VALLEY RECORD. SENSATIONAL BANK EORGERÏ ' FRUIT STATISTICS I BREVITY BASKET. Work of the City Council. Ten Thousand Turkeys Wanted! Regular Meeting Monday.] We need ten thousand Saturday's train brought from Califor- i W. P. Squire, the real estate agent,has I Free cigars at Winter's. Mor.thlv reports of City Marshal Smith, Dressed Turkeys to fill gathered the following data of the fruit I The Halloween mischief maker was Supt. of Water Works Stearns, St. Com. a , m8n wbo registered at the hotel as ASHLAND, Oa., T bcbsdat , Nov. 5, UM Charles Freyer, San Francisco. Monday sold and shipped from Ashland station Thanksgiving and Christ­ abroad Saturday night. Nelaouand Recorder Berry accepter). mas orders. Consignments he called at Rev F. G. Strange’s resi­ in 1891 bv the regular buyers and ship­ H. A Clawson estate granted a saloon of Dressed Poultry are par­ R. P. Neil has had completed a new farm pers. This does not include the fruit j dence, introduced himself as a member PfCKaONAlj AND SOCIAL licenee. ticularly solicited. We have of the Presbvterian church and < ame to kept for home consumption or that wast- re-idence on his Dead Indian place. special facilities for dispos­ “ Prof.” Allen, a fortune-teller, has been Petition of C. P. Jones et al for change < pay bis respects to the pastor, talked ed bv not having canning facilities; Andy Payne fci at Yreka carpentering. ing of large quantities. Highest prices ob­ doing the town in the predicting business in portion of Granite 6tie«*t. Ordered about being a moneyed man and wanted IUB., ; nectarines, 18,- ' Tomatoes, 95.200 lbe. tained, returns prompt, cash payments. Al. Helms left for Albuquerque. N. M„ to locate here, had looked at a timber 000 Brakeman Speck of the 8. P. had his {that the city surveyor survey and plat With tv.-cn'y-two years’ experience, we are lbs.,1000 boxes; cherries, 22,780 lbs., Monday. such proposed location of aaid street and tract at Sisson Siaeon which be he thought lie 4556 gallons; gallons; apples, 477,200, 11,93< 11,9.10 i wrist mashed the other day while switching to guarantee satisfaction. Write i the boundaries thereof and the portion prepared Sam Whitextein and family left Monday might buy, town for 8 a boxes; peaches, 1,550,684 lhe., lbs., 86,150 86,150, cars. T’ would W0 J ’ld be out of to *,n. ior us for particulars, tags and shipping direc­ for Salem. Mrs. W. F. Real of San Jose has opened of each lot, or other grounds to be appro­ tions. week or so and wanted to have his pas- boxes; pears. 104,345 lbs., 2610 boxes; Hobert Haight & Co. priated for aaid street, and make his re- a dressmaking shop near the White Sul tor receive bis mail, also asking Mr. ’ ‘ J. M McCoy, Linkville. iiaa been here plums and prunes, 68,052 lbs., 3403 box­ ' port to council in 10 days from this time. Commission Merchants and Wholesale deal­ for a week. Strange to give him his address. [Mr. es or 13,610 gal.; apricots, 4074 lbe., 209 phur Springs hotel. ers in Farm and Dairy Products, 226 Max Webster and Young Denny slaught-, Resolution adopted : Resolved, that Mr». Lyle Rice and »on are visiting in Strange gave him his printed card.J boxes or 815 gal.; currants and goose­ Front Street, San Francisco. Mr. 8. gave him the names of the busi­ berries, 750 lbs., 150 gal.; raspberries ered 13 geese that weighed 68 lbs., on Emi-1 the city treasurer is hereby instructed to Jacksonville. transfer $56.57 from water works fund to Ì ness men of town, when Freyer asked 8200 lbs.,640 gal.; strawberries, 4460 lbs., grant creek Saturday. Miss Irene Chitwood of Portland is visit­ for a letter of introduction to G. F. Bil­ The Only House in the City making 892 gal.; blackberries, 40,600 lbs., 8120 The News says the S. P. is thinking of cemetery fund, and $224.90 from water ing in Ashland. I FOR SALE. lings. Mr. Strange took hirn down town gallons. making Dunsmuir an eating station and works fund to street fund. J. A. Dickerson and wife left Monday for and introduced him personally. Freyer Fire and water committee authorized The average price paid this year for erecting a hotel, besides converting the Man Francisco. hoice 8- acre feach orchard got Billings interested by telling him apples, pears, plums, prunes and toma­ center of town into a park. to purchase two nozzles for hose com­ in bearing Apply to D. P. Thompson passed through to-day about being a moneyed man, wanted to toes is about one cent per lb. For nec­ Our fall dress patterns are beginning to panies. Ö. E. WATRUS, for New Orleans. invest in land and waa thinking of start­ tarines, 1)4 cent per lb ; for peaches and arrive at C, O. D. Store, Street committee were authorized to oct29’91 Ashland, Oregon. ing a cannery. Billings took him and Frank Hansen returned from his Port­ Services at the Presbyterian church next j put in three additional electric lights 2 cents per lb.; for cherries, introduced him to the Bank of Ashland apricots, land tnp Tuesday. Sabbath morning and evening. Moruing where needed. people, E. V and F. H. Carter With blackberries, gooseberries and currants, “Save the Country.” Evening. C. B. Watson went to Portland Sunday a nice little story about .n vesting here, 20 cents per gallon ; for strawberries and subject. Building committee