VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD -WO I9TH CENTURY MAN- Sheutd tot Wittert tte Published every Thursday by tbe VALLEY RECORD PUBLISHING CO L J. KAISER, Editor. i I VALLEY RECORD vol . m. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1891. NO. 45. I Br»>se, of Fort Wayne, Iud , a brother- HRS. BARRETT, EVANGELIST. ¡ in-law of Sarah E. Graham, elicits the SUBSCRIPTION HATES: One year.......................................................... *2 50 Six months ................................................... 1 50 Three months............................................... 76 Advertising rates given on application. Local notices 15c per line for first inser­ tion and 8c for each subsequent insertion. Obituaiy lines, memorial resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., at half rates. cities of Elgin, Ill., and Washington.! on my shoulder and says “What’s your J^UTHER L. BURTENSHAW. Kan., where she resided? name?” I looked at her in astonishment 8he I* None other than tbe Notori«»w> fact that again, after having served his Again. Has a praver ever been utter- and answered. Mrs McKee. She said, - ! term in the penitentiary, Sarah E. Gra­ j ed in your pulpits bv Mrs. Emma Mallov “Beg pardon, I tliougbt you was another : Mrs Mimi Malloy. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY ham and Geo. E Graham were a second ¡ . or by you in behalf of the orphan chil- lady ” I then went home, and had been ' PUBLIC. Held m an Ai<«»orj foi a Irtabo*. Í time married io April, 1878. i dren of Sarfch Graham ? there about twenty minutes when Mrs. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. i<-al Murder in Mitringflekl. Mo.— Sixth.—At Spring-field, Mo., Julv 18, Why did Mrs. Mallov induce one Lizzie ! Malloy and Mr. Bone came. Mrs. Mai- i Business in the U. S. Land Office will re­ ----- WITH ITS — A Very Had Iteortl j 1185, Geo. E. Graham was married to ; McKee in Vancouver, some time last De- lov came into tbe house, Mr. Bone re-1 ceive prompt attention. Office first door l^HUi^street, ‘ Corn I^e, foster daughter of Emma Ma!- I ' comber, to sit for a tintype picture at mained outside at tbe gate. She said ! Oreat Remedy north of Bank of Ashland, Ashland, Or, Tbe following Item appeared in tire Van­ San Francisco, Cal., Hoffstetter’s gallery in this city, telling that they thought I w as another lady she couver. Wash . corresponden'« 7: "Having been sore- J^R. J. H. HALL, ■ 1888, Geo. E. Graham was arrested and I I like Sarah Graham as possible, and then and distress and came here to this coast Is the S tate I nsukakck B cildisg . ly afflicted with rheu­ Mrs. Emma Malloy, now under *54)00 : on Feb. 4 he was brought before J ustice ‘ pose that ladv for said tintvpe picture, to find a woman who had disappeared I matism. my mother bonds to appear for trial at Springfield, And Biauch Offices at Portland, Astoria and Albany. and daughter with Mbtaouri. being indicted •• accessory after 1 Savage, of Springfield, on a charge of I | and still pretend to be hunting for Sarah That she was out at Salmon creek (back and •ore throat, we have, tbe Tact, lor the murder of Sarah <>rah«m ' bigamy. Bond was fixed at *1000. (Im-: I Graham on the coast, when the printed of Vancouver). She said I looked just Has for sale a large list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms. (N ine Y ears in H ospital P ractice .) by the use of St Jacoba in Ocaober. 1WV5. ba* been bolding revival« ] mediately friends of Mrs. Graham began | I and published record shows that her exactly like her, (hence the attempted OU. been cured. ’ in tbe Methodist church here and now at i to inquire for her, as she was needed to counsel,Hon. O. H. Traverse, announced fraud) and asked me if I would go and list) City anil Sibirbaa Frsptrly. Office in Brick Block on Oak street, Sec­ la < amae. assisted by Rev. J R. Thomp­ 1 sustain this charge of bigamy. Hhe could on the trial (Aa( the defense would admit get a picture taken to accommodate her. Lot’is I mhaus . ond door from Main Street. SEND : FOR : PAMPHLET, : MAP : AND : PRICE : LISTS. son and Rev Mr Skidmore. riot lie found Detec tive Ed. C. Davis that the remains were those of Sarah Said she would warrant it would not be A shland CURES NEURALCIA. She said she Graham, and that she was murdered by used for any ill purpose. Hera. Tbonapaoa and Hkidmom'e De­ i went in all directions in search.) Eighth. — On Jan. 14, 188«, Geo. E. Ellenville, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1890. wanted me to frizz mv hair so that it Geo E. Graham and her bodv thrown fence of Mr«. Malloy. Graham presented forged < he< ks on the ! in the well on the farm then owned by would look like tbe other woman (the “I Biffe red with neuralgia, bought a bottle J^OBERT .A- MILEEK. Tins brought out tbe Ore from Thompeon Exchange Bank of Springfield, amount­ >L Jacobs Oil and soon recovered. I treated murdered mother, Sarah Graham) wore of wallov? a «pralaed ankle with same results.’’ and Hkhireore in the Oregonian of March ing to *113, Airs. Malloy returned home ! wra. r.u>-u. »»»vv ­ ! j hers, whiob I did. Do not Emma Malloy «u.. and ner her apun apolo- At the gallery she T hos M. V an G order . 17, 1M7: ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSELOR-AT- to Springfield from revival work in Kan-, gists know that Geo. É. Graham, before said she did not have only a side view of Vagr oivca. W asb ., Mar. 14, DW7. sas, meeting Graham at Kansaa Kansas Uitv,and City,and he was executed by a mob, confeaeed confessed this other lady, a wood cut. and wanted CURES SCIATICA. To the editor of tbe Uregontan : -(After arnownt involved,, hushing up that Sarah E. Graham was murdered , a front view of tne. There were two I Baltimore, Md., Dec. 19, t889. tag above item continues:) Tbe ordi- tbe matter m best she could. J acksonville - O regon . I suffered a long time wiih sciatic pains in near the spot where her body was found ? front views and three siack to Fort Wavne. He was at Fort to gain by pushing that kind of a woman dence of any knowledge on her part of tbe editor * * * is a layman of tbe Protestant ahead it is their own affair ashionable dressmaking and Wayne but a little while when he wrote commission of the crime” etc. The writer Episcopal church. He has over and over repairing done in a neat and satisfac­ J ohn W. C ochran . explains thrt this whole persecution is the to m* for help. He and Cora, inv oldest again printed charges against Mrs. Malloy tory manner. work of a Missouri mob, m the Interests of footer «laughter, had been associated to­ in his newspaper that were grossly libelous, the liquor traffic. Mrs. Malloy having been gether in the office and ha«l grown fond Mrs. Malloy attempts to “Make” An­ if untrue, and he has never withdrawn the ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. other Sarah Graham—Foiled by the charges to our knowledge. Mrs. Malloy "a thorn In the Hesh’ to tlmt traffic for of each other: so much so, when George many years. She is one of the original kffto go tuick to Fort Wavne [with his was in tbe habit of using her own husban’d Correspondent. Cheaper than a Rail Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger thaw crusader* and a powerful *t»eaker. moving as her "frightful example," her stalking- wife «nd children) her (Cora’s) life was arb Wire Fence Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. From California Associated Press Dis­ horse of temperance reform, which is about immense aiwtienees to tear* or laughter at deapnire«! of. But her love for him, patches, Feb. 25th, 1887: her will Of conree she must be crushed as delicate, morally, as it would be for a W orks os N orth S ide or R. R. C rossing . H elman S treet . oat. even if perjury and vilest slander must jrtdw, was as pure and true as an an- Statement of J. A. Bone, chief of police of man to deliver a lecture against capital rel‘«.” Mr«. Mallov further «tated that Vancouver. Wash.— lie used. punishinentand cite the fact that his father oct9] Ashland, Oregon. The indorsements, of which the above are •Mat (Thnntmae time, 1886, she came 1 was on the street, and a woman I or his wife’s brother had died prematurely only a fractional sample, ledw* to take tbe bar* to the farm and brought them all | thought to be Sarah Graham entered Dr. on the scaffold. Let anyone curious in the risk of having doubts cast upon our diacre pregewta. Wall s drug store. I brought Mrs. Malloy matter, write the Montpelier Argus and he tion by tboss who wo«M rather assassinate will discover that there b a malodorous Has just received the biggest and best Charlie Graham (the boy) on oath save to identify her, and her first impulse was it memory of her career at Montpelier that tbe reputation of an Mhocewt woman or was her, the