Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1890)
I I f Goose-Hunting Yarns. Why not pay the mayor and council salaries? This tiling oi working them The cheerful prevaricator of the Link- for glory is placing too much temptation ville Star, tells these in their way Cabler and Houston out toward John Gleim’s ranch lor a shooting last It is said that the W. C. T. U has de week and returned with forty-eight geese. ----- WITH ITS------ Is the moat ancient and most general of an cided not to drink ginger ale. That is The air there is often darkened by flocks diseases. Scarcely a family is entirely free of geese, so that all you have to do is aim right. Ginger ale is a mocker, and its anywhere at the welkin and notice how from it, while thousands everywhere are its The Baring Bros., founder« of the re use honeycombs the liver. suffering slaves. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has much more interesting is the fall ot the cently troubled banking house, were the had remarkable success in curing every form I» the S tate I xsvbanck B uilding . goose than the Fall of Adam or the Ro •riginala of Dickena’ “Cberryble Broth- of scrofula. The most severe aDd painful The historian tells us that the love of man Empire. You may also notice that And Branch Offices at Portland, Astoria and Albany. running sores, swellings in the neck or ere,” ooe o( hia moat pleaaing creation«. (freedom and jtietice is planted in the in the sky as well as on terra frma, it is goitre, humor tn the eyes, causing partial , always the biggest goose that falls first. Has for sale a large list of Clpuiti. Stoep oi,.,t Fruit Farmj. breaeta of the mountain men But to or total blindness, yield to the powerful i , Go out there, oh ye who relish wads of Parnell's little social escapades with hear the vigorous kicking at the moun wisdom, and learn that the poorer shot effects of this medicine. It thoroughly re llw City and Sabursaa Prtpuii. lime. O’Hhea baa created a big fracas in moves every Impurity from the blood. tain men on the water committee one : you are the more geese you bag. SEND : FOR : PAMPHLET. : MAT : AND : PRICE : LISTS. the Gladstonian party. A little thing would believe all the Patrick Henrys W’ednesday while Sherman Stanley like that makes a man howlingly pop liv©l on the lower system. I was goose-hunting, an accident occurred ular in this section. Show us the liar ______ . which may afford outsiders an idea of who says human nature is the same the This community owes a debt of deep the flow of geese in this section. He gratitude to a few of the elect of the elect banged away at a flock, and while pre- world ovw. wbo came here from abroad, bought our i »*rin« ♦*? ‘*nii . struck his face, peeling the «ide of bis “ ily Uttle daughter's life W3S saved, as •‘Let the democrats have tope and they hillside lands ar »a per acre, planteil out nose. Seeing the head geese descend- we believe, by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Before will hang themselves,” is the comforting town lots an<l O'chanls and are selling 1 ing, the rest of the great goosies followed she was six months old she had 7 running conclusion of the press. It i them from $500 to »660 per ac re,it is true. »nit. of course, and had Stanley not scrofula sores. One physician advised the ______ ____ republican - amputation of one of Mr fingers, to which oceurs to the country at this moment But when the historian of the dim and ® we refused assent When we began giving that made that ex- j ■ distant future looks back upon the an been crushed under forty tons of web- .. the . republicans ~ ... . . . aanie ... her Hood's Sarsaparilla, a marked Improve | footers. ____ _______ eel lent use of their rope and the suicide ment was noticed and Ly a continued use ot It nals of Time be will finds couple of water I The fine rain in the valley, snow in the her recovery was complete. And she is now, was generally approve«!. committees w ho were equal to the occa- i . mountains, mountain«, indicates good times among the being seven years old, strong and healthy.” B. C. J ones , Aina, Lincoln County, Me. The l-ouisiana IxAtery Co has been sion. He will find that this great city ■ people next year. built a monument for them that will stand | : The complete volumes of Dickens' works sued to pay over a few million dollars to for ages. In bu lding a svstem of water • ora M Mammoth *niS°‘h Cyclopaedia wiU with f on,J only i “ a f!? few niltf i tuI tn ihp R K fit » rd s the heirs of one Isaac Bernstein. They , ... .. , • ’ .... . rpfit cents additional to the ecord h snhsrnn- subsenp- works this city onlv spent abodt lialf of I tion price. claim that they have been defrauded out $50,000 on itself and spent the balance 1 Picture frames made to order at H. 8. SIDE of their share of the profits of the lottery, for the benefit of tbe elect of the elect, j Emery’». EJECTING. Weight, 6Xlbs. and they demand an accounting and set We challenge the realms of poetry or Men’s and boys’ clothing, boots, shoes, tlement. The amount that will come to ___ . ~ . ... . . . . , ate., etc., of latest style«, finest quality and Sold by all druggists. JI; six for Prepared by Using 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. prose to offset a similar heroic deed of i aj prices that defy competition, at McCall’s C. L HOOD & CO. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas*. them if they win their suit is estimated Send for free descriptive price-list of Repeating Rifles, speedy gratitude. Let us not, then, al si- Old timers predict a drv winter. It cer- Double-Action Revolvers, etc., to the st from $2,000,000 to $6,000,000. Ah' so IOO Doses One Dollar mil w i itv uunn i tcziMij sm-T *s gwv« 'im v. iscic iw i-~' wmv a»« vm low the aforesaid historian to write down ; tainiy has a good start. _ Here it is the 27th it appears they haven’t been even doing in his little book that ureat deeds were I ?! November and weather as balmy as in in his little book that great deeds w ere May.—L akeniew E x . business among themselves on the dead only appreciated in after generations. thieving square. What could the pa it ’There Many Oyster« Are Opened. But let us rise «i incuse and as with one trons expect. Are Unequalled both for Hunting and voice hand over the balance of the mon- i In one place on West street the pro Target Shooting. ument to the water-bond mayor and the 1 prietor stated that he had 1,000 men E. II Mix, ex-county clerk of Baker water works committee as a heritage to busy shucking oysters, and that each county, and well known among borse- RELOAD YOUR SHELLS man averaged $7 a day—in other words, their children’s children. Let us not ARD SAVE MONEY. men, is charged with defrauding Baker each man opens from 5.000 to 7.000 oys stop here. In these days of despising FREE. ILLUSTRATCD county out of $6812, by fraudulent en ters a day, receiving $1 for every 1,000 small things, in these days of coats of oysters opened. Therefore if 1,000 men CATALOGUE tries. The discovery of the fraud has arms and other marks of designation of are engaged in opening oysters, and each Send for Catalogue A, showing Sights and CONTAINING VALUABLE INSTRUCTIONS ON completely upset Baker county. It is HOW TO PREPARE YOUR OWN AMMUNITION. Rifles of latest design. Address: Treat Cure all Chronic and Private superiority, let us assemble around th s ' man opens 7,000 a day, no less than stated that Mix’s bondsmen will be held Diseases. .1 Specialist in charge of each grand throne of municipal nabobery and 7,000,000 oysters are opened in a day.— responsible, and Mix will be vigorously Department. present the archangels and satellites New York Letter. prosecuted. He spent $2000 of this try 1. DISEASES OF MEN. with a splendid coat and attachments A Syndicate of Widow». ing to get the last republican nomination 2. DISEASES OF WOMEN. FARZR.Y MFG. The Panama canal enterprise crippled 3. EYE, EAR and CATARRH. lor state treasurer. Should he have suc Heal Estate Translers. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 4. CLUBFOOT and DEFORMITIES. ceeded, and stole over $25.000, be would J A Chastain to W Thurman—lota 9 and ' many men and also swallowed up the fortunes of 16,000 women, many of them 10 block 10, Phoenix; $500 5. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. have become a great man. F J Elliott to C H Warthen—10 acres sec widow*. Now it is said that a syndicate — 6. SURGERY. 8, tp.39. Ashland; $1450. of these wronged widows has been 7. ELECTRICITY. Ashland, in proporton to its size, is G F Billings to G E Watrous—8.16 acres, formed to secure a renewal of the con Call or write for information. Mention sec 5, tr> 39, Ashland; $2000. probably the most cosmopolitan city in C E Wilcox to Z E Simpson—100 acres I cession from the government of Colom this paper. the known world. The “boodle” aider sec 15, tp 35; »3600. bia. If this new “combine” can’t get 132 & 134 Third st., cor. Alder Price, SIS.00 at Factory, A Dunlap to Sarah E Dunlap—lots 0, 11 what it wants no one else need try. men of such cities as New York, Boston, Cash with Order. and 12, block 1, Phoenix; $452. Chicago, etc., do some remarkable things W Beeson to Emma L J Foss—25 acres tp in making contracts, city improvements, 38 «, r 1 w: also 25-320 interests In Robinson A Chinese War Veteran. etc. But who ever heard ot them steal & Beeson irrigating ditch, Wagner creek; A recent visitor to tho Libby Prison Strictly First-Class. Warranted. $46*10. All Second Grow th Hickory. ing one-half of any enterprise ? They are G Sweany to J E Miner—n e % sec 1.5, tp ' war museum at Chicago was E. D. Steel Axles and Tires. Cahota, the only Chinaman who is a satisfied with such sums as from 10 to 25 32 s, r 3 e; $000. Low Bent Seat Arms. Perfectly Balanced. U Douglas to aame—a w U Bee 12, tp 32 s, veteran of the great civil contest. He Long, Easy Riding, Oil Tempered Spring. per cent. And even then it kee[* them r3e; »600. Best Wheels and Best All Over. I served through the war as a private of Virginia H Bright to M Weber—lot 1 blk j hustling to keep the press from running If YOU CAN T FIND TEEM FOR SALE EY YOUR MERCHANTS, WRITE US. 33. Jacksonville; »220. | tho Twenty-third Massachusetts regi- them into the penitentiary. Wm Swope to Maria J McDonald—10; ment, and made a splendid record as a acres sec 16, tp 35 s, r 3 w; »80. [ hrrivo soldier E Manville to P P Black- 160 acres sec 32 1 ”” BO1<uer- Ths vagaries of human nature assert Opened at the old Ashland market stand on tbsmaelves in Ashland as well as in more tp 37 s, r 2 w; also undivided half interest in mining grounds; »1000. Main street, facing the bridge. pretentious communities. The same city E C Richardson to J D Maxoiu—140 acres ; East Side of Main Street, A shland . government that hears of a poor man sec 33, tp 38 s, r 4 w; also 2 5 part interest to certain water ditch ; »1200. Shop thoroughly renovated and re only asking for something to eat sends D L Newton to D G Smith—lots 5, 6, 7 ' fitted. out its energetic police, brings him up and 8, block 64. Central Point; »275. A Nice Store and a lot 25x144, near Depot, L L Angle to J A Edwards- land in tp 37 and compels him to work five days on in block C, railroad addition to The choice»! of Fresh Meats—Beef. Mut (Successor to S. Stacy,) s, r 2 w; $60. the streets for nothing. (Almost invar Ashland, at ton, Veal. Fork, Sausages, etc. Plat of Orchard Koine Association. iable yon will see tbs chain gang at work N C Dozier to Fannie J Dozier—land in PROPRIETOR, on streets abutting the property of the sec 23, tp 39 s, r 1 e, 22.24 acres; »300. L Sleppy to J Davidson—n w % of s w J4 favored few.) While the theft of half of sec 28 s, r 1 w, 40 acres: »400. Apply to G. F, Billings or to E. K. Alsip 1 Alice C Applegate to W Linch—40 acres ,t Co., No. 1004 Fourth street, Sacramento, of a $50,000 system of water works by a Kept constantly on hand, l-'air living sec 16, tp 39 », r 1 e; »1. realestate agents, or to V alley R ecord , prices is all that we ask. few men—not more in numbers than is i J Davidson to Lucinda Davidson—s e Ashland, Oregon. ---------------- 1 ox HAxn A FULL usually in the chain gang during the of sec 32, tp 38 s, r 1 e; »500 We will make it to your interest to I ) LINE OF CHOICE 8 B Hull to T H Whelpley — 320 acres sec deal with us, so give the new meat mar-, Street-improving season—makes them 32, tp 30 s, r 1 e; »2)00. Ik Marble. J All Orders in Stone Work ket a trial. prominent citizens and increases their J W Cox to 8 8 Martin—160 acres sec 27, |\ Promptly Filled, Marble Works on I Fresh pork on hand every day. AA MAIN 8' STREET, credit at the bank. It would appear that tp 36 s, r 1 w; »50'JO 8 8 Martin to J W Cox—ailof block J and the orthodox clergy who are always a strip of land east of said block; also an ' claiming in their discussion with infidels undiyided one-third interest in lots 6, 7, 8. , 9 and 10. block I; and lots 1, 2, 3, 8. 9, 10, I that that thia is a Christian nation, will block H; lots 1, 2. 7, 8,11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, | 17, 18, block F; lots 9, 10, 11, 12,13,14, blk now lay that claim aside. E; lota 1, block 1) and block O: and block IOO IMPORTED P, Talent: »2500. The Oregonian proposes that the capi 8 S Martin to J W Cox—one-fourth inter and Registered in water ditch belonging to D L C No talists be relieved of paying taxes by re est Clyde, Shire, Per fH;»l. pealing the mortgage tax law, which will The P H and N add to Ashland was re cheron & Norman DRUGGISTS. require the producing elements to turn in corded in book of plate. Stallions. I that much more of their coin to run the Circuit Court. For .Siilo from $ 100 to government. As the farmer is already Decemlier term, 18!».] $000 each. I Grand jurors are: D Y Grey, foreman; This is the time to buy in order reaping a large crop of mortgagee by be to have them perfectly accli E Barbe, A B Chapman, N Stead bam, S 1’ ing compelled to labor and buv in a Oliver, Jacob Neathamer and J A Houston. mated for next season, and we must sell in order to make Ordered by the court that Owen Keegan raised-price market and sell in a low one, room for new impcrtation-The be appointed bailiff for grand jury and Chas freight o.i a horse to Portland, thio additional outrage seems cheeky. Schultz for this term ot court. Oregon is only $80. 'P But that is not all. The hired organ of W N Luckey and J \V Alnut vs Levi I Main Street Comer, Ashland, Or. Every animal fully Warranted. Terms Easy. Send plutocracy wishes the state (after the cap Morris—action ordered dismissed at plain for Catalogues Address MANY A LONG ILV.IESS tiffs cost. I*. Prescriptions carefully put up by com- italists have been exempted from taxa Dr. Valerius & Co., Mitchell Lewis Co vs F T Downing and Could bo prevented by a Uraeh* u‘if Watertowu, Wis. ' peteut hands tion) to tax itself for $250,000 for the C H Elmore—motion to strike out part of HOLDEM’S ETHEREAL 33CC:; SYRUP. For Coughs. Colds. Crou.. bu ! all i^rcai world’s fair. In order to bribe “the the comi plaint overruled and deft given un til Wednesday to file answer. and lung affections, ihcte h hi f ter'lv moulders of public opinion,” the state A T Kyle, Jr. vs G Leroux—action to re known. Il is plearaut and ale i ■ t ike, and press, it proposes to give them a “fat coverpersonal property; demurer sustained suitable ¡or young or old. Manilla; rare and plaintiff given until Friday to file an /. D. HOLDEN, Stockton take” out of the public treasury, under amended complaint. -CITY- Sold all by druggists. the guise of dispelling ignorance of our State of Oregon vs Harrv l’reston—indict laws by having them publish our state ment for larceny; grand jury returned a Large Stock of all Other Lead true bill; arraigned and plead guilty. —DEALER IN— laws at legal (robbing) rates ing Varieties of Fruits. I The R ecord readily sees where it New Tax Law Diat-ussed. FREE FROM INSECT PESTS could easily turn in a few extra dollars TRANSFER. At a meeting in Murphy precinct, by “getting in” with this layout. But it eepbine county, the proposed new believes it to be wrong. The R ecors law was read and discussed. The Passenger Coach to Every Train. pays well enough from its legitimate lowing resolutions were adopted: Freight moved about town at rates Rcsolred, That we, voters of Murphy business resources. precinct, are opposed to the proposed bill . ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. as proposed by the senatorial committee, Granta Pasa has been only talking of Fire wood of all kinds delivered any- 1st. We favor doing away with county OREGON ASHLAND, building a new school house, snd under assessors and having precinct assessors where n town at lowest prices. the bead oí “A Little Previous at Present” instead, to be elected by the voters of the we And this in the last issue of the Cour precinct, ier: 2d. We favor the county court acting School clerk E. C. Newell is in receipt as a bourd of equalization. ■ ot numerous inquiries from various mou- 3d. We are in favor of pav ing taxes to ied men, wishing to be remembered when the county treasurer on or before April — THE WICKED FLEES— this district bonds itself to build a new 1st, without expense. State tax to be school house. The cities who have so paid one half ou April 1st, balance July When no man pursues, Not so with written are: one from Columbus, Ohio; those who trade at the C. O. D. Empori- Successor to HOSLEY it PELTON, two from Springfield, Ohio: two from 4th, We favor the household exemp um. They are comforted with ........ Bargains. Chicago; one from New York city; one tion of $300 as now. — Wholesale and Retail Dealer in - They get Notions, Tinware, Whips, Per from Buffalo; two from Bloomington, Ill.: llas Moved into the building 5th We oppose electric light, tele fumery, and Bargain Counter goods. one from Toledo and oue from Kansas adjoining R. P. Neil’s meat mar graph, insurance, telephone companies, city. So when we do wish to bond the ket on the north, anil invites etc..mentioned in the proposed bill paving district there certainly will be no trouble the public to inspect his samples taxes to the state treasury, which rightly in getting tbe bonds taken. belong to the different.counties. When the bonds for Asbland’B city 6th. We oppose the repeal of the Mort Cured Meats Constantly on Hand. water works—a reveuue-producing insti gage Tax law or any part of it. Terms, Cash, l’ass-book accounts pay tution, inind you—were advertised, ac 7th. Also resolved that hereafter we able Monthly. cording to the city administration's re will not vote for any man, regardless of port, from one end of the capitalistic I ! party, who will not pledge himself to > work and vote for the same. world to the other and back again, and After which F. G. Day, G. H. Feen only one lone bidder found his way to tbe A strictly first-class machine. Fully STJLIR, and Lee Sill were appointed as a com warranted. Made front verv best material, Mayor's “opening of bids,” it would seem mittee to draw up a petition, praying for by skilled workmen, and with the best tools -------- Patronize the-------- that this city was at a low ebb in tbe fi the same, to be circulated throughout that have ever lieen devised for the purpose. Artist. Warranted to do all that can be reasonably nancial world. Think of it! It is only the county, expected of the very best typewriter extant. rumored that Grants Pass is talking A Big Inducement Tor Money. Capable of writing 150 words per minute— Corner Main and Granile Streets. about bonding their town—smaller, both more—according to the ability of the All newspapers worth having require PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED i or operator. -THAT----------- in population, assessed valuation, amount money to run them. The R ecord is no I ot capitalists in it, etc.,and not enjoying exception in this respect. We must have Bromides made in all sizes. Call and I | 'KTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO AX the people of Ashland ami surround- that feeling of security that attaches itself it, and in the advertising columns of this examine our work If there is no agent in your town, address ! ing country that I at am the old stand on issue throw out inducements that will to old established places—for a school do the work the manufacturers: Main street, opposite the old Flag stall' Just think of the Mam- i where any one wishing work done in my bouse, a non-revenue producing enter , moth Cycloptedia and the R ecord one ' line will 'always find me ready to serve prise when eleven rival houses rush iu for year for $3.00. And Dickens’ complete | them. “And men may come and men may works and the R ecord for only $3.10. If an opportunity to bid for their bonds. Agents wanted. UEAICRS IX PARISH, N. Y. i go,’’ but I am a stayer forever. And carries the U. 8. Mails and While Ashland advertises for bonds you aren't satisfied with the whole earth, Shaving, 25c; hair cutting, 25c: shampoo- PAINTS. OILS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS,! we will throw in 25 novels free. Wells Fargo’s express. | ing, 25c ; sea foam , 25c. lor an enterprise which properly tc . « STENOGRAPHY and WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC., J- LlJSJS. TYPEWRITING free built and competently managed could not A Cut in Beef. L adies ’ H air cutting a S pecialty . SATI8FACTIII U1BISTEED. help paying the interest, besides being a Prices of beef at R. P. Neil’s meat mar Building Papers, Wrapping Papers First-class facilities and best of teachers. Address, with stamp for retmn postage, successful and paying enterprise in itself ket, on east side of Main street: Loin and Twines. JOHN DYER, I E. WORM AN, Medford THE PARISH MF’G CO., Driver ; Livery Stables, Prop. is able to produce only one single bidder steak, 8 cts per lb; round steak, 6 cts per All kinds of Parish, N. Y. outside of the Mayor's bank, and the lb; chuck steak, 5 cts per lb. Other meats in projiortion. The above prices i ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Mayor knew what that other bid was will be strictly adhered to. Buy where ----- FOR SALE IN No one possessing an intelligence above vou can buv cheapest and save money. CONTRACTS FOR R. P. N eil . that of a horse would say there is that ainting apering tc Ashland, Or., Nov. 10,1890. much difference between the standing Cor. M ain and G raxite streets, LINK VILLE. OREGON. Settle l’p of Ashland and Grants Pass in the finan MEDFORD, OREGON, All those having unsettled accounts with cial world. Ashland. Oregon. the undersigned, will please call immediate- J I wish to announce to the public that 1 But on the contrary that this incident ly and settle the same, either by cash or am reailv to take orders for any kind of J. M. M c CALL. is only another piece of simple, yet note. gunsmith work, repairing sewing machines, Jan. 15, 1896. filing saws, sharpening knives and scissors strong evidence to tbe people of this com etc., etc. Inquire at the R ecord office. munity towards their well-grounded sus Forest Citv baking powder. 4ftc per can Office on Front street, in building wit» Of 8ash and Doors and all kinds and picions and convictions concerning tbe at McConnell A Eubanks’. John B. W ils ley, the real estate agent. 2-4 I styles of Window and Door Frames. Mold Janies Norris can furnish you all kinds of notorious crooked manner in which those V alley R ecord . Ashland, Or., lias the ing and Brackets of all styles. Boats built The R ecord as an advertising medium is finishing lumber, mouldings, windows, to order. The whole or one half offered j most news, is the best pa]>er and the best bonds were floated. doors sash, etc. Leave orders at Luckey’s* tho best for sale. __ |4 * Ojediuin of Advertising. z VALLEY RECORD. HOME OFFICE AT SALEM. OREGON Scrofula DR. COLE Staff at Worn No. 71. HARRIS & MURPHY BROS., ASHLAND, - OREGON. Is the Most Complete in South ern Oregon. We have Mens Boots from $2 up, And Mens Shoes from $1.50 up. J. H. Russell Market. All Kinds of Fresh Meats VEEPS 4c Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest, STMltOO, ' 100,000 Prune Trees (mostly French) 35,000 Royal Ann cherry. 10,000 Early Crawford peach 10,000 Moorpark and Royal Apricot. 35,000 Esopus Spitzenberg apple. 20,000 Gravenstein apple. 25,000 Yellow Newtown Pip« pin apple. 15,000 Ben Davis apple. School Jewelry. MAYER Ashland Market John E. Pelton WILSON A W A LSWORTH. Proprietors. IIOTlHiliAI'HS TYPEWRITER. Barber Shop, ONLY WAGON R. F. HIGH, Proprietor. Price - - $100.00. Connects with Every Train, RAIN or SHINE THE PARISH MF’G CO. TOWN LOTS’ CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS & MANUFACTURERS ■■■■■ ......... I . J <1 ■■M -OR— FAMILY ZhÆTVY BE ZEÏ-ÆR) AT * LOGÁN’S GALLERI. Finished in Style Equal to AWARDED FIRST PRIZES AT SOUTHERN OREGON STATE FAIR GREGORY & HICKS. TAILOR Peterman Bros. . -------------------------------------- Clocks, Watches, and Woodburn, Or I EVANS.& BRUNKi 0. H. BLOUNT PICTURES of YOURSELF Books, Stationery, HARDWARE, Catalogue Free. Address: STOVES & J. H. SETTLEMIER. TINWARE. INTERNATIONAL! ---------- Ashland, Or. CHITWOOD BROS, ONE AND THREE-FOURTHS MILLIONS. R. STRAIT, R. R. ADDITION Practical Gunsmith, e Yours Truly, j 10 Per Cent Less Than it Cost. i I OUR BOOT & SHOE LINE R. P. NEIL, THIS MEANS G oods . Portland, .... Oregon. Independent , E F all We have a very neat Dark Line MARLIN SAFETY which we are selling at $10 pr suit. A nobby plaid dress suit at $12. Bl’k Diagonal Suits, $15 to $20. Elegant dark spec suits at $18. SOLID Men’s over-coats, $5 up. TOP. We have one line of boy’s suits, 4 to 12 y’rs. old, which we are offer ing at $2 per suit. MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. And one line at the low price of LYMAN’S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS IDEAL” RELOADING TOOLS For Rifles, Pistols Shot Guns. $3.50 per suit. In fine grades of Boys Clothing our stock is complete. We have just received a large WM. LYMAN, Middlefield, Ct. IDEAL MFC. CO., Box G, New Haven, Ct. new line of Mens Winter Shirts, also a large and elegant assortment of Neck Wear, Gloves, Suspenders, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, etc. Sarsaparilla , P TO FILL YOUR ORDERS FOR NEW REPEATING RIFLE Hood’s P We Are Ready TO EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER! We want to lnci'eMO our circulation very largely during tho next nix mouths—to double It If pot- albie. To accomplish this wo need tho co opi ratlou ot our preeest (nlMcrlbi >n ami reeders. If each ono of our present readers would secure for Ui onr. new ra'Mcriher. our circulation would lw doubled ol'-oiire. But wo know that It will take an extraordinary Inducement to tiring out tho no I ted effort i of every one of our present subscribers—wo ehall have to make a high bld Well we are ambition i and anxious to double our circulation, anil, by epoclsl arrangement w!tli one of the lead ing publishing liouseu we aro enabled to mako you An Offer Remarkable for its Liberality. To any one trio will send us O no Subscriber to thU paper for Ono Year n-trl-n subscripttonprire, we will giie Absolutely Free, on J rriol It; mail mail, posi, f>< i Twanty-fivo Complete Noye\B-any tw<idy-flre you i,„,y seretj. oin the the foliote. follow, a j I»': lb ml it; Iler MitHifvRt Ile« thty. Dy A manda M. Dover ah . Olympia- By M. T. C ai . dob . Dolore«- By Mrs. J anic O. A ustin . A lirttt c Coward. By R. Î.. S tkvknnon . A Troublesome Girl. By “T ub DucHEte.' ¡tilty omet (»tillfy-RyAMANOAX. D uvolab . ni'4 fr'olM’ly AccMMjd. By Mrs. ANNri. 8TRFMEN«. Zlf’d. A FaireHeviit. Ry Mrs. A lexandeb . ’Ike I’eorl of (ho Orient. By S ylv anus C obb Jr. KJ in on Herrick*« Poiiskter. By >1. T. C aedob . TI iv Linden Fnrrn Bride. By M aro abet II locnt . A IhmifcrouM U oniini. By Mrs. A nn H. S tkpnkm . Blackbird UHI. By O ther S frlk K ennktil Tkc Peril ef Bicha rd Parda»». Hy B. L. F abjbon ih e Lt ti . le Old Mini of the Ustlguolkfi. By ________ (4ARORIAU. N.. 211. “ From the Fnrth to the Moon. By J vlsb V ebns . No 2 »3 . The ClMsirdlMrt* Plot. By Dr J. H. K obiniion . No. 21 12. Tho Huron’« Will. By R ylvancs Co»«, Jr. No 211. The Gray Falcon. By M. T. C ai . doiu No ZW The Morrow of »» KeorcL Br M ary C« cm TI a y . Norm. Perry Pvroy end the Prunket. By Wif.xnc .■;.«utary No. 237. Th© Al-.. of ----- u Wedding King. By |ho aubor of ” H«ra Thorne.’’ 0 No. TM. Murlyn M — Ware*« Temptation. Ry Mrs. H. W ood Ne. 2«. A llmlern t’hiderelln Bj author ’ Dora Thorns.’* No. 234. The lalMtid Home. By M. T. C aldo «. Ko »3. The Fatal Gioie. By C lari A vocata . Ko. TM. Thr Mill Girl of Tyrol. By M. T. C aldo ». So. 225. Midw«*’«* Ke venge. By H. I üdkn H aooabd . Ko. «9. Kot li llcrrlrk. By Wn i . iam H. B ubhnell . 1 • «. 215 KatkvvH*« Ward. By F loukncm M arkyat . No. 214. T wo li l««e«. By the author of ” Dorn Ttioroe.' \o. 21». Cloud« und htiMfthlnc. By C harles R eade . No. 712. A V Mgabond llerclnc. By Mrs. A. E dwaüd «. > ®. 211. Thornycreft Grunge. By H ett W inwood . >¿0. 210. t'arumrl Pottage. By Mr«. H knry W ood . No. 203. The Bream Woman. By W ilrik C ollimo . Ne. 2U3. The Treasure of Fraiiebard. ByR. L. 8 tky - RMM>N. >’o. 207. Th© Ml«»<lvenl»ire© ©f John Nlrholaon. By UoBKor Lout« B tevknmon . IIre».l l I»>nlhe Water.. .. n> Ml.. Ucioc. rr<l. No. 2*«....................................... .............. No 205. A T h I c or Tkroc Mona. Hy H. K ipkr JI aqgand . No. 204. !*»igc Ninety »two. By M ary C ecil H ay . No. 203. Hurr Ih» rdwick*« Stivili. By Mr«. H. Wcon. N'O. 202 Wall Flower«. By M arion H arland . Ill ,I, Vo. ?f»|. Tho Merchant’« Crime. By H oratio A i © eb , Jr. No. 7>«J. G coree Can (field*« Journey. By Ml«« BRtr-no«. Nr I1H. Mv fllMb r Kate. By author “ DornThorue.” lid. No t'J7. Ilc«pcrla. By M T. C aí dos . No I'M I vini the «err. By H ylvasts C obb , Jr. No. I’.»3. .. A Dark 1 lihcrliuHcc. By M ary C ecii . H ay . No Ittl. That WInfer M*ht By R<> beht B uchanan . l ite Iteli Uro««. M. T. C ai . doh . No l«3. i. ------------------ ---- By -------------------- No. 132. F«»r Lote or Hick©«. By author “AOrtkt 3li«i«ke.M No HI. The Wlxurd <»f Grftiittda. By M. T. C aldob . No IW. W omiiti*« Kccrct. By C’ i . ara AronrrA. Ko. lofl The Gnllty Ki ver. By W ilkik C oijjhr . No. 155 Flermee fvlnglon*« Oatk. Bj Nr«. N ary a . |> k :4 i « o ’4. JUu»t rated. N’o. 154. Lnncmiter*« Cabin. By Mr«. M. V. V ictor . Ill’ll. No 153. Mout Grange. By Mr«. H rnhy W ood . So 152. The PoUon of A«p«. By F i . orkmck M arry at . 1 lie Fetter«. Hr No 151. I !'i»r<h»< Forging tl»c Br Mr«. Mrs. Ai kiandeb kiandkr . no . iso. ). „ A — riuywri<ht*« D»u(bttr. Dy Mre. A Mine EutvARD«. Illnttrated. Hall. Br M aro abet B i . ovmt Ko. hi » llolluw A«h i “ ---------------------------------- - . IlVd. No. HH. A Bartered Life. By M aniom H arland . Br Mr*. — _____ __ « . F irmix ©. No. I<7. Mr Noel*« Heir. By Mr«. M ay A onk No HO. J$orl«’« Fortune. •. Ity F lobknck W arden . Ko. 145. 'i'ho Nlncof Heart«. By ILL F aijkon . No. 144. Lady .Vaiworth'« Diamond«. By ** T be '•> 2 -2. N ». ?H1. i. >•». a .. ?7H. So 278. X’o. ?7T. No 27«. No. 275. Nn. 271. Ho. 211. No. 274. No. 2‘i0. NO 24». Ko 243. K«. IM. N„. 13S. No. 134. No 133 No. IW. No. 191. No. 12». No. 128. No. 123. No. 122. No. 121. No. 120. ) Ml“ Xi’<«w. IMaMrataS. A U Ickvd t-lrk II.V M ier C ucii . Ihr. rhe I esci «r Cio* Oevnn. Br Cl-.a. Ar.,-.,.. 1 he Old Ortos «'he.,. Br Co.., J, 3.1”' •■»Utorsl,. t 'uhln. Br M. T. C ai ih , u flic Foreelllnl It,iblee. By M. T. C ai M,a. I he IliaHloHil Itrnevlct. 'By Mr«. IJ W ood <ilir< llorr.e. Br Ki pa W. CiKsia. A kh II iii '. Ml.lor, . By ll.Hmr Bi.oear. Ont of the Sea. Ily C i . asa Sveerr a . íkíVtif "¿“ j * .jAwrr Awn«. 4 ! 2 K»ll Geala®. Uy U. r. C ai » or . I k© Myatcry nt Blackw.«>4 ttraa«©. By Nr« NAYA©«mriKMi K«. -<••••« wr«$i«e. By M ay Aaxr« Ft EMiNfl. ny No ¡(il i1’.1 11 •*1,1 Hj *’!■• N vlocw . No 101. *11»© Mvrwlrk Fara» Mjatery. By timi Pr Huou C omway . N àmoawkt Fi n» NT. arMro.lttMBYir. QB. y •»••ter. Dv A nnuì T uo »»«. Jo.iro. «ut af th< Depili« M a ’ oh K’ i? a dv , ì , id* A l K brld^él,Jaler1’ ««*»»«. 84 Imriedew ll«a«o. By «tubor of Aor« TLorue. ’ u. A ■’ a ««1 v <» Crime Dy “ Tate D ucwk ««. ' K V«*« N” H*”«» IVnoi,. 4•:.,>7;rTb«ri,. - ■ A“««««1 «—» Bj U.. .un,.., .f K' Ry tlroiiCo.w«« III E' J 1*011. Tlwrw M. A Rbndowimib. Èbreabold. Ilj M.uv Croi l|,r H cÌr'rtL?,»“! «ÌÀ*H ' M. <»rrl.loH.Olft. B, Hro»Co«w.r. me Tb.«.,?" *“ "«»te ••!)«. E’ I cl IwitaH«»., By M»»r Cren. II««. MHL—14. ' 1?. « '• r.iur«. ? i'1’< •i,Mr.r*y- tuii »>. 74, Ctilied llttfk. Rr lluoit fìn»,t«AY. li' i"!i«v«M»l»n. B/T.r nrcHM.« Z?' *r'LC7P,d ‘i}’1' •’ •""■"•r" IH». Tbcr„- • 21 tv.»,»«. Br «Ir. o..«n i.. ,;re 10. rii. Mr.trrf «r tbc Uollr Tre.......... .. ...tUr.r'-iHi.Tbi». ‘ - * 6» Lubrici'. Mnrrla«.. Br ITii .irC.i, •s. lt.w.rb»Hl?. tt iie. MI..U,,,,,. w Bl. jMBcr 1».H. . fe.r.1 B.MI..M i. B.M,*.. <UI Mnlltir. Il, „«»« 0«II. W»r. Ill.,or;o.l «. H B4. a' ti S' F?.rw' »f *’•■«««« w < m > i . m,i Br w" «'«ci i /«■< N.. »1. Tb.LmtBank N.1-. Br itr. U 52 Ue.trr. Ifurr Ji 1? •Ì1!,,Ì.4T " lb>r. Thorn..“ No. IttCNANi 45. 1 he MDlCKKN«. Cricket e»» thè ll<mrtl». A vorisiu,.« Obristiuao etorj. btorr il w. m ho. B*. N«. 8t. £’• *•.»!. {f0- "■ listi*“*? »’««<•< ©OIXIMB. Ei,,i,,rM"Jo?; »//• hawimbx iiriM ntd. MI m I n *. H» M a « y C ucii . H ay . Anne. Ily Nr». H pnry W ood . «••tor Ila... Il/ «•H ai« Col l i».. Valert.'.ratc. ByMra.4LM.wnaa, * Laldr» l»awa. K, .uibw- IH,r. Tbarn..- m D vcokm .” ” !* By « Ba.nna». No. 143. Fair l»nt Falae. By author of ” Dor® Thorne.” HVd. No. 23. Davidi Ifiiat Br Mr». A mm 8. S tmcnk *.« tetto- «r «r. h “".' ro»„ No. 142. The Woman Hater. By Dr. J. H.Ro«tx«ox. IU d. £’ .*? No. 141. Between Two Ulin. By th« author of “ Dera K M WMrtl»to4. By M.»rC,r„ W,t. 7'horn*.” ntuotratfl. A <H14 m Ma. Bj V . B/Mi-Mt LIHbor or ■' s.. 10. T. Tb/trarvl . o.«* l Lori., CO. The l.nwf er*« HeereL By MI m M. E. B radlox . No 1» The Mrnugi- Clue otpr. Jeliyll anil Hr. ’!“■ !' ¥«"rr Arkalt By Un. Ho., Hyde. By R. I.. wt « v ««R« w . Ajana Rortaa. By Oli»,,« Ki i « t . No. KQ j . An Old Mim'd Bacrlflee. Dy Mr«. A rm B, Ma. J. lIlu.E/Ma.e U.ldr. Il.l» lly i ».i.T».».. Nri'rnexR. « !' *.•»•••■ Allrk'a I^eaey. By M. T C.i no. No. 1.37. Laderthc Lillie«. By author of” Dora Thorn«.’’ »«. ». Àau( Ih. Maiaa. By u.ay c«u Hot. UH. Just Blink of It 1 Wo Win giro you iwenty flve charming complete novels/*« If you will get us only on« yearly suixicrlber The novels are splendid ones, and they are published complete In nent pamphlet form. Nc-ie the narnee of the authors— they are the most celebrated writers both of America and Europe. Note also tlis long and attractive Bit trim which you are privileged to select. No matter which of the novels you choose, you will be perfectly delighted with thorn Most of tlio novels In this list sell for 25 cents each In tlio .Seaside and other libraries. 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Remember yon am not aek»d to get up a club or to do any canvassing, but merely to use your lufiueuco to Induce one ot your neighbors or friends to take onr paper lor a year Anybody can do this Anv ng our it' igilbors and friends lh< re Is certainly one who will subscribe for our pai>er at yonr Solicitation Do not pot It off, or stop to think it over, but go right out at once and get your sub scriber fcVmt yourself will lie surprised to find liow easy a thing it Is to do, and whan yon receive your: u .tv five comp'elo novels an<l commence reading them, you WJU bo delighted to think you took .“.dvaiitage of onr crest and very liber 1 offer. ' We .-.'III g vo fifty of the novels tor two vear'y subs-riberit, seventy-five for tbree subscribers, and soon fora y number. Get more than on subrcrlbcr It yon can without too much trouble, but do not fart to g t at ¡east owe, and t enure for yourself twenty five charming complete novels free. 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