authorized to have Dissolution of Co-Partnership. “The Value of a Good Home." on a bnainass trip. a frame for fire-bell and flag-pele placed NVe carry the most complete and choicest stock in Ashland etc., wanted to change his balance from raspberries, 40 cents per gallon. A specialty of fine groceries and table Upon the new citv hall, There was 40,000 bushels of grain Mi»» Mamie Judge is Lome from Port­ the El Paso, Tex , National Bank to the otice is hereby given that the! luxuries bv the Crocker Grocery Co. — , , ’ ., land visiting her folk*. co-partnership existing between the Bills ordered poid: Bank of Ashland, showing a draft on the threshed by one machine alone (Grubb’s) and will positively not be undersold. All prompt­ C? fl1 1 A r.Lz»lr< I W. S. Crowell and H son reaped 27 lx,. bushels ! Plprtri„ . ,„h. r... no undersigned, doing business in Portland. He drew bis in the valley above Ashland this year. Ab. Giddings came in from his Klamath former bank for $8000. corn to the acre on their place, the old Llgbt H» ’ ° ‘ L'. gl,ts for O, t » 91 99 Multnomah county. Oregon, ha« this dav of corn to the acre on their place, the old . And vet some people say thia is not a county ranch Tuesday. check upon tba Bank of Ashland for the for Oct................. 65 00 been dissolved. T. J. WALKER, ly settled accounts and cash custom dis- Stephenson farm, which some people J A R T Stearns.salary farming section. of ware room 4 mos. 48 00 GEO. M. PARKINSON. one«, thought wouldn't raise weeds. Perry and A. M. Kilis of Central Point $8000 for collection, receiving a receipt J T Bowditch, sal for Oct ................... 20 83 Shipments of fruits from Ashland and for the same. Thia was about 11:30 a. m. __________________ Portland, Or., Sept. 29, 1891. were in the city Monday. New candies—handsome assortment at Glass A Prudhomme, litnographed counted Coming back again he produced a v1f;>nity to points east as far as Chicago city hall bonds................ Miles Cantrall commenced teaching the check on the U 8. National Bank of *r,,i New York, and to Australia and the C. G. store. 40 00 Geo W Smith, sal for Oct .................... Neil creek school Monday. 50 00 W. T. S. Patton has sold five slashing big Hicks A McBride, hauling ... New York for $200 to be cashed. The antipodes is not an uncommon occur- 25 25 Wm. A. Kelly of Alaska wbo bought lbe bank said it waa good if he could get ren‘C- But on Saturday’s train a car- work horses to Erickson, the railroad con­ Wm Nelson, labor on streets 35 00 tractor. Erickson has Iwught several fine Bozeman property is here. will be shipped to populous horses in this section to use on his scrapers. H Williams, same ............................. 7 00 some one to endorse it. He said _ is Rev. 11 load J ** apples —’— «VIIU ’ ö Jas Thornton, same......................... Congressman Hermann Las returned to Mr Htrange knew him ai d asked if he London, Ull^iatlU, England, the world s LUUllUtl" comiuer- 3 00 Tea, tea, tea and tea at Winter’s—23c to I Dodge, same................................... Roseburg from Eastern Oregon. 3 00 cial center by P. H. Donoghue of Ash­ would do. The bark replied yes. $1.20 per lb. 8 C Corbett, same ........................ 1 75 Mr. Freyer went to the residence of land, and Levi,Spiegel A Co. of Portland. WE DEFY ALL COMPETITION. Mrs. O. Coolidge went to Sacramento and Geo Abbott, same ..................... 1 75 Geo. Fiock, 8r., died near Yreka last Sat­ M R Moore, same .......................... Mr. Strange, told him of his talk with It will be composed principally of New­ Ban Francisco on a visit to-day. 1 75 Billings, hie introduction to the bank, towns and a few Spitzenbergs and urday from the effects of having been A E Matson blacksmithing 2 25 Fireman Mike De Vanney yesterday etc., showed him his receipt from the Wineeaps. They will go to New York in thrown from a road cart in an accident. Geo Markle, same .......................... 1 75 Just Received the Lar­ moved bis family to Grants Paas. He was 67 years old and a pioneer of 1850. a refrigerator car. They are consigned Bank of Ashland for that $8000 draft,and G C Eddings......................................... 2 75 gest stock of the Latest C. K. Donnelly returned yesterday from asked for a letter of introduction to W. to Aiderman Isaacs, the great commis The finest goods in the market can l>e bad W W Kentnor, labor 5 50 his month's vacation in California. Styles of Fall and Winter H. Atkinson, whom he bad not vet met. sion merchant, auctioneer and ex-sheriff only at the clothing palace of O. H. Blount. M N Long, fixing fire bell.................. 2 15 BSTWe respectfully solicit your trade, deliver goods Milton Berry, recorder’s fees........... 7 65 W. R. Stammers, Jr., of Medford, went Mr, Strange wanted bun to' remain of London. Mr. Donoghue is conversant The new time card abolishes Redding as Millinery Goods Ever to viait bis folks at Fresno Tuesday. awhile and he would take him down and with the London markets, where he eating station, making only two meals a promptly and will treat everyone W hite . Try the only Total ..................... ... $415 38 opened in Ashland. Call Mr. Freyer spent a lifetime and his advices are that day for the traveler. Ashland and Sisson McBride, the Medford photographer, introduce him personally Adjourned to Nov. 7th. passed through for Michigan Tuesday. Sroteeted against consuming so much of the gales on the Kentish coast have ru­ being the places. Trains meet at Horn­ and see them at first-class grocery in the city. Mrs. Mary Addington of Han Francisco Ir. Strange’s time and aaid a note of in­ ined the crop of winter apples. This brook Grants Pass Courier: Judge Hanna shipment is an experiment and if sue I^ave your orders for fresh Eastern oys­ troduction would lie sufficient. Mr. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Helen Wells. i was down from Jacksonville this week. ceesful will be followed up. The freight ters for Thanksgiving at Winter's. R. L.l’leti left Monday for Vacaville.Cal., Strange aava he had no suspicion of his to L«ndon is $1 per box, and apples sell He is one of the incorporators of the motives, the only thing be suspected was . where he has several plastering contracts. E L. Hopkins, who was with R. B. Hay­ Southern Oregon Marble and Lime Co., HEADQUARTERS. that his freshly-made Presbyterian friend there 88 hillb 88 t2-50 P*1- ho*- don when bis arm was shot ofl', helped whose works are at Wildei ville. The Mias Helen Strang of Medford went to might be a little off in the upper story. dress the late Harvey Walker at Parker ’ s P- H. Donoghue has purchased the Yolo county, Cal.,yesterday on »-six weeks’ So Mr. Strange wrote a aote of introduc- > “PP*« crops of Dean, Goddard, Casebeer, and drove his load of apples on out to stone is said to be the best in the world. visit. When Sell’s circus was in Oregon the tion to Atkinson. Here Freyer had what J Terrill, Wagner, Foes and the Nether- Linkville. C. W. Ayers, wbo has been at the Bcott Cash paid for butter, eggs and poultry. enterprising owners stated on the bills valley mines, was iu town yesterday and be had been working for, viz: Mr. lands of Talent for shipment to Levi, Crowson, The Grocer. 8trange’a signature ; Spiegel & Co. of Portland. that the aggregate value was over a mil­ to-day. In due time, about 2 p. m. he appeared Judge Hanna, Ben Bull and sons and lion dollars. When it sailed from San Lumber is Cheap. Mrs. J. E. Tipton . Sr.. of Medford went at the bank with hie name ana Mr Sheriff Penumbra Kelly and S. M Keenan Francisco last week the custom house to fawi Angeles Tuesday to see a nick Strange’s name as endorser on the $200 Common $11.50 in carload lota, $12.00 of Portland have organized a company to clearances invoiced it at $28,700. It daughter. check and E. V Carter, cashier, handed per 1000 in the yard. Second rustic and operate a-fine marble ledge on Chenev makes a difference Ivow we look at these One sf the Handsomest Residentes in the Chas. Radcliff of Ashland has located at him out his $200. Soon after Freyer flooring $20.00 per M. Everything in creek, Josephine county. values. Unkville and opened a watch and jewelry went out E. V. Carter commenced exam­ building line furnished on short notice. Henry Villard, the railroad magnate, for Sale or Exchange for Farm Property. The bottom of the potato market has repair shop. J ames N orris . seplO came out to Ashland with his wife, accom­ I ining into the thing, and compared the dropped out. A letter from a San Fran ­ panied by Koehler and wife in a special at Mrs. M C. Hollingsworth, »on and signature of Mr. Strange to another docu­ Jacksonville Jottings. cisco commission merchant says that in l) o'clock, remaining until 12 noon, when lie daughter left yesterday for their home in ment in the bank where Mr. Strange had I Eugene Armstrong is reported quite ill went south on the passenger. San Francisco the opinion is current WILL SELL on long time or exchange Loa Angeles. himself signed. It waa nearly the same, for farm, my residence in Ashland with that the crop of potatoes in Oregon is a at Portland. Full line of hosiery and ladies ’ vests at there being a discrepancy only in the Capt. A. D Helman has returned from a a frontage of 160 feet on Main street, and very large one, and that the people of visit with hl» daughter, Mrs. John A. Car­ making of the G. Mr. Carter’s suspic­ Hon. Theo. Cameron left on Monday’s Wilson A Walsworth’s. this state will consequently ship their 150 on Alida avenue. The grounds are ter, at Linkville. ions being aroused he recollected having train for Galice creek. laid out with choice fruits and shrub­ Pa* Egan will be recalled from Chile to San Francisco for sale, and that nicely bery, artificial stone walk, good stable and Mr. Blaine should send Patsv Donoghue to crop Fred W. Hogg, the watchmaker and jew­ received a postal card description of a belief, he says, makes the price very low Miss Rose Cardwell and her sister, Mrs, outbuildings. This cottage was built in the succeed him. None of those bloody,blarst- eler was at Jacksonville and Central Point man wanted at San Bernardino for just F. Fitch, are visiting at Portland. fall of 1888, of the choicest material and by ed Cbilanos would tread on the tail of his I there.