* -w VALLEY RECORD VALLEY RECORD MlKSSEn BKM'KN. Oxford ties. 11.25 pair at Hunsaker*. Granta I'm public a* bools have en- rolled 443 acholani James Norris «ell. lundier. order» al l-uckey'», I .eave your Arizona haa 641,000 cattle, 296,000 abeep ami 56,960 home» and mulee A lew little pieces of sin*- thrown into a Move Are will extinguish a chimney fire. Prof. Horner boomed the alate teach er»’ reading circle up in great atyle last week VALLEY RECORD. vol . in. THE Wm POOR. ASHLAND, JACKSON Published every Thursday by the VALLEY RECORD PUBLISHING CO E. J. KAISER, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One year......................................................... »2 50 Six months ................................................... 1 CO Three months............................................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. lxx-al notices 15c per line for first inser tion and Sc for each aubeequent insertion. Obituaiv lines, memorial resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., at half rates. COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1890. I Lea Blsky. Parker. WH .................. 3, !<)7 3,505 Plyniale, F M y UTHER L. BIRTENSHAW. “Yes, sir, 1 got in on the ground floor 5,460 Pentz, 8 8...................................... on this boom. ” 7,956 Phipps. Mr» A .................... Three-fourth* u< your ailments ariae from Th<Me Paying Taxe« on .<*2.000 and ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY “That's good. You won’t have so far 9,5*» ' Phipps. IJ.............. ...................... Liver trouble, which Simmons Liver Regu Over. I Peterson. Joshua ...................... PUBLIC. 2,085 to fall when the bottom drops out.”— lator cure». *¡,2<Jó Munsey's Weekly. ! Pankey, JA .............................. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. The Kanaaa farmer will burn hia corn i Atkinson, AV H ...................... 4.184 $ 9.6* I Pelton. Horace Business in the U. 8. Land Office will re thia winter, but be ia happy i*cauae be Andrews. AL. ................. <1.425 18/83 i'enniger. David ceive prompt attention. Office first door baa stepped on Ingalla' corn. The Society Island« Annexed. 2/70 Association, Ashland B A L 5.1.33 Rice, John. If you tvake up in the north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland, Or, 7,160 2.6IW i Köper. F. Miro Annie Kcliaatka, niece of Mrs. Ashpole A Ittlow Not to be outdone by the English and morning with a bitter or Proprietor. 2.850 3,206 : Rice, N I. Col. Geo. B. C’urrey of Granta Paas, is Abrahams. Sol A Hymen N, PHILLIPS, 3/137 the Germans, the French have under Amy, Haskel........ .................... bad taste in your mouth, 7.495 j River», W W visiting her fattier at Han Francisco. —Manufacturers of the Celebrated— 6.120 taken the acquirement of colonial terri Aiken, G H A 8S.................... 3.015 Rader, Mrs Clara Languor, Dull Headache, O. Holton, formerly in the tailoring Adkins. B r.............................. 2.006 tory. Through some strange oversight .................... 2,115 Kotiert», G C... ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW 2,8W> the Society Islands up to last summer busineM in Medford, has returned after Angie A Ply male .................. Despondency, Constipa 4/80 Rippey. H 11...................... 3.427 an absence of several years and opened Adkins A Webb .................... 4.010 Richardson. Jesse had not been “ annexed" by any civilized tion, take Simmons Liver 3,000 A shland . O regon . Anderson. EK 9.552 ' Realties, estate up shop 2.625 power, although France began to give Regulator. It corrects Addison. Win.......................... 2’280, Russell A Co .............................. Two carloads of cattle ami one carload Ammerman, Henry O ffre —Boom 2, Masonic Temple Block. ...................... 17.755 the natives “protection” some years ago. 20.250 Reuter, AL. the bilious stomach, of hogs passe*! through Grants Pass on Ayers, C w ............................ 2,056 Now news comes that the dusky inhab 2.550 . Kiley. Tho* Monday’s freight from Jackson county. Bolton, T K 3,372 sweetens the breath and’ 2,025 I Robinson. J W . 2,426 itants have been pacified by a combined Bauer, Frank.............. ... —»Courier. 2,800 ! Rostel, C B cleanses the furred tongue. J^R. J. H. HALL, naval and land force of 3,000 men. It Realties A White . 4.791 of Ashland 67 500 Father Clark announces it officially | Bank 14.2VJ Ryan. P J .......................... Children as well as adults Barnum, Belevina .......... required some little fighting to bring 1.400 1 that th«- sisters will again open their con Butler, G 8 ............................ 