MM MM i going to do about it?’ -- B. F. Reeser’s - YALLER JEWS JUSTICE •• T doan' know what yon gwine do NEW YORK BOÏ CHOIRS. A STUDY IN MEN’S BACKS ’bout it. eah. but I knows what I gwiue FsrPeni»!« Irre-»-îai w t*o7ùr -APHnODITINE ” "Ä i tío: id do—rm gwine ter de Yankees. on t»*e market. I was coming up the Mississippi river Iti S old on a ASHLAND. O» Thursday, Jan. 22 . 1*1 “I didn't offer him any advice—I sim MOST OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCHES CHARACTER IS SHOWN THERE A31 fait Mi Æ Ly on a slow but magnificent boat, and was ply struck him over the head with a uy p'"iaiD*nt 1« ' k POSITIVE NOW EMPLOY THEM. Is the place to buy WELL AS IN THE FACE. ■l•■>sth¡y. G lar» i*<-c sitting on the hurricane deck looking handy carbine and left him lying Dear The People's Paper. to relieve » ,p¡.r » ms GUARANTEE over a beautiful and seemingly endless menstrua: loa. the roadside." to cure any Enough IJoj s Are Hard to Secure—Count* Office in McCall’» Hail, up-atain ; »taira on iUeaSAFZ! CZ3YAM! spread of sugar cane land, when some A Dib»ertal>«n on the Varioa* Kind« of The old fellow wae silent for a few form of nervous lew Rehearsals Necessary Sic fore the od - standing near me remarked: north aide of Masonic btuiding disease, or any Iioe't bo bumb-igee'’ motrente “I have but little farther to Backs That One I» Accustomed to See. "You were never along here iu the go." he said, after gazing down the r,.ve Tí’.c. Trained Choir Is Ready to Sing -le­ Entered in the Poetoflke al Ashland si disorder of the Descript lone» of the Thoughtful Back, an-^moLe t»keiioo: sure enough days cf steamboating, 1 river. “I have been down to set* about «tier. Second Class mail ! BEFORE generative or TER er pt ably— German Boys Preferred. er. the Furse Troud Back and Others. X reckon." gau» oí ei tiler »ex uhetiier »rising fmiu tin sent te anr adire» some land I got into a sort of squabble AitborUwl Agenti. Boy choirs are now an established M-cure by »«a l on I looked up and saw a tail nun, to with the government, and was told to The back of an individual is an easy | extvs»i«t-u»e of stimulant». Tolaeeo or irpiuin «.-i jt of price, rxci. The follow in« part»» are authorized to whose appearance coming age hail lent go down to Kes-sport to see the United feature of worship in a majority of Epis­ study—the whole of him. his figure and ' or through joutiiful iutiiscretiou. over imluig ipuon», advertiaementa, receipt for »nhecrtpuori-,, advertisement». t'artii alar AHrtititm to a sort of distinction. His clcthes set Spates land commisioner 1 had bad copal cbnrcbe.8 in this city; but few walk, his shoulders molded by the habits euce. Ac., meh a« Iu»ssoi Bruiu Power. Wakeful- __ . Any them Vb printinr. etc r “ favor» ’------- »buwn ‘ •— THE THRO HEWC!»E C^PPT. upon him with r.n air of g -nial dis­ some correspondence with the office members of congregations have any of his life, the carriage of the head, the I ness. Beariujt iiowu Paiu. in the lia.Semiua. ly appreciateu receipt of price. of sight. prompt: A WRITTEN GL ARANTEE is given lor ders through the streets, seeing nothing commissioner. Presently a voice said Before the existence of a general de- I I. W. BVKK1.S". Proprietor. i “I was never along •This is the commissioner, suh. 1 looked mand for boys with good voices, an or- | While he walks liis head and shoulders every ,5.00order received, to refuud tlie mouey il day»." cure is not effected. up and there stood Bill—my Bill I ganist was often besieged by applicants bend: one knows that his eyes seek the a rerinaneut We have thou-auds of testimonials fioni old i Thia favurite i»M»rt i» gaining in po|»u “Oh, well, then, > ou ground just as one sees his feet linger i didn't know what to say i i larity everv day. and had only to make his choice. How youug, of both «exes, who have been peiiM- ¡'nil «teck a ways on hand and made thing about it. Yon only catch now a I “ ‘Good mawnin', said he. on it. In this manner it must have been I aud to order. different the conditions aro today every ueutly cured by the use of A cheoditink . iSena’.ar» I N Doipb .................... .......... poor shadow of what was otiee a glorious • “ ‘Look here. Bill, said 1. ‘are you the ------- :o -------- organist, with the possible exception of that Macaulay walked in his famous I Circular free. Address John H Miubdl ............... I Bubbtance." He seated himtrlf U-side night wanderings, when he traversed! KWNone but the best material Used. United States land commissioner? .......... Congressman The very bot of WINE». BRANDIES Binger Hermann THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. those of Trintv parish, can attest. Trin ­ I me. relighted his cigar, winch I.a l gcu^ er Pennoyer ................. Governor “ ‘Dat's whut de president says, he ity has at command the parish school, the London streets aud saw nothing, a BEER and CIGARS, kept con­ WESTERS BKASCH. In REESER’S BLOCK. i out. and thus conlinr.d: Secretary of State W. McBride answered with a grin I BOX 27. PORTLAND, OR. from which, much after the English sys contrast to the night walks of Charles ' stantly on hand. eteban .. ............. State Trea»urer “A man that was never along h ASill. tX n. OREGON, Dickens, who trod the same streets atid : ‘‘•Well, if that's the case, Bill 1 tern, the choirmaster may select hi I K Bolton. Agent, Ashland. Oregon. Hupt Public Instruction ■E3Q" ed rp-c^-CD Xz~ ATiTF1 ; fore the war don't know .-uivthifg >i' ..ut E • McElroy saw everything, with head characteris ­ reckon 1 might as well go back home I ................ State Printer J- Frank C Baker voices and maintain a supplementary J. in dxwe day« llK btatswer- p.d-1 tically held back mills, and man. instead of being gentle | sab.' he added, as he touched a lump on pend on such sources as advertisement L l; Weiwter ........... "' .Circuit Judge the refined and intellectual back is the William M Cvivig 1 Di»trwt _________ Attorney o^r uWeg n e M1 with tb<_ laUst pi| manly and accommodating, will curse I his head, ‘is er part o’ dat argyrnent yet in the newspapers, both English an For J ack non, Josephine, Lake and Klam- i I per». Come and see us and we will treat you. ^ph. I own a plantation up the ■ Takes it longer ter go down den any ar German; the Sunday schools of the pal­ back of tlie broad aud vulgar figure who struts past us as if he owned the street. atb countie». gyment I eber seed Sorry ter see you in you as well as we know how. river, but it don’t amount to anything . trouble. Mars John, but lemme tell you ish and the public schools, and the offe: His glory is not in his mind or heart, JACUOX CM'NTY. of a commission to any boy securing i now." County Heat . ............... Jacksonville , dar ain’t no use in worryin Yer. Mr satisfactory chorister. The first namei but in his pockets. He has a habit of "Is the land worn out?" 1 asked. l lwo tame ron...... ....................... Senator sticking up for his rights. Even his Sanderson, fix up dis genrman's papers J M McCall . ... "Oh. no; land's just as good as ever ter dat lan’. It ain’t gwine cost yon er is perhaps the most successful method collar sticks up, and his hair, to corre­ | Representatives , and many good voices have been ob ­ rmuel Furry ... but the conditions that made life there i cent, Bah.'" spond with his inner self, is bristling W Merritt . -------In A- enjoyablo have all been changed. Why. I A look of tenderness shone in the old tained by it; but no one of the ubove is t> He thinks he can liny anything, from a A Great r;d Wonderful Work, J K Neil ............ .......... .County Judge snh. 1 knocked a fellow down the other ! man’s eyes. "Yes. snh." he added. "Bill sure method of recuperating the ever picture, of which he knows nothing, to (Commissioners i Cha» W Taylor ... .... »rWrrn oosTsinva i changing personnel of the' choir, am ’ Bea Haymond..... day, and hanged if he didn't sue me foi j the rascal, fixed up everything all right many organists probably appreciate th. an elector, who knows nothing of him. Max Muller........ . .. ............. County Clerk ; breach of trust.” The purse proud man will never hand and wouldn't charge anything This is feelings of the choirmaster of one of tin Sheriff JamaeG Birdsey .................... "For what?" I exclaimed. Geo R Bloomer a curious world. Well. 1 get off here.’ largest Episcopal churches in New York money out of that pocket for charity, ................... • r‘’e“»ur‘:i Anyone contemplating the purchase of "For breach of trust. 1 tell you. He I L Hamilton. ... who, when asked in what manner lie unless he is pretty sure tlidt his name is School Superintendent ‘„Him M*Cbi”e f’b°U“1 N°‘ had me arrested and hauled up before , ' —Opie P. Read in New York World. CH Price ............ provided for vacancies in his choir, re­ tn a printed list of subscribers. .. Surveyor w Peter Applegat« what is known in our country as a yaller THE ROGUE’S BACK. Dr J 8 Parson...... . ..Coroner I BUY A SO. O »’BEELER Canova*» Theseus and Centaur. plied that he "trusted to luck.” T fe M ammoth C yclop . vdia bas been pub- jeans justice of the peace. The fellow i llbhtnl UH'Ci ue wants ot the for a loaerHiaa county . Not so the wealthy man who has a CHOIR SCHOOLS. universal oor.ipvndium of know!« dje, practica!. 1 mentioned some time ago that Ca ­ stated that he had trusted me or he | Granta Pass ** H 1L.SOS. Coenty Heat ....... nHcful, scientific and aettera!. The work is pub­ Heart above gold Look at hitn. a back nova's famous marble group of Theseus If church services demanded a dail; lished oomph u in lour lar^e and lian^eonir Walter Sinclair........ Joint Senator Bargain in one of these Fine Machine» shouldn't have been hit; said that if he view, as he stands at a public meeting volumes, cvnifi ¿«»¡tip a total ot 2.17ft pattee. aud H B MUter............ .. .Representative hadn't trusted me he would have dodged 1 and the Centaur was being transported choral services choir schools su-h as ex­ called at some time of calamity or need. ia profusely illustrated withe») beautiful enerar can be bad by inquiring at this office. Ings. TboEwamU of dollars liare t»een expelido«! Votaey C’olvig........ ..County Judge in time, and he therefore thought that ) from the Greek temple erected over it ist abroad would be necessary, and He is sure to be there. If the hall is to i ake th'.- th»* uio-t oon p »te, valuable and C O Mgeio w . ......... |Commia»ioner» in the Volksgarten of that city to the useful work for the maMiea ev»-r published. It i«i those interested l ’ . opo that in time such should be dealt with for breach of trust j r Hanim................. a work for everybody—man, w« uimu ard child, overcrowded you can see him standing in overj’ occupation <»r walk In life. The sub The yaller jeans justice said he thought museum of art on the other side of the institutions will ba maintained in thi- never complaining of the lack of seats, Cha» K Chanaior.... County Clerk I atanco and practical utlliiy of twenty ordinary * ............... Bheriu i JC M om ......... so. too, and hanged if he didn't fine ring. The Centaur was transposed with­ country. v« lumes rip comprised in these four, and so tie is there for the comfort of others: lie replete is the uork with knowledge of every .......... Treasurer | J WBhetar............ out difficulty and is already on the ped­ The lack of material for solo voices me $5." kind, so filled is it with u«eiul hints and helpful forgets his own He is a large hearted E C Harmon ................. Assessor ! auffpestioDF. that i\<* fully believe that in every "Why didn't you appeal the case?" 1 estal which fills the recess of the first has prompted the organists of some man. and everything about him is large. W A Maaeie .School Buperintende-t! home to which it Fhall find i< *• way it will soon landing on the magnificent staircase of prominent churches, such as St. George’s. asked. com* to te regard* d a» wort It It h welch? in p«»ld. C W Havens ........................ Surveyor : F<»r want of apace we can only briefi v auumiar St. Mary the Virgin’s, All Angels, and The big hands are only waiting behind .......................... Coronor "Oh. well, you see. I’m not in the I the museum. Dr Wallace . te“ a Kin al I portion of the cun'ent* of this treat work, as follows : Yesterday the Theseus was laid upon law business. I just horsewhipped the | St. Ignatius’, to employ female voices in Him to give freely, the broad back can KLAMATH COCWTT. bear a goodly share of others’ burdens. BISTORT. T hk M ammoth C tclopxdt a contains a complete ChluMe, Japan*««*, ibe people of India, Africa, Msdafaacbr, County Seat ........... .. . .Linkville j justice till the dust flasheti out of the | one of the low heavy carts built ex­ this capacity, and even as auxiliary anthentie history of the grent American Civil War, pro* Pali-t'D« . Iceland, ¡torneo, Buriuab, the Sandwich Isiaud», As for the back of the rogue, it is of and fn9ely illustrated, with numerous Anecdote« of the Rebellion; a Servia, Kaffrarla. Tartary. Oashuier« und Tunis, the Arab», C A Cog»well, of Ijike Joint ¡senator ■ yaller jeans and then 1 let the affair j pressly for the transport of weighty ob­ chorus singers, and the future will c« mplete of America, from it" dlMorery bv Columbus to Turn, Mexicans. Pouib Americaus. American Indians, lfj[« infinite variety If there were only one the present History A Nnyder, of Lake Joint Representative timé; graphic descriptions of famous battle« and tians. Hiamese, Abvsrinlans, Norwegians, Spaniards. Swiss. Irop. 1 tell you.” he added, after a jects. aud was drawn through the gar­ doubtloss see many other churches com­ sort we might al) make what soldiers Important J 8 Orr . ................. County Judge events iu the history or a'J nations, chronological Italians, Greeks, fej«»lan*. Siberians, Atkhans, Persian«, Moslems, Auswaltans, Bulgarians, ^iuilians, eto , ew. orief pause, “we used to have great | dens toward the gate. The cart had to pelled to adopt this expedient, which would call a reconnoissance to tlie real history, etc., etc. .. (Commissioners ; W C C’rawtord ...... *• *••«*•< BlOGIiP!l Y. This great work contains the Lives of afi M AWVPACTriCE*. te t*»*« «rMU times along here in the old gentlemanly | pass over one of the water drains which can certainly be defended on musical ii C 8 BUven.............. Illustrated the arts and processes of printing, sterootj ptng the PrcHi«t. « of the Uuited Elate«, fmtn Wa4tfattaH to and detect and outwit him. There is Herriaor. m ¡h portraits and other illu-trutiou*. «Iso livrs and aud bookbinding, wood engraving, lithography, photograph); calle» A L Leavitt............ Clerk lay». I remember one evening a sort of i run under the Volksgarten. The weight not on ecclesiastical grounds. pertraitm-r Napoleon Ronaparce, Shakespaarc, Byron. William printing, piano making, watch making, paper making, ««•> who is remarkably spruce at the back slant)»«, envelones. pen«, pencils, needle«, and many oth* r About here. He was a simple man. with | gave way, and suddenly the cart sank on York number about thirty-five voices and the adventurer of society, who can down to the preesut day. John Hmart............ ....................... Assessor. ¡ | thing«, afl of wnicb will be found peculiar’/ in ter eating at. i AGKICULTUilE. Valuable hintsand uaefal suggest luna I instructive. F L Fountain....... School Superintendent i meek smile that seemed to have been one side, turned over, and the statue lay viz., sixteen trebles, five altos, seve; Fannera. treating of field crop«, gate» and ft-noes. Rrtilleera. I m Leakeard. ........ ................ surveyor ASHLAND, OREGON nortised into his face. 1 soon got ac- shattered on the ground. The right tenors and eight bassos, and altlioug’. now like the first gentleman in Europe to f.-irui Implement« ; livestock raising, including the treatment of FOBKION PROhrCTfe. Interesttog r houses, cottages, j ing their Ufo aud habits. Voices vary greatly iu quality and he shrewdest gamblers I had ever will run to 6eeH when the news of the aud other outbui.dings, with valuable suggest.on» to ' BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. W A Wllahlre. ............. County Judge , lecting for the savages of Borrioboola barns ’ LAW. Tn» M ammoth C vclopmlia la alto a complete law those intending to build. mishap gets afloat. — Vienna Cor. Lon ­ carrying power, which makes it difficult mown, and when be found <*t that the G M J omb .............. ........ jCommis»ioners . book, telliug every man bow h« may be Ma own lawyer, and Meets in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and He could straighten his body if he liked HOUSEHOLD. This work contains tried «nd tested reeipc’ ; I containing full and concise explanattous of (l»o general la#» A V Une.............. don News. to give a definite law covering even ireacher had money he began to lay for almoel every imagiuabledish for breakfast, dinner and tea. i ! and the laws or the several States upon a’i matter« whkh arn ki Saturday of each month. Visiting Com­ department alone being worth more than ulne-tenths of ’ subject to li tlgatiou, with numerous forma of legal ducumouts. WN .......................... Clerk rades cordially welcomed. case, but some adnlt voices are a neces but his mind is fixed in curves of cun ' this dans for catching him. 1 went to the the cook books »old : almost innumerable hint«, help« and «ug- | W P ning. He and liis principles are as gestión« to housekeep-r« ¡ de-jgns nud suggestions for uiakii.g , i MIXING. Descriptions and lUnstrntiona of the mining cf ...........................Sherd! Proud cf Ills Years. W. A. P athck . Commander. sitv. readier and told him. ’That's all •3’ v beriutiful things for the adornment of home, In needle- i ' gold, silver diamonls, coal, salt, copper, lead, tine, tiu and A M ......................Treasurer J R Casey. Adjutant. crooked as wriggling eels. He can press I ,” wo. Among the many venerable men who i, embroidery, etc.; hiutnon floriculture, telliwg haw to be I quicksilver The number of rehearsals varies ac ­ ight.' said he Tn this life it is but AH»’ labor.... School Superintendent sue •i!’»«itü with all the various plant» ; toilet hints, tellllng how * WOMtEHS OF THE SEA. Herein ere described nt ■' others to liis will, too, as he presses his [ to preserve J K McDonough. .................. Assessor and beautify the complexion, hands, teeth, hair, I illustrated the many wonderful and b».‘flutifnl things found at :ka latnral that the wolves should be after registered as voters ia Brooklyn for the cording to the style cf music rendered etc., cto. | i bottomoftheooean. the plant«, fiowers, altells, fishes, vie., like* cane to a curve like himself. WK Barry TT .......... Stock Inspector KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. he sheep.’ ‘Of course you will not play last election was a tall man with ruddy and the ability of the choir to read MKDitAL. Many dollar« iu doctors bill« will be saved ! wise pearl diving, «oral Cshiug, etc , etc. His spare form is not the thin, bent atior.uiiy to every powe««or of this book through the valuable | 1 STATISTIC»!. AMD MISCELLASEOr». I The circuit court for the First Judicial ■ countenance and white hair and beard. music readily. In few churches sire the •vith him.’ said I. -Oh. 1 don’t know, GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23. Knights ’cio‘j herein contained. It tell« how to cure, by simple I : is given a vast amount of useful and interesting inf riuati».,« district sets tn Jaoiuon county on first Pythias, His form was erect, and he would easily rehearsals for beys less frequent than back of the student. The back of a ir.f(«.*u»a vet reliabi- home remedie«, available In every household, every I , some of which is th* pops mt fen t*f AruerUsn elites, nrea n A.-liland, Oregon, meets every ue answered. T have worked very Monday in April. September and Decetu­ dieeaso and ailment that iacurable, this department forming a ¡ population oí the oontlnent». of the States and Ter»iu*ri‘-. e Friday evening Visiting Knights in good mrd and am off for a rest, and if he can be taken for a man of 60. twice weekly, and in many cases indi­ bookworm is another kind of bend—a ami'tie medical book, the value of which Iu anyhow? can i I ! of the principal countrie« rf the world, length ot th.- pri< Hi ber. In Klamath county on Second Mon standing hardly be computed in dollars end cents. • curve to be respected. Nor is it the I are cordially invited to attend. rivera, Preatdeutlni vote to.’ rixtv year«, Fresidcntial ata*!*»t As he approached the registry clerk day in June and first Monday in November. vidual lessons are given in addition. lid me in getting what 1 eeek all right IM ENTION AND DISC OVKUT. BemarkaVy inter- a;ea and dep;h of 80"fl, iak-« and ocean-, height of nwutHsh J. 8. E ubanks , J r .. C. C stoop of old age. The back is an index In Lake county on the third Monday in e?:lng descriptions of great invention«, in-luding xl»*? Steant locomotion of animals and velocity of bndte«. Ifofobt ct n»t*a Many listeners express wonder at the Some of the greatest of English clergy­ and announced his name there was a L. L. M errick , Kof R of 8. -araph, the Printing Press, the Efoctrie Light, men's, torera and «tructiii es, dint anees from Wa»liii>g(««u s May and the second Mouday in October. of age as well as of character. The I’.u.j’ii;?. theTek Machine, the Telephone, the Tyre Writer, the Type from New York, to Important poiuto.ohrnuolnglc >1 hi«t«wy r.fd men. you know, have been quite expert general craning of necks to catch a facility with which the little choristers small child stands a square, upright fhoSewing In Josephine county on first Mondays in ' covert aud progress, popular sobriquets of Am-rl-fi Betting Machine, the Cottou Giu, etc. glimpee of the proud looking old man. cities, ete., common grammatical error«, rule - f*.r render florid passages; but except in it cards, and although 1 am not a great March and August THE WOULD*?» WONDEB». Gi.»;Mc dwrirti»•*•. nuncistion and use of capital", Wall Flrcetpbr atom of humanity. The man grows i MASONIC, beautifully illustrated, or the Veiiowstoue Pari, Yosoni?»» of the world, curious faute in natural lii«t««r "What is your age?” For Jackson county the County, Probate rare instances these results are accom ■lergyman. yet 1 am an Englishman, Valiev, Miagar«. F h II s , the Alps, Pari«. Vesuvius, Y.i -. straight to his full height; then his' VitMijui. th«» i’»*nnii8 pf i'olr.rudn, Mammoth C ap , . N«.: <.J ttuirtai“, origin of th«- names of ¿rato», it¡4*f cot. and Commissioners courts meet every "Eighty-five years." SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, R. A. M. plisheil by hard and pat.ent labor