VALLEY RECORD. “August Flower” ASHLAND O*.. ..T icmdat . June 11 IHM Th® People ® Paper. O* m in MeCeli’« Hxll. up-.txir», »txir* on norih »id« o< Mwmic buüdinr Entered in tL. Posvoffice at A»bUnd a* Bacood CU m mail matter. headache, generally dull and con­ ..A. C. Howlett stant, but sometimes excruciating— August Flower the Remedy. R. B. Hatton . ..L. L. Jacobs W. A. Owen Miller 4 btnmg Medford....... How does he feel?—He feels a violent hiccoughing or jumping of the stomach after a meal, raising bitter«tasting matter or what he has eaten or drunk— August Flower DIRECTORY. the Remedy. .......................... ^Senators , How does he feel ?— He feels ......... ......... Congressman ' the gradual decay of vital power; tr........................Governor j he feels miserable, melancholy, e Secretary of btate ............. Btate Treasurer ; hopeless, and lonffs for death and Hu pt Public instruction peace— August Flower the Rem­ ...State Printer edy. ^Supreme Judges How does he feel ?— He feels so full after eating a meal that he can nurraicr. LB W i'ebeter ......... ........ .................... .Circuit Judge hardly walk—August Flower the ® William M Colvig - J "j District Attorney . Remedy. rtarr judicial For Ja; ' .tkson, Josephine. Lake end Klam-1 ath connue«. jack *»« coujrrr. County Y Seat ............. Jacksonville Tb*o C tlameron _______ ..................................Senator J M McCall .... * Representatives Kamu.i Furry .. J w Merritt .... J R Nell ........... (xiunty J udge Chas W Taylor .... ^Commissioners Ben Haymond ... Max Muller ................. County Clerk Jame. G Birdaey Geo R Bloomer I L Hamilton. .. ............................ Sherifl . .....................Treasurer G. G. GREEN Sole Manufactarer, Woodbury, New Jeriey, D. S. A. Chas K Chanslor... J C Moi» J W Hherer........... K C Harmon W A M.rt«ie C W Havens........ Dr Wallace............. HARRIS & MURPHY BROS OREGON ¡ASHLAND, .............. Representative j fitted. .County Judge i ........ |OMnatMon«n j The chuicett of Frerh Meati—Beef. Mut* ton, Veal, Pork, Samaqci, etc. ................. County f'lerk | ............................. bheriu ......................... Treasurer > .......................... Assessor .School Superintendei’t ■ ........................ Surveyor| ........................... Coronor; ------- In A A BARGAIN KLAMATH COURTY. County Seal ............. .......................... .LinkviUe 0 A Cusswail, of laikc ‘j.. Joint Bena tor A Hnvdir,«f Lake. ... ..Joint Representative W4M»mwiord . C8 BUvers.......... A L Leavitt........ K W Gowan. .. Wm B Howe ... John Stuart .... P L Fountain . Isa Leskeard . John W siemens Sewing Machine ....... County Judge ......... |fimir«fisi(iii Meets in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and ki Saturday of each month. Visiting Com­ rades cordial) v welcomed. W. A. P attick , Commander. J R Casey, Adjutant. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE. NO. 23, Knights Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every Friday evening Visiting Knights in good standing are cordially invited to attenu. H J. H icks , C. C T. E. G odfrey , K. of R and 8. March and August For Jackson county the County, Probate and Commissioners courts meet every MASONIC, month, commencing with the first Monday; SISKIYOU CIIAPTKR, NO. 21, R. A. M. for Josephine county, the first Monday In . January, April, July and September; for Regular convocations on the Thursday- Lak« county, every alternate month, com-1 next after the full moon. D R M ills , H P. mencing the first Monday in January ; for Klamath county, the first Wednesday in A P H ammond , Secretary. March. Jua«. September and November. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. M. CHUBCHES. PRESBYTERIAN. Stated communications on the Thursday of or before the full moon. M L M c C all , W M. James Chisholm, Secretary. alhha chapter , no . 1, o. K. s. Church, corner Main and Helman streets. | Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays Regular Services.— Sunday, 11 A. M. end in each month. 7 n M. Sunday bchool. 9 30 A M. I . Mas. A. M c C all . W . Young Peoria's Mooting, 6 o'locck P M Miss Lydia McCall. Secretary. Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening. Rxv. F. G. S tbahux . P tutor. I. O. O. F. A81ILAND LODGE, NO. 45. METHODIST. Church, corner Main and Bush streets. Racular bervict i.—Sunday. 