Commercial Bulletin gives the best. ments to get out a ship load of No. 1 Little Shasta. Cal., has been in the valley a official showing the number of sheep in Very truly yours, ;sugar pine timber. Tbe timbers will be couple of weeks with bis family having Dr. are employed to test the strength and purity of each We will this season again handle R ichard D oe . ' squared up and cut into 16-foot lengths, Gearv treat their siz-vear-old daughter,who tbs country, by which the clip of 1892 is afflicted with weak yes. They returned can be forecasted. The total increase in -r. . __ 1 » ' ■ L j loaded on the cars at Mott and shipped ingredient. Nothing is trusted to chance. Hence; it is th!«