Pioneer Society Meeting j PROMINENT BUSINESS CHANGES. BREVITY BASKET. Mr. Thomas Batte. editor of the Graphic, Texarkana. Arkansas. has found what he This is to notify you that the 15th an- —— ------------------ — believes to be the best remedy in existence "ual reunion of the Pioneer Society of F. Roper Sells the Ashland Mills to Read D. L. Minkler A Son's ad. for the flux. * His experience is well worth Southern Oregon will he held in Ashland Outside Parties—Morine's Black­ K. K. -K iderson now owns tbe 8. 8. Smith remembering. He says: “IAst summer I A8HLAND, Oa .Thursday, Aug. 20, 1881 i on Thursday, the 10th day of September, ------------The use of------------ smith Shop Sold. sawmill on Wagner creek. had a very severe attack oi flux. 1 tried al­ 11891. We hope to bave the pleasure of U H. Friendly, the bide buyer, came out most every known remedy, none giving re- w _____ _ vou __________________ ______ _ ; The sale of tbe Ashland City Roller from PE1MONAL. AND SOCIAL. greeting on that occasion, „„ together Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Portland yesterday to purchase hides. Hef with your family and friends. It is de- ■ Mooring Mills from Fordyce Roper to W. Diarrhoea Remedy wa.~ recommended to I ' Tom Harris was up Friday. Peter Adams. Woodville, and R. L. Nich- ' me. I purchased a bottle and received al­ sirable that the annual reunions of the E. Jacobs of Puyallup, Wash., and W. J. ols and I. L. Nichols, Sams valley, were in most immediate reiief. I continued to use l.omt^Jii^d11* Jr” rrturne'1 Tuesday , society be perpetuated. All male mem- 1 ' Virgin of Boardman, Wis., was consum- town Tuesday. RODUCES AN ARTISTIC Complex­ the medicine and was entirely cured. I here will please come prepared to pav ! mated last Saturday,the entire mill prop- ion which could not lie distinguished One Dollar. One Dollar. < ounty Judge J. R. Neil was up Monday take pleasure in recommending this rem­ Ke-I erty and two acres of laud about it, not tbeir annual dues to the society. from a brilliantly beautiful natural one. P. B. Whitney of the 8. P. R. R. wm in edy to any person suffering with such a dis ­ including the grove, and the mill span of and returned with an old gentleman named j ease. as in my opinion it is the liest medi­ 1 spectfully yours, S ilas J. D ay < Sec’y. Ashland Friday. For sale by MBS. 8. C. CORBETT, horses and wagon were in tbe bargain. Rodgers for tbe county hospital. Jacksonville, Or., Aug. 11, 1891. cine in existence.” 25 and 50 cent bottles Ashland. Or.. Lady Agent, or leave orders Bdw^A^wojse returned yaeterdav from 14-lbs. Granulated The Georgia Cooper Woodthorpe troupe ! for sale by druggists. 15-lbs. Extra “C” - - ------------- Tbe . »re vwuoiutmuvu consideration was $12,500, auu and the Hie 16-1 bs. Golden “C” at Wells. Fargo ?n- L-C. Coleman farm near Phoenix i Services at the Presbvterian cbnrch next four days that the malady took a serious turn. SUMMONS. G. A. Intow is acting as first assistant nJ^Y,2n?Jrere orderv furPJ?he^ to eat’“ j being made by J. W. Wiley is very flat- Sabbath morning and evening. Morning At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the offthe county * — —-j lepers for publication. tering, thev growing nicely. Claus | subject. "The Time for Fruit." In the chain I mm isl at Hutton s livery stables. kidneys refused to perform their functions and ’ _ adjourned subject to call of 8precke)s _ r' Meeting Co. are in earnest on the evening the Christian Endeavor Society he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- Iff. SheflUin, discoverer of the Tomb­ A. D. H elman , Pres. matter of sugar beet raising in this coun- conduct the service. of one of the most prominent men in Cali­ goh,for Jackson county. stone n s le es, was oa Saturday's north train. the P. president. Denn, 8ec. fornia." Like thousands of others his un­ j tv and if the farmers of this countv will! Try our 35c tea. McConnell« Winter. Chas. Z. Smith, Plaintiff,| SuH for Dj. death was the result of neglecting early Goo. Thomas, clerk in John 8. Cleland's ' «P1w I/?000. ?cre8,in/ngar. ,’eeu he r11 !