i 0¿- ■ bhb VALLEY KECUR1» Ifíc- : imj . u Î u ’î.kc »en os Lae market. Arrr. i fad. ri-eeaa. ..tir mes 1 »y r omioriit la le / loutbiy. G t««an ee< to retie-« » /;>.« i»e< tneostf-a ion. ABH LAND. O b .Thursday, Feb. 19. 1* The People * Paper ruta tap-, Ç3Tr*til 4; ■■ X \ Iron t be humb-nrre Bave Tl-n«, Dealt an-, moue.. .take no oli " B*ut to anv ad<1re«’ »ecure by r a l on F a eeipt < ’ ),ricv, ,XGJ. Au Irosa, TH£ ORO MEDICINE CDMPI’.Y, seteru Branch, Boz37, PORTLAND, c I For -a’e hr all drurgisU. ..A. C. Howlet K B. Hanot . ...L. L. Jacuo .. W. A. Owe! Miller h Miran, J. H. Russell DIRECTORY. A shland M arble ......... ^ßena'.jr ......... Congreanuia ......... . Doverm- .................HecreUry ui »tai. nlftetchan .__________ Mate Treasure McElroy.... itapt Public ln»tructm> Rtoak C Baker ........................ bute Pnnte B8 Strahn........................ i WüHam P Lord ............. ¿bupreme Judge R B Baaa ........................ | mn rvMcuL Manier. L R Webstar.. ............... XircuU Jndg WUiMB M Catvig . ............ Dbtrkt Altorn,. For Jackson. Josephine, Lake and Klam ath countiee. OX HANI» A FL’Isl LINE OF CH0IC1 All Orders in Stone Wori ; Filled. Marble W orks e,i MAIN STREET. Ashland, Or. JACKSOK C«V»TT. Cwunty Seat ........................... Jackson vill Theo Cameron...................................... J M McCall..................... i RMW m TS w 1 .................... iRepreoentativr A BARGAIN ------- In A J R fori! * _..'..'.■■■■■■■■ ■ ‘ .County Judg- ^Commissioner Chas W Taylor Ben Haymond Max Muller ....... .County Cler. J mbm G Birdsey ......... Sberii Geo R Bloomer ....Treasure. IL Hamilton .. . .... Assenso C 8 Price School Superintend«-). Pnter Applegate ................... ... .surveyu Dr J 8 r»r»on ............................. Corone. hMKrntnx county County Seat . ... .................. Grants Pa» Waiter Sinclair. . ............. Joint oeuato. H B MUler............ .............. Representativ. voiney Colvig ... ........... ,_ .County J udg. CO Bigetow ..... ......... |Cotuiui»»iouei P Mane*. ........ Chas K Chanilor .... County <’1er JcMow .. . . ................... »hen. J W Sherar ....... ........................ Treasur, E C Hariuon....... .......................... Aases»), W A Mamie....... School Superintend» C W Ma vena......... ........................ fturve.voi Dr Wallace . ....... ..........................Coronor Sewing Machine. Anyone contemplating the purchase o. i nr.'t class dewing Machine should No Fail to fltl’ J .VO. D H HEELEJl W C Crawford....... . .... |Comuiis»touei HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE B HÜVWI.............................. .................. S K trtMvfti. W Gowan.................. Cler. bberu Treasure) .............. Aw«i)»u> .. School Buperinieiitiei, HI..................... »urv«ju John W Sietnen« ............................. Uoruuei ... KSHLAND, OREGON LACK COUNTY. XX’IEIY DIRECTORIES. County Heat ...j.j .................. ....................... Lakeview _* ’ Lake __ ........................ Joiut oeiialoi C A Cornwell, , of «>. A. It. A Bnytier, of f lake .Joint Representative BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. W A Wilshire. I. .................... County Judgi G M Jones ...................... jCouimiaxioiiers Meets in Masonic Hall, on the 1st ai> A V Lane hl Saturday ol each month. ViaitingCom W N Sutton ........................... Clerk -adescordially welcomed. W FHoryford ......................... Mbenti W. A. P atiick , Commander. A MeCalfen .............. Treasure) J R Casey. Adjutant. A H • isiier School Supeniitenden. J E McDonough. .................... A sscmu ) Burry......... ....... Stock luapectur KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. The circuit oourt for the Flrat Judicia GRANITE LODOE.NO. 23. Knights district acts in Jackson county ou hr» ‘ythia*, A-bland, Oregon, meets ever Monday in April, oeptember mid Peceiu- riday evening Visiting Knights in go. « ber. In Klamath county « hi second Mun landing are cordially invited to attend. day in June and first Monday in Noveuitiei. J. 8. E ubank «. J b ., C. C. In Lake county on the tinrd Monday u. L. L. M errick , Kef K of 8. May aud the second Munday In UctuDer. In Josephine county on first Mondays in Marchand August MASONIC, For Jackaou county the County, Probat. SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, R. A. M. and Connubsiouers courts meet evert month, commencing with the first Mundu« , Regular convocations on the Thursdit for Joeepbine county, the first Munday u> next after the full moon. January, April, July and September; fur D R M ills , H P. Luke county, every alternate month, com- A P H ammond . Secretary. tMMRW the firn» 'Monday in January; lot Ktaauta county, the first Wednesday u> ASHLAND LODGE, NO. ¿3, A. F. & A. M. lurch. June. Sevtewber and November. Stated communications on the Thursda >f or before the full moon. M L M c C all , W M. 'nines Chisholm. SOcretarv. ALPHA CHAPTER, NO. 1, O. K. B. Stated meetings on 1st und 3d Tuesday n each month. M rs . J L> C rocker . W •>'. Miss Kate Grady. Secretary. PRESBYTERIAN. Church, oornar Main and Helman street» Refular Service*.—Sunday, 11 A. M. aim 7 P. M. Sunday school. 