f J VALLET RECORD. Prof. C B. Price waa in the city dat- i urday. L. J. Marek ia now paatmaaUr at Etna, thia county. Rev. Father Walry celebrated rnaaa at' Biakiyos Bandar. The cenaoa of Ixiedon «hows tbe popu- , lation to bt 4^'H^tei. Z. Mazav oi California baa opene>i a candy manufactory at Msdiord. Horn on Rorue river May 26. to Mr. and Mr». Thea. ILweon, a daughter A ami was born to the wife of L. Hen­ derson of Woodrilte one ur sahsfartion. and you wonder what Geo Stanley, who to clerking for Jones ails you. You should heed the warning, A Otten, spent last week visiting bis you are taking the first step into nervous &ro-t rat ion. You need a nerve tonic and > Iks in Ashland. i El«wtric Bitter» you will find tbe exac’ The fietMion for a rebearing in tire remedy for restoring your nervous systeui helms vs. Gilroy r-aas, was overruled in j to it« normal, healthy condition. Surpria- ! ing result» follow the use of this great nervi- the supreme mart. tonic and alterative. Your appetite return», Gen. ksiawell K. mm -11 A. Alger and Warner good digestion te restore«l and the liver Miller of New York have h »tart«si 1 and kidney- rew«me healthy action. Try a lor tbe Pacific coaat. I bottle Price 50c. at Chitwood Bro». >t.,l. . , . a Authors. Ope <4 I m > la t P turn of Marabal von Moltke v.'a-*n reply to a circular tetter WiM atiawberriea, a crop which to al­ ./M E rne«t Smith'a containing the fol ways large in Rovtte river valley, are un­ lowing q.iestiou 'What hooka have ex «vetted the greatest influence upon your usually prolific this yssr. ■iind?* The Marshal replied Mrs. H. B. Hendri«-ks and «laughter, I take pleasure tn nallsfyin« the desire which Bfias Els, are visiting in Ashland thia ,oa bar. axpretuM-d. and I rend yon a list of U m week.—Roseburg Review. work» which. I think, hart bad the greatest in- fltM-txe upon me L poo this subject 1 wish to J. H. «stoson baa sold 1000 tons of new tell yon that I read the "Iliad" when I war timothy bav to Leland, the Sisson lum­ only nine ir«rr old r.f eourec, a translation ber man, for $12.50 per ton. Tour», eu.. M oltks . Field Marshal. L. C. Rodenberger haa been appoint«*«) The letter was written in German in special policeman of Central Point. He the handwriting of the count, and the knows bow to take his man. fist in French, a» follows. La Bible, (lomere, Qiade. Littrow Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Hansen of Medford have taken their daughter to San Fran­ Lex Merveillea du Ciel. Liebig. Lettres cisco for treatment for a.hip -“■m«-. mu la Chimie Agncole, Clausewitz. Sur Uomlnctor Frank Mntthews waa on ia Guerre. Schiller, Goethe,Sliatoeepeare r» veral trips last week in place of Jack WniterHnott Kaiike Carlyle Anatay, who «-aught a cimter in hi» eye Spent Twelve Year* at Home. A rare example of filial devotiou is Janie- No ria can fumteh you all kind» of finishing luieher. mouldings, window», that displayed by Miss Julia Redmon, ot door». »a»h. etc. I^ave order» ai W N. Qubuqne, la. For twelve years she ha-c Luckey’« not beeu half a block from her home. TJ»e new people’, pa irtv will put 600 During liiat time she has enjoyed per­ ape .kers to work In Oli 'hfo. This __ UieMUM __ _ fect health. Her conduct is due to the «tenth ami «lestru« torn to Bill McKinley f«ct tiiat she has been a constant attend­ ami John Sherman, ant on an invalid mother, wbj died the O. C Richmond, father of the editor other day. Miss Redmon has since of the Oakland, Or., Observer, waa in vlmted the bwdness part of the city. It tbe city Saturday engaging dfliel? fruits, had grown out of her recollection. She canne«l gooto, et«'., for the San Francisco | tenuw thirty-two years old. maftst. Miaa Rrwa Wilaon to dreoamaking at Hornbrook ami Mtoa Sophie to teaching •eboui at ft. Klamath. Button« Mad« from the Potato. A new field of usefulness has opened lor the humble but necessary Irish po­ tato. Its value as au article of food is recognixol tho world over. It now ac­ quires added importance from the dis­ covery that it is a splendid material of which to make battens. It becomes al­ most as hard «»stone when treated with certain acids, and when made into but­ Bybee Bros. starte«l for Crater lake with a band of about 2000 alieep last tons of various colore can be distin­ week. It has been raining since they I guished from horn, ivory or bone only left and it to presnme«l the flock will be , by experts.