—Oregonian. the first of the week. about such a game done there Oct. 24th. I suffered from acute inflammation in my first-class workmen. Newson Bros., 8. F., Miss Ida Cantrail and brother of Union- coat without getting their nose in it. Mr. Carter went to Acting Marshal J. Miss Emma Howard. Wells, Fargo A Co.’s | nose and head—for a week at a time I could architects. Will sell or exchange any part The finest black tea in the market at the town were among the visitors Tuesday. K. Leabo and told him he had been one to four acres all in choice fruit and express agent, returned yesterday from a | not see. I used Ely’s Cream Balm and in a of Crocker Grocery Co s. robbed of $200 dollars if he didn’t get visit in Ban Francisco. said residence This is the most Miss Emma Armstrong who has been vis­ few days I was cured. It is wonderful how adjoining that man back. Marshal Leal» espied The cattle recently sold to Mitchell of ' quick it helped me.—Mrs. Geòrgie 8. Jud­ modern >n style, and best constructed cot­ Mrs. M. L. Alford left Monday for Klam­ Freyer and brought him to the bank, iting her aunt, Mrs, Zigler at Roseburg, has San tage in Southern Oregon. Choice location, Francisco by Major Barroji and sons son, Hartford, Conn. returned home. ath county on a viait to the families of her and can be had at a bargain. Inquire of E. and Butler A Thompson were weighed at where Mr. Carter informed him that the brothers, the Applegates. Mrs. I. A. Merriman of Medford was Barron’s yesterday and will be driven over G. H. Hayes says that Heryford Bros, E. Miner, owner, or W. N. Luckey. Real thing did not look all right. Frever Mrs. Geo. Cryderman left yesterday for handed back the $200 minus forty cents visiting relatives and friends here Tues­ the 8iskivous and shipped from Hornbrook, turned off this year the best lot of beef, Estate Agent, Ashland. Oregon. ' ml9*91 it being cheaper. Ager to visit John Cooley's family and which be had spent, and asked wherein day. to the number sold, that ho ever pur­ other friends in Siskiyou county. MARRIED. New store, new goods, new prices. 16 chased since he has been in the business. it was wrong? Carter replied in Mr Henry Ammerman was in town Satur­ Miss Melnotte louden strived from Bis­ Strange’s signature. Freyer, wdiq never' day. He bid in the property sold at ounces to the pound. Crowson. The Gro­ —Lakeview Examiner. MORRIS—GRAY—At the residence of the son Bunday. to spend the winter in Ashland changed a color or muscle and acted as sheriff’s sale for $2650. There was 42 cer. Chipped beef, fancy breakfast sugarcured officiating minister, Rev. Geo. W. Black, with her slater, Mrs. R. Beswick. Dunsmuir News: The train agents have bacon. Eastern hams, fresh Oregon lard at cool as n chunk of ice replied all right,he acres located in the town of Talent. in Ashland, Nov. 3, 1891, Levi Morris and been taken off the Shasta route. The pass­ Winter’s. E. W. Kano and family returned from would go and get Mr. Strange to came Miss Alice Gray of Talent. Dave Cardwell of San s valley,who has enger business is a little dull this time of Portland bunday where E. C. attended lhe down and endorse it in their presence. Albany, Oct. 28.—In the first of two PENNEBAKER—REESER—At the resi­ been attending the public school, was the year, so it was probably doubtful if the Oregon Knights Templar meeting. They let Mr. Freyer go, after getting the dence of the bride’s parents,Mr, and Mrs. agents could knock down enough to cases of the state against E. P. Rogers, of Hus Walden and J. W. Blackburn from money. Carter handed Leabo the de­ called home by a messenger announcing train B. F. Reeser, in Ashland, Nov. 3, 1891, the Southern Pacific railroad,for discrim­ make it profitable for them to hold jheir the serious illness of bis sister, Miss Eva the Siskiyou were here and at the county scription of the man wanted at San Ber­ Geo. W. Pennebaker, son of G. Fi Penne- job. r inating in freight rates, the jury to-day Cardwell. seat on business Monday and Tuesday. baker, and Miss Tillie Reeser, Rev. Geo. nardino and it tallied to that of Frever to get soaped by cheap brands of soap, returned a verdict of guilty. Counsel W. Black officiating. Mike Castelo who was a resident of but Don't Mrs. R. H. Ogie, formerly Miss Kate the quick. Leabo, Deputy Sheriff Robt. for the defendant filed a motion for a try some of Winter’s best. was a quiet borne wedding witnessed Chitwood came in last Friday from Klam­ Taylor and tr large slice of the balance of Jacksonville 25 years ago, spent several new trial, which was overruled. The 1 by It the immediate relatives and a few inti­ Kosebtirg Plaindealer: Sheriff Miller has , court imposed a fine of $1000. The case ath agency where she has been teaching. the town struck out for him. Freyer had days here during the week with old time mate friends. The bride and groom took inst returned from the “bad lands," where Mrs. 8. B. Whittle is visiting her friends started in the direction of Strange’s resi­ friends. He is now a resident of San he has been to seize and sell some cattie he- will go to the supreme court. The sec­ the same morning's t:ain for Los Angeles, tietween here and Roseburg again, during dence but passed on and after hiding in Francisco. Cal., where they will reside in the future. longing to the notorious Poole Bros., who ond case was continued. 