VALLEY RECORD I VALLEY RECORD » rKEHAEP BUICK*. VALLEY RECORD. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published everv Thursday. Shan Gonser is now conductor on the E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. Albany local. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: L. Swan returned to Yreka Sunday One year...................-............................... >2 M from Portland. Six months .............................................. 1 50 Section Boas W m Lyttleton was over Three months......................................... ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28. 1892. VOL. IV. NO. 38. Advertising rates given on application. from Cole's Sunday. And men go right on mistaking indi gestion for inspiration. C. CALDWELL, republican office holders who have held HILL. OF NEW YORK. MKBli over since 1880 because a republican Tim world is also against the man who MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE How he Defeated the Republican senate would not confirm the appoint is hia own worst enemy. Schemer* and Wire Workers—By ments of a democratic governor, will be DENTIST. Hell baa in ft no pang like that moving Tact, Skill and I aw he Dewtroy« removed at once, and democrats ap Chase Combination Dental Plates made the heart of a jealous man. pointed to succeed them. All these bold- with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. the Villainy of Toni Platt. Dr. J. A. Geiaendorfer haa located at over positions pay goodwalanes, some of Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth to perfect appearance. Arlington, Gilliam county. [Albany, N. Y., letter, just before the decis them as much as 110,000 a year. New Gold Crown and Contour work a specialty. ion of court of appeal«.] York will get five wardens of the port A flaughter was born to the wife of Office over the Bank. Governor Hill may be relied upon to and three quarantine commissioners, all Butler Walker on the 7th inst. It contain, a description and price of Grass. Clover and Field NEEDM. Aus checkmate everv uttempt of the repub lucrative positions now filled by re tralian Tree and Sl'.rub NEt'.n.s, Native California Tree, Shrub and Flower Tboe. Griffiths of eastern Oregon licans to steal the organization of the publican hold-overs, mugwumps who ROBERT A. MILLER. NEEDS (the larges: a“« >rtmcut of Vegetable and Flower NEEDS», offered in the visiting his folks at Gold Hill. were eternally prating abont “pure” United States), new varieties of Fora re Plants. Grasses aud Clovers .specially re legislature. commended for the Pacilic Coast. Holland. Japan and California Bull». I-arge His pardon of Supervisor Welch, which politics and civil service reform. The News says the pay car distributed assortment of Palm NEEDN, new and rare Plants, new Fruit. Our stock of Fruit ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSELOR-AT- Next in importance, a democratic the republican and mugwump press of 115,000 in Dunsmuir last week. Trees consists of the best varieties of Prune, Plum. Apricot, Apple, Peach, Cherry, the countv is so bitterly denouncing, senate means a reapportionment of the Olive, Fig and Nut Trees, Grape Vines and Small Fruits. ZE j JLW, David Bennett and bride have returned stamps Governor Hill as a man who is senate and assembly districts, so that it -----ADDRESS------ to Evans creek from California. alive to his duty, and who is not afraid will be impossible for a republican J acksonville .... O kkgon . Radam’s Microbe killer is now kept for of corrupt judges or personal intimi- minority in the state to longer defeat Will practice in all the courts of the the wishes of the majority of the people. daton. sale in Reeser’ block, Ashland. State. Office opposite the court bouse. WbenGovernor Hill was elected to the By the decision of the court of appeals Successors to THOMAS A. COX A CO., A people’s party club with 20 members 1 United States senate be was bitterly the democrats will have a majority of has bees organized at Phoenix. S ZJ El D S M E BT, J T. BOWDITCH. written up for his expressed purpose of one in the senate, counting Edmonds, O. Kincaid ia visiting bis home at Cen holding on to the governorship until the independent, with the republicans. ah , 413 & 415 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. ATTORNEY AT LAW. expiration of hia term. On the face of Edmonds, however, has promised to tral Point from Union county, Or. the transaction it looked bad for Hill, but vote with the democrats for reapportion A shland , ..... O regon . A eon was born to the wile of John when the state election came off and ment. With his vote it will stand: Taylor of Central Point on the 20th. Will practice in all courts of the state. Lieutenant Governor Jones went over to Democrats 17, republicans 15, but the 15th Collections prompt!