I Ix»t jp the Mountains. Council Proceedings. BREVITY BASKET. The Alliance Rally. Chas. Angel, G. B. Addington and Monthly meeting Monday,] The gathering of the alliance forces at. W. P. Squire has property in Portland to Chas. Pierce returned Friday from an Reports of Marshal G. W. Smith, Supt. of the rally and picnic at the fair grounds trade for property in Ashland. outing at Cinnabar. While there, it is Water Works J R. Stearns. Street Com. near Central Point yesterday was an en­ Wm. Nelson, for month of August, ac- ! thusiastic congregation of reform forces. I A brst-class barber can get a situation by reported, that Charley Pierce met an aw­ cepted. accident. It was one of those acci ­ ful addressing Geo. W . Vaupel. Ashland. Twenty-one sub-alliances met at the W. Smith, appointed to fill vacancy Ashland people by the score have been dents wherein fortunately no one was of Geo. school bouse and under their separate city marshal by death of W. R. Mayfield killed, but nevertheless the awfulness attending circuit court at Jacksonville this heads marched in procession to the pa- bond, *2000, G. M. Grainger and was just as sensational and thrilling. i filled'bis villion in the fair ground, where Prof. week. Geo. Engle, sureties, accepted. | Charley and one of the most lovable of M. V. Rork talked to them for two The grand jury has indicted John Walt­ Resolution adopted: Resolved, that the boors. After dinner he finisned his dis­ ers for w riling a threatening letter to the the handsome fairies of Jacksonville, ■ city treasurer be and is hereBy instructed to •(the girls of which city are noted for their pay out of the city water fund interest on ' cussion of the issues of the day by ano­ Gee bovs. ditfident, retiring disposition to such a water bonds which mature Sept. 1, 1891, : ther two hours talk. There were over K. McTavisb of l’hoenix left today for 500 people present, nearly all members San Francisco to be employed at carpen-, superlative degree that it is said they (old water works bonds) and hereafter all i hide in the cellars and garrets upon the interest in old bonds when mature shall l»e | of the alliance, and the able remarks of tering work for several months. appearance at the county seat of a genus paid from city water fund instead ot gen- ■ Prof. Rork carried enthusiasm as well as County Supt. C. S. Price says lie will for­ homo yclept a drummer,) had gone fish- , eral fund. conviction among the audience. ward the district school supplies furnished i ing. it was about four o’clock in the The city recorder was ordered to imme­ The various alliances of Jackson coun­ by the state as soon as they arrive at his afternoon, and thev strolled and they diately as'sess all tbe taxable property with- ty now have a membership of fully 600, office. strolled. Charley Pierce is a very bash­ . in the corporate limits, and return such as­ and the organization has only been start­ Klamath county expects to ship at least ful young man, but of course being in sessment to council as soon as possible. ed about six months in the county. Dur­ ' two hundred carloads of grain to tbe ban The three bids for construction of city ing the winter months it will more than Francisco markets tbe coming fall and the same kind of company (a Jackson­ hall were read and referred to Farlow. Ev­ ville girl) time flew. The large, full- winter. ans and Ganiard to report at an adjourned double and by next spring there will be a membership of from 1500 to 2090. If Services at the Presbyterian church next faced moon in all her refulgence began to meeting. retire, in their presence, behind the Bills ordered paid: anybody thinks the alliance is not going Sabbath morning and evening. Rev. Robt. This was the signal for Ashland Electric Light Co. . to be a force in Oregon they are calculat­ Ennis will preach in the morning and tbe mountain side. ....*90 00 Charley to mind the hour, and he drew J R Stearns, salary pastor in tbe evening. ... 65 00 ing without their host. .... 20 83 Mr Franklin of the Earl Fruit Co. ship­ on that stem-winding source of ease to J T Bowditch, salary.............. Lumber is Cheap. 40 20 ped tbe first carload of winter apples of tbe tbe bashful courtier, when Io and behold Wm Nelson, labor on streets . 