____________ i thinned oat eotne.*—Enterprise. Two raters out of a job are at present Huntington and Arlington are the only wosfag fortune on the green cloth at two towns in Oregon ever visited bv a . l Moots Carlo. One to Dom Pedro of rvdone, and thia occurred last week, Bnafl and ths other Milan of Servia. blowing a few flimsy buildings to the: ground and .Injuring several persons, Aaeldents of a Day. though non« of them seriously. Lw ba rematn tiered by Cmductor Shannon Oonser, who sus­ the police, the ambulance and the hospi­ tained a «minpound fracture of one of hto tal surgeons and the police headquarters levs in the Lake Lahtoh wreck will have telegraph operators as one conspicuous to have that member amputated. Hto I by reason of the number of accidents hosts of friends sympathize with him in and incidents in which the police had to hto affliction. act. 8ixty-eight dispatches announcing The grand jury failed to indict J. W. ties, accidents and crimes were posted Harrington forth© killing of A J. Frank. I in the telegraph bureau, and the mis­ Ex-Judge Harria an«l J. H. Derevan who hap to humanity numbering more than indulged in a little pistol practice at each fifty, and comprised slight injuries, other not long aim, ,1»; escaped indict­ fractured Itabs and fatalities.—New ment . —Alturas Herald. York Tim«. Bee the new lot ot boy»' »hoes, only $1.50» per pair, at O. H. Blount's. A Missouri man, whose name is with­ O. J. Willard, a she<>p man over on held from the public, offers to furnish Rogue river the other day was attracted tbs World's fair management with “Billy by the plaintive bleat of one of his lambs the Kid's" famous and deadly gun. Billy up a tree. Upon investigation he raw was only tweaty-oue years old when he hia 'aithfnl «log had a cougar up a tree. died, but the stock of his gun contained A rifle shot brought down the cougar twenty-one notches, cut there by the with the lamb still in its ntouth owner to represent the number of the Htopand our Pongee and batines at weapon’s victims. C. O.D. Emporium. The lowest rate on record, five cento a bushel, to tieing charged for carrying wheat from Chicago to New York. Tbe grain is taken by lake to Buffalo, thence by tid« water to the Erie Canal. The lake boats get 1 *, cents, tbe Buffalo el­ evators seven-eights of a cent and the Erie Canal boats the remainder. Nothing hut ca»h trade »oHcited at O H. Blount*«. JACKSON M. Lambert, who married into the Rothschild family a few years ago, is to become the head of the Paris house of that famous firm upon the death of ‘ ‘ - * M. Baton Alphonse de Rothschild, lambert is now known as Albert de Rothschild. RAILROAD JOTTINGS. FKUIT FRESH FOREVER. • ■ Mow to Cure the lph, The Boston and Albany directors have or seme other trastrei allv of the roone.v- elected the Hon. E D. Hayden, of Wo­ e«l and corporation tribe. burn, Maas, vice president, secretary Eastern svrup. codfish, chipped Iteef, and clerk of the board, to succeed James miitce meet, at The C. G Co.'» .»tore. A. Rumerill. resigned. Dr. Ream was summoned to Horae At the meeting of the stockholders of «-reek, Kl.tmstli river last Wednesday to' the Tennessee Coal. Iron and Railroad , Lt er <1 an Indian who ba It has been remarked that Hebrews do 18x24 inches, 2'KnowV»dge is prohablv not acquaint«*«! with our should rates from Wisconsin points to upon his race.