9:30 A J* Young PnoHn’« Reetuig. « u’locck P M Prayer Meeting, every Thursday eveniug I. O. O. F. R«V. F. G. STBAIH.k, ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. Pastor. Hold regular meetings every S.-iturda .-veiling al thtir hull in Ashland. Brethre hi good standing are cordially invile.) t* alleno J. C. D ckkcl N G. H unt . T aylor , Sec’y. METHODIST. « Churwb, corner Main and Bush street» fteailar Service«.—Sunday. U A M. uu<. 7:3» P. Nk Snnday school. 9.30 A. M 1'U.or HOCÉ ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. Prayer Meeting.every Thursday «veiling: Young I'eopl« s Meeting, Sunday (1 r. n. Meets in Odd Fellows’» Hall every 2d an. Ladies' Aid society, Wednesday 2 r. n. tli Monday in eacn mouth Member» u Rav. C. A. L ewi *, {ood standing cordially invited uz tteiid. Pastor. H. C. M YEB, C r. H obt T aylor , Scribe. BAPTIST. HOFF. REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, *O. 24. Church, eortmr Churuh and High street-» Regular Services.— Sunday. 11 A. M. am Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday tn each 7 r. M. Sunday School. 9:30 A M iioutb in Odd Fellow»’» Hall, Ashland. Christian Endeavor Society, 0:30 P M M rs . R L .B ish N. 0 Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening N. A. Jacobs, Secretary. Covenant Meeting, Saturday before thin »y in each month, 2 P. M. Ladle,- , second Tuesday eve in each uivn h - A. O. U. W. R kv T f . K. V an T a »»* l . . ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 6*. Pastor. Meets in lodp-e room in Odd ' ellows’ Hall every itbst mid third Wednesday In each CONGREGATIONAL. ■MHith. All brethren in good »funding art Church, cor. Main street ami Boulevard cordially invited to attend. Bsgwlar Service«.—Sunuav, 10:30 A. M N J acobs . M W. MM 7:30 P. M. Sunday school. 12 M B S R adcliff . Recorder. Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening R*v. U. J. W kbs T eb , Pastor. BUTTI’S TOCB OF THE WOULD. Ez-Mayor Daniel F. Beany, of B.arty' Cet-braud Organs a»d Pianos, Wash rgton. New Jirsey. has returned home Loin an ex­ tended tour of th« world. Read his adv, r- tisemeat in ibis pan.r an.I send for catalogue. CATHOLIC, Church, corner Sixth und B street Regular Services.— Every fourth suini. IO A. M. Sunday School, every iouk Sunday, 3 P. M. F ath an F. s. N oel . Pa-tur EPISCOPAL. Services in Baptist church, cor. Chun and High streets, second aud lourth .->ui days, 3 P. M. Rxv. F. B. T icksob . Pa »tai 8BCVLAR UNION. Ashland Secular Union No 1. med- a McCall’■ Hail the tir.t Sunday in every month, at 7 o’clock p m. W N L ucky , Pres. H 8 Evan», sec’y. Real Estate Agent, ) EGON Will Sell, Rent and Handl. Real Estate on Commission Dear Elr: i-w, returued April 9, IS»«, from a lour »round Iks wort VU!) IB« VInning Fur pa, Rata, ( nnor*n o ran twv 1er bi tone than B,'ttTB T r we b, lleve RX-MAYOR D a X U. Y. BRATrY. wa have the touw.1 From n rbotnc^wnh tak-u la L cq J ou , ev.-at lrtp, 1 '"t Lu^ia-.d, !••>. »» i <» rumenta n i ■ a - Vow to r-or-> 1-, l ,h t _"As rosier ot tl-.ta •l-luwlx irne, », wo- ’ ’ J .’7 h ' e l r ? », r»|wr to orl r'oos of o .r m. rM~or(aiT^ MuuZ llut*r,ooar,«tb.r<»ln. Vroo. all.r. . Ml> XS , s i KBI> or aiooo, f.rom.,11, 4», *»o.lal *t any t>ma with in thraoit roam, with h.l.rrat al,, ■ oat. oa«Itkar I’o or Or_-,n. toil, warTai.iwI P" ’*■* *•■ if” we hom* * ►“ •‘H’»« plowboy; to-Uy w« have nea ty ona hundroj thousand oi o.r8““ *'“d Ft*"»« m use all owr the ortd. If taey were not good. » e could not have ,aK*u V- .Conl.l wo I No. certainly not. * a«h -ed evrry lnetrumenl la fully warranted for / W. N. LUCKEY, ASHLAND, : : i A Choice Collection of City and Country Proparty forai le. Any peraou teinhinU to nell pro it­ er* ff wUl finti it to their inter™ to call anti noe un The Celebrated French Cure, i , - . f . TIN STORE his jekes on Senator Sanders, of Mon- . trul of tu- • atput a id prices has been SUNDAY DRESS PARADE. b Reeser’s - tana. Senator Sanders is the only: secured statesman we have who wears a watch ! 1° other cases a milder type of com Nellie 8 Stowell View* Firth Avenue on ‘ ■APHRODITINE’’ Ur Jallwa Pauucelut« and HI* Girl, chain six or eight feet long, tunning bination has been resorted to. In some the First Day of the Week. Is S old on a Secretary Blaine. Senator Ingalls, Rep from the bottom of his waistcoat two or , cases the combination has beeu se- [Special Correspondence,) POSITIVE Is the place to buy three times around his neck. 1 cured by im aus of correspondence be N ew Y ork , Jan. 22 — If the angels rwenlaliv« faux. Senator Payae and ■ Mr. Sanders’ chain is verv long and | tween the various interests an 1 a tacii can really look down from above what GUARANTEE Jng of Wbinky Among Hie Victims. very heavy, and some of his brother sen agreement reached as to output and a curious sight they must s?e! For they «o cure auy (Special Ojrrmpondef.ee ) form of iiervous •tore have a boyish way of playing with prievs year after year. B it through one behold not alone the outward adorning, W ashington . Jan. 22.—I bonght a it when its owner sits down b.