*■ I J. H. Turner, tbe railroad brakeman is timely symptoms of kidney disease. Jackaonville Jottings. stove al Yreka, is paying Ashland a visit. Minnie Smith,Defendant.) vorce. ...................... tabl sb a sugar factory here as extensive earrvine his arm in a slinv »rd th» —IF YOU —— E *J. Cartie, wta^u ^mining on Hungry j M m Lillie Reames of Phoenix is visiting as that at Watsonville, Cal. The raising sympathy of his lady friends. Ijist Friday To Minnie Smith, the alxive named De- are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de­ relatives in town. ■ of H,e 8Ugar beef acta as a great stimulant at Montague while making a coupling on a rangement of the kidneys or urinary organa, , fendant: QXTJLLITY OXLAIELTVZN TZEZEID In tbe name of the State of Oregon you 1-LBS., Dr. Rickenback. late of Pennsylvania,lias to land, which raises richer crops after freight train his right hand about the thumb don't delay proper treatment until you are »• ? have j°'ned forced to give up your daily duties; don’t j are hereby-required to appear and ans wer planting to beets. was badly mashed. w. K. BiuithY oeearof ratiroad carpenters. located tn Jacksonville. waste your money on worthless liniments the complaint of the above named plaintiff 213T Frank Bilger of Oakland, Cal , visited The flurry on the Chicago board of Fruit jars, all sizes at McConnell 1.00 a pack­ ’ ty, Oregon; out if served in any other coun ! wheat to speak of this week, but that 60 ! performances of Sells Bros. ’ circus in their Miss Fanny, camo out from Portland Tues­ | Thomas Wright ty of the State of Oregon,then within twen­ ------- Both _______ . town _ and . wife of Willow cento was all he had to pay so far. Thore ' to wna ------ _!*** --------- *eek- P~ “‘ agree age, 6 for $8.00. day. Hprings were in Tuesday that it that is the greatest of the ty days from the date of the service of sum­ r_____________ 7u " 7 L • has undoubtedly been a steady advance! ^¡„4 hasg est aggregation ggre Mayor Henderson of Han Franciscoo was *■’ .................... J *■ " t ever visited the coast. Fur a*.« by J. le C- G. store. of the publication of this summons, to be IJeut. Dwight K. HoUoy. the U. H. army Wagner’s soda springs this week held at Jacksonville, Oregon, commencing 65 cents in tbe local market . ] Herman Rostel and a company of friends i recruiting officer was ou Monday s south I on the7th day of December at 10 o'clock County Clerk Muller is spending a few E M Houx of Colusa Cal is here and were epj°Fi"g a champagne soiree at Sisson | train. wants to buy l«i tons of ^.‘wheat clear XmsVhi^ I | a. m And you«re hereby notified that if weeks at Crescent City with his family A. Getty, representing the Karl Fruit I you fail to appear and answer said com- j of wild oats, for whfoh he offers 65 cents. stgrativeIt was^fter wit^drlwn - thlt "s’ the is the J. F. White, who has l>een paying Port ­ in purchasing winter apples is in town I plaint as hereby required the plaintiff will land a business visit, has returned home today. _ 8. Patterson’s Howser harvester has tbe charge. apply to the court for the relief demanded ' in his said complaint, to-wit: For a decree Married at the residence of Jacob Aid, finished his own and th« crops of Jacob for Sale *r Eirhaage for Earn Property. . o* Junction was out to Ash­ 3-lbs. roast coffee for $1 at McConnell & i of divorce and dissolution of the bonds of land ^Monday looking after hu property in- Aug. 16,1W1, Ira Drake and Miss Mary Aid. Casebeer and J. B. Carlisle. Joshua Pat­ Winter's. matrimony now existing between the plain­ MiroKtif terson’s thresher haa has completed tbe „ ,, u„... ... , . ... ------------- The infant child of O. Biede died Sunday tersone tiff and defendant on the ground of wilful threshing on his own and the oi WIIT wvi i i M k evening and was buried the following day desertion for more than one year and for i ^"/‘"HCWrisley. the pioneer