18.6t» about the result, but in the end the na 6/30 ¡ Rolterl“ A O'Nell......................... sometimes eat something PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. vent in Jacksonville, Imt net till August Billings, G F. ........................ 2,560 4.700! Reynolds, Daniel.................... . of next year. 5/116 tives left alive—quite a number being that does not digest well, Barron. HF............................. 13,460 Robinson, Joseph. (N ine Y ears in H ospital 1’ bactice .) 6.712 killed—were induced to accept the rule 9.213 Rapp. Joseph John Wool» of Woodville has disposed Beswick, K................................. producing Sour Stomach, 2.738 of France, and thus modern “civiliza Robinson, 8 M. Barron, E B .............................. «,251 ¡ Office in Brick Block on Oak street, Sec of his bop crop in the San Francisco mar Barron, G W ... ............ 2.573 tion" scored another triumph over the ........ .......... Heartburn, Restlessness, 6,905 i Ray, William ond door from Main ¡Street. ket. ami it went through on the freight . Bolt, John. 7.7U» 2A.52 • Ragsdale, J F estate.................. or Sleeplessness — a good Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wiro A shland train one day last week. Thus.. .......................... 5,000 unspeakable barbarian. O kkgon . Benedict, R. . ................ 4.475 I Smith. j dose of Regulator will 3,088 Bradshaw. W H 4,006 Shattuck, Silas .......................... Frank Morine, wife and daughter are • Brown, 4,898 12345 1 Songer, W F. HR............................. Given but a Peep at Prosperity. Î;ive relief. So perfectly ■X' home a min from their trip to Han Fran Brown, Geo J^OBERT A. MILLER. 2,025 ................................ » 2.422 H Stone, Eliza teilt M It is said that one of the most pathetic cisco, Mrs. Morine’s fattier having re Bradlev, Laura............ ... 8,743 Stephenson. G W........................ harmless is this remedy 3,919 little figures to be seen in New Orleans I covered from his illness. Beall. T F e»tat> < AO I Strong, A that it can be taken by 3.970 is that of Carlotta Patti, the niece and A TTORNE Y-AND-COUNSELOR-AT- R V................................... 6,264 I Shook, J N A. IhinUp, of Phoenix, is improving Beall. 2,080 . the youngest infant or Barneburg. F.......... .................. 15,67.5 ( ; Shaw,JE ex-adopted daughter of the great diva. LAW, ANY KIM) AND SIZE PICKETS. his |*oultrv with sorqe fine strains from llelliiiger, M .. ......................... 2.710 4.212 Slinger, Wm and J N the most delicate person John Williams's stock at Medford 2,100 Two years ago the half starved girl was Story, Mrs C 8 K Bleacher, Henry .................... - . . O regon . £W“Cheaper than a Rai! Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger than J acksonville - 4.625 taken by her aunt to the noted Welsh without injury, no matter Granville .......... 6,672 Sears. 1 Hmoked mu I mon and halibut, mackerel, Bashford. G W 2.450 castle, loaded with jewels and given a arb Wire Fence. Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. 3.030 Schnier, Henry and Jacob. mxlfioh. herring and baddie» at Met.'. A E'a, Barnum, W 8 ........................ what the condition of the Will practice in all the courts of the 7,796 glimpse of the luxuries wealth can com Beek, John ..................... 7.. 535 Stewart, J H............................ State. Office with \V. H. Parker, opposite W-» tc< no N orth S ide of R. R. C rossing . H elman S treet . system may be. It can . 2,831 The iron oie from Iron Mountain, in Birdsey, 9 X... ...................... 3.808 1 Stewart, A J .. Court House. mand. Then “ Tant Adelina ” shipped 5,150 Birtiseÿ, F G ..................... Stewart. Mrs A J ...................... HhsaU county, has been tested at the 3,381 do no harm if it does no 2.247 her back to New Orleans, and now she Spencer, N H Crocker, Mr» J D ............ 2.910 Rolling Mills, Han Francisco, ami found good, but its reputation 5,331 is poorer than ever, for she has acquired O ...................... 5.170 ; Bnideler. Lewi» C. CALDWELL, first-class, turning out steel ingots of the Coolidge. 3,229 Chamer, Th<>» estate 3,600 Stewart, Mrs Elizalteth M . for proves it tastes that limited means cannot gratify. flnest quality. A m . ax . 2,628 Churchman. JE .................... 2,000 ¡ Slinger, Willliam ...................... never fails in doing good. MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE 4.400 Strasburg pies and champagne are not Tbowe fine white blanket» at the wool Clawson, H A.......................... 3,701 ; Stammers, W R 2,22'> on the menu of the jienniless. en mills will make a »plendid pres Carter, H B.............................. DENTIST. 9,585 Stanley, Mrs H JACKSONVILLE, OR/EG-OJST. 8,896 Smith, Henry ...................... ent for your wife. They lieal anything yet Carleton. SA .................... 