VALLEÏ RECORD. COVMTY POLITICAL GOSSIP. The R ecobd man took a spin about the county Friday and Saturday, and was ASHLAND, O*., Tacases v, Jan. 14, l«t surprised at the amount of political taik going on this early. The people in the Valley seem to have taken an exceedingly I great interest in the late city election of PERSONAL AMD SOCIAL. I Ashland, and everybody expressed them­ selves as well pleased in the victory of Cal. Eubanks was in tie city Sunday. Mayor Grainger, and the people’s party Prof. H. L. Benson was in town Satur­ against the selfish bank gang. Among the tangible items picked up were: day. The friends of W. H. Parker, Esq., are Jar k Frizell and family returned Monday to Yreka. 7 urging him to run for district attorney on Charley Chitwood returned to Portland the Democratic ticket. Saturday. Sheriff Birdaey, having served the Conductor Jack Anstay resumed his run people two terms as sheriff has decided to retire to his farm and live the life of Saturday THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE BREVITY BASKET. They Adopt Some Ringing Resolu­ tions Jesse Vertrees has gone to Roseburg. Prof. Fitzgerald of Gold Hill has a danc­ ing school at Paisley. Dr. Braden’s quartz mill is running on some rich ore from the Swinden ledge. Geo. Engle and wife have issued notes to their creditors and effected a settlement. B. Sanders, a boot and shoe merchant of Harley. Idaho, is stopping in town at Hotel Oregon. E ditor V alley R ecord :— The following resolutions a ere adopted and ordered to be sent for publication to our county papers at the meeting of tbe Jackson county F. A. & I. U. held at Central Point on Jan. 8tb and 9th, 1892: W hereas , We realize that the public press of this county wields a tremendous influence in shaping our destinies as a people and nation, and W hebeas , Tbe public newspapers are dependent on the people’s support for their existence and influence, and as we an boneat and independent granger. . ’V1 W ■ Wilboume wax over from Hen­ Mr. Birdaey has done exceedingly well believe our political demands known as the Ocala platform to be just and for tbe ley Saturday. financially out of bia term of service, and best interests of the whole people , Gilbert Anderson returned to Klamath has a start new that will make him one therefore county Tuesday. of the richest men in the county in a few RtKolrrd. That while we invite honest Joshua Patterson left Monday for San years. and friendly criticism, we will not sup­ Francisco on a visit. On the Republican side Dolph Carlton port any paper that opposes us with Constable 8. D. Tayier was at Medford >• being diacuaaed for the sheriff’s office. abuse, misrepresentation or ridicule. Tuesday on business. Rgiolred, That we earnestly recom­ Mr. Carlton baa acted as county com- He has bad a whole lot of mend to the member« of the subordinate Mrs. P. M. Abbey returned Tuesday to miaaioner. bad luck latelv. Besides having had his i Alliances in this county that they give a Newport, Yaquina bay. ' band shot off with giant powder, his hearty support to our Alliance paper«, Rummel Bros, came over from their Kia- I —---- 1 stock dying off in the bard winter of tso especially The Eeonomiit (our national math river mine Sunday. years axu ago wiinc while nc he woo was uuauiv unable w to ut be organ) and the Northweit Reform Journal i' U r»-. I L i. ycais h . i „ u,€ f£lranie,?to commer- aboat, hi« lack followed him ap by and .Uliana Herald (our state papers). rial traveler was here this week. y, hog, ,oc<.urabiD({ t. Teat We, farmers, producers and laboring Rev. F. G. strange uassuting Rev. Ennis while being driven to the railroad sta­ men of Jackson county, allied together in the revival meetings at Phoenix. tion. Mr. Carlton is popular, and his for self protection and mutual support, Mrs. J. 8. Cummons is able to be about , friends think a couple of terms as sheriff and to put down public extravagance and again, after an attack of rheumatism. of Jackson county would set him square­ punish official corruption ; to exalt honest v Mrs. Casto, mother of Mrs. R. F. High as ly on h‘B ping aKain* and exterminate dishonesty in high very ill with la grippe at Canyonville. ’—‘ ~ u*‘ “ — w-n — : is ----- :— *- Juat what Max Muller going to J- do places: 1. Demand of the Oregon legislature Capt. A D. Helman wax al the Pass Sat­ in tbe clerks office is not known. Max is clever and cautious, and his acquaint­ that it shall take steps to bring about a urday. at the I. O. O. F. installation. ances think he will never attempt to revision of tbe present antiquated and W. L. Webster, the aoda man left Mon­ day for Eddy. Mexico, to embark in that break tbe established precedent of ask­ fantastic constitution of tbe state. 