VALLEY RECORD.î Hiram Friee, who has a very extets e ; knowled.e of the Imliatis anrl of the Ii - dian que tinn, derive«! from long servi- e ASHLAND. O b TbWMfay, Feb. » UÖ1 as a member of eon.’reM and in the Indi­ an >>ureau, has i-orrected a mistake that is quite generally made in consider!n. The People'« Paper. the r> lation <4 the Indians and the gov eminent. Tibs wi>lespre >>l>le reiiiinde«! the via ting chief» that Milo Walker raporta 6 fact of »new on the . itiUX had been paid tens of millioi » | Dead Indian »umniltt tbi« morning. of d< liars. Mr. Price My«, in the FoiUr. j For a young elate with leaa than hal' that the $.->,090,0 0 a year UM llv app'O- th« population of an ordinary congree- propti.ite«! in the Indian bill is meetly i' ' ■ional diatrh-t Idaho ia doing very well. thi- form of trnnt fnnda, which the Indi , Ila first legialature has already eloded j ans don't vet at all It i* held for then. ■ iatu aenatora. and the aesainn la not yet • hv the government. The Indian« get a< ; ended. There promisee to be a eurh it avera.e j>er head of only $7 per year frotn | of Idaho eenatore at tbe next aeoaion of • the government for suleistence, or thei ' Hntiiptoona amount of two cents per day. That layout would seent sufficient to fit It ia Mid that tbe damages paid out them for a ghost dance without the ad for tbe Lake Labiah wreck is what kee;» the Southern Pacific from paving up its iditional inducement of a carmineMe»- employee. Thia ia another atraw blow­ ing toward the idea that the great Ore- gonian must have received quite a ■I ir» for its celebrated performances on tuli* aaemorable event. While th« B ecobd love« every states­ man who strike« right out from the shoulder in a manner that fears neither saint nor devil, it does not endorse Mr Clevalsnd's views on the silver coins-e question, and hardly thinks that evei Mr. Cleveland will say they are the views of sny great element in the demo cratic party. Nevertheles«, Grover, the R ecobd honors you for spitting then' out, for in these degenerate days sneak­ ing Hypocrites have become too nnrner ous for the good of the nation. Tin courage of conviction needs a few mort boo«et men like Grover Cleveland to brace her °!^aBgaB====a5 When Hermann ran for congress th» first time he promised the friends of hi* fellow townsman at Roseburg, C W Fulkrton, to then retire and let Fuller- toa's ambition have a chance. But h> didn't do it, and baa been running evei since. Fullerton has had it in for Bingei ever since and as he is now a state sen­ ator gave Binger’s reputation tor bein an incessant worker for Oregon's inter sate a black eye. The Oregonian’s legis­ lative corrmpondent writes from Rslem: “There is considerable indiimatim among tht senators and representative» over ths n-ception accorded to a join* resolution by Representative Hermann Tbe resolution in question was introdu e- by Ben a tor Fullerton and unanimous!- adopted by the legislature, request! n Mr. Hermann to make s special effort t< secure the passage of a hill pending ii congress, allowing five per cent, of th value of lands in the Indian reservutiot'» in tbe state of Oregon. When this re«< lution was received by telegraph bv M< Hermann, the Washim ton correafion' ent of the Oregonian telegraphed unde date of Feb. 8. a paragraph in which th statement is made: 'The Oregon laturs mistake« in aasuuiing that an- bill is before congress which epeciHlI makes Oregon a beneficiary.' The O’ egon legislature made no iiiietake. Th bill referred to is one In which Oregon 1» interested in conjunction with nth. states. Oregon ia interested to th- amount of over $109,000, which is quit enough to warrant a dispatch to th- State’s representative in congress, Th legislature did not assume that th>s a special law for Oregon, and a good ma joritv of tbe members are not pleased l> know that Mr. Hermann has receive- their resolution in this spirit.” Dyspepsia Few people have suffered more severely from dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. McMahon, a well known grocer of Staunton. Vx He say»: ■ Before 187» I was In rxeellent health, weigh­ ing over 200 rounds. In that year an ailment developed acute dyspepsia, and soon I sras reduc d to 1C2 pounds, suffering burning sensation» In tbe stomach, palpitation cf the heart, nausea, and indigestion. I could net sleep, lost all heart in rny work, bad £tsof melancholia, and for days at a time I would have