woman Sarah Graham, she stock of goods ever brought to Ashland. “«re. Mallov was hunting. quietly hold the gamidMh* of the assassins, on direct examination: was more than once the subject of news­ A fine stock of imported goods. I also car­ JACKSONVILLE, than take any trouble to Inform themselves earn« back to the farm either New Years While watching her (Mrs McKee) fora paper comment. ry all classes of goods, hence you cannot LINK VILLE. AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac­ OREGON. concerning lire (sets. We also believe that or Christinas, When Mrs. Malloy came moment, we noticed Mrs. McKee observed fail to be suited. Call and examine the tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information" the awry man In all this free land of eurs is en­ back Cnrrii Lee and she wcupied the same she was being noticed and Mrs. Malloy said For a number of years I have been sub­ stock for yourself. Nothing but first-class best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 titled to be considered innoeent nntil prov­ bed with my father. I have seen the ”1 am looking at you liecause you so much ject to violent attacks of imlammatory work, a good fit and satisfaction guaranteed. ed to l>e lie guilty. r—“ This *— right holds doubly resemble tbe woman 1 am in search of, My rheumatism which generally lasted about three in bed together in Washington, Also a line of Conductor ’ s Cloth. good in tl the ease of a lady whose labor* first impression was that you were the wo­ two months. On the first of this mouth I Bveboei ______ __ - to Konsaa.” i*ve been ___________ owned of _____ God ___ and blessed man After the first scrutiny, I saw you was attacked in the knee anil suffered se­ * F. E. ZOKLLKEK. iqbny thousand* of people ta a most “my tn * nioat re- On croes-examination.on the sixth dav wc j not. Will you lie kind enough to give verely for two days, when 1 procured a I set­ Of Sash and Doors and all kinds and iparkabte nyrnner. Alxsut ninety-nine of the trial Judges Travers and Howell, me your name?’’ She said her name was tle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and it re­ styles of Window and Door Frames. Mold­ cent, (so far »» wo can dbeovér) of cent. defendant’s counsel, ha i the boy witness Liszie McKee. On our wav home 1 said to lieved me almost instantly. 1 therefore ing and Brackets of all styles. Boats built anoouver and La in hand eleven hours, and In no partic­ Mrs. Malloy, “If Mrs. McKee so much re­ most cheerfully recommend it to those Gil riel Christian people orVc - to order. The whole or one half ottered llamas bef«ve lja wo do about ‘ ut Mrs, Mal M»l- ­ sembles Sarah Graham, since we have not who are similarly afflicted everywhere.—It. for sale. 14 loy'» perfect IngM-eaep uf bnj crime kgainst ular was his testimony given on direct anything but a woodcut, I would like to I). Whitley. Martindale, N. Feb. 1888. Uod or man, and rejoice in her successful examination «Imben. - Here are Bome have a photograph of that woman ” Mrs Mr. Whitley is a very prominent man in “I testified about having Malloy said it would be no harm to see if this place and his disease was very widely work. The enemies of trae religion, to­ fragments; gether with the saloon habitues, gamblers seen father in bed with Mrs. Mallov ami she would set for it. We went to Mrs. Mc­ knownas he suffered such severe pain. ■ W. ami person* of that Ilk seem to be almast Cora once nt the farm. Father had Kee and Mrs. Mallov told her our errand, M. Houston & Co.. Merchants. Martindale, the only people hereabouts whose righteous come home. Mrs. Mallov said he came which was trying to find a woman that was N, C. 50 cent bottles for sale by Chitwood souls are troubled by the tilth that ha* home in the night. I got up and fe«i the supposed to have been murdered, and she Bros., druggists. l>een thrown at this gifted evangelist. They had reason to believe was yet alive, and she do their utmost to destroy religion, but horses and stock and she built the fire. so much resembles the woman and wanted South America and the World’s Fair. • * I came in to get warm and saw a photograph of her to assist in searching thev are very anxious that the ministers of The action of th6 state department in tbe gospel should live up to their standard them in bed together. She did not make for the woman. She had no objections to of moral excellence. It is