VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. PREMKD BRICKS ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. O. H. Price waa in the eity Sunday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. A wire man let* the other fellow worry. ; Hotel Oregon give« tiie Leap Year ball SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year........................................... „.|2 60 rapper. Six months ........................................... 1 50 VOL. IV. Mire Ida I^ne returned laat week from ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1891. Three months...................................... 76 NO. 34. Granta Pare. Advertising rates given on application. R M. Hbeley ia in the marble buai- Farmer«' Institute for Southern neaa at Aatoria. C. CALDWELL, Oregon. Father Boevet celebrated tnaaa in At Medford on Friday and Baturdav Aabland Sunday. MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE evenings, Jan. 22 and 23, a farmers insti­ DENTIST. Jealousy is the reaxiieat tool to the tute will be held under the control of the Chase Combination Dental Plates made band ei the fiend. state agricultural college and aided by with Gold and Aluminum Root's. Phoenix has a flourishing singing class local talent Farmers and citizens are Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth invited to take part in the discussions. to perfect appearance. o( fifty members. Three professors, the agriculturist, the Gold Crown and Contour w ork a specialty. The fattier os Hon. S. P. More ra Colton have arranged the fol­ creek has start««! up. J acksonville - - . . O regon . lowing program for the Jackson county AND THE BEST CONDUCTED HOUSE Alex. Orme having sold out st Foots teachers’ association which will be held Will practice in all the courts of the creek, has located in Medford. State. Office opposite the court house. in Ashland Feb. 20, 1892: Rev. Roht.Ennis is conducting a series Morning Session.—1. Music. 2. Clare of revival meetings at Phoenix. drill in primary number work, by Mire J T. BOWDITCH. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. A. Cantrall and Chas Jones of Ap­ Lottie Reed ; 3. Duet, by Misses Gallo­ ATTORNEY AT LAW. way and Picket; 4. Division and practice plegate were in Ashland Monday. work in division, by Mire Mary Theiss; Invalids and others seeking pure air, mountain water A shland , ..... obkuon . A son was born recently to the wife oi 5. Music. Jas. Patterson at Woodland, Cal. and desiring to benefit by the use of the various hot or cold Will practice in all courts of the stote. Afternoon Session.—1. Music; 2. Frac­ Collections promptly made. J. E. Rumtnei returned last week from tions, by Miles Cantrail; 3. Mathematic­ mineral, chemical and sulphur springs in and near Ash­ al recitation, by M im Hattie Newbury; oyal aking owder Rummel Bros’, n ine on the Klamath. 4. Music; 5. Practical measurements, by land, will find sympathetic accommodations at the The national Prohibition convention . Prof. P. A Getz ; 6. Recess ; 7. Percent­ will be held at Bt. Ixxiis, on June 29th. age and interest, by Prof. N. L. Narre- HOTEL OREGOTW A «laughter was horn to the wile of gan. James Heryford at Lakeview on the 17th. Mrs. Pracht is in charge as Housekeeper. Chief of Police McClaughry of Chi- Mrs. J. E. McLaughlin of Klamath r|tO SAVE from 25 to 50 cents on every City has gooe east on a visit to her old ergo paid the Hile presented by the JL dollar you spend ? If so, write for our Commercial travelers will bear in mind that the pro ­ Illustrated Catalogue, containing illustra- home. labor unions for damage to their prop­ tionsjand prices of everything manufact­ IF oyal aking owder prietor was “one of ’em" for 15 years and knows how to ured A daughter was born to the wife of erty resulting from the recent police tn the United States, at manufactur­ Henry A. Benton on Poor man’s creek raid of Greif s hall. McClaughry paid ers ’ prices. take care of “ the boys. ” jo the bills out of his private account. Dec. Zlat. 10,000 Illustrations, all lines represented A. E. Reames. who is attending the They amounted to about >600. He will X3F"Address for terms, &c., oyal aking owder probably be reimbursed from some of Eugene state university, is visiting his CATALOGUE mailed free on applica­ the city accounts. folks at Jacksonville. tion. Yellow Springs, O., a town of 1,800 Address, The Leap Year party to-night is the chief topic oi the social world. It will people, to in a state of great excitement (■1CAC0 LEAEKAL SLPPLI noy 19 over the action of the local Woman's JLSHLJLJSTID, OEEEC3-OJST. ba a great success. 