Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911, February 25, 1892, Image 1

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Groats Paus taxes its «logs
E. D. Briggs was at Granta Pass Sat-
D. T Lawton wm up from Medford
A daughter wm bora to the wile of C.
D. Judd on tbe 7th iaat.
Henry Oliver, the Tolo fruit raiser •
wm in the city Sunday.
The actual attendance in the Grants
Paus schools is 475 pupils.
■Spert McAllister’s 400 troupe were on
Friday’s train for Albany.
Geo. C. Sears wm over from Cole’s
Saturday on a buaineM, trip.
A son wm born to tbe wile of Geo.
McCloud at ?<seon on tbe 13th.
Nat Langell, internal revenue collector
WMat Siskiyou Friday on business.
At Woodville on tbe 10th, a daughter
wm lorn to tho wife of Chas. Tabor.
Beni. Eggleston shipped another car­
load ot apples to San Francisco last week.
Henry D. Kubli wm in Portland last
week consulting a physician about his
L. Henderson will give a boll on the
25tb Inst at bis new residence at Wood­
A daughter wm born to tbe wife of
James Colvin at Grants P sm on the
Chris Ulrich, the well-known Jackson­
ville mechanic, spent Bunday in Ash­
Chief of the County Papers.
Published every Thursday.
E. J. KAISER, Proprietor.
One year................ ........... ......................... |2 60
Six months ..................
1 60
Three months..................
Advertising rates given on application.
NO. 42.
Southern Pacific's Earnings.
San Francisco, Feb. 17.—Tbe Southern
Pacific’! earnings statement for 1801
makes the following showing:
Gros« earnings
Operating expenses.
Net earnings
It is stated by the general officers of
tbe road that the actual surplus will not
be greater than $2,000,000 alter the pay­
ments under the Sherman act are made
to tbe government. Under tbe act 25
per cent, of the net earnings of the Cen­
tral Pacific must be turned into tbe Uni­
ted States treasury.
Circuit Court.
Kingabury vs. Kingsbury, divoroe; al­
lowance $150; $50 attorney fees and $25
State vs. Henry Bauten; plea of not
0 withdrawn and plea of guilty en-
J. H. Brown, adm., vs. Martha M.
Cooksey, adm.; dismissed.
A. 8. Moon vs. Wm. H. Psnkev; judg­
ment for plaintiff for $229.68. Attorney
fees $18.76 and costs.
Tinies DeBoost vs. Oregon Mutual Live
Stock Indemnity Association; motion for
change of name overruled.
James Gaines vs. C. W. Skeel; motion
Archie Freeland late of the Portland for new trial overruled.
university is attending tbe Stockton boa-
C. C. Beekman vs. Jas. Hamlin; mo­
T dsm college
tion for continuance argued and submit­
MiM Laura Stimmel of Yreka and Dr. ted and overruled, and case set for trial.
■oiler of Nevada City were married at
‘•In buying a cough medicine for child­
Yreka last week
ren,'* says H. A. Walker, a prominent drug­
gist of Ogden, Utah, “never be afraid to
Isaac Detner, formerly of th» Ashland buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There
House, is running the Golden Kagle is no danger from it and relief is always
, hotel at Redding.
sure to follow. T I partícula I y reccomend
’s becaus'e
anse I found it to be safe
James McDonough wm at Grants Pass Chamberlain
and reliable. 50 cent bottles for sale by
bet week talking horse with some of hie J. C. Barrett & Co.
numerous friends.
Republican County Convention.