-si«le them form or another scarcely aa in lustry can disease, or any bu^ the inner furnishing of the hearts of disorder of the kodak last week. and. like any other for a chat. Senator Payne, notwith­ be mentioned ia which further competi­ the men and women who make up the generative or e»c TER boy with a new toy, started out brighi standing his advanced years, is addicted tion is not prevented or m ule impossible moving throng. gnus of either sex whether arising from the and early to see what 1 could do with it. to quiet, good natured pranks, and on by the mutual concurrence of those en­ Fifth avenue. New York, on Sunday, cx«*ea»ive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium On my way down Connecticut avenue 1 this occasion went up to Sanders, seized gaged in the business. after the various congregations are dis­ or through youthful iuUuu retiou. over itnlulg paseed Sir Julian Pauncefote and a pair the gold chain and drew it so tightly Those, therefore, who look to compe­ missed, ia a moving panorama of good cure. Lc.. «uch a» I x » m of Braiu Power, Wakeful- 1‘articuhir Attention to of his pretty daughters out for their about the neck of the Montana statesman tition for a reduction of prices will bt clothes and restless eyes. There are two uess. Bearing dowu I’aiu« iu the Back. Semina) . morning walk. The Pauncefote giri.- that the latter was in imminent danger deceived Pritxss of manufactured ar lines of pedestrians—one moving up, the Weakuess. Hysteria. Nervous Prmtiatiou i’oeturn- i are great pedestrians, and they weal of choking. His necktie was sadly dis­ tides can only be reduced, while th« other down. One line starts somewhere al Emissions, I>eticorrhcesse8. The latter will come ity. Price 11.00 a box. 6 boxes for 15.00 Sent b [ oiner begins in the region of Madison manner and at prices that at this capital. had amused himself to his heart's con­ without the tariff: it is entirely inde­ square, and, unlike ordinary streams, mail on receipt of price. J out to show you how accommodating tent he let go the noose and quickly hid pendent of it. In most lines of industry A WHITTEN GI AKASTEE is given for gathers volume as it goes up hill. Little every J5.00 order received, to refund the ntouey II | he is—and he an aristocratic English himself behind a cloak room door, while it would seein that the proce-sses of man rivulets of people trickle into the main a Permanent cure is not effected. man too—1 will mention an incident of the other senators enjoyed a gocsl laugh ufactnre were almost perfect at thi current from all of the side streets, and We have thousands of testimonials from old which 1 have personal knowledge. Call­ at Sanders’ expense. time: but still we may hope for coutin lose themselves in the moving mass. and young, of both »exes, who have been perma­ Full stock always on hand and made ing on bitn one to order. Perhaps it was not quite fair, but 1 ued improvement iu this direction, al Just stroll along slowly down the street. nently cured by the use of A hikoditine . day for some in­ turned my kodak lse in some of the though such improvement will scarce!) ---------:o:--------- Take the outside of the walk, for New | Circular free. Address formation about committee rooms of the house and sen- be perceptible in the brief space of tw. £^*None but the best material used. THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Yorkers always turn to the right, and certain matt erf ate—those Bemi-private apartments iu years. Lower prices secured by reduc WKSTZr.N BBANCH, we will not jostle or be jostled. In KEESEK'S BLOCK. i n England. 1 which statesmen do pretty much as they t>on wages would be attend«»} with BOX 27. PORTLAND, OK. Do you see that little woman In black? found him unable please. Knocking ASHLA fill, :::!:: OliEOON. ; greater disaster than if present price» She wears widow's weeds. Demure T K Bolton, Agent, Ashland. Ure^un. to accommodate at the door of one should be maintained aud wages in looking, isn’t she? Doesn’t look as me because oi room in the house creased. So that wherever cheapness is though she earned every dollar that sup­ lack of familiar end of the Capi- / secured by reduction of wages, the rem ports herself and four little ones by sew­ ity with the sub­ tol. 1 was bid a /; edy will be worse than the disease, ing, does she? But it is true; and she ject. "But rn hearty "come speaking in a political sonse. as it will x»mes out every Sabbath «lay, not alto- ' tell you what I'll in." Presenting \ affect the interests of the Republican ;ether for tho sake of going to church, do.“ said Sir Julian; “1 have some the camera for a party. Hence it seems conclusive that *ur she hasn’t time for that, although she friends in England who know all about snap shot. 1 made ‘ the Republican party cannot improve lopes she is a Christian, but to see this matter, and I'll write three or four some excuse an«I its position on the tariff or on taxation vhat people are wearing, and to get the 1 >f them for information.