2,240 Nitrcus Oxide Gas administered for the 15.300 Sterling Mining Company AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac Case. J I. F M Co. ■ewn in the »late. * The Monopoly Wants It. 3,97(1 4,9O'> tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information* the painless extraction of teeth. Constant, Isaac estate 2.232 1 Stanley, AC.............................. CU9- For several years it has been the The students of the Granta Pass school Coakley. Emma best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 Office over the Bank. 3,090 2.500 i Sisemore, Mary S....................... on Thanksgiving day presented the dis Christian, Mr» L. . . 2,987 I Steven», A H ."....................... 2,OJO tom of the jiostoffice people in the de trict with an American flag 12x61* feat, Cook, Mr» J J 2,001 ! Sisemore, John. ................. 4, »'.O partment of foreign mails to bulletin the T. BOWDITCH. forty-two star»—which now waves over Cunningham, John................ 2.750 ■ ' Tolman, J C............................ 7,000 arrival of ocean steamers carrying mails Colver, Hulda 3,0011 ' the school house. 2,750 Thornton, Mrs James ......... on a blackboard at the south end of the THE JLSIEÏLJLJSriD ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cardwell, J A estate ........ 3,155 . 7,759 postoffice This proved to be a great Jacob................. Nsw at Hun*aker'» this week: Hchool Coleman. L C.......... ................. 18.3ÍEÍ Thomjtson, , A shland ,.......................................O regon »hoe-* at ft to fl AO [*r jiair. Gome and *ee ('luggage. James estate ___ True, H .................................. 2.711 convenience to the public, and every day '4,205 , them. (. as sett A Welsh...................... 4.850 thousands of people on the lookout Will practice in all courts of the state. 2.500 Towne, F........................... .. Cantrail, Andrew 9,602 4.870 Taylor, 8 C estate................. es SAÍ Collections promptly made. Talisman lodge, Knights of Pythias of Casebeer, Jacob .................. for the transatlantic greyhounds with 3.871 Toepper, John ..................... 6.870 Medford, has elected the following of Cardwell, Mrs Ellen .......... ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARiHG ; 2,834 True, J 1* ............................ 3,383 friends on board scanned the postoffice ficers ; Dr. Gesry, P. C ; Peter Hender Cantrall, John estate............ blackboard for the announcement of the 2,688 Upbam, N P.......................... 2,000 son, C. C.; H. U. Lumsden, V. C.: M. Cameron, Z ..................... CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUH FÜLL LINE ’I 5.. 35(1 3,000 arrivals. i Ctf WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION. I! W. Hkeel. P.; Newell Harlan, M. of F.; Coakley. Mis» LE 2.. 500 Ulrich, William .................. Known as the Youle & Gilroy mill, is now As soon as the vessel was reported by 6,140 John W. Curry, K of R. and H., and C. Cooke, N ........ ........................... 2,121 Vawter, W I.......................... Dollarhide, 11 C................ 8,465 the Western Union operator at Fire 4,455 Van Dyke, J G & Wife . J. Hutchinson, M. at A. • ““ ç ,O f : o . r< • Dunn, G W.............................. 2,113 Island the fact was displayed on the bul 3,000 Wells, James F.................... Remember liottoiii prices in every depart Daley. A J..................... ........... 4,924 letin. First the steamer's arrival was 4,753 I Walker, .1 P.......................... ment at Hunsaker'», everything must he Downing, FT............ -........... 6,612 I Wells, Erastus................ ........... ------o------ 2,636 announced, for instance, as follows. di»|>OM«l of MMin. Dungan, John B...................... 4.01(1 Wells, Giles & John........... 7,033 “Steamship Aller reported to arrive at 7 In charge of- Dickinson. W R .................... EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, 2,9tB The Rogue river valley press is every De Bar. George 2,043 Wagner, Jacob à Son ........ (South of the grocery store.) 3.750 a. tn." A few hours later this would be fall and winter full of accounts of the Drum, James. 2,034 ................ 3.400 White, James E................. finding of raspberries, strawberries anti DeRoboam, Henrietta 3,587 rubbed out and the following would 4.700 I Walker, Daniel ................... other summer fruits growing out doors at Duggan, Dennis .................. 18,568 take its place, “Steamship Aller ready 3,014 ¡ Walker, Minus estate......... ashionable dressmaking and Uiis season of the year Wm. Daily, of Donegan, Patrick.................... 