VALLEY RECORD. I Fax Time oa the S. P. The Stockmen'» Meeting. Burglary Items. BREVITY BASKET. Another Stage Robbery. Koehler and Fields were cut from Port­ land Saturday accompanying Mr. Spyes, tbe German capitalist who was en route ASHLAND, O«., T mckoat , l\lu against the railroads. A fine line of shoes just received at C. O. name as Geo. Young from Spokane, E. B Smith is down in the Umpqua val­ Halh ('atarrh Cure in the only positive cure a„dT I nkiN -08 , .Y^ >ere placed in nomina D. Store. The Itata has been released on bond ley, where his aged father is lying danger­ now known to the medical fraternity. Ca- ?• Wash., and says lie found the articles. tarrh being a constitutional disease, re- tion for president. J. A. Crane received ously ill. A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. ' He is lying in the city jail. It is believed and is free to resume traffic. The second a constitutional treatment. Hair» Hall’s majority of votes cast and was declared Grover Cleveland at New York, Saturday i the other articles are with his accom­ libel against the vessel, filed at San Conductor Jack Ansley, accompanied by quires Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di­ duly elected president for ensuing year. morning at 12:06. Thus another great plices. his aster, returned to-day from their trip rectly Diego, was unauthorized and was upon the blood and mucous surfaces Thoe. E. Nichols and J. A. Hovt nom­ weight is taken off the public mind. up north. Young formerly lived at Yreka and is ordered to be withdrawn. of the system, thereby destroying the foun­ inated for vice-president. T. E. Nichols 3-lbs. roast coffee for $1 at McConnell A a young man. He waived examination John Frulan who has lieen assisting in dations of the disease. and giving the pa­ W. C. Wyncoop, the editor of the Den­ petting in the electric light plant at Yreka, tient strength by building up the constitu­ received a majority vote and was declared Winter'». and was taken to Jacksonville to-day. duly elected vice-president. ver Mining Industry, is going to Africa ! is home again. tion and assisting nature in doing its work. The Yreka fair is reported as being tamer Beeson placed this in the interest« of an English syndicate, proprietors have so much faith in its in . Fred ■ Furry and . Welborn Lumber is Cheap. year than ever before. The races are John Wade who has been in Eastern Or­ The nr\rviiSave» 4 — — . ECCSOl) powers that they ofter One Hun- ln nomination for secretary, reported as being conducted on a more sys­ egon for a pion th. returned to Jackson curative Common $11.50 on carload lota, $12.00 to look for and inspect the wonderful majority of votes and was de- I tematic swindling basis than those at the dred Dollars for any case that it fails to received 1 *?* county Saturday. !>er 1000. in the yard. Second rustic and gold mine# spoken of in Rider Haggard's i cure Send for circulars and testimonials clared dulv elected secretary. Central Point fair. flooring $20.00 per M. Everything in “ King Solomon’s Mines. ” ‘ J Thomas Kearney, the jiopular conductor Address F. J. CHENEY4CO.,Toledo. O. A ------- very .. interesting debate on the sub­ Fall goods are beginning to arrive at the building line furnished on short notice. Ml^^Sold by Druggists, 75c. is taking a vacation. Pat Tinnin is run­ ject of raising and marketing stock took I C. O. D. Emporium. The Tomato Season. seplO J ames N okkis . ning in his place. place. Ja< Jcsonvllle Jottings. The season of the tomato is short, yet M. Mayer, the merchant tailor, has just Dist. Att’y Colvig and Miss Kate Ieni- On motion, meeting adjourned until being essentially a plant of the tropics, received over 300 samples of new fall and Couucil Doings. berger went to Lakeview to-day, where Joe Overbeck of Seattle ia paying his further notice. winter goods of dillerent kinds and if you Monday's monthly nieeting.l it can not be ripened often in England, court opens Monday. old home here a viait. J. A. C rane , President. want a neat fitting suit at a reasonable Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Parson and Miss Ella T. E. N icitolh , Vice-Pres, figure, call at h!s shop. Marshal Smith, Supt. Water