welcomed death. I became morose, sullen and Irritable, and for eight yean life was a burden. I tried many] hy tcians and many remedies. Oneday a workm:.a employed ly mo suggested that Intense Suffering Hood’» rill a, as cured his dyspep- six I did so, and before taklrtgthe whole of abottle I begantnficlLtoanew m-.n. The tsrrible pains to which I been subjected, ceased, the palpitation cf f..o heart subsided, my stomach became easier, nausea disap­ General William Tecninaeli Sherman, peared, and rr.y entire system began to the <>| I hero of the niareh to the IHM, tone up. With returning lied an honor il death in New York Sul strength came .activity of mi:.d : nd body. Before urda v. This ends the life of the last tbe fifth botf. a was t. ken .reat general of the ancient civil war 1 bad regained my f nner weight and natural Ulmiral D/vif principal' l>la "e of i'Usine-s. sian Francisco. Califor­ nia. _ Location of works, Wagner Creek I Mining District, Jack-on county, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that ai a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on Wednes­ day tbe third day of December, 1890. an as­ sessment (No. 2.)ot twocents per share wa- ievieti upon ti e capital -tock of the cor­ poration. payab e immediately, in United c-iaie» gold coin, to .he eecn-tarj a' the of­ fice of the Com,-any. Room 37, F-ood But fl­ ing. Market street, ban Francisco, Cali­ fornia. Any stoek upon which the assessment -hall remain d u | h > ii the tenth day of January, 1891, wi.l tie del nquent and ad­ vertise i tor -a e at public auction, and un- ess payment is made liefore. will he sold onlue-diy, the -bird dav of February. 14il, to pay the delinque t assessment, to­ gether wi.h costa of a tverti-ing and ex­ penses ot sale. Bv order ot the Board of Directors. A. UHEM INANT. bet ret ary. Office—No 801 Market street (Flood Building) Ko. ru 37. ban Francisco, Ca li­ fornia ndi PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS' TOOLS, WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC., Ashland Market. John E. Pelton Building Papers. Wrapping Papers anil Twines. PICTURES of YOURSELF —OR— FAMILY. Succes-or to HOSLEY * PELTON. — Wholesale and Retail Dealer in — All kinds of M2ÆY BE HAD _A_T ARTISTS' MATERIALS. COSTBACTS LOGAN’S GALLERY FOR P ainting , P apering , E tc . Ashland. Oregon. Cured Meats Constantly on Hand. Terms. Cash. Pass-book accounts paj able Monthly. Assignee’s Notice to Creditors GREGORY & HICKS. Cor. M ain and G ranite streets, Finished in Style Equal to AWARDED FIRST PRIZES AT SOUTHERN OREGON STATE FAIR —CITY— ,SS e SIX MILES SOUTH OF BY B Hood’s Sarsaparilla M. For a nuuber of venrs I have Iteen suh- Sold by all druggist». Sl;»ixforf5. rreparsdonly lect to viol* nt attacks of in lammaiory by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries. Lowell. Maas. rheuniati tn which general y lasted ab< u‘ IOO Doses One Dollar nnin'b- On the first of thi« month I vas a.tacked in tbe knee and -ufflred se- vcrelv tor two day-, when 1 ed a b t- le oi L'h iniberlain's I'ain Balm, and it re­ eved me a most ins.antlv. 1 tlerofore .ii'.st cbeerml.v rec mmend it to tbo«. ! vhi are similarly a.tlit ted every whete.—R. ’. Wlnt et , Martiudae. N. C.. Feb. («88. For the Piifpone of Selling the Mr. Whitley i- a verv prominent man in his place and his dise .se wa« very widei v I-'itte Ito I// of Land Knoten »tiownashe-n .ered -uch severe pain. W. M Huu-roii A' Co.. -Merchants. Martindale. an the X. I.'. 50 cent bottles for -ale by Chitwood tiro»., druggi*t*. REAL ESTATE Italian I’ruiiea. DEA It Ri- IN In the Circuit Court of Oregon for Jack- son county. In the matter of the estate of E. M. Mill­ 1IVI II? er. insolvent debtor. ll ’ Notice is hereby given that E. M. Miller, POS TlttXEMEXT. ate a merchant of A-h and. Jackson coun- Y ORDER of the Board of Directors .y. Oregon, has bv d«ed in writing, d-ted tbe ilaten • f dednqnencv and -ale have n the2.’d day oi Dec.. A. D 1'!». made to een po-tpomd. and i- hereby given 'he undersigned a general assignment of all .is property for the lec me d- Pes-enger Coach to Every Train unqueut on the 10th day of February. 1891. i ora. wi.bout preference, except as by law Freight moved about town at rate and that de mq .ent st. ck wi 1 be -old in hc - ueb preference is given. All claims against said e-ta’e must there- c rilance with .he ataive notice on .Saturday LO ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. ore be tiled with the undersigned a-signee, the 7th day of March, 1891. A. t’HEMIN ANT. Secretary. duly vt rilied, on or lie.ore the second dav Fire wood of all kinds delivered anj Office No. Nil Ma -ket street ( Flood Build­ of April. A. D 1.891. ing). Huom 37. ban Francisco. Cal. Dated thi-ilie 31st dav of December, A. where i town at lowest prices. D. 1890. at Ashland. Orego-i. JOSEPH H. MARTIN, Assignee. Ashland, Oregon. C. B. W atson . Attorney for Assignee. All parties knowing themselves indebted to E M. .Miller will please cal. at my otlice tnd settle the seme. ull-Tt JOS. 11 MARTIN. Assignee. 8 Years iezener..tioii of the heart. EVASS 4 BIUMÍ • GRANT'S PASS, OR OO.OOOTREESFORSALE —CONSISTING OF~ Apple, Pear. Peach. Plum, Prune. 'Iier.-y, Apricot,, Almon.I t’alnut, Cli«M>timt, Shade auic. .A sa-.n,.^ powtier by ma’.l for ice, Bromides made in all sizes. Call an« come down from his ranch at Vacaville TBE IA. ULittS FWK.:TA..: S3., JAMAICA. S.T to visit his former royal chum. Agri­ examine our work cultural life agrees with the ex-journal- ist and diplomate. He used to be fat. •1« but now he looks like a pugilist in train­ ing. “Everybody,” he said, “seems to be ■ (CAUSE THKV ARK shocked at my leanness, just us you are Judge Mesick was quite scared this D. M. Fanav & Co's morning. -Daggett.’ says he, ‘it isn’t Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced natural for you to be without jowls and SEED ANNUAL a paunch. It ain’t exercise, but disease OREGON. ASHDAND. . For 1891 will be mailed FREE] that’s the matter with you. See a doc­ ito all applicants, and to ifistscason’sl Si tor. You’re dying.’ k customers. It is better than ever. 1 Ml work ordered will be made to giveerffir. 1 Every person using Garden, fl ’’ ‘Dying,’ says 1. ‘I’m as strong as an B FlcrttMr or Mela Seeds, fl SATISFACTION A should send for it. Address fl ox. Let me show you. me some­ ■ D. M. FERRY A CO. K thing to raise—au anvil or anytliing,’ Repairing neatly and promptly done, fl DETROIT, MICH. W and I bared my arm. ‘Just let me raise fl Largest Seedsmen in the world and at Ixiw Rates. something for you.’ “ ‘All right.’ says Mesick, ‘go out and see if yon can raise me 45.000.’ ’’ I am told that when Mr. Daggett sent in his card to King Kalakaua at the Palace hotel, his majesty turned to Lord Chamberlain McFarlane, and said with a THE TALENT REVIVAL. gesture of high command: T alrxt , O b ., Feb. 15th, 1891. “Let him be admitted, and the draw­ M b . E ditob : bridge raised. Drop also the portcullis. This oommunity is in the midst of it» We are at home to uone else today.”— I regular Manual religious revival, will Virginia (Nev.) Cor. San Francisco every prospect of a rich harvest of youth Chronicle. V1 A pamphlet cf Information and ab- fill conversions. Now. I would not dis V S- strsrtiii I he laws,bbewing How to/ claim against the right of nty Christis' A Hunter’» Paradise. V ’ • O’ttnln Prient», Caveat., Traded» e \ Marks, Copyrights, tmt Jree.fA neighbors to propagate their doctrines i> In this unknown laud bear, elk and Ad-'r-s a co..>r any just and legitimate manner. The the noble black tailed deer exist in al­ 1 Ms.SU 1 Broadway, must bear in mind, however, that other, < KvW York. . — .-k have rights that are eqnally worthy » most countless numbers, and ia all but JNE AND THEE-FOU TH: respect—the right of private judgment perfect fearlessness of man, and here, irvi* tbe right of mental liberty. These right from the great difficulty of access to MILLIONS. their domain, theenterprising sportsman form tbe basic principle of all hums' progress—the foundation stone of a) may find them ages hence. Until the JLIJRÆ] YOU free governments. summer just passed no hunter’s, pros­ 100,000 Prime Trees (mostly No one has a right to assail the hone* pector’s or explorer’s rifle had ever awak­ French VANTING A TYPEWRITER? opinions of others except throu h fai ened the echoes of their bills. This 3-5,000 Royal Ann cherry. anrusoents and an honest presentation <■ hunter’s [inraJise is the peninsula lying facts. 10,000 Early Crawford peacl If so, let the R ecord I am sorry to state that the metho. I. west of Puget sound, and embraces al) the territory west from the sound to the 10,000 Moorpark and Royal employed by the evangelist now in char • offer you a fine Bargain, of the revival h»re. are open tn the ahov Pacific ocean, and the Straits of San Apricot. criticism. He finds no language too «< Juau de Fuca south to the northern line a brand-new instrument. Spitzen berj. vere for unbelievers, such as infornti» of Uhehaiisli county, comprising the en­ 35,000 Esopus tbe Almighty, in a fervent and fervi tire counties of Clallam and Jefifersou, apple prayer that those parents who teacl and is locally known as the “Olympic 20,000 Gravenstein apple. their children that the Bible is not > range country.” A glance at a map will Divinely inspired book, would better b best inform the reader of the extent of 25,000 Yellow Newtown Pip­ dead. this territory, where, until last summer, pin apple. Now, whether the Lord indorses or re jects the proposition of His “servant,’ the noblest game on the continent has 15,000 Ben Davis apple. deponent saith not; but the loui.-al con lived in undisturbed peace.—Tacoma IOO IMPORTED elusion is that the “servant” and all (Wash.) Letter. Large Stock of all Ot er Lead ­ and Registered those who hold such mediaeval views, Can Such Thing« Be? ing Varieties of Fruits. would offer up prayers of rejoicing, if . Clyde, Shire,’Per­ There is such u thing as carrying econ­ fatal spidemic would strike down ever FREE FROM INSECT PESTS cheron & Norman unbelieving parent in the land. Indee«'. omy even beyond the borders of parsi­ Stallions. they should have lived in the times <■ mony. Here is a case we vouch for as Catalogue Free. Address: the Auto de ft. Thev could the» actually occurring, we will not say For Sale from £400 tc stood by anti warmed themselves whi|. where. Three years ago a certain per­ £>900 each. This is the umc to buy inorder watching the red tongues of flame t-lind son purchased as a Caristmas gift for to have them perfeeJy accli­ 'round the limbs of hervti.'S. Such tit his 3-year-old daughter a little chair, mated for i.ext season, and we terances betrav savage intolerance. The- must sell >n order to make painted red. In 18J9 he had tue chair are au insult to the healthy moral sens room for new importatior»-The painted blue and gave it to her as a freight ria h^r* e to Per' land. of any community. Oregon is only SCO. brand new Caristmas gift. Last yeat He tells a pathetic atorv of an Every animal fully V7arrant*d. Terms Easy. Ser.' he ha 1 the same ciuur gi.ded, and worked liering futher, who, with scvi o r. ’or Catalcgus. A^-iess prevented his elever.-vear-ol i it oj again as a Christmas gift on his in­ r Dr. Vclcriuc ft Co., going to the anxious seat, nocent and he.jk-.iscail 1. ia a very poor Wdertcwii. VZli .'I thenceforth lea-is a «iiiswolut«» i household such an incident would be drunk-mi, unrepentant, tn.) o •are pauieac. Cut i.i»a latucr is by no means lest forever. On h’s :<>.itl -be ! I..- a pour man. — JuiZalo Coui-nerciaL v. ,itic i of Co-partnership coses h'S Cither r>i be n. t ..iu degradation amt sa l r'tti. Evt-le H Oranges In Sau Bera .¿rd Lao. d‘d lg a law bu< impreesioHS iutemird to he conveyed In ELoks. Stationery. i ’ in IE ss NDERr-IGNED. There are upward of .».093,000 orange School m ..-hlan under the tiriti name this story are the tvrannical disp<«iti<>i IV usili ik i ur en-na v, have dis-oheu of unbelieving parents in general, an trees i.i seed bed ia lata county. Thia is •trtnership by mu.ual i-onsent. Clocks, Watches, and the terrible results ot not pemitting a over three times tae number set out in i'. It. W atson . child to seek salvation. The soeak>-t orc nurd form tn the county. But each L L. B lbtknsiiaw . more or lees mild y intimated that i year the demand fur trees increases. At t-h'nnd Or.. Jan 5. Is91. Jewelry. there was anV place in hell hotter thn the prescat ratio of increase two years any other, it to be reserved t<> from uovv 1,000.030 will be planted an­ Main street Corner. A-bland. Or. such a parent. nually in Lais caua.yaljae. As many Now, I would not defend the cruel feat t a red-hot t_ :___ ________ religious revival, there ou.ld for planting, there will be but little dan­ To Whom It May Concern ger of ati overstock. But many of these to be uo question. PROPRIETOR. Now, my wife and I teach onr childrei trees will be killed by frost and from OHN R NORRIS i- hereby appointed Sh p opposite piazza il..g stall. that, in our opinion, the Bible is a book neglect and otaer causes.