VALLEY RECORD. IN ASHLAND. BREVITY BASKET. Dunn-Pape Wedding. Jacksonville Jottings. The presidential party will arrive in From Jacksonville Correspondent. Del Merritt and wife of Central Point Plenty of Dahlia bulbs at O. Coolidges. R R. Dunn and Miss Emma G. Pape were in town Monday. Ashland next Mon lav evening between were married Wednesday at three o’clock » Who is Garrick? The poor man's friend. ASHLAND. O b Thursday. April 30.1301 , 7 and 8 o’clock, perhaps 7:10. They will Recorder Hulmes and wife visited rela- I by Rev. Robt. Ennis. Only relatives McCall's block. be met by state officials and about five and a few intimate friends were present. tives at Eagle Point Sunday. The new rolling stock of the branch rail­ train loads of prominent citizens of Ore­ Mr. Dunn has been a resident of the val­ T. A. Harris and wife attended the Odd road was put on Friday. PEKtKINAL AND SOCIAL. gon at Ashland, and no doubt a number ley for the past year, being in the employ Fellows' ball here the 24th mst. President Harrison has been almost of speeches will be made by the Presi ­ J. K. Van bant is in town. of Staver A Walker. Miss Pape lias Mrs Chas. Strang, Mrs D. H. Miller and , dent. Wanamaker, the Oregonians and served the anxious public as deputy post­ smothered with flowers m California. C. K. Fronk were among our visitors this ' Judge Tolman ta out again others. Ashland has committees at mistress for several years The last Labish wreck case awarded Juli ­ week. The young a Dr. R Pryce wax doing the city Sunday. work and will attend to making the re­ «•ouple have many friends in the county, us Kunili $1500 damages. He sued tar $10,- Mrs. M. H. Drake. Mrs. A. Bish, Mr. and 000. ception a siuceaa. There will no doubt who wish them many years of prosperity Father Watrv wax up from Jacksonville Mrs. Robt. Taylor visited friends here re-' be a large crowd in town that day. Sunday. Nine hundred trees is the largest orchard centlv. . and happiness. The bride was the re­ in Lake county. It is at Paisley, owned by cipient of a number of suitable wedding , Gov. Pennoyer sent President Harrison C. C. Racxdxle returned thia week to Misses Estella I,evi and Lizzie Graves are j ! a message of condolence and sympathy presents, one of them being a gold watch Gqo. Conn < oluxa county. indexing the mortgage records for Recorder passenger was taken from a Pullman Holmes. M im Nancy Coleman ix teaching school : the morning the dispatches anounced with diamond setting, a gift from the car A on Saturday’s north train sick. He is The that the president’s sister, Mrs. Eaton, bride’s brother, Chas. Nickell. at the Toll House. B. B. Beekman, a promising young attor­ from Indiana. had been mortally wounded in a runna- young couple took the evening train for ney of Portland, is spending the week with Milton Gregory ixout again after a razzle- way accident in Ohio, She is out of dan- WalJa Walla, their future home. The California state treasurer lately sent his parents. dazzle with measles to Siskiyou county $1700 tar the support of ger now. Burglary. A. D. Helman and E. J. Farlow the live ’ indigent aged people. Sheriff Mom of J .sephine county ix very President Harrison telegraphed ___ „ r. the real estate agent of Ashland were seen on low with the la grippe Some parties burglarized J. M. Luark’s Garrick defies the McKinley bill and sells our streets Wednesday. Medford G. A. R. post that he w would be store in Mrs Crocker’s block daring clothing at New York wholesale prices B- la* fame over from Yreka again Mon­ pleased to meet them when he i passes Tuesday night. They entered by remov- you ____ __ Judge Webster. Dist. Alt'y Colvig, Messrs. as retail, McCalls block. day to purchase horxe«. through Ashland. Prim. Hanna and Chas. Nickell are in Jose­ A Pure Cream of Tartar ___________ ' ing the patty and the window pane >n Powder. J. 1 ________ _________ W. Harrington, the attorney who phine county holding court. The divine Sarah Bernhardt is playing in the hack door The key being on the murdered 1 1 ’ " .... . . j ur _ Besides seeing a real live president, ! Superior to every other known. Joe Frank at Alturas, has ban Fraix bco thix week. F.G. Plyniale of Medford has returned the people will find President Harrison a inside they then unlocked the door. ntshed his $10,600 bonds. Used in Millions of Homes— to bis home after a week's visit with his W. H. Gilbert returned last evening from plain, cheerful fellow personally. His They appropriated goods to the extent of Another trainload of 18 car.