“ And. sure retired. When senatob patne » joee . by adhering to the McKinley bill. prevailing styles. I know’ she has her ■nough. Sir Julian did as be promised the plate was developed there appeared If, however, the leaders of the party irayer book, and am well aware that md the responses to his letters, just re i picture so <$>iuical that 1 do not print should determine to reverse i ueir posi­ ou are frowning, but I think ‘her sin •eived. are very full aud satisfactory. It t for fear of being accusal of libel, be- tion. overturn the leadership of Harri ■vill not be account©«} grievous on the -s not often one finds a minister plenipo­ •4iuse the greater the truth the greater son. McKinley and Reed, and put Mr tentiary und envoy extraordinary bo he libel, you know, and a camera can- I Blaiue forward with the implied promise jreat day of reckoning. She cannot OONTAIMINW pare the time for church except occa- >b)iging to bumble folks like me. i«»t lie. The picture? Lt contained noth­ of the repeal of the McKinley bill, the tonally, because this is the only day she In Lafayette square 1 caught a glimpse ug but feet—i he liberal, solid under- enlargement of trade through reciproci­ of Mr. Blaine, walking along with hie linning of a w^l known congressman ty. and the bettering of their condition •as for her children. Sho rises early, ets them ready for Sabbath school, and head down, evidently in a brown study roiii Kansas, the chairman of the co:n- by repudiating all that the Republican vhile they arc gone sho puts her house ind with his derby hat pulled pretty I : tittee. who sat with his pedal extremi- party has done since it came into power, u order. It id her only day, you know. well down over his eyes. This is one of ies upou the committee room table. | it will find this latter condition more Liter luncheon she takes each child to T he M ammoth CYtLOP.BPU lit* baen pub- \lr Blaine's little peculiarities, and it libbed t<> meet u»e wautR ot the for t» In another committee room, this time hopeless than the former. er room for an hour and exchanges <‘on- un'Xersulcumpendiuia Knovl dfe, practice), natters not what sort of a hat he is u the senate wing. I was able to satisfy President Harrison in his message to .deuces with it, bears all of its little .5. nnelul, foientiflca»"J aenetai. Th»» work 11 put wearing either With a derby the ef­ Ur ; liabe»l compute la four 'ante nud my curiosity con­ ' congress "pointed with pride” to the roubles and perplexities, and reviews ro.umcfl, oobu lhiutfa total ot 2,1’0 pagM, an I Nil eet is not so striking, but a high bat r M uU Is proiuc ’y l!'ustraTcdu ltli(®JtH'autiiuioni»rtv fact that there had be recently an in ­ cerning the uses .1« week with it. She finds out if its lug«. Thuufiau J1’ nf doliarx have b*en expended ¿li! loes not look well when tilted so far for- t<» < ake this the Dio‘t eon p.« te. valuable an 1 of the elegant crease in the prices of .*gricultural prod­ undayaud week daylessonsare learned, ueeful work for ’ hr maFfio« vvi r published. It h vard. even on such a fine white head as pair of blankets, ucts. such as com, wheat, etc., and he a w< rk for < r»«rybody—man, w» man ai d child, nd who it talks with, what it says aud lr Blaine’s. Have you ever noticed in every < ccup**tlon or vm IW In life. The rub soft and rich, endeavored to convey the impression ears. When she has tucked the last Stanee and pra< Ural utl’lty ? ( tventy ordinaly hat the thoughtful, sedentary man is r< lull»*« a*»* comprifod in Uieca four. ar.U io which L had se- n that such increased price of agricultural .ttle sl«?eper in on Sunday night Bhe fl «- mil, r*-plH9 ia »h* work with knowli«dge of ererr rone to shield his eyes with the brim of kind, filled is U with u^oiul Lint* und i»etpfu’> lying nicely fold­ products wa-i the result of the McKinley nows much more about their inner life I ¿ 5 migut ati»»n<«, that we fully V» lieve that in ever> s hat. while the mm of auiin il spirits ed on the lounge bill. Nothing could be further from the han many mothers who have no other bom«* to whkh It ahall find Ic srav It will aocu ' ’ I id great bodily vigor tilts his hat fat com* I»» b- reg*nbd aaworih Itaweii h’ In paid. in every commit­ truth, if lie had taken pains to examiue .-'S are than the education and training of For want of t-pac»* we c-an ot h briefly aununar- ick on his bead in very love of light ix a sma!’ pop ion of the contents of thia great tee room. One the report on the condition of the crops heir little ones. work, an fol Iowa *. id air? of the senators —which issu-d from the agricultural Don't you think her mild deception HISTORY. T h « M ammoth O vclupjidu contain» a complete I Chie*«e, jRpanœ, the people of tudie, Afrlee, A good example of the latter class 1 was lying there. induJg'ng in an after­ department almost simultaneously with autbeutla hlatorv of the gr*«t American CIvU War, pro« PafewtiiD . IcrUtil. Bar neo. Burnt fill, the Mund^ich leUbda. tier church will be forgiven her? Therel and fusel.v illustrated, with iiatneroiia Auecdeiea of the Rebellion: a Btrvlo, Kaffrarln, Tartarr, C««hmerw a»«» Tuai«, the Arabs, w a few minutes after passing Mr noon nap. with the blankets which Htetor» of Ame-ien. from It« dlworery bv Columhu* to I Tur. s Mexioana. Fouth An^ik.infi. AmerkfUt ludifin«, EiJ his message—.he would Lave found that •ook at that woman. Sho is the picture octajteffl tb? prcseui tin»«; graphic deaeriptlous of famous battles and I tlanfi. Siamese, AbvsFlni&D«, Norwegian«. BpMtaU«. fiwirr. nine It was Speaker Reed starting thoughtful Uncle Sain had purchase I Greek«, *tberi»a«. Aigbens. FertUt* ia Kansas the average yield of corn per >f amiability, isn’t she? But woo to the Important eveuta in ’.he history or al’ nations, chroiioLigical [ ItallaM". Moslems, Au”ralien», Bui the Capitol, fr.