—San Bernard­ agent during m absence to m ike ail Anhland : : : ; Orer/on. inspired bv a being no higher than man, ino (Cal.) Times. collection- an I -eitleinent-: and all ]»er- son« knowing themselves indebted to me and when compared with many oilier Buart Lolai of Elephant. will take due nutii-e that he 1< instructed to All Kinds of Fresh Meats man-inspired books, is a very poor job. Oil the bill of fare of the Palace, Cin- make prompt settlement.-« «nd collections. This is our honest opinion, based U| k >" J. M McCALL. Kept constantly on hand. Fair living ; facta and reason. Yet we permit and de­ cinnati. one day recently there appeared prices is all that we ask sire our children to go and hear even the rather unusual dainty, “loin of ele­ Snu\vit?2 on February 4. such pravers and sermons as here allud phant.” It was. in fact, part of Chief, We will make it to your interest to i A gentleman residing near New York ed to. tVe desire them to “hear theotb the vicious elephant who was shot tn the deal with us, so give the new meat mar- i er side.” It is the only true method o Cincinnati Zoological garden, and was city remarke 1 to a friend on the 4ta day ket a trial i of February. 1833. “We shall have snow developing a high moral sense, a well- balanced intellect anti strong reasoning not bad eating, as some of the for?e of today." There was not a sign of it then, JEJd^i resli pork on hand every day. powers. Those who hear onlv one side, this office can testify. It was without but before noon the white fl ikes began more especially in matters of religion.arv exception the best Toast elephant that to fall. When next they met the friend inentallv and morally lop-si del. pu .-I i any of us had ever tasted.—Hotel Mail. asked. “How did you know it was going men are generally wanting in charity to snow that day?* The sa laud singu­ for the honest opinions of others, and Rev. Dr. Edward A. Foggs, the ven­ are therefore actuated bv a defective erable rector of Old Christ church (Epis­ lar tinswer was: “Fi»rty-three years ago today I burned my only son. It snowed ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OR, moral system. The evangelist to whose methods I ob­ copal) uf Philadelphia, has tendered his that day. and has snowed on the 4th day ject mav have "Divine” authority and resignation, to take effect on Oct. 1, of February every year since, therefore 1 scholarship, one year................ ..$32. example (Malt. 10, 35-3.>) to justify all 1691, that being the day on which he felt sure it would snow when I ma le the Commercial Course..................... $25 that he teaches.but let him bear in mind will terminate his thirty years’ rector­ remark." Let those who fancy that the Training School, ptrvear......... $15. that the purest morale of the 19th <-en - ship of the parish. law of probability is of any value when tury are net measured by "Divine Au­ applied to any particular day ascertain thority.” _____________W. J. D xax The Duchess of Northumberland has how many chances there are that it Abbey Surer foundation cannot cannot be laid just been buried iu Westminster _________ . would snow for forty-three consecutive than the real merit which u tbs rolid t>a«e as a Percy, the only family in England years in a certain part of ths country qu Bwthemonn m ea rsl success ot Hood’, bar- »staining the prescriptive right to the the 4th of February.—St. Is mis Repub- Harness & Saddle Manufacturer. NURSERY Largest Stock of Tree; in the Northwest, USE THE BEST. - PATOOS garll 0’S Write for Particulars. strictly cia-s ________ machine. . first ___ Fullv warranted. Made from very l>est material, i>y skilled workmen, and with the be-t tools By the world's greatest pulpit sovereign that have ever l>eeu devised for the pu pcse. War, amed to do all that can be reasonably expected of the very l>est typewriter extant. Rev. T. De Witt Talmege, D. D Capable ot writing 150 w rds per minute— Including a History of Palentine and at or more—according to the ability of the a.-oount of bi< journey’ to, through an. operator. ironi the Christ-land. II ustr.itcd wi.l more than -iOOsuperh engravings. Scenes i l the Holy Land and copies of world-famou If there is no agent in your town, address piilntings of the old inastees, from th greatest galleries in the world the manufacturers: P'r-tin $loo to $30 ) tier month eai ea-dlv be made on commission, or we wii THE PARISH MF’G CO pav libera, salary. Teiieh e r s Agents wanted. PARISH, N.Y. Student« ______ ___________________ »Mi n is ten- pp-rr^t STENOGRAPHY and bright men and ladies in every town, v rivifjf. type . vritinu free whom we give exclusive control and teni tory. Act now. before territory is a 1 lakei First-clasH facilitie« and l>e«t of teachers. up. Write for terms and full particular ». Address, with «tamp for retu. n postage, Address-r THE PARISH MF’G 00.. I’At'IFIC PU HASHING CO.. Ainsworth Block. 