■a VALLEY RECORD. ===== . VALLEY RECORD. pressed bricks Boys c lot bin*.new kX. at O. H. Blount a. I. B. Ravtuond has been engaged to teach the Etna district school. Radam » Microbe killer is now kept for sale in Baeser’s block, Ashland. Geo. B. Landers returned Moodaj from ■ tour aa tar north aa Puget sound. Mrs. H. F. Barron and Mr». Turpin were viriting at Medford lari week. VALLEY RECORD L*' vol . in. Published every Thursday bv the; VALLEY KECOKD PUBLISHING OO E. J. KAISER, Editor. ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 9, 1891. HOITHERX OREGON GRAPES The Big Show M LafoUett and family, of Medford, As can l«e seen elsewhere in our col­ have moved to Oakland, Cal., on a farm. Portland Oregonian, editorial.] umns the famous New United Shows, an ___________________ ________ vJUthern Oregon baa a fine climate and aggregation of worl1 *or the production of grape», and yet, Visit us at Ashland on Thursday, April Tipton.___________________________________{ bv compariaon with other states of in- ( 16. It is said the whole show, front first 4„ _____ : . tenor natural fitneea ter the culture of I to last, is of unnsu J excellence. The New spnng stuu just received thu week I,«.« —... iw. «« at O H Blount *. Price* *29.00 u> 125(10 the 'me,Or«-gon may be Mid to wee no horses are splendid specimens, while the per tUrt. j mtpee. The Hudson nver diatnct of S' tors are culled from the best on every - . f . _ ' . New ’V” York • V« *W »»« in tite wra muovi! season «-Z« of 1830 *erou« voung farnM-ra, made tl»e Rr< oki« grand total of 98,000,006 Bounds of grapes Ju-nbo, whose history is identical with aa the prodtn-t of New York This does the Zoological Gardens, Ixtndon, and is a pleasant visit a few day» ago. not include tbe large amount of grape« ' recognised as the undoubted mastodon E. D. Ifose. formerly of Ashland, but used in New York for wine New York of mastodons. That there is a treat in for over a year a resident of upper Rogue state haa 43,000 Acres in bearing vines store for us and an occasion of recreative river, was in tbe city Saturday. Tbe average yield per acre is 1.75 tons, amusement no one can deny. It is not Joint W. Power» ouene«] bi» Portland and tbe market value of her grapes per i often that such an opportunity presents We will be there to see it. aaioon, Tbe O«L with a grand blow-out ton is |70. Ohio haa 28,000 acres devoted itself to grapes and Missouri 10.000 acres M is- last SstunUy. It la at No. 19 Alder. The Puipit and the siaxe. j BWH lAJM« to LU the HIV acre 4UU sottri iniKO raises *j 3 tons and 1JVI her i J ame» Norris can fnmtah yon alltod»o< grape« toll for *50 a ton. Ohio raise« 1.80 Rev. F M Shrout, pastor United Breth­ finishing lumbsr. moulding*, window*, tons • - acre and her grapes sell - for - to th* ren church. Blue Mound, Kan., »ays: “I door* asMi.ele. I^av« order» at Luckey ’s* |57 a ton. 1» Ohio, New York, and even feel it my duty to tell what wonders l'r Ex-Senator Wager propose« walking in Missouri, grape vines »re in danger of King's New Discovery has done for me Iram Astoria to New York, lecturing on late frosts in the spring and early frosts My Lung* were badly l through Aahiand recently for Creek Must Go. Of all season» in the year, b the one for Cinnabar. making railical change» in regard to health. The most dangerous attack on Greek “Doc’’ Nebeker ami wife, formerly oi During the winter, the »yvteni become» to a tn the schools and colleges yet seen was Ashland, wore on Friday's train for Oak- certain extent clogged with waste, and tbe leaded Und,Cal.,from Portion«!,to viait “Doc’s”! bkwd , . . with impurities, ------- owing to lack made the other day in England at a age«l mother. i e5*r"i’ ftare coiUlOeinent i in poorly ven- meeting of tbe head m.ksten of the Eton, tilated shop* and home», an 1 1 other ------------------- cause». Harrow, Rugby, Winchester, Westmin­ John Williamson, president ol one of Thin 1» the cause of the dull, sluggish, tired the big wagon manufactories at Terre , «••MaaM so general at this ssason, and which ster, Charter House. St. Paul's, Clifton and other schools—one of their usual Haute. Ind., was visiting his uncle^Judge 2^5.1*i’v7cora1e' or