5,682 for delivery 11 a. m." Lately the peo 4.500 Wells, Giles, Sr................... repairing done in a neat and satisfac 6,508 Woods, John....................... Kerbyville, made the Courier editor a Devlin, John .......................... 2,500 ple who have watched the blackboard tory manner. All Orders for SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. MOULDINGS, Etc.. Etc. 3,062 Wooley, Mrs Elizalieth... . Thanksgiving present of a box of ripe re«i Dean. Mrs Annie M ........ 2,116 have been greatly disappointed The 8.379 ! Walker, G L......................... raspberries in beautiful clusters on vines Fish, Tho« F............................ 2,000 arrival of a steamer is no longer an Fuller. L D............................... 2,250 i or for FINISHING LUMBER, or MILL-WORK of ANY KIND, of superbly autumn-tinted foliage. 2,063 nounced. All the bulletin board now 3,132 I Wrisley, J B........................ !.. Erb. W W 9,065 Walker, E F ................. .... Edsall, Martha ........................ 2,445 Plum pudding, mince meat, cranberries Promptly attended to. Address, Ashland. Or. 5d] displays is the announcement of the 5,700 and mackerel in tomato sauce at McCon Elliott, James .......................... 2,036 Williams, I B................... hour when the mails are ready for de Earhart, Samuel .......... ........ 4,000 Wheeler, MW ...................... nell A Eubank»'. 2,650 Farnhain. C............................. 2,101 . Wotxly, J N....................... ‘ 3,211 livery John Garrison, who went to Can von Farlow, Marv D ................ The reason of this is that notice was 9.2W Weeks, A J. .... .................... octD] Ashland, Oregon. 2,094 Citv in 1862 or '63 from Yreka, Califor Fryer, J J .................................. 2,915 Wall, Charles F................... 9,536 served by the Western Union upon ................ nia, wm burned to death in his home Furry, Samuel 5,055 11,969 Uncle Sam's accommodating officials 3,852 Watson. John estate near Canyon City on the night of the Fisher, Newman...................... 4,000 that they must cease posting the arrivals 4,358 Western Union Tel Co.... HUi ¡net. Garrison was a mere lad Fordyce, Anna 6,100 of steamers, or they would not be fur Joseph Has just received the biggest and test 5.00(1 Whetstone, Mrs AL......... about Yreka for a number of years, asso France, —VIA— 2,500 nished with the information. The post stock of goods ever brought to Ashland. Fisher, Mrs Mary A 2.720 Waltz, Jacob......................... ciating chieflv with gamblers and roughs. German I-oan Society 3,195 A fine stock of imported goods. I also car 9,000 Whitman, J D..................... ing of the arrivals was found seriously At Canyon City he )oined the Methodist Galey, 8 B.................................. ry all classes of goods, hence you cannot 10.250 Wilson, Jesse ..................... 2.400 to reduce the revenues of the telegraph fail to be suited. Call and examine the church and supported himself by garden '(laniard, Oscar .................... 16.101 Wilson, Arthur................... 3.357 .................... lag- He has no known relatives on the Gregory, W J 5,861 2.185 company derived from furnishing this stock for yourself. Nothing but first-class Worman, Edwin................. Gorden, Uriah .................... work, a good fit and satisfaction guaranteed. 2.444 COMt.—Courier, 2,262 information, which is a considerable Williams, Charles ............... Goff. John ........ 3,000 Also line of a Conductor’s Cloth. sum. Hundreds of people want to learn Are you Married? If not, »end your ad Gordon, Alfred 2.870 .......... 9,173 White, HL.......................... dress to The American Corresponding Club, Gains, James F. E. ZOELL.kER. of the arrival of a steamer as soon as she 3.450 ..................... 5,790 White, CE.......................... P, O. Box 613, Clarksbnrg, W. Va. Geaiy. E P A Wife is sighted off Fire Island, and this infor 3,280 3.557 How Scvci-e Colds arc Broken up in mation the Western Union undertakes A grandson of Samuel F. B. Morse, Garfield Unie and Iron Co Gilson, Thos A Son .............. 2,937 Montana. to furnish by telegraph to any one who Investor ot the electric telegraph, to em Howard, Zenas .................. Express Trains teave Portland Daily. 2.898 pays down a dollar. Those who were of ployed in the electrical division of tho Hutchings, J B R................... 2.200 From Virginia City, Mont., Madisonian.] South I I North 2,450 patent office at Washington. He has de High, Govan............................ When we find a medicine we know to pos a sa ring turn of miud watched the post 9:35 a m 7 :00 p m Lv Ar Portland Houck, Mr» Johanna 6.0>W ses» genuine merit, we consider it a duty, office bulletin and kept their dollar un veloped an aptitude for the science Helm, AC................................ 10:20 a m ' Ar Ashland Lv 6:40 p m 2.101 and we take pleasure in telling the public which has made his name famous, and Herrin, J 8.............................. 10:50 a m Lv Ashland Ar 6:10 p in 8,811 what it is. Such a medicine we found til recently.—New York Tribune. Occasionally contributes acceptable arti- Hotel Company. Ashland 10:15 a m — ■{ AT THE ]■ — 7:00p in Ar SanFranciscoLv 2,131 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, last winter, Hunsaker, E if ................ 2.720 to the electrical paper». when la grippe was prevailing We are Scientific Photography. Above trains stop only at following sta Hargadine, Geo R................ 2.445 satisfied that we warded off several attacks tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Photography at Cambridge has already PARIS EXPOSITION, ISSO. Hershberger, GT ................ 2.819 thut were threatening by the use of this Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, It to not generally known that a single Hermann, Binger. ........... 7,000 syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few produced several series of plates, each Tangent, Shedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc 2,055 hours, severe colds, and in the course of plate covering a section of the northern ouae turned loose in a grocery window Hockersinith. J H.......... tion City, Irving, Eugene. Hamlin, Eliza J 7.415 two or three days, entirely broken them up will catch more flies in a single evening Hantlin, T.I A Co................ Roseburg Mail Daily. Call and examine them, 3,300 by its use, as have several of our friends to sky, the whole of which, when perfected than fly paper catches all day, and be Hosmer. Nelson..................... 2.668 whom we have recommended it. It is all and collated, will be a self recorded and leavk : ARRIVE A full supply of sides, he eats them, and don't leave them Hockenjos, John .. . 4,1X0 that it is represented to l»e by the manufac so indisputable atlas, showing the posi Portland 8:00am I Roseburg 5:40pru NOW ON EXHIBITION AT Hamlin, T J A G W ........ 4.400 turers. If you have a cougli and want to tion of all star. down to the eleventh C offins , C askets , R obes of all S izes lying around loose. Don't grudge the Roseburg 6:20am Portland i:00pm Harltauglt. Oliver................ 5,722 stop it Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will mouse his little mischief; he is a good Hanley, magnitude, it will be an atlas in sheets G loves , C repes , E tc . M estate .......... 19,4.53 do the work. For sale by Chitwood Bros., fly and roach exterminator. Albany Ixxal, Daily,(Except Sunday.) of glass, and frailer in some respects Hoffman. Mrs Wm 2,90|) druggists ASHLAND, - - • OREGON. Hanley. Win A Ed 3.058 than if composed of sheets of paper. leave : abbi ve ; Howard, GW...................... 5,985 Dyeing Roses. Twenty-five years experience in Ashland. But for study of the science the glass is Portland 5:00 pm | Albany 0:00 pin Haymond Bros.................... 12,083 Sorry She Waan’t a Maa. It is snid that the process of dyeing better than any product of the engraver’s Embalming with the aid of a skilled physi Albany 5:00a m | Portland 9;00a m 4.415 cian. Th« case of the young girt Agnes Harvey. James .................... MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH Helms, James........................ 14.714 roses is becoming a remunerative branch art, and better than any sun picture Rankin, who waa recently pardoned out Hamilton, 8 B........................ Office and ware-room on Main street, at 3,048 of industry with English horticulturists. printed by the plate itself. Indeed, it is AND GRANITE of th« penitentiary, prompts the irrever Hanna. J C............................... 3.1X14 Instead of growing new varieties of one of the triumphs of the photographic foot of Granite. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. 2,760 roses, which is a process of years, they A shland , - O regon . ent suggestion that nature sometimes Harfter. Wm........................... method that a perfect photographic neg Inlow, H C ............................... 2,055 doeen t know her business thoroughly 10 UK J ST SLEEVING CABS l»h, Sadie E ........................ 24,545 simply grow ordinary white roses and ative discloses more to the student than and gets conflicting elements mixed in Isaacs, G W.......... Pacific Coast Main office, 136b Maaket St. For accommodation of Second Class Pas ........ 9,575 dip them in a chemical solution which does a telescopic view of that area of the the name body. Agnes seem.-, to have Jones, W 8.............................. 