on tlie shoulders ind am game for any sort of innocent work«, p*»pulv fobh*«. fiuníMar •^» wu . úpu -. •«• month, commencing with the first Monday; broaden: then his shoulders J Hr» l?c, Watkins Glen, the U bite Mountains, etc., etc. rd.iii's. »lying words of fonicus pseapn«, fu't “ Where were you bom? ” part of both instructor and pupil. Regular convocations on the Thursday imuseinent that may be flushed up. >■ ;í (bu globe, Icudiug gevcrnnxeLts ui ,t( TK \ VEIA DeffcrfpHon«. peofu«c!y IHu’-trnr-iL < f »’ - :ir« for Josephine county, the first Monday in come forward, and his head goes ¿own. 1 "In Brooklyn." »on«. cusp-.m-. peculiar foiniF. ritw ai:«i c*re«u ‘ j ni “ « • ♦ te, • next after the full moon. January, April, July and September; for But that man Nickerson,’ said 1. refer­ GERMAN BOYS IN DEMAND. D R M ills , H P. BACKBONE. I !' pi ’ i,er«b »v.3 brirf jtnmTnnrv of Ils •' -«'f-nte -oine I laika county , every alternate month “ How long have you lived in the state? Lake .jevery. month, com - ring to the shrewd gambler. • will beat Boys of German parentage are greatly .¡.nbk v.. (k !'.» M *M¥oTR CYCI.or.Lr- . .may Lj ; ui . A P H ammond . Secretary. meneinc the first Monday in , January January; for There is an old saying to describe a iii- “Eighty-five years.” *,rr at work havo b-‘en Dam- fl. Jt ia a vsxt a:«>r<'bGii-u- . you!' 'Oh, possibly,’ the clergyman re­ in demand, they seeming to possess bet­ Kiamata -------- county, the first Wednesday Wednest in ---------- ,.______ j.-1 nf t ’«■' b- and hiote' valuable works • vor puhli h- d man of weak character that he has “ no "How long in the ward? ” ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. M. joined, ’but he can't beat toe out of nu ¡’. Il is--1 work to bRcanxultJMl t-vnry day with rejutrd ' • ter voices than American lads, and in ad­ March. June. September and November. • risu io v ruing and convenutti<-n, bv the fanner and h«di>. ' "Eighty-five years." backbone." Th«.-ro is not much back ­ dition a musical instinct, which is n Stated communications on the Thursday much. Perhaps 1 might win from him bone in the man who walks as if not tiQUOUs n-«din j no w<»rk is more ent^rtaintr.^ or instruct). •?. "How long in the election district?” Don't think that 1 am an easy victim, of or before the full moon. great help to proficiency in their art. "Eighty-five years. ” quite sure where he is going to, who M L M c C all , W M. my dear sir. I have had a great deal of Boys are available for choir work be­ James Chisholm. Secretary. “That's all, sir." said the clerk, and an tween the ages of 9 and 16. At an drops his letters ami never cares to j experience, and am not so very easily American citizen, who was bom in 1805 earlier age than 9 they do not possess straighten his shoulders. Follow him ' picked up.’ ALPHA CHAPTER, NO. 1,0. K. 8. in the house in which he now lives and sufficient intelligence to bo of sendee, and note how his hat points backward, "Well, sir," the planter continued, "he Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesday» PRESBYTERIAN. didn't dodge that gambler t.» all. but has always lived, walked away.—New and except in rare cases their voices do and you know from the angles to which in each month. By special arrangement with the pti' lirher of the M ammoth C yclopaedia , we are en­ tie has set his hat and his whiskers that. [ Church. corn«r Main and Helman streets. Mas. J DC bockks , W ¿1. actually sat down to a game of poker York Herald. not last after the sixteenth year. abled to make to our subscribers end readers the f< Bowing extraordinary oiler: We Regular Services.—Bunday, 11 A. M. and Miss Kate Grady. Secretary. i seen front face, his aspect is net wise. with him. Of course the preacher lost, For a time before their voices are en­ will send tfae MAMMOTH CYCl.OP.EDlA complete in four volumes as aliove de­ 7 P. M. Bunday School. 9:30 A. M. The Czar’s Gift to Prince Nikita. but he was shrewd enough not to bet Young People’« Meeting, 6 o’loeck P M tirely lost boys arc sometimes available Still he is a good natured fellow, and by scribed, all postage prepaid, also the VALLEY lOX’OHD for One year upon receipt some instinct we read on his back that of only $3.00, which is but 50 cents more than our regular subscription price, so that Prince Nikita, of Montenegro, is in for the alto parts—the upper register Prayer he.'ting, every Thursday evening. very high. The minister inline up to I. O. O. F. you practically get this large an«l valuable work for the trilling sunt of 50 cent» This is Rtv. F. G. B trangb , he has an ambition to be amusing. One clover. The czar has purchased thi me with liis smile mortised in a little being useless—but this is a great injustice ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. Pastor. . is perfectly certain that the man with a great offer, a wonderful barguiu, and it is a pleasure to us to be enabled to offer our Hold regular meetings every Saturila) deeper, and said: ‘Well, he is pretty steamer Jaroslaffij for the sum of 3,000,- to the chorister, as tbo value of his voice ; such a back sings comic songs, and readers so remarkable an opportunity. Through this extraordinary offer we hope to largely increase our circulation. Pleas» tel. all your friends that they can get the evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren sharp and I have lost about a hundred 000 rubles, and has bestowed the some tn after years is by t’.