TALLEY BECOBD VALLEY RECORD. PKI-4W4ED BRICKK. <»ua Godfrey baa gone to Portland Nelson Nye la visiting bis father at Coo. bay. Union < aMirnere Sack Suit* at Garrick* only 54At) There are now 672 patients in the state insane aevlum V0L* IIL Dr. Roh- of West Virginia, will locate in Eagle Point Fre«h vegetable», fruit* and < hee*e at McConnell y. Nothing is so graceful and pleasing in a picture of a stout lady uh a sitting Creed A Son’s well-boring machine, in half length, the figure ao turned as to a ten Imur run on a well on Tom Riley’s Eagle Point farm, got down to a depth of hide the 1*x> too stoutness. Again, if yon are slim and angular, do not for an 44 feet. instant forget tliat a full h ngtli figure If you have found some one who knows will make yon appear more «lim and liow to scratch your hack just where it angular. Then tbe pretty bust picture Ip-hee vou have come pretty near finding ja your only hope an<| yoq should insist yoqr affinity on having no other. Mrs. Geo. bartlett of Roseburg, wife of If a gentleman has a very long neck— the Southern Pacific conductor, is visit­ uo matter how nicely lie looks in a high ing her mother, Mrs. M. M. Cooksey, at collar—his ptetare if taken in such a Central Point. high affaii would look grotesque. A Burrage. Pomerov A Thielsou last week short neck ami high collar, a long neck commenced operations at their extensive and low tm neit down Vollarhv alnneaus. U iim ledga st Rock Point, which has laid ' No lond i.tripes, no great checks, n<: idle for two years. striking figur< s should be worn in a Burrell Miller, O. A. Hubbard, Wm. photograph. One thing bear in mind Baton mi and Chas. < twees left Medford ! when yon visit the studio—tiring along lest week bv team for Ridker city to re­ your horn«- expression. Don’t spend two main all summer. days Itefore you come to the studio prac­ China is redeeming the respect of the ticing p»ws> aiul different expressions be United Hfatee. It has refused to recog fore your mirror, and, lastly, give the nise Rlnir aa United States minister to photographer the benefit of «•zeroising the Flowery Kingdom. his lyrtisti« gnd professional ability.— |!he MethodWM are tuiDcipawng a tine Photographer in Ladies’ Home Journal. time at their protracted camp meeting, to EleetrieHy Catrhes Eleplrants. begin June 11th at the county lair A novel appliiaHtou pt plectncity has grounds near Cen;raH*oipt, recently been made in elephant catching. tjeo. A. Jackson, ^no^n to taipe a« At a raesoc rapture pf forty pf these ani f‘the »aterinelon man,1’ will have forty mala, when tlie last of their unwieldy acre» ot millions to market thia fall. He has « new fruit orchard that bear» ibis Ushea bad pass. -«I (bn entrance into the Kliedda. tiin signal for barring their exit year. van given, instantaneously and without Will Miller and Joe Pierce were up a word spouen. by means of an electric from the countv neat Friday evening to attend the “bleeding heart” farewell wire. It is only a short time since petro dance given John lenders on hi» depart­ leuiu supeiw-d««! native vegetable oils for lighting throughout the bazars and ure for Seattle village» of India. Electricity is now Gent's furnuihiiig go*1*!» and neckwarc at taking the place both of petroleum ar at Garrick'« at |>anic price». coal gas in the great .«pin,ni»g tactories, Johnathan Woodruff, a Roseburg pio- aeFr; played )|>e fife hi a itrian Coj-pa in for which is is’ ¡taculiarly’suited in a hot Lhe campaign of Gen. W. H . l^arnadn at Climate, owing to its tjoolueM and ab­ Evansville, Ind-, in 184Q. He will go to sence of smell.—Philadelphia I*edg^ Portland to reueiyp lienny. of the world . ^leu;» } a8Kimife »ults at Garrick:». Kgg pi«) price how p* AMI nq the Jxiogh, the fair fruit hung, Mrs. M. Turpin, the prohibition and pureuiA by the wind and kissed by 'he can, woman suffrage advocate front Kansas .And sWbàdtr» ¡»low as ft «wrung . hi , ot reach wlio came out to visit numeroua relstlves Ono |on«cd for a tast« ot •* luscious a peach. In Jackson county, is now visiting at One J nel as prrfect was lying lielow Enoch Walker's and will probably re- Where the ti< Bio wind to«««d It hour, ago; maln in this valley IU tiula uà d:duty, its form aa round. Men'« c««'rm ire «»eg suit» only £! at But nobody cared for it lay on the ground. Garrick's. It is erar the fruit that is just beyond reach, The Portuguese miner who was drown- Bo it fame or honor, or lot e or a peach *ql on th«* Phi» Mott claim on the Klam- Tat uaa .cngo >u. the myu -'viti tre prver will kqv*, krii i-itri near Honolulu was found'‘yes.