h®?11? mB* Hood’ s KarHnnanDa Sarsaparilla annual or semi-annwil gatherings. It Priru recently entirely broken down. Hocwi bw. attained the greatest popularity allover was led, or in fact made, by Mr. Well- Medi- There are many great things that come the country as the — favorite ---------- Spring „------ don, the. bead master of Harrow. • He to good democrats. W. H. Parker, Eaq„ ihe accumulatfon of itu was preeented »kl«. gives to tbe blood the purity an«i Greek both at scluxil and college and oay ov nil wile. quality necessary to good health and over the substitution of science or modern George Grows of Barron called on the “n,e"that Mred fe*lln8 languages, on two grounds. Bat own Hatarday, just recovering from a | The first was the need of adapting ed­ A Famous Woman'« Childhood. case of “the grip” which haa invaded his ucation to individual tastes and capacity. entire household. N ew Y oke . March 19,—Mrs. Henry The second—in the interest of Greek <» H. Blount is chuck-a block with cloth- : Ward Beecher was Ixim in a small vil­ ing, boot* and »hoe*, hats and cap* since ' lage in Vermout, the daughter of tbe study itself—was that the Greek lan­ hi* new stock has arrived. But it don’t village doctor, who was richer in chil­ guage might be left in the hands of those take Blount long to unload. dren than this world's goods, and this who really loved it, and could cultivate Mrs. J. H. Cummons has disposed of little daughter had to be his helper in all it with success—to a sort of classical her Woolen street propertv to Mr». How- i the little operations where her deft fin­ elite, in short, who would rescue it from aid, ami ia having erected a new resi­ gers could aid hint. She unconsciously its degraded condition as the bugaboo of dence in Coolidge addition. learned in those years of training all dunces and sluggards. There was a good The lark ia now protected bv law. those needed accomplishments in the deal of discussion, pro and con, which Hunter» can only kill this bird at their way of caring for the sick and minor elicited nothing very new, but Mr. Well- Cril, an«! the law even forbids disturb- surgical ojs-ratious that helped her so don came within two votes of carrying < its nest, eggs, or its young. gn*tfy in after life as pastor's wife in the his resolution, this adverse majority be­ Fine line of tobacco and cigar» at Mc('on- i small towns where Mr. Beecher was first ing obtained by the adhesion of two of nell A Winter*'. called. And she had a mother the very the smaller schools. We doubt if anything so ominous for J. W. Miller, renresenling a colony of embodiment of neatness, ecaiatny and 100 families from the vicinity of Central ; systematic order, added to industry, and Greek has yet occurred, for the English City. Neb , was in the valley last week these qualities she instilled into her public schools are its stronghold today, hunting cheap land to lo«*ate on. daughter's mind until the little Eunice and indeed England may be said to be One section of timber school land on was almost as capable as her mother. its main champion. It has never struck Bal«l mountain and another one at the There habits of system enabled her in such deep roots in education and genera] head of Trail creek, were recently pur­ after life to plan for her husband and culture on tbe continent or in thia coun­ chased by timber land speculators. keep his work systematised, so that he try.—New York Nation. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; One year......................................................>2 CO Six months ............................................... 1 50 Three months .......................................... 76 Advertising rates given on application. Ix>cal notices I5c per line for nrst inser­ tion and 8c tor each subsequent insertion. Obituaty lines, memorial resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., at half rate.