The Little Grace Beebe and Edwin
A Republican convention for Jackson
Barbour Co. were attached to Sunday’s
county, Oregon, will be held at Jackson­
north bound train.
ville on Saturday, March 26tb, 1892, for
Geo. Bailev of Applegate and MiM the purpose of ejecting seven delegates to
Harmon of Deer creek, Josephine county the Republican state convention which
were married recently.
will be held at Portland on the 6th day
Mies Ltllbn Trumble formerly of Rock of April, 1892. The Republicans of each
Point, wm married to Mathew Fountain precinct of the county are requested to
meet in primary convention at tbe pre­
in Del Norte county recently.
cinct polling place on Saturday March
A postoffice called Derby has been es­ 19, 1892, and elect precinct delegates to
tablished eight miles north of Eagle the county convention in accordance
Point with W. H. Derby postmaster.
with the following apportionment:
Ashland, North, 5; Ashland, West ,5;
W. R. Andrews, a lawyer formerly of
Medford when It wm first born, H m re­ Ashland, South, 5; Applegate, 2; Big
‘ Chimney
turned ther» from Seattle, Wash., and Butte, 1; Central Point.
Rock, 2; Esgle Point, 4; Eden, 3;
may locate.
Flounce Rock, 2; Foots Creek, 2;
Drs. Geo. and Wm. Martin, dental Gold Hill. 2; Jacksonville, North, 3:
graduates of Harvard have left Oakland, Jacksonville, South, 3; Lost Creek, 1;
Cal., to practice their profeaaion in Cal­ Medford, North, 4; Medford, South, 4;
cutta, India.
Meadows, 1; Mount Pitt, 2; Pleasant
Wagon loads of apples are going Creek, 2; Rock Point, 2; Steamboat, 1;
through Jacksonville to tbe railroad from Sterlingville, 1; Table Rock, 2; Talent,
Applegate for shipment abroad. There 3; Trail Creek, 2: Uniontown, 3; Wood­
ville. 2; Willow Springs, 1. Total num­
are no bugs on the Applegate apples.
ber of delegates, 74.
A. G. Wolfenberger and Prof. A. B.
Tbe number of delegates is for each
Huckine are billed for a number of en­ precinct one delegate at large, one for
tertainments in the valley the first of every twenty-five votes—and one for
March to talk and aing on temperance every remaining major fraction of twenty-
and prabibiQon.
five—cast for congressman in 1890.
Twins were born to the wile of W.
Happy Homes.
Shaw ver at Medford recently, making
Thou san be of sad and desolats homes
the third pair born there within the last
been made happy by use of “R ose
thirty days. Tbe Mail lays it to the have
B ud «.” which have proven an absolute cure
spots on the sun.
for the following diseases and their dis­
C. C. Ragsdale returned to Colusa tressing symptoms. Ulceration, Con-
and Falling of the Womb, Ovar-
county, Cal., Sunday and ,Mrs. Ragsdale
tumors, Dropsy of the Womb, Sup­
to Multnomah county, having divided up pressed
Ruptnre at Child­
the estate property among the heirs, C. birth, or Menstruation,
any complaint originating in dis
C. purchasing the widow’s interest.
eases of the reproductive organs; whether
Mrs. Prauk Towne, wife of the post­ from contagious diseases heredity, tight
lacing, overwork, excesses or miscarriages.
master and merchant at Phoenix, was One
lady writes us that after suffering for
called to Applegate last week by tbe ten years with Leucorrhea or Whites, that
serious illness of her father, one of the one application entirely enred her, and
muchly respected old time residents of furthermore, she suffers no more pain dur­
Josephine county.
ing the menstrual period. It is a wonderful
regulator. “R ose B uds ’* are a simple,
The Athena (Umatilb county) l’resa harmless, preparation, but wonderful in
in speaking of Judge DePeatt’s fine law effect. The patient can apply it herself.
practice there says ‘‘some of bis friends No doctors’ examination necessary, to
exprsM tbe opinion that be would make which all modest women, especially young
a good judge for thia district; but Athena unmarried ladies seriously object. From
the first application you will feel like a new
cannot afford to lose him.”
women. Price $1.00 by mail, post-paid.
The R kcobd wm in error in stating in T he L everette Sracinc Co., 339 Wash­
last issue that a son wm born to Mr. and ington St. Boston, Mass.
Mrs. Squire Parker on tbe 16th inat.
Incentive to Talk.
This being leap year tbe new arrival I
Mrs. Gush—Bobby is two years old and
took advantage of tbe special privileges
he hasn't spoken a word. I shall make
and chose to be a bouncing baby girl.
a desperate experiment, and if that fails
John McDonough died in Pittaburg,
Penn., Feb. 8th at tbe age of 68 years. to loosen his tongue give him up.
Mrs. Mush—What will It be?
This esteemed gentleman wm a brother
Mrs. Gush—1 have engaged a box at
of James McDonough, tbe pioneer citizen
and horseman of Willow Springs precinct tho opera.—New York Herald.
who went back to visit him a few months
Several dime museums have been
A. T. Kyle had a pleasant chat at tbe closed in New York for admitting chil­
depot Monday with an old Montana dren under the legal age.
friend, G. H. Goodrich, president of the
In his adaptation of the German play,
Goodrich Lumber Co. of Great Falls. ‘‘The Lost Paradise,” H. C. De Mille has
Mr. Goodrich is one of the stirring put London dialect into the mouths of
young men who have made a fortune in Boston workingmen.
that country.
Leander Richardson, editor of the
E. E. Redfield has patented a valuable New York Dramatic News, will also
improvement for the breeches of maga- have general supervision of the Chicago
sine guns. He is consummating the sale
of it to the Marlin gun works on royalty. Dramatic News.
Augustus Piton, the famous theatrical
Tho device alfowa longer cartridges and
mare extended openings of tbe breech manager, is a short man, whose dark
than the old style.—Courier.
complexion and black eyes indicate the
W. C. Him mens of the work train, new flench blood in his veins.
stationed at Mott, wm in Dunsmuir last
A letter from Geraldine Ulmer to
Sunday. Messrs. Simmoos, Sevier and a friend states that she is indignant
O’Neil are all very popular in society in at the reports of an intended divorce be­
Mott, and thia being leap year there is tween her and her hnsband, Ivan Caryl.
no telling but what some of them may be
During the illness of W. J, Florence
captured by the fair aex.—Dunsmuir
Joseph Jefferson's son and namesake
Try tbe roasted and green coffees of the played the parts ordinarily taken by
Crocker Grocery Company merely for com­ Mr. Florence. Since the comedian’s
parison with purchases elsewhere.
death Louis James has taken his place
Every Woolfolk killed a huge panther in the east.
on Jones creek one day last week. Tbe
W. J. Florence, just before his death,
animal weighed dressed 200 pounds and completed arrangements for his next
a splendid winter hide was taken from it. year's tour. He was to leave Jefferson,
Its mate ia around there and had better his wife was to join him and that bright
make itself scarce or tbe rifle ball will
fetch him also. Tbe acene cf tbe killing voung actress, Madeline Bonton, was to
ia within three miles of tows.—Courier. be their leading lady.
A New Yorker has made thè most
Rye and buckwheat flour and the leading
brands of wheat flour at Crocker Grocery novel and original suggestion on record
Company— all guaranteed.
for an interesting exhibit at the World’s
Two men named Schaffer and Moll fair. His idea is to take 13,000 tons of
were keepiug bachelor’s ball at Grants silver bullion from the United States
P sm and quarreled. Moll wrapped treasury and cast it into slabe which
Schaffer over the head with a club when could be used in building the most beau­
Schaffer plunged a knife in Moll’s breast tiful structure the world has ever seen.
near the heart. Sebastian Schuniff A silver palace worth $100,000.000 would
separated them by taking a shot at Moll, be an attraction that would draw mill­
which missed him. At the examination
Schaffer waa discharged, it being de­ ions of people who always want to see
something new and grand.
clared a ease of sell defence.