6 13 Common *11.50 in carload lots, *12.00 season to ban Francisco yesterday. Five his Waterbury watch hadn’t been wound S M Hansen, same................. .... .’>0 00 and they knew not the lateness of tbe I G W Smith, salary per 1000 in the yard. Second rustic and carloads will be shipped next week. Hicks & McBride, hauling.. 10 00 flooring *20.00 per M. Everything in Roseburg, bept. 2:—Marion Harris, of hour. The nonarrival of the young Milton Berry, recorder’s fees 06 50 buildinv line furnished on short notice. Oakland, '^cammivAf who n uv vv«xo was V crushed t 14. LXvv* aa in 1 cs a LiUl horse-power 'v r'■ * ** vl < people at the camp alarmed their friends W H Leeds,'printing ...................... 5 25 yesterday, making amputation of tbe leg : who feared that perhaps some dragon of E J Kaiser, printing....................... seplO J ames N orris . 3 75 necessary, died today from the effect. tbe forest had taken them in his paws A E Matson, blacksmithing ......... 5 15 Jacksonville Jottings. A search G C Eddings....................... .......... 4 55 Evening services will be resumed at the and bugged out their lives. .................. 2 85 L. F Willits of Talent was in town I Congregational church next Sunday at 7 ¡30. party was organized, headed by Angel, R K Sutton, livery E K bright man, board of prisoners 2 25 Thursday. Tbe subject will be: “Two Great Ameri­ Addington and some ladies, who ran Jurymen.. ..................... 6 00 H. L. Ish of Butte creek was in town the cans.” Morning service as usual at 10:30. sacked the country and at an early hour Lowell Roach, labor ................ 1 00 | All are cordially invited. next morning discovered the couple in first of the week. DA ’Uuuiivy voiiiiiiiasiuiivr Ex-County Commissioner xx. A. ajiutu Alford iizv* has some sequestered nook gazing at the Totai ............ ...*329 -Mi Dr. J. 8. Parson of Ashland spent Mon­ Iiurebased >urebased the tbe Edwards steam thresher atid and grandeur of the beautiful sunrise, while day in Jacksonville. Adjourned to Sept. 10. eft with it and a crew of men Sunday for the wind blew through the search party’s A. 8. Moon of Sams vallev called at the I Klamath county to thresh some of the crops I whiskers. O vting ’. There is more Catarrh in this section of county seat Monday. ■ there. 11 has a capacity of from 15W to SW lady is stopping at Govan High’s for her vol ver,hitting him three times,once in hie the country than all other diseases put to­ Colestein, Sept. 8, 1891. j bushels j»er day. gether, and until the last few years was hat and twice in the body. Mr. Briner Senator Dolph was in Jacksonville Mon­ ! supposed to be incurable. For a great A. B. nniith Hndth waa was in tbe the valley from Hen Hen- ­ then went out the front door and shot in day renewing acquaintances. James Briner.the well-known miner came School Books. many years doctors pronounced it a local ley this wees on business, returning yes­ the air to arouse neighbors. Hectored -------------------- (J--------------------- Jacksonville is full of strangers attending over from the Beaver creek mining district As our public schools o|»en Monday disease, and prescribed local remedies, and terday Monday on a business trip. He na« pur­ the door which locked itself with a night court as witnesses and jurymen. i by constantly failing to cure with local Sept. 14th we wish to state that we will chased Mr. Short’s interest in the McCoy George and Frank Neil returned Friday latch, thus cutting off Mr. Briners’s con­ Circuit, county, probate and commission­ mine, which is now the property of himself again be prepared to meet the wants of treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci­ from their Dead Indian bunt, having killed nection with his pair of Wanamaker’s ers has proven Catarrh to be a constitu­ ’ courts are in session this week. and Jet! Roumaine. , every scholar anil have on hand a com­ ence two deer. tional disease, and therefore requires con- celebrated seamless pants. He proceed­ plete stock of school hooka and school Miss Grace Swank of Albina is visiting L. D. Fuller, formerly a citizen of Ash ­ stitutianal treatment Hall’s