3■ I I Bl |_ 1K ’ ’"‘d !• »..r-tbly, by thus«- of 5wi I I 9va E* ■ CI !l 1 '““"P ' r *‘1, hii H :-.t th- ii 1 ■ R I B Iwl B own I h . t ■ «,u h. i. ter th. y lit f./my ■ k cnciHii- Ip vork. l.itsv t«» Icam. Vo furnish everything. W e start y -.u risk. J < u « tin iletote your spare moiueuie, or ail your titnc to tit.■ v rk. '1 hi* L tn eutire.y m w h iid,:intl brings wonderful sut t e». i ..« vci v u« ¡k r. Beciioiers nr.- earning from V-3 to »..« p«rwc« k aiih yon the em­ ployment and teach you fr’KKE. No space to explain here. lull Infonnattun 'PRVE «V « <>., ft.U.bAk, kAUk. SOLID TOP. SIDE EJECTING. Dissolution of Co-partnership WdcM,8X|b». Using 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. Fend for free descriptive price-Het of Repenting Rifles, Double-Action Revolvers, etc., to tbe HE PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex isting under ihe name of Martin ò Barri- is this day dissolved bv mil ual cor sent J. H. Martin will collect all ou sianding accounts and pav the liabilities. JOk H. MARTiN. WM. HARRIS Ashland, January 27,1891. T DR. COLE MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A LYMAN’S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Are Unequalled both for Hunting and Target Shooting. ft IBEAL” REUSING TOOLS Shot Guns. For Rifles, Pistols RELOAD YOUR SHELLS AND SAVE MONEY. AND FREE, ItLUSTRATCO c CATALOGUE Patronize the- W». LYMAH, WOefhld, Ct. CONTAINIHO VALUABLE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOWTO PRLFARC YOUR OWN AMMUNITION IDEAL MFG. CO,, Box G, New Haren, CL ■KiNNBMMNMHiHHMBMnBHBÎ THAT 25 COMPLETE NOVELS FREE Connects with Every Trai. RAIN or SHINL TO EVERY READER OF THI8 PAPER! And carries the IT. 8. Mails and Wells Fargo's express. S IT I SF AC TIO.Y Portland, .... Oregon. IJOHN HELP WANTED Rend for Catalogue A, showing Eights and Rilles of latest design. Address: ONLY WAGOK Treat and Cyre all Chronic and Priva < biseases. A Specialist in charge of eac. Leparlment. 1. DISEASES OF MEN 2. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 3. EYE. EAR and CATARRH. 4. CLUBFOOT and DEFORMITIES. 5. OISEA^s OF THE SKIN. 6. SURGERY. 7. ELECTRICITY. Call <>r write tor information. Mention this paper. 132 A- 134 Third st., c r. Alder DYER, Driver »Vu wai.t i > Jueic-KSo <-ur circulation vrry largely during tbo ncxtkii —< . .uLL ;• >!.-. To aeconipll Ii tills wo lie. <1 tlio co-operat on ot onr present ml» ill.- is au-I i-ea-loi-.' 'it encl> •uo or (.tn-1 remnit r.-x l-.-rs would MH.-ure toe it > «« ue.e t-dMO-itor. our <-ir.-i1 at rt .-t-t i .¡.,.li,t_ i -I.onrrc. But »o know It will t»ke an extro-rdinary l.'dtt-einei.t t-. »>,!».*; - it -he .mltod ■ u-.-. t. i f t very one oi our iTOsent KUlmci-lbef-t—w« »hull have t» ni.-tke a h-glt hi t nt.itiof.s nntl .-mxIotiH to dcublo our circulation, and, by epeclal tviii. „i...... the i «.' i "« pcbllihlug houat-e w» are .-nablod to inako you G LA RAS T E E II. E. WORM AN, Medf-r. Livery .''taules, rrup. An Offer Remarkable for its Llbe.ality. I ---------------- ji'.ad it ; To <’1uinat f!,. ¿¿'«v R. STRAIT, lier Monlfbat Ik-athiy, By A manda M. Dovei Ai- Ku. IM. A l.<»w MiirHiiACt* B MI m *'.. ì . mu . l ' Oly »»pin. Hy H T. G ai .te r . No. 14ft. A II telard <;|»J. Hy M»ky c heti li*, . Ilolorc«. By Mrs. J ane lì. Aunnv. Nn. I'll. £ li <■ Peltri .»fi h>-Or-t-MK. |U* Ai't.isia A Br»*ve< «»word» H> K. L. H i - evkniicn . K-. IM TheOhlO lad NC farM. H Hr. »Sia 4 « 2.1 A'l'roitblcMoiiic <>frl. Hy " T he hvcitros.'' Nn. I B. The 4 ìi!|f*«rii||i ('ubili. |fT y '• ’ Hiilhv urliti là niffy. Hy À manda M. I ioüui . am rm Nn. Hl. •Tu* ui1*’,n".1 ,. Hf«. H A F*«i«eB<»enf. By Mr«. A lmxandkn No. I'M < IIWv II ohmp . Itv I’ tt * V,’ rirmi:. 'i I m * l'enrl of flic Orient. Hy B tlvanvn C obx . Jr. No. 117. Affimi hi»*« lll«lt»ry . By »U muarrt Btxivm Hlmnn Perrlçk’a fLititfifU-r. Hy M. T. C/.t.b< u. No. 122. Olii ol thè Me»», itv Fi ara ai gusta . Tbc Llnd* m hirm Bride. Hv M akoanet H lovnt . No. 121. TboNlurv ot*u Mlorn». Hv Nr« «I ank G A i atin ‘ G. ‘ill. A lli-.nzerou« Il uinaii. By lire. A nn h . bTicriiKN«. Ke l20 The ICs 1Ì Uenln«. 