}' made. C. Mingus went to Medford Saturday the republicans, Hill’s purpose was seen man has been declared ineligible. to look at hia property interests there. and justified. It seems that he knew The work of the legislature has already The qua.terly examination of teachers the treacherous character of Jones better been mapped out by the democratic will be held at Jacksonville, Feb. 12th. | than did the public, and that, in conse leaders. Appropriations will be kept quence, his duty to the electors who down in order to further reduce taxation, Jos. <i. Pierce and J. A. Kerr went to made him governor required him to and the business of the session will be Ran Francisco Friday on a business trip. hold on to the helm of state. disposed of as rapidly as possible. A Mias Mamie LaFleeh ot Hornbrook is Scarcely had the smoke of the battle of census of the state will be ordered made O SAVE from 25 to 50 cents on every recovering from an attack of pneumonia. ' | November passed away, when it was early in the spring. It will be an enu dollar you spend? If so, write for our meration of the people without any em seen that the republicans, aided by a Illustrated Catalogue, containing illustra- The former wife of W. I. Nichols died barrassing questions. As soon as it is lionsjand prices of everything manufact In southern California recently, aged 54 corrupt judiciary, were engaged in the completed, ured m the United States, at mannfsitur- the legislature will be con- work of falsifving the returns, so as to years ers’ prices. Kiin control of one branch of the legis- vented in special session to make the Jas. W. Briner came over from hia ture. Although the democrats had apportionment based on this census. 10,000 Illustrations, all lines represented JLSZETIuJLZbTZD, OZELZEJG-OZtST. Beaver creek mines Saturday after a carried the state by a majority of nearly [Washington interview, after court of ap miner. fifty thousand, owing to the outrageous THE BEST Bl I LT, THE BEST FURNISHED, CATALOGUE mailed free on applica peals decision. | Engineer Harry Webber and wife re apportionment made by republican legis tion. Genera 1 George A Sheridan, the latures, aided by mugwump moralists, AND THE BEST CONDUCTED HOUSE turned to Portland from California Sat Address, the democrats had only succeded in ?treat republican orator and partisan, is urday. orced to admit that the democracy has carrying both houses by a narrow mar CH1C160 VEMML SIPPLV < »,, J. M. Shelly, the well-known commer ( gin. A democratic majority in both won a magnificent victory. 178 West Van Buren St., In speaking of the decision today he cial man, haa irone into the oil bueineee ' 1 houses, with Governor Flower in the ex mayl4 ’ 91 Chicago. Ill. for himself at Portland. ecutive chair, meant a new and honest said: ELECTRIC LIGHTS. “It looks as if the democrats had won apportionment, which would secure New Joe Weisenberger, one of the old rail the senate, and no doubt the decision of Invalids and others seeking pure air, mountain water road boys lias returned from N ew Mex York to tbs democracy for years to come. the higher court is eminently proper. The prize was well worth fighting for. ico where be has been for some time. I have no doubt of its justice. The re In Onondaga county Judge Kenned v,as and desiring to benefit by the use of the various hot or cold Nate Herrington, who had a band the ready tool of the republicans, under publicans invoked the aid of the law, and are stopped from any adverse com mineral, chemical and sulphur springs in and near Ash sawed off by an edger st Drain, Douglas took to force the board of canvassers to county, was formerly a resilient of Jack- falsify the returns so as to serve bis ment on the judicial settlement of the land, will find sympathetic accommodations at the son county. party. Flagrant though hie conduct controversy. It is nonsense to say the judges were influenced in their action bv was, it was endorsed by The New York The Ole Olson company combined with improper motives. They are men of too HOTEL ORE3G-OW. several of the Swedish singers, both of , Tinies and papers of similar character. high character for that. But the outcome ■ Fortunately, Governor Hill, who check- each other. In his celebrated Elmira which shows have played in Ashland,are All the schools in Servia are closed | mated the treason of Jones, was not to is a good one, and a sufficient punish speech Hill said of Cleveland : Mrs. Pracht is in charge as Housekeeper. bound thia way again. owing to the ravages of diphtheria. T. E. HOGG, Receiver. be baffled by a partisan judge. The ment for the countrymen who let the President Cleveland’s administration New prize baking powder, 125.00 prize, democratic