Woiks except under glass. As a hot house George Love and hia little daughter Drake left for Portland Friday on a week’s W ei . bobn B eeson , Sec. Stearns, St. Com. Nelson, Recorder Ber­ plant, however, it is widely used there, Agneaare viaiting at Portland thia week. Elegant line of Lamps at D. L. Mink-! visit to the metropolis. Medford. Or., Oct. 3,1891. ry and Citv Treasurer Carter’s reports certain varieties developing special adap­ ler & Sons. Madamea C. Vrootnan, V. Beall and Miss Omega Applegate is up from the for the month of September were accept­ tation to these conditions. In the short Lillian Smith, the great shootist "Swing ed and filed. Poisoned by Scrofula general's landed estates in Josephine coun­ Cbaa. Strang were among the viaitors but fervent summer iu New England, on the deer pa," is doing the whoop la act in ty, on a visit with friends. Sunday. Is the sal story of many lives made miser­ the contrary, it finds itself quite at home. High & Taylor, 1. W. Hurries and an Eastern circus. As a l>areback rider, ' able through no fault of their own. Scrof- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McBride departed Mra. H. Judge Ashland u|a so js xaav/1 more - e of ---- — — was — visiting - — --- —r 1 vaic* X7 especially than any other a her- Lillian is said to be a howling success.—As- ! Thomas Roberts were each granted sa­ Though the plant like many others of last evening for a visit at Portland and Al­ her loon licenses for six months. meter, Mrs. J. Nanan, from Friday editary disease _________ r________ tropical origin is highly susceptible to har sister, Nunan, disease, and for this simple reason: toria Town Talk. bany, Mrs M.'s old home. to w Monday. ,------------ • ■ insufficient — k ... — j -« Arising from impure and blood, . Bills ordered paid: injury from frost, the seeds are very J. A. Noren. the Swede whose sudden de W. C. Daley was over from bis Butte parture from the Siskiyou StoneCo.'s quar­ Electric Light Co, lights for Sept. $87 00 hardy, sustaining no harm from remain­ H.,m. returned M Ki.----------- Ed. Helms to his home at - creek home yesterday on a business trip, was noted last week, has been heard Geo W Smith, sal for Sept.............. 50 00 ing in the ground throughout winters. Eugene after a brief visit with friends is a period of foetal life when tbe whole ry the first time in two years. from by Portland parties to whom he has J T Bowditch, same................... . . 20 83 If left to come up of themselves they here and at Yreka. body consists of white tissues, and there ­ written from Leland, Cal. J R Steams, same ......................... W J. Gillespie of the Depot hotel is in ... 65 00 fore tbe unborn child is especially suscept ­ do so freely from such accidental plant­ J K Stearns, lal»or on water dam. San Francisco and his partner, Harvey . 6 00 F. R. Neil and wife were on Monday’s ible to this dreadful disease. But there is a J. L. Tull came in yesterday from Sprague 22 00 ings of the previous season, and here in Parker, is here from Redding. train for East Portland, where Mr. Neil remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or river, Klamath county, with 350 lbs. of but­ Win Nelson, labor on streets....... Milton Berry, recorder’s fees......... 11 65 Misses Eva and Iatura Wilson arrived will engage in business. acquired. It is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which ter, and is loading his winter supplies. J. i J L Downing, burial expenses.... ... 15 00 Massachusetts will begin to ripen fruit from Sisson Sunday to attend school and M. Dillard and Jas. H. Owens and wife of by its powerful effect on tbe blood, expels S F Morine, blacksmithing ........... ... 8 25 about the last of August, while plants W. J. Plvmale made a firing visit to Uve with their aunt, Mrs. 8. J. Bailey. trace of the disease and gives to the the same section came in yesterday. A E Matson, same ......................... ... 5 70 . which are started early in the hot bed or Roseburg during the week in the inter­ all vital fluid the quality and color of health. R K Sutton, livery.......................... 