8. R.'s absence with the line repairing various barns, sheds, bridges, etc., was The good wishes of a host of friends follow A world’s fair club was organized Sat­ are doing time in Salem. The proceeds “ Who said Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla?" Thou ­ work. overhauled by Acting Marshal Leabo in urday evening by Mrs. Dr. Pevton at the will be turned into court to cover the costs sands of people, who know it to tie the best them in their new relation and home. J. <*. Matheny, who has been visiting in Billings’s field. Freyer seemed to know residence of Mrs. P. P. Prim. Mrs. of prosecution. blood purifier and tonic medicine. BORN. Ashland the guest of his daughter, Mrs. P. by instinct that his jig was up and com­ Pnm was elected president and Mrs. W. Some new styles in shoes at the C. O. D. An appeal has been made to the citi­ W. Pauban, has returned home to Santa menced telling Leabo all about what he J. Plymale secretary. Emporium. CLOSE — Near AMiland, N ot . 3, 1891, to zens of Ashland and vicinity by the Ana. Cal. was wanted for. He waa locked up in Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Close, a son. License issued Oct. 31 to G. W. Pene- 8. Sherman of Talent writes the Linkville Good Samaritan Hospital of Portland for O. B. Hardy, the Gold Hill mining man, the old city skookutu house to await the went to Ban Francisco yesterday on a busi­ arrival of Sheriff E. C. Seymour of San baker and Miss Tillie Reeser. Married Star that the editor "need not be surprised aid in replenishing their store room for I DIED. ness visit. Geo. Senn returned to the city Bernardino, who will arrive on to-day’s Nov. 2, 1891, by Judge J. R. Neil at to hear of the whole tribe of Shermans set­ the coming winter. A large number of tling in Alkali valley shortly.” However poor people of all denominations are re- ! Saturday. county judge ’ s office, George W. Stevens train and return with his man tomorrow. the readers of the Siar in Jackson county ceiving care in this hospital. Contribu­ MORINE-In Ashland. Oct. 30, 1891, Earl, and Miss Zadie Bradshaw. Cbas. T. Bailey who has been in Sacra­ wilkbe kept well posted on what me and son of 8. F. Morine, aged 7 months, 14 A R xcord reporter got his augur into tions of apples, pears, potatoes, flour, mento during the rummer, returned Satur­ my brother Jacob are doing. days, of spinal meningitis. Funeral on Halloween was generally observed here the prisoner, whose real name is Chas. dried fruits, preserves, butter, cheese, day to be ready for the mining season at Saturday, interment in Ashland ceme­ Fresh mackerel, salt mackerel, Iceland bacon, poultry, celerv, hops, etc., may B. Hogg. He save the most of the time by the witches and fairies. Nearly every Foot’s creak. tery, Rev. G. J. Webster conducting the one was remembered in some way, eith-> halibut, codfish, lobsters, shrimps—Winter be left at the home of Mrs. W. P. Squire, in the last four years he has been in last sad rites. The little fellow lost his E. E. Winchester and wife left for Port­ er by having their front door painted or has them. Mexico as a civil engineer, is 45 years of mother at the time of his birth. on Main street, who will see that they land Baturdayon a business trip, returning being presented with some article be ­ The ladies of Ashland and vicinity are are properly packed and delivered at the today. Mr. W. was purchasing goods for age, a native of Scotland, a single man, longing to n neighbor. requested to meet at the parlors of The Or ­ eame to America in 1864, was a soldier his drug store. Concerning Prof. Hurley. egon hotel on Saturday. Nov. 7th, at 3 p. depot. The S. P. has kindly offered to carry all freight for this hospital free of Mrs. John Stanley camo over from Sisson in 95th Pennsylvania volunteers, Co. A, Only a Dime. m for the purpose of organizing a Wom ­ Editor V alley R ecord :—In the R ec ­ Sunday to let her folks see what vigorous Gen. Wright’s division. an’s World's Fair Club, so that our town charge. ord of Oct. 29th I notice a clipping from Name, initials or monogram neatly Hogg acknowledges his guilt and tells high kickers her twin babies, born several mat l>e properly represented in the woman’s M. Mayer, the merchant tailor, has just the Woodburn Independent criticising a straight story. He is an intelligent, painted by Haaty, on the inside of hats, bui'ding at the coming Columbian Exposi­ received months ago, ware. over 300 samples of new fall and Prof. U. G. Hurley a6 using “slang and umbrellas, gossamers, rubber coats and tion in 1893. winter goods of different kinds and if you , foul insinuations” tn bis lectures. Prof. John 8. Miller and wife, formerly of Ash­ well-dressed man, and doesn’t ask for rubbers» __ land, were on Monday's train home to Gil sympathy but calmly submits to the in­ Fresh cocoanuts, Smyrna figs at Crocker want a neat fitting suit at a reasonable: I U. G. Hurley is a resident of this valley figure, call at bls shop. roy. Cal., from a visit to their property up evitable. He says he expects to go to Grocery Co.’s store. Real Estate Transfera. , and in the capacity of lecturer on phren- the penitentiary, though he save his at Walia Walla. G M Granger to 11 J Hicks — lot 2 blk 44, H. M. Barnes, treasurer of Lakeview, ology has visited all the towns in this friends