- fat be seortui fit pick where the trull grow» tan lay morning floating in an eddy at the law. -Ada upper end of Samuel White’s place.— I * -cet in New York Herald. Xrefca Tvle^ram, 3d. Men'« worsted Hut.«, former price I'-!’» now 310 at Ganick's, Mcl'alh* Block. The supreme court gi]«taincd the gain* Itiing i-a«e imiii tiiient neainst T. J. Me- Iktnirl, appealed from Lake eountv. MeDaniel has disappeared and is proi>- ably ,000 prune trees, mostly French and Italian, and50,000 jmaeh trees, which will be ready for market next fall. Men » tine faney check summer suits only 54.511 si Garrick's Articles vf incorporation entitle»! the “Southern Oregon Pork Packing Com­ pany," and signs»! bv Wm. Uhlrich.Wm. Slinger, J. W. Hockeramith, Edwin Wor* man and W. 1. Vawter with a capital stock of ♦25,000 at |100 per share, have been filed, the prineipul business place being Medford. Ry fall the company will have their building erectcl and be in running order. Times are hard Garn* k bears the mar­ ket and efoUies the naketl at the lowest fig­ ures ever offered. Some of the Intensely blind partisan preas that don’t want to see tbe farmers ami laborers organise in alliances and in­ dustrial unions should haul Samuel H. Holt, organizer for Jackson county, off tbe track before it gets too late and the seed of this “anari hv” is sown and reaps a whirl« im! in Qrei on. The last one or­ ganise«! by the rustling county organiser was Walker alliance near Central Point, with Fred Downing aa president, F. M. Amy vii-e-preeiilent, Mr. Briggs sec’v, Mrs. A. B. Hammond treasurer, I. B. Williams chaplain, A. B. Hammond lec­ turer and T. J. Armstrong steward. Picture frame» made to order at H. 8. Emery'a. Published every Thursday by thej VALLEY RECORD PUBLISHING CO E. J. KAISER, Editor. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1891. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year....................................................... |2 50 Six months ..................................:............ 1 50 Three months............................................ 75 Advertising rates given on application. Local notices 15c per line for first inser­ tion and 8c for each subsequent insertion. Obituary lines, memorial resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., at half rates. N0. 52. —•—laU, Marahfield dispatch, April :t0. W. J. (Jreirory is visiting Lis stock Marshfield, Or., April 30.—At a meet­ farm in Klamath county. ing al the directors of tbe Coos Bay.Rose­ I). L. Beever has gone to Hihson to ac­ burg and Eastern road, last night, J. W. Bennett was elected vice-president, vice cept a position in a new mill. F. W. Burnett, resigned, and tbe officers Mra. J. C. Sheridan arrive*! at Central were authorized to sign a mortgage to ne­ Point last week from Rossburg. gotiate and raise funds R. A. Graham, ! _ _ of _________ _ work I Central Point hse a new physician,Dr. general ______ manager the road, f __ says m now j progressing very satisfactorily, j D. T. Terry of Kansas City, Mo. __________________ ipany has floated two million five : Addison M. Stair. Mayor of Portland The «-omnany in the early daya, died in San Francisco. hundred thousand dollars in six per cent thirty years gold bonds secured bv a deed D. J. I.o*os*ien and wife ot Medford ot trust to tile Farmers’ Loan anil Trust i nxrved to Han Jose laet Thursday to re­ company of New York. These bonds main have been placed in London, and will be ! I W. W Spr;ligates*!, Ira 1 lodge and available so soon as the preliminaries are arranged. Tiie mortgage was executed 1 Tyra Stanley lutve gone to Klamath this morning. The bonds will be issued county. on tbe basis ot twenty-five thousand dol­ Winnifred Mosher, widow of Lafayette lars |>er mile, and funds advanced as the ! MasLer, has been granted a Mexican war work is completed in sections of five I penaion. miles. Rev. M. C. Aleridge lias gone to Port­ Catarrh in New England. land and will return to Medford via San Ely'» Cream Balm gives satisfaction to! Francisco. every owe uMug it for catarrhal trouble«.