178 West Van Buren St., Christian Temperance union. That Col. Geo. Myers ia about again after be­ may 14 ’91 Chicago, Ill. ing laid up from a fall received on Thurs­ organization has just passed resolutions unanimously boycotting all the mer ­ day evening of last week. chants and storekeepers of the place Fred Hogg, the jeweler went to Gold who sell tobacco in any form. The Hill Monday where be has some mon at merchants have paid no attention to work on a quartz ledge of bio. their action. Arthur Conklin of Grants Paas was “The Royal Baking Powder is composed of pure and whole- A riot was narrowly averted in the married at Elizabeth, New Jersey, Dec. county treasurer’s office at Cincinnati. reme ingredients. It docs not contain either alum or phosphates, or 10th to Miao Mattie Evelyn Hmitb. Usually taxes can be paid on Dec. 1, but Col. Bowditch went to Jacksonville the owing to unavoidable delays Friday was ether injurious substances. E dward G. L ove , P h D” first of the week, on business connected the first day they were received. A with ths II. W. Price divorce case. large number of taxpayers, anxious to “ The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest and most T. E, HOGG, Receiver. Miaoea Belle and Sadie Anderson and avoid the penalty for delay in payment, reliable baking powder offered to the public. W. A. Langille and Jos. A. Wilson were did some amount of damage in the court up from Talent Friday to attend the ball. house in their eagerness to get to the “H enry A. M ott , M.D., P h D.” ~~ ~ Eleven turkeys and twenty-two chick­ eddnty treasurer's office. Oregon Developement Co.’s ens went into the masqueraders who The meeting of the General Live Stock ,“Thc Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality and highest in STEAMERS. ate supper at Hotel Oregon Friday night. Agents of Western Roads, in session for strength oi any baking powder of which I have knowledge. ------------------------- --- ♦ * ♦ -4 ----------------- .State Printer F. C. Baker was on Fri­ two days at Chicago, resulted in the day’s train for Ban Francisco to buy pa­ adupMon of a resolution, by which, SHORT LINE TO CALIFORNIA. “ W m . M c M urtrie , P h . D.” per to print tbs supreme court reports taking effect Jan. 1, the issue of free on. FREIGHT AND FARES the LOWEST transportation to live stock shippers is Tom Ward, the reformed pugilist of to be abolished, except that provided for GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. A dispatch has been received at the Portland, now real estate agent, was on in the classification and tariffs. This The Brazilian congress has reassem­ Brussels Catholic mission apostolic of . Steamer Sailing Date«: Friday’s train for Bartlett springs to re­ allows the transportation of only the John King of Portland is figuring on bled pursuant to a call by President Mongolia stating that Father Minn, a oy cuperate. FBOM YAQL’INA : number of train attendants necessary to opening a atone quarry at Gold Hill. Peixotto. Chinese priest, and a thousand native .Steamer Willamette Valley—Novemler Tbs firm of Bitzer A Miller, (Charley look after the stock in transit. Congressman Dalzell of Pennsylvania The French Institute has granted the Christians were massacred by the rebels Sth, 18lh, 28th, and December 6th. Bitzer formerly of Jacksonville) at Ros- White Oaks, New Mexico, is excited is * candidate for United States senator. Cnvier prize of >300 to the United States during the recent troubles in Northern KKOM SAN FRANCISCO :■ * lin, Wash., have failed and gone out of over another strike of free milling Samuel Gompera has bean re-elected geological survey for the excellence of China. X ” Steamer W iHnm q tte Valley—November stated, however, business. quartz in the “Old Abe” gold mine. itsyvork. 3d, 13th, 2M, and December 2d. in the Alfred Holman, tbs ox-editor of Port­ This to the third important strike made preaidant of the American Federation of The company reserves the right to Emperor William has mads Belgians land and Seattle was on Monday’s train in the mine, which has for the past change sailing dates without notice. von Caprivi • cosmt connected with their work are safe. Trains connect with O. A C. R. and Riv­ with his wife and mother, moving to Ban twelve months yielded an average of efforts in the auccerefnl er Boat* at Corvallis and Albanv. Francisco. Clichy, a notorious suburb of Paris, •>,000 per month. The new Freight and ticket office, n street the commercial treaties. was thro into a state of C. W. Herman, ths railway mail clerk wharf, Portland. ■ Dowager was elected Captain of the Sons of Vet­ six fact ER Genl eran order recently organized at hid tion ta'C.’ HENDF.R8O ignited, Corvallis, Oregon. CKiÄJH, BROWN & CO.’S (Boston) >3 School Houe Shoos, fhtb« jrv pair aiiarantM»d. __ " FxCLUStVELYFIHSTCLUSS. ROYAL HOTEL OREGON. Best Baking Powder Between San Francisco and Portland. The Official Government Reports I he United States Government, after elaborate tests, r ?-)rts the R B P to be of greater leav­ ening strength than any other. (Bulletin 13, /. 5997 I he Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show R B P highest of all in leavening strength. (Bulletin , p. 16, Inland Rev. Dep.) In practical use, therefore, the R B P roes further, makes purer and more perfect food than any other. MAX PRACHT, Prop. Government Chemists Certify And will be sold at our well known «LOW PRICES» Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Hats, Caps, etc. k Ra h — a skvcnKtker info a for- him and cut him up and ate of the ffeeh. The Liverpool chamber of commerce has decided not to take part in the Chi­ cago fair as a local center, on the ground that the McKinley law has deprived Liverpool merchant’s of Chicago’s trade and the American manufacturers would copy the English exhibits. A capital substitute for skating on real ice is now provided in the Crystal ice rink at Stephen's hall, London, the floor of which has been laid with a patent composition, the invention of Dr. Caluntarients, an American. Skates of the ordinary winter description, and not rollers, are used upon the surface. R. a Oda ■r.ngz over Chnztm reporuMi on® Mwt oi yard Monday moruing. According to the laat census, out of tbq thirty-one countiee in this state, Jackson county stands ninth in population and seventh in taxable assets. The Star learns that Judge Cogswell appeared before the state equalisation board and succeeded in having the aa- tee* in on t on horses reduced 15 per cent. Mias M. Barton, Mias Ida Harkey. Mr. Clemens anil Chas. K. t’hanslor were stopping at The Oregon Saturday, having attended the K. P. ball at Medford which they pronounced a brilliant sne- A. H. Sanderman, ex-Gertnin Meth­ odist minister at Jacksonville, was mar­ ried at Jasper, Lane county, laat week to Mias Lulu Smith, daughter of a heavy rancher. Sundernian is now county evangelist of the Christian church in Lane county. We are informed that a company has been formed to place incandescent lights in the towns of Dunsmuir, Mott and Sis­ son with an electric plant at or near the eighteenth crossing where they have an abundant supply of water to ran their machinery.—Yreka Telegram. The story is told of a meeting between a Northerner and a Southerner since the war. “Well, we’uns licked you’uns, didn’t we?” remarked the “yank.” “Yea. I guess von did,” responded the ‘•reh,” “but if all I hear about the pen­ sion roll is true, we’uns must have crip­ pled nearly all of you’uns.” The finest goods in the market can lie had only al the clothing palace of O. H. Blount. Here is an illustration given by the Prineville Newe, of the differences in life: Wm. K. Vanderbilt, not feeling well the other day, decided to go to Europe, and he paid a physician *10,000 to accompany him. D. W. Aldridge, not feeling well at the same time decide«! to stay in Prineville, and accordingly ex­ pends«! 25 cents for a box of pills. Rath­ er reck lees expenditure of wealth. l^ulies’ cloth top shoes in A, I) and EE widths at W. A W. The young poet and author of the northwest. Herbert Bashford, was mar­ ried on Sundav last at Seattle. Mire Kin- nie Cole being the happy bride. Because the affair was not generally diecuased bv tlte gossips weeks before the ceremony, it was published as a sensational elope­ ment. Miss Cole was leading lady, with Bashford as leading man, in one of Her­ bert’s own dramas. He fell in love with her, as he ha«l a perfect right to do, poet or no poet. Kinnie reciprocated the af­ fection. Bashkml was formerly a reei- dent of Ashland and is a nephew of Ben­ nett Million. fecal or ! tn retur rerol» and issue no more charters to mixed 1 federal unions. The Federation will reoommend to affiliated unions that they ’ urge upon their members to become members of mixed assemblies of Knights 1 of Labor. A corn-husking contest took place at Walnut township, Indiana, and the country for miles around made it a holi­ day. Records were broken and farmers thereabouts had up over $600 on the issue. All interest centered in Grant Layton and Charles Parker, the favor­ ites, and when time was called at sun­ down the official counter announced that Layton had husked 157 bushels to Parker's 149. The hand of a buxom beauty, on whom both were sweet and who had no choice, acted as an incent­ ive. The men named took neither food nor rest for ten hours. E. O. Miller, trustee of the state li­ brary, has