—Pittsburg Bulletin. game laws, recently startoi out quail stations in Illinois be lower than the decides tariff controversies, seems to be hunting on Mart Hurst's place. He saw rates from Chicago to such stations. thoroughly possessed with the notion Lord Melbourne’» Way of Sayiug It, a fine thick anil firing into the hunch kill- The tariffs will also be revised on that The death of Lord Minto makes a va­ that it must squeeze out the highest pos­ «•«t nine. Upon picking up hto game he basis cancy in the Order of the Thistle for sible duty in every case. Most people fouixi tlttt thev were spring chickens The common pleas court at Philadel which a number of names are men­ vonld consider a jewsharp a toy; but as Hr e«rt the entire fl,» k hut the ohi hen got away it «-ost one «lollar to satiate phia has decided that the Pennsylvania tioned. that of Lord Strathmore being toys bear a duty of 35 per cent, in the the desire of the owner anil Mr. Hersher Railroad company is not liable for bag ; prominent. The order consists of twenty deKinley law, and “manufactures of may consider himself tav applying Chamberlain s Pain Balm cures Piles, or no pav required. It is trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it safely. For sale by the Uvuigstoue Chem­ The relief it affords to* alone worth many 4 tiveiv guaranteed to give perfect' satisfaction, or a fair trial It is guaranteed everv lime, or ical Co., manufacturers,ban Francisco, Cat A1“ r?.‘.e‘ "?nwbtSh1 refunded. Price 25 cents per box. 1 money refunded. Trial bottles' free at 1 1 money “•”^ ‘<■“¡■■^'"-2' I Chitwood Bros.’ drugstore. For »ale by T. K. Bolton. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year ................................................... $2 50 Six months ............................................... 1 M Three months............................................ 75 Advertising rates given on application. Local notices 15c per line for first inser- ’ tion and 8c (or each subsequent insertion. Obitnaiy lines, memorial resolutious, cards of thanks, etc., at half rates. • J^R. J. H. Making Iler Jealous. are engaged to Mr. Spaits. ing Claase“ Applies to Carpet Wool*. Jtti-s Roxy (frigidly)—Well, sir? Who makes our tariff laws? It is usu­ Dolley—1 have no wish to offend, but ally supposed tb.yj the members of oon- gresa who vote for them are the makers I if snch is the case 1 deem it my duty to of them. This to true oulv £<> a certain infpnu you of something which you exteut. for the beneficiaries of the tariff ought to U dow ■Mi- Roxy—Wbat to the.uature of it? in many cases write into the tariff bill Dolley —Mr. Spatts has another sweet­ the duties which they want. Thus by “ways that are dark aud tricks th^t are heart. vain" the tariff bill gets iuto the hourf « Mias Roxy—Sir! llow dare you say sucn a thing? of representatives and is voted upon by DolKy—I am but repeating what 1 the average memtier, who never suspects • bow many different handwritings were hetord Sli-s Roxy (interrupting)—! would ad- to be found in the original draft of the« bill, pnt there by meu financially inter yire you not to believe everything you esterl in getting high* duties and ob*'* bear irresponsible people say. diently accepte«! by their political friends __ Dailey—I have this on unquestionable authority. on tbe ways and mean« committee. Miss Roxy (sarcastically) — Indeed! After these protected interests get their duties voted into law they are usually Would you mind naming your authority Dolley—Certainly not. It was Mr silent—are like “Bre’r Rabbit, he "lay low." Not always so, Lowever. Judge Spatts himself Mias Rcxy—Oh, you are certainly mis Lawrence, tbe Ohio political shephente has recently boasted of toing the-anthor ’ taken Dolley—Not at all. I can produce at of the wool schedules- bf ths McKinley law. In that law to a dense called the least ten men who heard him say only “sorting claiiBe,"..which*Tirovides that! yesterday that he had a sweetheart the duty on wool "which has been aort* whom he was going to marry soon, aud ed or increased iu value by the rejectio^ the name he mentioned was not