— ' Mud tutUss are now [>erutabulating (J. K. Mellor. Druggist. Worcester, Mass. I believe Ely's ( ream Balm ia the be«t ar­ ths lefrding strsebi of Albsny, so says tbs ticle for catarrh ever offered tbe public — I Dewiocrat Bu»h A ages. In the meantime some of the striking facta and figures embodied in the report have been given to the public, and from what has thus lieen made known it is certain that this report, although Worked out in an entirely non-partisan spirit, will prove one of the great arsenals from which to draw weapons of attack against our protective system. The very non­ partisan character of Col. Wright’s work will make the results of his investigation all the more damaging to the protection cause. The inquiry undertaken by Col. Wright was directed by the act establishing the department, with a view to ascertaining the cost of producing articles dutiable in theUnite«! States in leading countries where such articles are produced, by units of production, in order to show the differences in c«»t of production between this country and Europe, and the possible . bearing ot these differences upon tariff j rates. The report covers three features—the ! first relating to the cost of production of i the article» selected, the second relating to the rate of wages, time, earnings and efficiency of the labor employed, and the third relating to the cost of living and total earnings and expenditures of tlie men employed. The facts regarding wages and efficiency of labor were ob­ tained from the pay accounts of the es­ tablishments; those relating to the cost of living and expenditures were obtain ed from the men themselves. The minuteness with which this in quiry was made was not objected to l»;> the manufacturers of pig iron; but c. our six companies engaged in makm, steel rails only two are reported; “th< other steel rail manufacturers showed a sensitiveness about giving information.” Still the report gives information about 618 establishmente of all kinds. The inquiry into the cost of producing I pig iron embraces reports from 118 estab­ lishments, of which about two-thirds are in the United Stat«». In the follow ing table giving the cost of production, four terms are used to designate the lo­ cality of the establishments, those in the United States being designated as ‘ ‘north­ ern” or “southern;” those in Europe are divided iuto two groups, one for Great Britaiu and one for the continent, which latter are designated by the word “Europe.” The salaries paid to officials anil clerks, the cost of supplies and re­ pairs and the payments for taxes are in­ cluded in the total cost. Each line re­ presents the work of a s«*parate estab- f, an«) of the 118 given iij th* re­ port those are quote«! here which fairly represent the highest, lowest and aver­ age rates of cost of materials, labor cost and total cost in each locality: ’ Cost <>( total Labor. cost. Northe-;, ♦17.736 U5W »23.100 Northern......... 13.223 1.194 1'ijni Northern ll.Wl ,W5 13.584 Northern......... 11.683 1.364 13.433 Northern......... 1X367 2.135 15.258 Northern......... 11.147 12.831) ).1W Southern...... . l.mi 10.279 t-75< Sauthf-rq......... 7.17J L>16 S.iCM Southern ...... 2.608 7AM 111367 Southern....... lg»lH 1U822 I Southern. ,>.... 9.623 Great Britain , ! .601 10.290 Groat Britain. 10.729 .743 Great Rritaiu.. 6.454 .«18 7.677 Great Britaiu.. 9.52» .76» 10.893 tl.MB Europe............. .418 11I.3M Euroiie............. 12.S» .912 13.434 Europe ............ 11.21» .719 15.0*5 Europe............. 6.785 .470 I. M ».«85 Europe............. 1.414 12.071) Enrol«............. •J.Ottl .711 II. 107 Europe............. 7.887 .755 8.76T. These figures give the ot making a ton of pig tron attf^tho materials have been brought together at the furnace. The following table gives the total post of one ton of pig iron fLu mining of fhu materials to the finished product wclusive: fiifff ’hifilih giSASA "“113 Fìcee? 