been indicted by the Sacra­ mento grand jury. Some time ago he induced a woman employe of the library to make an affidavit to a certain appli­ cation for forty acres of “ lien“ land sit­ uated in the Visalia district. He as­ sured her that it was only a mere mat­ ter of form and an accommodation to him. The woman, fearing that she would lose her position, did aa re­ quested. An investigation revealed that the woman had innocently perjured her­ self, evidently endeavoring to comply with Miller’s wishes. The indictment charges Miller with subornation of per­ jury. The investigation conducted by the grand jury has resulted in the com­ plete expose of a gigantic land ring. The members of the combine are well known, an! it is hinted that additional Indictments, amounting to a veritable sensation, will be shortly filed. Miller, in an interview, denies that he conspired to cheat the government. Parents should look at those juvenile books al E. E. Winchester A Co’s. "Wimer Bras., G. W. of Coqnille and W. J. of Oakland, Cal., their manv friends will lie please.1 to learn, have got their rich mines in Josephine county back again,” The above is from the Marshfield, Ore­ gon, Sun. This mine is situated in Joee phine county, Oregon, six miles north of the California line and oppoeite Happy Camp. The propertv is an extensive one and a steady yielder. It is hydraul­ ic and has 8000 feet of pipe and four monitors. The claim is lieing operated now dav and night. ll is owne«i by Wimer Bros., A Co. W. J. Wimer re­ side« at 1384 Harrison street, this city.— Oakland (Cai.) Enquirer. If you are troubled with rheumatism or a lame back, land on over the «eat of pain a Eiece of flannel dampened with Chamber­ lin's Pain Balm. You will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. 50 cent bvt- Uqe for sals bv Araggista. to spend weeks in Mexico and then come to Loe Angeles, which will bring them here some time early in January, which, by * coinci­ dence, will be the time of the arrival of the Terminal road magnates; and by another coincidence, Preeident Hunting­ ton of the Southern Pacific is expected to be there at the same time. What will be the result of the presence of all these notablee cannot be predicted, but it is generally believed that there must be something there they want. In a decision rendered by the commis­ sioner of the general land office it is held that deposits of clay valuable for aluminum or for the manufacture of pottery ware does not render the land containing such deposits subject to en­ try under the mining laws. The chief of police of Astoria entered the office of The Town Talk and told the proprietors that if a certain artiole ap­ peared in that paper he would shoot them. The article appeared and the chief was arrested and bound over in the sum of >2,000 to keep the peace. in police L U it it b ffeehows that the persons who came in contact with the police on May day had determined to seek revenge, and that some of them placed the bombs where they were found in the hope of demolishing the station. FOR SALE! I A Mysterious White Cat. i John Hoey, late president of the Ad­ ams Express company, has made resti­ tution to the company to the amount of •500,000, This is not what Hoey owes, but all the company could get. An unknown orank called at Russell Sage’s house at New York, and when the servant opened the door he forced I his way into the hall. He said he had ceme to kill Mr. Sage. Mrs. Sage over­ heard the foian, and coming down stairs clutched him by the throat and pushed him out the door. He threatened to blow up the house if he was not paid •2,500. Secretary of State Daniel E. Soper of Michigan has tendered his resignation, to take immediate effect, to Governor Winans, and it was accepted. The resig­ nation is the outcome of charges filed with the governor by Mayor Johnston of Lansing. They charge malfeasance and misfeasance in office. When con- fronted with the chargee. Soper ac­ knowledged the truthfulness of each of them. The other evening a lady in the upper part of the city, who is in no way super­ stitious, discovered a large white cat , fighting with her own pussy in the par­ lor. As she entered the room the white cat was making particular havoc with pussy’s hair. A young man who was calling on the family was called into the parlor and promptly chucked the stran­ ger cat out of the door. In two minutes the lady discovered the white cat in an­ other room and again she was pnt out the door. Then the lady went into a bedroom, and lo! the white cat was there demurely dozing on the bed. This was too much. With a scream the lady ran out of the room and the phenomenon was thrown out of the window. Nothing more was i seen of the white cat, but the lady thinks that all witches don’t disguise as black cats.