* of lieef cat ­ uncle, W. J. Plyniale and family. 40 Years the Standard. a trip to Sixkiyou county. son Russell puts on all the style and about $25 worth, consisting of seven doz­ tie passed through Ashland Tuesday tar Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky R. R. Dunn, late of Walla Walia, came en eggs, several cans of oysters, several Portland from Reno. Nev. W. D. Mullen the carpenter ha» movol fashions for the whole party. to Jacksonville Tuesday on important busi­ Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable to Portland with hi» family. packages of coffee, about a dollar’s worth Col Stone has put on extra coaches on ness For particulars see another column. and Wholesome. A mass meeting of citizens, called by J of sugar, some crackers, some candy, Dr I'arson left Friday for Han Francisco stage line to accommodate the travel liavor G. M. Grainger, met at McCall’s several knives, combs, etc. They must his Mrs. W. J. Plyniale will conduct the cor-1 No other baking powder does such work. on a vacation tour in California. for the Klamath hot springs. ball Tuesday evening to prepare arrange­ respondent» for the "Central Point Enter-1 James H. Gay was in the city Sunday ments for an appropriate celebration of I have lunched on the counter for three of The new passenger time card goes into prise ” Will Plyniale is one of the typos. the knives, besides cheese and crackers with an old-time Eastern friend. effect today, though no new changes in the visit of President Harrison and party were strewn about and a roll of butter Mrs, M. J. Canning returned to her home time are made north of Red Bluff . II. T. Baldwin returned from chairman of the meeting. E. J. Kaiser of them trying to get into the safe, which Sunday. Charles Chappel. an old pioneer, age 66 Red "Wethersfield .... " 1 50 years, died at the Chappel House Monday. is a cheap one and contained $50. Mra. Mary Ward, mother of Mrs. K. K. was elected secretary. Yellow Danvers . “ 1 00 Col. J. T. Bow ditch reviewed the mat­ Hutton, left Monday for an Eastern trip. Sheriff Birdsey came up yesterday . Ruggles' Oriental circus, which exhibited He was a member of the G. A. R and White Portugal “ 2 00 in this valley during the district fair, has leaves a wife and manv friends in the coun­ ter and moved that a committee of five morning, and with Deputy Sheriff Robt Mrs. Frank .McDonald and children re­ started on the road from winter headquar ty- In comparing prices please remciulier that turned Monday from a trip to Sacramento lie appointed to take charge of the cele­ Taylor went over the Siskivous to inves­ tors at Salem. bration. appoint sub-committees, etc. I tigate a clue. Sheriff' Birdsey returned from Salem I aliove quotations include P ostage . Rumor has it that two of Ashland s nice Do You want a suit of clothes for noth- Tuesday, where be went to take the prison-1 Give our »eed a trial. Deputy Taylor has returned leaving young ladies are to lx in a double wedding The chairman appointed as such com­ Birdsey Correspondence solicited. at Siskiyou. The constables! j ing? with shirts, socks and neck ties thrown ers who robbed J. T. Layton's store, the j mittee J . T. Bowditch, J. M. McCall, soon. in. Go to Garrick’s if you do. McCall's sheriff of Josephine county being indis TRUMBULL & BEEBE, J H Hall, D. R. Mills, P A. Getz. Hornbrook has telegraphed that he ar­ Block Ashland. posed. C. D. < uinmon* returned yesterday from Representative McCall stated that the rested a man there who answered the de­ Growers, Importers and Dealers in Ager, where he finished seeding his ranch The decrease in population in Lake coun­ Messrs. Honeyman r from us. Price, fioc. A sample powder by mail for loc. Ashland the first of the week, and visited For sale by J. C. Barrett & Co. J H Brantner to M Maule—lot 5 blk 24, erage attendance of about 40 couple. Lee actual summit was leveled down for the THE B«. BUDIN PROPiiETA.lY CO., JAMAICA, N.Y purpose of placing the monument, which the schools. Medford; $.300. Inlow is