yours. Miss Roxy—What was the name of of any part of the original fleece shall ’ the creature be twice the duty to which it would I», otherwise subject” . ’ -• . Dolley—Rooney, I believe—Little An­ When the McKinley bill was under nie Rooney, he called her. affectionately —Harper’« Bazar discussion it was understood by the" car­ pet maiiufuiturers that this language* Many cuii. • J,pies of the Bilile are was meant to apply to clothing wools, known te boo* collectors, but the only which bear specific ditties—not to carpet one absolnlely unique belongs to Dr. R. wools, where the duties are ad valorem T. William'1, of London It is written and of course increase with the value of ia tsitorth:- the wool. Now, however, Judge Law rence hascome forward and has had Sec­ retary Foster to decide that this “sort­ ing clause" applies also to carpet wools. Judge Lawrence says, “1 wrote the sort­ ing clause and I know that it was so in­ — The virtue« or tended to apply.” merits of a remedy for pain do not By the operation of this clause some consist in its l>eing kinds of carpet jvools now imported will as good for relief a» other icwrure. remedies, ou» but _ • ' uuici have to bear double duty, which will lw-lhe fact that it is better, in being more > " . --------- - ------- perhaps prevent their importation alto prompt aud sure, and I therefore - ................ the best for gether. The East India wools are alwayfl ib»jmecific purpu-e. 1 It is not an idlo catch- te eye Uihe that «trikes the . thus: sorted before shipment. A leading man­ ufacturer says of these wools, “They are of great importance to us; we use large quantities ot them exclusively for car-, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, pets." IS THE BEST. Acorn, omparisou of these double duties It 1« the best cure rir all aches and pain«, on soi >rted carpet wool with the duties and it holds prevailing before the McKinley law was passed will show the quality ot Judge THE TRUE PROOF. To this specific fai t Arclibisliopfl, Bish« Lawrence’s worth. The old duty On care pet wool was cents a pound wnere the ops« Clcrgryinen, lawyers, Doctors, G ot * value was 12 cents a pound or less, and 5 ernors. General*, Senators. Members ot Congress and Legislatures, U. S. Consuls, cents a pound on wool worth more than Army and Nnvy Officer* Mayors and 13 cents. These duties were equal to 25 Officials, testify chd unite in saying» “We and 30 per cent, ad valorem, respective­ suffered pain; ly. Judge Lawrence had both duties OTH25» REMEDIES F Al LEO, changed to ad valorem duties—32-per cent, on wool worth leas than 18 c^nta, and St. Jacobs Oil cured promptly and per* uaoently ” For the same reason and 00 per cent, above that. Sorted: wool THE POOR MAN will now pay 64 aud 100 per cent What makes these duties all the more flsda wlsat he wet’ and Deeds, is not deceived absurd is that we raise practically no and will hn-<- t at r.nj price. carpet wool, finding it moire profitable to pi oduce clothing wool. More than three- fourths of our wool imported is carpet wool. Page after page, and line on line. Here gem«of thought in beauty thine: The loving hands and gifted powers Of daughter* fair have culled these flowers To note the round of natal days. And crown each one with fancy's lay« Among such pearls of grace and tame 1 count it blest to write one's nunxe- a Imprint it 'mid the orient themes, Transfigured by rare Edwin's dream». O. E. B. The book was sent to its fair owner, who noticed that the admiral's stauza was very near one written by the com mander of the British Asiatic squadron She called her father’s attention to the coincidence, aud be proceeded to im­ mortalize it in this fashion: TO MY DACGHTKR. (On receiving complimentary vsraee from Admiral Belkuap. commandur-tn-chlef of the United States Asiatic squadron, and Admiral Sir Nowell Salmon, commanding her majesty’s Çhinasquadron. 