- NO. 48. N»w Zealand'» Wild Homes. “Aboard the ship that carried me from New Zealand to San Francisco were rix thoroughbred New Zealand horses." remarked T. Harding McLaurin, a wealthy sheepgrower of that British poMeerion. soon after he arrived at tbe Grand Pacific h«Uel. “And the owner expects to accompli»h wooden with these animals. It is a strange thing to many that goo«l horses should be bred in New ZealamL I dare say that when I get to England, and when I relate various matters, my friends will answer with a stare of incredulity. As a point of fart the vast plains to the north of my place—Otago— ore the homes of great herds of wild hones tkat san, about as fearlessly aa did the mnstamrs or broncos of your western plains. “Are they ljetter horses than the mus Ungs? Well, they are a» far above the Ameri«*n article as the pure blooded Arabian is above aa or.iinary draught horse. They are large and well built, and there is no uniformity of color. They live upon the rich tareocks and peelie gras-, that abound on their once volcanic field-. “The New Zealand wild horse is a hard one to break, but once brought un­ der control he makes a magnificent driv­ ing or «-arriage animal. Cheap too. I ltave seen beautiful fourteen hand horses sold for fifteen pounds to be used for coaches. Br«-eding with imported stock prodin es a variety such as would be well aduptwl to America. Just now sheep raising is the great industry of the isl­ and, but I pr.xlict a great future for the horse trade.’’-Chicago News. Oregon Land Company, !3 WHVR V- H«® virtues or V v * X 1 jx V.L j 1..« « its < f a reaudy tor pa iu du not la1/ 14* e«>u»!A in iis tting r V / Ll Ei. as good for re.ief«S «•tLer rvmt-di« :«. but iu tbe r. ■ tuHi :: 1 b.iivr. in Ix-iug more protujH and . uw. nud tb«-rvf«ae the lx*t ibr ilia spc<*i6e it is n«>t -111 idle catch­ line that strikes (he eye thus: HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON THEG^ATMKEDYFORPAIH, 63 T«E BEST. Astoria and Albany. (N ine Y ears Ils» City and Snbnrkan Prajertj. SEND : FOR PAMPHLET, in and SURGEON. H osfital P ractice .) Office in Brick Block on Oak street, Sec­ ond door from Main street. : MAP : AND : PRICE : LISTS. A sh land i PROOF. UBEuON. ROBERT A. MILLER. ♦ Ar<*Lbishops. Dish- n I rs. Doctors, Gov* erno:c, <’•< • •'•••SI 'Or* Members of j-; U - erfsbit a-s-s, F. s. Causul», .triny ......... ClSri r Mayors and : :• ! di • in ajring: "We Jk4.trs ’< ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSELOR-AT- ATARRH xX-rvJ LAW, J acksonville - THE POSITIVE CURE. OTW'. :5^-.:,. .’JS3 FAILED, .nl ST J' f«.r ail *ehcs and pal'», and it held. laneutly.’’ Portland, H. JJR. J. I n the S tate I nsvrance B uilding . Branch Offices at BLRTENSHAW. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Will nractice in all the Courts of the Statt. Business in the Ü. 8. Land Office will re­ ceive prompt attention. Office first door north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland. Or, ----- WITH ITS------ And ST- JAOO3S O8L THE J^UTHEK L. - • O regon . • Will practice in all tbe courts of the State. Office with W. 11. Parker, opposite Court House. E.T BROTHERS. 54 Wtrren SUNew York. Price» : nasun A. i 'd, not deceived th, .11 ’ H. S CALDWELL, C. MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE DKNT18T. Nitrous Ckxide Gas administered for tbe painless extraction of teeth. Office over the Bank. EMERY, Proprietor. BOWDITCH. T. J —Manufacturers of the Celebrated— ATTORNEY AT LAW. ■ Date« for Raster. In 188.5 Easter fell on March 25, and it will only once again in this century, namely, in 1834, fall on so early a date. In the three following centuries it will occur only eight times on the same date —namely, in 13.51, 2035. 204«, 2057, 2103, 2114, 2125 and 2198. The earliest date on which Easter can fall is on March 22, and this only in case the moon is full on March 21, when this date happens to fall ou Satnrday. This combination of circumstances is extremely rare, It oc­ curred in 1390, 1761 and 1817, and will hapi»en again in 1990, 2076 and 2144, while during the three following centu­ ries it is not once ,-on the books” at this early date. On the other hand, Easter never falls later than April 25 ; phis was the case in 166«, 1734 and 1886, and will only happen once in the next century— namely in 1943.—Pall Mall Gazette. 