the chief musician. does not figure in this calculation. W A Forbes to C C Ragsdale—blk 20 in Harvey Walker of Salem was visiting in Stall-fed cattle are growing scarce in river val- Medford, subject to $250 mortgage; $3000 Ashland ami is now in Sprague I' Union Cassiniere Sack Suits at Garricks the Northwest and butchers are forced to , only $4.50. lev paving his cousins, Jesse and Harvey „ Chas Millsap to Mrs J Boothby—e J4 of a go to California for supplies. Several Walker a visit. w >4 of sec 29, tp 32 s r 3 e; $400. trainloads of fine beeves will arrive from i Gov Pennoyer will not come out to Ash­ John Wviand, Henry Randles and Peter that state in a few days. The glass on land to meet the president, but will meet Take It Before Brenkfast Peterson of Butte creek, who have been him at Salem, The governor came out to Tiie great appetizer, tonic and liver regu­ the ranges is very backward, owing to Ashland on the "last spike” celebration, mining in Siskiyou county during the win­ lator. In use for more than fifty years in the late spring, and it will be four or five when Chas. Crocker and a lot of California ter, returned Bunday. England. Positive specific for liver com­ weeks before there is any good grass-fed citizens were inet here by the Oregonians. W. P. Parson» returned Bunday evening j plaint. Bad taste in the mouth on arising Irom a trip to Han hrancisco. He witness­ in the morning, dull pain in the head and beef on the market. Owing to the heavy Gent’s furnishing goods and neckware at I ed the grand procession given at President back of the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness, loss of cattle on the ranges during the ! at Garrick's at panic prices. winter of ’ 90 and '91. the supply of grass- Harrison's reception in the Bay City. languor—symptoms of liver complaint. fed beef this spring will be limited.—Ore­ It is now understood that the railroad i trestles between Ashland and Talent will 1 C. W. Avers and Pat Haraghay came out Remedy—Dr. Henley’s English Dandelion gonian. Tonic. Relieves constipation, sharpens tlie ! not be filled in until next fall or winter. I from Portland Saturday with a capitalist Oscar Crandall stepped out behind a Mr. Erickson will do the work, as he has ! and mining man, who went over to inspect appetite and tones up the entire system. their mining property on Shackleford creek, Get the genuine from your druggist for $1, saloon at Red Bluff Saturday night, and | an understanding with the company to do i and take according to directions. (2) 1 was shot and killed. C. E. Boyden and 1 , all the filling between Ashland and Oregon, i Scott valley. Henry K. Long were arrested on sqs- j ! City- A «op was born to Mr. and Mrs J W. Gold Hill Nugget*. picion, but afterward the latter was re- Priniro coffee, the very finest in the Brown of Dunsmuir, April I8th. Mrs. B. Primrose was formerly Miss Kate Rijssell, who at­ rl___ ' city, and I our new teas can’t be beat. At sold his racc-horsee ____ and ____ skipped Miss Theresa Bloomer of Merlin is leased, ____________________ tended the Ashland college and has numer­ with friends here at present. out • The “ . police now want him ____ again. McConnell A Winter’s. ous friends in this section Boyden is a tin-horn gambler and" has 7 —, fishing and salmon spearing in Trout, Supt. Price was visiting schools in -this Cha». H. Johnson departed Tuesday for been in this valley several times with Ashland creek is excellent, and the disci-1 Tacoma, where he and his parents lived be­ part of the county last week. “Bingo” and other race-horses ■'? | , pies r1““ of t Isaac — — be u_ seen ----- about _■—* ] He ¡8 Walton can fore coming to Ashland. Charlev goes M. Chavner and hia sister. Miss Mary, in jail, and says Long stated to him that with very very respectable res; “ ' I town “■----- with sized strings of with the intention of remaining and turn­ spent Bunday in Jacksonville, I ,lsl1 fish. - When the be (Long) killed Crandall. ~ fish . are not in sight some ing something lip in that flourishing city. very Common lumber $12.50 per thousand at' ver X respectable sized / "whoppers" ‘whoppers” are C. P. Parker has sold his ranch on made to do the service of truth. James Taylor and Henry Finley. Sprague Janies Norris’s lumber yard. Blackwell