2 95 window box will begin nearly a month Charley Frisei). whose genial physiog­ est of the late district fair. The best medical authorities say the prop ­ If you decide to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla er wav to treat catarrh is to take a constitu­ nomy is missed ai the depot, is employed sooner. A large field of tomatoes in the do not acoept any substitute. Total ......................................... $294 38 vicinity of Boston commenced ripening Sheriff Birdaey went to Salem Monday tional remedy, like Hood's Sarsaparilla. as operator tor the 8. P. ai Grants Pass. E. J. Farlow at his own request was fruit one summer about the 10th of July, Klamath County Item». J. H. Scholes of the Washington Com. Samuel Clark of Moscow, Idaho, is visit­ having in charge Mannel Silvey, Jr., Co returned to Tacoma Friday. This firm excused from serving on the building at which time they brought twelve dol- ing his cousin, Postmaster Hammond, who haa been adjudged insane. Jack Homer baa returned from Rogue shipped fourteen full carloads of fruit, committee and tbe mayor appointed R. ' lars per bushel in the market.—Boston whom be has not seen in twenty years. R. H. Moore and wife after a two river valley. principally peaches, this season, besides the K. Sutton in his place. W. J. Schmidt R, G. Smith, the Grants Paas attorney week’a visit with relatives returned to Klamath wheat ia selling at $1.35 per daily shipments by express and smaller was appointed to superintend construc- Transcript. who has been at Klamath hot springs is in Portland, where they have located freight shipments.' cwt. at Ager. i tion of city ball for $50. town, also Miss L. M. Howard of Portion^. Tlio Girl »1 lio Teaches. Mrs. Isaac Muller and Mrc. Jas. Slover Dr. Price's extracts are the purest and ; A resolution was adopted that the form Haynes has returned to Mrs. Mary Neville, who has been with of Crescent Citv are visiting their par- w „ Miaa Fannie Sound health is a prime necessity for .---- »-7-,.---- »i-y;—7- the vqry best for the money. At McCon ­ and style of the new city hall bonds be any worker in the tvorld, no matter Fradenburg's at Central Point for some enta, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Parker of this Haynesville from a visit at Medford, nell uses with artistic taste ___ Wisdom ____ ’s hospital at Sacramento, Thursday. mortgaged property ordered sold by sheriff. she must, somehow or other, succeed in ADULTERATIONS IN FOOD. Rodgers of this place, have been paying Famous Robertine has fortune in the pos-! hilll a visit, returning yesterday. •»•■in» Cassatt Welch Co vs M Foreman; equity; teaching them a certain number of facts sensing nt of a rnmnlaTlnn complexion tn to whirh which nothin» nothing 1 ! Full line of hosiery and ladies’ vests at mortgaged property ordered sold by sheriff —no allowance being inado for the slow­ but blush of the ----- rose - or --- the ---------- - -------- — the freshness ------------- of , Manv states have stringent laws I I Wilson » ><*d <* “weet. 15 acres of land in tp 37 s r 2 w ; $1. sylvania, son of the great Jerry Black, in company with Misses Camilla and Min-1 for which he found a ready sale, L Shidler to G H Haskins—lots 1,2,3 and and Lawrence Gardner of Washington, nie Walker for Santa Clara. Cal., where the ’ Mr Hull has just returned from his 1 4. lilk 6«, Medford; $6(0. D C., were on Saturday’s southbound KXSWSli.'TXSi' ’».K« the Hyn’s mln. on Lo—e Nicholas Cooke to Jas G Birdsey—lot 12 train. They are going through the coun­ j blk 25. Gold HUI ; $105. I creek, where thev are making readv for try making speeches and getting the Gns Bnner of Hanford. Cal., was married I a winter’s run State of Oregon to Emil l’eil—120 acres in people interested in organizing Demo­ at Talent yesterday to Miss Pearl Adams, .... I sec 36, tp 37 s, r 1 e; $150. cratic clulis. Thev report the Democracy 1 No article entering so generally into the food of every daughter of Jes>e Adams, Justice Dyer of- I Rev. Thompson preached his hrst ser- Sarah A Stearns to Ella J Watson—lot 8 of Washington splendidly organized h”* ficiating. The hapnv young couple depart- mon here Sunday, to an attentive con­ ' | Hargadine tract, Ashland, q cd: $100. household is so generally and