<; course seriously METHODIST. equally certain that he never knows Mxmmoth C vclopaidia in four volume« with a year’s subscription to our paper, for only in Rood standing are cordiallv invite.J t< dollars; but how are we to preach against on his highness of the Blaek mountains depreciated. Church, corner Main and Bush streets. ' attend »3 00. Perfectsatisfaciicn is guaranteed to all who take advantage of tin» great premium J. C. D vrkee , N G. an evil unless we know the ways of that Russian officers and a Russian crew man Boys’ voices have two registers, the when people cease to laugh at the sc>Dg offer. Those whose subscriptions have not yet expired who renew now wul receive the Regular Service».—Sunday, 11 A M. and 1 R ust . T aylor , Seely. and begin to laugh at himself. the ship, and are under orders to remain evil? In truth, aside from any attempt 7 AO P. M. Sunday School. 9.30 A. M.' ‘thick” and “thin.” In the first the M ammoth C yclop - eih * at once, and their subscriptions will lie extended one year from But there is such a thing as having date of expiration. The M ammoth U ycloi -^ dia will also lie given free to any one send­ Prayer Meeting.every Thursday evening; PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. to peep behind the mask of evil, 1 am in the service of Prince Nikita until the vocal chords vibrate in their whole thick­ Young People7» Meeting, Sunday 6 r. m . ing us a club of three yearly subscribers to our paper Address all letters 'to Ashland. too much backbone, and that is rather Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d anu fond of playing cards, and if 1 should latter has secured the services of effi ness and in the latter only the thin edges Oregon: ’ Ladles' Aid Society, Wednesday 2 r. m . worse tlian having too little. When a Uh Monday in earn month Me>*ibers in cient substitutes. The Jaroslaffij is ex ­ create any other impression I should be of the chords are employed. Rav. C. A. Lewis, good standing cordially invited tv ttend. a hypocrite, and a hypocrite is worse ! pected shortly at Antivari. The vessel Pastor. The sweet, birdlike quality .of the man has too much backbone his heart is H.C. MT».a, CR. is so equipped as to serve as a warship than a gambler. Do you wish to play a trained chorister is due to the use of the not, as people say. "in the right place." R obt . T aylor . Scribe. BAPTIST. game? 1 played, and away iate that i in case of need. The prince is certainly higher register or head tones rather than Sometimes there is no room in him for a night when the preacher got off at Camp­ to be congratulated. He alrea?? pos­ to constant practice, as is generally sup­ heart at all. Now, there are some men Church, corner Church and streets. IIOFE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, No. 24. in whom force of character is carried Regular Services —Bunday, M. and bell’s Bend he carried 2,000 of my dol- sesses a yacht which, with his new ac­ 7 F. M. Bunday School A. M. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each i lars with him. 1 don’t know that l-e quisition. will serve as an excellent com­ posed. into the extreme, and becomes hardness A. SET OF THE An untrained boy will sing naturally Christian Endeavor Society, 6:30 P M month in Olid Fellows's Hall, Ashland. . and habitual severity. A severe back is mencement toward a Montenegrin navy, ! ever saw a pulpit, for 1 found out after ­ in the thick register, producing a hard, Mas. R L .B ish N. G Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening. Covenant Meeting, Saturday before third ward that he and that fellow Nickerson the realization of which is, 1 hear, one disagreeable tone, and his voice will a pleasanter sight to see than a severe N. A. Jacobs, Secretary. Sunday in each month, 2 r. M. Ladies' were partneis. Oh, yes, those were of Prince Nikita's most cherished hopes wear out long before the alloted period. face. It is not what we would call the Social, second Tuesday eve in each mon h great days, when people were gentle and —Galignani’s Messenger. In addition to the flute like timbre just and righteously indignant back, A. O. U. W. R*v. F. K. V an T amel , I polite. VV hy, if a man had to kill a 603 when the thin register is employed, the which is straight and noble, a fine thing Pastor. ASHLAND 1.ODGF, NO. 6A. A Monument on Helvelljn. then he did it in an easy and gentleman­ compass of the voice is extended up to and a venerable. It is the bulldog shoul­ Mei-is in lodee room in (>id ’’eliows' Hall dered back that denotes the domestic CONGREGATIONAL. every nwr and thiri > Wednesday in each ly way. A spirit of etiquette seemed to | A monument has just been finished G and A above the staff without effort, oger. His bald head shines. pervade the atmosphere. notes which would be impossible for the which is to be erected on Helvellyn to Church, cor. Maia street and Boulevard month. All brethren in good standing art Due knows that in the front the vein» Which we Offer with a Year’» Subscription Regular Service».--Sunuay, 10:30 A. M. 1 cordially invited to attend. “But now 1 warrant that if youshould i the memory of Charles Gough, who in untrained boy to deliver. to thia Paper for a Trifle More than and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School. 