creek to Mr. Householder, river valley stock men, arrived in Ashland Assessor I. L. Hamilton arrived yes-], Dandy sack suits, imported goods, for today after supplies. Mr. F. comes into | Rev. G. M. Whitney of Eugene has It ' $20.00 this u’eek at O. H. Blount's. make the acquaintance of his infant, a fine been the guest of E. Emery of this place terday to assess Ashland precinct. Prof. G. M Miller, twice prohibition can- ' will take about a month. Shorty has [ boy. and Mrs. Finley will return with him. during the past week. for congress from Oregon, was on | created a big stir in the country by rais- I didate ; Samuel Chapman of Bonaparte. Iowa, II. Cryder, “mine host” at the Gohl ing the valuation on much of the prop­ Tuesday’s train to Portland from Stanis­ with his wife, two grown sons and four county, Cal His wife has invented Hill hotel, will remove this week to his erty in the county. He says the people laus patented daughters arrive«! at Medford Saturday a dish-washing maebin** have formed a false notion of his mission i and evening. Mr. C. is a brother of Dan and farm in Sams valley. simple that a child can now and says he is only putting on a fair val­ Henry Chapman of Ashland, and conies to Is di du *"- ug ' - t on the market 11118 wor 1' rot. Miller Miner w Lemuel Mathews of Kanes creek was uation and then assessing it at two thirds i Prof rem^ui. rgn over by a wagon a few days since of its value. He says if hia judgmen» •- Men’s cassimire suits at Garrick’s. Reg­ Wm. A Seaman, l>ookkeeper fof Erick | and sustained painful injuries. wrong the propertv owner ular price $16, now $8. ‘on, the railroad contractor, was in Ash­ The Bpring term of the Dardanelles drpsa before th- * ' . . '“J1 Vn“ r®~ land Saturday. He is interested ip som« Street Commissioner Nelson is at work . vounty board of equal- qiine» in IheWagner creek section, and be public school began on th<* -Oth inst.. with a force of men setting the sidewalk on neves there is much wealth buried in the with U A. Simon “at the biroor man’s friend. He The repairs to sidewalk alongside the bridge mountain» the-eabuut». sells clothing at wholesale prices . were timely, for the old timbers would Grace Garnett is very sick with Robt. Taylor and Abram Bqe, and has had to adjourn her state, William Day, wlio came here in | 1 a big crowd ever got on it at one time. O F luill Harry Casev and Ted Barclav school on Foots creek in consequence. were also in attendance, riding to the coun­ ! 1845, died recently at Camas valley, be- ' Men’s worsted suits, former price $20 now I rank Yocuin of this vicinity, who has i tween Roseburg and the coast. Through 1 ' $10 at Garrick’s, McCalls Block. ty seat on their bicycles. The Jacksonville girls were gowned In full dress style. The been spending a few days with relatives I their never having joined the Pioneer i ! in Linn county, Or., returned home last i Association or taking any part in its re- 1 Col. Robt. G. Ingersoll, the gifted orator ball was a complete success. and lawyer and great religions critic, will Jack Anstey, the genial passenger con­ week. ! unions, the names of the Day family j soon make a lecture tour of the Pacific ductor. is the most popular man with the ' On the 28th inst. Mrs. L. Williams de- have not appeared in pioneer records, j coast. Iteing in the Willamette about the ladies in two states. His elegant and su­ ' parte«! this life after a prolonged illness Two brothers. William and George, and middle of May. If he don't come too in­ perb form is only equaled bv his matchless fernally high, Ashland people should try suavity and polite address. \Vhen he strolls at the home of her father, F. M. Freden- a sister, Mrs. Almira Ward, came here | and secure him for one lecture, anyhow. . in 1843, and their parents arrived soon : down street these fine evenings tha tail' burg of this place. Men s fine fancy check summer suits I ones cannot refrain from heaving a plaint­ W. S and D. A. Fitzgerald and Miss after. ive sigil and remark, "There goes Jat k An- Emma started yeeteidav for the "big New prize baking powder—every can ) only $4.50 ac Garrick's stay." woods” on Rogue river, where they con- guaranteed—tyid with each a fine wood- I I Beekman A Kearnes are the only pur­ fibre pail. Just take a look at