canvasser whom Judge democrats sweep the state bv such an Leading Parisian merchants will call deserved a better fate. No scandals Commercial travelers will bear in mind that the pro 75 canto at Winter’s. Kennedy ordered to jail for thirty days, immense majority. At the same time marked its election. Its success was a meeting to excite interest in regard to The Woodburn Independent says four in order to kill bis vote in the board, was the decision of the court is a tremendous not bought by the purses of rich candi sending exhibits to the World's fair. prietor was “one of ’em” for 15 years and knows how to Oregon Developement Co.’s boost for David B. Hill. People had teen of Salem’s sixteen saloon keepers promptly pardoned. dates ; nor corruption fund hat-holders The American legation at Berlin is better quit their sneering allusion to take care of “the boys.” are Republicans. Thia partially accounts STEAMER». rewarded with cabinet offices. Its par busy with the military cases of German- That Governor Hill did not treat the for the heavy Republican majority there. judiciary with discourtesy, but merely peanut politics, seat stealing, etc., in tisan affairs were not conducted by men Americans who have got into trouble by connection with the governor of the 3E3PAddress for terms, &c., Candy, nuto, figs, dates. A big selection clipped the claws of a partisan jackdaw Empire State. His shrewdness as a of spotted fame and ill repute. Its public returning.. SHORT LINE TO CALIFORNIA. at Winter’s. who was using his judicial power for politician and skill as a lawyer are amply counsels were led by men of long ex The M. E. church of Ceniral Point party ends, is proven by an interview vindicated in this matter, and the perience, of unsullied fame, of un MRS. GRAHAM'S FREIGHT AND FARES the IDWIUT has filed articles of incorporation with with the governor: American people are going to give him questioned integrity. I do not ask of sincere Republicans that they shall ap the eecretarv of state; W. W. Scott, John “Welch was a member of the board of credit for both.” novl'J JLSZESZLJLZrSTZD, OZELZEG-OZN". Gibson, and Fred T. Downing incorpor canvassersof Onondaga county,” said the Steamer Sailing Date«: Quite an admission from the republic prove Mr. Cleveland’s tariff message, which made them so very anxious to ators. governor. “The proceeding under which an campaign orator. FROM YAQUINA t prevent his continuance in office; but I The Yreka Telegram says the 8 F. it is attempted to inflict punishment grows ask them to consider if, perchance, Steamer Willamette Valley—Noveuilier Hill a Temperate Man. Alta-California will be brought back to out of the canvass of the votes cast at the 8th, 18th, 28th, and December 6lh. there can be any connection between life again about the first of March,backed recent election in that county. It does New York World, editorial.] systematic party legislation to protect BROM SAN FRANCISCO! by ex-Senator James G. Fair, the mil not appear that Welch disobeyed any “Governor Hill is a man of the largest the accumulation of colossal fortunes by T Steamer Willamette Valley—Novemlier order of theconrt directed to him. Judge lionaire. 3d. 13th, 23d, and December 2d. Kennedy, sitting at special term, made courage, persistence and ability. From a few favored interests, and these in Is not a cosmetic in the sense in which The company reserves the right to The finest goods in the market can be had an order requiring the board of county the beginning to the end of hie service variable outbreaks of political leprosy that term is popularly used, but perman change sailing dates without notice. he had had to deal with unusually per only at the clothing palace of O. H. Blount. canvassers to send back the returns for under every Republican president, so Trains connect with O. dt C. R. and Riv plexing problems presented under ex conspicuous by their absence during ently beautifies. It creates a «oft, smooth, A.ZEÒZE DAILY .ÆJEL-RÆ VZEZISTG- There is war between religious and correction in certain election districts. traordinary conditions of difficulty. clear, velvety skin and by daily use grad er Boats at Corvallis and Albany- Cleveland ’ s administration. ually makes the complexion several shades society people in New York. It is some The order was without precedent, and its Freight and ticket < dice, Salmon street “By reason of an unjust apportionment Neverthe’.ess, defeat came, and a Dem whiter. It is a constant protection from wharf, Portland. what iliificult to judge ot the merits of legality is open to serious question The willfully continued for partisan purposes, ocratic majority of 19 Representatives the effects of sun and wind and prevents W. B. WEBSTER Genl F. & P. Agt. the controversy, at this distance, hut