11 A M. mul 7:30 P. M. Sunday School. 9.30 A. M. Prayar Moating.every Thursday evening; Young People s Meeting, Sunday 6 r. m . Ladlui' AM Society, Wednesday 2 r. M. F'l ’ ■ Rav. C. A. L ewi ., Pastor. BAPTIHT. Church, oornar Church end High streets. Regular Service..— buud.y. 11 A. M. and 7 F. M. Sunday School. 9:30 A M Hold regular meetings every Saturday evening at their hall in Ashlami. Brethren in eood standing are cordiallv invite.i to attend J. H. M c B ride , N G. E. J. Farlow, Sec’y. PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and 4th Monday in each month Member, in good standing cordiallv invited tc attend. M. N. L ong , C P. E. J. Farlow, Scribe. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, KO. 24. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each Chaiatian Endeavor Society, 6:30 F M month in Odd Fellows's Hall. Ashland. * Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening. Mas. R obt . T aylor , N. 0. Covenant Meeting, Saturday before third J. H. McBride, Sec y.. Bunday in each month. 2 r. M. Ladies’ Social, aecimd Tuesday eve in each mon h A. O. U. W. Rav F. K. V am T amxl , ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 6«. Pastor. Meet* in halve room in Odd Fellows’ Hal) every first ami third Wednesday in each CONGREGATIONAL. month. All brethren in good i standing are Church, cor. Mala street and Boulevard cordially invited to at tern Regular Services.—Bum.av, 10:30 A. M. V ____ W illiam P atterson , M W. and 7:30 I*. M. Sunday School. 12 M RS R aim - li »». Kevorder. Prayer Me*ting, .very Thursday evening Rev. G. J W ebster . Pastor. BE ATT 1’8 TOCB OF THE WOULD. CATHOLIC. Church. corner Sixth anti B street.» Regular Service*.— Every fourth Sunday. 10 A. M. Sunday School, every tourtl, Bunday. 3 P. M. F atmek F. S. N ocl , Pastor. * EPISCOPAL. Services tn Baptist church, cor. Church and High streets, second and fourth sun- days, 3 P. M Rav. F. B. T icksob . Pastor. SECULAR UNION. Ashland Secular Union No I. meet* at McCall’s Hall the tir*t Sunday in every month, at 7 o'clock p m W N L cckt , Pres. H 8 Evan.», sec’y. JEWELRY! The Best Stock in Southern Oregon-Latest Designs and Most Perfect Movements. ORNAMENTS & CHARMS. -SPECTACLES- A new and fine stock just arrived. An KYE TESTER to discover exactly the kind of glass you need. Not here just for the season—But here to stay All Goods Warranted as ReDresented or Money Ro unded. J. S. MULLER,I CAilwooti Bros. Plaxa Cor. ASHLAND. - OKKGQN. to Her Trouble, iu India Eng­ Now Ha» . Dispute With th. Coming Season—A Pretty Home Dress Boer»—The Vuited State* and th. Chil­ IHnstrated and Described. ian Bevolntionista. I Special Correspondence.) Rumors of war in Europe are so com­ N ew Y ork , May 20.—What the flower mon that they attract only passing at­ is to the plant, that the bonnet is to r woman's costume—the crowning glory. It would be curious to follow the evolu­ tions of the bonnet backward to the re­ motest time, when probably it ha 1 its rise in the flu-.ver crown» that were worn at feasts and heathen festivals. From that time on to the fearfal an I w mderfnl shapes ot t w j or three centuries ago. it progressed in one way or another, until now the bonnet is really a thing of beauty looked at from any point. The colors are now chosen harmoniously, the form is adapted to enhancing the beauty of the person who is to wear it. and there U no set or fixed rule as to shape, color or garniture beyond that which artistic taste would require. tention. Each of the large powen maintains its army on a war footing, and the slightest move on the continental chess board suggests probable complica­ tions to the alarmists. A meeting of t wo or more emperurs starts all maimer of warlike mutterings, which increase or diminish according to the state of the popular pulse. Every one believes that huge and bloody conflicts will occnr in the future, but as rumor succeeds rumor, and each in turn proves baseless, the public lapses into an indifference which only the din of actual warfarecan arouse into lively concern. RESEATING Or GOVERNOR THAYER. Review of tile Peculiar Political Situation in Nebraska. At the election in Nebraska last No­ vember 210.000 votes were divided al­ most equally among three candidates for governor, but the otfice has been given to a man who was not a candidate and did uot receive a vote for that or any other office. James E. Boyd, of