2,622 in a single hour converts them into the sky of which the photograph is a copy. sengers, attached to Express Trains. San Francisco, Cal. 3,475 most magnificent yellow tea roses, the lin'd in a perjietual protest against the Johnson. Mrs PA Astronomical research is constantly 2.403 WEST SIDE DIVISION. feminine form with which Bhe is en Jones, T E................................ Jacoby Bros ........................... 2.695 rare scarlet red or the peculiar shade of made at the observatory in this manner, Between Portland and Corvallis. dowed. Sb« got into the penitentiary Jones, W R A Soil ............ 2,350 bluish violet which has been one of the and with results equal to or better than ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OR, by stealing a u.owe in order to get away Johnson. J 0........................... 4,570 favorites of the season. In • similar those reached by former methods. MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) IS A NEW VEHICLE, WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT WANT. 4,285 way pink roses are turned into blossoms from home and Eve as a man. In the Jones A Otten........................ Scholarship, one year ................... Celestial objects are thus originally arrives : leaves : I. 870 prison she frequently besought the Kilgore, Mary Kilgore. Mrs J...................... 2,925 of the deepest red. Some years ago, be discovered, and the positions of familiar Commercial Course.......... .............. Portland.. .7:30 a m i Corvallis-. 12:10 p 111 guards to let her exchange her female Kincaid, W R......................... 3,095 fore this branch of “floral chemistry” objects remeasured or otherwise com Training School, per year.......... Corvallis. .12:55 p m | Portland. . 5:50 ¡> in attire for the breeches, and v. ithin two Kyle, A T Jr.......................... 2.821 was developed, tho first experiments pared. and this work might be continued At Albany ami Corvallis connect with 2.500 were successfully made in France with weeks after being pardoned she has again Kane, EC................................ trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad throughout the whole twenty-four hours 8.430 put on boy's clothing, clipped her heir Kincaid. W B ..................... Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) Kahler. Wm 2.600 the popular pink liortensia, which, by were it so desired, regardless of the glare and run away from house.—Louisville I Kleinhammer, Chas............ 4.818 i being watered with a solution of iron, of the sun by day or of impenetrable ARRIVICI leave : Courier-Journal. I Kubli, K 11,608 j assumed a blue shade.—London Letter. clouds by night. —Boston Traveler. Portland 4:40 pin ! M'Minn Ville 7:25 pm II, 8001 I Kahler. C W M’Minnville 5:45am i Portland .8:2o a m Buck ten'« Arnica Salve Kane. Mary............................ 3,215 The Fly Ton Big a Fool. Pampered Paupers. 5.1X45 The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Kluni, C K T H R 0 L U H TICKETS to all points 3.83.5 Put a fly on tho window and up he Bruise», Sores. Ulcer.», Salt Rheum. Fever Kesterson, G H A venerable clergyman, who is chiefly 2, Ki5 I goes toward the top; he can't be made to .................... EAST HD SÔLTH. Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Leeds. W H occupied by the cares of family real es 2.750 walk downward. A St. Louis inventor Corns, »nd »11 Skin Eruptions, «nd pwd- Lyttleton, Patrick.............. 3,1X18 tate in this city, was heard to remark to Uvclv cures Piles, or no pay required. It is Luiirk. J M .................... .. For tickets and full information regarding 2.520 ! 1 hit upon an idea. Why uot use that a brother clergyman on an elevated rail guaranteed to give t>erfect satisfaction, or Layton, J T......................... rates, maps, etc., call on company's agent 2.255 Larkin, W P ............................ habit against them? Forthwith he made way train that there were sixty clergy money refunded. Price 25 cents per box at Ashland. 3.42.5 a window screen divided in half. The Leever, W T For sale bv Chitwood Bros. R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, men of his denomination living in New Linn. David............. 5,504 upper half lapped over the lower, with Manager. Asst G. F. A Pass. Agt 5,<X*0 York without a ministerial charge. Thirteen lbs. granulated sugar. 14 lbs. Lance, G W........................ Will C»H6 <>■• Rlo»St rwnHteths ...................... User and ««»«y* »nd B**l»r* th« 2.7 Ml an inch of space between. As soon as a Some dally with life insurance work, extra C sugar, 13 llis of rices or 20 Iba. of Mark. J M ■«-altk nd Vl««r.rr.ulk. Dyipapals, 25,27.5 fly would light on the screen he would Myer. BE............................... beans for |1, at McConnell A Eulmnks'. Wait of AowtiU. Indiswalon. others dabble in literature, while not a Mnrphy, J J 3 Ik KI proceed to travel upward, and would L«ck of Strength and lirod '■ bavins three elliptic springs underneath the Feeling abeolutelycured.Bone«, few live on their wits. The speaker at- ' A-hlaiid l-'li-st Be-t. McCall*. J M ............ 