-m Wa»hinpt »n to aud HluBarated the art« e«d prooeaM« of irin’.lDg. ateruHj plue and chills. Ho.v much these blankets ought to have beau thirty. The very pleasure! She can forgive a man iiny- the Presi- * <>f the United Harruuu. « it iH»rtrait* and other illiHtration-, also live* and 1 hookUUlbC. wool eu$r«vlttf. llthn not know, but w'aen 1 fact that there is almost a total failure Ktrait* <»t '•»poteou Bonaparte, Shakeapeure, Byron. William [ priuilug, piano nieklng. w»wh laekiu«. paper makiuj, ri in. Rtnjamin Franklin. Henry Clay. Daulvl Webster, and mannfuettireof rtUt. imn. eteel. fla*«. oblne. p rfunjery, a . -; i his usual fash- get money enough I'm going to fin I out. of the corn crop in Kansas was one of fam* statesmen, author*, poets, general«, clergymen, etc., leather, starch, wall paper, torpontlne. postal card«, | wf - stamps, envctojiea, peu«, peudla, Deed'i»*, and man) oil» !i the rim of down to the preesnt day. Ln still another committee room my the reasons which produced the political AAKICCLTUKE. Valuable hint»and uaeful suggestloni J tblnr-, all of Which will be found peoulier'.j UttrtadM e.. ; s derby almost faithful kodak disclosed as pretty a little revolution in that state. to Farmers, trcuiiug of Held crops, gate* and fence«, fertiliser«. 1 iDMrpetfw» iMerwUNAfie-crlptionn, ¡¿u- farm implement- : lire«u»ck raising, inclixlltig the treatment of FOREIGN ■ n <* h i n g the picture as one woull care to see—a disea-esofdomeatlo animal«; poultry keepine, mid how made trated. ortbe «triture ««id preparation for market of tea, oott.««* The failure or shortness of the corn ■uecest’ful mid profltab! •; bee koepiufl, dairy farniinff, etc. The ■ cliotM'lete, cotton, flux. bemp. M'W. ri**, »ntimge, etobvr, dr of his thick marble topped table, covered with litei- crop of the great corn belt of the coun­ treatment of these subjects ia complete and exhaustive, att.1 ('«niter. eiuMMiott, nllepU«« VWf«r. o-Ma»«ta. frineappkja. l-ait» • c k But un- renders the w ork of great practical use to formers mid stockmen. ! at a«, prune«, date«, raiaiD", fie*, olive«. Indi .rubber, gutta ary and otli«.-r in­ , percha, cork, omupbor. castor oil, tapioca, etc., etc. try caused scarcity of thh product, and lilUtTK’L'l/mtE. Herein i* given the most useful hints rtunately my spiration for the toaroaers <«f till kin«!- of vegetables and fruits, as gathered 5ATFUAL 1IIWTOHV. Tnterc«iin< an«! In«trncthe scarcity resulted in higher prices for com. «lcscripiions, acoonipaukd bv illu«iratio»«, of numerous l east*, from the experience of ilia most auccaaefut horticulturists. . >-*'’»« »so "* t bird«, fi’hs« and tnaecta. with much curious In term« tion reg at 1« senatorial imag­ But the trouble witn the farmers was ARCHITECTURE. Design« and plan* for house«, cotwge*. J Ing their life and habit«. ■ >rk when 1 pressed its button on the ination. There haHH and other outbid dings, with valuable suggestion» tb that they had little or no com to sell, I.AW. T h M' mmotn C vcmwedia »• «' mj a compte»» !aw those iujeuding to build. eaker Odd. though, wasn’t it? that was even a lemon , l»e*»k.teliiiu every riaa how he maybe Ids own towjrer, aud liOUsfcllOl.B. Tl.i- wo k contain» tried i»nd teated recipes I eoi.iahiin* full r.n< concf«« cxpUnatiens ef the pet.eral la*» aud many of them who had stock to <• first three men of note I met that and in a con ven-1 for ¡»letost every immjiuable dish for breakfast, dinner anti tea. aud tbetewsoftba «everalGtaie« u|>on #1 niattor« which i>.? feed became buyers at the higher rates thi* department abrnc being worth more than niue-tentha of ' subject to litigation, with uutueroua forms of'.eg al locumeut.'. oming should be Pauncefote. Blain« ient pigeon hole a the cook bo»>.* »oM: alm<»"t innumerable hiuta, helps and *ug- which scarcity had produced. The eeation* to housekeep*«r»; designs and suggestlmia for making ’ MIXING. Dta«7ription« nnd ilinauation« of the mining < ul Reed—the two first mentioned corn bowl of sugar, r»a y henutiful things for the Hetit of tionic, in n «cdle- ro'd. allver d! a mouds, coal, «alt, copper, lead, tine tin tv prices of agricultural products are deter­ wo, i.embroi tery.etc.; limtaon florteulmre. teHlt»g howto l»e i quickfillver itants in a diplomatic contest which it with a solid silver -tic «e*sfu| with all the various plants ; toilet hint*, tellllnu how ( ’.VO'liERH OF THE «EA. fiesta err docrllw -.u'. mined entirely by the extent of produc­ i o preserve ai.d buautlfy the complexion, bauds, teeth, hair, , tUuatrated th“ many wouderfuland heautifnl things fourni i.: the tracting the attention of the wholt spoon in it. "All tion. and this is governed by natural ■tc.. etc. i I m ,-. Mtn of the ocean the plant*, flower«, shcUfi, fleher, et»., IUd* 8IMPLT TO LOO« AT. orld. and the two last mentioned polit the gift of an ad­ ’IEIHCAL. Mary dollar* in doctors' bills will 1>e sered I wiae pearl diving, coral flahln«, etc., etc. causes, not by legislation. tnuaPy to ««verv ¡MFwesiior of Ibis book tlirougli the vatunlde ftTATifiTK a L ANI» MIM'ELÎ.ANEBV m . H ■il enemies whose contention is likeh miring constituent of the senator,' iformatlou herein contained. It tell- how to cure, by simple ! 