Catarrh Cure, W Adams ot Eagle Point and Otis Mill­ ed to Postmaster Klum’e residence, land, bnt of late a resident of Seattle was in supplies which we will sell at the lowest . manufactured by F, J. Cheney .t Co.. To­ er of Medford returned Tuesday from Kla­ awoke him aad lorrowed a pair from her friend Mrs. E. Turner of this place. the city yesterday en route to Illinois. Mr. possible rates. Namely: The publish ­ ledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure math county. Prof. N. A Jacobs and wife and son vis­ Fuller had made lots of money in the rise him. On returning the burglar had ers retail list prices. School books are on the market. It is taken internally in ited relatives and friends here Saturday. crawled to the front of the building, his Col. Janies Norris was down at Grants of property on Puget Sound, but the burst , strictly ( cnsh. We will not sell them on ■ doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It P om this week in tbe interest of bis lumber partner having skipped nut. Mrs. R. R. Dunn of Walia Walla arrived of the boom leaves him with considerable ( D. L. M inkler & S on . • acts directly upon the blood and mucous He was a tramp aged 19 years, named here last week and will pay relatives and dock property on hand in Seattle for which credit. yard business. , surfaces of the system They offer one Albert Bryson, can’t read or write, his folks friends a visit. be cannot get anything at present. , hundred dolla-s for any case it fails to cure. It. D. Byers and J. W. Libby with their live on a farm near San Luis Obispo. Cal. New R. R. Superintendent. , Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad­ families, returned Friday from a visit in He was taken to Jacksonville and placed in Attorneys Watson. Hammond, Briggs, A basket well filled with a variety of James C. Agler has been appointed eu- dress, F. J. CHENEY * CO.. Toledo, O. Han Francisco. Bowditch. Fitch and Crawford are attend ­ I fine fruit and a bouquet in the center to , perintemlent of the Mt. Shasta division. jail. One of the bullets went into nis back U^Sold hy Druggists, 75c. add to its attractiveness, was placed on • Red Bluff to Ashland and .*1831111106 th- Mias Maggie Witt left Monday for her and side and another into his thigh rang­ ing circuit court. Fruit jars, all sizes at McConnell A Wint­ home at Woodville and after a visit there ing downward and going through his left The residence of Gen. T. G. Reames is the R ecord ’ s editorial mahogany Tues- ( leg, where it was cut out from beneath tbe finished and the family are now comforta­ day. It was from C. D. Cummons, who duties of that position today, relieving er’s. leaves for Portland. J. J. E. Lindberg, the present incum- skin by Dr. Robinson. He is dangerously bly located in the new quarters. Woodville Whittling*. is buying ami shipping considerable fruit brent. Mr. Agler is a brother of D. C Mrs. 8. J Hcott. accompanied by her in­ wounded, but will probably pull through. fant, arrived this week to visit her folks,the *•*._- tramp . u.j------- —'ins Mr. Briner Wm. Hanley left Monday for Lakeview, both north, south and east of the Cas­ Agler, tbe railroad brakeman of this city, The had no weapoi Mrs. Lucy Allen of Goldendale, Wash., Pennebaker family, was thoroughly justifiable, , as no man can where he goes to purchase beef cattle for cades this season. and is an experienced and practical rail­ is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Scott of the Portland and Sound markets. life with an outlaw outlaw for a second. Prof. I. B. Raymond was in the city Sat­ risk bis ----------------- Prof. L. A. Simons, well kuown in this 1 road man. He comes from tbe Truckee Evans creek. urday and with Miss Cheney opened tbe John Reuter left a few days since for valley for tbe past seven years as a enc- division over which he has been superin­ < The City Hall, Jail, Etc. Rev, Futrell preached here Sunday. Talent school Monday. Oakland,Cal., to attend school at the Chris­ ceesful educator, has laid down the tools tendent I up to his removal here. The re­ His many friends are pleased to learn ' The bids opened were as follows, C. H. tian Brothers’ college. Edward Nunan is