Mr. C. W. Reed, proprietor of the Hotel
We have two of the greatest bargains in
Prize Baking Powder ever offered in Ash­ Dellone, Omaha, one of the finest new and
moden hotels in the west, says of Chamber­
land. D. L. Minkler A Son.
lain’s Coueh Remedy: “We have used it
Ed. II. Hughes who has been staying tn our familv for years with the most satis­
in this city for several days ia preparing factory result, especially for our children,
It can he
be depended
to operate hia new
“W quartz ledge on Sar-
Sar- ■ tor colds and cronp. ft
Gold Hill, upon; besides it is pleasant to take and
dine creek nine r*
”‘" ' from
Hia partner in the mine is named Signor- seems to be free from chloroform and the
substances put into many cough mix­
etti and the ledge ia being tapped by two oily
” 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale bv
tunnels. The iower tunnel uncovers the tures.
J. C. Barrett A Co.
ledge where it is four feet wide and the
Kx-King Milan at Belgrade signed a
upper tunnel finds the vein three feet
thick and the ore assays $200 a ton. A renunciation of all his legal and consti­
stamp null will be erected as soon as tutional rights in Servia.
there are 300 tons of ore on the dump —
Charlotte, the new queen of Wurtem-
Granta Pass Courier.
burg, is a young and beautiful woman.
She is well read in history and general
No healthy person need fear any danger­
ous consequences from an attact of la grippe literature and is a good linguist and a
if properly treated
It is much the same clever musician and artist.
as a severe cold and requires precisely the
The much talked of Prince Ferdinand
same treatment. Remain quietly at home
and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as of Ronmonia is a slender man of middle
directed for a severe cold and a prompt and height, with blue eyes, light brown hair
complete recovery is f-ure to follow. This and pleasing manner. His character is
remedy also counteracts any tendency of
la grippe to result in pnenmonia. Among gentle but by no means soft.
the many thousands who have used it
Don’t get soaped by cheap brands of soap,
during the epidemics of the past two years but try some or Winter’s best.
we have yet to learn of a single case that
has not recovered or that has resulted in
For chicken. Mackerel. Alaska herring
yneumotua. 50 cent bottles for sale by and lake white fish go to the Crocker Gro­
. U. Barrett <fc Co.
cery Company.
75,000 Lbs. Bacon.
per ct
Chase Combination Dental Plate» made
with Gold and Aluminum Roofs.
Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth
to perfect appearance.
Gold Crown and Contour work a specialtv.
Office over the Bank.
15,000 Lbs. Kettle Rendered Lard.
Smoked Sausage in Sacks.
FRESH SAUSAGE in 5 and 10 lb. Pails, seaed
with Lard on top.
Strongest, Purest, Most Economical.
Quality Guaranteed.
A shland ,
For Sale by
Certain baking powder makers are publishing falsified extracts from the
Government reports, with pretended analyses and certificates, wherein an
attempt is made to compare their baking powders with the “Royal,” or
making bogus tests from house to house, their obvious purpose being to
counteract the recent exposures of the inferiority of their own goods arising
from their impurity, low strength, -mid
of keeping qualities as shown
by the Government chemists and others.
As to whether any of these baking povzders are
equal to the “ Royal,” the official tests clcarb.” deter-
mine. When samples of various baking powders were
purchased from the grocers, and analyzed by the United
States Government Chemists an ’ lee Chemists of State
and City Boards of Health, the reports revealed the fact
that the “Royal” contained fyori
per cent to Co per
cent, more leavening strength t'.an eny ether cream of
tartar baking powder, and also ?.t' •;-.s mere perfectly
made^of purer ingredients, and akc-i .L.ur wholesome.
As these powders arc sold, to consumers at the same price, by the use
of the Royal Baking Powder then i L.i average saving of over one third,
besides the advantage of assured’ ;
/ and wholesomeness of food, and of
I 'T
bread, biscuit, and cake made p
sweet, and palatable—advan-
tages not to be had in the u.-c </. i.
rade, cheaply made baking pow-
ders that contain lime, alum, .'.r.d c
O regon .
Will practice in State and United States
courts, and U. 8. Land Office.
TALENT, Jacksoil County, Orcyon.
J acksonville .... O beoon .
Wili practice iu all the courts of the
State. Office opposite the court house.
A shland ,
O moon
Will practice in ail courts of the state.
Collections promptly made.
