VALLEY RECORD ▲BHLANDOa .Tut-aaozv, June 11 IdBTL The People's Paper Sir John A. McDonald. Canada’s dis­ tinguished statesman, died Sunday. Michael Ds vi tt, the Irish politician and editor, arrived in San Francisco with his wife last week. The new people's party have held a convention in Iowa and put in a state ticket. Gen. James B. Weaver was chairman of the platform committee. Of the military wagon road decision the Lakeview Examiner says: The men who stole all these aagon road lands are resting easy. They know that the Dolph bill made it im;mMible for them to lose the land, after so many men( T) had per­ jured themselves as to the completion of the road. __ "The life and Political History of Syl­ vester Peunoyer, Governor of Oregon,” ia just out. ft is a neat book of forty paces and gives interesting sketches of the governor’s career. As the work waa prepared by local historians it has an ad­ ditional interest. Tlie work will be large­ ly circulated in the East, as well as in the Northwest.—Ex. Feats of gastronomy are not of frequent occurrence in Oregon, but when such does occur it sets the standard high. The Yaquina Post tells of a citizen of that place, one A. J. Rader, who aston­ ished his friends bv swallow ing no leas than tweaty-six raw eggs in less than five minutes. If Mr. Rader had only completed his repast with a few quarts of milk and a nutmeg, wbat a fine large custard pis he would have made. The Alta aaya it died of too much de­ cency, honor, courage and virtue. If the Alta’s conclusions are correct thia must be a sorry old world. The trouble with the Alta is what aila many other papers, it waa too high-toned. A paper atiould get right down where the people are, if it wants to do well and be readable and popular. Sitting in a corner growing at the world and making envioua remarks about other newspaper enterprises ia very poor business and doesn’t pay. The Roseburg Review thus remarks: The Reflector, published by the students of tbs Oregon State University, asks; "Why can’t we have a college yell?” Probably because you failed to have the legislature make an appropriation for that purpose. And it is altogether too bad that the youth of our fair state must furnish their education and go out into the cold, cold world to battle with the realites ol life snd not be sble to make a distinctive college yell. Passenger Train DeraHe*l. The Chicago Tnbune, in commenting on Dr. Brinkerhoff's case, says [lertinett- ly and forcibly: “The purpose of an advertisement is to bring those who want something in contact with those who have that something to dispose of. The physician's advertisement would answer the same purpose The patient wants to be healed. The advertisement would acquaint Iti:n with the doctor who could heal him, and who had the skill to deal with his special case. This is not puffery or quackery. On the hand, it looks very much like humanity." Catarrh in the Head Balaam and Boaz Were Wise. ! Turn again to Ruth iv, 4, and you will find that,Boaz, in connection-with a real Estate of John Roten—Order fo’’ sale estate transaction in which he was in­ ol real property. t terested, expressed himself as a judicious Efitate of Sarah A. Fouiyce—Order aj»- advertiser. " • pointing July 7, 1881, as day of final set­ tlement . They Are Thoroughly Read. Estate of Joe. W. Hatterfield—Sixth The advertiser gets more for his money semi-annual statement filed and ap- now than formerly, because the greater proved. attractions of the newspapers increase Estate of Baptiste Cbegar—Semi-an- i the number of newspaper readers, and nual account approved. besides the newspapers are read more Estate and guardianship of Alexander thoroughly now than ever before. The and Warren Rainey—First semi-annual advertising columns are an interesting exhibit filed and approved; feature of well conducted newspapers, Estate of Jesse Dollarbide—Order of anti are read about as generally as the continuance until July 2,1891. news columns.—Savannah News. Estate of E. Babcock—Ordered that July 7th be fixed as day of final settle­ The Local Paper's the Tiling. ment. _ That the local press is by far the best The Weather and Fruit Pests means of advertising the advantages of a Oregonian, 10th.1 town or city is a recognized fact The The cool showers of the past week and real estate men of Texas held a conven­ chilly nights, while not what the berry tion a short time ago, and among other growers wanted and hardly what was to things done they agreed that the very be expected at this season, may have best way for towns to advertise them­ proved beneficial to fruit growers. A selves was through the medium of the well-known orchardist said yesterday local press.—Ijexington (Va.) Gazette. that he believed that such weather as we have had of late would do more in the How to Make It Pay. way of destroying insect pests such as If you would advertise to influence moths than all the paris green in the country. This state has been very free others you should prepare such an ad­ from peats of this kind nntil within the vertisement as you think would influ­ last few years, and even now is free of ence you. Have it set in a sort of type them compared with Eastern states. that is easily read. Place it in the best The warm sjtell of a week ago brought paper available, and advertising will al­ out all kinds of flying and creeping ways pay.—Yonkers Statesman. things, and the chances are that but few of them survived the late chilly nights. Exceptions Prove the Rule. If this is the case, there should not be so The argument against advertising that many wormy apples this season as lMt. it does not always pay is as senseless as Real Estate Transfer»«. the argument against eating food be­ A B Seal to Geo Chamberlain—lots 6 and cause 6oine foals have made themselves 7 blk 1, Cottage add to Medford; also lot 4 blk 17, Beatty add to Medford; also lot 7 sick eating some kinds of it.—American Advertiser Reporter. blk 1, Cottage add ta Medford; $100. I’robwte Court. insurgent party only lacks guns and am­ A Mercliant’a Opinion. munition to wipe out the tvranical and Mr. John Caraghar, a merchant at Car- autocratic cur, President Balmaceda, j aghar. Fulton Co., Ohio, says that St. Pat- who now lias the right to suspend public 1 rick’s l*ills are the liest selling pills he 1 handles. The reason ia that they produce meeting and the liberty of the press, be­ a pleasant cathartic effect and are certain sides putting people in jail or under and thorough in their action. Try them when you want a reliable catharic. For heavy bonds to keep them from declar­ sale by all druggists. ing their soul is their own. Tlie Cricket Plague of Siskiyou. Very liberal terms were offered to rail­ Yreka, Cal., Journal.] road builders by the last legislature, ex­ , The warm weather of the past few days empting all their property from taxation I seems to have revived the cricket plague for a period of five years, if constructed 1 which monoi>olizc8 the entire northern portion of Shasta Valley, also other sec­ within two years from the passage qf the tions along the south side of Klamath set. Several companies were immedi­ river. The lubberly hoppers have even ately formed, with the ostensible pur- crossed the Klamath river bridge to feed lest land m Jackson coun­ ty—fruit or garden—to be sold in tracts to suit. Fifty acre or upward tracts:— One half down' balance on time. - ZE. ¿T FARLOW. S3000 OREGON. THE OREGON LAND COMPANY,¡ at oor WIW linaofwork. Mi MM1IL V ra;.,.! V a>«d h.uorabij, by those of IWI ! B IV F” ■ d’* ' ' ’ r «nd in their ■ M 1 ■'■Titi**s,'\her-ver they live. Any «.’J"r”n KLk. Til IT. .. Al Gt blA. I a ISK. Read the “Record’s” Premiums. r ! ■ ’ ' L «tonn.30 a year is made by John fl. Ooodwin.Troy.N.T.ptf work f«»r ue. Render, you me y u»l indie at auu>b,Lut we rpn Ä leech you quickly l»ow toearn from f 6 to » f 10 a day ut the »tnrt, and luoir utf go .AB mi , Both sexes, *11 ug< ». Ji< part of America, you -. MAINT- TAKE THE RECORD. to