____ 7abefs Goldßü Fenpk Pills, >• SUMMERING THE PETS. ForPtwiste Irre- ter Itler: l>'-l.kL >en on tx»e m&xket. Acre? f aiL ¿*1« rewi '• «ôd p est l>eer of Anaheim, wine un.1 Hennessy brandy, which will lie «old b) the quart <>r gallon. ................................ .Circuit J uiigs ! Our table« a e supplied with the latent pa­ M Cuivtg................ District Attorney pers. Coine and ee us and we will treat you as well as we know how. Fer Jaekaee. JuaepMa«, Lak« and Klaiu- atk «eanti««. THE iscmou oewrr. Jacksonville OeMHr S m C........ ............ .. ............................. tieuator Thee Cameron.. J M McCall ... ) Representatives Sama«4 Ferry . J W Merritt........ J B Mail .............. ............ . ..County Judge .............. jCotnuiissiouers CkM W Taylor Boa Haymoa* Maa Mailer ........ ............ .. .County Clerk Ubertfl JamwU ffirdsey ........................... U Mrtfwy ............................. Treasurer See K Moomar . ................... Assessor I L Hamilton. School Buperinlendeni C B Pric«.............. Burveyor ........................... Peter Auplcfate Coroner Dr J S Parson .. ...................... INTERNATIONAL JOaiFMI«« COCVTY ■ B Mliler .... V«S bot Uoivtff ... C O Mgeiow........ Granta Pass Joint senator ............... Representative .................. County. J udge ........... |CommiMwners TYPEWRITER P Maaeaa........... ................ County Clerk Okaa K Ckaaaler ..................................bheria J C Mee« ............ ......................... Treasurer J W Sbenr.......... ............................. Assessor . B C Harmon School buperintende- t ' W A Mamte . ........................... burveyor ' C W Mav«aa ............................. Coronor Dt WaUac«........ . 1 ■ixMATa cotmTT. Cuanty Beat........................................... Linkville C A Oofowall, ef lAke ........ Joint B«uator I A «ardor, e< Lak« Joint Kopreseatatire I J B Ort.......................... ............. County Judge I W C Grawtord ..................... ^Commissioner» • 8 8Ur«rs ............................. | Clerk A L Leantt.......... .... bberiff B W Woven____ Treasurer Wm B Mo«re.... Assessor Jeha Kmart ... . School buperintendent r L Feaatain UaLe«k«erd ... ............................... burveyor .... .......................... Coroner John W Mieman« ia«k A strictly first claaa machine. Fully warranted.________________ Made from very ______________ liest nu alerial, , by skilled _________________________________ skilled workmen, and with the be-t tools that have ever been devised ior the pu, pest. Warianted to do all that can be reasonably -- - -* <>f ‘ lhe very l>est type' ¡writer extant, • xpected Capable w. rds per minute— pable ot writing 150 * -* or uior«—according to the ability of tbe operator. Price - - $100.00. If there is no agent in your town, address tbe manufacturers: THE PARISH MF G CO. Agent« wanted. FPFF/ r liim,! covktt . PARISH. N. Y. STENOGRAPHY and TYPEWRITING free Couatf Heat ................................. Lakeview 0 First-class facilities and best of teachers. well, ot Lak« .......... Joint senator Address, with sump for retu>n postage, .. .Joint Kaprescutatire THE PARISH MF’G CO.. County J udge Parish. N. Y. iCoinmissioners Clerk bhenfl .. Treasurer School Superintendent .............................. Assessor -------- In A--------- J B N«Don«ugh .......... Stock Inspector W E Barry The circuit court tor th« First Judicial dtnrtat Mt« in Jackson county on first ■«■day la April, »«ptember and D«c«m- •W. In Klamath county on Becoud Mun Say ia Jun« and first Monday in November, Anyone contemplating the purchase of la Laba county on the third Monday iu a first class Sewing Machine Should Not ■av aad th« «acond Monday in October. Fail to BaJaaophiao county on first Mondays in BUY A XO. 0 WHEELER March and August Boe Jaahaoa county th« County. Probate ««l «very •••■ th, evmmancing with the first Mouday; A Bargain in one of these Fine Machines toe JoMphina county, th« first Munday ui can be bad by inquiring at this office. Jaamary, April. July and Mptcmber; fur Lake oouaty, auev alternate mouth, comi - th« first Monday in January; ior county, th« first Wednesday in ■aa. September and November. ----- TO------- A BARGAIN Sewing Machine PEOPLE GOING J a. cK. is ville CHURCHES. WILL FIND PRESBYTERIAN. Church, comer Main and H«lman streets, flegular Bervioe«.