Between San Francisco and Portland.
Invalids and others seeking pure air, mountain water
and desiring to benefit by the use of the various hot or cold
mineral, chemical and sulphur springs in and near Ash-
land, will find sympathetic accommodations at the
Mrs. Pracht is in charge as Housekeeper.
Commercial travelers will bear in mind that the pro­
prietor was “one of ’em’’ for 15 .years and knows how to
take care of “the boys.”
PELTON & NEIL, Prop's.
—Retail and Wholesale dealers in—
Beef, Pork and Mutton.
Kinds of
Kept constantly on band. Fair living
prices is all that we ask.
We will make it to your interest to
deal with us.
Stock Farm For Sale.
HE BELL ESTATE, containing 100
acres of land in the heart of a good
cattle range. About 6 miles front Henley,
Cal., on the Klamath river.
Also about 66 head of cattle.
For further particulars inquire of
THUS JONES. Henley, Cal,,
or W. T LAIRD, Ager, Cal.,
E. J. FARLOW, Agent. Ashland, Or.
JSFAddress for terms, Ac.,
World’s Fair News.
Edward M. Field has been indicted for
at New York.
New prize baking powder, $25.00 prize,
kado of Japan, appeared before the
75 cents at Winter’s.
A gang of would-be train robbers was
South Park commissioners of Chicago captured at Dallas, Texas, last week.
Seven cases of typns have been dis­
and laid before them a remarkable offer | A friend of Carlyle Harris, the con­
covered at Chicago.
on the part of the Japanese government.
| [A printer at Silver City, N. M., has Ha told the board that Japan wanted to victed murderer at New York, now
comes forward and says Harris' young
Callen heir to $75,000.
put a stone building in Jackson^park, wife used morphine to beautify her com­
An attempt is being made to form the lay out Tapanese giurdens all around it,
tanneries in the United States into a fill the building with rar» works of art plexion.
A young wftinan with a four-year-old
and then give everything to tM city of
Wholesale cattle stealing by the Nav­ Chicago. Tegima said the government girl, calling herself Mrs. Fannie Frank-
ajo Indians in New Mexico caused the of Japan would vote an annual appro liu and claimlug to be from Riverside,
Cal., has victimized several persons at
recent disturbances with the cowboys.
priation to keep up th» building and gar­ Memphis, Tenn., who were deceived by
■ It coutaius a description iui.l price of Gras«, Clover and Field KEEDH. Ku«
Colonel Hernandez, the condemned dens.
her engaging manners and evidences of
traliau Tree au<l Shrub MF.i'.D.Ti, Native California Tree, Shrub au<t Flower
Mexican general, will be permitted to
The following seven lady managers for refined associations.
HESiDS (the largest nssortioeatcf Vegetable and Flower WEEDS, offered in the
United States), new varieties ct Forage Plants, Grasses and Cloven .specially re­
make an appeal to the government in California have been appointed by the
for the Pacific Ceast. Holland, Japan and California Bulbs. Largo
his defense.
state commission: Mrs. „„„„
John S. iVTCJ
Reed, , issued at Denver against E. J. Wallace
assortment of Palm NEEDNi, new and rare Plants, new Fruit. Our stock of Fruit
Trees consist« of the best varieties of Prune, Plum, Apricot. A dd I c . Peach. Cberrv.
The growth of socialism in Germany Latonville, Mendocino county, Mrs. Vir- and a man named Ward, agents of the
Olive, Fig and Nut Trees, Grape Vines and Small Fruits.
* w-a, v v ,,
ls causing much uneasiness to the gov­ giniaS. Bradley, Nevada City, Mrs. California Mutual Benefit association,
ernment and energetic measures are I Amelia M. Marcellus, Alameda, EHa an insurance concern of Sau Francisco.
looked for on the part of the Emperor. Sterling Cummings, San Francisco, Mrs. The men have been collecting insurance
The great rabbit drive near Freeno E. O. Smith, San Jose. Mrs. Dr. Wilder, money throughout thostate, though the
Suecessors to THOMAS A. COX & CO.,
last week resulted in the killing of 7,000 ■ Loe Angeles, Mrs. Flora M. Kimball, company is not registered as required by
of the pestiferous animals. About 8,000 | National City. Eeach is allowed $50 a law. The men are confined in the county
month and traveling expenses over the jail.
people participated.