—Lewiston Journal. A young man named Pillings, from Chicago, who came w«?st several wreks ago for his health, started from Denver on the same train carrying several Weet- ern Union operatives going to take the places of the Southern Pacific strikers. He was spotted for a scab by the train­ men, who were in sympathy with the The action of Lieutenant Governor strikers. At Trinidad he, in company ^ngers of Quebec in dismissing the with a young lady en route to Califor­ Mercier government promises now to nia, were standing on the rear platform watching the snow plows working, when wreck the federal government at Ottawa some wretch threw carbolic acid in their also. It has opened the mouth of Tarte, now Mercier’s ally, who created a tre­ faces. They were very painfully in-1 mendous sensation at a meeting called jured and will probably be disfigured in Mercier’s interest by disclosing that for life. in making the famous chargee at Ottawa Miss Cora Allen, aged 18. was ab­ relative to the Quebec harbor work* ducted frem the residence of'her step­ boodle, which drove Sir Hector Lange­ father at Gosport. Ind. The family re­ vin and Thomas McGreevy ofitof public I tired at the usual hour Thursday night, life, he was aided and abetted by Sir but it was 9 «¿clock the next morning Hector’s colleague and apparent friend, before Mr. Smith awoke. He soon dis­ but real rival in the cabinet, Caron, covered that the family had been chloro­ minister of militia, and he claims to be formed. Mire Alien’s room was found able to prove the federal government vacant. All of her clothing except her received >500,000 with which to run night robe was found near her bedside. their elections. A young man named Withers was ar- In the petition of Mary Nevins Blaine rested on suspicion, but he refused to give any information. A searching party vs. James G. Blaine, Jr., in the circuit enteretl Foster’s cave, three miles from court of South Dakota at Deadwood the the Smith residence, anti found Miss court ordered that Mrs. Blaine be al­ Allen unconscious and nearly dead from lowed the sum of >500 as alimony pend­ ing the suit and the expenses of the suit exposure. and that she also be allowed the sum of We haves fine lineof photograph albums , >300 as attorney's fees. etc., which, onaccount of the latene-s of 1.. Minkler & Son have a beautiful line ths season, will sell cheap. Price them of D. Holiday Goods this year, 1. K- Windfostai A Co. One of tie Handsomest Residences in the State a MUNICIPAL BONDS INDUSTRIAL STOCKS CORPORATION BONDS APPROVED BANK STOCKS A Mother's Foolish Act. H “Seeing is Believing B gjJ words mean much, but to see “'1 he Rochester” will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, T tough and seamless, and made i:i three pieces only, ■ it is absolutely safezxvX unbreakable. Like Aladdin’s I of old, it is indeed a ‘-wood rftd lamp,” for its mar- X velous light is p i- r and brighter than gas light, ■ softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. Lea ve Medford 10:00 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m.f Leave Davisville 10:10 a m. 2:12 p. ni. 7:30 p. m. Leave Harbaugh ?s 10:17 a m ; 2:30 p. in.?, 7:41 p. m.l Leave Whetrock 10:20 a m. 2:25 p. m. 7:45 p. m. Arrive Jacksonville 10:30 a, m. 2:40 p. m. 7:55 p. m. W. HONEYMAN, Prmident. f* leave : arrive : Portland... .5 :00 pm Albany.......9:0op m Albany....... 5:00am Portland ..8:65am PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. KOCHESTBEX LA??5P CO., 42 Park Place, New York City. “The Rochester, n Bk, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For accommodation of Second Class Pas­ sengers, attached to Express Trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Between Portland and Corvallis. MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) leaves : REDUCED 20 PRCT leave : ■ 9 ti ll 9 ll Not Pointed « T H R 0 LU H TICKETS to all points EAST il» S«LTi. ♦1 00 92 It 75 ll 80 It 75 ll 70 50 ll 4 Foot Dressed 5 Wire, Pointed ll 44 44 ti 4 4 44 ll 44 it 3>i 4 44 44 it <4 3 3Z‘< 44 44 ll u 3 3 For tickets and full information regarding rates, maps, etc., call on company’s agent at Ashland. R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F. sz ARRIVES Portland... .7:30 am I Corvallis. .12:10 p in Corvallis. 