'CTCL! 24 . O regon . Will practice in all courts of the state. Collections promptly made. Ì M fHiBrST ìn safety ver adì ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARING !' AGENTS WANTED i CXTALOCvS DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE I CSTALPCU? ILS SOT 0:4 APPLICATION. ! :• (IFWnELLS SOTCW APPLICATION : T„@ ! it 17# WYOSTBl«« - Légo.OqiQ, \ FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING Wire MRS. JOHN CLINT -------------- oo------------- F.E.ZOELLNER, rive Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Stael H uh opened Dressmaking Parlors ----- In the----- CONTINUOUS TWIST cf the WIRE. diUette Block, Maia Stmt Rear Chnrdi Street, ASHLAND, OREGON. ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. ASHLAND* - OREGON. Has just received the biggest and l>est stock of goods ever brought to A-hland. A fine stock of imported goods. I also car­ ry all classes of goods, hen«« you cannot fail to be suited. Call and examine the stock for yourself. Nothing but tirst-cla-s work, a good tit and -atisfa< tion guaranteed. Also a line of Conductor’s Cloth. Don't ntiM geltim? one of those new tailor accomplished , a hundredfold more work The Iron Port of the World. tuade »aits at O. h 7 Blount’s. than he could have done if left to him­ Escanaba is the county seat of Delta and few know how much of his C*l<- A. 1*. Ankeny, the pioneer, died self, i at Hatem March 23d His son, Henry 1 fame was dne tn the care and system of county, Mich. It lies at tbe foot of the great pine forests and overlooks Little Ankeny of Sterlingville, and his family Mrs. . Beecher. have returned home from attending tbe When Mrs. Beecher was a little girl Bay de Noquet, the head waters of Green last sad rites. ( at home she studied, helped her mother, bay. Fivo years since it was practically II. H Wolters of Medford was married 1 learned to sew in the neatest manner, to a village in the wilderness. According to Mr. Nursey’s carefully recently to Mias Mamie McMahan, a na- « cook and keep house, beeid«n which, tive of Jacksonville. They have tbe beet every , evening she worked a “.stent” of written report, capable of the fullest wishes of a large circle Of friends for a , straw braiding. She was never allowed verification, Escanaba is the greatest happy wedded life. to waste anything or to be idle a mo­ iron port of the world. He tells us that Col Edward Ifill is at Medtord, ac­ ment, and she grew into » pretty, during the navigation season of 1890 it companied hy Mr». Hill. Hie numerous healthy girl, who even to this day is a shipped 3,700,000 tons pf iron ore, or nearly double that of all the ore ports of Ashland friend« will regret to know that lovely woman. ite U confined to his room at L. L. An­ Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota gle’s with rheumatism World's Fair Gossip. i combined. Its lumber ohtput amounted about 120,000,000 feet, while the C hicago . March 19.—There will be to I A. E Hammond, the civil engineer of capacity of the vessels entering I Portland, drew the plans and made the many conventions ami congresses during freight survev of the new sewerage system at the holding of the Columbian exposition I and clearing from its port exceeded Killed by a Captive Rattlesnake. Eugene. Al. is composetl of the »tuff in 189:1, and these gatherings will many I 8,000,000 tons. This compares with the Alfred Due. a Frenchman who that first-class engineers are made of. of the greatest seaports of the of them exert wide influence for years to tonnages I been living in a small cabin on come, judging from the results of pre- ’ world, which are: (1) London, 19,000,000; Grandma Merriman, accompanied bv ¡Schnell ranch, two utiles north of eight children and thirteen grandchil­ viotts affairs of their kind. During the (2) Liverpool, 14,000,000; (3) New York, ( Juana, had a sort of fascination dren, attend««! church here last Nundav, I Ceutennial year a convention of the 11,000,000, and next comes Escanaba anakes. and the reptiles appeared to real­ Mrs Merriman an«l her children repre-1 friends of international 4>eace was held with 8,000,000 tons. — Iron. ’ ize that lie was their especial friend. renting twentv-two out of the entire con-' in the large hall of the Mercantile li­ Neighbors (ell that within the past few gregation.