1« given a vas? amoun» or nsefol nnd lnu-resiln< informa- A failure of crops in this country is re­ •t reliable b«mie remedies, available in every kottaehuld, every ! «urneoi whhh lath* population of Amerlcnu eitie», arc* • • ■ have almost as much influence o said the clerk of the committee, “but «ease and ailment that 1«curabte thi* drimrtment fonnlng a . population of fbee-ntiuent«. of theRtato* and Terri I» ri- ». , garded by the farmers as the greatest ■mr« ete tne«i>al book, tho value of which iu auy home can I of th. orindpnl oowntrie« of the worl.l. length of the prier»« .t. .riies as the famous quarrel betwe,. the senator never touches it. We keep calamity that can befall them, but such trdly ba competM in dollars and cents. river«. Presidential vote for sixty years. Fre’’ -, it here simply because it looks nice, just failure inevitably results iu higher prices •>*ing deaerip'iouM of great Invention*, in luding the Riccm looiiuioilon of Hhlmai« and veloe.lry «4 bodies. bei<> t el r . The next day was marked by rail: as any other picture helps to lighten up i!g»ne the Tt-lreranh. tbo PrfnSinc Pn-s* the ^lectrte Light 1 men»?, towers and Ftructnr®«. dial ancea from Va »t.iii«t* n. of farm products, aud therefore the H-*' r\ i cSewintr M.i.:hin«', the Telephone, tho Type Wilier, the Type from New York, m Important point*. chrmi<»l<»<; i »', l hi« ud flurries of snow: but 1 could no. • room." But I never yet knew the 1 coter and progresa, popttlfir sobriquet« of Am ».■ri« tting Maeh:iie. tho Cotton Glu, etc. president has cited as an evidence of citk* etc.. cutjimoM rrammatteal error«, rate- P«. , ». H« ■ave the kodak at home, and 1 am gla ’ IE IVORLWR lYOMlER*. Graphic descr. ’ r tte- • clerk of a congressional committee who prosperity that which the farmers them­ nunc ntiiM! and use of onpitate, Wall Street p' ..« ■ tu ifiittv illu-tr-tted. of rim ve||ow stono Pari. Y««* • took it along. On E street, in front u would not lie like a pirate for the benefit of thj w«rM, eurien* faitv In natural hi-”, Iley, Niagara Palis, the Alp«, Paris, Vesuvius, V«- selves regard as a calamity, namely, uriiiiia ».G.-aii.vflh»« ua:i:e-.«»i Aiates. and« ’ THE PARADE. second hand book store. I caught Sen •iim, the <’an«»H8 of Cn’orad«». Mmnmolh Care, u..rk«, jy.| ilur fnMc«. familiar quatatiru ■ of his boss. There are some advantages, higher prices resulting from crop fail­ ••’e, Wa khut Qkti, the White Mount at us, etc., etc. |.iw»,«*. .lying word* of famona peraor*, Lite • thing, but nothing can atone for any tor Ingails in one of his characteristit after all, in being a staV^sman. »«: - ;l.«‘globe, leadiug fovcri.iuti.r* ot it ’ \VE1 j R» D.'reriptten-. prnfuselv illn«trnted. of the life. ure. There can be no combination flight or offense from a woman. And *, customs, peculiar forms, ritee nud avremonie» <»f th«? • oses. an old book in his hand, um W alter W ellman among farmers to reduce the output of the strangest part of it is, she doesn't vh‘»t a r<’«ni»rkwWy iot»i*$ulnr, ithenl) vo brl f r’lmmery of hae**nfrn’g Ffime i rella over his head, unconscious of wet Tracio al part o’ th- > t'-b tv ik th“ M ammoth • vclof . kdla i« m y - m » • «>»• ■ • ’ agricultural products: such combina­ enow ‘.hat she is uncharitable. Trifles ■(Hi L oui « L r weather. Senator Ingalls is a chronii gr a: work hnvob*-« n t nt;» It I nn , • af * N!<>»««liot’i n,.( »: ■ fi * an«’ «-tHe** w'd- tions are not even desirable. Farmers turn her amiability to venom, and she »n. la f his private sins, but they are grievous A'ill without the pre« »end the M AMMOTH CYChOl’.-EUIA complete in four volumes as above de Republicans tn a Dileiuipa. dance is wealth and that scarcity can ind many. He turned hie youngest ence of lugall.- ed, all postage prepaid, also the VALLEY I.ECoKit for One yt ar upon receipt never tend iu that direction. If the next laughter out of doers because she mar- if only which is bat 50 cents more than our regular subscription price, ho that nothing could la Hon. William M. Springer, of Illinois, done, for thet while iu New York not long ago talked season should be favorable, and large ied against his will, and when her hns- .’on practically get thi» large and valuable work for the trilling sun» of 50 c«ntn Tbi» h «g.-eat otter, a wonderful bargain, and it is a pleasure to u« to be enabled to ott'cr our was no quorum with a member of the Reform dub on crops of wheat, com, oats and other iand died aud she was left with a sick eadere so remarkable an opportunity. Through this extraordinary otter we hope to products of the farm should be realized, jaby and destitute, this old sinner re­ The other seua argeiy increase our circulation. Please tel all your friend» that they can get the the prospects of tariff reform. He spoke there will be a corresponding depression used to 6eo or help her. and the baby vf 'MM oth C yclopedia in four volume- with a year’» snbscription to oug paper, for only tors waited til in the mo6t hopeful manner of the out ­ of prices, and the larger the crop the »3 00. reriectsalKtarticn Perfect salisfacticn im is guaranteed to all who lake take advantage of th this lb great premium Ued “for lack of proper nourishment,“ half-past 11 an< »ffer. Those whose subscriptions subscription» have not yet expired who renew now n<>w will receive the then dispersed look, aud he felt the utmost confidence lower the prices. If such should be the ae doctor said. Envied? Oh, yes, by M immoth C yci . op . bdia at opce, and their subscriptions will be extended one year front After mid da.« that the Democrats would win on the result a year from this time the presi­ housands, for they only see the veneer late of expiration. The M ammoth C yclopedia will also be given free to anv one »end­ SKNATOR INGALLS' RULING Mr. Ingalls tariff issue in 1892. Mr. Springer said: dent in his annual message would—fol­ >f charity with which he has incased ing us a club of tubes yearly subscribers to our paper Address all letters ‘to Ashland, The Republican politicians of Wash­ lowing the lines of his late one—deplore limself, aud they think him a great aud Jregon: passion reached the Cap ington are now endeavoriug to divert the unfortunate condition of the coun­ ;ood man. tol. and went from one to the other oi Do you know that lady? Unpreten­ he disappoint««] senators explaining public attention from the principal issue try brought about by the low prices for farm products caused by abundant har­ tious looking, isn't she? But there are •Sorry to have kept you waiting, ven upon which they were repudiated at the vests! abodes of poverty where her face brings orry: but you know my weaknesa.’ November election. They seem to be of The Republican leaders cannot hope smiles and welcoming words, and sub­ 'Second hand booh*again?'’ "Yes: and the opinion that there is but one way to divert the attention of the country stantial blessings follow in her train; > have picked up such a fine old edition open through which success is possible Æ SET OF THE from the tariff question whatever they there are food for tho hungry and warm >f the Shakespeare tragedies. Paid fl) in 1802. Opon the tariff question they *nay do, whether they go forward or go : have been thoroughly repudiated They clothes for the destitute. She doesn't •or it. and a bargain at that.” backward. The Democratic party has a need to have her name blazoned on Gn the avenue my kodak aud 1 caught now hope by reviving sectional issues plain, unmistakable duty to perform; earthly tablets, for it is recorded in »queer figure. It was old Mr. Vuux— through and by means of the Force bill chat duty consists in molting steadily heaven, and surely the registering angel and appeals to sectional prejudice to re ­ the successor of Randall in the house­ onward and pressing the advantage smiles and touches liis pen more gently in an ancient swallow tail, without over form political issues upon other lines which it has already obtained. It will to the page as he writes her name. than tariff and taxation. «•oat or umbrella, and with patent leat’n Ln this they will be as much disap­ ceep this question before the public un- There is a man who lives entirely upon er pumps on Ins feet, pacing toward the il the fruits of victory have been real- i his wife's earnings. He got that dia- Which we Offer with a Tear*« Subscription Capitol in a 'vet snow storm, Mr. Vaux pointed as they were overwhelmed by the to this Paper for a Trifle More than : result of the recent election. The people zed. until the McKinley bill has been tnond from her by threats oC Wf de- always wears pa­ L Our Regular Subscription Price. 1 of the country have pronounced against «pealed, and until materials which make I struction. She gave it up to preserve tent leather low taxation of the many for the benefit of the -rofitable manufacture impoesiole have i peace in the household. She has been B Wishing to largely increase the cireulailon <>f this shoes, no matter B pa]a»’ during the next six niontha. wo have made few. They will not give up this issue un­ ieen relieved from unnecessary burdens i obliged to allowance him for years, and what the weath­ W arrangements with n Now York publishing house til it has eventuated iu practical legisla­ md so cheapened as to not only aid be has well nigh bankrupted her several er. and be never f whereby we ere enabled to « ft'<-r «» h |nen»inni to oar uanufacturing. but increase profitable times. tion in accordance with their demands. * subscriiier» a Set oi the Work» of Charle, Dtrk- wears an over­ »reduction. Lt will demand larger mar ­ ««, in Twelve l.aige aud lluudsomr If we were now living under the form of And that—oh, yes, the old story. He coat. never car­ Volume*, with u year’» aul«cription to this government which prevails in monarch­ kets for American farm products; not was a millionaire once, and he wasted ries an umbrella. p»)»er, i«>r a trifle more than o»,r p-gnlar sub- mly reciprocity with Cuba, South his substance in riotous living. Now he ical England, the new congress would be The quaint old gSSHgli, »« »iptioli price. Ourgr<-Ht«>ff<-r|..Hiilmcrlber» America and Canada, but freer trade celiiees any ever h* retofoir t»:>d<. Churl« « at once convened, and the McKinley bill begs you to give him a few cents for a tu a u usually with all the world. ■BEIOi Dickens was the pic,test novelisi who cv«-r would be repudiated immediately; but cup of coffee, be says, but it will go into wears u ri iuce"K Virx ls * «w»™«« lived. No aiolwtr before o. a«nc> liis liine lif» The late election was only the ex ­ the till of the rumseller. Ix.n't give him Albert coat, all buttoned down before, under our more conservative methods won the f«m* jhni l>e a«-hleved, and his «or!.a pression of popular desire; that popular money. 1 have no doubt he is hungry, are <■««»> »> orejMipalar t«<-«hiv than «luring save two bu. ,ons near the top. where a we >uust abide the constitutional forms desire has not l»eeu accomplished. Lt «?! bis liletime. They abound in wit. humor, so take him into that restaurant and wi«le opening «lisplays a decorated waist­ required for securing results. K path-», mseteriy delineation of charaetty, Ou the tariff question the republicans may not be fully realized until after the give him some food that will be whole­ coat and frilled shirt front. Vivid descriptions ot platuia and iucitlen:». next presidential election, at which the some. thrilling skillfully wrought plots. Eacn An avenue street car was crowded pan neither go forward nor backward i final and complete victory will be book i» intensely interesting. No liomoal ou!«! Ah! the throng has vanished. The with statesmen going to the Capitol for with any prospect of bettering their con­ gBr be without a set of tlnse great and remnrk- i achieved—namely, the election of a ' people who wore the good clothes have their daily pretense of labor. A ma­ dition. To stand still is conceded de­ '' able works. Not to have read them ia to 1» | president and both branches of con­ gone home to dinner, and those who ! feat; to move in the other direction far behind the ago in which we live. Tui jority of them were clad in heavy gress. who will carry into effect tho CFLKWIXA DICKENS. set of Dickens' works which we < ff - r nr. come out to see them have gone homo to coats, and bad their necks carefully offers scarcely less advantage. If they to onr aul ecribers is handsomely printed from entirely new plat«», wi h new tyj.». go forward they must rely upon the ful­ 1 popular verdict of last November. Dur­ make notes, while we have only mural- premium I'lie twelve volumes Contain the following world-f'Dions work», each one <4 which is puh- muffl?il with huge scarfs. ‘‘What it fillment of pledge made before the elec­ ing the Fifty-second congress the large ized a bit, and whiled away the hour be­ iished c-m' le'e, >u.c‘ ey have been '•e>el>r«t4*r,t i f the book« preventing people in iihh I c A i .' v eii- HMr a:. <.• About half the members of the house «hat competition is to come to their re­ When will the «lay come in which be ?1,065, thus making the entire cost itia hix’irv. rm uotr,owing to the nae of modern im - roved pnuiitig. ! hl »•. . have been suffering from it, and many lief, anti that by the Time of the next women can wear the beautifm coetume $2,840. The duty under the old law Machinery, th- extreme!, low price of white paper, an I the gi at <• ¡.C . of us are not over it yet." And yet then- presidential election the people will be described in the following newspaper would have been $742.80, or $322.70 lees rail/, ai l < i; :b!’♦ <‘tf'r €i- itiid readei-^ r »'i - • . . does not appear to be auv diminution of in the full enjoyment of cheap neces­ i clipping: "Lady Florence Dixie, the well than the McKinley duty. A part of this . ic- • i- ‘- ¡1! t .n ; ft •! i to pay. tv‘-ry h 'ine iu tiu 1 j . u j « u j j » •• >! th? greiit ati n r’ v/orli-t, the quantity of congressional eloquence saries of life secured through competi­ known London advocate of dress re- difference grows out of the customs ad­ on account of the appearance of this tion. This hope is a flattering one: it | form, wears indoors a white flannel ministrative, law making the boxes, new «lisease. i blouse or shirt with tartan kilts just cov­ straw, packing, etc., dutiable at the can never be realized. At the Capitol the industrious little Competition has already done its per­ ering the knees and long tartan hose. same rate as the merchandise when an kodak found many scenes meat and fit fect work in this country in the matter Her shoes have silver buckles and her ad valorem rate is levied. for its devouring, but the most of these of reducing prices. So perfectly has bodice is a loose shooting jacket. Her The old rate ou table glassware was shall be savtnl for a future letter. The competition been canned on that com- hair is short and wavy and full of threads 40 per cent.; the McKinley rate is do of gold, her complexion fresh and brill ­ kodak is no respecter of persons, and in binutiun for the purpose of arresting iant. and her features pleasing. Every percent., or an increase of 50 per cent, good time it will competition baa been resorted to all one knows she rides a cross saddle in a upon the old rate. This increase is said We will send the EXTIKE SET OF DK Ivl Xs» WOKKH. in T WELVE VOL- have some inter­ along the line. There is scarcely a man- short divid«-d skirt partially covering to have been put on by McKinley for ’MES. »«s above X’E YE Mt, upon receipt o' fo't.l*. which is only