Sansome St.,
San Francisco, Cal.
There was a wonderful display of tho
Tobaccos—leading brands at Crocker
aurora, or northern light, last week over will be under the supervision of the Grocery
a stretch of country from Iowa to the state commission.
Atlantic coast. It was particularly bril­
The California World’s fair commis­
liant in Michigan.
sion has selected a plan for the state MRS. GRAHAM'S
Rumors of impending revoltsjn Brazil building to be erected at Chicago. The
are officially pronounced without foun­ successful architect is A. Page Brown of
San Francisco. The style is strictly
The rise in the price of beef at Paris Mission, with a Spanish roof garden
has led to an increased demand for eighteen feet wide, arcade and flat
dome. The best features of the Califor­
horse flesh.
nia mission buildings have been closely
General Booth of the Salvation Army oopied and absolute simplicity of detail
has returned to London from Australia has been maintained. Exteriorly the
Is not a cosmetic in the sense in which
and India.
building will have a clearstory, like the that term is popularly used, but perman­
Dr.Olcott has resigned the presidency church effect of centre and side aisles. ently beautifies It creates a soft, smooth,
clear, velvety skin and by daily use grad­
of the Theosophist society on account of Within there will be a gallery affording ually makes tbe complexion several shades
his ill health.
an area two-thirds of the ground floor. whiter. It is a constant protection from
Mz ...
the effects of sun and wind and prevents ••
••• •
The Belgrade correspondent of the The extreme measurements of the build­ sun
b»rn and freckles, and blackheads will
Berlin Voesiche Zeitnng has been ex­ will be 500 feet long by 110 feet mean nev-
ime while you use it. It cleanses
pelled from Servia on a charge of tele­ width. The total floor area will be 100,- the toue far better than soap and water,
graphing reports to his paper which 000 square feet, the ground floor afford­ nourishes and builds up the skin tissues
and thus prevents the formation of wrink­
caused a fall in Servian funds.
ing 60,000 and the gallery 40,000 feet. les. It gives the freshness, clearness and
Mrs. F. Van Horne and her sister From the ground to the eaves will be smoothness of skin that you had when a
while fritting on the bridge at Los An­ 50 feet, and to the centre line of the roof little girl. Every lady, young or old ought
use it,as it gives a niorc youthful appear­
geles saw a man's leg sticking out of ths 65, while the top of the dome will be to
ance to any lady, and that permanently.
river bank where the rain had washed upward of 80 feet high. The lower por­ It contains no acid, powder or alkali, and
the earth away. The matter was inves­ tions of the roof will be covered with is as harmless as dew and as nourishing to
tigated and the skeleton of a man was genuine Spanish tiles. The walls are to the skin as dew is to the flower. Price $1,
all druggists and hairdressers, or at Mrs.
How long the body had be a close imitation of adobe, and the at
Gervaise Graham’s establishment, 103 Post
been there can only be conjectured. The entire structure is to give visitors an Street, San Francisco, where she treats la­
fact that the top of the skull was miss idea what California mission buildings dies for all blemishes of the face or figure.
ing lends color to the belief that the are like. In the construction of the Ladies at a distance treated bv letter. Send
man was murdered.
building old mission bells and any other for her little book “How to be Beautiful.”
Sample Bottle mailed free to any lady on
Feeling is running high at San Diego articles which can be conveniently used receipt
of 10 cents in stamps to pay for
against the Pacific Mail company, and and returned will be introduced. The postage and packing. Lady Agents wanted.
it is openly charged that Captain Friele main entrance will be in the centre, the
of the City of Sydney made four posi­ departments being arranged along the
tively false statements as to the draught sides of the long structure.