of tbe pedagogue and will take up the lieving of Lindberg will be bailed with that be has been returned to this charge. I Chas. Lash, tbe ex-stage hostler and C Veghte, *5000; G O. Vannatta, *4800; also a pupil of the same school. F. Morrison were visiting Ashland Tuesday satisfaction among the rail­ pruning shears and spraying machine, considerable < Geo. Riggs, *4775. Tbe council will ac­ en route to Y reka from Portland. Judge Pnm and wife returned home Sun­ having purchased a 15-acre tract of the road School opened here today with l’rof. i men, who heartily despise him. 1 cept one of them to-night. day from Portland »nd the beach, where Enoch F, Walker place, which he will B. R. Stevens in charge. Ab. Giddings came in from his Klamath they have been for some time. Their put in fruit. Al has plenty of applica­ So many have been cured of rheumatism county farm Sunday, being subpoenaed as An Old Bilk. The railroad company have put on daughter, Mrs. M. J. Canning, accompan­ tion a witness on the Blah-Billings suit. and perseverance and will make it by J Hood’s Sarsaparilla that we urge all who two more hands on this section, making | Tbe following, concerning a windy ied them for a visit. suffer from the disease to try the medicine win. 1 Judge Warren Truitt, register of tbe “chaw” well known in this section, will six hands in all. J. R Crabtree, who has lieen in charge Lakeview land office, passed through to be read with interest: The honor en­ of O. Harbaugh’s farm near Medford, died Gold Hill Nuggets. Yreka Journal : The crops of wheat State Organizer Birnbaum organized Portland Monday on a business trip. joyed for over twenty-five years bv Ma­ after a lingering illness on Friday last. He at the dry ranches in Shasta Valley, i School will open here next Monday. an alliance at the Evans Creek school J. W. Llvsy, the carpenter was over from jor Robt H. Hendershot of being regard­ I leaves a young wife to mourn the loss of a above Montague, are turning out very house Saturday with 9 members. Yreka this week and is now in Portland. ed “the Drummer Boy of the Rappahan­ kind husband. W. II. Parker visited his mother at good in harvesting, notwithstanding the He expects to leave for the East soon. Prof. B. R. Stevens was elected Presi­ this place ore dav last week, nock”—the one who led the Union troops Mrs. Timothy Dugan, an old and respect­ raids of the crickets and the* dry season dent of Woodville Alliance vice J. H. F. G. Kerteon. one of the clever publish­ over the bridge on December 11, 1862— ed citizen of this place died Tuesday even­ since 1st of July. These ranches will Jas. Walker and Edd Cardwell were in Breeding resigned. ers ot tbe Central Point Enterprise, made was taken away from him at the recent ing after an illness of three months. She furnish as good yield of grain as many of < town Sunday on a prospecting tour. the Kacoan a pleasant call Saturday. Grand Army meeting in Detroit. The is one of the pioneer ladies and lived to the the irrigated ranches, and if favored with Our farmers have been dissappointed age of ninety odd years respected by all. Mrs, C. P. Parker was the guest of Mr. about threshing, they have been expect­ Nathan High came in from Keno yester­ Seventh Michigan Infantry was holding water, would produce the finest crops in day with Lester High, who has been spend­ a reunion, when the major was called Mrs W. J. Plymale returned from her the county. ’ and Mrs. B. Miller a few days last week. ing a machine for sometime, but are yet ing a month's vacation in that section. upon to justify his claim,which has here­ • trip to Astoria Friday. She gives a glow- Gold Hill has a laundry. It is some­ in suspense. Full line of hosierv and ladies ’ vests at description of the hospitable manner in T. H. McGill, editor of the Northwest tofore rested mainly.on letters which he | ■ ing thing that has been needed here for Oliver Nadan has returned to this place Wilson * WalswortL ’ s. • which the members of the Press Associa Reform Journal, an Alliance paper in had obtained from Lincoln, Burnside, tion sometime. after an absence of several years, he has were entertained during the three days J. H. Huffer,deputy county clerk, was 