villainously adultered as bak­ found Oregon very poorlv ^ ui ' ed to-day for their home at Hanford. gregation morning and evening, and also Jas Helms to T W Johnson—lots 9and 10 j the way of or^'‘;;atlon ' ing powder. These adulterated powders are shoved upon James F Thompson, editor of the Eure- on Gal.s creek in the afternoon. Tbe Southern Orecon Sto k Associa­ tion met m Plymale’s hall pursuant to due noti< ■*. President Joseph A. C’ ïuc called the meeting to order and stated the busir ead of the meeting to Le the an­ nual election of officers, and anv other business that might lie presented to tbe meeting. Minutes of préviens meeting read and approved. Reports of secretary and treasurer read and accepted. to Bly tomorrow. The secretary reported one hundred Oregonian. The S. P. Co. is having and six on the roll of membership; but Mrs. J. H. Martin went to San Franciser« all the trestles between Ashland and quite a number are delinquent in their Monday on a,visit- H. B. Carter went to Portland last even­ Grants Pass filled by contract. Erickson dues, some are two years behind. On & Co. are doing the work with scrapers, motion of J. A. Hoyt, it was resolved ing on a business trip. taking earth from alongside the line. Mrs J. C. Sheridan was visiting John They are pushing the work energetically that the secretary shall call the attention Strait's family Sunday. and «ill have their contract completed of delinquent members to section 4 arti­ Judge Tolman went to Portland Monday within a montji. The trestles from cle 2 of the constitntion and notify mem­ on a brief business trip. Grants Pass to Lone creek summit are ber! that dues must be paid, or that their Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Atkinson returned ' lieing filled by the company. The earth names will be stricken from the roll after two month’s notice. from Portland yesterday. is hauled from Bloody run,where a steam On motion it was resolved, that the E. M. Deuval was down at Grants Pass shovel ia at work making an excavation president, vice-president and secretary which will reduce the curve there, thus secretary Ibis week, on a business trip kiiiin« t»„ shall constitute a committee to investi- Sherman Stanley and wife catne in from were At Uke Lsbiah 1250 feet of tres Kat® al1 charges or complaints presented Ue ta hehre fllKi wiih.-rXrT«„I tT ‘hem and if they think it is best to LinkviUu last week on a visit. Tib prosecute in any case, to use the funds in Prank Dicky, who is railroading into remainder' u il7 £ * ' enm?»«» I. v- - P ' U ! «•« treasury for that purpose Portland, was in town Tuesday. . t^- s- lmPro.v«?enl8, Several complaints having been pre- J. DeWitt Butu left Monday via the timbi.r m " Oi s*"“*1. ‘he committee were instructed to south for Rochester, New York. ' gT„?l Jm iL i LOn8uk ‘Dd retain Fran( i8 Fitch Fred L. Miles was among the visitors anro /A»? » m m * i“1 ,n ca8e hia services were needed. from this place at the Yreka fair * On motion it was resolved, that the present stock books be retained another Chris, Ulrich and wife of Jacksonville use in bridges in that vicinity. were in Ashland Bunday, visiting. ..xw »____ . | year, but that tbe last sheet must be re- SIOO J. L. Hamerskey, the Gold Hill merchant *..... Reward. *1OO. j printed and the requisite number of two spent Sunday on the Siskiyou mountain. Tbe reader« of tiie V allby R kcoed will hundred be issued ; the secretary stating J. N. O. Doily, o< the Shasta division, re­ lie pleased to learn that there is at least one that in an interview with the printer he dreaded disease that science has lieen able agreed to reissue them free of charge. turned last week from a trip to Portland. I M c C onnell & winter , LEADING GROCERS. The Only First-Class Grocery in the City. ---------------o-------------- We Challenge Competition and Meet All Cuts. PREPARE For FÄLL.’WINTER. New Fall Suits Opened This Week At O. H. BLOUNT’S. New Furnishing Goods For Fall Just Received At O. H. BLOUNT’S. Stylish New Hats For Fall Trade At O. H. BLOUNT’S DONT FAIL TO EXAMINE OUR NEW AND HANDSOME LINES OF MENS’ FINE SHOES JUST RECEIVED. N They are the Neatest Shape We have ever offered. OUR FALL STOCK GOMPLETE blk 26 Medford; $250. Mrs- Waters and her daughter Mias U 8 patent to Jno Anderson—319.69 Ofi'ea I I Fannie, w ho have been Bfiending a few I in secs 19, 20, 21 tp 36 s r 2 w. 8 C Sherrell to Eva M Pollard—lot« 1 and . months with relatives in this place, have . 