I BREVITY BASKET. The Republicans Organise. Baptiat Revival Meetings. Last week we gave the prohibition or­ Rev. G. Robt. Cairns, evangelist, will Roseburg is to have a sisters’ convene ganisation over half a column. We will commence meetings in the Baptist church try and besa liberal with our Republican Sundav morning Dec. 6. at 11 o’clock. I*. Dunn has been mentioned for mayor. A8HLANP, O*., T ri Mi»r, Dec. 3. 1801 friends, who bad announced through Mr. Cairnsis an eminent worker and The Cleveland minstrels were on to-day’s some means that Judge J. C. Tolman, singer and the public are cordially in- south train. vice-president of the Republican state vited to be present. . HE1U*O\AL. AM) SOCIAL. At’end the K. of P. ball at Medford on league of Oregon for Jackson county, ; Christmas night. AND MOST ECONOMICAL, Married and Gone. 8. C. Sherrill has gone to eastern Oregon. would organize a Republican league for Ashland and vicinity at McCall’s hall on The union of Miss Mamie Judge and T. i The Rosina Vokes opera troupe were on John Bays went to San Francisco on Sun­ Saturday at 2 o’clock p. m, J. Dunn of Chico. Cal..was duly solemnized Monday’s north train. day. At the appointed time a R ecord re­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1L nry Judge C. K. Klum of Talent is buying hogs to Is that of Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder. It is prepared Shan Conner wa* on Saturday's north porter had planked himself down and on Tuesday morning, in the pre-ence of the make bac> n out of them. immediate relatives of the family and a few train. viewed operations. Eleven men and one with greater care and accuracy, from finer and more ex­ Pat Ilaraghey was with the Ft. Jones close i>er>oiial friend*. The hanny young Jackson Hockersnrith is down with la boy were in the ball al the time, and lie- couple vok the morning train for their fu­ team in their unsuccessful tug of war con­ fore the meeting was over W N. Lnckey ture home and residence at Chico. The test with Yreka. grippe pensive materials, competent chemists test every ingred.ent Geo T. Baldwin returned to Linkville dropped in. The twelve apostles were; bride is one of the best known young ladies Wanted—Employment at any respecta­ W. H. Atkinson, A. 8. Hammond, C R. of Southern Oregon, cultured arid accom­ nothing is left to chance. No ammonia, alum or other Bunday. 1-a Valley, J C. Tolman, W. P. Squire, plished. and Mr. Dunn, who is one of Chi­ ble work bv a man and wife. Address John Ed. and Carl I-eever of Central Point are Postmaster Hammond, P. Dunn, Geo. co's |»>pular and enterprising young bu-i- Boor. Medford. Or. adulterant taints this purest of human food products. located tn ban Jose. Sudcrintemlent and Mrs. Jas. Agler were Crowson, Mr. Mvers, J. M. Hicks, W. ness men, being engaged in the in-urance A. H. Beamer, the stage man, was on II Leeds and Lackey. The slimness of business, is to be congratulated on winning over from Dunsiunir this week, visiting the Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is the embodiment of all the heart and hand of sn< h an amiable lady. | I family of D. C. Agler. this morning's train. the crowd needs an explanation. It is The Rrr ord re e-hoe* the sentiment that Are you Married? If not, *end your ad- Geo. B. Dorri* of Eugene is visiting Jack- not, as some people seem to think, that heaven may nife au-piciou>lv upon their the excellence that it is possible to attain. It is always to I he American Corre-ponding Club, son county relatives. the Republicans of Ashland have all died ho|«es. .May their live* lie long ui-on the i dre** P. O. Box 613. Clarksburg, W. Ya. uniform and reliable and retains its full strength until used. Alex. Ormeof Foots creek went to Biggs. I off down to these few, who are too tough earth and full of usefulness and happy con­ to die or too incorrigible to reform tentment. Mar iheir journey be strewn The Knight* of Pvthia* hall and supper Cal.. Monday or. a business trip. with flower* and may little responsibilities at Medford on Chri-ima* night will lie ihe It is not only more economical bemuse of its wonderful lister High, the Central Point barber There are more republicans in this town, spring up in their lives to gladden their de , event of the season. Tickets. $2.50. or «ere last presidential election. How­ • a* in town nunday and Monday. dining years and reflect the -unshine of ever, since then our pious President raising power, but by reason of its greater bulk, the cans Cba*. Pierce was in the city Tuesday. It J. C. Sheridan and wife of Central Point Harrison has conceived a decidedly poor youth upon the gathering shades of old age t* understood he has bought out G. B. Ad- will spend lite winter at Roseburg. opinion of Ashland Republicans, or Ash­ Temperance by a Reformed lawyer. ' dington’s timber claims in Jenny creek. being much larger than the ordinary kind; it will go Conductor Jack Anstay though ytt un­ land Republicans have very poor repre­ Luther Benson lectured at the M. E. Scott Griffin told the Cottonwood Regis- well, went to work again last wees. farther and do better work. It never disappoints. Dr. Prices sentatives as leaders. But we will take . church Tuesday evening c.c.oog to o> a » good-sized u .* p , o , z ... i : ter man that he has ten carloads of Tolo . l,e'_tP d'*P°se of in San Francisco and Benson has lieen a terrible I 5J’Ç Al B'ricklin returned to Chico, Cal..Tues­ oath to the fact that there are more Re­ audience. C. is the only baking powder that contains the whites of eggs. publicans than that in Ashland. Yet old lush in his time and the effect« of it j Oak and- day with Sol Keenan of Granta Pass. they weren’t there. And several of are eeen in hia face to-dav. He is a big, j Henry Searcy, of Henley, aged 50 years, A son was bora to the wife of Prof. W. them who are suspicious lest the party large, generous-hearted soul and hi« lee-I died in the jury room at Yreka Tuesday W. Felts, at Oakland, Cal., on Oct. 18th. BORN. machinery should be made to load up tures are of the sentimental order. Hie while deliberating on a verdict. Neuralgia Jacksonville Jottings. M ims Fannie Klover of the Grants Pass with the additional sins of what is language ia plain ; the whole force lie« in ot tbé heart. John Bilger, of Portland, is paying his Courier force spent Saturday in A.-bland. DUNN—In Ashland precinct, Nov. 28,1891, known as ‘‘the ring” were kicking about the telling, which comes to the auditor Col James Norris has been frequently old home here a visit. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Dunn, a daugh­ 8. L. Lapton, representing the Medford it, charging that it was a concocted job in such a frank and unstinted manner mentioned the test few days in connection ter. L. L. Jacobs visited bis father's family of Mail, was tn town Monday and Tuesday. calling the meeting for Saturday after­ that it reaches all kinds of “cattle” alike, with the mayorship. Col. Norris would Big Butte the first of the week. DRAKE. —In Talent, Nov. 19, 1891. to Mr make a good man for the place. Father McGrath of Yreka came over to noon, the busiest hour in the week, when and the entire audience feel like shed- and Mrs. Alonzo A. Drake, a son—8’£ lbs. D. A. Jones returned to her home Jacksonville Tuesday to visit Father Boev­ it was known the rank and file, the bone i ding a tear or uttering a big laugh as he C. H. Pickens is building an irrigating at Mrs. Portland after a pleasant visit with rela­ ALFORD—At Pievna, Klamath county, er. • and sinew, of the party were toiling hard unfolds the different emotional points in ditch for H.G. Ke*terson‘s Cove farm at tives and friends. Nov. 21,1891, to the wife of Russell Al­ lower Table Rock, the water to come from at McKinley ’ s wages, and when only the : his lecture. One thing in which he is so W. E. Smith and H. A. btinebagan left ford, a son. Rogue river. The ditch is one and a half Miss E. Haggard the printer, left for the few non-producers could get together and Tuesday on a business trip to ban Fran­ different than the Sam Jones-Sam Small ] aorth Sunday. She is a sister of Mrs. O. F. WHEELER—In Grants Pass. Nov. 19th, to “fix” the machinery of the league. How­ emotionalists is in the entire absence of miles long cisco. i Demorest of Medford the wile of Mahlon W. Wheeler, a son. of Pythias ever, it is our opinion that the raking up vile vituperation and abuse. This great­ jir Talisman —u*__ i __ a. lodge, v*_ Knights •••■ *' . of 1 ' The irrepressible K. H. Gllbam returned STANN ARD—In Grants Pass, Nov. 21, to Medford, are to give a grand ball on Christ- . The George Black property was sold at to