2. That it shall enact a homestead law ing for the county clerk ship for the third bumnoM. time. Since Jackson county was or so that tbe wives and children of the un­ Mr». Harkness came up from Granta ganixed in tbe early days no one has ever fortunate shall be secure in the sacred Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. P. been elected to a lucrative county office spot which they call “home”, and not OriswoM more than twice, though it is the pre­ be forced therefrom in to highways and Col. J. T. Bowditch went to Portland vailing custom when elected once to be hospitals, by heartless Shylocks using the Bunday on legal and militia business, to lie elected to a second term. As the county iron hand of the present relentless laws back Friday. offices generally pay pretty well, four which is a shame to humanity and a dis­ W. D. Davis, Corbett A McClay's man years service helps them out so that they grace to tbe state. was in the county last week and scooped in have fattened enough to allow someone 3. That it recognizes tbe fact, that a big lot of orders. He is a hustler. else to have a chance. This idea is a just the laboring poor of Oregon are not crim­ Erickson, the railroad contractor was on and reasonable one. There is nothingso inals, and that the present statutes of the Tuesday’a train from San Francisco. The disgusting as a man who becomes a state be so amended that execution of railrood company are contemplating more chronic office-seeker. judgement« of justices of the peace may trestle tilling. be staved from one to ten months, on Alex. Orme, now a resident of Med ­ . Prank Netherlands returned Tuesday tbe debtor giving security for the pay­ ford, is talked of for tbe position of sher ­ from Willows, Cal., where he sold a car­ ment of such judgment within the period load of applos to a commission honse, real­ iff. Mr. Orme was formerly a miner on ising $1 per bos. Footscreek, and a staunch old republican. specified—so that a poor man may have some opportunitv to preserve from Wm. Flackua returned to Dunsmuir He has worked hard for his partv in forced sale bis little property and not be Bunday to report to the P. I. for orders. season and out of season, and as yet bis ground into pauperism under the present His bride will remain in Ashland until the services have never been honored with a Crty nomination for any position, be merciless law. MMUher is more settled. 4. That the appraisment and tax laws ing too busily engaged in his mining Yat Haragby was on Monday’s train of tbe state be at once amended so that enterprises heretofore to serve. It is from the Scott valley mines to Portland on farms and farm product« may be relieved buMnoss. Ho reports snow three feet deep said he will accept the nomination. of a part of their burdens, and the wealth on a level in Scott valley. King's Royal Germetuer (K. R. G.) is a and capital of the state be made to bear «John T. Kelly, (U m 8. P. D. A L. Co. remedy being introduced on the Coast from their share of taxation. man, not the Tammany boss) was in the the East. It is a remedy based upon the 5. That the army of legislative com­ city Tueaday, leaving yesterday for San modern genn theory of disease. It has mittee clerks be forever discostiDued, as Francisco and San Diego. been thoroughly tested for seven years and endorsed for diseases of B'lood and sinecures making a needless expense. J. G. McCollum, editor of the Gervais, is 6. That the railroad commission of Nerves by the best people of the East Marion aounty. Star, made the valley a South, such ex-Gov. ‘Hubbard Hi '' " of ~ as ex- e-t vtshes of all with