entirely prob­ the fire before she called me. She did giving a photograph after being informed assigning twelve officers of the army and able that the church of Christ can attend to not dress. Mrs. Malloy said father had by Mrs. Malloy that there was no harm in navy to visit the South and Central its own affairs without thtir help, and also fainted. Went in to get warm ; saw fath­ it. Only a matter of accommodation. -At A full supply of win her triumphs in spite of their opposi­ er in bed and asked him how lie was. ten o'clock next dav at thepho.ogTapb gal­ Amerioan states in the interest of the C offins , C askets , R obes of all S izes tion. J ohn R. T hompson . lery. we found Mrs. McKee there. Mrs. World’s fair is regarded as a step in the Pastor Presbyterian churches of Vancouver When Mra. Molloy got up I got in bed Malloy said to me Mrs. McKee did not re right direction. One and all of the com- G loves , C repes , E tc . —4 at the j—- with Cortf and father.” and La Camas. •' J- H. S kidmore , sembl’e Sarah Graham as much now with (nisaoners have favorable records, and ASHLAND, - - OREGON. Express Trains Leave Fortland Daily. Pastor M. E. church, Vancouver. As to their life in Washington, Kan., her bonnet off as sha did with it on. I said are men who combine energy of charac­ it will not hurt nohow, we will have the the boy testified ; “ We all lived togeth ­ Twenty-five years experience in Ashland. PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889. South 1 ' 1 NortL The Correspondent prove« H|e Q*M) Mrs. Malloy said “I will do the ter with diplomatic cordiality and suav­ Embalming with the aid of a skilled physi­ er in Washington, Kansas. There was picture. 7:00 p m Lv Portland Ar 9:35 a ui Agni net Mrs. Malloy ttjr Overwhelm­ one quarrel between Mr«, Malloy, Cora best I can to pose her as Sarah Graham.” ity. Soon each will be at his respective cian. 10:20 a m Ar Ashland Lv 6:40 p ni ing offi« tal Eyideupe. She bad t<>ld her (Mrs. McKee) to have her post, and as most of them have lived for Lee and my mother. It took place the 10:50 a m Lv Ashland Ar 6:10p m Office and ware-room on Main street, at hair curled in front, because that would as­ years in the countries to which they are 10:15 a in Ar BanFranciscoLv 7:00p in Call and examine them, foot of Oranite. In your iaeue of March 17, appears an i Aral night mv mother came to Washing- sist She took down har curls and brushed article aigned by Rev. John R. Thomp­ . ton, in the second story, just as thev her hair over her torehead and made her re­ accredited, and are en rapport with the Above trains stoj» only at following sta­ son and Rev. J. H. Skidmore taking ex­ . were all going to bed. * * As soon as semble Sarah Graham as much as possi­ leaders uf the commercial world, they tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, NOW ON EXHIBITION AT I studied the pictures to familiarize naturally are sanguine of success. Each Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, ceptions to a fragment of truth furnished | my mother undressed she went to bed. ble. myself with the looks of Sarah Graham by They did not quarrel after «he got in bed. Tangent, Shedds, Halsey .Harrisburg, Junc­ l>y vour Vancouver correspondent. They commissioner has been furnished with comparing the tintype with the description. tion City, Irving, Eugene. say: “Ninetv-nine Der cent of the i Father made her keep still. I saw Mrs. (Tne California Associated Press corres­ special instructions prepared by Secre­ Christian people of Vancouver and La ( Malloy and Cora Lee in bed with father, pondent saw a nigger in the fence, and tele­ tary Blaine, but the nature of these is lloseburg Mail Dally. Camas believe as we do sbout Mrs. Mai in her room, and once in our room. All graphed over the wires this latest orthodox withheld from the public on the ground ARRIVE:________ leave loy's perfect innocence of any crime ; three were in bed together both times, trick that the tintypes were to be used In that they are privileged state docu­ Portland . 8:00a m I Roseburg . 5:40 1pm e.xtireal God AS« agaiwat or man man.” I A™! •** them together in Mrs. Malloy’s the coming trial and the prosecuting attor­ 4:00 pm MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH Roseburg .6:20 a m [ Portland My answer.