Omaha, the Democratic nominee, secured a plurality of 1.100. and held the office three months, when the supreme court ousted him as an alien and reinstated the former governor. General John M Thayer. Mr. Boyd was bom iu Ireland in 1834. and at the age of ten emigrated with his parents to Ohio. His father took the first steps toward naturalization, and in 1855 told his son that he had received his second papers. The father was elected a justice of the peace in Musk- J. H._ Russell FARMERS' MOVEMENT. ¡The V alley R ecord has established a column for the discussion of the principles I of the new political element which is now­ creating such a stir in the social »nd politi­ cal firmament and out of which is coming , the strongest third party since the civil war. I Correspondence on any'and ail sides of the subject will be inserted.] THE B. F. Bessert - A shland M arble TIN STORE Is the place te» buy Hardware, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copperwarr PRESIDENT’S REPORT. The National Head of the Farmers* Alli­ ance Talks of the Good Work. | OX HAND A FULL I LINE OF CHOICE All Orders in Stone Work . ... Filled. Marble Works on MAIN STREET, VEEPS K Marble. Particular Attention to President Polk, of the National Farm­ ers' Alliance, was in the city for a few hours yesterday. Since his last visit here be has organ­ ized a state Alliance in New York, and Which will be done in a workmanlik* has visited several of the northwestern I manner and at prices that states. He talked freely for The Consti- . tution on the progress of the order, its aims, hopes and achieved results. He was earnest in manner, and entirely HEREBY respectfully*inform the farm­ ers and laboring people of Jackson coun­ Full stock always on hand and made frank in all that he said. ty, Oregon, that 1 have» been appointed to order. “What is the progress of the move-, Deputy Organizer of Alliance and Indus­ -------- :o:-------- ment in those states in which yon have trial Inions in this county Correspond­ just organized?” ence solicited from all who are desirous of fWN'one but the best material used. In REESER’S BLOCK, “The state organizations which we organizing Alliances. SAMVEL H. HOLT, have effected in Iowa, Ohio and New Phoenix, Oregon. J SHLA A D, :: :::: OREG ON. York have been made up of the very beet material, and as an indication of the spirit which actuates those people, the state Alliance of Iowa, before it ad­ journed. commissioned and equipped be­ tween forty and fifty men, and started 'f I them out from the city of Creston into the field. In New York I found the . same spirit. That organization was made X' up of first class and very enthusiastic material. I find among them the same complaint that I find all over the coun­ try—the scarcity of money, which gives them no price for their products. A Great and Wonderful Work, - “The theory of diversifying crops in GOVERNOR J. M. THAYER. OOWTAimWG ingum county, and afterward was tor those localities that are tributary to large markets and easy of access, with years the public weighmaster at Zanes­ 3 ville. In 1857 the sou was elected clerk an idea to making it profitable, is ex­ A1W « ploded, as is proven by the abandoned ■ of Douglas county. Neb., and at various Si farms of Massachusetts and other por­ times thereafter he was chose» to the CECIL RHODES. tions of New England, and the mort­ 0 But while the great powers only look territorial legislature and was a mem gaged farms of New York. ’ New Jersey T he M ammoth C tolop - hpia lias been pub- lishtHl tu uieei the wants ol the masses for e her of two constitutional conventions, fierce aud make faues at one auother, ought to be the richest state in America universal compendium of knowb dtfe. practical, useful, scientific ami general. The work is pub there are nevertheless a number of president of the Omaha city council aud today, and yet land all over that state Maü -*aa<-l N um mm I liabed complete in four large and handsome ^Lkl volumes, comprising a total of 2,176 pages, aud small wars in progress in various quar­ mayor of Omaha. is proluaely illustrated withG20beautilu!engrav Under a new registration law iu Ohio has depreciated from 30 to 50 per cent, ters of the earth. Egypt, Africa and In­ Ings. ThousaRils of dollars have been expended in the last few years. In Ohio, when I to n ak® thia the most complete, valuable and dia have several