was IpflF Rtf»ll R«n tM'hlpnnv lohn Hnlt anH ' n » arnved ,ast '*eek fr01» Winchester. T W ILL SELL on long time or exchange Ashland Monday celebrating bis 73d Mazdaaa license issued August 17th to Jen Bell, Ken Schleppy, John Holt and Douglas county, and are fitting up Mrs. -L for farm, my residence in Ashland with judgment against you for his costs and tbe birthday. K. Anderson. L*vl Morris a King | Hartwell's store-room Yirr —-------- ,-------- -™.. — in Odd . Fellow v..un's ’s a a frontage frontage of of 160 160 feet feet on on Main Main street street, and and i I disbursements of this suit and for such oth­ John B. Hammendev and Miss Cecil Cop­ , harvester has completed his farm, that block tor a drygoods store, to he opened [ 150 on Alida avenue. The grounds are er and further relief as to the court may B D- Wells, T. E. Hill's experienced pie. of Jim Helms, and others in that neigh- next week. | nicely laid out with choice fruits and shrub-1 seem just iu>rs«man was at Roeetnarg on a business Mr. Engledow, assisted by two other • borbood, * * Coker & • . Miller .......................... | bery, ■y, artificial stone walk, walk. good stable and! This summons is published by order of ! ’s thresher ■ is trip this week Bargains in hosiery and underwear at painters are engaged in repainting the operating between Medford and Phoenix. (buildings. This cottage was built in the Hon. L*°.nel B. M ebster, judge of said •< ( outbuildings. O. D. Emporium. court house. , fall vri Dr bonger. Mrs. Hooper and Miss Mollie of LIJI.N', 1888, UL of tut the <.,11 choicest material and by court, which said order was made, signed I The Grubb thresher baa worked the a—. _i___ workmen, Newson Bros., 8. F., I and dated at chambers in Grants Pass, Or­ Right on the heels of the report that the 1 first-class returned Friday from their visit to Mrs. P. Simons of Eagle Poiut was here farms of John H. Real, 8. U. Alltard, E. Siskiyou cdunty. Mt. _____________________ ____ „„ . ___ t. Shasta division is to be merged into architects. Will sei sell or exchange anv part egon, the 13th dav of August, 1891. one da^ this week, having business at the B. Myer. W C Butler and is now on 0. B. WATSON, Jack Wright ’s Joe Sacramento division comes adjoining of one to four acres all tn choice fruit and I court oust. I tbe J. P. Walker place. The Bybee another that Thompson, assistant said residence *ho holds a position in tbe 1 tbe J. P. Walker place. aug2t> Att’y for Plaintiff. . v ---------------- ! This is the most J Portland post-office, came out last weak on Asocial party took place at the Red | machine operated in the center of the superintendent of the S, P. under C. J. Wil- modern 1— -f™ __________ cot-' 'n style, and best constructed a 15 day’s vacation. Man's hall Friday evening. A pleasant valley bv H, T. Turpin one der at Oakland pier is soon to succeed J. J. tage in Southern Oregon. Choice ' location ___ _ 1.1 1 run __ through' __ -__*- 2200 bushels of wheat. . m. • I F. « h 1*0 ___ of o E. | MiiTirV ï A ncABAXTra or >10 oo a The i? i.ittdLarur ‘-¡“dberg «¡a as cunnmninn/inni superintendent of the Mt. I And andI c on be hud at a bargain, lnqi J. M. Hockersmith the Medford precinct time is spoken of by all in attendance. Inquire former was visiting Ashland from ftetunlay . i day a and .v iz r>Ai£.pnr,n. AlltlV :ev. Real ! harvesting is about one-third completed. bhs8 ‘ * dlrlslon ; Estate T^nt “ ot „ ' expenses . That Rev. Father Watry left on Sunday even- I to Tuesday on business. is what can be made in tul9’91! = 1 Prompt delivery of feed and milIstuffs!EstateAgenf’Abhla"d Orc^on- ing for Mount Angel college to attend tbe ———Gold selling tbe great Settle Up and Pay Up, (bought of Crocker Grocery Co. at mill I_________________ ;____________ James F. Harris and his bride, after a meeting of the numerous priests of the | I new 1891 edition of tbe famous honeymoon in Ashland, left Bunday for •tate. Crops of all kinds are good and ready prices. their home at Dunsmuir. Yreka Telegram : ; Dr. Dr Ream Ream has has been been Water Water Consumers, UOnSlimerS, Attention Attf George Neil and Deputy Sheriff Robert 1 “J®- A» iDdeb*ed to the, undertiltoed j Y reka Telegram will therefore promptly and without de- applied to by the commissioners of the ! ........... Armstrong have returned ’ from their hunt ­ Ooodwfn. the Baptist preacher International Columbian Exposition to : T^HE CITY OF ASHLAND cannot fur- OF Ashland yesterday vis­ ing trip to (fore, and are again at their re­ lav, settle up and pa> up. spective offices. iting Bov. Geo. W. Black. McCALL. Aug. 13. ’91. OT. 3t J. M. M cCALL. ■ grant them the use of bis Indian relics nnril’fnrthlrr.Ig#tl,,g puposes, from Social and Business Forms, Mrs. J. Nunan and son left Tuesday Eagle Point Items. during the exposition, We hope the doc-1 hour of 6 o’clock p. ni.' and’beFore^’clock Willie Alma, who has been at Rutumel and improved. Forty-six Bros, mine on the Klamath for a year, re­ morning for Wagner's soda springs. She E d . V alley R kord :— tor will grant their request, since he hap a. m. of each day, and all persons using REVISED valuable new features. Over 200 was accomnaried from Ashland by her turned to Medford Bunday. . one of the finest collections in the state, water from the city water pipes for irrigat- beautiful engravings and nearly tXIO large daughters, Muses Josie and Fannie, who Miso Hattie Conklin is visiting at Grants will remain there some time. ( J. G. Grossman has been visiting his and we can make a showing in Indian ing purposes are hereby notified not to pages. Everybody has liear’l of Hill’s Paes and leaves in a few week* 7or her old old friends at this place. relics if nothing else. draw water from the city water pipes for Manual. The demand is something mar­ home at Hillsboro, Illinois The following persons were granted H. G. 8hock is reported down with the The finest goods in the market cun lie had ; named ”g 61 during the ho,,r'1 a'mve velous. Over 300,000 copies sold. Forty­ teachers' certificates at the last examina­ eight editions already exhausted, ami the tfory Taylor of Phoenix, accompanied! tion: 1st Grade—N. H. Clayton, Emma 1 typhoid fever. Dr. Rohr is in attendance, only at the clothing palace of 0.11. Blount. By order of the Citv Council dated Au- magnificent new edition just published by his best girl, took in Colestein and the ! Coleman,Elva Galloway. 2d Grade—Frank H. T. Severance has completed his Anyone desiring any quartz or miner-! MlLTON BERRY, means another rich harvest. No experi­ tong tunnels on Bunday's train, Bhideler. T. E. C'ailey, Eliza J. Moore. Lila , hnrn on th« izronnd whpro th« old nno file nf nnv il«or«rirkt*nti uoaovoJ fror» ence and no capital required. -recorder. barn on the ground where tbe old one als of any descript .on assayed free of C. H. Vegbte. wife and infant, and Hen- i Sackett. E ven beginners can skli . this work with was burned. John Inlow was tbe boss charge by about th j best mining and en- wonderful SUCCESS, It offers a grand op­ Mrs. Pauline Putnam and Miss Mary workman. < gineering school in the world, can be ac-1 portunity for every bright man or woman, Wetery of Portland who have been visiting I learn that J. J. Fryer had the peaches eommodated bv leaving or shipping the old or young, to coin money. . tohi Hay of Grants Pa»» ret irned friends here for some weeks past returned stolen off three’ of hi’s trees. The sue- offlc,?L They wi!1 FIFTY-EIGHT BOOKS IN ONE borne last evening after a visit of several home Wednesday. They were accotnpan- I 20th TRIUMPHANT ANNUAL TOUR----------- j led by their sister. Miss Daisy, who will pected days with Mrs W. T. 8. Patton. parties are watched and some forwarded to Freiburg, Germany, where Penmanship, Letter Writing, Book-Keep- i Wm. B. Piacbt is attending the uni ver- i make her home at Portland during the morning . ing, History, Ktwiu ing,History, Etiquette, Commercial Forms, ! your correspondent will have to | Miss Aggie Woods, the lady compositor 1 