will pay the San Bernardino bank Sonietliing New. Mrs. Wallace Baldwin returned home to Ashland; $1600. who was short in his accounts $800. was valley. I have attended two of his lec­ the $640 dollars he defrauded them out of. LinkviWe Tuesday after a visit with Ash­ Kid gloves, an extensive assortment of tures on phrenology and never listened Walter Farnham to Eugenia A Jackson— convic ted and sentence 1 to the penitentiary The reporter elicited from him the fol ­ land friends as the gnest of her folks, Ben­ one rear and fined $1600 and costs. Frank the latest styles just received from the to any “foul insinuations” nor have I 10.06 acres in tp 38 s, r 1 e; $100. lowing facts that may account for his nett Million and family. Wilson was convicted of stealing a steer at ' city of Philadelphia. Call and see them, ever heard anybody allude to such a Jacob Evans to O G Oorlgiese — n w *4 of the same term of court. Sheriff Heryford, | Also a fresh invoice of clothing from New thing in this valley. Mrs. John Petton, son and daughter, downfall, which was money, the root of n e % of sec 20, tp 34 s r 4 w; $200. an?c •Jfch‘ee 5s8 n? York and a new line of hats from Phila- from I-afayette. Oregon, were visiting their all evil. Addressing the reporter, he Ellen I Willits to Amos Willits—w % of d Ju ’ I know the professor believes iu fewer 7 I de,Phia> at J. M. McCall’a store. numerous relatives In Ashland Bunday, be­ said: You can further say that the e % and e <4 of n w >4 of sec 29, tp 32 s, r 2 ¿nifentiar? and consequently better children, does cause of it all is gambling, whisky and e; $2000. ing en route to San Jose, Cal. not believe in unwilling maternity, does Some good bargains in ribbons at the C- Josephine’s Wealth. Major G. F. McConnell left yesterday for bad company, for up to 40 years of age I J no Compton to Jas G Birdsey—n ’4 of s believe that children should be the never thought of doing a dishonorable O. D. Emporium. q.|)e fo]]owjng ¡s die assessment sum- not Portland, where he and Johnny Eubanks w *4 of sec 8. tp 36 s r 1 e; $500. result of an accident. But whenever a engage in the grocery business at a prom­ act and only until just recently that I Geese are very numerous down on Bear marv of Josephine county: Number of writer or lecturer touches on those ta­ Svlvester Cowles to Robt T Baldwin—lot ever done anything of this kind. Since 1 10 blk 2. R R add to Ashland ; $100 inent location on Third street. creek these davs, where thev stop to feed , acres of land 134.696, value $485,838; booed subjects, whenever the abuses are .V- ri' Ellen Orth to C W Kahler—an undivided on their journey southward. Several of value of town lots, $242,028; value of im- laid bare and people are forced to think, Young Mitchell, the pugilist, was on last May I have spent over $6000, some small portion of it in traveling expenses the sportsman about Ashland have made I 6:235 interest in part of lot 4 blk 7, together Monday's train for Portland with his wife. provements, $183,353 ; merchandise and then conservatism sends up a howl, be- Jack Dempsey went around by water and and living but the great bulk of it went i with building known as Red Mens’ build­ pretty good hauls bv going down earlv implements, $155,683; money, notes and i cause they are afraid that the supply of •w. * they will give exhibitions in the northwest. in gambling and the race tracks at Sara­ ing. Jacksonville: $70. *1» in the morning. One morning recently accounts, shares of stock, etc., $353,579; human idiots and mental and physical toga, Long Branch and some at Minne- I Willits to J W Merritt—11 acres a hunter ran across four large flocks with­ horses and mules 1597, value $57,160; serfs will be short in the future, which Judge Hanna and Col. Knight came up { apolls. This $6000 accounts for my hav- j in Ellen tp 37 s r 2 w ; $387.48. in a radius of a quarter of a mile. cattle 4732, value $55,976; sheep 1103, will produce a famine in the competitive on Friday's train and left by private con­ Al[a R l’hipps to Julia A Edwards—land veyance for Linkville over the Ashland 1 ing the various bank checks in mv poe- c .«,., . few C w days at value $1649; swine 2011, value HO32; : labor market and party politics. Turn Fresh roast coffee every road. Circuit court convened there Mon­ . session, though I haven’t a cent in the I in tpw7 s r 1 w, 2.09 acres; $52. Winter's, f Just trv our own powdered Me- gross value of property, $1,621,918; as I on the light. W m . H. B reese . banks now and didn’t have when I drew day. Conrad Mingus to Wm Ulrich—lots 1 and cha and Java. equalized by the county board, $2988; Talent, Nov. 2d, 1891, Chas. Rain as, the jolly Hamburg Bar. those checks for which I am in trouble. 2 blk 60, Medford : $150. indebtedness. $1,624,9Î6 ; exemptions, Clay Charlev has sta-ted up bis new This is the only crime I have ever been A H Maegley to W H Parker — land in Siskiyou county miner, and former partner Elegant line of Lamps at D. I.. Mink­ saw-mill on Antelope, and is turning out $444,905; total taxable property, $1,180,- of Geo. Cryderman. of this place, was visit­ guilty of and was driven to it by circum- I sec 4, tp 38 s. r 2 w; $1. 