conflicts on hand in last fall the senior Boyd was required to was there not long since, Governor useful work for the masses ever published. It Is prove his naturalization, but he was un ­ a work for everybody—man. •vt-mau and child, which native interests are arrayed Campbell said that the lands of Ohio had in every occupation or walk in life. The enh- stance aud practical utility of twanty ordinary against the sanguinary spirit of European able to find his second papers or any depreciated in value $8,000,000 in the volumes are comprised In these four. And so court record of them. The supreme aggrandizemeut. France. Germany, replete is the work with knowledge of every past ten years. ” SCMMEH BONNCTB. kind, to filled Is It with useful hints and helpful Italy and Portugal are all active in ex­ court of Nebraska, after considering the “ How will the Alliance affect the po ­ suggestions, that we fully believe that in every home to which it shall find it« way It will soon Jnst see wliat-these are made of that tending their possessions, and each re­ matter for three months, decided that litical relations of the agricultural class­ come to be regarded as worth its weight in gold. the son was not a citizen, and was there ­ are illustrated here. The top one is of sorts to arms upon the slightest opposi­ For want of space we can only briertv lumrnir- es?’ ize a small portion of thecontenteof thi« great ecru satin straw, garnished with bronze tion to the zeal for territory. But. as fore ineligible for the governorship. work, as fol lows : “ hi my judgment this movement brown ribbon. At the back where the usual, England, inspired by her commer­ Under the Nebraska constitution, if a ought to eclipse all others with the farm­ HISTORY. T n * M ammoth C yclopedia contsins a complete Cblaeir. ■IspaneH', tbe poaple of Indi«. A Me«, U.luixii authentio hiatory of the great American Civil War, pro­ PskiUn. Ioeland Borneo. Bunub. tba Saodaleb lalande, brim turns up is a bunch of sorrel flow­ cial instinct, figures the most promi­ governor elect is ineligible the election ers. I think that if the fanner is true to and fusely illustrated, with numerous Anecdotes of tae Rebellion; a Barvla, Kaffraria. Tartar,- Caabwere an.l Tuaia. tba Arab, mpiete Historv of America, from itn discovery by Columbue to Turk*. Meiieane.Boutb Anerioana. Amari»« Indiana. B«,i ers in their rusty red brown color. The nently in ¡sanding disputes. Her redcoats is void and the incumbent holds over. himself, to his country and to his family of the present time; graphic description« of famous battle« and tiana. Siaanoae. Abvaalutana. Norarsiabe, .«»mard« .si.a events in the history oi s’J nation«, chronological hallaaa, Greeka, knaalaaa, Slberiaaa. Atfbana. roralai.e. whole is a poem. are lighting the hill tribes of India, aud Hence. Governor Thayer gets a third he ought to subordinate all other politi­ important Moalama. AuatralUaa. Dulaariaaa. SMllaaa. au , au. history, etc., etc. term. The dainty ca;>ote below at the left is making vigorous efforts to avenge the BIOGRAPHY. This great work contain« the Lives of art ' MXNCFACTl'KES. In thia jraat work ia alao d«cribi d cal questions to this movement. ” Governor Thayer was born at Bel- the Preaid. nts of the United Blates, from Wa«hington to and Ikuatrated the aria and prooaaaea t-rpnoliaf. atareoupla, of fancy lace straw, yellow in color. The recent massacre at Manipur. She has bovkMadlus. wood ett,ravin«. IUtio«rarh,.pb«ia . oalloa “What will be the effect of a failure Harrison, with portraits and other IlhiwtrationB, also live« and I i.ria'lng, piano m«kln(. aauh ctakin,. paper anakli>(. ll.a lingham, Mass. , and graduated at Brown portrait« of Napoleon Bonaparte, Shakespeare. Byron, William 1 whole crown is covered with blue forget- served notice on little Portugal to keep to agree to the farmers ’ demands? ’ Penn, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and j tnatnifaotura of allk. Iron, «teal. CAaa. ohtna. |>eihimerr. «.op. famous statesmen, authors, poets, generals, clergymen, etc., leather, auroh. wall paper, terpentine, poet el carta, peat«»., me-nots—a favorite flower this season- off certain choice bits of African terri- university in 1847. He went to Nebras­ “That will be the great propelling suunps, euvelope«, pen«, peucila, needle«, eud tneuy «llwi to the present day. thin««, all of which will be found peculiar!