5.01.5 r ».’«:•* wn end will carry 5C3 lbs. with ease), doable muscle« and nerve« receive thus walk straight out of doors. On :<-r dash. . t !<1 a solid beaded bottom. It has a box McCall, Mrs J M 4.(KX> tributed this spiritual surplus to the new force. Enlivens the mind Medfard Mail.] ir- guard arouiid the back for holding larger packages, aa suunliee Brain Power, Million. Bennett 3, (XX) reaching the top of the lower half he mistaken zeal of societies for the increase Quite an interesting little roiiividence: Mills, ■m—— — — Buffering from complainte aetured by L.eiid for coUuu^ud u * m 1 ¡ DR............................ 2.350 would be outside. Not being able to ■ A B ^2 peculiar to their mi will find aroM in Medford Tuctolay evening be-1 Mills. D R A E V............... G.A 11 I> IN 13 It ¿L CoO.-IM, L Au I to FTDB. HARIEM'8 IKON 3.630 walk down he had no way to return to of the ministry, which offer to impover tween Ashland and Jacksonville parties Martin, Alex........................ TONIC e eafe and speedy cure. Gives a clear, beak ished young men a support through col IxmlHvtllc. Ky. 2.750 thyoomplexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit* the room. By this means a room can lege and the theological seminary, and an to who waa the owner of a certain Mingus, Conrad 9,175 in« only add to the popularity of tho original. Do not experiment—get the ORIOIMAL aa4 RtRT. •“valler” dog. Dne of the parties claim- ■ Mickleson. Mike.................. 2.680 be quickly cleared of flies, which always thus bribe them to take up a calling for 6.417 seek the light.—New York Journal. ed that it »«» his by rights of discovery I Mathews, DP which they have no taste and are neither 4.683 on the road between here and Jackson Merritt. J W.... ..................... a ullsd OB recBlpt of two conU in po«ta««. F morally nor intellectually fitted. ■J.040 ville, but said he would relinquish all' Moon. A E . Browning had a marvelous memory. Dr. HARTkR MEDICINE CO., BtLouit, Xa. Mathes, W M 5.133 “ It is a free lunch route to the altar," claims and give a clear title to the canine Miller, John 4,23) I He always could tell the exact place of be said, “and nothing better could be upon the receipt of four bits. The .Ash I Morat. Mrs Anna M 8,000 ! any quotation or fragment of quotation land parties were not willing to compro Meaglev. AH 3,932 I referred to him, and was vexed greatly expected of it than that it should pro mise in this manner and alter a general MeD.amel, Darken duce a race of clerical bummers. The 2,085 I STEAMERS. 2/12 I whenever he heard his own lines mis pampered pauper finds too late that he struggle in which the dog came out third I Muller. Max quoted. 2.740 best, Ashland by force carried the day Miller A Strang ............... has made a mistake in climbing up into 8.152 ! and placing their pet in the buggy drove McAndrews, Thos.............. SHORT LINE TO CALIFORNIA. 11.Ô4.5 i For a number of years I have been sub the pulpit, whereas if he was really Morris. Uvi ...................... . Carpenter and Builder home, swearing tliat no Jacksonville March, J 8........................ 3,556 ! ject to violent attacks of inflammatory fitted for the work he would have man man could wrench fifty cents from them I Met lendon, C C.................. 5.705 ! rbeumati>m which generally lasted about aged to get into it without anybody's FREIGHT AND FAKES the LOWEST I O regon A shland Qtt any <I qk deal of that k|nd. McDonough. Jas ........ 2.924 two months. On the first of this month I help."—New York Sun. Neil. LA .............................. 2,.5(B was attacked in the knee and suffered se A Woiuler Worker. Neil, R P ................ 2.315 verely for two days, when 1 procured a bot Steamer Sailing Date»: The Most Vnkindest Cut of All. 4.200 tle of Chanilierlain's I’ain Balm, and it re Mr Frank Huffman, a young man of Nichols, T E.......................... Repairing will Receive Prompt FROM YAQUINA : Algernon—What makes me wawteh 2.245 lieved me almost instantly. I therefore Burlington. Ohio, »tat«* that he had been Nichols, J M . ........ a.fxo most eheerfullv recommend it to those so fawst? Steamer Willamette Valley — Oct. 4th, urnler the care of two prominent phv»ician.-- Nichols, GW Attention. 10.51» i who are similarly affiicted everywhere.