board, acting under this compulsory man the legislature has been uninterruptedly burn and freckles, and blackheads will 34 Montgomery St., San Francisco. onr money goes on society at about five date and after it had passed a resolution controlled, in one branch or both, bvthe in the Fiftieth Congress was changed to sun nev- ime while you use it. It cleanses a Republican majority of 15 in the Fifty- C.C HOGUE, G. F. A P. A.O. P. K., that there were no errors appearing upon minority. At no time during his seven to one. the ta^e far better than soap and water, Corvallis, Oregon. first Congress, which came in at the end Don't get soaped by cheap brands of soap, 'the returns requiring correction, directed years of service has he hail the support of Mr. Cleveland’s term—the Billion nourishes and builds up the skin tissues Welch to take back the returns in the and thus prevents the formation of wrink •W« ••• but try some of Winter's best. •i» ••• election district in his ward. Before he •f- a -legislature democratic in both Congress.________ les. It gives the (restmass, clearness and •T« ••• w Girths says: “For a half-prudent girl could comply with this direction of the branches. But, thanks to his energy smoothness of skin that you had when a From a lengthy editorial in the New little girl. Every lady, young or old ought there is really something awful in the board he was subpoenaed to produce the and courage in combatting fraud with thought of marriage.” But for the aver returns before me upon the trial of law and his persistence in that contest, York World reviewing the work of Hill to use it,as it gives a more youthful appear —VIA— age girl there is something a good deal chargee of official misconduct against the he leaves bis successor with that ad as governor of the state we take the fol ance to any lady, and that permanently. more awful in the thought of not being clerk of Onondaga county. One of these vantage and has made it possible to re lowing extract: He has saved the state Xt contains no acid, powder or alkali, and is as harm less as dew and as nourishing to married. ' charges was that the clerk had made store majority rule in New York’s legis not less than |4, 000,000 of wasteful ex the skin as dew is to the flower. Price $1. penditures by his vetoes alone, and a at all druggists and hairdressers, or at Mrs. Grandpa's Wonder soap is kept by the certain alterations of these returns, or lation. Crocker Grocery Company. “With the best of excuses—nay, with much larger sum by securing the ab Gervaise Graham’s establishment, 103 Post permitted the same to be made in his olition ot costly and unnecessary bureaus, San Francisco, where she treats la W. I. Vawter. J. 8. Howard, Wm. office, and the charge could not be prop the fullest justification—for resigning and by the deterrent influence of bis Street, dies for all blemishes of the face or figure. Shasta Line. Slinger, C. H. Pierce, and J. E. Enyart erlv determined by me without the actual responsibility into other hands, and in known hostility to extravagance upon Ladies at a distance treated by letter. Send have filed articles of incorporation with production of the returns before and the the face of revilement, he has, with great the acts of the legislature. He has made for her little book “How to be Beautiful.” Secretary of State McBride of the Jack- inspection thereof by me. As soon as courage and energy, remained at Albany possible the lowest tax-rate in thirty-six Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. Sample Bottle mailed free to any lady on son County Bank of Medford; capital the hearing was concluded and a decision till the work of baffling fraud and se years, with no direct tax at all for state receipt of 10 cents in stamps to pay for curing the result decreed by the people South 1 1 North reached, the papers were returned to stock 150,000—500 shares at $100 per postage and packing. Lady Agents wa’nted. Syracuse and were sent to the inspectors is fully done. He leaves office now purposes. 7:0e p m Lv Portland Ar 7:35 a m share. MRS. GRAHAM'S and finally corrected, as the order of the with a conscience void of the offence of 10:20 a m Ar Ashland Lv 4 :40 p m Edwards, the New York senator, who Now panto patterns at M. Mayer’s tailor court required. 