/ intere-ua« aud topped in the back with a bow of blue | tory on which her eyes are fixed, and has ka in 1854, and entered politics the fol­ power which will drive the farmer into down AGRICULTURE. Valuable hint« and useful suggestions > instructive. 5 lowing year, making an unsuccessful to Farmers, treating of field crops, gates and fence«, fertiliters. ' velvet ribbou and a bunch of oats. Black worked herself into a fever of excite­ FOREIGN PMOWUCTO. InterMda« ^•erlrUaa«. ma­ the third party. If their just claims and farm implements ; livestock raising, including the treatment of ■ trated, of the culture end preparation for market ur tea, con . canvass for congress, that year he was disease« of domestic animals ; poultry keeping, «nd how made velvet strings finish iL ment over a threatened difficulty with and profitable; bee keeping, dairy farming, etc. The ' chocolate, ootton, flax, hemp, «u«ar, rioe, nutuje««, clover, elected brigadier general of the territo­ just demands for simply nothing more sucoessfbl ■ ginger, cinnamon, allspice, pepper, uoyoanute, pineapplee, ba'.i« At the riglit the bonnet is of fine black the Boers of South Africa. treatment of these sulijects is complete and exhaustive, and I than their just rights be ignored by other renders the work of great practical use to farmers and stockmen. auaa, prune», date«, raisins, A«s, olives. indi«*rubber, futta chip, trimmed with a handsome bunch The last trouble promises to reach seri­ rial militia, and led a company against parties, no power on earth can keep the HORTICULTURE. Herein is given the most useful hint« I ' perch a, cork, camphor, castor oil, tapioca, SU., etc. the Pawuco Iudians. Iu 1859 he made a grower« of all kinds of vegetables and fruits, as gathered ( NATURAL IITRTORY. Inlereetiat and Instrucme of pals blue and black brocaded ribbon, ous proportions. Twenty thousand 1 descriptiou«. eccompauied bv illuaUrationa, af numerous beast», farmer out of the third party. That is to from the exi>erience of the most-aucoessful horticulturists. fi»be« and insects, with much curious Ulcrmatiou retard­ anugge«tions to the peaked brim Black velvet strings lows. well trained in the use of arms, and negotiated a peace. The next year point where they must have relief, and I barns LAW. T h » M ammoth C yclot Asia 1» ate® a complots law those intending to build. book, telling everv man how be may be hl« own lawyer, aud add elegance to this. This bonnet is are massing from the Transvaal, the he was elected to the territorial legis­ think that they have determined that HOUSEHOLD. This work contains tried and tested recipes containing full and ooaolee eMpianetion« uf the (keueral la«« almost every imaginable di«h for breakfast, dinner and tea- and the laws of the «everal State« upon all matters which are ¡Mirticularly becoming to blue eyed Free State and the Cape, with the lature. At the outbreak of the cfril they will have it I think that it was for this department alone being worth more than nine-tenths of «ubjeetto litigation, with numerous form« of legal doeumeuts. cook books sold; almost innumerable hint«, helps and sug­ ladies. avowed purpose of invading a portion of war he hcl)»ed to raise and organize the unfortunate that the present parties did the gestions to housekeeper« ; deiignt and suggestions Tor making MINING. Descriptions and illustration« of the mining ot v beautiful things for the adornmeut of home, in needle- gold, «liver diemonda, coal, salt, sapper, lead, sine, Uu aud The hat at the bottom is for a youn$ the territory in dispute between Portu­ first regiment of Nebraska volunteers. not pay more attention to the appeals of r»*l wo. f. embroider v, etc.; hintson florloulture. telling howto be 1 quicksilver ’essful with all the various plants ; toilet hints, tellllug how ; WOXDERti OF THE BEA. Herein are dcectjbed «nd girl, and is <>f gold colored fancy straw, gal and England and establishing a re­ He was commissioned its colonel, aud the American farmers in the Fifty-first sue to preserve and beautify the oomplexion, hands, tee*.b, hair, illustrated the manv wonderful and beautifnl thiuga found at -luding the Steam locomotion of animal« «nd velocity of bodies, beiei t of n - »<• ruentfl, tower« end «tructurc«, distance« from WH-«t.ine»e» . t.!.'» Engine, the Telegraph, the Pi luting Pres«, the Electric Light Early in the season the dealers and bloody conflict seems imminent. Eng­ governor of Nebraska in 1886, and again Washington, seems to be what can he do the Sewing Machine, the Telephone, tho Typewriter, the Type from New York, to important point«, chrem>logk.