1 1 X'.». ¿.»9. BliivUblrd Itili Hy E nthkh K eni . k K knnfvn . «0 II» ____ • o 2fS. Tbe Peril of ICI«-lin rd Pnrilon. Hf B. L F aiukon lire. M at A i 5»o 24to. ___________ i h«- Liti le 01*1 Alun oi* tbe llullgnolle». Hy Ms. 101 ” <Í /l. aboi : mu . jj . " E milk Ms. 101. X u. 247 “ From the fùirtli to the Moon. By Ji les V exnb . «•<»LI IMS. x». ¿n Tlic <»nur«llun*M Plot. Ry Dr. J. If. K oninsun . E; 'S ”'»'••• "> »taso,«w„. Ne. ¿12. The Heron*« ’.I III. H.v H vlvann « <’<»gn, Jr. • u 241. TlieGrny l*'nl<*.iii. By M. T. C ai . oom . t -'" t t No 210. Tbe Morrow ol’»» Beeret« By M ah » Cren ÎI at . "I M" ll™"> " “j’ M *?*««'« S- «I »/*•«'• Tie th '- n m .. z - h ? .■ 2W Perry mid the Prupbet. By W ilkin C ollins . '«ro-a. Hr ••".< I ■ n.„ ?.tì. 237. Thi-ntory ____ _____ <»»' nil etldlng Hing. Hy tht» author of *• Dora Thorne " In« auifcar m - Dora >tor Turi.» ’ n / tot «Ji lea«» Il>.a«e.li2 *2 •wihoret" Xo. îM. H Fuell" — - _ “___________ _ _______ _ Kjr Mrs ... IT. Woon w w.. APnae«;- CHnae ». Ta.rii.n,, Xc .'35. A rfaVfoEndJ^^^^ Modern <'lndv; ellu Hr author "Dora Tlioru». ------- ’’ No. 234. ------- - -i - - K i» T^ •’■ñsfanrrin««. ñj MtaaM~" h'„ E il .i.."-** .•?/-•*»- »»••'t-er- . No. 233. 'I he I'*nini (Jloif Bv C lara AvouwTA. E° ?! ThT ralal .Marrlsse. e, Mia. M t. ua.MH>- Ko. ¿¿A. Th«* .11111 Girl of Tyrol. Hr M. T <- ai . por . !Mr."TC^“----------- »,' Xo. 225. Mnlwn*« Kcv vi»ie«*. Hj II. Hip» m II aooand , . No. rw. Kolb llerrl«*!». Hy W illiam If. B ushnei . i .. Na 215 Huth ven*« ll’urd. Hy Fi « imenck M ammyat . • 0. 214. Two Klaae«. Hy tho uutl.or uf " Dora Tborus." Ko. »13. Cl«»u4« und rinii«hlii<*. Dy C* iaui . ks R kank . By Mr». A. E dwabm . No. 212. A I nicnbond Heroine. Xa. 2IÎ. Tl»*»rny rrvft Gmngre. Ry H rtt W inwovn . " t S ìo ?’” ,,,,U r Í ’ ***“"• "/«•■¿ree tur. M. 210. <’nrn»u<*l 4’oHitc*’> Hy Mr«. IfgNRv Woop. Xo. 209. The Ifirt-nm IV wkihii . Br W i ’ kik C ollin «. »? raliTirLu* "'»■'«•••cettt... z?...r.«r,J. >0.3UA The I ren«nre of l ’runrhnrd. By R. L. B tkv - R. iw. lly fal-trr linfe. Ht author “ Dori» Thor ita.’* fid. No. T0. | he MyMery of (he llolly Tre»», tu s tio. i f”. IIrep«'rln. By M T. C ai onu. ru» Loro f«* J»..»« Th««*r l»Mwr'« Aeer« t Hs M>. *i»tN F. I' uai «■<-»». lofi. '1 lie lte«l <’ronn. Hy M. T. C a L oom . 2. M*Ntr CaeiL I4*y r. /u»»sf,-r e/ ¡Un »trotti. R2. lor Loro or Klcb«:«. My aaitior "A Great w •»•»•..¿Ur*« Mlrtak*-’’ Xd té!. The _ IVI ZU rd of GrRitiidn. __________ _______ By M. ______ T. C aldo ___ ». iî » î-’ri f*"” rL”*- •/»•« Hs»arW Dora TLorm-.’ /»• Ku 145. Tbr Mw«-s*f* IleortM. Hr B. J.. K axjx « n . No. 27. F_* 144 ___ Lady !»U*oHde, Hy "T mk Hr E tta D ixh :: m Ko. M. ~ "»»”>•« r tituw.0,. *.u 14 $. Fstlrlsasl Fulae. fl’. Liithorx.f "Dnra Therna.’* /U’4. No. »3. avM («Hst U, Mr. a.« s. «Tare.,. No. H2. The ll «»neun llwler. Hy Dr. J. H.HnaiNMW. //fri. Ko. It.- Helr ta Hr Ur. tirs.«, Nu. 141. If«>fueen I wo flln«. By the author uf ** Dura Ko. »I. Thorne. fUntt fated. n, t,., No. !0. "r1 ‘•"tl-oret • l»or. TUr:;r • H-) I lie l.aitter-H*eer, t. Ur Ml- M. It. U h .»»»«. NO. Î. rkc lj.Hrrl ¡•«•l. a, Sla. M i mkh . Xj L . 1 *■* 7 ■ Hyde. By H. I., stpvfnpon . Xo. ft. ¡»•a !«««•». Ut Oxea..« K( wr. X j I - An Old .M m ' h Serri Nee. Bj lira. A mh ». No. ft. frTM'MItSS. No. ft. >-.». 13? Tadler the 14I h <* n . By author cf" Dura Thor»«.’’ No. ft. ’.•»•••« *"•¿ •I^Siu-,. n. m 1 r.u-o« AiN»»i|f tbe if m I no . vo.iw.Ì!' Hy M ahv C pch u- Hty. f/ÇJ J »«thtnk of i f We wtll giro ,ou tire eh^mln« «t Practical Gunsmith MEDFORD, OREGON, I wish to announce to the public that I am rea/«•-*"« ti a” l- l-r “ ' 1! !i ’ ‘ “ "11. *' >•••••“«» ’?. • -.V *’ « A “ ’ Î - in 1 •zftF* I'.’ *» «»• «"«tir-».». E Et J. H. SETTLEMIER Woodburn, Or S3000 FROM MANGER TO THRONE" TYPEWRITER. STMUOO, boner of intennsBt there. Camping privileges will be 50cts per week for each individual. (50| BYRON COLE. P roi - hiktor . ft A l’E A I’ ! 1 undertake to briefly '!■ ■ ■ ■■■■■ teach any fairly ini! lifr* •»' I” r»’>n of eifh» r flk < 11 I I I |sex, vl.o rend and v rite, and «ho. Ill ■! II | fl || «»ft* r instruction,« ill work iudustrionaly, WF MF WF h<»w to « art» lltree I bot-sanu Dollars « fea* in thdr own lu<-aliiie«.v In r ' «-r they live.I will slsofunrieh he situation oremplojrmenf^ii n ld< h y<.u « an «wm that amount. X’o money f<>r me unless auc« «-esful as above. Easily and quietly ■earmxl. I desire but one worker iron» each district. r county. 