—Me«iford Mail. brary. The credit its promotion was ptontfes foe pas never been kh««wp to be A kind pf moth pr butterfly is said to The sensational newspaper writers nev­ jlue largely to the late ^ucretia Mott, and er Iwfore ha« I such an opportpmty as is ¡4 was on that occasion that the writer, have become so very troublesome and Without one or inure «makes in the cabin. offered by the recall of the macaroni > who brought with hint credentials'from destructive in Bavaria that every possi­ Blacksnakes and copjierheads made their DDnQter plenipotentiary a«d embawa«for the Workmen’s Peace association of ble means has been taken to destroy it. home under his house, and he would extraordinary bv the Datro government. Great Britain, and uf which he was one The most effective method consists of itop ou tlie tielil to caress a snake of any They arg making Home bowl. kind. nt the founders, first cam«« face to face attracting the pest by means of an elec­ For about a week he lias had a large tric light in connection with a blow fan, Hee tits new lot of boys' »boe*. only $1.50 with that gallant band of Christian rattler in tlie house, but as the reptile per pair, at O. H. Blount's. workers in the cause of international which draws the insects into the suction was not of the trustworthy family Due The following are the officers of the r peace, ami including Mrs. Mott, Mrs. pijie by air draught and results in mill­ made for it a housing place in an empty- ions of them lieing destroyed. Wagner creek grange: James Purvee, | Townshend, also now departed; Alfred II. oil can. Since then he lias been hand­ Master: Mrs. Sulie Dean, Overseer; Geo. ' I Love. Rev. Henry 8. Clubb and Judge Anderenn, Secretary ; E. K. Anderann, ' It. IL Westbreok, that have made the . It is reported that Lucy Long, a little ling the snake at odd times, endeavoring Treasurer- W. J. Dean, Lecturer; Mieai I American branch of the International norrel mare, ridden in many battles by to tame it into docility. Stella Ihicfoe. Lady Assistant Steward; | Sunttay afternoon he had the suake General Robert E. Lee, is still living in T. Lynch, Steward; W. J. Stewvrt, State , ' Union for Peace an«l Arbitration influ-1 the south and in good health, safe from out as usual, displaying it to a young ential in rhe conucil of peace workers Deputy. Lad it lying the infirmities common to extreme old man named (’resswell. I throughout the civilized world. on Ins lap, lit» right huna 'closed loosely Mne coffee, tea and spice» at McConnell i __________________ Then (here was the international con- | age. A Winter»’. afbnnd’ the btwly just back of the head. vention for the amelioration of all the The growth of population and area in It writhed alwut and finally free«l its ('apt. W. W. Saunders is slowly re- . ills that afflict mankind. It assembles! i London is marvelous. A recent Tetnru head. Then the reptile fanire«» itself covering at the |>enitentiary. from a se-! in Carpen tee’s ltall, that structure so shows that the metropolis comprises 7otf vere illnesaof spinal fever He lias eome > into a curl and like a, flash of lightning I hopes of retting out B«xtn nmU » petition »’»ear to tlie hearts of liberty lovers every­ square miles and a population of five buried (is demlly fangs in the flesh of where, nn«l Of Philadfeiplimtis in particit- know being circulate«! among |he fiews- and a half millions. | Due’s right hand. Heapjieared to think ’ |»r. But its «teseions, as those now alive piper’ jhen of rorUnnd to that effect . little al tout the matter and did not even will never forget, were brought tQ a p.ind.V »»ek »pits. in>iH>rte«l goods, for bandage the wpunil. On Tuesday C, N- premature eq«l by the e^essive euthu- ! 426 (U till* week at O. li Blount'.*. buuutled Like a ('yclouri. Flattery, pf the ban Diego Utidvrtaking . siastu of a craukt whq, after lettiDg 'fwo yogng men of the city are 6»id to eomiiany, received 9, tylephuue i”<-sage The farmer»' alliance rp«'ently organ- loose q pmiple. of white jluves as a fukca have gone cut walking a day or two ' from Tte Juaiui , r,e«l al Phoe.ti* hy 8. H. ]jok, has the -Bring coffin following oftvera. President, 1». II. of peace an«l g"O«l will, drew » long, 1 since, when they chauced to stroll near I (gl'ing rijei Ind come at once.” The Ho|t ■ vi<-e-pre*ident, Freu»iness. George's hall, ami the Am-rican partici­ pents which were standing upright and ham who lived in Kechi township, Sedg­ pants in which included Julia Ward hissing meet vigorously.