-l Ms» •« > «-JUi- coverv and jirogre««, progre«», popular sobriquet« sobriquets of Ar;- At--. ,wi - importers all assured us that there would land has fought the Boers twice before, two years later Setting Machine, the Cotton Gin, etc. for the next campaign, and not what he THE WOHLD’S WONDER*. Graphic descriptions, cities, etc., common rrammeticel errar«, rule- ti r ■3 pru« i ree nuucietion a»«du«e of cspitxl«, ITsllBtrert r tie few if any lace dresses worn, but for and knows full well their pluck and beauiifullv illustrated, of the Yellowstone Park. Vosen« t »s' of the world, curiou« fact« iu Daiurel iii* ’ can do for the country.” Be Offer* a Cake. «I Valley, Niagara Fails, the Alps, Paris. Vesuvius, Vei • origin of the name« of State«, aud of . once it appears that women have some­ martial qualities. She was easily vic- “What is the most preesing question Vienna, the Canons of Colorado, Mammoth Cave, Natural nnlmnls, A baker of this city is the ingenious - r work«, popular fnble«, Awriliar quotntloi ■ Bridge, Watkins Glen, the White Mountaius, etc., etc- thing to sav about what they will wear i torious in 1846, but the war oj 1881 was Inventor of a puzzle which, if placed before the people?’ riant«, dvlnr word« of famous p-r«on*. fni- M'Htl.uie*-<>f the globe, leading governiueut» »■ TH AVEL8. Descriplion«, profusely illustrated, of the life. | themselves, and suddenly this month has ' characterized by several defeats and upon the market, would be a dangerous “We want the next congress to devise iauners, custom.«, peculiar forms, rites snd ceremuuies of the etc. « blossomed out into a perfect frenzy of a closed with an armistice which eventu­ rival to “pigs in clover.” It is composed some system, and to so change the pres­ F ^rn the Above brief mmunarv of its content* Fome i »P- * w lm* o remarkably F the Above brief Mimmwry of it* content* some i luablew» rk the M ammoth cyclop .« di a is may be LAin y< t>nt a fractiouAl p»rt. ot i‘" » lace season, worse or rather more pro­ ally led to peace. The Hon. Cecil of two pieces of hard wood, about 13 ent financial system of this government iii- 'tig liR en er« at work have been nam <1. It iaa vaet atorohouMtr <>i u .«ful an«l eutert Ining k • ■* . .. _ _.ii nounced than the last was, only that it Rhodes, premier of Cape Colony, has inches long by 2 wide, joined together at as to furnish the country with an abun­ blv -»• of tho i beatand most •< valuable works < ver publi-lw«l b any la' d or bH’ffwaao. N 1 ••• ’ " •- 1 >u ‘ it. It if« a work to l>e consult*«! <*VHry day wiih legard t the vftrinua perplwxln" qu«« ‘ io. s tbnt < n. • •t’H ’ Ik is black alone for street wear. Brit tried to avert the invasion or “dampen right angles. At equal intervals on the dance of currency to supply the legiti­ • ,u i'ise in writing and conv Tsation, by th»* farmer and houa* wifo hi their dally duties an I 1‘urrr. t-, nn I tui white lace is used for trimming on house the trek," as it is termed, but the Afri­ upper surface there are four grooves or mate demands of the business of the Jnuous roadiBff no work is more cutert*in>iui or instruct! -. . dresses to an extent never before seen. kander Bund has frowned upon his ef­ holes, also smooth cardboard. The ob­ country, which we cannot get so long as I notice among the new laces this sea­ forts aud approved the movement of the ject of the puzzle is to roll a marble over the currency of the countryis controlled son the old black silk guipure lace. This Boers.- the two pieces of wood, dropping it into by a few men. I think that this is the used to be. and with reaaon, a favorite On the western hemisphere the disas­ the holes in succession. A number of paramount question. lace It never wore out, never grew trous civil war in Chili continues. The experts have tried the affair, but it still “Silver legislation would be a step in rusty, and had always a peculiarly rich insurgents have worked great havoc remains to be done, and the baker is out the right direction, but we do not be­ By special arrangement with the publisher of the M ammoth C vclopjidia , we are en­ effect. i amoug the government forces, and with an offer of a cream cake for the lieve that free and unlimited coinage abled to make to our subscribers and readers the f< llowing -extraordinary otter: We Many of the light summer ‘woolens ! rumors have at times arisen that Presi­ successful man.