2 blk 2, Woodville; $625. returned to their home ’n Yreka. J M McCall to F Roper—13.01 acres, Ash­ Charlev Grufith has resigned his posi* land (excepting water rights). tjon aB clerk in Jacoby’s store and Willie Mansfield has taken his place. Willie is Notice. promising young man and we wish One or more surgeon^ wf Pacific branch ’ i of National ourgleal Inetitute, No. 319 Mrs. Jennie Goddard left on Sunday . One of Gold Hill’s eneWtic young Bush Street, 8. F., intends to visit the mo.ning's train for Dunsmuir, Cal. She men thought he would spend a few Ibis- Blackburn hotel, Grants Pass, Oct. 17th, was accompanied as far as Colestein by ure hours in fishing one day recently. | and the Ashland House, Ashland, Oct. Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Babcock. Mrs. G., Mrs ; caught nineteen pounds of fish more 19tb,for examination of pa>sons for'treat- j . B. Robison.Winnie Elliott? Anna Bunce. 1 or fpgg, an(f then sold bis hook for ten , ment by this Institute. Lana ¿IHôtt. George Robison and Ed. Fox. 'CPnt8........................ This Institute is specially devoted to We think that ia doing prefly who spent thé dav there | _ _•• ■ i the treatment of curvature of the spine, well. diseases of the hip and knee joint,crook­ Mrs. Geo. W. Edwards and daughter .and ! “Flentv fiahea in the brook, ed limb«, club feet and all bodily deform­ Miss S^die Anderson, who have been living Charley catch them with a hook, pi San Francisco during the summer, re­ ities. Their success in treating these Mamma fry them in a pan, turned to Talent last Thursday. Mr. Ed­ troubles aa well as all chronic diseases Charley eat them like a man.’* wards will return soon to remain about six I has made for the Institute a national months buving and shipping apples froiu Come One, Come AII. reputation. thi’ ami Siskiyou county for McDopoch A AU persons who are suffering from anv Highest cash price paid for egga, Johnson. of these complaints should not fail to take Tbe new city ball. jail. etc., is going up 1 chickens and all kinds of country pro- advantage of this opportunity for relief. nicely. As soon as the true inwardness of | duee at the New Depot hotel, Ashland. I No charge is made for consultation or the "God save the plaza" howl was gen-r­ ally known, the manipulators of the "ex­ The Courier Bays an Oregon City wom­ examination. Reference may be had to citement" hauled in their boms and all is an became the mother of remarkable the following residents . Hon. Thoe. A. quiet and serene. twins which fortunately lived but a min­ Davidson, Salem, Or; Supreme Judge R. I Sweet potatoes among the other good things at McConnell & Winter’s. Salem Statesman; “The railroad commission has now under considera­ tion the cause of the death of Engineer | Rocliford in Tunnel 14, a few weeks ago wear Ashland, and the accidental death ; of James W. Hamilton, recently, at Cen­ tral Point Hamilton oanie to Salem a I short time ago to take the place of night operator in the Western Union telegraph office but left a few days later and went to Central Point, where be met a sudden death under the wheels of a train while ' he was intoxicated.” The last state­ | ment is off. Jasper Wooley Hamilton^ II (the dead man) never was an operator. Fresh buckwheat flour, the finest Young A merican and Laporte cheese at the Crock­ er Grocery Co.’s store. Tbe “hard times” social by the W. R. i C. was the most conspicuous entertain­ - ment this week. The grand march ■ through the streets to Granite hall dis­ I played the most killinglv ridiculous cos­ tumes that the rag-tag and bob-tailed element« of any society could have I “thunk out.” At the hall, singing and recitations were very clever and original. I ute or two after birth. The corpses of P. Boise, Salem, Or.; Rev. E. U. Con^U, La Valiev'8 Tyrolean song with a Scandi­ the twins are united in front from the top Albany, Or.; W. C. Morgan, Albany, Or.; navian accent was so