The esti­
Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and
of his ^eael, the depth of water on the mated cost is not over $75,000.
bar at the mouth of the harbor, the
at Prices that Defy Competition.
Cures the worst cases of Freckles, Sun­
depth of water in the channel and his
La Grippe a General Epidemic.
burn, Sallowness. Motb-patches, Pimples
delay there, with the object of aiding
and all skin blemishes
Price $1.50.
R ubton , L a .
We call special attention to C. M. HENDERSON & CO.’s (Chicago) Red
the company to avoid the clause in its
“I was attacked with La Grippe at church Harmless and effective No sample can be
House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN 4 CO.’S (Boston) $3 00 calf B J
contract forcing vessels to stop at San —went home with chill, headache and
Briggilt in this town who first orders Shoes, the best made. Every pair guaranteed.
shooting pains through my entire body,
sneezing, sore throat, etc; fever soon arose a bill of my preparations will have his name
Elder Flower
Shasta Line.
Express Trains Leave Fortland Daily.
’ I North
7:00 p m Lv Portland Ar 7 :35 a ill
10:20 u in Ar Ashland
Lv 4:40 pm
10:60 a m Lv Ashland
Ar 4 10 p m
8:15 n m Ar SanFranciscoLv 7:00p m
Above trains stop only at following sta­
tions north of Roseburg: East Portland,
Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany,
Tangent, Sliedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc­
tion City, Irving, Eugene.
Roaeburg Mail Daily.
Portland . .5:00pm
Albany.. . .5:00 a m
And will be sold at our well known
Between Portland and Corvallis.
Portland. . 7:30 a m I Corvallis.. .12:10 p m
Corvallis... 12:66 p m i Portland.. 5:30 p m
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
train« of Oregon Pacific Railroad.
Express Train Daily (Except Bunday.)
leave :
4:40p m | M’Minnvtlle 7:25 pm
M’Minnville.&:45am | Portland . . ..8:20 a in
TIK011UH TICKETS tv all joints
For tickets and full information regarding
rates, maps, etc., call on company's agent
at Ashland.
Asst. G. F. A Pass. Agt
Ladies, Pay Attention.
The Pittsburgh Lamp
Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To|
Leave Medford
10:00 a. in.
2:00 p. m.
7:30 p. m.J
Leave Dansville
10:10 a m.
2:12 p. m.
7:30 p m.
Leave Harbaugh’s
10:17 a m j
2:30 p. m.",
7:41 p. m.l
l^ave Whetrock
10:20 a. m.
2:25 p. m.
7:4o d . m.
Arrive Jacksonville
10:30 a, m.
2:40 p. m.
7:55p. m.
Ashland, Oregon
is one of those inven­
tions that seems to be
finished. It seems to
reach the end as to
goodness of light
in every way,
and ease of
The only care
it requires is
filling and wip-
Dirt falls out v/hen the chimney
is taken off, not into a pocket as
in ether central-draught lamps.
Putting in a new wick is a very
easy matter indeed.
All this seems strange to one
Uno” *' how troublesome other
xi. u. x. VF u xi vr, an(j g surveyor
overnmenf Lan(j Locator. good k .3 are.
it is in all tho good lamp-stores.
fc ■
AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac- 1
you could get relief bv using the fa­
mous, well known remedy Orange Blos­
som, a sure specific for all the troubles and
suflerings peculiar to the sex, when it has
cured thousands who stand ready to give
testimony of its great virtues and curative
qualities. Ladies, remember its the old,
tried and true, your friend in trouble and
time of need. Give no credence to these
new and worthless compounds that are
flooding the markets For sale bv
Helman street, near tbe Youle A Gilroy
planing mill.
Railway Company.
W. HONEYMAN. President.
arrive :
Albany .. 9:00p m
.8:56 a m
Rogue River Valley
Leave Jacksonville
8:30 a. nt.
1:00 p. m.
5:40 p m.
eave Whetrock
8:40 a. m.
1:12 p. m.
5:48 p. m.
Leave Harbaugh's
8:43 a m.