—Bockland (Me.) Free would give us all that is needed. We will send the MAMMOTH CYCLOi’.FIDIA complete in tour volumes as above de­ scribed, all postage prepaid, also the VALLEY itEOORD for One year upon receipt nave a flat, ungathered flounce of fine dent Balmaceda contemplated flight. If Press. want it, however, and are going to de­ of only S3.OO, which is but 50 cents more than our regular subscription price, so that French lace, about fifteen to twenty-five current reports are correct, he is well mand it We are solid for that, and I vou practically get this large and valuable work for the trilling sum of 50 jents This is Easy Shoes. great oiler, a wonderful bargain, and it is a pleasure to us to lie enabled to offer our inehes deep, around the bottom. Often equipped financially for a prolonged do not believe that there is a man be­ a readers so reni&rkable an opportunity. Through this extraordinary otter we hope to “I was surprised," commented a shop­ longing to the industrial classes of the this is headed with a fine and very nar­ residence abroad, as he is credited with 'argely increase our circulation. Please tell all your friends that they can get the row jet galloon, aud quite as often it is haring $3,000,000 at his command in per, “to notice the other day in a shoe shop country who will support any ticket that M ammoth C yclopedia in four volume* with >i year’s subscription to our paper, for only stitched oil with no heading at all. The London and Paris. But the tide of af- a clerk selling to a fashionably dressed wo­ does not stand solidly on the platform of $3.een book is intensely interesting. No Lomcshouid a vest basque in front It is very hand- latter intensified the situation by declar­ cured of chronic diarrhoea by it. Such per­ be without a set of these great aud remark­ some also and very tasteful, The back ing that the Charleston would have to sons take special pleasure in recommend­ able works. Not to have read them is to bo could be of surah, faille or any other fight for the Itata. As the Itata was no­ ing the remedy to others. The prai-e that far behind the age in which we live. The f- llows the introduction and use mates it • CHARLES DICKENS. preferred goods, but in that case it would where in sight this was a pretty safe set of Dickons’ works which we offer as a popular. 25 and 50 cent bottles fot premium to our subscribers is handsomely printed from eutirely new plates, wi b new type. require enough more of the material to threat Colored Dom-Nitic—Dtsher one dey very -a e by ail druggists. The twelve volumes contain the following world-famous works, each one of wlueb is pub­ I The Charleston coaled at Acapulco calls a •itchin ~ an' disher one day calli make up for the difference in width. lished compute, unchanged, an: ( ioiy I and), di% Csyhm, r! a (?'• an tea, ( -I the K'aa&. \ estern ca. *»>t • our gr a? i of a-. »:♦ we d<> uot Iwr ®f b- I :'. bo or at- •WM.ter I s than B T r W3 b > w • have t KX-MAYO1 DAX XLT. FKA TTY. C t> From • Pbotng-sph t«*t*n In London, 8-jree' ’ i . m . lest. c a ' e ';; t prica. Now te r’-ov« to yw-t price. yn i th t ti 1« I« - absolutely true, we woo d l»«o I r any reader o papor to ord r one of onr -es c-ValA> t bin or ptompti funded at any time within three(» yesu-s. with i at «p-cent, on either Piano or O vl '*«“» b; ly war talk ye«»a. B70 we loft home a j ..Hess pl t<»-!av we have nearly one handrr-i thousai. BeAttjria or<:uia and pihnos in use ail Ov« j wdrld. If they were not good, we could not b Fold so ma y. Could »el No, certainly i i act aad every lnetrument is fully warranted t-c ye.*!