12 M. N. A. J acobs . M VV. get into a quarrel with some man on' the year 1805 was killed wliile mount­ In nearly all the surplieed choirs boys are bursting. His mustache uas been Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening. B S R adcliff . Recorder. twisted to sharpness by angry fingers. Our Regular Subscription Frio«. board thia boat he would be brutal are paid a salary which varies from $1.5<) aineering. and of the faithful dog who R ev . G. J. Wkiwrau, I-.... ■ .. His hands are clinched or pushing might ­ Wishing to largely increase the circiil..!ion <,f this enough to haul off and knock you down j for three months watched over his mas­ to flO monthly for chorus work, and Pastor. paper during tbo next six months, wo have n.adn BEATTV’S TOVU OF Till: MORI.. with his fist. There must come a change. ' ter’s remains. Sir Walter Scott describes from $15 to $50 a month for soloists. Ex­ ily against his handset knee. He could arrangement» with a New Y«'tk publishing bouse ».x-Mayor Daniel ». Hsntty, ■ I E CATHOLIC. though, sooner or later. Society can’t ■ the event in the pœm, “I Climb'd the ceptional voices command corresponding strike, but he has too much pride, and wlierebr we are enabled to offer as a preniinni to - Sunday, 3 P. M. F ather F. 8. Non, There are, indeed, many backs that 4K V. W \ \ N \ X zX *•' X Beriptiou price. Our great offer t<. HitlMurrilx-r» I every man carried a pistol for the pur­ ment has been borne by Miss Francos forced as the most satisfactory method are more gladly seen than the corre­ Pastor. eclipse» any ever lt< retofore math . Clarice pose of inducing his neighbor to 1x3 po-1 Power Cubbe and the Rev. H. D. Rawns- of maintaining discipline, and it is prob­ Dicken» wae the greatest novelist who i v< r lite every gentleman was genial. Rude­ lev. vicar of Crosth waite.—London able that the angelic countenance of the sponding faces. The b tek of the bore is EPISCOPAL. lived. N<> author before or »mc<; hia time has a goodly sight, while, on the other hand, Times. average choir boy is nourished by the ness. that unsightly fungus growth on won the fame that lie az-bieved, and Lis works Services in Baptist church, cor. Church when good-by is grievous, how much ere even more Wwpttlar to-duv than Ashland Becular Union No 1. meets at I cers and ferret out their stealings. He ; many bones there were in her body, and I remnant, though a somewhat removed able works. Not to liave read them ii t., z McCall’» Hall the tint Sunday in everv i •■-vé Cuzhlou» Galore. I fp.r behind the age in which we live. 'i'i. month, at 7 o'clock p ni. one, of the old days. Yon would rather is known as a very intelligent, honora­ the glib girl nearly swallowed her chew­ I CHARLES DICKEj.4. set <>f Dickens’ works wfiicli »e ff. i B- Cushions seem to be the perennial de­ W N L ucky , Pres. tell a smooth lie than a rough trnth ble and impartial man. Lately he con­ ing gum in her haste to answer 208. ; i>.111111111 to onr subscriber» in handsomely printed from entirely new plate», wi h uer. o. H 8 Evans, aec’y. Stick to that idea, suh. Truth, except victed Gen. Tomanowsky, a favorite of "Wrong! There are only 207," said the light of the average woman. This is an I •>«• twelve volume» contain the following world-finioue works, each one ot which i- i- #1 teacher. "Yes’m,” was tlie triumphant age of cushions, and her soul rejoices in ii«he«.l C'Wf Ze'/’, m.c'.o'.y'-d, a«id abu'jhi'sly itnabriijgel; » 7'8 as it relates to history and the sciences, the czar. response; "but I swallowed a fish bone them. The saddle bag cushions still ex­ DAVID COPPERFIELD, is a brutalizer of mankind. The hog or .in o | BARNABY RUDCE AND CHRISTMAS Maurice Bernhardt, eon of Sara Bern­ ist and are likely to, as they hat e hap­ MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, :er t i ■ that wallow» in the mire has truth; the hardt. who lately wounded his antago­ today.”—Philadelphia Record. I 8TORIE8, a F- nt pily solved the “tidy” problem. Those NICHOLAS NICKELBY, OLIVER TWIST AND CHEAT EXPEC­ artist that paints a great picture has de ­ V.Oiucu in Wall Street. nist in a duel, is remembered by a good KX-.MAYOB D a N Ki. 1. N a T-’Y. TATIONS, wretched things, abhorred by mankind, DOM8EY AND SON, ception." From a rbo»«Mr«|*h taken 3 Lonlnr, many Americans, who met him here The widow of E. A. Pollard, the his- THE OLD CURIO8ITY SHOP ANJ 1» m >. The boat landed. "This is a well re­ during his visit to this country with hi torian ci the Southern Confederacy, has are gone, it is hoped, nevei to return. B leak housl , THEUNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELER. T»rl*w. >* mt t® JvroTA t . », . ». » (hk membered spot with me.” said the mother. His mother allows him $35,00* j opened in Wall street a broker’s office But having hung the saddle bags over LITTLE DORR1T, •. « •» V » • - CT I .‘•■•»♦ed myself iu a ¡>oker game besides. r.4*«¡ R. any tin, » t t*-rrri.. v.»-»i deal in sto-k-.. It is a curious fact that couches, corners, to fit iu uncomfortable The above are withont qncstion tlie nxsit tamou» novels that were ever w.i.t. u, k..i a. -. A-eat. w« «rfthvr i ' ai ' i <»r Ory just os the iioat left this landing From no woman who has opened a st'ck Kia y*a -a. 1*70 tre left home a p - -X b°y of a century they have l>cen celebrated iu every book and corner of ■>.« .'iudz : ip .V nave • s uuajivi thousand 01 The receivable traditions of China g< si>eculator’s office has, as yet, lieer. per­ angles—cushions unlimited and of every quarter the very start luck was in my favor, and world, ret there are thousand»of hem«-» in America not vet auppHed «¡th ... i .. J>i,.' , twatjf'B oncars an 11 pl; no.i in all over th» variety. The melon cushion looks rather % rî£ If i'æy wer-> no: 4 •-»«xi. *■ it didn't seem that 1 could lose. First back to 3,000 years before Christ, manently successfuL Some, like Hetty M r* « L the usual high cost <>f the book» preventing people in moderate cin-um. «an«-. » n .... ‘ Will Sell, Rent and Handle laid S» pía y. CvnH pretty if it is well made, but the acorn this luxury. Lut now, owing to the n»e of modern impr«.vcd primin;- f l.liu« am; - >’• i i / one and then another of our jwrtv drop jne of their sacred books, the Shu-kin? Green, have been shrewd outside buy­ I Meh i ’ - y • ■1 y : ri , -MÌ * . n YP*.,. » C ••!.■•; the extreinelv low price of white paper, ami tlie great conio.