—In Springfield, Green room. My mother was down stairs then ney at Springfield, Mo , A. J. Patterson, ments. being thus pasted, stood her off, and she The fact that the companies control ­ county, Mo., at the preliminary exami-! doing work. It was in the morning when Albany Local, Daily,(Except Sunday. ) AND GRANITE nation before Justice Savage of Geo. E. i »he *«» getting breakfast. I got up and could not force a trial, but asked a continu­ ling the South American steamships ance and it wfts granted her. leave : arrive : have notified the national commission A shland , - O rioon . Graham, Cora Lee Graham and Mrs. 5 went in there to get my clothee, to dress- ¡ I Upon this news getting out, Mr. Bone Portland. 5:00pm j Albany .... 9:06 p ni Emma Malloy, for murder of Sarijh E. 11 «taid jq the room long enough to dress. added to his statement the following words: that they will make no charge for the Albany........ 5:00am [ Portland rtlaiid 9;00 a m urnhaUi, lawful wife of Geo. K Graham i Father was in the middle; Mrs Malloy ‘‘These tintypes were not taken for the pur­ transportation of exhibits from the South Pacific Coast Main office, 1368 Mauket St. siureaaid, the following facts were elicit-; was at the back and Cora Lee was on the pose of use on the trial on investigation in and Central American states beyond the Will r»Hfy Bieodi regulate th« LHer and I Macys and Rsstsre the San Francisco, Cal. any shape, or for either to establish the rd under oath, as found in the public ev-1 front side ” Health a»4 Viceref Tenth. DyepepeU, bare cost of handling, and that more­ Want of Appetite. IndiMctioa, PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. ide nee of that examination: First, on Mrs M«)loy knew that this “attach- guilt or innocence of Mrs. Malloy, but for over they will transport without a dol­ Uack of strength and Tired tlie !»th of February and let of March, ment” apoken of in her letter had sprung the purpose of assisting in finding another Feeling absolatelyoured.Bonea woman, Mrs. Sarah Graham, it on this muscles and nerves receive 20 URIST SLEEPING CARS 1886, a coroner’s jury rendered the fol- up between Geo . Graham and Cora Lee coast.” (When he knew the poor woman lar of charge the commissioners accred­ force. Enlivens the mind ited to the fair, and their families to ’’ Upon the view of the tbe while he w wbb nd supplies Brain Power. lowing verdict; u « b living with his lawful i wife was in her grave.) For accommodation of Second Class Pas­ Suffering from complaints holy of Sarah E. Graham, then and there I under ffira. Mrs, Malloy’s roof, and yet she as- IS A NEW VEHICLE, WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT WANT. A copy of the above was given to Mr. boot, is a striking evidence of the favor­ peculiar to their sex will fii>a sengers, attached to Express Trains. _____ InDR HARTER« IRON 1 lving vina dead, after having beard heard the evi-j evi- serfs that the “love *««•■««<* was as pure and i true Bone,—soon alter, the city had no further able sentiment manifested in that por­ a safe and speedy cure. 6 tves a clear, beat* WEST SIDE DIVISION. dence we do find that the toe deceased came j ¡ “ »» » «n »n angel’s ” Now, wbile they were use for his services, and ne left the police tion of the globe regarding the enter­ the complexion. Frequent alte«n>te at counterfeit ____________________ to her duath at the hands of Geo. E. Gra-1 thus living together in Elgin, Ill , and force. prise, and bespeaks in advance for the Between Portland and Corvallis. ham by mean« of a pistol «hot wound in ' Waehincton, Kan., with Mrs. Malloy it A Statement of O. M. Hoffsteater, the American commissioner »cordial recep­ MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) the right «ide of breast an«l other un- never occurred to her, she says, that photographer at Vancouver, given on tion ■ ch*. Simple Dose sad Dream Book! I on receipt oftwocept* in poetace. r known means; and that Emma Mallov I they were not lawful man and wife. If san e dav as Mr. Rones, Feb;. ?5, 1887: ARRIVES LEAVEH*. Dr. HARTKR MEDICINE CO., BLLeul», Ko Game Perinhiu^ in the North Woods. and Cora Lee were accessories thereto.’’ I they were man and wife then Mrs. Malloy Sometime the latter part' of December, 7:30 a in j Corvallis. 12:10 p in Portland. ________ A gentleman who returned from the tnis pqdy was found in a yyeU op Mrs. permitted her daughter, Cora I-ee, to win 1886,Mrs. Emma Mallov (as above) came 5:30 p in Corvallis. 