1 t**s already taught atid provided with -enipluv no nt a large ■umber, w h > are niuking over rUHOO a v » nm ea< h. It a X 1 AV md »<» 1'1 W. l ull imrtieuUr. FK EE. Addrcs. at ence, ENTITLED MlNUFArTVI ÎD BT 1. D. HOLDEN, S ockton, Cal H. JUDGE. Eled Hill Land, US- WE du not handle, cultivate, or ttemptto PHOI’AG \ t’E any varietie- r kinds of l-'HI II, until .-atistied tbai nev are well Al> ll' to the soil and iiingve peculiar TO SOL'THEKN Olli - < >.V Wii.e for terms to ASHLAND, OREGON. A. H. CARSON A SON,Brant's l’ass,Or. OR W. B. C olton . Agent. Ashland. Or. Opened Ht the old Ashland market stand on Main street, fat ing the bridge. Talmage’s Life of Chris Sti ayetl or Sto • n. Ar‘ist. For the accommodation of a limited num ber of guests. »10 00 Board and lodging per week “ '• •• “ day.. 1 60 1 00 *• per day......................... 60 Single meals.............. . ............ Without ¡ffitjation. T Mluister Daggrtt and Kalakana. Plahts, Blackberry Plantr and Gravecinef. TAILOR MARIA COLVER FARM From Ashland. Dec. 4tb. 1890. two bay iiare«. both branded 7 H L (connected) on eft shoulder. One ha-« bald face, heavy ttane mid tail,-hows Percher n. Other a lark hav, star in forehead, white hind foot. A liltera reward will be pair, for ¡nformn- ■ ion concerning their whereaiv ut«« A l . M astin . Ashland, Or.. Jan. 1. 1891. Will be open May 1st, —! ALSOP -BY- H. H. BANCROFT, T he F amous A uthor . What is it? Read the great daily pa;>ers everywhere for an an wer. It is i A Nice Store and a lot 25xlH, near Depot in block C, railroad addition to Ashland, at Si ’»»r' •»?“»«<' n.... . l!- E- ît:ïï±*5s!* 7ÌP,Y***,,“£Y« »».un.« ìm.* ft-.!- 10 Per Cent Less Than it Cost Apple to O. F. Billings or to E. K. Alsii t ■ o.. No 1001 Fourth street. Sacramenti to the l»>ok world. A tren n-e-tn u e o rea1 e.-ia e a.-ents or to V alley R ccobi * brilliant literary jew. Is. A grand gi.axv ot Ashland, Oregon. wit and wisdom. A graphic record ot A VERITABLE SURPRISE I TRAVEL, INCIDENT AND ADVENTURE The life-storv of a man who, beginning at the bottom round of the ladder, ha , bt de­ termin'd indU'try, overt- me every obs:a. 1< and reached .he top. AN IMMENSE SALE ONE MA5SIVE VOLUME Ovar 800 raees. bound in Crimson Silk Cloth, gilt ed^e-i witn c.-tiy cover design Every c.-pv aci unip mied with a line fu 1 page n V e plate p rt ai: ■ f the distinguished atl.hor and 14 ex ¡tiisiie haif-tone ii.ustra- tions, 5%x9 inches in size. WE WANT AGENT * .. •. t' a year i « In ing made hy .ioti. w f<»< tn from bi IH 5‘IO a tloy ut tl>e start, and »■••■■ ■ ; » you *. ¿ L’J j B on. Both «w*gra, ail ag« n. Iu »my part < merica. y «-u «au c«>mm««••«• ni ii<-me, gi jw'i'K «B your lime,« r sj ar m<»m» u:« only the work. Ail i« •.«•*». t »« tri j a; • h 4 i j < very worker. V«* Mart you, fumichii . * r ivthing. EAftJI-V, M’I.i Dii.» Iran.c lift LABS J'.l J > Mr nt one ?u.« k ti». • >•’. « ». »«.'à TOWN LOTS! ae. ----- FOR SALE IN----- ’ x 'rf- • * n. R. R. ADDITION ’l'ñlrTI'if M e. In every country, and in every town, coun­ ty and state in the Union. T he hit > f th » cestvby . Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, itetivrc?.’ u. . Inquire at tbe R ecord office. 723 Ma. ket St., Son Francisco, Cal. PARRY .. . • I »-e/rr lial'y Mnk« Ì-. 1ÆFC3-. IN DI AN APOLI3, IND. ? 1 ...Ì h rg-Hh-« llKonlr nn>- .ubWlbSr J u eli b . <.ne ». s you i.c«er had hrfore I mti.’A .»'.l1.'**' ' ’"m 7 ’,lt'' ntt"r « ''”'•*•<> '» »•«»»»-e t or l..:b',r« W '«•'•••<(• * Uk« onr |.«|H-r|or » ,.«r A-vlLlv .to tl.le O.f, r ,-'-i'>r-r-t/..i !U- b- .tue. v o.i your- olf v. in t tnflnd l.nw 11« co etc i' mttmenra niullng them. you wlll 1» del>ghtr.| tu t>>l< >8 r u ,25 -■“«'•-» Af '-irgost *• .1 vcry ll>.< r I offrr. » wonl'tc ,.i. >’- ! IL* >. -, .-I h f-rtwo yuar y >oih«.-r'b<-r«. .eventv-Bvn f r thr. <• mb-..-r > • ai i sooato.H yru».iÌH-r iù-t rn.-ie tb*u’erllxr ir yo.r ruo «-ttl.oiit t... ni’i-1. tr-,.il.|.- t.i-t ■uC- . I : ■>£ t ;.t a lo , a cenuro Mi- voiiiwelt t-routy live c 1 muiq I i >S < orni-i. le 11.... « fr«r 1, >, wM C; »«agrand - I ai. e-» great er' ortnnltv- It you puea tbH ottur by uul»«xded. Uni. r rctir uc-rals by thè L'imbera a. glvou. Addre&s all lettere: r ’ ’ '■ Strictly First-Cla.-». Warranted. All Second Growth Hickory. Steel Axles and Tires. Low Bent s«n Arms. Ferfeciiy Balanced. Lone. Eitsv Riding. Oil Temne-ed Spring. Best v heels and Ikst Ail over. W TOW CAM’T FIND TKBM FOB MALI IT T0VB MZECWTT3. W&II£ T$. Job Printing at the “Valley Rec ord’’ Office.