them upon> B xuy , Recorder. ttto uew aw oi Uf«. ttss, «us oonstipaUOQ aj»d assist digsstwa,1 south oi there. Give usa Trial; we have what you want. T b I o ÎÈ StOGt IW^Open Sundays from 9:30 a. ni. to 1 p. in. Plaza Corner, Ashland, Or. Real Estate Transfers. Jno M Moore to Jno R Cook—n e % of sec 24 s, r 4 e, 160 acres; $800. Jno Weaver to Jno R Cook—s e M of sec 24 s, r 4 e. 160 acres; $800. O&CRRtoGF Billings and J M Mc­ Call—land in tp 39 s r 1 e; $150. Jos Downing and wife to Sarah E Down­ ing—lot 2, e )( n e '4 sec 8, tp 37 s r 2 w, 7.26 acres; $145.20. Jerome B Walden, Jr, to Jas B Chase— lots 17,18 blk 78, Medford; $300. Daniel Miller and Francis J Miller to Geo T Moore—land in tp 39 s r 1 e, 4-10 acres; consideration $900. T J Kelso to Granville Childers—e % of n w y, and n w J(of n w 4, and all of s w % of n w 130 acres; $845. Mary Wendt to Henry Wendt—land in tp 39 s r 2 w, 34 acres; also lot at intersec­ tion of H street and valley road; $2000. Grand : Clearance : Sale I have made arrangements with first- class artists both in San Francisco and the EaBt, and can furnish portraits in India Ink, Water Colors, Cravon and Pastille, at prices much lov er than charged bv traveling solicitors, and the work will not be “uolars” nor made with air brush machines, but will be careful and ar­ tistic band work, F. Hasty. Ashland News Stand, Ashland, Or. at O. H. BLOUNT’S. "“AgEdn ^Caught Misrepresenting Facts. The Royal Baking Powder Company has resorted to so many tricks to force its Way upon the public, that whenever any cry of fraud is raised the public instinctively turns to the.Royal Baking Powder Company. Is it any wofoder ? The Royal has recently printed a statement purporting to be an interview with Dr. Benjamin F. Drew, state chemist and analyst to the Food and Dairy Commission of Minnesota, to the effect that the Royal Baking Powder is all which the company asserts it to be. The statement is made that Dr. Benjamin F. Drew, state chemist and analyst to the Food and Dairy Commission, made the representations referred to be­ fore the legislative committee at the last session, which ex­ amined various baking powders. Before invoicing we must re­ duce our stock. Come and see our shoes for $1.50 Iper pair And our boots for $2.00. Our suits for $5.00. Our overcoatsjat cost. WHAT IS THE TRUTH? 1st. There is no such person as Dr. Benjamin F. Drew, state chemist and analyst to the Food and Dairy Commission of Minnesota. 2d. There is a Dr. Charles W. Drew, who is state chem­ ist and analyst to the said commission. 3d. He denies the statement in question of the Royal Baking Powder Company, generally^ as follows: 1st. The statements in no sense represent his attitude or his utterance. 2d. There has never been, either in the published re­ ports of the chemist of the commission, in his testimony before the legislative committee or elsewhere, any implied endorsement of the Royal Baking Powder as superior to other brands. 3d. At the session of the legislative committee before which Dr. Drew testified, an attempt was made by the attor­ ney of the Royal Company to secure the statements which the Royal Company has since printed, which attempt failed. 4th. On the contrary, Dr. Drew did say there were suffi­ cient grounds for objection to the presence of ammonia in baking powders to justify the legislative committee in recom­ mending that all such powders be required to announce upon their labels the fact that Ammonia was one of the constitu­ ents; and Dr. Drew further expressed to the committee the following emphatic opinion: “I would not recommend such powders to my patients, nor would I use them in my own family.” The Price Baking Powder Company makes a Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder, free from ammonia, alum, lime or any taint of impurity, and feels it owes a duty to the public as well as to itself to lay bare such trickery as the Royal resorts to in trying to wheedle the consumer ivto using its Ammonia Powder. Yours Truly, I < * • ' O. II. BLOUXT. REMEMBER That We are going to sell you Goods at Reduced Prices For the next 30 days. ---------------------- :o:----------------------- D. L. MINKLER & SON.