12:55 p m , Portland. .5:30 p m At Albany and Corvallis connect with trams of Oregon Pacific Railroad. Express Train Daily (Except Bunday.) Great Comedown in Prices on TIME SCHEDULE Leave Jacksonville 8:30 a. m 1:00 p. m. 5:40 p m. Leave Whetrock 8:40 a. ni. 1:12 p. ni. 5:48 p. m. Leave Harbaugh’s 8:43 a m. 1:17 p. m. 5:51 p m. Leave Davisville 8:50 a. m. 1:27 p. m, 5:55 p. m. Arrive at Medford 9:00 a. m. 1:40 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Albany Local, Daily,(Except Sunday.) ¿^S*R\and we will send you a lamp safely by express—your choice of over 29OOO rJW’vJ varieties from the Largest Lamp Store in the Ivovtd. * Railway Company. From Medford to Jacksonville. arrive : LEAVK Portland... 8:00am Roseburg. 5:40 pm Roseburg .. 6:20 a in Portland . 4:00 p in I.ook for this stamp—Tim R ochcster . If the lamp dealer hasn’t the aennlne h IBBL Rochester, and the style you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue, Rogue River Valley From Jacksonville to Medford. I /X RA An Important Translation. Medford and Jack­ sonville. Shasta Line. Express Trains Leave Fortland Daily. AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac­ South I I North tual experience, I ani thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 7:0C p ni Lv Portland Ar 7:35 a in 10:20 a m Ar Ashland Lv 4 :40 p in 10:50 a ni Lv Ashland Ar 4:10p m 8:15 a in Ar SanFranciscoLv 7:00 p m Above trains stop only at following sta­ tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Snedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc­ And a good lamp tion City, Irving, Eugene must be simple; when it is not simple it is Roseburg Mail Daily. not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good —these IS to 26 Whitehall 6«.. New York. Between STTZEÒVZE'YÓIEÒ an(j Government Land Locator. «TJLOKZSOnsr-VILTjE, O^EC3-Oisr. Mrs. Ada Meinott, of Grand Rapids, CAREFULLY SELECTED, Mich., took her seventeen-year-old son TRIED, SAFE, to a dime museum, where one of the at­ PAY GOOD INTEREST. tractions is a William Tell act. On the —ALSO— following day she playfully put a potato on her head, remarking to the boy he DESIRABLE INVESTMENT PROPERTIES IN PROSPEROUS CITIES. couldn't shoot it off. The boy found a revolver, and aiming it, pulled the trig­ FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND REFERENCES, ger. The revolver was not empty. The WRITE bullet lodged in the woman’s neck, and eschbach , M c D onald a co ., she will die.—Philadelphia Ledger. Of the Papyrus Eliers, the Important medical manuscript which George Ebers, the well known German Egyptologist and novelist, acquired at Luxsor eight- I een or nineteen years ago, only frag­ menta—the chapter on diseases of the ¡ eyes, for instance—have, with Professor Hirschberg’s help, yet been translated. El >era shrank from translating the whole, on the ground that medical knowledge was requisite for the task. He expressed this opinion when he and Ludwig Stern edited the manuscript in 1875. A com- ’ píete translation has now been made by I a Berlin medical man, Dr. Heinrich Joachim, who learned Egyptian for the purpose, and has been working at the translation for several years. Thanks to Ins labors, the oldest medical work In the world is now accessible to all who can read German. , Joachim thinks that It was written at latest 1550 years B. C., but that parts of it are of still older date. It consist* mainly of recipes, interspersed here and there with proverbs. In some passages advice as to the examination of patients is given; in others the prognosis indicat­ ed by certain symptoms is stated. The treatise shows that palpation of the ab­ domen was practiced by the old Egyp­ tian physicians.—Berlin Cor. London Lancet. 5 1 N • D YOUNG u. i vun V, WILL SELL on long time or exchange for farm, my residence in Ashland with a frontage of 160 feet on Main street, and 150 on Alida avenue. The grounds are nicely laid out with choice fruits and shrub­ bery, artificial stone walk, good stable and outbuildings. This cottage was built in the fall of 1888, of the choicest material and by first-class workmen. Newson Bros., S. F., architects. Will sell or exchange any part of one to four acres all in choice fruit and adjoining said residence This is the most modern in style, and best constructed cot­ tage in Southern Oregon. Choice location, and can lie had at a bargain. Inquire of E. E. Miner, owner, or W. N. Luckey, Real Estate Agent, Ashland. Oregon. ’ iul9’91 iïFr INVESTMEN1 MTE SECURITIES 1. M. McW\L f hr Sale or Exchange hr Farm Property. I TH I Dirt falls out when the chimney is taken off, not into a pocket as in other central-draught lamps. Putting in a new wick is a very easy matter indeed. All this seems strange to one v.’ho knows how troublesome other good lamps are. It is in ail the good lamp-stores. Send for a primer. Valley.Record and Mammoth Cy- clopodia in 4 vols., $3.00. [ *ku'.u>(b, Pa. P ittsburgh B rass Cflk