12:55 pm I I Portland. laliov's farm, w here it had lain since it! away the atfectiona of Geo. h. Graham, a to my photograph gallery in this city and North Woods Saturday says that the At Albany and CorvalHa connect with waa piaceept 30, 1885. an ; to marry a bigamist. If Geo. and lady she would bring to the gallery—that among the mountains yet, but that the Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) The body was stripped oí its entire cloth- Sarah Graham were not married, then it she was a very good woman for doing so mercury has gone very low on several _ LZAVX:______________ ARRIVE^________ ing before being placed in the well; the | i« plain that Mrs. Malloy connived at and —that she resembled a woman she was occasions, and has thus caused much Carpenter and Builder clothing and ornaments were then sanctione«! the marriage to Cora Lee of a looking for, but gave no name. When Portland . 4:40p m | M’MinnviJJe 7 > piu J- suffering among the deer and other ani ­ M’Minnville 5:4.5am | Portland .8:21) a in thrown into tbe well. man w ho had been living in open adul- Mrs. Lizzie McKee first came to my gal­ A shland - O regon The clothing that was found in the well tery with another woman in her own lery, she said she had come at the re­ mals in the woods. He says that some I THKOIVH TICKETS te all point- ^E?-J of the young deer were frozen by the was identifie«! by Mrs. Breeee, a sister of bOMB, 1 ‘ quest of Mi-s Malloy and City Marshal EAST II» S«l TH. Taking either horn of the dilemma, Bone (as above) to sit for a picture, and intense cold, and shat iuinbenueh rejtort the murdered woman, as tbe identical clothing—especially the silk dress—that i does xrs. Mallov claim that either one or asked me if a lady in deep mourning had that numbers of the »mailer animals Repairing will Receive Prompt — 3 For tickets aud full information regarding Sarah Graham wore from Fort Wayne in i the other is in keeping with her profee been here; that aha din’t-know whether ' sought shelter in the logging camps. rales, maps, etc., cull on company’s agent company yitfi her children. Qbarjie and jiai’i) of a life 4evoted to tbe cause of, to do so or not; that she didn’t know Last winter will be remembered as an Attention. It is I'- M. slroug, easy ridiug, and well made, having three elliptic spring* underneath the at Ashland. txniv (tii'-so springs are made esje-eially for this wagon aud will carry 500 lbs. with ease), doable rfov, to meet her husband, Dy arrange- i Christ ? In view of all the above facts, what tbe result of this would be. I then especially favorable one to the animals R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, cellar, steel axles, the best steel tire, leather dash, and a solid beaded bottom It has a box ment, in St. Louis on the 28th of Septem- why did Mrs Mallov recc-iuinend Graham told Mrs. McKee if she was able to iden­ in the woods and mountains, but this Manager. Asst. G. F & Pass Agt und r tire w at f r small packages, and a wire guard around tue back for holding larger packages. as an exemplary man, worthy of their her, 1885. For thia trip to St. Louis the ¡ tify herself, she need not be uneasy in re­ winter will be a very hard one for them. . cud for catalogue and prices. Manufactured bv • monev was furnished by Mrs. Malloy to confidence, to the good j>eople of Wash­ gard to that. She replied that there was G A11JDIXE7II A C’liOMM. The trappers are having good success STAR ington, Kansas? Mrs. Malloy in her Geo. t Graham. The fact has been j a man here who could identify her from !■< 111 i~ x l 11 <■. 14 v- ; in catching the various small fur bear established on oath, that he did meet letter to Judge Howell says she gave Gra­ girlhood, ."he said they were taking her ! . ing animals in large numbers, as tbe Sarah Graham, his lawful wife, and chil-1 ham money to go to St. Louie to meet picture to represent another lady, not • his lawful wife, Sarah Graham, on the > giving tbe name Mrs. Malloy then winter is so severe they are easily lured dren. I Charlie Graham, a 13-year-old son of 28th of September, 1885. came in,saying “You are here, are you?” i to the bait of the traps.—Utica Observer. A few pertinent questions: Why did I told Mrs. Malloy to posedhe lady. She : Geo. E. and Sarah (Iraham. under oath Lowell's Great Lawyer. I said: "Mother, . Rov and I left Fort Mrs. Mallov mislead the detectives and Baid she had postal the other lady (poor Gen. Butler’s voice is not so powerful ■* 2.