r" The Ashland R f . cobd and Mrs. Barrett, The iuqxirtance ol U 8 patent to ec the remarkable evangelist, are about to kwpiiigUic blood in get together in mortal coil, we snder- 23. tp 39 s r 1 e. a j r^c eoudltion is stand. The R ecobd , with its usual en­ Francis M Ply male tn C«* nf the sawmill of w-xv w»vaco*s ig ¿he (|idn-t eVen want that indi.-tment tried, d> c* expel every tr.-.ce of scrofula or inc Kteckel 1 ’ ■ ®»x:i stawnnlll* ca " iu «11 , ¡alright • 1 u« w n y aonse 1 ing: King Otto is sail to be getting tn* n % of n w *4 of rec 4. tp 3fi » r 4 w; $100. .' verv bad, hut was urge«! to make s->me salt rheum, removes the taint which cause* crazier every day. He now wants to eararrb. neutralizes Jos Robinson to O A C R R Co—right pretense of her inno’ence by members of the acidity and cures many. wav deed to land near Talent: $1. . the M. E. churi-h whom she snc.-eeded rL« umutism, drives Wni H Breese to O f my cu-fomers camp tn today and A AVeidner loOiCRR Co—same . $1. vitalizes and en­ “good form.”______________ a • a«ked me for the best cough medicine I K.,i " ...... H J Terrill to O A C R K Co—right of 1 had." “ay-« 1^« Lew Vnnng, Young, a prominent drug­ riches th«- Uood, t’. us overcoming that tired gi«t gist «»f of Newman Grove. “ Neb. . “Of cour-e I (eellug, and Lu.ldj g up tl.e whole system. Senator-elect Felton of California ia way deed ; $1. Fred'k Ervk«on GOiC RK < o—deed ol «bowed him t hambertain « Cough Remedy Thousands testify to thc svperiority of Hood's worth about $4,000,000 Thia explains right of wav; $1. did not - — »«k anv other . - 1 have | and be --- - - to t ~ee --- ■ — S 'rwipar” a r.s a L!«x d | urifier. Full infor­ Hx-kel Amv and Oliver Harbangh-lot 1 “ i"*di< tne that would loosen mation and statements of cures sent free. why he wa* elected by a California legis­ and relieve a -evt re cold *» quickly a« that lature. The senate is a rich man’s club. block 2. A iii »'» add to Central Point ; $1. Sam'l € HigintiothHm U> Rachel I Wris- remed« d ee. 1 have -old f««ur dozen of it lev an«i Lovey M Higinbotham—160 acre« within the la«t sixtv days and d«> not know Gen. J. M. Riglin thinks that the farm­ sec of a «ingle case where it (ailed to give the 4, tp 35 » r l e; $400 most perfect -ati-faction.” 50 cent bottles ers' alliance and democrats by each tak­ Magrie A Saxman to 8 H Calhoun—lots for sale by Chitwood Bro«., druggists. ing two presidential electors, can safely 2 and 3 hl «ck 57. Saxman'» Pennsylvania carry Oregon at the next presidential a«l«l to Aabland; $425. BORN L M Lron to Mr« M J Tipton—property Sold by all druggist», fl; six for f-5. Prepared only election _________________ in Medford: |l*i00: «ubjeetto lien. by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell Mass. EWART—At Corvallis March 30, 1TO1. to Eunice M Lum-den to Oliver McGee — Baron Fava will increase the pleasure Mr. an«i Mrs. A. C. Ewart, formerly of property in Medf<«rd; $2500. Ashland, a daughter. with which Americana witness his de­ I D Cox to W I Vawter and G W Howard BEAGLE—Tn Ashland. April 3. 1891. to parture if be will take with him the Ma­ —200 acre« «ec 9. tp 36 n r 4 w ; 1100 Mr an«l Mrs. W T Beagle, a diiuehter. fia and lazzaroni and amnestied bri gun« la bailie E I*h to J M Guche«—10 acre» ip who have been dumped upon this coun­ 38 » r 2 w ■ $80. and try by his government. Will he Fava us VALLEY RECORD EVANS A BRINK Ashland Market Heal Relate Transfers. PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS' TOOLS, WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC.*, John E. Pelton Building Papers. Wrapping Papers * aud Twines. Successor to HOSLEY A PELTON. All kinds of I ARTISTS' MATERIALS. CONTRACTS Hood’s Sarsaparilla Ashland. Oregon. IOO IMPORTED and Registered Clyde, Shire, Fer- cheron & Normal?. Stallions. This is the time to buy iaorder to have them perfectly acch- mated for next season, and we must sell in order to mak- room for new importation-The freight oi a horse to Per', land, "Oregon is orJy $cO. Every aniraal (uiiy Warranted. TmnaEasy. S- i:«: I for Catalogue* A - ’res* >. C- . V'J-iu- - V • rt One of the good features of Senator Cogswell’s labor bill which was passed by tbs last legislature, is that when objec­ tions are made to a laborer’s claim for wages, and the laborer establishes his claim, he not only recovers his costs and expenses but also such sum as the court may deem reasonable as attorney's fees. The state board of sericulture proposes to raise $50,000 by subscription for Ore­ gon’s display at the world’s fair. Mult­ nomah county is placed on the list for >20,000,Jackson for >1500, Josephine $300 and Klamath and Lake $200 each. Thcv ask beards of trade, etc., to send not more than live delegates to meet in Portland pioneer day (June 15) to con­ sider best means of raising funds and advertising. The fruits of speculation and gambling are being reaped over on the Sound bv a whirlwind of seductions and murders. A day to VLVIo per year and requires no expensive niachinei v t<> operate it. A fruit-rai«er in the Willamette vallev requires but a siuh II outlay, ha- all the a«lvantage« of a civilized and <*u tured society, has good and conven­ ient markets and receivas a lietter income from the same investment than can he ha«l from anv other line <«! bu-iness. You can get this land from to $75 per acre of The Oregon Land Company of Salem. Oregon. Klnmaih Csiunty Items. D. W. Anderson hits on han«i 250 ^al­ Inns of sucker oil, which is good for ma- chinerv. Mrs. Thomas Miles, with her little; <-hil«l, arrived on Wednesday’s stage en route for Fort Klamath. .1. D. Carr ia running an eight-horse plow and a six-horse plow on his Tule lake ran«-h. He will plant a very heavy crop this tear. C. T. Nail, of Barnes valley, was in Linkville to-«lay on his way home from Aslilaml where he bail taken a few head of horses for Dr. Helm. A. M. Peterman has 150 fruit trees which will bear this year. The ehtrrv nn«l apple trees bore last year. His apri­ cot and plum trees came from Illinois and are blooming finely. et fence. W. P. Hillis an«i sons are working their ol«l diggings on Saxes creek with good prospects. CARLISLE—At her I <>n>e at Talent. April 4. 1-91 of ton iimption, M.ty Ge.«rgiette M. D. L. Cox has oiity,ahe was unit- Joseph Howell and niece, Miss Gault e«i in marriage to J B. Carlisle, and the of Portland, are visiting friends in Wood­ fruits of that union was blesse«l with six ville and will spend several weeks here. eliihiren, fo'tr of whom are living. The do-ease«! was a la«Iy of a kind heart and There will be s special school meeting gifted with .«II the virtues of a true worn-: here next Naturdav, for the purpoee of an. Her taking off at so early a time in voting a tax to build a new school house. 1 life is a sa «remaking are making orer ¿ver UM»», t-KGOO a yeai é_____ _ numb«-«, re,«e«rl, 1«. ___ NEW J Jv r rfSn .IICOIS tiClJ. 31 Ul' and Nfill.l 8?. l-'ull particular« PR El£. Addresa at once, ton, I eal. Pork, Sausages, etc. E. <'• AlxEEJV. li«»x 4^0, Aufiinta, Muine. JEWELRY! The Best Stock in Southern Oregon-Latest Designs and Most Perfect Movements. 1 KEW REPEATING RIFLE ¡¡MARLIN SAFETY ORNAMENTS & CHARMS. I -SPECTACLES I SOLID TOP. A new and fine stock just arrived. EYE TESTER to discover exactly kind of gla«s you need. Not here just for the season—But here to 'lay. All Goods Warranted as Represented or Money Re unded. SIDE EJECTING. Weight,6*H». J. S. MULLER Using 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. Chitwood Bros. Plaza Cor. MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. Assessment Notice. The Umpire Gold and Silver Mining and Milling Company. I .oration of principal pla e of business. San Francisco, Califor­ nia. Location of works, Wagner Creek Mining District, Jackson county, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 27th day of March, 1-91, an assessment. iNo 3.) of two (2) cents per .«h ire, was levied u|«>n the Capital stock of the Corporation, pav- able immediately in United States Gold Coin, tothe Secretary, at the o tice oi th« Company, 328 Montgomery street, Room 13, San l'rancis. o, California. Any Stock upon which this Assessmen «ball remain unpaid on tbe 4th «lav of May 1891. will lie delinquent, and advertised to «a e at public auction. an«l unless pavnieii is made before, will l>e ««.Id on Saturday .he 23d day of Ma -, 1«91. to pay the deliii queflt Asse««ment, together with costs < advertising, and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. A. CH EM IN A NT, Secretary Office No. 328 Montgomery street, R«« 13. San Francisco. Caliiornia. Iapr2 Plants Single meals....................................... CHÄS. S. GRAVES, I Plants, Blackberry and Grapevines. “ I I I Will be open May 1st, Board and lodging |>er week. ME ■ ■ ■■ S ou-‘ < . h«« work. EaBv to ham. Ye fUrni'h everything. W e star; v <>n Xu risk. Y <>u can devote your spare moments, or all your time lo the work. IhU is an entirely new lead,and bring:, v. o:t«h iful succet-s toeverv w«.tk*-r. Beginners ar«« eanting from »2.*» to iit per week and upw ards, and more after a little experience. VYe can famish vou the em­ ployment and teach you EREE. No space to explain here. Full Information 4 KE... T'KI’F: