VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD PtUdHMKD BJUCKS Measles are epidemic io Lakeview. Geo B*ocruft. the venerable hi*toriun. is dead. A fast loan, like a fast horse, is always trying to lower his record. Nat Langwil haa been at Halem as a member of tbe third house. vol CL C. Razsdale, of tbs (.’btretwion hotel, Mettiord, was here last week. RIGHTLY NAMED. Ex-Pratmaater Boby is now jiroprictor of the Holtou br.nse iu Portland Tl >e Bad Lands of Dakota are composed Ths lawyer believes in “millionslor de­ oi white clay, which, by tbe action of fense.“ and tbe same smount lor prose­ t rains, bar been cut into hillocks. Tbev cution are not high, seldom more than forty or Home « tbe heavily boomed towns of I fifty feet, but it is up one and down an- Washington are said to be as quiet ss • other tlie «boh- way. There are no wa­ ter course*. the nearest appro*. It being a graveyard now. KUllv fortv feet deep, with a loot and a C. M. Ussier, W. H Zwialer were irere naif of mud at the bottom. At everv the first of the week, alon? with a big few yards vou must ’■top, and with a crop of lirumasers. spade and shovel evta path down the side Jsdas Willard Crawford ia thiukiug of t farther. Then Before the fight H*n Francisco, l ort- the spades are brought and the wheels latid and all tbe biz cities claimed Jack chared, tlie operation Iteing repeated two or three times in a hundred yards. The T Dsmpaey. Now Tolocan have him. Jim«, Norria can furt:Uh you all kinda of extent of the Bad Lands in Dakota is i.olahing lumbar, moulding», window», proh*biy a hundred miles from north to iloorw M»b. etc. Leave e«ch or publication m contempt oi court unless ina>ie in the ! immediate presence of the court while in ’ session, anti in 8u• Mtnpooned. pilloried as an idiolwnd nrused of steal- tug Indian rations and dlinn _ appoint- . ments in the civil servte» all without any more summarv mc7 icans of retaliation Hucklea'n Arnica salve Father Bergholt waa tbe guest U Fatti­ in,Meat inhabitant Tbe Best Salve iu the world for t uts. than belongs to the hum er Witry in AabUnd laat week. He ia of a tenement house. His only course Bruises, lucres. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever hunting a desirable place to locate a col­ to sue — his traducer, ure an in- Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Ctiilbiaiii*. , • is --------- • r r ony ol Austrians. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, nnd Vo*i- : dirimentJor cp^j fried by Tbe deniocratk- senators are talking ttvelv cures File», or no pay required. Kia, a iurr. __ wyerwho _______ 1av tlie election bill to death Huurdky, Kuaranteed tegive nsrfert eatjma<'t»on,'^ff*1hWv * liavtTJrifted to (he bench through inability to make a livisg at the Ivar has Faolkncr talked twelve honrs to Uoars reowey rerun«!«!. Price 25 cents per box. • inability For sale by C bn wood Bros. t the i„. power, according to the decisions of essbryo efltepring. our supreme court, to punish any criti- A Deer <>■ the Track. _ Mies Rath Jones, daughter of Hon. A. C. Joæe. was married at Roseburg re­ While extra train No. 671 was coming i <-ism of himself at his own discretton— cently to H. F. Murphv, of Baker east Sunday afternoon a few miles east > acting at once in the capacity of victim, I prosecutor, judge and jury. tbeRev.J. R. N IfelL of Mast Hope, on the Delaware division. It is needless to say tliat this is a dan- Arehbisbcp Grose, Biahop Younger Engineer Edward Taylor espied a large i zerous power for anybody to possess. It and Father O’Day were on Frtdav’s deer descending the almost perpendicu­ abolishes the salutary old rule that no north train from the dedication of a fine lar bluff on the north side of the track. man should be a judge in his own case. cathedral in San Francisco. The deer reached the track a few yards It allows personal animosities to sway Why don't the Oregonian call Pen no y- in advance of the engine, aad those on judicial decisions. It deprives the un­ er “the Napoleon of Oregon." This the engine expected to see it run down, fortunate object of a judge’s enmity of seems to lie one of tbe expressions it but instead it started down the track in the constitutional right of a trial by a jury i of his fiecrs. It encourages incompetence has not yet thrown at the governor. advance of the train for a distance of a I and corruption on the bench bv screening Are you Married? If not, »end your ad- quarter of a mile, and then bounded th,.ni fron', criticism, drewi to Tbe American Corresponding Club, down the bank toward the river. The The legislature shoukl abolish this per- P, O. Box 6«. Clarksburg, WYVa men on the engine saw the deer until ilous judicial license There is no divin- The farmers in tbe center of the valley the train went out of sight. It was a ity that hedges a magistrate. When a are preparing to raise corn thia year fair buck with five prongs, and must have judge feels aggrieved by criticism outside tlie Medford distillery to raise læll with weighed in the neighborhood of 500 of his court room let bint take his chances —according to the revised version of the pounds. It seemed to be greatly fa- in a libel suit like anybody else, prob is. tigued, and was probably started up by Croup Has lx»« I m Terror». * Modoc county has repealed its prohibi­ ! a party of hunters in the heavy woods > . f.« rn « i • • .’ Mr. ll. uiviiii John ji, H. vuiiuni, Cullom, cuitvr editor a gentleman whose effusions are literary Mowers and horse rakes still cut in the aolutely free from any danger of burst­ gems worthy of first class magazines, has fields, plows astride a rail fence, barrows ing. As this wheel is about twenty feet in diameter, weighs over seventy tons entered its third volume leaning up against trees—these are some .'tate Senator Blackman, of Harnev, of the not uncommon objects which one and ran« at 240 turns per minute, it was Grant and Morrow coanties, represents may see on some farms. Get them in, feared that a cast iron wheel would be unable to stand such a centrifugal force S district twice the size of Rhode Island. give a coat of paint where needed, and The wheel consists of a cast iron hub. to His district is republican,hut he received save dollars.—Independent. which are securely bolted two circular 01 majority on the democratic ticket. DIAMOND Cow, No Longer Own Fort Dodge. The Fort Dodge cow, whose proud po- sitiun as queen of the city has made her famous the world over, lias been deposed. A herd law was passed by almost a unanimous vote of the people at the re­ cent election shutting off all the privi­ leges which that favored animal has en- joyed with perfect immunity for twenty year.-. The resnlt of the election was* great surprise to tho friends of the cow. who bad sagpused her firmly intrenched in [»opular favor. Tlie overwhelming victory of the anti-cow factions is laid to the tremendous agitation of a year ago. which held up the cow thraldom of the city to the ridicule of the civilized world. Anti-cow agitators in the com - try over will be encouraged in their work by this famous victory in this hitherto impregnable stronghold of the bovine The vote was ten to one against the free dont of the cow.—Cor. Uliic.-!go Tribune. Grew Over NO. 44. J^UTHEK I,. Oregon Land Company, VERA-CURA —FOR— HOME OFFICE AT SALEM. OREGON and all • Stomach Troubles, J}Il. J. H. lx the S tktk I ssi rance B vilding . INDICESTION, Nausea,SourStom- ach, C I dd I n ess, Heartburn, C o n s 11 - ation, Fullness, Food Risine, isagreeable Taste, Nervous­ ness. ________ ltd ItruiK-ii Gtliee* at Astoria Portland. and Alban;, HADE, PHYSICIAN ale a large list of G/ tin. Stock rtml Fruit Farms. B IKRTENSHAW. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Will nractice in all the Court- of tbe State. Busine»» in the U. S. I.and Office will re­ ceive prompt attention. Office hrst door north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland. Or, ----- WITH ITS- Dyspepsia (Nisi Y ears Ihs Ciit and Nuturbun ITvÿrri}. SENO : FOB : PAMPHLET. : MAI’ : AND : PRICK : LISTS. in and SURGEON- H ohfital P ractice .) Office in Brick Block on Osk street. s«-e. ond door front Main blreet. A sulanu OkBGOS. At Druggists and Dealers, or sent by mail on receipt of 25 rts. (5 boxe» ffl.OO) In mampe • ample sent free on receipt of 2-cent stamp. • J^OBEKT A. MIIJ.KK. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. BaHimor«, MA. ATARRH syAcoBs on loo I ret tn Niuelcca Year». Monday morning the tall blap^nm tree standing at the northeaefTcorijer of German Senter's house was cut down A careful measurement of the tree showed it to Ire about 115 feet high from the ground to the topmost branch It was 4 feet in diameter and about 12 feet in circumference at the ground. We are informed by a Portuguese that be set the tree out nineteen years ago Think of it! A tree only nineteeu years old, 115 feet high and showing a diam- eter in proportion. The residents of that quarter watched the fall of the.’ monarch with genuine regret, but its great height made the cutting of it down a necessity as it was liable to break and fall on some of the residences around.—Santa Clara (Cal.) Journal SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One year................................................ »• 56 8ix months .............................................. 1 ro 75 Three months......................................... Advertising rates given on application. Local notices 15c per line for nr.-t inser­ tion and 8c for each subsequent insertion. Obituaiy lines, memorial resoludons. cards of thanks, etc., at hah rates. Stablemen and Stockmen. . f ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSEL o R-A I ■ JL.JLW J acksonville • THE POSITIVE CURE. r. -¿SI ELT BROTHERS. M Warren BL, New York. Will practi State. Office Court House. Price 80 CURJE2S Cuts, Swelling», Bruise«, Sprains. Gall, Strains, lameness. Stiffness, Cracked Heels, Scratches. Contractions. Flesh Wounds. Strmghsl*. Sere Throat. Distemper. Colic. Whitlow. Poll Evil. Flchila, Tumors. Splints. Rinqbon sand Spfvii in their eariy Stages. Directions with <*ach boule. ' i MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE DENTIST. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraction of teeth. Office over the Bank. s. E M E R Y, H ¡T kí _. Proprietor. ■t- C. CAbDWFEL. J Manufacturers of the Celebrated— -, Ç ecfcjS—.,, T. BOWDITCH. ATTORNEY AT LAW . O bicuok tlie state. Collections promptly made. i A shland , - . i Will practioe in all courts of ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARING A Bellamy Apartment House. Omaha will soon have an apartment house that will be built according to the Edward Bellamy idea. J. H. Van Dorn is now having the plans for such a build­ ing prepared. It will be situated at Twenty-second and Leavenworth streets It will be a brick structure, four stories high, and containing twenty-five apart ments. The plan of living in this build ing will be co-operative, as all of the cooking will be done in one kitchen, each individual sharing Iris or her expense The house will be pnt in operation about Jan. I.—(Jmaha Bee WANTED ! AGENTS I CATALCr-itE DESCPietNG OUR FÜLL LINE ! DRESSMAKING ûfVY“Ll3 SEHT DM APPLICATION. ] i?,n7iExeYcsrBicv^ fl-.@.; •‘< 517,0X10. FM 2Í¡ F.E.ZOELLNER, ESTABLISHMENT. —o----- I Five Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire EAST SIPE OF MAIN STREET, (South of the grocery store.) I X' ASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING and repairing done in a neat und satisfac­ F tory manner. CONTINUOUS TWIST cf the WIRE. ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. MEIlCIUn TAILOR, ASHLAND OREGON. Has just received the biggest and best stock of goods ever brought to Ashland. A tine stock of imported goods. I also car­ ry all classes of g<»dds, hence you cannot fail to lie suited. Call and examine the stock for yourself. Nothing but tirst-class work, a good lit and satisfaction guaranteed. Also line of a Conductor’s Cloth. Prices taonaMe. Cheaper than a Rai'. Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger than arb Wire Fence Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. V cues no N orth S ide of K. R. C rossing . H elman S treet . "Lnliengiii*” In l’ai-is. Nearly the whole cf an act of “Lohen­ i grin” has at last been performed at the Grand Opera. but the trick was man­ aged in such a way that no Chauvinistic prejudices could l»e hurt. It was an­ nounced that at the performance given for the benefit of JI. Dumainie a duet from Wagner's opera would bo sung by Mme. Caron and M. Vergnet. When the audience expected the two singers to come on in ordinary dress the con­ ductor gave the signal for the orchestra to attack the first chord of the prelude to the third act. The curtain then rose on the bridal chorus, and, this finished. Elsa and Lohengrin were left on the stage to sing the most iutercsting and the most im­ passioned love duet that has ever been written. New that an attempt has been made to reverse the sentence passed upon Tanntiouser five ami twenty years ago at tb° Opera, and to make amends for the brutal treatment of “Lohengrin’ at the Eden theatre, it is to be hoped that the hundred.* who applaud Wagner at the Suuday concerts week after week and year after year may at length have a chauce of bearing his masterpieces at the French Academy of Music.—Paris Cor. London Teljgraph. Double Strande MRS. M. L. STANLEY Ashland. Oregon. oc*8] N. A. YOUNG ’ SURVEYOR Peterman Bros. and Government Land Locator. JACKSONVILLE, OELZEGrOJSr. H F. K. ZiiULU R. plates or disks of steel about twenty feet Joseph llockersmith, of Ashland, was Wonder, of the Deep. in diameter. Round the periphery of in the citv last week taking orders for Carl Boentjen, of Astoria, has ou exhi­ the wheel thus formed about seventy bacon and lard Mr. H. is the bacon king of Southern Oregon, having now on bition a marine curiosity. It consists of tons of No. 5 wire was tightly wound hand HO,000 pounds of choice meat.— an ordinary seaweed some 20 feet in thus binding the whole securely togeth­ length, and at the lower end the cluster er and making a wheel that is practical­ Grants Paas Courier. of roots has a firm hold of an aggrega­ ly beyond possibility of breakage by Rev. David Rutledge and wife, of Ohio, tion of marine shells several pounds in centrifugal jiower. The circumference were visiting Judge Silas J. Dav in Jack­ sonville laat week. Judge Hwy is one | weight. These shells are occupied by a of this great wheel travels urithe rate of among th« moM conscientious and tire-1 curious inhabitant that has a beak that 9.8o miles per minute, about three times lees workers in the ranks o( Christianity resembles a chicken's, only it is divided as fast as the most speedy express trains perpendicularly instead of horizontally. —Philadelphia Record. in the United States. The complete volume» of Dickens' work,, —San Francisco Call. ora Mammoth Cyclopaedia with onlv a few The Economy of Electric Traction. The Latest Mourning Fud. cent» additional to tlie Rt< orp h subscrip­ Mr. Cox, the borough surveyor of tion price. A full supply of Of all the fashionable fads of thia Bradford, England, having been deputed Koch has made public the ingredients great metropolis that accentnation of by that city to make investigations with C offins , C askets , R obes of all S izes of bis celebrated lymph. Glvcerine and domestic grief which shows itself in a a view of ascertaining the best system G loves , C bepes , E tc . bacilli work the wonders, and Koch says ! j black shirt, black collar and coffa and of street car traction, has made a valu­ ASHLAND, - - OREGON. tbe stuff will cure consumption. When white studs, white cuff buttons and Iudeed a Remarkable Criminal. he finds it will not make good his claims white necktie is about the most ridicu- able report on the subject. He speaks Twenty five years experience in Ashland. . remarkable prisoner, who calls him ­ in the highest terms or the work of the Koch will have to take back-a-)ie hint­ lore. Pashionable New York will soon Embalming with the aid of a ..killed physi­ accumulators on the Birmingham elec­ self August Maier, was received at th- cian. self. I i be dining at Dehnonico's and promenad­ tric line, and 6tates that the receipt/, penitentiary in Jefferson City, Mo., a few Butte creek luoiners want the J. & M. ing Broadway with miniature coffins for Office and wari-room on Main street, at there are twopence per car mile, as days ago on a two years’ sentence from foot of Ora nite. It. It extended to Eagle Point to inter­ jewelry and artificial tears painted on cept the proposed flume front the sugar the cheeks. It is doubtful whether such •gainst tenpence with horse traction, a St. Genevieve county for obtaining prop­ difference which is likely to have con­ erty under false pretense*. He is prob pine belt. The superb water power at utid has commenced Easle Point is an excellent invitât on for | people could really shed any other kind siderable weight with the corporation ably 70 years tlie establishment of a manufacturing but genuine hand painted tears. When of the city of Bradford, to which his re­ serving his eleventh term iu tlse Missouri , women put their toddling children iu port has been submitted.—London Let­ penitentiary. He first Came herein 1836 city. deep mourning and rode in the park with ter. HARRIS & MURPHY BROS., and, with the exception of a year that A new idea embraced in Ely’» Créant he spent in jail in Illinois, he has never Balm. Catarrh i» cured by cleansing an«' their poodles decked with crape it Nine Year*' Journey of a Letter. healing, not bv drying up It is not a ' seemed that this sort of thing could go been out of thia penitentiary but a few liquid or snuff, but is ewilv applied into the no further. Now that men have taken Nine years ago a woman in Germany months at a time since. He is known at noatril». Its effect is magn at and a thor­ to black shirts and sable handkerchiefs, wrote a letter to her husband, a sailor, the prison as “Dutch Charley.” Noone I I ough treatment will cure the worst cases. however, the onus of tomfoolery is re- who had gone ont to Brazil. His vessel knows his right name or anything of his ■ Opened at the old Ashland market »tand on Price 50c. Main street, facing the bridge. I moved from the shoulders of woman­ had left when the mail reached there; We are reliably informed that the S. kind. It is enough to make the dead ever since this letter has been rambling antecedents. Ho is a monumental liar I and rarely ever tells the samestory twice. P. Co. intend to do a great deal of work Shop thoroughly renovated and re­ in thia counfr in the spring, hr filling in turn over in their graves and tear their through numerous postoffiees in differ­ He has been sentenced every time for several places which are now spanned . shrouds to ribbons.—New York Cor. ent parts of the world, always arriving working some kind of a confidence game, fitted. in the wake of the husband's ship’s de­ and even while in the penitentiary has with trestles Thev will also replace I Pittsburg Dispatch. i parture. It was recently returned to plied his vocation ou verdant guards and The choice»! of Fresh Meat»—Beef. Mut­ many mil -a of the road with new ties.— ' Men Like Apron.. Courier. * the German dead letter office, which amateur detectives with more or less ton, Veal. Fork, Sausaaes, etc. It is a funny thing, but all men like has restored it with scrupulous care to success.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. In the after vent», when tbe other fel­ low's name is carved high in the scroll! i aprons. There is a something house­ the sender. The letter was dated Oct Sixty-one Times Around Cape Horn. of fame, there may be some to inquire wifely about them that suggests good 16, 1881.—London Tit-Bits. who was Dempsey, anvwav .* The reply dinners and sweet, considerate care. Capt. J. M. Holmes left his home last Invited the Crowd to Eat Oranges. mes quickly. He is the fellow that The coquette thoroughly understands week for New York, from whence he will Fitzsimmons. this, and every season finds her armed T. A. Meker purchased 5.000 sweet start on his sixty-second voyage around THE OHLY TRUE Radain's Microbe killer is now kept for i with an apron or two with which she in­ oranges and placed them on Concord's Cape Horn. He has the reputation •alo at the C. O. I>. Emporium of Wilson tends to quell mankind. The latest one wharf, foot of Ocean street, for free dis­ among seafaring men of having made Walsworth, in Reeser’s block, Ashland is made of munuuy cloth, quite plain, tribution. The only proviso was that the trip around Cajte Horn more times and gathered in at the waist to a broad the eater should quarter the fruit and than any living man. and if the captain Ralph Ridenhour has been appointed engineer of the 15-ton engine on the sash that is tied at the back. At the place the peel in a barrel of alcohol I keeps his word he will reach the century Medford-Jackson ville branch. Honev bottom are bands < ? scarlet, blue and standing near. About 4,000 of the mark on the trips liefore he retires. This man, l»e Halt A Co. have control of the , green ribbon, arranged just as are the oranges were eaten by the surrounding • time he is bound for the Golden Gate, road and are putting it in thorough con-1 bands of color on the apron of a Roman crowd, and Mr. Melter got a goodly > and will probably not be seen at his dition. Ths iron for tlie switches has ar­ contadina. No faint colors must be amount of work done for nothing. The home for a year or more. He is captain Wil! <*• »’*•*’ r*een more fully, not by squeezing the carcass be­ Mr. Hauuuoad, of LuUgor, Mich., Carpeuter and Builder feet in diameter, built of solid concrete. than reaiued. Over three hundred thou- threw a knifo at a mouse. The blade »aiid bottle» of Chamberlain'» Cough Rem­ tween tfie knees, while you pluck them. struck the fluor, brokeia two and apiece With walls fifty feet thick, with a bomb O regon A shland edy are now sold each year, and it is recog­ A turkey which has been carelessly proof armor of steel over the interior.— nized as "the best made." wherever known. injured, either before or after killing, of the steel cut off hi* baby’s ear and in­ New York Telegram. flicted injuries probably fatal. 11 will cure a »evere cold tn less time than any other treatmeut. For sale bv Chitwood will not prove profitable when it is mar­ liepairing trill Receive Pro tn pl keted. and th« sign of ill treatment A negro woman apparently died in Bro»., druggists. Tried and True shown by dents and disccdored spots in Is the positive verdict of the people who Shreveport, La., but when the funeral Attention. A SE> EKE ATTACK »>« ' < Hot I’ the naturally fat body will depreciate its take llood's Sarsaparilla. When used ae- procession arrived at the cemetery next I • -rding to directions the good effect of this day she rose up in her coffin and wanted Tlie < liiltl'a I4Fe Saved l,j Chauiticr- value two or three cents per jiouiid— me«licine arc soon felt in nerve enough to take away a considerable por­ I excellent Igin'H C«High Keaictly. -trength re-tored. that tired feeling driven to know what was going on. 1 he mourn­ *» ba»«* been ntad^a? off. a good apyietite created, headache and ers were terror stricken and dispersed in I wish to say to tlie public that Chamlier- tion of the profit.—Poultry World. AmiK Ar.Miti, Ibi:»:«. <»hU». dyspepsia relieved, scrofula cured ami all a hurry, leaving the woman to take care iain’s Cough Remedy i» the l>est I have inga» wt 11 V’> hr the bad effects of impure blood overcome. ever u»ed or »out,! for croup. I am never Daughter« of tbe Revolution. jri» GvcrrfäöB.