1 Grant, Horace Greeley and others; but session at that city. Portland, was in the valley this week. in the citv Saturday ' It is reported that Mrs. Sarah Parker who has been quite been afflicted with the rheumatism con­ Miss Jessie Coolidge of Bonaparte, Iowa, on being put through cross examination Mr Huffer will succeed County Clerk Max i ill, is improving rapidly under the skill­ siderably lately. arrived Tuesday for a visit of a month or last week, he became greatlv confused. Now va. Then. Muller as the next Republican nominee for ful | treatment of Dr. Porter. A young grass widow attempted suicide In response to a call, a score of comrades more with her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Casey. by drowning in Evans Creek a week ago everybody admits the superiority of modern county clerk and that Max will succeed from MsMachusette, Maine and other Miss Nellie Barlow has gone to Jack­ Sunday, near the Sulphur Springs. She Mayor G M. Granger and family and H. methods and inventions over ancient devices. Hutter as deputy county clerk. But of C. Myer and wife have returned from their states rose to their feet and, facing Hen- 1 Just so the medicines of today are incompar­ course this last item will not be mentioned 1 sonville where she will attend school at yal Baking Powder Con­ j limb of the law got in operation . ing to die. pointed. ‘'Never mind ‘dear’ there is I demned in the New York Legis­ I Ask tbe Crocker Grocery Company for Col. N. B. Knight came in from bis Kla­ another Sunday coming.” Lake whitefish, Alaska herring, etc. lature math county stock ranch yesterday with Senator J. N. Dolph came out to Ash­ his two daughters, who have gone to Port­ I A young lady of this vicinity left her New York Press.l land to attend school. They had spent the ■ | home a few mornings since, with the in- Last Monday Mr. Kelly introduced the land Saturday and remained till Sunday ! tention of returning in the evening. But following bill in the assembly. A care- j evening, afterward visiting the towns of summer with hint. J H Huffer. Jr., was up from Jackson­ as (he shades of night fell over the land, fiii reading of it will show that it is a Jacksonville, Medford and Grants Pass before going to Roseburg, his next stop- ville Monday visiting the Siskiyou Stone | and she did not come, her people becom­ very important one. Co.'s quarrv. Sixtv-five men are busily ing alarmed sent out a searching party; A n A ct to prevent the use of poison- ■ off, A number of visitors called on him employed there taking out wk tor “*e 1 but to no avail. They came to the con- ous and injurious ingredients in baking ! at The Oregon hotel, Max Pracht being Art from the Great Masters of EUROPE and AMERICA, valued at a Quarter Dekum block contract, Portland. o- I elusion that she was either lost, strayed powders. the chief entertainer of the lordly senator. Million Dollars. Walter Smith arrived from Kern countv. ' or stolen and discontinued the search for W hereas , Baking Powders mauufact- 1 Mr. Dolph came out in order to see his Cal/Tuesday • a«iW' the ■••••••» niaht. There was wv some danger of ured in this state, known as tbe “ROE- dear V , AU “fit • » ’ on a three weekvisit wjjh | • we — constituents, there being a U. 8. . Wonderful Electrical Adaptations in Full Operation. hi* relative* after an absence of two year*. • her bein'/ stolen as she is rather a charm alum and other Baking Powders are senator to be elected and Mr. Dolph is A Splendid Series of Mineral Exhibits. He toTIon ’ oT'Marshal G. W. Smith and is ! ia a son of Marshal to vountf ]gdv. T kcumsbh . advertised for sale as absolutely pure,and interviewing the faithful about the ne- a ______ u io inYY arm foreman .xF of a 12.000 acre ranch ranch in m that that Rock Point; Or., Sept. 8. 