10:50 a m Lv Ashland Ar 4 :H) p m anv duty neglected, any responsibility calls himself an independent republican, shop at reasonable prices, 8:15 a m Ar San Francisco Lv 7:00p m was the final factor in the “steal” of "Aside from the grave questions in shirked. “Governor Hill is a most interesting New York state for the democratic party. F. L. Kinney and Miss Mollie volved as to the validity of the order of Above trains stop only at following sta McCallister of Drain. Geo. Happersett the court which it is claimed that Welch personality. With a strong, active pen He has the reputation of being a very Cures the worst cases of Freckles, Sun Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Oregon City, Woodburn, Salam, Albany, and Mies Ida Cathcart, E. V. Everton disobeyed. I am satisfied that he ought etrating and well-disciplined mind, be honest and high-minded man, and was burn, Sallowness, Moth-patches, Pimples Tangent, Shedds, Halsey .Harrisburg, Junc Price $1.50. and a young lady of Junction were not to suffer punishment on account of combines a singularly passionless temper. elected in a strongly republican district, and all skin blemishes at Prices that Defy Competition. tion City, Irving, Eugeiie. married last week. The young men what he did under these circumstances. He has no vices We might almost say, but republicans of the Platt stripe will Harmless and effective No sample can be sent. Lady Agents wanted. are all railroad boys. Roseburg Mail Daily. I am entirely familiar with what has taken he has no appetites. He drinks no wine. hate him worse than they do Hill, if We call special attention to C. M. HENDERSON & CO.’s (Chicago) Red The Druggist in this town who first orders ARRIVE LCAVB Fresh oysters, pigs feet, mincemeat, place in this countv during the last thirty He does not use tobacco. He cares noth that is possible. a bill of my preparations will have his name School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN & CO. ’ S (Boston) $3 00 calf B J sauerkraut, at Winter's. days, by which it has been attempted, ing for excitements. He is indifferent to Portland... 8:00a ni I Koseburg 5:40p m added to this advertisements. entertainment except such as diligent Roseburg 6:20 a in | I’ortlan(£ 4:U0pm My preparations are for sale by whole Shoes, the best made. Every pair guaranteed. The following weights of produce which under the guise of judicial proceedings, to work can give. He has no family cares ▲ Much Traveled Volume. sale druggists in Chicago and every city compel the board of county canvassers to the statutes of Oregon, pace 1775, Hill’s declare results not authorized by law. to distract his mind, no social entangle In opening a package of books wrapped west of it. Albany Local, Daily,(Except Sunday.) Code, provide shall constitute a bushel, Every member of that board, in the dis ments to make exactions upon his time in tin, the custom house inspectors cut For sale by MRS. S. C. CORBETT, ARRIVE: leave : mar be of interest to farmers: Wheat charge of his official duty, was justified or strength. He cares nothing for money with a knife the binding, by Ruban, of a Ashland, Or., Lady Agent, or leave orders Portland . 5 :00 p m Albany ...9:00 pm and clover seed.OO pounds; rye and corn, in reporting to all honorable and lawful and has no trace of that love for ease at Wells, Fargo <t Co.’s Express office, Albany....... 5:00 am Portland .. 8:55 a m 56; oats, 36; barley, 46; buckwheat, 42; means to preventtbe consummation of the which is the enemy of work with the "Poor Richard Almanack.” The import Ashland. aug20 er made no claim for damage from the potatoes, 60; apples and pears, 42. great wrong which was contemplated. It majority of men. Politics is his only government, paid the duty, returned the vocation, his only concern, and no man, SURVEYOR For chicken. Mackerel. Alaska herring was sought to substitute a partisan judge _........................ . * ’ > book to Paris to be rebound and wrote Assessment Notice. and lake white fish go to the Crocker Gro-' in • place of ... xi. lj . x vs nv, and Government Land Locator. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. the . board . of . canvassers and to perhaps, is more perfect a master of its eery Company nullify the plain provision of the ballot arts or of the learning that it demands. an ode to Diana of Poitiers, goddess of 10 URIST SLEEPING CARS “Such a man is a dangerous antag book lovers, in gratitude for the miracu How little respect we pay to the dead, reform law. Every member of the board MPIRE Gold and Silver Mining and ¿T-A.OICSOJSr'VUZjZLjIEj, OZELZEQ-OZNL For accommodation of Second Class Pas Milling Company. after all. Did you ever hear a phon who endeavored to defeat this partisan onist and a valuable friend in any contest, lous escape of the text of his Almanack. sengers, attached to Express Trains. Location of principal place of business, ograph ? Well, some enterprising genius scheme and maintain the dignity and and now that he is entering a new arena The book, rebound, came back fifteen AVING gained a complete knowledge of tbe lay of the land in this country by ac tual experience, 1 am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the got the late Cardinal Manning to talk jurisdiction of that body upon whom the he is likely to win a wider recognition of days ago. The owner supposes that it is San Francisco, California. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Location of works, Wagner Creek Mining best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 into a phonograph, and now thinks of law bad conferred the right to canvass his powersand to make himself felt in intact, but he does not know, and he District, Jackson county, Oregon. Between Portland and Corvallis. going about the country peddling out the the votes is entitled to commendation directions where he has not been hither cannot learn even by paying the duty Notice is hereby given, that at a meeting voice of the eminent divine on the and not to punishment. Never before to known except as one at a distance. again, for the official wants a new in of the Board of Directors, held on the 16th MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) in the history of the state has there lieen He has unwillingly accepted a place in voice, and the importer is naive enough day of December 1891. an Assessment, (No. **nickel in the slot** principle. the senate. He did so because its accept arrives : leaves : of IX cents per share, was levied upon We are expecting some more ot the new such an arbitrary use of judicial power ance was pressed upon him as a duty. to think that he can persuade the official 4) the Capital Stock of the Corporation, pay Corvallis. 12:10 p in Portland. 7:30 am attempted. Rochester. Jr., lamps in a few days. D. L. : Having undertaken the duty he will do that the first invoice, which is filed at immediately in United States Gold Corvallis.. .12:55 p m | Portland. 5:30 p in Minkler A Son. “There is another sufficient reason why it with all his might. New York will be the custom house, accurately describes able Coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the At Albany and Corvallis connect with clemency bhuuiu should be w interposed luvcipvoeu. . heard and respected in national counsels The literary society of the public I i executive cieuwuuy trains of Oregon Pacific Kailroad the book on its fourth voyage across the Company, 328 Montgomery street, Room I Welch haa made application for a stay of 13. San Francisco, California. schools gave a public entertainment at ; hereafter Atlantic.—New York Times. Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) Any Stock upon which this Assessment the college building Friday. It was proceedings, pending an appeal from “The state is the better for the service shall remain unpaid on the 25th day of Jan Judge Kennedy ’ s order adjudging hitn in _________________________ arrive :______ leave : well attended. Music, speeches, re of David B. Hill. It will not cease to uary 1892, will be delinquent, ana adver citations etc., were the order of the day. contempt, which has been arbitrarily profit bv his ability and industry new Portland 4:40 p mJ M'Minnville 7:25 pm tised for sale at public auction, and unless La Grippe a General Epidemic. M'Minnville 5:45am ' Portland .8:20a ni A spicy paper was read. The debate, denied. This is equivalent to a denial that he is to serve in another field.” payment is made before, will be sold on ! should ’ U. 8. senators be elected by ot justice, for before his appeal can be R uston , L a . Monday the 15th day of February, 1892, to THROUGH TIC K E T 8 to all point« Hill for Tariff Reform and Free ‘‘I was attacked with La Grippe at church pay the delinquent Assessment, together popular vote, was decided in favor of beard and determined the sentence will have been executed and he will have —went home with chill, headache and with costs of advertising, and expenses of EA8T AID 8DCTI the negative. Coinage. suffered the greatest punishment which shooting pains through my entire body, sale. Washington interview: Senator Hill sneezing, sore throat, etc; fever soon arose Try the roasted and .green coffees of the the law permits the eourt to inflict. No By order of the Board of Directors For tickets and full information regardiug Crocker Grocery Company merely for com matter how illegal or irregular was the of New York laughed at the charges and it was the most intensely hot I have A. CHEMINANT, Secretary. rates, maps, etc., call on company's agent parison with purchases elsewhere. Elmira and made that his speeches at had for many a year. I had seen in Cin Office, 328 Montgomery street, Room 13, $1 00 Not Pointed order which he is accused of violating, or 4 Foot Rough 5 Wire, at Ashland. dec24-5t In his El cinnati Enquirer that King's Royal Ger- San Francisco, California. <c « 44 Mre. Harmon Conn of Douglas county bow unauthorized the proceedings which Albany were inconsistent. Il R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, 92 4 4 