winter. ( chronicle a shooting affair. sity engaged in that line of the sciences. . I.egal Business Forms. How to Draw a of the Yreka Journal paid Misa Sadi« Ober Will, Mortgage, Note or Bond, Partnership Dr. U. A. Geisendorfer who has been a Old and spring chickens for sale at all j a abort visit the drat of the week. I understand that a railroad party times by Crocker Grocery Company. Forms. How to Collect a Debt, Exemption resident of this place tor several months NEW, DAZZLING and STARTLING ATTRACTIONS. Laws,and a thousand things that are want­ Charley Laub, formerly of Ashland in past left on Tuesday for Washington, and I passed through our town a few days ago ed in everyday life. Above all it teaches Judson Ganiard and , W. Donoghue who stage coaehing days, and Chas. Morrison from there be will go to New York to lo- and secured the services of John Daily „ i men and women how to be Hiic<*eB8ful. were ou Bunday '■ train to Portland. cate. The doctor has made many warm as i guide to look out a way for a railroad came out from Jonesville, Mich., several If you cannot take hold yourself be sure to the big timber, and Into Klamath ' months ago with their families are well ! friends during his stay in this place, who < Misses Hattie Hanna and Allie Brentano and tell some worthy friend about the New nloaiuwi , pleased wiih with iLi» the country an/1 and havo have wne«- pur­ I of Jacksonville were up Sundav on a visit, are sorry to see him depart. May success COlinty Edition, and give him a clianee to earn attend him. chased twelve acres on the H., P. & F. being the guests of Mrs J. f. Houck. the money. Price of Outfit, 91. Don’t i The Farmer’s Alliance man that was tract on Oak street and are building a Mrs. E. Turner and her son Tom arrived wait, but send in your application E. K Armstrong of Portland an I his hilled to speak here last week, I have fine new residence thereon. It will be here Monday from Tacoma. The health of brother. R T. Armstrong went to th« Cole­ the ompany the latter has been very poor tor several not his name, did not speak as the small 28x30 and 16x16, two stories high and stain springs Monday for a week’s stay. 723 Market 8t.. snn Franciaco. months past and the attending physician audience wag composed of tbe citizens of when completed will coetabout $2000, Mrs. Francis Fttoh and her sister Miss advised them to return to Jacksonville for our town and not farmers, so he proposed Ixura Cardwell, went over to the Klamath a time. Tom held a position as operator in to speak at some future time. Go to D. L. Minkler .t Son’s and get a hot springs Saturday returning yesterday. the W. U. Tel. Co's office at Tbe Dalles. package of Beech’s “Pure as Childhood" Geo. Givens, while he was attempting ; tea. His sister, Miss Susie, is temporarily in A. L. Willey, formerly a oootractor and to get into a header wagon, had his team j builder of Ashland, but now of Outland charge during his absence. Deputy Sheriff Robt. Taylor brought start, throwing him off his balance, and Cal., arrived Bunday on a two week's busi- from Montague Saturday tbe fellow j There is more Catarrh in this section of sticking a tine of a pitch fork in his ank- over 1 tfes* visit. , tbe country than all other diseases put to­ le, near the instep, passing out in the up- arrested there for stealing the valise, etc., i ! Mr. and Mr*. M. H Abbey left yesterday gether, and until tbe last few years was of a lady passenger while the train was i for Newport on the ooast, and will in supposed to be incurable. For a great per part of the heel, causing a very pain- ' stopping in Ashland. He waived exam-' 1 tbe state fair and Portland exposlti >n be­ many years doctors prononneed it a local ful and serious wound. ination and is in the county jail. He disease, and prescribed local remedies, and fore they return. Mr. Savage, from near Grants Pass, gave his name as Wm. Stewart (which is by constantly failing to cure with local Mrs. D. Bteinmeyer, sister of Mrs J. R. pronounced it incurable. Sci­ is in the neighborhood with his steam not his name) and is a butcher, having Casey, returned to Bonaparte. Iowa, on treatment, ence has provan Catarrh to be a constitu­ thresher,also Phippa A Reace are at work worked for Pelton a few days before. Only Pair of MIDGET CATTLE! Tuesday's south train, with her nephew, tional disease, end therefore requires con­ with their horse-power machine, and after a visit of two months A fine line of shoes just reoeived at C. O. st! tutianai treatment Hall’s Catarrh Cure, Nichols, Mathews, Pool A Co are doing Only Flock of GIANT OSTRICHES, D. Store, Mice Canto Herrin left Montiay f<' as he had nothing bestos, fibre of which is ahout eighteen ford Cal, are all at home having a family particular to do thought he would go out inches long. Specimens will probably I Folks. Delight for all. The Grandest, Most Popular and reunion with the Briner family at Ti lent. the Hotel Linkville, informs us that tbe to bis bed and read awhile. In a short be on exhibition at Barton & Co.’s offioe Linkville is now running alpng jn fine Oregon Hams................. 15c per lb. Perfect Amusement Alliance on Earth. T. L. Bray, of Wolseley. M- W. T., Can­ time his attention was called to an un­ in a couple of weeks. We are informed i ada, arrived at The Oregon Sunday. Mr. •tyle, usual noise and upon looking around that there are a series of ledges in that Oregon Bacon .................. 12|c per lb. Bray is a well-to-do gentleman, is well Mitchell, tbe cattle buyer for Moffatt A pleased with Ashland and will purchase a Co. baa bought Shook's cattle, tbe Ap­ discovered a large rattlesnake in close part of the county, some of which may be P MAGNIFICENT and Sensational Highway Holiday Free Displays Oregon Shoulders........... 10c per lb. ’ proximity to his bed, so he concluded developed in tbe near future into paying home here. plegate cattle and every head belonging that tbe fruit might go if he had to sleep propositions.—Yreka Telegram, Oiegon Lard ............. $1.40 per P I bucket. Rev. A. M. Russell, of Williams, Cai., ar­ to John Gleim. with rattlesnakes, and like one in olden D. L. Minkler & Son are leading in fine rived Tuesday to spend several weeks about P* OUST ZE TICKET JLIDlNdZITTIJSTCa- TO ALL Ben Peterman has just brought down times, he took up his bed and walked; teas and coffees. Ashland. Mrs. R and the children have I and that very night his fruit was stolen . Fresh Mountain Dairy Butter Always on Hand. been here for some time handling the fruit from Pelican bay the great raft of logs Doors Open Out Hour Prrvfoux. The question of a wagon road from j on their Ashland property. belonging to Moore Brothers containing D ick . Q Twa PerfonsaweH liailj, at 2 and 8 F. N, ------ Ashland to Antelope, which will give the ; 250,000 feet of lumber. Eagle Point, Aug. 17, 1891. H«* State senator Harry Blackman, of Hep­ Butte creek section an easy outlet to the ner. was on Monday's train home from tbe OQ This week L. Gerber shipped fifteen railroad is about to l>e settled. Dean,; Lumber! Lumber! springs in California, much improved in cartoads of Klamath cattle and sheep Owen and Came^n.abe viewers and Sur ­ health. He will be in Ashland again in a James Norris at his lumber yards on few weeks and stop awhile with his family. from Montague, and in a couple of weeks tbe north side of tbe railroad tzarg, near veyor McCall have sent in a favorable re­ be expects to ship fifteen more. tbe depot, Ashland, can sell you sash, port to the county court and in due time Mrs W. B. Phillips and two children af- It commences Forest tires are beginning. At Spring doors, windows, mouldings and all kinds the road will be opened. wr a visit ________ of some _______ months with _ ., her . folks, creek this week the Crater lake party, of finishing lumber. Leave your orders at the Eagle mills and where it intersects tbe family ly of E. K. K. Anderson, departed last ' Monday tor to Seattle, ■ - from - whence she goes consisting of Alex Martin and wife, Dr. at