1 . - - ------- -- - The Wladow Gias* Trust. O happy maid, whom two great llags conspire To honor, blending snch melodious posies! Tho window glass manufacturers have When admirals rhyme, the muse unstrings her gotten together and put up prices. The lyre. And binds in pride their Mayflowers anti fact is thus commented upon in the ed­ itorial columns of the Boston Journal of their roses. • E dwin A rnold . Commerce: “The efforts an the part of 1 think Arnold's epigram as dainty a the window glass manufacturers to ad­ bit of verse as 1 have read for a long vance their product have been success­ W E. S. Faut». time. fol, and that article was advanced in price this week 15 or 20 per cent, on pre­ A Bachelor Converted. One of the standard toasts at most of vious quotations. This advance is the our important and many of the informal outcome of more or less agitation of the dinners here has been, “The ladies— subject by the makers. There has for a God bless them!" and the response is long time been a division of opinion on usually made by Mr. John R. Van the part of producers whether it was ad­ Wormer, who is a witty, rapid, ener­ visable, and not until recently was the getic speaker, and whose comments as a question decided.” The tariff, we are assured, is for the confirmed bachelor upon the charms of the other sex are always a delight to purpose of developing home competition, hear. Mr. Van Wormer is probably and thus bringing prices down; but the known to as many politicians and promi­ high tariff journal just quoted goes on nent men as any person of hto years in to say: “It is to fye hoped that an ar­ New York. He was for a long time in rangement by the various makers of intimate relations with Senator Conk­ window glass can be formed strong ling, serving as the clerk of hto commit­ enough to keep prices up, for the market tee and as his private secretary. He was has lieen in a terribly unsettled state the also chief clerk of the postoffice depart­ past year through rate cutting.” The duty on window glass ranges from ment when General James was post­ master general, and is now the manager If to 3J cents per pound, according to of the largest safe deposit company in size, the ad valorem equivalents ranging from 68 to 142 per cent Notwithstand­ the city. But Mr. Var Wormer will no longer ing er week for each Individual. (50) BYRON COLE. P bopkietok . The best Stock, Ilog, Rabbit anti chicken Fence. Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel »0 YOU WANT Wire O SAVE from 25 to 50 cent» on every dollar you spend? If so, write for our T Illustrated Catalogue, containing illustra­ tions and prices of everything manufact­ ured in the United States, at manufactur­ ers’ prices. CONTINUOUS TWIST of the WIRE. ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. SHLOETVEJAHST. ASHLAND, OREGON. ORMO «EMAIL M PPLV (’•„ PILES! Railway Company. Between Medford and Jack­ sonville. Front Medford to Jacksonville. Leave Jacksonville 8:30 a. m 1:00 p. m. 5:-»0 p m. Leave Wlietrock 8:40 a. m. 1:12 p. nt. 5:48 p. m. Leave Harbaugh’s 8:43 a m. 1:17 p nt. 5:51 p nt. Leave Davisville 8:50 a. m. 1:27 p. ni. 5:55 p. m. Arrive at Medford 9:00 a m. 1:40 p. nt. • 6:00 p m. Leave Medford 10:00 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m. Leave Davisville 10:10 a in. 2:12 p m. 7:30 p m. Leave Harbaugh's 10:17 a m 2:30 p. ni. 7:41 p. m. Leave W betrock 10:20 a ni. 2:25 p. in. 7:45 o. in. Arrive Jacksonville 10:30 a, m. 2:40 p. m. 7:55 p. m. EAST AND SOUTH —VIA— P. 8.—!•••Four Cent Stamp when writing Letters of inquiry. Shasta Line. N A VOTTKTG- surveyor . xi. 1 u udì vr, an(j Government Land Locator. to Express Trains Leave Fortland Uaily. South I I North 7:0C p m Lv Portland Ar | 9:35 a in 10:20 a m Ar ‘ Ashland Lv 6:40 p ni AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac­ 10:50 a m Lv Ashland Ar | 6:10 p m tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the 10:15 a tn Ar SanFranciscoLv i 7:00p in best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 Above trains stop only at following »ta- tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Snedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc­ tion City, Irving, Eugene Itoaeburg Mail Dally. JACKSONVILLE, z ODD LEG-OUST. H PICTURES of YOURSE li - FAMILY LEAVE 5:40 p m 4:60 pin ARRIVE: ! Portland foOOpm Albany Albany....... 