the Grave creek mines Sunday from of only twelve faithful apostles could ly aids the generous and noble impres­ ma* night. It will no the wife of B. A. Stannard, foreman of doubt he be a great *uc- *uc- 1 j Sheriff’s sale Saturday' to/ $850. It was n> doul't Saturday lor have been avoided bv our friends doing I sion that he makes. Hornbrook. the Courier, a daughter. cess, as the voting are popular and up to purchased by B. F. Yocum. Mr. Benson lectured again la*t night and the times in the social line. ' Phillip Evans, of Portland, was in town two things, viz., placing the meeting hour in the evening and putting their ' Mrs. W. J. Plymale returned from Port ­ will talk this evening. MARRIED. the past week. He was raised by the late I Max Pracht still keeps on making im­ land Thursday accompanied by her son announcement in the R ecord . Every­ Jk. H. Evans. provements at The Oregon hotel. The trav­ Will, w hose health is not the best. Mr. Tantutu Goes to Missouri. body reads the R ecord and pay s atten­ DUNN — JUDGE — In Ashland, Dec. 1.1891, Mrs. C F. Frizell. accompanied by her eling men all unite in praising thi* hostelry at the residence of the bride’s parents. Sam. VV. Buzard, cashier of the Farm­ as the most popular hotel on the road be­ Frank Ennis returned to the Galice creek daughter, left Bunday on a visit to ber old tion to what it says, although it is a very- Mr. and Mrs. H. Judge. Thomas Julien vile paper and it’s editor has hay on his ers’ Bank at Jamesport, Mo , and son of tween san Francisco and Portland. mines Monday, after a lew days’ visit here. home in Iowa. Dunn of Chico. Cal., and Miss Manne He will probably return in a few days to teeth. But the “common herd” irre­ ! the president of the hank, arrived in Capt. Werk. the horseman, went to San spective of all parties read this paper and Ashland from the south Friday evening Judge, of Ashland, Rev. Father Boever ____ _____________ W. H. Wickham, erstwhile of Ashland, remain. officiating. r Francisco ■ Monday, - ■ probably to remain in write* from Pickering, Wash., that he will call it a hell-of-a-paper. The aristocracy ■ with F. M. Parker, representing Go». soon leave that country for British Colum­ 8 L. Jessup of Des Moines, la., has been WEST—BUSH—In Jacksonville, Nov. 26, California all winter. also, irresiieclive of Democrats, Republi­ Francis of Missouri and bearing requisi- bia. He did not tell us whether be has been here for a week pas: establishing a circulat­ 1891. at the residence of Ira Drake, by Mrs. F. A. Knapp, sister of D. R. Mat­ ing library. He has secured quite a num­ Justice Ply male, Otho West and Màis thew* and Mrs. D. It. Mills returned to Lu­ cans or Prohis say it is no good ; is a de­ tion papers to Gov. Pen nover of Oregon a political boss or a bank cashier. ber of members. moralizing paper; destroying the George for the taking of James H. Tantum back Hattie Bush, both of Ashland. cerne. Iowa, Bunday. Radain’s Microbe killer is now kept for Ike Miller of Ashland passed through Washington-like attitude of our most to Davies county, Mo., to answer the —LOUDEN—In Ashland, Decem­ Jos. Robison has moved to Ashland from high and exalted citizens who are above charge of forging a note for $175. Attor-1 sale in Reeser’s block, Ashland. town Sunday from Applegate where he has NELSON Wagner creek, having rented his farm to criticism and the “common herd;’ nev J. T. Bowditch accompanied Agent i There was two inches of snow at Jaokson- been a*sistins in erecting a fine dwelling I ber 2. 1881. at the residence of the bride’s — sister, the home,of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kes­ bis son, Boyd Kobison. prints things they don’t approve of,hence Parker to Salem on the same evening’s 1 ville this morning, three at Glendale and ■ hou-e for J. Devlin, wick, Mr. Robt. A. Nelson of Ontario, five at Ager Although snow has come A daughter was born to Adolphus Eddy has no “infloonce,” etc., etc., etc. Mrs. Jas. Layman of Brownsboro had an Canada, and Miss Meinotta Louden of But train. down . the and wife of Pendleton recently. They were they, too, read it carefully; to see what it Seiad valley, Siskiyou county, Cal., Rev. . mountains . , , , close to town, it is v on- I evatuination in Judge Neil’s court on Wed- On Saturday Tantum and his attorney, i. formerly