Luckey’s real estate office, and they the connty road at Antelope is a distance I of twelve miles and a chain and a half. „ join ____ to her ■ husband at Ruby City. in east­ Martin and Misses Agnee Miner and Por­ will be promptly attended to. It will make a good road. ern Washington. tia Knight found the smoke altogether in- Beal Fatate Transfers. See tbe new lot of boys’ shoes, only $1.50 Mr*. Wilkinson, mother of Mrs. J. Foss eufferable. S _ S . Martin ____ to Jas Owens—s '/»of n w y» I per pair, at O. H. Blount’s. of Talent, returned to Sacramento Tues­ Charley Rippey and family returned and n *4 of a w of sec 27, tp 36; $5000. day. Mr. Foes has said out his property from Shovel creek Friday much improved Geo. H. Tfijir caine in Monday from Jas G Birdsey, sheriff's sale, to Jas Drum interests at Sacramento and his family have in health. i his Dead Indian soda springs, where —n e % of sec 2. tp 41 s r 1 e; $35? HE CITIZENS who are moved to the tine farm they purchased from large crowds of people have been camp­ Surer foundation cannot be laid than the Welborn Beeson. Jas Drum |o H Bosley—same real ment which is tbe »olid base for the seeking for bargains in I Jas G Birdsey sheriff's sale, to B I. Mes­ ing out. J.C. Wbipphas placed a 400-lb. Tbe genial Dr. Loomis, who has been out monumental success of Hood's Sarsaparilla. senger stone, with a hole in the center, over the —land in Ashland; $119.50. m tbe l-ake country for several months m spring, through which it bubbles out,and Among the people stopping at Colestein the interest of the government and who For a troublesome cough there is nothing A_2R>ZE DAILY TALL DLL VING made a report oa the tapping of Goose lake the past three weeks are the family of Road­ better than Coamberlain’s Cough Remedy. (the gas of which can npw La bottled. bv an Alturas syndicate, returned to Rose­ master Burckhalter. I. A. Durgin and wife. It strengthens the pulmonary organs, Fishing ic good there, besides trout there Misses Dora and Gertie Hom, Marshal , being plenty of silver salmon in Butte burg on Tueeday’s train Horn and Hardman Hom of Hornbrook, allays any irritation and effectually cures j creek. Mr. Tyler is shortening the wag- ’co'-gh. Ji is esiiectafly valuable for the ] . . .. - .... Misses Hattie Newbury and Hattie i Mr. Durgin was visiting Ashland and Med­ the cough which so often follows an attack of.on and W1J nia^e it come within mmes and Prof. Miles Cantrail and Dr. ford the first of the weci. 1 twenty to these the grip. For sale by all druggists. 11 ----- *“ miles ‘ from ----- *- Ashland *>-— were at Colestain Tuesday. , Rocky P. Earhart, ex-secretary of state springs. tee Newbury remains there tor a stay of am| at present collector of customs at Port­ Probate Court. length. Dr. Geishu^orfer started land. alter a stay of a week at The Oregon A S 1 7 should come in time to secure Estate of M Hanley, deceased; citathm- I Ask the Crocker Grocery Company for tttftthward on the same evening s tram. left Tuesday for Sisson with his wife. They ' Lake whitefish, Alaska herring, etc. Estate of jas Barnes, deceased; petition I ----- ----------- — — — ------ — - D’/i the benefit of the return to Ashland again Friday. Mr R. p. Byers and J. W. Libby, prominent ; 1 will Earhart's health is improved by the’ciimate ' 1 l> Barnes pot granted. ; The will of the late -- —■___ climate II. A . Clawson was ettucus of Princeton, Minn., and sop and of Ashland, his affliction being asthmatic. I Estate of Innes Elliott, deceased. Sept. : opened in Ban Franciaco last w®^\ son in-law of 8. M Bvers — 1 so«Jn-law Byers oi of this City, city. ar- . sn b at-10 * was fo' flAaJ I , uronertv amount! to t to a» ' Tbe «red wiyy tor " " *u» property amounts to «40,000. The fur- pjved Tuesday with w*0 tbpr tbjy.wtM« for » * stay 8ti- oi ■ James Norris can fprniah yog all kinds of: rettiement*'' Offered at the so&e weeks on a tour of inspection. They j finishing lumber, moqldings, windows, I 1—-t^ows, • .