1 »33333 r lisi?» T 1 I i « Ï a 3 P % I I i JMs T .m ’ms • í fiüüÉ i ÌMW0 I ft sb FRIEND AUGUST KOENIG’S HAMBURG BREAST TEA (fimnburgtr Untfttbw) FOR COUGHS AND COLDS —AMD THX— Rellof of Consumptive Patients. T he tnjnnNKis mvxb sold by weight . At Druggists and Dealers, or sent by mail on receipt 0125 eta. (5 packages ILOO; in stamps. A VMELER CO., BaKimora, Md. The Merchant Tailor Clothier, to the proper manipulations for the pro­ duction of rails, should be less per ton relatively in this country than in Great Britain or on the continent of Europe, bei-ause American producers of rails dis- pense with at least one expensive proc­ ess still adhered to by many foreign producers, and materials in the United States are purer than those used in most other countries. Hence the quantity of ore required for the production of a ton of rails is less in’this country than in many places abroad, and the labor re­ quired U> handle the materials in a way to produce a ton is less. This is shown by the quantities of ore used in different establishments. In an establishment given in the northern dis­ trict of the United States 4.187 i-ounds of iron ore were necessary for the pro­ duction of one ton of standard rails, while in an establishment in Great Brit­ ain 5,127 pounds of iron ore were neces­ sary for the production of one ton of practically the same kind of rails; while on the continent of Europe 5,701 pound« of ore were necessary for the production ' of one ton of rails. These are the eetab-1 lishmenta in lines 1, 13 and 3 in the above table, and are, Col. Wright says, far more indicative of the true condi­ tions surrounding the production of rails in the respective countries than any of Hie others given. The entire direct labor cost of production in these three establishments was |11.59 for the United States, $7-81 for Great Britain and <8.10 for the continent of Europe, showing a difference as against the United States qf J3.78 in favor of Great Britaiu and |3.49 in favor of theoontinent of Europe. The reasi >n of the cheaper labor oost ‘ per ton in America, after the materials ; are collected, is to be found in tUe I greater efficiency of American ’’^or jn steel rail tnaking. In exam“nation into thç ♦-Ô^**ncy of labor CqJ. Wright r "T33 that the two establishments for the L nited States have an efficiency equal to between . 12 and .13 tons of product per man per hour and the five for the foreign countries all fall under .06 tons, ranging down even to under .02 tons. In other words, it takes the foreign laborer twenty to fifty hours to make a ton of rails, while the American laborer turns out a ton in about eight hours. Notwithstanding this showing, our lawmakers fancy that they must “pro­ tect the labor engaged in making rails with a duty of $13.44 a ton on rails. Reduce To 30 for Stock Days Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods . AT ACTUAL WHOLESALE PRICES’ Mens’, Boys’ and Youths’ Clothing At actual Wholesale Prices, and no Freight added Farmers and Mechanics, Now is your opportunity to buy Clothing cheaper than ever before anywhere else on earth. $3 Will Buy You a Good Suit of Clothes. Gents’ Furnishing Goods Almost Given Away ! G arrick C an F it Why Not Try Chamois? “I clean my eyeglasses these days with a ten dollar note,” said a well known citizen the other day, with a smile, as lie began to rub his specAeles with a bill. “It cleans the glass and doesn’t hurt tbe money. A one dollar bill would answer the pneisw as web a« a note for a hundred, but in this case I iiatqieueil to fosve the ten aud use«! it. 7'1 have been cleaning my glasses for years with bank notes, aud I havo never fount! anything that makes them as clear, if you use a handkerchief it leav«» the lint behind, and ten to one the glass is blurred. The money removes all the dirt ««nd grease, and leaves no trace of itself. Am I afraid of contracting some disease of the eyes? Well, I never thought of that, aud I know that some physicians claim that diseases are trans­ mitted by money, since it passes through so many bauds. No, I am not afraid: »nd I will continue to use the bank notes for this purpose. The texture is; soft, and it 'eitainiy removes dirt. In-' -5ee«i, th£re is notlung like paper money for polishing fine glassware.”—Albany Express. pun sjvpu)<> I ...... gax«.* p~. *.tuuu *«fc>|tduns THE “ENGER” BUGGY All Kinds of New Work IEME F Jklldisr CS- AN 1) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. YARRIEN IN STOCK everything in the Halt* Soles......... r Ask yoUr Lçalçr for it. Ii\Sist oi\ F\aVii\g it. ♦ 23 Cents per 1'air. Porpoise Laces. 5 cents per pair. Leather by the side, cheap. ^çatç5t ÍI\ Lesisi- Ôçst ii\ fii\i5h, Barber Shop, R. F. HIGH, Proprietor. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO the people of Ashland and surround­ ing country that I at am the old stand on Main street, opposite the old Flag stat! where any one wishing work done in my line will always find me ready to serve them. “And men may come and men may go,” but 1 am a stayer forever. Shaving, 25c; hair cutting, 25c; shainjtoo- ing, 25c; sea foam, 25c. N Rraxx and Iron Nail», Awl», Ceuunu, IVh-r, Etc., Etc., Etc. L adies ’ II aib cuttixu CHA§. S. GRAVES, THE V.!. . indeed? Little Minnie—When was it, mom- j mer, t hat you had four eyes? Mommer—Don’t talk nonsense, Min- j nie. I never had four eyes. Little Minnie—Then, why does every one say I got my eyes from you?—Jewel­ er’s Circular. French Tansy Walers. These wafers are a sure and safe specific for all kinds of female troubles and will re­ move all obstructions to tbe monthly i«ri- ods, no matter what the cause. They are j what every woman needs, and may be used safely. For sale by the Livingstone Cheni- ieal Co., manufacturers, 8an Francisco, Cal. For sale by T. K. Bolton. fully £liarai\tççà. SEZOETSÆ jîl IST. m5 91] The sexton of one p* m « u city church«*», has invented and ’^ected a hovel and, at he 'ibubtiess imagines, a giy effective piece of “business ” The interior of the edifice is always bath«?d in a dim religious dusk until the time for the collection. Then as the rector delivers with deliberate sonorous­ ness the words, “L-e-t your-z light s-o shi-ne be-fore m-e-ii,” the zealous func­ tionary throws the throttle wide open and dazzles the congregation with the combined refulgence of a thousand gas­ lights. producing an effect similar to the thrilling moment when the man in the top gallery of a Bowery theatre “turns de calcium on Jnoet?’—Life. l»on’t judge a man by his failure in life, for many a man fails because he is too honest to succeed. » * line, with prices cheaper ( J ihan shoiTiiaking any other place in town. Tbe Sexton*» Bright Ide», • -.............. S^JajJ ■ ............. poso 1 Emanuel Beck, of Laneacter, P«., u a i ajaqji Kliod o| u o fiSÚoasoüj, pliw k| young fellow, and there is but aovu little 3.i|.> sw isoj ■V isoa («ni ni brakeman he lost both hands in a rail- ■ r ©: p i; X — USlrflOJ U.K,.«) lîïïla wav accident. During convalescence he 8 -dq practiced holding a jien or pencil at the 5 ?«««« elbow joint of the left arm. Now he 1*101 3 =: X can write legibly and has secured work as a bookkeeper. The aggregate of these items shows a difference from the total cost of produc­ nt Hie “All Blaek” Cra»e. tion, which may be ascribed to profit and (he "all black” erase in underwear, royalties at different stages ot the proc­ and indeed every thing from suspenders ess of converting the ore in the ground to pique shirts and collar buttons of jet, into the finished pig iron product. The seems to have run its mournful course— : remarkable fact brought out in this com- that is, as far as there is any special de­ parison is that it actually costs less to mand for these goods over other features make iron in the south than it does in in the line. England. And yet there are those who pretend to believe that Jhe iron industry I Babv is Sick.—The woeful expression of a Des Moines teamster'» countenance show­ of the south dejiends upon protection. The investigation of the cost of making ed his deep anxiety »«.* not wholly without cau«e. when he inquire«l of a druggist of the jteel rails is given for thirteen establish­ same city wtiat was best lo give a baby for ments. In the following table the col­ acoki? 'it was not necessary for him to say more. his countenance showe«t that the umn headed “labor” gives merely the )«t of the family, if not the nlol of his life labor cost of turning the steel bars into was in distress.’ "We give our baby Chani- rails. The last column gives the total beria n's Cough Remedy.” was the drug­ gist's answer. "I don’t like to give the | cost of making a ton of steel rails, the baby such strong medicine.” said the team­ di fference bet ween it and t he sum of i he ster. "Yoi know John Oleson, of the two other column» being made up of Watters-Ta hot Printing Co., don’t you?” Inquired tbs druggist. "His baby, when clerk hire, insurance, repairs, etc. Total Net cost eighteen nu uths old, got hold of a liottle of •f mai ’ is. lasbor. cosí. t'hamberlai i's Cough Remedy and drank tbe whole o' it. Of course it made the l>aby United State-............. ..3Sl.1t» $1.540 Í5M.7W ...... .... 