nieteur would cure la grippe and deter mira speech he announced his personal attempted to drive a team over the rail resulted in his conviction, there is no ad Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt ll ll 44 ll mined to try it. I took a dose at 11, 12 and 75 3 4 views on the leading questions of the road crowing at the Roseburg depot. equate redress for him in the courts. It 1 o’clock and fell asleep. I awoke at 4 ll ll 44 ll 80 4 The team became frightened at a train is for just such exceptional cases that day. In his Albany speech he gave his o’clock and took another dose. Got up at 3% ll ll 44 ll 75 doing some switching and wheeled the pardoning power was wisely vested opinion as to what congress at this ses 6:30. ate a hearty breakfast and worked 3 3% ll ll The Pittsburgh Lamp 44 around, upsetting the wagon and throw by the constitution in tbe governor, and sion will do and not what he should do hard splitting timber till noon. I have had ll 70 2 3% ing Mrs. Conn against the edge of a side there should be no hesitation to exercise were the Democrats in power in all the no return of any symptom since. ll ll St It is one of those inven 50 2 Three of my children have been attacked 2 walk, cutting a gash in her forehead and it when invoked in such a case. The at branches of the government. by same disease. I gave them same treat He says he is an ardent reformer and tions that seems to be breaking both arms near the wrist. tempt to imprison Welch at this time for ♦I 33% with same result. 4 Foot Dressed 5 Wire, Pointed also favors the free coinage of silver. In ment •< << thirty days has a peculiar significance << 44 finished. It seems to A neighbor had an attack. I called to Our stock of school books, school sup 1 23 4 4 plies and stationery is the largest in the when it is shown thattbe board of super fact, Senator Hill advocates that the see her just after dark. Her fever was very a <4 <4 44 reach the end as to 1 25 4 3% country and we can give you the lowest visors without him is tie«! politically, and Democratic party should insert a plank high, and at times she was delirious and 44 it 44 44 in its platform that would mean ultimate said she would die. She called her friends 1 20 prices. D. L. Minkler A Son. 3 goodness of light it is now in session and will- be called 3% TIME SCHEDULE ly the free coinage of silver. He believes around her to give her last parting words. 44 « ll ll 1 14 Washington, Jan. 21.—In the case of upon immediately to appoint a super that the Democratic party will be vic I told her friends if they would give her 3 3 in every way, W. E. Hartley versus Mary G. Hartley, intendent of the Onondaga penitentiary, torious in the next election. Germetuer she would be ready for break Between Medford and Jack and ease of involving land in the Roeeburg, Or., a position of conceded political import The party should go to the country, he fast next morning. She took it. I called district, Secretary Noble is of the opinion ance. The constituents of Mr. Welch sai>l, on a perfectly plaiu platform. It next morning ana found her at breakfast sonville. management. that the local officers erred in rejecting have a right to representation in the should be prepared with great care by table, enjoying a hearty meal—feeling well \ The only care with all symptoms of la grippe gone. board, which ought to have been re From Medford the claimant’s final proof after dissniiss- From Jacksonville Five Double Strands Galvan.^ed Bessemer Steel Wire There has lieen no return of it in either of to Jacksonville. to Medford. 'it requires is ing the nroteetant, and directs that it be spected and action in this matter post some able and conservative Democrat. the cases. I know of many other accepted, and upon payment being made poned until the board had disposed of “The platform should be so brief and ex cases above filling and wip- in and about Ruston of this same dis Continuous Twist of the Wire. „ ny kind and size Pickets. plicit that it should be pointed and inter Leave Medford I Leave Jacksonville the important public business which re a final certificate will issue thereon. treated the same way. with tbe same 10:00 a. m. 8:30 a. m. quired its attention. There was no oc spersed with catching sentences that can ease. MF-Cbeaper than a Kail Fence, More Du ble than Boards, and Stronger than „ 2:00 p. m. M. Maj er. the merchant tailor, has just 1:00 p. m. be used effectively by Democratic orators results. (R ev .) H. C. P ugh , Nashville, Tenn 7:30 p. m.1 received over 300 samples of new fall and casion for such undue haste, unless it in the campaign. 5:40 p ni. arb Wire Fence Handsome LAWN FE NCtS to Order, Dirt falls out when the chimney was intended in this way to deprive the Leave Davisville winter goods of different kinds and if you eave Whetrock “We should declare emphatically for N ashvillk , T enn . 