011 • number of pollB, 602. ler & Son6. the finest kind of fir, cedar and pine lum ­ ing Ashland friends last week, returning stan< es. I never was in a saloon until I i J W nutpurm ,,, mis ao , i » Shepherd to Jesse Hinkle—lots 13,14 ber. The mill is run by a few inches of borne Saturday. was 35 years old, have led a moral and I blk 10. Central Point; $1C3O. „ man ---- up, be- — Clar B Lewis to Ben and Aaburv Beall— water going through a hydraulic pressure 1 Em mitt Beeson left Sunday for a month’s religious life, from a . voung di_ gamble __ _ ___ , | an undivided X interest __________________ any in and to land be water wheel. The finest lumber at the ' visit In Colusa county. Cal., where he has ing a Presbyterian. I I didn't several undos. Enimitt will probably put until after 35 years of age. . I knew how I longing to estate of T F Beall, deceased; mill is only $7 per M., and the opening j of the new Antelope road will bring this more visits in on hi» pretty cousins than on to play cards before. I wasn’t a good good, 11100.21. $1109■2S• hie uncles, we'll wager. gambler, moat always _ losing, which gave to John Miller—n w 2, % of ‘ s w % of ....... „.... i U ” 8 ..................... .2. s mill in close connection with Ashland. 8 of 8 ® e ot s 8 Vi. 8nd 8'ld s 8 '/i of 8 e 'A V* Mr. Spiegel, of the i^evi, Spioasl * Co. me a higher incentive to go worse to re- > ® e Meals at all hours at Mrs. Gillette’s. ‘ * ri<>ve | and s e 14 % of s e *4 and s ’ >4 4 of s >4 % of s w 14 yt firm of commission merchants at Portland, t trieve. “Hid you ever had any considerable ?( s-e an'-1 n -of n-e of n. ® K 8"d « only cafe in the city Ovster stew 25 cents? i was here the first of the week en route to Han Francisco. He examined our or­ amount of money before in vour life and M of n U of n w »4 of n w J4 of sec 1. tp 38 ,®ev-G. S^TJige Sunday talked to s r 3 w; 120 acres. chards. bis B”..,enee upon the fourth anni versa- I when? ” To this he replied “ves, $33001 • ------ Ferdyee Roper to W E Jacobs and W V Vs » s 4 A »» - ------ — __ a .0. - 71’ “ ’ J— - I 8. Keiser, wife and two children of Spirit about ten years ago by tt e death of an Virgin-flouring mills with 1 »5 acres’ of 1 ry of his connection with the pastorship ! Observing housekeepers quickly learn that Dr. Price’s of the Presbyterian church of Ashland. ; Lake, la., arrived in Ashland Tuesday. aunt. _ _____________ _ '«nd »nil water privileges, Ashland; $12,000. During this time there were 73 accessions I Mr. K. is an old Iowa friend of R. 8. Bar­ au"1’ Cream Baking Powder is far superior to other brands in clay. and thev eame to live in Rogue river and 33 baptisms, the church debt was How's Thia. A Favorite Remedy. valley. wiped out and general improvement all We otter One Hundred Dollars reward Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a favor- the fact that they never fail to make the finest pastry, and Mrs. Col. Stone and Mrs. S. C. Peck, who for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured 111® during the winter months on account of along the line is noted. The psstor and by taking Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure 1 its great success in the cure of colds. There congregation are working together harmo- have been stopping at The Oregon for a F. J. CHENEY A CO. Prop’s. Toledo, O. |is nothing that will loosen a severe cold so 1 niousiy. if they wish to be economical they can dispense entirely with month or more, returned home to Yreka We.-the undersigned, have known F. J. or 88 promptly relieve the lungs. Saturday, Mr». Stone's health being greatly Call and see the C. O. D. Emporium’s I Cheney for the last 15 veers, and believe Tben *t counteracts any tendency toward new improved. fall and winter goods of the latest, eggs and can use a less quantity of butter for shortening him perfectly honorable in all business tran- F;P®n T°-, The Meadow. Item. taring force, was visiting in the city 8un- [ Invoices of Fresh Goods which we are improved in health and spirits and is at his I dav. He is with Winsell’s crew who are i but in avoiding the trouble and frequently the great difficulty olJ headquarters. Wau>»a. K innam a M arvin , Wholesale Miss Eva Cardwell of Sam’s Valley is located at Steinman for about a month, Druggists, Toledo, O. very sick with typhoid fever Mrs. C. R. LaVallev. City Marshal Smith Receiving Every Week. I retimbering tunnel 16. Mr. W. thinks I of securing eggs that are fresh. This is often a serious Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally. 1 t f p - ha , -1. .1 - and Deputy U. 8. Marshal A. T. Kyle, acting , that in another year the rehabilitating of directly upon the blood and mucous rwisfn]’a:r ‘ °^ed ^,ve1r? went to Portland on Sunday's train on the surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent <'®8®*ul six months terip of school id the ■ the tunnels and roadbed of the Siskiyou 1 Nutt counterfeiting trial. J. K. Leaho was trouble. mountains will be commenced by whole- ' free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold bv all Meadowy district. acting city marshal. druggists. ! Mrs. Reynolds of Meadows and Miss sale, which will require the expenditure I Cakes of various kinds from the informal Griddle W. D. Mullen, the carpenter, formerly of several hqndred thousand dollars, prin­ Sarah Godfrey of Sams Valley are very of Ashland, passed through Sunday fvoui Cor­ cipally tn labor. Seven Thousand Beeves Sold. low with typhoid fever. I vallis tn Sacramento. He was accompanied Cakes to the stately Bride Cake can be made with Price's Delicious drinks are made from Royal bv his wife, and thev will remain in Cali­ Lakeview Examiner.] Old Father Benson, an old settler of Hutch Cocoa. Van Houten and Epps’; bak­ fornia during lhe winter. Lake county has turned off more beef the Meadows killed his fiftieth bear last ers’ chocolate, sweet and unsweetened, at Cream Baking Powder, which insures light, sweet and hand* Mr and Mrs. J. R. Toser returned last thia year than during any previous year. 1 week, in,that neighborhood. Winter's, Buy from week from a visit in Klamath county. Job | A b near sa we can learn the number will some cakes; or when used for Griddle Cakes to be eaten hot J. B. Welch has moved his saw mil] Miss May Howard, who about two report« the trout in the falls below Repo gs . amount to about 7000 head, beside sever- us better goods for less money than you can get the gamiest fish that pver snapped a line. 1 L al hundred head of stock cattle, and the into a heavy body of timber belonging to years ago at Granite Hall, “gave awav” Mr. Jones, near jhiM Valley, and in­ to the audience a lot of inside ideas of the Lota of geese and ducks are coming into enables their production in the shortest space of time, always any house in town. amount of money received from this tends to cut it into lumber this winter. |be lakes and stream* ot that section. side liasons of a bald-headed dispenser of source alone will amount to about $200,- groceries who stepped up on the stage at tender and delicious. The Meadows has a boom again. Mr» J»»«e Dollarhide was called to Ho- 000. nanza hv the serioo« illness of her daughter G. H- Have», who is connected with Quicksilver baa been discovered running the call for a “prominent citizen,” is in ; W'e Carry a Complete Stock of Mr«. Harvey Oatman. Ogttuan had sold | Jesse D. Carr in the purchase of cattle, is down the hill, by Will Mavfields farm. the Willamette towns. She now adver­ Dr. Price’s is the only Baking Powder that contains the put. a»J intended to leave for Portland, the largest buyer. He has purchased Taking claims seems to be the order of tises “a company of English mediums,” GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, OIC3-JAB^S, wban the family werr all taken down with I which is an addition to her troupe. When the day at present. white of eggs. None so pure ! None so wholesome ! fever. Dr. D. Ream, the veteran physician about 4000 be«d of beef, and baa paid May and her troupe come here again the Wooden and Willow Ware, and of Yreka, was also called to attend Mrs. I out in ths county over $100.000. Hermann Indian-Depredatiou Bill. ' prominent citizen who goes on the stage Lewis Gerber has boogbt about 1000, Ottuuia. ' will not have a skeleton in his closet. Washington, Nov. 2.—A contract was George C. Turner lias driven out about John S. Shook of Alkali valley. Klamath 1000, George W. Mapes about 350, John signed to-day between the assistant at­ There are no flies on Mav’s spirits and Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is re­ countv, who ha« become noted to the news­ D. Coughlin about 350, George M. Jones torney general of the department of jus- they tell some unholy naked truths paper reading public by hi* successful and ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, , tice and B. F. Dowell gi,iug the latter The “other fellows" say it can’t be done, thrilling work in downing a gang of stock about 250, Porter A Buck about 300, and judgment far a mule killed bv the Indi- but call and see for yourself. Arbuckle thieves who held sway there many year«, Mrs. Montan about 80 head. Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the , ana on the Crow creek reservation, in coffee 25 cents per pound. Crowson The lias been visiting A*hland for a week. Grocw. opposite new City Hall, . Oregon in 1855. The amount is $.500, and For tine glassware.Dresden ilnna.qui en>- Shook Bros, «old 500 head of cattle from purity of this ideal powder has never been ques- one to four year olds to Mttcnell. the Cali- ware.lamp chimneys, stone pots and crocks i is the fiist under the Hermann Indign- A fine line of shoes just received at C. O. IP to the ctx ket Grocery co. I depredation law. I D. Store. fljruia buyer, at Oan'le rio&ed« * Successor to M c C onnell & winter , C N this month. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY! IN COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES Miss Sadie Ober’s C. 0. D. Emporium Store. FOR SALE! f , PREPArtE For I FULL .■"WINTER. New Fall Suits Opened This Week At O. H. BLOUNT’S. New Furnishing Goods For Fall Just Received At O. H. BLOUNT’S Stylish New Hats For Fall Trade At O. H. BLOUNT’S. DONT FAIL TO EXAMINE OUR NEW AND HANDSOME LINES OF MENS’ FINE SHOES JUST RECEIVED. They are the Neatest Shape We have ever offered. OUR FÄLL STOCK GOMPLETE « IN EVERY RESPECT. Yours Truly, O. I I. BLOUNT. Cakes Without Eggs. a a GROCERIES ! We Guarantee you will See the Point. Books and Stationery. D. L. MINKLER & SON. I ASHLAND, - - - - OREGON. ♦