—R. 18th and 27th an<1 used their treatment until he was not Nickell. Chas Jeweler—Probably the company it X0U6 D. Whitley. Martindale, N. V.. Feb. 1888. able to get around They |>ronoun< e>l his Naylor, Granville EROM HAN FRANCISCO: keeps. — Jeweler ’ s Weekly. Mr. Whitley is a very prominent man in 1 , 12.219 i vase to be coii'Un.ption and unurable lit: Nqnap. J Steamer Willamette Valley —Oct. 13th, 2.308 this place and his disease was very widely l>ii- |;»r»unde<i |o try Dr King's N»w l)is; Neathàmer, Jacob 22nd and 31st. Snnjr litt I f fort tinea have been made at 2.211 known as he suffered such severe pain. -W. ix*rry for t^msumptrnn. Uougw» »ml ('olds Neal, W M Electric Bitter«. w..rk f..r ns. by Anna 1‘agr, A net in, The company reserves the right to 5,400 M. Houston A Co., Merchants. Martindale. gu<: at that time was not able to walk across Oliver, Henry ì'eha». xml J iw >. Itonu. Toted«», < 4«to. change tailing dates without notice. 10,880 ' N, C. 50 cent bottles for sale by Chitwood A«-.-mt. ar« doingas well Why Thi» remedy is becoming so well known the street without resting He found, be Oregon Trans Co lot y<Hi? rsni over fkW.IM) a Trains connect with O. A C. It. and Riv 638/05 Bros., druggists. and so jtopular as to need no special men fore he had used half of a dollar laittle.that O A C R R Co »»••ulh. Y« n «•»«do the «urfc and li»« er Boats at Corvallis and Albany. 3/78 tion AÜ who have used Electric Bitters nt bnme, wlwrvuf row are. Even be- he was much tetter; he continued tu use it O'Brien. John giun< r» nr«- «-»•»!»• enrnittg front «3 to 5.425 Freight and ticket office, Salmon street The discovery of a preventive for croup, i sing the same song of praise A purer mi<l js fo-dav enjoying goud health if you Olwell, Mrs P W f Itoaday. All •£«-*. Wt sb’-w yon how wharf, Portland. 10.841 is one of the most important made in re medicine does not exist and it is guaran and start y«*a. I nn work in spare tim« have any throat, lung or chest trouble try Olwell. P W nr all tin- lint»-. Kig nw»ney for wwk- 2,991» cent years. Since first discovered it has teed to do all that is claimed C. H. HASWELL, J r ., Genl F. & P. Agt. Electric jt We guarantee satisfaction Trial hot- Orth. John estate • rs. Failurr nnknon ti aiw-nf tb’ in. Orme, Alex ................ 2.044 l>een used in manv cases, and with unvary . Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver 1 31 Montgomery St., Sait Francisco. \EW m»«l w<»t»»lerf»»l. Farti* alari* free. lie free at Chitwood Bros', drugstore. Portlaud.MaiiM Parson. J 8.......................... 2.1m ing success. Its Ix-ing within the reach of and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, H.II«Urti A’ <<»-, C.CHO6UE, G.F.4P. A.O.P. R.. K.UO0 all makes it the more valuable. It is onlv salt rheum and other affections caused by Men» woolen underware, extra heavy, Phillips. Samuel P............ Corvallis, Oregon. Powell. Philander 3,494 necessary to give Chamberlain's Cough impure blood.—Will drive malaria from the <2.25 a suit, at Hunsakers. .5.354 Remedy freely as soon as the first indica system and prevent as well as cure all ma Power Light Electric Co. Ashland.. Twenty-five standard novel»—with 2x3 to Pruett. J M estate.......... ...................... 3,<»W tlons of cr. up appear, and it will dispel all larial fevers.—For cure of headache consti I Pi.v mire. J W ...................... »elect from—given away free to every new 2.•-,21 symptoms of the disease. Full directions pation and indigestion try Electric Bitters. A * NICE YOUNG MILCH COW, with «351 are given with each bottle. For sale at 50 Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money y subst-riter to the Rtteonn or old ones who Pn'yne, C- T A *>•) 1 Parker. Sarah J. a. _____ calf, for ___ sale. 2.300 cents per bottle by Chitwood Bros., drug- refunded. Price 50c and $1.90 per bottle at ,t ____ . T_ Inquire for price, tyill nay ^ycar in advance. A cheap meth ‘ Pacific Postal Telegrash Co ............ 2.320 etc., at the R ecord office. 1 gists. od of getting your »inters reading matter * Chitwood Brus, drugstore. Ashland Fence Works! /^iake Up. H s. EMERY, J w ♦ CONTINUOUS TWIST cf the WIRE M 40 years A VOTTATCr surveyor i V u n u, an(| Government Land Locator. H J ■<B T Z4lN- ¿TYtY£R^A!)É AGCNTS WANTED !i DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT RUNNING IN FULL BLAST, F.E.ZOELLNER, JAMES S. ROGERS Manager F Prices Reasonable. « MRS. M. L STANLEY MERCHANT TAILOR, ASHLAND OREGON. EAST AND SOUTH WAS AWARDED Southern Pacific Route THE ONLY Shasta Line. H. S. EMERY B rand prize ! Funeral Director. M artin & H arris ’ State Normal School OHLY PERFECT SEV-WÛ mWiSM .F amily U8B. size iiTjisr-A.nz.OTyi? THE ONLY TRUE IRON I TONIC THE YAQUINA ROUTE I Co.’s Oregon Developement Read the “Record’s Premiums. O. R. Buckman Milch Cow For Sale. X i