®® • of herself She is now as well as ever. For a good blood purifier take Hood's Sar­ io lb* w<.rk and Uva without it at my home for niv children. Mrs. Harrison id president of tlje So- saparilla. r v« o er*. Fvrti bi- Last winter a child of Mr. E. J. Wttzel, ont *iiruh>£ from fi to A Wonder Worker. R. V. e sh< W you feow of uiy custumers, was choking with a sud­ ciety of the Daughters of the Revolu­ i. ( an w> rk In H’**’’,ime Electri«* Bitters. den and severe attack of croup. I gave tion. whose object is to secure and pre­ Mr Frank Huffman, a young man of !;lg money f*< work- him a bottle of this ('«High Remedy, and he serve historical localities and to erect .................... « em-M ’>» ni. This reiiH-ly is becoming so well known Burlington. Ohio, states that he had been .u.icrlHi. Parti- filara free, -tarte«! for home, gave the chip! two doses thereon suitable monuments to the and hind. »in* s«> popular as to need no special men­ under the care of two prominent phvsicians ’l.lIslle««.X- T ■ of it. which stopped the toughing an«l tion All who have nsci Electric Bitters and used their treatmeut until he was not -mothering instantly and in a few minutes memory <>f the men nnd women who sing able to get around They pronounced his the same soug of prai-e A purer the little one was out of all danger. Mr. help.-d to make the Re volution and the medicine does not exist ami it i» zuaran- casé t<> be consumption and incurable He Wettel cam«* back to the store as happy as constitution possible. The Daughters pro­ teed to crsuaded to try l)r. King'- New Dis­ ctxild he. aud-aid : “That bottle of Cough covery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds Remedy saved the life of my child." Fur­ pose to hold an annual gathering in Bitter- will cure all disease» oi the liver and at that time was not able to walk across thermore I feel friendly towards you *s the honor of the discovery of America by and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, the street without re-ting He found, be­ and other affections caused by manufacturer» of such a valuable reuietiv. Columbus. but their immediate occupa­ salt rheum blood.—Will drive malaria front the fore he hail used half of a dollar bottle,that and am proud of its being manufactured in tion is to secure a worthy collection of impure system and prevent as w ell as ewe »11 ma­ he was much better; he continued to use it our own slate. 1 can cheerfully and will­ and is to-.ueuu,tnmr|;, June I Hon lion City, Irving. Irving, Eugene Koseburg Mail Daily. arrive : Portland 8:00 a tn 1 Rosebn rg 5:40 p m Roseburg. 6:2U a in ; Portlaud . .4:00pin LEAVR I Albany Local, Dailv’.(Except Sunday.) leave : arrive : Portland 5:00 pm 1 Albany 9:00 p m Albany 5:00am I Portland 9;00a ni Pacific Coast Main office, 130» Mattel St. San Francisco, Cal. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. IGUBZST SLEEPING CAMS For accommodation of Second Class Pas­ sengers, attached to Express Trains. WEST HIDE DIVISION. Ketwoen Portland und Corvallis. MAIL1UAIN DAILY (AXlXrt SVSDAT.-) LEAVES RACIHE.WIS ARRIVE« Portland. ,7am I Corvallis. Í2:10pm ijorvalli*. 12:35 p iu Portland, 5:30¡>>if AtA bany und Corvallis <:oniican land L og ,L umber Y ard &GnVTRucrt8 For ticket.« and full infornmtion regarding rates, maps, etc., call on company's agent at Ashland. R. KOEHLER, E P ROGERS. Manager. Asxt G. F A Pass Agt SPRING WRGO^S^RLL STYLES PAT e NT J L adies PATENT CHAISE C h ai s .8:20 a m e . ! BRAK e A^ K9S WA69N C? O. R. Buckman i 'OREGON PACIFIC R.R. F. '*/*?. T. E, HOGG. Receiver. IS A NEW VEHICLE, WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT Oregon Developement Co.’s STEAMER«. SHOIIT LINE TO CALIFORNIA. »'HEIGHT AND FAltES the LOWEST Steamer Railing Dates: fbom yaqitna : * Steamer Willamette Valley—January 1st. 9th, 19th, 27 th. EKOM cintai <. .*ue o havlDK G:rr« HHptic voîi ar»«l »• ii*. car:*;. . n beaded d ariMiud t tie back for we