them at Me-1 chasers of gold dust in Southern Oregon H. B. Kee«i Saturday received the sad in-, template spending several weeks. Connell A Winter’s. telligence of the death of his father, Irvin and report lota of the yellow dust coming Dr. Braden has returned from a visit ___ Reed, at Richmond, Ind. He was a prom­ Oregon is receiving a steady immigra- in this spring, more than for several years inent citizen of the Hoosier state and was of several months with his family in In­ ; tion via the Southern Pacific line How- j past. The prospects of the miner as well as i Mt* years old. H. B. was at the station dianapolis, and is now preparing to re­ ever most of it is headed for Portland the farmer and fruit grower of Snuthern ready to start home to atterni the funeral sume active work on his valuable mines Oregon are most cheering for an abundant 1 and the Willamette, only a small portion yield this year. w hen a telegram iaformed him that the here. comparatively speaking stopping off in funeral would I* over before he coqld *r one ! dollar at the southern portion of the state How- i 1 Sugar is down; 13 lbs for rive, The — most McConnell A Winter's. TL. . in town S tatz or O hio . C itv of T oledo ,) | ever those who get off in Rogue river ' judge W.8. Moore was on yesterday's, for the money—sure. I.t > a - Conn. | valley are most invariably people of some train for Linkville from Clackamas county. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is John Strait, who is carpentering down ! He is still wearing a emteh. A few «lays the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Che- I means, while the bulk 01 those going ago the boom of the luml>er company he is nev A <'•>., doing business in the city of To­ through Ashland in immigrant cars are on the railroad at Cow creek. the other day interest«?«! in gave way and two million fact ledo. county and state aforesaid, and that not very well-off financially, most of threw up his hand to ward off a flying stone of logs went down i*< the Willamette river. said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUN­ them coming here disgusted with crop that was coming right square at his “dome Thev were stopped at Milwaukee an«i sold DRED DOLI.AkS for each and every case failures, grasshoppers and other nuis­ of thought." The stone struck his hand and bruised it in such a manner that he toother mills. Judge M«wre s daughter. of C ataeku khat cannot be cured by the use ances in their old homes. was unable to work for a week. Miss Stella, accompanied him. ' or H all ' s C atabkh C ure . Times are hard Garnck bears the mar­ The finest goods in the market can be had FRANK J. CHENEY. Thoa. E. Stanley came owe irom Bo­ Sworn to before me and subscril>ed in my ket and clothes the naked at the lowest fig­ only at the clothing palace of O. H. Blount. gus Siswivod «*ountv, Saturday to see I ures ever offered. now his age«! father". Alfred Stanley of presence,this 6th da v of December. A.D.18M5. The Young Idea is the name of a A. W. GLEASON. The Lakeview Examiner, in agitating Sams valley, was. By some hitch in the ’ ______ monthly paper published by Prof. N A. seal J- Notary Public. the __ question question oi of the the wool wool growers growers of of East East- ­ l«oatoffi«*ca or mails he was unable to re- ern Oregon starting a woolen mill there, Jacobs’ department of the Medford pub­ ceive word of his father’s death, which Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally gives the Ashland mills the following lic schools. Prof. Jacobs will surely occurred several weeks ago, am! was sur­ and acts directly on the blood and mucous make "faber shovers” out of his schol­ notice: The Ashland woolen mills com ­ prise«! when told of his death by the . surfaces of the system. Ser.d for testimon­ ars. for the printed compositions on vari­ R e « oki > reporter. It is very gektatn in ials, tree F. J. CHENEY A CO. Toledo,O pete with the United States, and its pro­ ous topics b}' the little ones show great ducts are known far and wide. They -old by Druggists, 75c. this age of rapid na.igauon that such a make nothing but first-class goods. Ash­ originality in expression and description. fuiguia>' delay ami tniacarriage of letters Boy's knee pants at Garick’s 40 cts. 60 land blankets