-nti,7, i m.' b/.k ped out, until at last 1 sat facing old '.treating of history and of the govern ers and made money, but so far as 1 cushion is newer and is being shown at p;acl.;neiy, Real Estate on Commission ’’U' '**'•- •' .••‘T g F v », c- ia«lc, w<- are enabled to offer to our enbccrilierH »nd render» a »et <>i'bh-: . ■ .. Maj. Pelton. 1 soon had him broke nieut and laws of the ancient monarchs) know, those who have opened regular the art shops. This, which is of course price wli-h ;!1 can aff.rd to p-y. Ryery tmn.e ii, the land iiwv i, rH«> , ' ‘Look here.’ said he. Tm not going to begins with the Emperor Yao 2,357 y?ar. offic-s for stock transactions have one many times the size of its furest proto­ ot the great au'h- r a works. type, has the acorn of pale green rilk jump this game. I’ll put up my body B. C. and all lost money and quit the business. A Choice Collection ot City and servant, be gad. suh. Come here. Bill DEATH DAY CF CARDINAL NEWMAN Perhaps this is. after all, a compliment and the enp of darker green, which is put on rather full and sewed down in Bill came up. and a husky fellow he was Country Property for sa le. tVr* J] to women in one way.—New York Cor. s]>ota to give the raised, uneven look of too. Well, 1 won him. and the old ma Tby ninet y years on earth have passe-l away: >•«£*« Indianapolis News. At last t-huu r-.i test ’mill that heaveuly clime jor went to bed swearing ‘Bill, said 1. I nature. Arijr pcrvoN tt'isAt’nff to »ell prop­ Where act is re t, and age perpetual prime: I Another pretty combination of the ‘who’s your master now?’ -Yon is. sah, Thy noblest, belie i ^erk begins this r il i . *g. it*. "Well, suh,” the planter continued Homburg, Wildbad and Ems, and who to take hold by. These well defined 1 REr OF 1,,CK’ >8 WOHKB, i„ TWELVE YOU *’ C.*tai »«¿U«* î >•• ■ VMrirfrp | With lordiiest labor work that work aublirne. "I kept Bill right with me, although. I j •**! F . », N- ■» J -■•»ey. was known us Miss Wolf or Miss Welsh shapes, however, cannot be recommend­ I vv a m H‘ d “ !•" i“X'' prepaid by ourselves. al.«o the V.1M.EY KFC- Order cur planet with benigneet sway. Estray Notice. ed as satisfactory for general wear. 2,nl r r . H ? E ' ,£ ' u l»on receipt Id SU3.1O. Which is only HO cents .... re than tl< do believe he was one of the biggest ras So work, great spirit! Thy toils foregone eac) to the few people who took the trouble Y ..' X X ’. \ X X ’ X ' X N X X. Plaiu. square, oblong, oval or round nfck m • 'Tie ,,M r:a,,er’ Our read*r'- therefore, prncticullv get a set of year cals 1 ever saw One day. just about to inquire about .«o unimportant a per ­ I fb--«?' Co in Hi / ve VO ”,f."' on,y ,fl'c,lth- Thin is the grandest premium ever » bf ORMEL MARE, will weigh »•> or :».o Beaiitinio I »ear fnm: Thousands but hymi son. has just been found out to lie the cushions last longer in every way, and < «í the time Grant was marching into Vicks friend th- Í ! re‘ of I/,cke’isf 'i'orks b&> Ufually l>een »10.00 or more Tell 11 lbs.; a little white on left fore-loot: tbre ova : can be so different in material and deco ­ VP«> « I rie.- th “ ‘ U ,'P li'fi Kt» a set of Dickens’ works, twelve volumes, with a a ! burg, and while 1 was marching in an left hind toot white te fetlock; branded R ------ in —_ _ ,__ _ with Thy laureates s<-on will bend a brightening Princes« Maud ot Wales, and the Mrs. ration as to supply the needed variety. }ear »»u'>senpt..>n to the Vat lea R e . m an MP for only onlv »3.10. Kufracribe Hiliscribe npw and anil egt eet’hi» vn left shoulder; little star in forehead. opposite direction about as fast as I brow Leo Hunter« are chagrined that they did k Ui ‘cr, 1 P - ‘ — lo — '‘ ••»■» has not not yet yet cxpneu, expired, it it wil will i make make no u<> dinero..« differs.,t 1. ( . fo? log­ The above described animal will be uul; ...iii’ie, e,-. 7 i J’ V“l‘r ’,' ' ,l > f” ---- O’er tomes cf tiiine; on each may drop a tear could. Bill came up to me and said not attempt to capture her retiring White silk cushions wrought in gold “ it will «' lie extended Ä.L one year .f from ro.'“ da,e date of ex expiration. i'i'“»ion. We will alno also give a sc' so' of Dickens Dicken» •»aitatile l’or «rapping purpose-, to sold for a pasture bill of fourteen month.*, For friends that e ’ er blind oceans pushed the!, embroidery are used in very dainty " ‘Mars John. I've dnn got enough' elderly chaperon, who was taken for an inchiding feed during last winter underlay carpets, etc., pr w Address Ashland, 'Oregon :*"y noer«, XddiS illldd. 'Xi," ‘ “ vluu C'"b ui lurte • »•>»»-" “b“rtb "' • ‘Enough of what?' I asked. inconspicuous aunt, but who was really apartments, but their delicacy hardly E. B. MYER Self caeaied of a guiding light so clear. fits them for «rishi« >n »errice. — Ex ­ Ashland. Or.. Dec. lfi, 1890. " ‘ Enough o ’ dis yere wah" i Ft»»- fiait aï the KECOlllt Office, —Aubrey de Vhre in Scribner's. an important lady of the court sent to change. VALLEY RECORD. The Celebrated Freneb Cure, Faber’s Golden Female Fills. TIN STORE Hardware, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copperware. JOB WORK, Exchange Saloon, (WET1TI0I DIRECTORY A BARGAIN IN FOUR VOLUMES Sewing Machine. 2, <76 Pages 620 BtjantifuP Illustrations! H. C. MYER, HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE. CHURCHES. Premium Offer to Subscribers to THE VALLEY RECORD. y^llcy yubliehtag ffio. GRAND PREMIUM OFFER ! fflMS OF CHARLES DICKENS, In Twelve Large Volumes, BEATTI W. N. LUCKEY, Real Estate Agent, Great Offer to Subscribers • 9 ñ fi & C S To the VALLEY RECORD. OLD PAPERS “ Tg»d, eo bare.I; but what aro we Lj attend the princess. — Berlin Letter. yalley yeeoeb yubltalting Qin.