10:10 a m. is taken off, not into a pocket as want a neat fitting suit at a reasonable people of the ward which he represents 8:40 a. m. “l.a“t February I suffered a severe at- a voice in tbe county legislature and a tariff reform. We should declare for sil 2:12 p m. 1:12 p. m. figure, call at hts shop. in other central-draught lamps. tack of I.a Grippe and in the early part of ver on an equalitv with gold. The coun 7:30 p m. 5:48 p. m. No healthy person need fear any danger lawfully elected majority of the board of try should be mule aware,” he contin the .'44*14 .summer it returned. - I was for several Leave 111 VI 4* - - Leave Harbaugh's Harbaugh's its power to give expression to the pop Putting in a new wick is a very ous consequences from an attact of la grippe unable to do any work I began to l 10:17 a m ; ued, “that the Democratic party, at the weeks 8:43 a m. if properlv treated It is much the same ular will.” use King’s Royal Germetuer and found al- 2:30 p. m.*„ 1:17 p. m. easy matter indeed. proper time, will pass a bill providing as a severe cold and requires precisely the most immediate relief. My appetite re WHAT IT MZANS. 7:41 p. mJ' 5:51 p m. for the free and unlimited coinage of sil same treatment. Remain quietly at home Leave Whetrock The the decision of the court of appeals ver, and also for a large circulation per turned. the languor disappeared and I in Leave Davisville 1 All this seems strange to one and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as gives the democrats control of the state creased in flesh and strength. I used three 10:20 a m. 8:50 a. m. Propri ' tor. directed for a severe cold and a prompt and senate by a plurality of two. with one inde- capita.” I bottles in all. Am now quite well and give who knows how troublesome other 2:25 p. m. 1:27 p. m. Saids, Why COX’S SEED CATALOGUE MAILED FREE. So Anxiously Concerned ? The prestige of the Royal Baking Powder and its constant success are matters of anxious con cern to envious competitors. It is noted that advertisements of other baking powders are filled with spleen, malice and mis representation against the Royal, more than with honest claims as to their own goods. That the Royal Baking Powder makes finer, whiter, sweeter, more wholesome cookery, the ladies who have tried other kinds are willing to testify and tell their neighbors; this fact is a serious concern to all competitors. The superb quality of the Royal Baking Pow der, over and above all other kinds, is never so manifest as when tried in comparison. It has greater strength and does not deteriorate with age, the last spoonful in the can being as good as the first. Allover this country the “Royal” has the lead ; this is why makers of other brands, envious of its sale and popularity, talk so much about it COX SEED AND PLANT CO., F xclusively Ï fîrst Ï class . ] Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream HOTEL OREGON. T Between San Francisco and Portland. THE YAQUINA ROUTE MAX PRACHT, Prop. NEW GOODS! And will be sold at our well known LOW PRICES*.. EAST Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Hats, Caps, etc. AND SOOTH FACE BLEACH J. M. McCALL M n VOTTNCr U H REDUCED 20 P R CT Great Comedown in Prices on Rogne River Valley Railway Company The best stock, hog, rabbit and chicken fence. Ashland « Fence * Works ! H. S complete recovery is sure to follow. This > remedy also counteracts any tendency of , la grippe to result in pneumonia. Among : the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years i we have yet to learn of a single case that I has not recovered or that has resulted in 1 pneumonia- 50 cant bottlaa for sale by J.c. B*mtt $ 0»> Germetuer the credit, for after the first at 7:45 n. m. pendent republican, one seat vacant and 5:55 p. else. Sincerely, Arrive Jacksonville a democratic lieutenant-governor. The as- Hill Eulogizes Cleveland's Admin tack I took nothing Arrive at Medford *'W. G. E. CUNNYNGHAM, istration. 10:30 a, m. sembly has a good dem< cratic majority, 9:00 a. ni. •Editor 8. 8. Lit. M. E. Ch. 8o.” 2:40 p. m. 1:40 p ni Reading Republican papers one would Democratic control of the senate means 7:55p. m. Sold bv all druggist. druggists. “. Royal Germetuer 6:00 p. m. think that Cleveland and Hill could bite much for the party of this Btate. Co., 1373 137'3 Polk street, San 1 X rancisco. rancisco, Cal., , ten-penny nails in two at the thought of It means first that nearly one hundred W. HONKYMAN, President. manufacturers. Send stamp for circular o. ( uU i&fomation. EM EBY, Valley Record and Mammoth Cy clopodia in 4 vols., $3.00. good lamps are. It is in all the good lamp-stores. Send for a primer. PmaBuaoK Siuss Cos- I