are sent to San Francisco, B. W. Houston, who was up irom Wil­ could have occurred. low Springs precinct yesterday, say- Peter and are sold to Lakeview nierchants,who cts. and $1.75. E. H. Page, of the commission firm of Frank McGraw,traveling agent for the Applegate .s surveying a railroad route briug them here via Redding. This cer­ from Central Point to Jacksonville, and tainly destroys the theory of destructive Page A Son. was in the city Friday to ar­ I'nkm Pacific, has beeu at Winnemucca, that the branch railroad from Medford to competition on account of wagon freights. range with their local manager. Jos. M . the Silver State says, trying to get cattle­ the county seat will be moved to Central men to ship beeves bv way of Dgden to Point. The latter report, however, is For, if the item of freight made much Hockersmith, for the coming fruit sea­ difference in the price of woolen goods. son. They have rented Roper's large <>regon and Washington, where st«xk is doubtle-. an improbability Lakeview merchants would buy Ashland warehouse at the dej»ot to do their pack* ecarve anil beef in demand. What a sail W A. Patrick will su]>erintenil •ximiiientary on the isolation of this part The reservoirs, ditches ami mill at the made goods in Ashland instead of San I ing in of Oregon, where thousands of beef cat- Cinnabar mine on the south side of the Francisco. The Ashland mills pay from the packing this year again. t'eaisk «ymunually for sale—Lakeview Siskivous are in readiueos for operation fifty to seventy-five per cent, more for Fresh vegetables, fruits and cheese at and J, B. McGee «ent to Sau Francisco wool than the sheepmen of Lake county McConnell A Winter’s. Examiner. receive for the.r wool. I feel it niv duty to say * few word.» in re­ today to consult with the owners. H. J. Clark and family arrived Wednes­ A sure cure for the whisky habit: Dr. gard to Elv's Cream Balm, and I do so en­ day morning from Heattie to make this their Livingstone ’ s Antidote for Drunkenness No other preparation combine- the posi ­ tirely without solicitaiioti. I have used it will cure any case of the liquor habit in home. Mr. Clark is well known through­ more or less *,u*,lav* found it tive economy. the peculiar merit and the from ten to thirty days, from drinker to out Southern Oregon, having superintended medicinal power of Hood's Sarsaparilla. to be inost admirable 1 have suffered .roiu the drunkard. The Antidote can be given the brick work on the opera house in this catarrh of the worst kind ever »ini-e I was a also on The Oregon hotel at Ashland. Elder James Humtuer has returned from in a cup of coffee without the knowledge of city, little bov and 1 never hoped for a enre. but O' the person taking it. The Anttdote will Mr. Clark says we have the climate here Creani Balni »eems to de even that. Many his tour in the East and his -on-in-law. not injure the health in any way. Manu­ ; and his health is always better here than of mV xcquamunces have used it with ex­ Wm. II. Copper, with his family, and his factured by the Livingstone Chemical Co., ; anywhere else on this coast.—Grant's Pass cellent results.-Oscar Ost rum. 45 Warreu brother-ir.-law. John L. Baskue. came with San Francisco. Cal. and for :ale by T. K. I Courier. him to settle in this valley A«e . Chfesg". Ill Bo! Pm. THE PRESIDENT prPRICts SUGAR, SUGAR, Baking mt McL ONNELL U W INTER J Powder V li X TWT <3- F»OWDH —zzzz 75 CENTS= Per Can----And Guaranteed ! .1 Fine Wood Pulp Pail with every Can. ONION SEED The only house in the city that makes Groceries a Specialty. * We Know No Competition. * M c C onnell & winter , Cor. Main and 1st Ave FOR SALE! THIS MAN IS HUNGRY I low 99 W C. * 0. * D. * EMPORIUM WILSON & WALSWORTH ."TX QUARTER IIOTOliRAPIkS. No. 7L Job Printing at the “Valley Rec ord” Office. THE • ••• •• ••• MAN'S POOR ••• • ••• •• FRIEND * The Merchant Tailor Clothier, To Reduce Stock for- 30 Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods AT ACTUAL WHOLESALE PRICES! Ihiys Mens’, Boys’ and Youths’ Clothing-, At actual Wholesale Prices, and no Freight added. Farmers and Mechanics, Now is your opportunity to buy Clothing cheaper than ever before anywhere else on earth. $3 Will Buy You a Good Suit of Clothes. Gents' Furnishing Goods Almost Given Away G arrick