>th I put them on the search in St. Louis for | ^arah Graham) which Mrs. McKee was Wavne to come to Missouri on the « Father met Sarah Graham, asserting that Sarah was to represent. Mrs. Malley did pose the a« it used tc be. In fact, tt is • difficult ■VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO of last September, (1^85), a A the people of Ashland and surround­ ua in 8t. l ouis, and ' we 8top|ied there two in a house of ill-fame? Whv her loDg lady Mrs. McKee, and fixed her hair. ■ U> hear him a dozen feet away, though ing country that I at am the old stand on . Qn the morning of silence t.-oip Oct. 1, 1885, to Jan. 18, She had her hair roached and frizzed. he occasionally fires up and some of his | Main street, opposite the old -Flag stall (IlghtJ kird oiig day. »he 30: <10« h we left for Springfield and got 1886?" Why her concealment of Grabaru Mrs. Malloy remarked to Mrs. McKee, old time force presents itself. He still | where any one wishing work done m my ihp in here about 7 o'cbx k in tho evening. in her house on her farm,and misleading that when she met her yesterday she had ; relies considerably ou tlie sympathy of line will always find me ready to serve We left mother in«the depot at Spring­ the officers as to his whereabouts? Why to take the second look before she saw the jury, especially when he is defending them. ’’And men may come and men may STEAMERS. field while father. Rov and myself went her settlement of tbe forgeries, and her that she was not the other woman. (Then a comely woman. His method of argu­ go,” but I am a stayer forever. ► ♦ to Mrs. Fav’s restaurant, where we got remark "there is something worse be­ } why did she insist on a photograph?)] Shaving, 25c; hair cutting, 25c; shampoo­ Why, immeiliately after After the picture was taken Mrs. Malloy ing his case is the same in substance as ing, 25c. sea foam, 25c. supper and remianed all night. Father hind it all?” SHORT LINE TO CALIFORM1A. it always lias been. Plenty of wit and told us that mother would goto Bruoklvn the return of Graham with the children admitted to me that Mrs. McKee favored L adies ’ H air ccttiso a S pecialty . and walk to the Malloy farm, a few miks from St. Louis, was tlie sign placed upon the other lady a great deal,but the mouth humor run through liisspeech, and these, FREIGHT AND J AKES the LOWEST out. Mother kissed tieitool night in the the big gate near tbe well, as testified to diii not have the expression of the other with all tne pathos his case will permit, FOR ¡WK dejmt. and told us to be good bova, and by O’Neil, “No road through here; no lady. I had four tintypes; two front I combine to make his always eloquent O CT WANT not to be afraid. I hove not seen mother : hunting.” while this farm belonged to views and two 34-views, and Mrs Mallov pleas more effective. His favorite atti- Steamer Sailing Date«: Mrs Ma)loy, and she saw this sign and PRICELIST, since that time.” took them away with her. (It was these (uue while addressing the j dry i* to braes from yaqlina : Geo. E. Graham had ! did not go on the stand to deny tbe pictures she intended to fool a Methodist his broad shoulder« against the clerk's Steamer Willamette Valley—March 8th, served two»ehtencey in the Indiana «late I charse t jury with at Springfield, but the corres­ desk. His hands are deeply thrust into og umber ard it ruc s h March 16th, March 25th. Now, Revs. Tiionijieon and akidmore, pondent got onto the trick of tbe preach­ -iiepitentiary, one for five and the other EROM BAN FRANCISCO I S wAlt STYLES. will you let the people know whether or ers and this woman and exposed it in into his pockets; he seldom gestures.— for two years' duration Steamer Willamette Valley—March 3rd, Third.—That on the 2d of Dec., 1871, not recommendations indorsing Mrs. time to ask ior a continuance, which she , Boston Advertiser. Before Purchasing Address the 112th, 21st and 30th. Geo. E. Graham and Sarah Gorman were Malloy were written befo e or since the got., __ _________________ lg^^^"INS'flLADIEs C haise . “All Run Down” The company reserves the right to united in marriage In Allen county, In- body’of Sarah E. Graham was found in Statement of Mrs. Lizzie McKee, of change sailing dates without notice. Expresses a dangerous condition we often get that well on Mrs. Malloy’s farm? Have diana. . . Trains connect with O.