—Athens (Ga.) The Roseburg 1’laindealer »tvs: Rev wick county. Kan. A farmer named Wm. Lund.pastor of tlie Epi&'opal church Howe, Mary Livermore, Antoinette Leader. Martin had killed a number of hogs, in this parish, will »win lrave for Aurora, Brown Blackwell, Lucy Stone, Edna which l>o ’«‘fl baugin’8 in his yard over Catarrh in Colorado. lmliana, having been recently appointol B. Cheney and Grace Anna Lewis. Vuj4«t ’ ir\ tho tn« >ming one was gone, psstiw of that«-htireh. Mr. Lund and his The first ami last of these gather­ I used Ely ’s Cream BaFin lot d, v enturth. amiable wife, Dr. Milla Lund, have re- ings exerted for the time being a far- It proved a cure.—1> F. M. Wselfo. Denver. jiiq in k>-«'wing. atouud for some trace ■ si«ie«l in this city for the past three year», L«v s v«eam Ralrfi'iw especiilly" adapted which might reveal the cause of its dis- L ami have made many warm friends whq reaching influence for (juo«], aud-i( -bw a* a remedy'for catarrh w hich is aggravat- ajipearance, ho noneed, a short distance ' wa» tbe case a dtHiade and ’ a h»lf ago e«l bv alkaline dust and dry wind.—W. A. ; front his hou> , something strange | wi|i eincere|.v regret their decirrture. i suc«*ees attend |heiti ifl their new \Vhat may be expected of the score or Hoover, druggist, Denver. 1 can recommend Ely’s Cream Balin to propped against a rail fence, and on in- more of congresses that Chicago will be nouMil • vestigating found his hog hanging by all sufferers frou: dry catarrh front personal called upon to welcome in 1893? experience.—Michael Herr, Pharmacist. [ the gambrel »tick around the neck of See those new shoe* for >2.50 at Q. H H. M. H unt . l>Ioi;nt>. Denver I Dunham. Ely’s ( ream Balnt ha* cured tukuv cases Ltnkriiie Star. Tlie „how Tuesdav ev- The thief s ueek was broken, and he of ea ’ srrh. It is jp oonstont demand. — Geo. eidng ih A al i]a nd was a very interesting Spring Sigu». had evidently been dead some hours. W- Hqyt, Pharmaci-t, Cheyenne, Wy. afiaiy. Miro Qrare Hammond, the poet-' The supposition is that while climbing Small Boy—Grandpa, the yvbtmj are fofetrewi of the city, was v«»te«i a han«!- Lieut. Schwatks has sufficiently recov­ the fence Dunham's burden had slipi«e«l ringing this ptoming. L that a sign jjutpe present together with »|xe high ered to contribute to the April number of and caught his hea«l in the noose form«-«] rFmp«lmpm irf being the mpit popular Lhat spring is here? the Century a paper on the expedition oi Grandpa iwho has beeu deceived too ' by the two leg« and the cross Stick, and young Indjr in Asitlau«!. Then the voters "The New York Times to Mount St. Eli­ the heavy weight had instantaneously • on the homeliest man united on Kairer. often)— No. It’s a sign that robins air t as,” in 1886 cracked ltis neck.—Kansas City Star. of the Rx« «»iH>,on being their choice by a got no seuae."-Good News. Specimen Cases. large majority They presented him For a number of years 1 have Issen sub­ A fvw days ago while sitting in Elder S H Clifford. New Cassel, Wis , was with a sack of sour apple», a small l«x>k- ject to violent ijUutkj Of inllainiuatory ing-sh«sa ami tbe compliments of the rbaui«.»“—l( Wf)lck generally lasted alxm't troubled with neuralgia and rheuu>a;»sm. Bros.’ drug store at Tingley. Iowa. Mr T. hi- stomach was disonletxd. las liver was L. Dyer, a well known citizen, came in and I..IUa M- w-l---- •- ; ______ a voice is a little two months. On the first of this month I affected m a,« «.amiitig degree, apatite fell asked for something for a severe cold which was attacked in tbe knee and si'flersi s, aw ay and he was terribly reduced in flesh be had. Mr. Elder took down a bottle of stronger to-day than when the doctors vervlv fur two «Uys, when t procured a bot­ gave him up. He is able to faintlv mur- tle of Chamberlain’» Pain Maim, and it re­ and strength Three bottle» of Electric Chamberlains Cough Remedy and said: lillters cured him "Here is something 1 can recommend. It rpur hit intention to bring suit against lieved me almost instantly. 