touchingly beauti­ ful that he was encored and rendered of the head to just above tbe navel, the E. Y Young, «.taUand, Or. those classical verses that commence union being so complete, as far as ii e»- The slate quarry recently discovered with “Two little crows sat on a hickory tends, that they fcr^j e^miahv but one in Josephine couniy, twelve miles from bed/. J.he broad, double head, well ■ Grant« P:i88,is the only one in the North­ lnnb,” etc. One thing not down on the covered with dark hair, la so turned that west south of British Columbia, and there program was the upsetting of a burning on one side there is a double ear and on is only one in California, so it is bound to lamp on tbe stage, which brought the au­ the other side a broad face with a hid­ be of value. The slate ia of a ftuj^eriar dience to their feet and on their way to eous, somewhat twister! mouth. The lees kind, ahead of r.earjy all slate found in the exits. Quiet was soon restored, be­ ami arms hang free and are normal and the last. Sqcb an industry should be fore any one was injured. well developed. It is a remarkable mon­ thoroughly devekiiied. A tire-proof roof When 1 began using FJy'» Cream Balm strosity, to which moss will not cling is greatly mv catarrh was so bad 1 bad beat ache tbe whole lime and discharged a larg« amount needed in this country. In Probate. la the matter of the last will and testa­ ment of Charles L. Thurman—Helen M. Thurman appointed administratrix; Phil­ lip Gleve. Wiu. Cameron and Audrew Can­ trail appraisers ‘•> e k.ivw troui experience in the use of c ham helion's Cough Remedy that it will prevent eroup." says Messrs. ad berry Worlev. Percy, Iowa Tliev also add that the Remedy has given great satisfaction in that vicinity, and that they believe it to be the beat in the market for throat and lung diseases. For sale by druggists, ‘ Something good'' in tobaccos—and in t-lbs. R\ coffee (green) at McConnell it fact in every department, at XcConuci) A , t'ruit W: ‘ er». W^tjr’s *®r V* I all sizes at McC'uunell the public with the greatest persistency. Throbbing advertisements in newspapers claiming this brand or that is absolutely pure, backed by analyses and cer­ tificates, and yet they are adulterated with ammonia or alum. It is to be hoped the law will take hold of these merciless manufacturers and punish them for destroying the stomachs of the unsuspecting consumer. Amid all this fraud and deceit Dr. Price’s Cream Bak­ ing Powder stands almost alone battling for pure food and continues to furnish a pure cream of tartar powder at almost the same cost to the people as the ammoina and alum pow­ ders are sold at, yet it costs much more to manufacture. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is of the highest strength. It produces the largest amount of leavening power attainable in a pure baking powder. It is free from ammo­ nia or any other adulteration. No powder does such work. Housewives who have tested all use Dr. Prices only. Uoc».—J. H. Sotauiers, Stsphnsy, Cons. IN EVERY RESPECT. Yours Truly, STATIONERY ! We are receiving this week the largest stock of Sta- t tionery and School Supplies ever brought to Ashland. W. P. SQUIRE, ASHLAND, OREGON. Real Special Estate attention anil Insurance Aient. paid to Eastern Siècle Correspondence. of filthy matter. That bas almost Wint­ disappeared and I have not 1_ * * O. H. BLOUNT, Poison in ths Kitchen ka. Cat. Standard, wash,"H?u touring ab^ut Califorida with the editorial association who eame up as far as Sisson, i where they remained a day. J« m Parker to in again froiu his Sprague river home and will return for another trip this week after which he and his family will mate their home near| Ashland, Mr. ££ ‘nd 4'- A' * Pens, Inks, Papers, Writing Tablets, letter Pads, Mucilage, Note Books, Compositon Books, Slates, Lead Pencils, Penholders, Drawing Books, Sponges, Slate Pencils, Combination Boxes, Paper Weights, Ink Wells, Receipt Books, Drawing Pencils, Rulers, Ledgers, Day Books, Journals, Bill Files, In Fact, Everything to be found in a first-class .lijo adding this week ajine aneortmext of ELEG-JLISTT LAMPS. J3T Bottom Prices on Everything. D, L. MINKLER & SON « CIGARS, and TOBACCO