¡¿S' . - ------ ’ “tore, , in tbe railroad gating houses may conclude to locate here and go in bus- doop. M«h, efe. . Ea y »v® port* > at Redding and Ashland were willed to Leave orders #t W- M-! Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and I mew. Luckey’s. i—AB* T.iencan tragedienne, has Billy Gillespie and Mr. Harvey of Red- at Prices that Defy Competition. G. M. Parkinson and family have moved Tbe Crocker Grocap^ Companv buv and written the following note for the benefit of ding. He willed $2000 to his eon and True, they may not save sex. It should prove especially import- disinherited hie daughter entirely. He to Portland, where George w engaged IB > ^eu poultry and eggs in large and small lots. her ant when it is remembered fbat no cla^ w | bequeathed to several parties parties’ sums sums .... i -,.... ,j.o..ryou mineral water. For diarrhoea or summer complaint in so well informed on the subj^t of which amounting to $1000 and $2000 and his their lives, as does the agile We call special attention to .C. M. HENDERSON & CO.’s (Chicago) Red j she writes, as professional women: School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN &, CO.’S (Boston) $3 00 calf B J any form, t lie re is nothing better than Judge T. J. Howell of Etna, Siskiyou New York,Aug. 11.—Mr. Windom . Dear land in Keru county to another party, all county, an old friend of T. J. Kist and fam­ Chamberlain’s Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Sir—Your Robertine was highly spoken of of whom are unknown in this section of gentleman in the picture, but they save money, and money Shoes, the beet made. Every pair guaranteed. Mrs. Nancy Berry, of Adams, ily. was in town vesteeday enroute to the Remedy. world. An attempt will be made to . ... , ... Lawrence countv, Kentucky, says one dose in San Francisco and a lady friend induced the Illinois vallev in Josephine connty. Judge of it cured her oi an attack of diarrhoea me to try it. It is very tine and is an excel­ break the will by bis disinherited daugb- makes life Worth living, How^i te a stock raiser and is looking for lent application for beautifying and whiten­ a cattle ranch. He will move to Ashland . Two or three doses will cure any ordinary ing the face and hands. The Robertine ter and his eon. with his family if he secures a place in this > case. When reduced with water it is pleas­ powder is delightful. Very truly, Our fall dress patterns are beginning to valley and tl ev wiU be a welcome addition | ant to take. 25 and 50 cent bottle* for sale F anst DaygyrokT. arrive at C, 0. D. Store, by diuggista to the com ui u»ity. VALLEY RECORD. HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL Mrs. Graham’s Cosmetics SU G R SUGAR 10-lbs Powdered 10-lbs. Cube P Mice of Removal. M c C onnell & winter s , LEADING GROCERS I Cuti ned Meats in Grea t Variety, just the th ing foi • Ca mpers. BAKING Portland Crackers are the Best. THE FOR SALE! ONLY ONE COMING ! At MEDFORD ON MONDAY. AUGUST 24 SELLS BROTHERS' ENORMOUS UNITED SHOWS. l'IUllljfj HILL’S MANUAL [CE - [¡REAM ! ExCLbSIVELY-EXHIBITED«FASClNATlHG«FEATURES. THE FINEST At 1RS. GILLETTES. HisTon r C , GROCERIES! g Ü £ Only Wild Moorish Caravan, Re­ gal Roman Hippodrome, Spectacu­ lar Pilgrimage to Mecca, Enormous Menagerie,Three Ring Circus, Trop­ ical Aquarium, Aviary, Olympian Stages, Mid-Air Revels, Royal Jap- anes Troupe, Arabian Nights’ En­ tertainment. HERE. Had Better Make a Mote OF THIS FACT. Only Pair of COLOSSAL HIPPOPOTAMI. CYREINTE, the Great L. MINKLER & SON H o c And Are Selling the Cheapest. ço o o O 'd o o O ■g Headquarters for School Books and Sta \tionery. D.L MINKLER & SON, ASHLAND, OREGON^ A WELL-TIMED MOVE Positively the Only Big One Coming. NEW GOODS! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Glents and Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, etc. DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, And will be sold at our well known SHOES, ETC., LOW PRICES Great Bargains AND C. O. D. Emporium. WILSON & WALSWORTH. 1. M. McCALL.