-*, to t*e nt utuXactured from the t l.iatenal market affords, or ready money car i 2,176 Pages 620 Beautiful Illustrations! Premium Offer to Subscribers to THE VALLEY RECORD. galley $em*b ffinbltehtag Co. GRAND PREMIUM OFFER! WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS, In Twelve Large Volumes, Thing, That Are Told. A gardener who has tested it for three years tells in The Home Journal that broken pieces of bone do much better than broken crockery for draining flower pots. The plants suck the fertilizing quality out of the bones and make such a vigorous growth that the plants in pots supplied with bones could told at once. John Thropc, a good authority, calls the rose Clothilda Soupert one of the most valuable introductions of many years. “It is perfect as a plant pot for market and surpasses the Hermosa as a bedding rose.” Over-sulphuring injures the texture and flavor of the fruit, as any unbiassed dried-frait-testing palate will testify. Gladiolus bulbs may be planted from day or Holiday P v*enU. Cataloeen so determined in their plans to expel ex Queen Natalie from the country, have learned to their regret that the constitution forbids such an action. The minister of the interior who should dare banish the ex-queen would be liable to an imprisonment of four years__ What number Prince Victor Napoleon should put after his name has been di» cussed One writer maintains that he is Napoleon VliL The king of Rome was Napoleon II. Louis Napoleon’s uncle Joseph was Napoleon ill. his father Louis, king of Holland. Napoleon IV. aud be himself Napoleon V The prince lmjierml was Napoleon VI. Pnnce Napoleon Napoleon VH, and pnac« Victor Napo|«Ga V1B, ¡An Old Favorite.) From th? ni.uhlin^ crowd they stood apart. The maiden* four and the Work of Art; And none might tel) from sight alone In which had C'ulture ripest grown— The Gotham Million fair to see. The Philadelphia Pedigree. The Boston Mind of Azure hue. Or the soulful Soul from Kalamazoo— For all loved Art In a seemly way. With an earnest soul and a capital Long they worshiped; but no one broke The sacred stillness until up «poke The western one from the nameless plac< Who blushing said. "What a lovely vace!” Ovex three faces a sad smile flew, And they edged away from Kalamazoo. But Gotham's haughty soul was stirred To crush the stranger with one small word. Deftly hiding reproof 1 n praise. She cries. “’TLs. indeed, a lovely vaze.”' India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per­ manent cure of Consumption. Bronchitis. Ca’arrb, Asthma and all throat and lung affect'ons al-o a po-itive and radical cu e for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com­ plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it hi- duty to make it known to his suf­ fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it this recipe, in German, French or Engli-ii. with full directions for preparing and us ing. Bent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 82u Powers’ Block, Rochester, N. Y. An elegant line of jewelry, watches, clocks, etc., to select from at J. 8. Muller’s. It will pay parties living elsewhere to make a triphere' and inspect before purchasing elsewhere. We guarantee every article as represented or will refund money.—McConnell A Win­ ter. NICHOLAS NICKELBY, TATIONS, DOMBEY AND SON, THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP AND BLEAK HOUSE, THE UNCOMMERCI AL TRAVELER, LITTLE DORRIT, A TALE OF TWO CITIES. --------- -------- HARO OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, TIME8 AND THE MYSTERY OF I EDWIN DROOD. PICKWICK PAPERS, The above are without question the meet tamous novela that were ever written. For a quarter of a century they have been celebrated iu every nook aud corut-r of the eiviliaed world. Yet there are thousands of homes in America not yet supplied with a *• t < f Dickt-us, the usual high cost of the Ixxiks ¡ reveuting people in moderate cireiinis'anctH ironi • njoying this luxury. But now, owing to the use of modern improved ¡»riiitiug, f Idiua-and k iieimu: machinery, the extremely low price of white paper, and the great couq* titiot, m the L ■ k trade, we are enabled to offer to our subscribers and readers a s' t v ourselves, al.*<> the VALI.EY REC­ ORD OXE YEAH, upon receipt of $3 10. which is only 60 cents more than the Dissolution of Co-Partnership regular for subscription price of this pajier. Our readers, therefore, practically get a set of Dickens' works in twelve volumes for only 60 cents. This is the grandest premium ever With the consciousness of two grandpapas. 'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVE» that the •offered. Up to this time a set of Dickens' works has u.-uaHy l»een $10.00 or more. Tel! Exclaims. “It la quite a lovely rahsT* co-partnership existing between the all your friends that they can eet a set of Dickens work*, in twelve volumes, with a year’s subscription to the V ai . lky K fj obp for only $3.10. Subscribe nowJimi get tlq^ un