of Jacksonville. C. A. Lewis officiating. says, of course. If the league wanted Judge Hanna, appeared before Justice of ; ly raining in Ashland up to line o clock to- nesdav and was pronounced insane. Slter- I id Birdsey and her husband took her to Sa- The surveipr-general has accepted the the “common herd” out with the non­ the Peace Milton Berry and asked to lie ; dl,y The Only House in the City making Have you tried Beech s Tea at D. I,. • lelu on w ednesday evening. surveys of government land made by Peter producing aristocracy they would have discharged. C. B. Watson represented Ten Thousand Tuikevs Wanted! Applegate in this county. Minkler & Son's? : James Slover and wife and Isaac Muller's had a crowded house by advertising in the hank. Justice Berry decided to hold In the case of H. C. Messenger before the ' fa,nily ar.® , on',e n,ore resident* of this A. C. Bergman of Redding who traded a the R ecord . swt nee^al aPP'>cattons, as they cannot reach cake went hence. Chas. 8. Ottenbacher and Mamie Camer­ of the following officers: A Mayor, Dunn-Judge wedding. Miss Josie pliyed .,h« <‘«<’«>«<1 portion* of the ear. rhere is on. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson took the south­ New store, new good*, new prices. 16; i Otho West and Miss Hattie Bush. A Recorder, the wedding inarch. I ?"'? on**aX ,o Vure d«*»«*. «nd that is bound train for their home at Bisson, where QE^'We respectfully solicit your trade, deliver goods ” {by constitutional remedies. Deafness is ounces to the pound. Crowson. The Gro- A Mar-hal, groom, a worthy and substantial voung cer O.jHarbaugh went as far as (tec ramen to | caused by »n inflamed condition of the mu- the A Treasurer, ' I O. K.T—Honest Results —O. K. T. man, is engaged as engineer in the big lum ­ bunduv u • to meet hia wife, who has been vis . ­ cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When A Street Commissioner, promptly and will treat everyone W hite Try the only manufactory there. The bride, although 1 be new brick addition of twenty feet to ; Many of the pioneers of Oregon and iting the family of her brother, Evan this tune gets i flamed yeu have a rumb­ a ber resident A Surveyor, and native of Siskiyou county, D. L. Minkler & Son ’ s grocery store is com- Washington have cheerfully testified to Reanie*, at Ban Jose. Oi e Councilman for the first ward, ling sound or im|>erfect'heHri;ig. and when ba* lived in Ashland off and on for several pleted and the interior of the building the wonderful curative properties of the first-class grocery in the city. Two Councilmen for the third ward. H. 8. Emery went over to Hornbrook it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, years, and has a large circle of friends who handsomely repainted. They are in readi-i celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Purely and unless the inflammation can be taken The election in the first ward will be held Tuesday to put up a billiard table for Da­ i know her good and amiable qualities of ne*« for the line t line of holiday stock yet vegetable ami pleasant to the taste and can and this tube restored to its normal heart and mind. vid Horn, which the latter reeenth' pur­ out seen in Ashland, to be placed on exhibition . tie taken bv the youngest child or most at the old meat market oti Main street be­ condition, bearing will be destroyed forev­ chased of P. W. Paulson. iu the eastern half of their store. j delicate woman. O. K. T. is a never fail- tween the Ashland house and the livery er; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca­ stable. Fatal Railroad Accident. We are expecting some more ot tfie npw . in^ rert1edy f°r pains in the back and loins, Miss Maud Blundell, daughter of Repre­ tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed Judges; J. E. Cox, J. B. K. Hutchings, i The northbound freight was ditched Rochester. Jr., lamps in a few davs. D. L. 1 non're'®ntion of urine, scalding or burning Govan sentative J. E. Blundell oi Douglas county condition of the mucous surfaces. High. I sensation while unnat.ng. mucous dis- has been visiting Mi** Lydia McCall in We will give One Hundred Dollars for Sunday morning about 5 o’clock a little Minkler & Son Clerks: H. C. Myer, M. L. Alford, . charges and all kidney troubles of either Ashland, leaving Monday for