1 therefore Edward Shepherd. Harrisburg. Ill , had uO.uiuands a large sale and gives genuine ¿e?erai'Ashlane entirely restore«! This is a Tbe Best bal>e in the world for Cuts. knowuas he -tittered such severe pain. \V. sores on his leg. doctors said he was incur­ specimen of the effectiveness of this prep­ Bruise*. Sores, l icer«. Balt Rheum. Fey«;r jo»«*, letter ( happen Hands. C hilblains, M. Houston A Co.. Merchants. Martindale. able One bottle Electric Bitters and one aration.—Des Moines Mail and Times. t orn.«, »nd all Akin Eruptions, and p«>ri- JJ. C. 50 cent bottles for sale by Chitwood box Ilucklen s Arnica Salve cured him en­ Chitwood Bros., druggists, sell the above mentioned remedy. uvelv cure- Pihw. or no pay require«!: Iti», Bros., druggists- ____ _______ _ tirely . Sold by Chitwood Bros guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or Nothing but cash trade »olicited at O 11. i fresh oysters Saturday at McConnell & Picture frames made to order at H. 8, muuey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. | Eznerys Bkntst’s L ot sale bv Chit* iaa ! Bros ----------- o---------- - Cheaper than a Rai! Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger than arb Wire Fence Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. W orks on N orth S ide of R. R. C rossing . H elman S treet . JIERFBANT TAILOR, Mrs. Stuart*» Good Work. It is not a wonder that men should look with astonishment on a woman who undertakes to build an institution. Many a woman of advanced ideas would be dumfonnded to find a member of her sex so far ahead of her age. Womeu are feeling their way slowly and secret­ ly but sneceiisfully, The female liene- factoH of New York city »re many, but unknown. Of wealthy families, they dis­ like notoriety, and so long as they see flieir pet project blossom into success and flourish they rink their own indi­ viduality into the abyss of humanity and rest content. A new asylum for destitute children is to be built near Central park. Few people know that the land and every stick of timber that constitutes its frame was purchased by a woman. Yet it was . And that woman was Mrs. Robert Stu­ art. She is bordering on the silver age of sixty, yet shn is full of geniality and sociability. “My husbaqd was a benevolent mau, and when he die«] J litado it my life's motto to carry out hiH intentions," said she. “Money is of no avail to me if I cannot make some poor peoplo happy. —New York Recorder. E ..... A shland , N A YOUNG S ixteen Y ears ’ E xperience . ----------- o- Fashion plates from Minneapolis, St. Paul and New York. All work guaran­ teed to give eatiefaction. [f 19, '91 SURVEYOR ’ and Government Land Locator. Peterman Bros JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. AVING gsined a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac­ tual experience, 1 am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 H LINKVILLE, OREGON. CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS & MANUFACTURERS. V. L ZOELL^K. WAS Of Bash and Doors and all kinds and styles of Window and Door Frames." Mold­ ing and Brackets of all styles. Boats built to order. The whole or one half ottered for sale. 14 AWARDED THE ONLY I EAST AND SOUTH I.U*. topvrujhi., r,'J; A « < K—. L £61 firondwax, , JUw York. Shasta Line. -•( at the >- PARIS f LIVER PILLS OHLY PERFECT 8ua* C ure for S im R e * o * chl aud all troubles frosj IndifegtioD or Constipation« Improves the Complexion by Purifying the Blood* Thodooeenn be nicely adjusted to su.t the case, ae eno pill can never bo too large a dose. Easy to take aa so much sugar. 42 pills put up in a strong rial which can be carried in v est pocket. A Wrest foa*««« lesee te Travelers and Rsalsen Men. Koaa G*»cL,« wlik* ••txCreaerat” Trade lark. Said Kverywh..*, ¿go.'« SetUi Baapto Dose aa4 Ursa« Bed *10- la ataapa. A 5 to BBALTH and VIGOROUS STRENGTH ofYouraF North South 1 7:0C p tn l.v Portland Ar 9:35 a ui 10:20 a m Ar Ashland Lv 6:40 p iu 10:50 a m Lv Ashland Ar 6:10 p tn 10:15 a m Ar BanFratieiscoLv 7:00p m Above trains stop only at following sta tions north of Roseburg: East Portland. Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey .Harrisburg, Junc­ tion City, Irving, Eugene Roseburg Mail Daily. SEWING MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH AND GRANITE A shland , - O beoon . leave : .F amily use . '.eunniii 9;00a m Albany Portland San Francisco, Cal. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TJVE A-ZX: KTT NEÆZBOXT 10 UR 1ST SLEEPING CARS For accommodation of Secornl Class Pas­ sengers, attache«! to Express Trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Between Portland and Corvallis. mailtrain daily ('«♦r^wuier »nd Huilder ( except hvnday .) ARRIVE» LEAVES Portland. 7:30 am Corvallis. 12:10 pin Corvallis. 12:55 p tn Portland. 5:30 pm At Aibany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) O regon 4 Repairing will Receive Prompt _____ Attention. LEAVE-____ ARRIVE: Portland 4:40p in , M’Minnviiíe 7:25 pm M'Mineville 5:45am | Portland .8:20 a in THKOIUIH TICKETS to all points EAST lib N01T1I. STAR R. F. HIGH, Proprietor. ARRIVE: 5:ni 5:00am Cortland Albany Pachte Coast Main office, 1368 Market St. TIEZIE CX i y j a NSW VEHICLE. WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT WANT. Barber Shop, 6:40 p in 4:00p hi Albany Inorai, Daily,(Except Sunday.) O. R. Buckman Ahl! LAMP Roseburg 6:20 a in I Portland Portland Roseburg THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MQ, i arrive : LEAVE DO MOT CRIPE, SICKEN 3* CONSTIPATL g PrfliriWvjna'llOnB; BEGULATFS the LI VFR 1 ■ oao llftNKYSana RESTORES the DEBILITATED ■ AT NOW ON E Express Trains Leave Fortiund Daily. ISSO. Cull und examine them. S’ LITTLE /w DR. HAPT*M4 IRON TONIC. EXPOSITION, ror.v, easy riding, and well made, having three elliptic springs underneath the ; > ! o ii'ade es|>eciall.v for this wagon and will «sarrv 500 lbs. with easel, double e«. Ihelie.st ««'K-l tire, leather «lash, and a solid beaded bottom. It has a box i r - . ;i'l jiaclaig- s, awi a wire guard around the back for holding larger packages. ..d i. .r catalogue ftial prices. Manufactured by GAltDINER «fc CJltOiSl-», ! For ticket» and full information regarding | rates, map», etc , call on company's agent at Ashland. R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass Agt l.ouisvlllo, li-y. i otice is hereby given to people of Ashland and surround- N : the ing country that I at am the old stand on Main street, opposite the old Flag stat! where any one wishing work done tn my line will always find me ready to serve them. “And men may contean'd ruen may go,” but I am a stayer forever. Shaving, 25c; hair cutting. 25c; shampoo­ ing, 25c; »ea foam, 25c. THE YAQUINA ROUTE OREGON PACIFIC R.R. T. E. HOGG, Receiver H air « vttino a S pecialty . DO YOU W-A-ITT AN ORGAN OR PIANO Before Purchasing Address the VALLEY RECORD, ASHLAND, OREGON, And Find Out what a Big Bargain you can get tn the Sweetest-Toned instruments made a ytar i’ made ? - John R Go-.-dnli!,! rvj .N’.Y .:«t ñ •-■rk f«»r ue. Kvadei you muy n >t make as much, but we caí. teaeli y«>u «¡tü«-kiy hon tucani fruía ti U $10 a day at the »tart, aud more as you ge on. Both sex«, ali ag*-.*. In any j-art of menea, yon can cumtnrm c at home, giv- ng ail your that .«.r •part, mvu« ute only to the work. All is u-v* . Great j«y >• KE for ever* wodter. Ue start tuu, n tnlshioff r «ything. LA81I-Ù. >1 LELILÍ learMd. J A D rjCLLAllt! I'UiJ.. Addrt.w at rnnosr a 4,0.. rhtnj.’t sin<- BUMBOAWtâ i Oregon BUGGIES .SHORT CARTS ¿END FOFt- Developement STEAMERS. « ■* * — (?ATAI?6 u £W> PRICELIST. * Co.'s LINE TO w CALIFORNIA. «■'HEIGHT AND FAKES the LOWEST Steamer Sailing Dates: FROM YAQCINA1 Steamer Willamette Valley—March sth, March 16th, March 25th. EROM BAN FKANCIBCo: Steamer Willamette Valley—March 12th, 2* st and 30th. The company reserves the right change sailing date- without notice. Trains connect w ith O. A C. R. and Riv­ er Boats at Corvallis and Albany. Freight and ticket office, Salmon street wharf. Portland. W. B. WEBSTER Genl F. & P. Agt. 84 Montgomerv St., ban Francisev. C. C HOGUE, 0. F. à P. A. O. P. R., Corvallis, Oregon.