—Bundav, 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Bunday Bchoul. » 30 A M. Yosng P«ori« « M«etine, 8 o locck P M Prayer Meeting, ev*y Thursday evening. Rev. F. U. B tbanuk , Pastor. Every Train at Medford. Ask for The Best Coach- PLYMALE’S METHODIST. Church, corner Main and Bush streets, lor Service«.—Bunday, 11 A M. and __ P. M. Bunday School. 9.30 A. M. rajrer Meeting.every Thursday evening; t o«nc People • Meeting, ¡Sunday 6 r. n . Ladlee' AM Society, Wednesday 2 r. m . K kt . C. A. L bwi «, Pastor. OnF. __ _ _ ._ _ i . BEATTY’S TOUR OF TIIE WORLK L a -Mayor Daniel F. Beatty, <4 IL ati, Celebrated Organs and Pianos, Wash ng:n.-, New jersey, has rettmed home from an •• tended tour of the world. Rend his aùvtr- tisemcnt in this paper and send for catalogu»-. BAPTIST BEATTY Chnreh, corner Church and High streets. Kemlar MarvicM.—Sunday, 11 A. M. and 7 r. M. Bunday School. 9:30 A M OhNetfaa Endeavor Society, 6:30 Uhtistiaa (>:30 P M fraywr Meeting, every Thursday evening. Covenant Meeting, Saturday before third Snnday in each month, 2 r. M. Ladies’ Serial, «ecend lueeday eve in each rnuii h M«v. r. K. V ax T amkl , Pastor Denr Sir:—We returned bnm<» April t, 1S>, Item a tsar a r e a n <1 the w«>rl I, vtolttac ritH.fr*> Aska, (Holy I*n4)t In­ dia, C*yl<»nv Ab rtca(K«ypt^Oeo- antes, tisland of th* S ms ,) and Western Arnot I «a. Y*t in al! ourrri»*tj9t»vn*y of K. »74 mil*«. w*d«> sot remapi b««r ®f hpArtB* a j inno or aa •warter tn tons than Beatty*« F.»r w* Klteva w* h»vo tb* EX-MAYOI DAS Uf. bfeATlY. *w*ete*t ton*u Froao • Fh*tcfrap»y tnk*n In l.ondcn, Kn^iaud, 148». mad* at a nr ta -------- preve to thm thia --------------- »tateurant is »*<•«. row - — „ --- yntt ------------- »’xiilctriy tro*, ms would lib* h-r anr reader of th:* F*p«r to ordur on* of our inttob rt* orjrati* or plan -a, and w* will offer you a gr*at targatn. Parlfctilara Frea. Aallafe« tin® GUAR AN 1 EXD or money prnmpt’r r.v. *'ind*d at any »lra* wtthln three (9) yearn, with tnt*rc«t •l»prr<«nt. oaaitbar FUno or Ortf*n, fully warranted ten y*u«. 18?® wa left homo a nil oat pic rboy; U.-lay we hare neat ly one hundred thousand of H?atty’* ortraaa aud pianos in are al! owr the world. If they were not food, w® could not have wold so ma y. Could we I Ko. cortalily not. rlach aud every Instrument 1* fully vrarmnied for ten years, to be manufneturod from the beat matartal msrxet affords, or ready money can COHGREGATIONAL. Church, our. Main alreet and Boulevard flanlar Service«.—8unaav, 10:30 A. M. a*4 7.3B P. M. Sunday School. 12 M Prayer Meeting, every Thu rid ay «veiling. Rxv. O, J. TVaaaTxa, Pastor. CATHOLIC. Chnreh. corner Sixth and B street* flajoalar Service«. —Every fourth Sunday M A. M. tiunday School, every lourth SunMey, S P. M. F atmbb F. 8. N okl , Pastor. EPISCOPAL. ttervkes in Baptist church, cor. Church and High «treat*, aecond and fourth bun- *aya. 3>. M. Rrv. F. B. T ickxok . Pastor. DUXKARD Church on Granite street. quarter. and ottener Services every SECULAR UNION. Ashland Secular Union No 1, meets at MeCall's Hall the first Sunday in every month, al 7 o'clock p nt. W N L ucky , Pres. ORGANS^™« H S Evan«, sec'y. ■■■■■■atotegKi fl »X or Holiday F mteoto. Calai ic Fn«e. Addreag Hoa. Daniel F. Be«uty(Washington, N.-w Jersey W. N. LUCKEY, Real Estate Agent, ■ TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I Unit*! States Land Office, Roseburg. Or.) Junes. lfriO. i OT1CE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT in compliance with the provision» of the ac» of Congres» of June 3. ASHLAND 1X7». entitle,! "An act for tlie »ale of timber iatui» in the State» of Califor­ nia. Oregon Nevada ami Washington Territory,” Edward Caniphell of Klamath Will Sell, Rent and Handle i it) . county ot Siskiyou, »tare of 1 'aliiomia. has ibi- d t) tiled in this office his sworn »ta'ement for th, parchaseof the b \V of Real Estate on Commission sec No. 3i>, in ip No. 39, South Range No 4 East, and will oJer proof to »how that the ▲ Choice City and land s- ugh’ i< nn re va u hie tor its tinil>er or stone than for agricultural purpo e.», Country sale. and to e»ta ii»h bi» claim t<> »aid land be­ fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Friday, tbe2*ih day of Noveuiher. 