Sucraruento. any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) north of Tunnel 9. The train cut in two The election in the second ward will be J. Henry Morri«, a nrinter formerly of : *ex. $1 at all druggists. cure by taking Hall’ft Ca­ at the summit leaving the caboose, a flat held at Granite Hall. Mrs. W. E. Van Vector, wife of the 8. P. that we cannot Ashland, hut of late employed on the 1 Send for circulars, free. Judges; Chas. Gillette, E. M Miller, J. locomotive engineer, went to Dunsmuir tarrh Cure. car containing lime from the Rock Point ( Christian Advocate, has issued a sm 41 F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O R. Tozer. DIED. Monday to keep house for her husband, quarry and a Iwx ear as the last end oi piper , Sold by druggists. 75 cents. at Portland called Freedom, Like . Clerks; C. H. Johnson, John Butter­ who is now running south from that point. I the train. The first section ran «head of Morris, the paper is peculiar. It want« I EVANS—At the Depot hotel in Ashland, worth. Fair Association Meeting. it for awhile, but going down grade the . a reformation of everything to it« way of i Newman Fisher was on Tuesday’s train Nov. 26.1891, Mr. A. H. Evans, a native The election in the third ward will be held from Ban Francisco to Centralia, where a Annual meeting at Granta P am , N ov . I last section soon caught up and rammed J thinking, which is as extreme as the . of Lindonville, Vermont, aged 64 years. at the hose house on Main street opposite fire damaged the goods in bis mercantile 24th, present,Geo. W. Riddle, president; into it with a terrific force. In the ca- , doctrines of the Russian anarchists. The The interment was on Saturday after­ •‘The Oregon.” store. He will return to Jacksonville from W. J. Ply male, sec’v ; T. P. Judson, treas hoose were Conductor Will Jamieson and , noon, Rev. G. J. Webster of the Congre­ Judges; Geo. Crowson, H. Williams, W. paper is 50 cents a year there. Brakeman Billy gational church conducting the last sad H. Brunk. urer; ami Geo. W. Wimer, D. S. K. Bu­ Brakeman Doll Huff. The new officers of Granite lodge No. 23, ■ rites Clerks;. E. E. Deming, J S. Rogers. Mrs. Martha 8wingle-Schumpf-f.and.weli ick, J. A. Ha nee, Cha«. Hughes, F. W. Howard was at the rear end of the flat Polls to be opened at 9 o’clock a. m and known in this section was married Nov. Van Dyke, F. T. Downing, «nd Geo. T. ear of lune, and Brakeman Jack Cochran Knights of Pvthia*, are: Past chancelor, Mr. Evans comes from a well-known 24th at Poe valley, Klamath countv, to Baldwin, and ex-Secretarv R. A. Miller. was climbing up on the box car when the L. L. Merrick; chancelor commander, E. J. and respected family in Vermont. He kept open until 5 o’clock p. m. Kaiser; vice chancelor, 8. Patterson; prel­ Thomas Wiseman, the foreman of her By order of the City Council dated Nov. Upon discussion of resolution intro­ crash came. Cochran was cut in two in , ate. Wm. Otto; master of exchequer, Wm. came to the coast in 1831 and has been ranch. I 30th, 1891. Attest:' M ilton B erry , the middle and badly mashed up gen ­ duced by Buick as to place of holding Patterson; master of finance, J. M. engaged in the hotel business ever I City Recorder. D. W. Flahertv. a merchaot of Mott, ar­ district fair next year, it was, upon mo­ erally by the contents of the flat car of Gregory; i master at arm*. J H. McBride; since, principally at San Francisco, rived last Thursday with bis bride and will tion, decided that it should lie held in lime rock. Howard, at the rear end of keeper of record and seal. T. Godfrey; inner Stockton, Gold Hill, Nev., Virginia City ■pend a month in Ashland taking a vaca-. Douglas county, near Roseburg, to begin the lime car, was hoisted clear over the guard, J. H. Real; outer guard,' H. J. and Ashland, coming here three yeaiB F or Sale or Rent on Easy Terms 1 tfon. The lady’s late name was Miss Ethel Hicks. box ear clear of fatal danger. Jamieson ago. Mr. Evans has been married twice j the 20th of Sept., 1892, and last five days. Chittend'iu. Home good bargains in ribbons at the C. in his lifetime, the last being his union DESIR ABLE RANCH of 115 acres, The local agricultural association was re­ and Huff remained in the caboose, which Geo W. McDonald of Yreka and Dr. A. I quired to give a bond for $7000 to insure planted itself on top of the flat car. They O. D. Emporium. located 1J4 nnles west of Woodville, with Miss Mary L. Mills only a few nnci wuc iur autuiihj . \_-un*iun t , .* » *. * • i » 1 Moore and wife left for Toronto, Canada, j railroad and county road passing through The box The show going people of Ashland i weeks uuo. The tiereaved widow and ¿uiiu.j where wiivtu McDonald wv IX/ mss IG will wm s»hva»U v®i- oi suitable grounds, track were considerably hruised up Sunday, attend vet- car was smashed all to pieces and Coch­ were out in force at the Ganiard Grand ¡the friends of the deceased spared no the place; 60 acres of tillable land, a young erinury lecture*, and will return here in an'l buildings. orchard, story and a half house with’ base­ ix. spring. I Geo. W. Riddle was elected president, ran was killed instantly. A tramp rid­ opera house Friday and Saturday eve - pains to make the last davs of bis life ment, and also a large new barn. For the ing under the caboose was injured inter­ in-,'8 to see the Noss Jollities. The peo­ as loving and com.ortable as human terms and particulars call on or address W. J. Plymale, sec ’ y; T. P. Judson, Geo. W. Edwards of the San Francisco ple were delighted with their entertain- i skill and kindness could devise. M. C. DICKERSON. fruit firm of McDonocb . B. Hardy, a Portland voting laay. This is a stroke of the alleged mining expert, genius and shows that Bro. Kertson is pos­ trict; 3 years and under; 2 in 3; purse, $200. who cut a wide swath at Gold Hill recently gle, Perrv Johnstone and And'ew Virgil, sessed of ability, as well as diplomacy. It has not returned as yet, and may stay away of Hornbrook, Cal., were here last week isn’t every editor that can get a girl’s con­ altogether. .......... In the case of the Cal. & Or. Land A CASARO. fidence like that. The above paragraph appeared in a Co. vs. Gowen, sheriff of Klamath conn- Prof. Win. A- Kelly, late of Alaska and The New York Press exposes that county paper last week, and to nllT any „„„ one I tv, Jndge Deadv overruled defendant’s I the purchaser of the Saxetuan property re­ “Important Bill'' business. not knowing the gentleman named, it | demurrer to niff’s complaint and crant- I turned to Ashland last evening after a so­ would convey a false and a dirty impres- a temp°rarv injunction restraining (le­ The article credited to the New York journ in Santa Clara county, Cal. He is stopping at The Oregon and expects to re­ Press in a recent issue of this pa|>er, in I sion. Mr. Hardv has spent over $15,000 /endant from collecting tax?« on road main in kahlandsometime this trip. Prof. which it was alleged that unfavorable in the vicinity of Gold Hill this seasot, I land- The complaint alleges that the as- and has a few men at work vet. and his «cf^nr discriminated against the plaintiff Kelly thinks well of our climate. action had been taken in the New York assessing the land, N. A. Jacobs, vice-principal of the Med­ Legislature against the Royal Baking office still rented, Mr. Hardy has paid : one he owed and if he didn’t come For fine ela«*ware.Dresden china.queen*- lord public schools, and a modest educator Powder, proves to have been a canard, every who threatens murder to the reporters who gotten up and circulated by opposition back, it would be no discredit to him, ware.temp chimnevs, stone nets and crocks *° tbe Cnwket Grocery Co. prefix ‘‘Prof." to his name, was in Ashland baking powder makers for purposes while he would be entitled, in accord with the human law of gratitude, to the J H. Stine, editor of the Whiteson Saturday, lie reports that Miss Rose quite apparent to everyone. G riffi ths has l>een appointed a teacher in wishes of all public spirited citizens, Advance and founder of the Grants Pass The New Press, in exposing the fraud, be6t their school, and that the teachers and pu­ loyal to the best interests of their com- Courier, was killed instantly in Polk says: “ No such legislation as stated in pils were to move into the new school manity. Mr. Hardy has placed his good <-ountv Sunday evening by N. C. Cook, a this article has ever been had in this money uou-e Monday. in this county in enterprises that section boss, who then killed himself, Otho West, a stalwart, manlv voting tnan state—or in anv legislature, to our knowl­ if successful will ad