1891. W hereas , Official examination show eessity of putting him in again. But E vkky D epartment tilled with the N ovel and I nteresting I county. them to contain ammonia and other in- 1 Mr. Dolph’s maneuverings in Jackson Ara Leading in Apples Tor Japan. Uncle George Durand the Silver lake , jurious ingredients; therefore T he P eo - • county will avail him nothing. The next 11ST -A.IR/T. SOTZEirsrOIE and inSTJDXTSTZfY". stockman and a genial old soul, was on Portland Oregonian.] ple OF THE S tate or N ew Y ork , repre- representatives to l>e etocie*! will not be Friday’s train bound for Chicago where he have been received here for a lot seated in Senate and Assembly, do enact Republicans Dolph is not the kind of .t Greater Number of Exhibits than ever before said he would remain till after the world’s of Order» apples to be -hipped to Japan by tbe a representative the masses of the people fair, providing he doesn’t get homesick for next steamer. Apples do not do well in | as follows: presented, upon the Coast. Section 1 —Exery can Ot package of have anv ase for and Delph in turn feels A Large Stock of Both bis old haunts at Yreka. Japan or China, or thev ha-*e not the right baking powder containing Ammonia off- very little interest in the masses of the I A Large Assortment of Miss Lydia Warren, one of San Francis- ( kind of trees. At Mr. William Dunbar's I The Stock Department Made a Prominent Feature. co’» popular prima donnas, was visiting in I ! office a China apple was seen yesterday. ’ It i ered for sale in this state shall have a people. As tong as he succeeds in pleas- I our citv this week and favored The Oregon . looked and felt more like a woody, worth- conspicuous label thereon with the words ' lr>g the rich and the influential corpora- •—^$5,000 IN PREMIUMS.^— I hotel guests w»U> some excellent staging. I i less i>«ar than like an apple, and seemed as I “Contains Ammonia** printed thereon in . lions and they appreciate his work by al-1 Geo. C. Gaston, the clever train ticket 1 if it might keep for year- and be no good plain tvpe, not smaller than great primer lowing him to keep on serving them and e then. Mr. Dunbar says be saw beautiful I and anv person who shall sell, or have or , their interests, Mr. Dolph feels tbor- I insrcLTTiDiJsrG- agent, showed her the sights of the city. looking apples in Japan, but they bad no offer for sale, anv such can or package of! oughly and conscientiously satisfied that The Lstgtet DispUi *f Frail aid th* Fimt Exhibit »f Azrkthsre Eier ls4r is th I BEACH’S Including Chase & Sanborn s W, B. Johnson and wife (nee Siseniore) flav. t ana were tough and woody. With Pacific Jarohweiit; -----F amous----- came out from Portland last Thursday for fast steamers making the trip across in baking powder without such label there- he lias discharged the duties of a United I I Celebrated a visit of a week or more with relatives. fifteen days or so. it will be no trick to ship on, shall be guiltv of misdemeanor. states senator. But we are inclined to ¡BOSTON BRANDS All Manufacturier in Full Motion. They will make an Eastern trip soon,where apples to Japan, and a large market may Section 2.—Thi's act shall take effect tbmk that the Farmers’ Alliance is cre- I Mr. Johnson will attend the national con­ be found there eventually. of JAVA and MOCHA. sting a general awakening among the. “JPwre a» Childhood Bra/ul. Julv 1 1891. I* ----- — <= ----------------------- - vention of the brotherhood of railway J ’----------------- --------— peonta that Mr. Dolph will bear from be- brakemen. “We know from experience in use of fore the senatorial toga is placed on bis Something New. s „ Co»»i Remedy it will shoulders for the third time. Dolph is Kid gloves an «tensive aMortment of. i Ubainberlaia ventcroup Messrs. that <.adberrv* ----- *------- ” savs Messrs. (• ad berry A just the kind of a man that the Demo­ -THE EXPOSITION OF EXPOSITIONS. p B O’Neil and Will Roberts went to the latest style» mat rec« ,rom uie ^or)ev percv. Iowa They also add that ' i crats and Peoples’ Party can combine OU SCHOOL BOOKS I city of Philadelphia. Call and see them. tlie Ke‘niedy has given great satisfaction tn to defeat, with a man like Governor ■ TOBACCO 1W“ADMISSION AS YS’JXU Greatly Reduced Rates for Round Trip on all | I Also a fresh invoice of clothing from New ; that vicinity and that they believe it to be and STATIONERY. York and a new line of hats from Phila- I the best in the market far throat and lung Pennoyer, Vol ph Is »*-*r common foe, Passenger Lines. | CI GARS. septlO'&l The store of C. K. Klam the Talent merchant »nd postmaster was the scene of a burglary and shooting last Saturday ASHLAND. Oa. .Thursday, Sept. JO. UM Two burglars commenced opera- !