1:17 p m.
5:51 p m.
Leave Davisville
8:50 a. m.
1:27 p. m,
Arrive atMedford
9:00 a. m.
1:40 p m.
6:00 p. m.
5:4O p in
For accommodation of Second Class Pas­
sengers, attached to Express Trains.
N ashville , T enn .
'I.ast February I suffered a severe at­
tack of La Grippe and in tbe early part of
the summer it returned. I was for several
weeks unable to do any work
I began to
use King's Royal Germetuer and found al­
most immediate relief-
My appetite re­
turned. the languor disappeared and I *n-
creased in flesh and strength. I used three
bottles in all. Am now quite well and give
Germetuer the credit, for after the first at
tack I took nothing else. Sincerely,
“Editor 8. 8. Lit. M. E. Ch. So.”
Sold by all druggists. Royal Germetuer
Co., 1373' Polk street, San Francisco, Cal.,
manufacturers. Send stamp for circular of
full information.
For Sale at Winchester & Co Pharmacy,
Ashland, Or.
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods
Hats, Caps, etc.
and it was the most intense!
ensely hot I have added to this advertisements.
had for many a year. I had
._ J_____
seen ...
in ____
Cin i My preparations are for sale by whole­
cinnati Enquirer that King's Royal Ger- sale druggists in Chicago and every city
meteur would cure la grippe and deter­ west of it.
mined to try it. I took a dose at 11. 12 and
For sale by MRS. F. C. HUNT, lady
1 o’clock and fell asleep.
I awoke at 4
Ashland. Oregon. Opposite Hotel
o’clock and took another dose. Got up at agent,
6:90. ate a hearty breakfast and worked
bard splitting timber till noon. I have had
no return of any symptom since.
Three of my children have been attacked
by same disease. I gave them same treat­
ment with same result.
A neighbor had an attack.
I called to
see her just after dark. Her fever was very
high, and at times she was delirious and
said she would die. She called her friends
around her to give her last parting words.
I told her friends if they would give her
Germetuer she would be ready for break
___ ­
called 1
fast next morning. She took it. I J ~~
next morning and found her at breakfast
table, enjoying a hearty meal—feeling well
all ’ c- symptoms
wm a ¿-A
wxvx A gone,
A j — ,
with all
of la
la m.«
, i__i.
There has been no return of it in either of BetW66n MCOtOru cHIO JtlCK* ,
the above cases. I know of many other I
cases in and about Ruston of this same dis­
ease, treated the same way, with the same
From Medford
From Jacksonville
(R ev .) H. C. P ugh , Nashville, Tenn
to Jacksonville.
to Medford.
8:00 a m
.6:20 am
Albany Local, Daily. (Except Sunday.)
Bernard J. Schmidt, a well-known
farmer of Atchison county, Kansas,
went to Germany last November to
visit his old home, and was immediately
arrested on a charge of deserting from
the German army tliirtv years before.
Efforts to secure his release proved fruit­
less until the emperor's birthday, the
27th of January, when Emperor Wil­
liam received a letter from Schmidt’s
eleven-year-old daughter begging for
her father’s release. The emperor was
touched by the petition and the man was
John Conway of Cold Springs, Cal.,
in a petition presented in the United
States senate by Wilson of Iowa, asks
that the law passed by the last congress
establishing the Yosemite National park
be repealed. He submits some peculiar
reasons for his request, and amongother
arguments says that the park tends to
protect wild animals that are a menace
to the farmers and ranchers of the
Yosemite region. One of the objects in
establishing the park was to save the
timber of this famous valley, and conse­
quently protect the headwaters of the
streams which have their origin there.
Mr. Conway says that the state forester
of California reported that sheep had
been the cause of the destruction of the
forests «long the streams, though in
what manner he does not explain. The
fleecy herds, too, he 6ays. caused forest
fires, banished game from the forests
and swept the mountain aides of vegeta­
tual experience. I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the Pu-X. it . Fa. '
best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty.
3-7 [