25.114 L382 27.687 vomit very : reeiv but «lid not injure it in United State- file least, ai d what is more, it cured the Continent of Europe.. .... 17X2 1.043 ■ÍM baby’s rotd.” The teamster already knew Continent ot Europe.. .... 1«.H* 2*519 22.184 35.652 the value of the Remedy, having used it Cont inent of Europe.. .... 1S.GB6 4.641 himself. an«l was now satisfied that there Continent of Europe-...... 18.231 2^X5 33.121 1’ I111! 2.689 23.1W was no danger irf giving it even to a baby. Contiiicut of Europe, Continent of Europe. . 18.M4 3X4 33.743 For sale by druggists. Continent of Europe........ 18.*8 1. pay require«!. It is in one ton of steel rails, speaking of la­ guarantee«! to give perfect satisfaction, or bor cost after all the materials have been money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. i ivtMnbled and are ready to t« ayhjectod For sale bv CWtwovd Bros. I nd au tiled by Misfortune. MAN’S ASHLAND, OREGON. j AO Dçalçrj l\aVç PRICES QUOTE«, ON APPLICATION. Carpenter and Builder Shasta Line. WAS AWARDED THE ONLY O beuon A sailasv - SPECIALTY. GEORGE ENGER & CO., 5 CINCINNATI, OHIO Q. R. Buckman 1 a Repairing will Receice Prompt Attention. Express Train« Leave Fortland Daily. I North South I 7:0C p m Lv Portland Ar [ 9:35 a ni Ashland Lv | 6:40 p m 10:20 a in Ar Ashland Ar 6:10 p lu 10:50 a m Lv 10:15 a m Ar SanFrancihCoLv Ì 7:00p nt Above trains stop only at following sta­ tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc­ tion City, Irving, Eugene Roseburg Mail Daily. leave : LITTLE _•{ AT THE LIVER PILLS « PARIS NOW ON EXHIBITION Sun C ure fm S hu Nt aduhl end all trouble« arising fronj Indigestion er Constipation. Improves tbo Complexion by Puri*ylng the Blood. Tbodoooonn be nicely adjastad to sail thecaaa, M ene pill can never be too larce a dote. Easy to take m ee much su«ar. 42 pills put up in a strong vial which can be carried in vest pocket. A Great ( IDO YOU -WÆITT I A Safe Invest ment. Is one which is guaranteed to briug you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase urice Ou this safe Before Purchasing Address the plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat. Lungs and Chest, such as consumption. Inflammation of Lungs. Bronchitis, Asthma. Whooping Cough. Croup, etc . etc. It is pleasant and And Find Out w hat a Big Bargain you ngreeabie to taste, perfectly safe, and can can get in the Sweetest-Toned instruments always be depended upon Trial bottles 1 made free at Chitwood Bros. Drug store AN ORGAN OR PIANO - Albany Local, Daily, (Excrept Sunday.) arrive : leave : Portland 5:<« pm | Albany. ÍÍOpm Albany. 5:00a ni | Portland 9;<»a in PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. AT M artin & H arris MAIN .STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH K THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. ST. LOU 13, MR IBS». 1OUBIST SLEEPING CABS U« m to Trav«tors aad BasiaMS lea. liana G»«ala» with» ant “Crsseeat” Trnda lark. Sold R»erywbere, t&e. a bolti* Bawel« >oaa and Dreaa Book for 9«. in stamps. DR. HARTE»’» IRON TONIO. EXPOSITION, ARRIVE; 8:Ó0 a m I Roseburg . 5:40 p m .0:20 a in Portland 4:00p m (’all and examine them, DO NOT CRIPE, SICKEN ON CONSTIPATE. PUBIFlBBtha BLOOD; RF.OrLATF.A thsLIVKB» sad KIDNKYSaad iiFJJTORFJ* Ue DEBILITATED ■ w «a HEALTH and TIGOBOVS STRENGTH •fYoevaF Portland Roseburg OHLY PERFECT 5Ey/l|iG MECMAjiisjvj .FAMILY U8Ê For accommodation of Second ( la«» Pas­ sengers, attached to Express Trains. i WEST SIDE DIVISION. He I ween Portland and Corvallis MAU. THAIS DAILY (EXCEPT HVXDAY.) AND GRANITE ARRIVES leaves : Portland.. . 7:30 a m | Corvallis. .12:10 p in < orvalli«. pm ' Portland.. 5:30 pin . Pacific Coast Main office, 136b Market St. ~ At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. San Francisco, Cal. Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) ARRIVE leave : Portland 4:40 p in j MM inn Ville .7:25 pm M’Mi it n ville. 5: lo ani I Portland .8^20 a nt AbULAMD, - OBOLO». VALLEY RECORD, ASHLAND, OREGON, ▲ THE POSITIVE CURE. ILÏ BWTHKR3, M Wsnwi FewTcrfc. Price» For tickets ami full information regarding rates, maps, etc., call on company's agent at Ashland. R KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, . Manager. Asst G. F & Pass. Agt ¡