5:00am | Portland LOGAN’S GALLERY (jHEt.ON ARRIVE 8:00 a m i Roseburg 6:20 am I Portland Albany Local, Daily,(Except Sunday.) ■ TÆJLY BE HAD JLT Carpenter and Builder leave : ! Portland Roseburg —-OR— W. HONEYMAN. President. O. R. Buckman 178 West Van Buren St., Chicago, Ill. mayl4’91 The old DUTCH PILE REMEDY will be Bent to any address by remitting $5.00. This is not a patent medicine but is made fresh for every case. A written guarantee accompanies each supply with fall directions for wing. send money I v express, postal note or registered letter, describ­ ing fully the nature of I he Piles, and how long you have been troubled with them. This re med?’ lias been in use over 2d0 years in Holland. Address, HOLLAND PILE REMEDY CO., 205 Second street. Portland. Or. TIME SCHEDULE From Jacksonville to Medford. 10,000 Illustrations, all lines represented 19“Cheaper than a Rail Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger than CATALOGUE mailed free on applica­ arb Wire Fence. Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. tion. Address, W orks on N orth S ide or R. R. C rossing . H elman S treet . Rogue River Valley A shland Co.’s FREIGHT AND FAKES the LOWEST Five CHAS. S. GRAVES, . LINE SHORT Bras» and Iron Nails, Awls, Cement, Wax, Etc., Etc., Etc. THE % • Developement STEAMERS. ■X' n»5 91] BOWDITCH. A shland ,....................................... O regon . ARRIES IN .STOCK everything in the Porpoise Laces, 5 cents per pair. Leather by the side, cheap. T. J JLI LEGIST G- 25 Ceuts per Pair. - O regon . - - Will practice In all the courts of the State Office opposite the court house. AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Half Soles OgXuoN. |ROBERT A. Ml ILER. -------- and------- town. SURGEON. A shland All Kinds of New Work shoemaking line, with prices cheaper C than any other place in and (N ine Y ears in H ospital P ractice .) 8T- JACOBS OIL IÒE HALL, I 9:00 p m 9;00a iu PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. 10 VRIST SLEEPING CARS For accommodation of Second Class Pas­ sengers, attached to Express Trains. Finished in Style Equal to Repairing will Receive Broinpt Attention. AWARDED FIRST PRIZES AT SOUTHERN OREGON STATE PAIR WEST SIDE DIVISION. Between Portland and Corvallis. MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) H ron TOhllC Will U« BMi tMRlatflthe Llwr and KM mj « and IU*tar« th* ■••lib u4 Iic»r.f Ytotoih Dyspepeta, Want of Appetite. Indiaostion, ’ nek of Strength and Tired "eeHcg absolute! y cured. Bonea, muBciea and nerve* reoeivfl new force. Enliven*th* mlod supplies Brain Power. Buffering from complaint« LADIES TOKIO a saf* *nd speedy cure. Gives a clear, heap thy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit» THE “ENGER” BUGGY er. HASTSS MSDIC4NB CO.. *to ARE1VEB ____ leave ARRIVE Portland 4:4<>|, >i> M'.Minnville 7 j«m M'Minnville 5:45am 1 Portland .8:20am 7\5k yolir bçalçr for it Nçatçjt ir\ Ir\5iSt oi\ ÊÇ5t ir\ F\aVii\<2 bçsiSA- * f ii\ish, T H k • Hi H TIC k E T X Í» all point k EAST AID X#LTH. For tickets and full information regarding rates, maps, etc., call on company's agent at Ashland. R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS. Manager. Asst G. F. & Pass. Agt S AV E Y 0 U R fully £üarai\tççà. J\ll bçalçrs l\aVç tt\çn\. Kt4- Should your little one be taken TQ-HlGWi 'v,* r> Me?nbr*). ’ Ouup, wbat would jou do? I coiud iull/e? NONE PRICES QUOTE» ON APPLICATION. ■ KeiTirb- 8.1 tuple Dose and Dream Book! Mmailed on receipt ef two cent* in poetare. F leaves : Portland. 7:30 am i Corvelli». 12:10 p m Corvallis. 12:55 p ni ! Portland. 5:30 pm At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) CR