------------ tions by one of them throwing a rock m- to tbe oil room window in order to test PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. the question whether there was any one . . ....---------------sleeping in tbe store. One of them then w»* doing the city yeater- cut out the pane from a window sash and went in. He examined the inside of the Cha*. Anderson left Tuesday on a trip to store and went within a few feet where R*d Bluff. John Briner f who is a sworn deputy poet- Cbas. Hoeley was in Roseburg thu week master) was sleeping, picked up a piece on buxine»» of railroad rail and fired it through a A. E. Reamer of Jackwnvilte .pent Sun- *in^ow 4IH went ------ at .___________________________________ IDii through and landed in tbe cane with day Coiaatein. a rattle-te-hang-tang that would have Robt Taylor, wife and infant, ■pent Bun- woke np a pa,,. of wor][ oxen. The burg­ day al Coleatein lar had thefrot t foor of (be store open,co Robert Orr of Montague wae registered as to escape if he found some one. This in Ashland yesterday. satisfied the burglar. John Briner had W. W. Wateon and Robert Glenn re- been to see his best girl the evening be­ turned to Portland Friday. fore and the pleasing remembrances of The Misses Hhuieler returned last even- the interview had by this time placed his dreams away up in the seventh heaven ing from a visit in California. of bliss, where no worldly thou ht or re­ Miaa Hattie Ixtbum left for Salem Friday flection could reach him while in the to be engaged in the public schools. , arms of Morpheus. The burglar being Henry H. Howland, a miner from Placer satibfied that all was well proceeded and county, arrived in Jackson last week. j packed a lot of mens’ clothes, etc., out- Mias Minnie King baa returned from Cor- ' aide 2 the store — r/JJ He then returned after a vallia, where .be bad been all summer. j lot of hosierv. But here is where he ven- --------------_ __ ____ .......B tured on forbid*ien ground once too often, Mias Sadie Ober _____ returned last evening from a pleaxant visit at biwion and Yreka. The sacred charm which was holding The figure of Engineer James Porter of Mr. Briner fa»t in his dreams was broken Granta Paaa was seen in the city this week by Mr. Burglar rushing in where angels fear to tread. Mr. Briner got up, lit a Thos. A. Harris, the Medford hotel man, returned nunday from Northern Califor­ light and with a 38-ealibre six-shooter in his hand proceeded to explore for tbe nia. unholy wretch who would dare be such a Joe Rader, the Butte creek stock man, heavy villain as to remove hosierv. He was over Saturday selling some beef to fol]nd one of the bun lars, who was in a stooping position and thinking there were Mias Mary Hunt, a Ban Francisco young ^herotheretooBri'nerletVoVithhisVe- VALLEY RECORD. _ $5.50 OF SACK SUGAR 1OO Lbs. “C” $6.75 BUYS A SACK OF SUGAR 1OO Lbs M c C onnell & winter ’ s , LEADING GROCERS. The Only First-Class Grocery in the City. We Challenge Competition and Meet All Cuts. PREPAKE For FÄLL and WINTER. New Fall Suits Opened This Week At O. H. BLOUNT’S New Furnishing Goods For Fall Just Received At O. H. BLOUNT’S Stylish New Hats For Fall Trade At O. H. BLOUNT’S DONT Why Dr. Price’s Baking Powder is FAIL TO EXAMINE OUR NEW ÀND HANDSOME LINES OF ¡MENS’ FINE SHOES JUST RECEIVED. They are the Neatest Shape We have ever offered. Superior to all others. OUR FALL STOCK GOMPLETE * * * *■ * IN EVERY RESPECT Yours Truly, O. II. BLOUNT. pw x-x The 1 he Great Great PORTLAND ruKi lainu H Dl C"O INDUSTRIAL BÏF0S™9ROCE-™È? Pul a Fill in WITH ITS WORLD OF WONDERS Opens Sept. 17th 1891. ! Closes Oct. 17th. HERE You Had Better Make a Note OF THIS FACT. Music by the Great ZAPEDORES BAND, di­ rect from the City of Mexico. I m D. L. MINKLER & SON FINE TEAS and COFFEES TEAS, Everything New. I I dclphia. at J. M. McOR’S «^W* wart of 0»o YeUo” Cx»wford variety- 1 lilt«?«’- T* ’•‘♦'»r Viator Sherman of Ohio. «Ab Dead Exhibits. «F Green # and # Roasted Coffees, We will give you better value far your money than any house in town. Try us. D. L. MINKLER & SON.