1«ie cre e l land- are reque-ted to file heir claim-in this ottice ,•<’ or before NICE Y0fs-t be it dog. cat or bird, is often a most embarrassing question It is often a nuisance to il along Humanity de- matul* that if left behiit.l it utnst I* properly can-d for The tinii:*-rorts finci mt. dealers ami doerof do nestic [>'-'• tn this city fully app:relate this sitna tion of affairs, and in summ-r notify the public by signs on their establishments that with them can be found "sunuter board for domestic pets.” A I-AROE BUSINESS. •The business 1.« quite a:i extensive one.” said a keeper of on • of these "pet hotels." "yet it is not as great a* we would like it to be I think that the keeping of a house cat or dog is getting lens and leas |s>pnlar with people in or dinary circumstances The wealthy people keep tiieui because they have the room and servants to look after them The wealthy though generally own their country or I »each places and isend their ¡iet» there, so we get very few boarders from them '•While people tn ordinary clrenm- Btances are giviug up dogs and cats as house pets thev are growing fonder and fonder of song birds Dealers who take birds to board are now doing a rushing business People of tnislerate means when they leave town generally go to hotels where they wonld not be allowed to take their jiets. so it is from them we get most of <>nr I »carders One Sixth av­ enue dealer is lioardiug nearly one hun­ dred caminos and many parrots and mocking birds Fifty cents a week is the charge for small birds and seventy- five cents for parrots We charge $10 a month for a dog's board, and $7 a month I for cats ••People who value their domestic pets shonld be very careful how they care for them during the summer Give your birds plenty of rajie seed, and as little large seed as possible Slip a piece of green stuff between the bars of the cage occasionally Also give them a bit of apple once u day Apple is a uatural tonic to birds Keep your cats indoor« as much as possible, and brush their coats thoroughly every day Feed them lightly.giving them fish and milk dishes, but no meat HOW TO CARE FOR DOOB. •There is not one owner of a dog in ten who knows how to care for the ani­ mal. The dog should be kept as quiet as possible throughout the heat of the day. but he should not be chained or worried with restraint He should be fed lightly and only ttirice a day. and change should be made in his food fre­ quently Don't give him meat Give him a bone to chew once in a while. Forstaple food give him milk dishes and vegetables. A great many people will tell you a dog won't eat vegetables, if a dog turns away from vegetables the first time take them away at once Give him a fresh supply at the next meal. He will be hungry enough to eat them then, and soon will take to them as naturally as to meat. ■•Dogs should frequently be washed in cold water containing a little alcohol. Use common yellow soap If you must muzzle yonr dog in summer, don't keep him without a muzzle all the rest of the year Put it on him for a half hour or bo every day. and he will get so used to it that when he lias to wear it steadily it won't worry him. If people wonld do this for their pets there would be fewer bo called mad dogs. Dogs are very like­ ly to have a msh of blood to tie head That gives them a running fit. They froth at the mouth and people think they are mad I never saw a mad dog, and I have lieeu handling dogs for fifty years. When a dog gets one of these running fits he is harmless, aud if his head is ducked into a pail of cold water he will quickly come around.” "At this time." said a South Fifth avenue bird fancier, “not one qnarter of the birds and animals here are mine. Most of them are boarders. There are. be­ sides tfle canaries, finches, thrushes, mocking birds, macaws, parrots, and in that row of strong wire cages are cats of valuable strains, and back further 1 have the monkeys, while I keep the dogs in the basement and in kennels in the I yard.” The reporter walked into the yard and found kenneled there comfortably a St. Bernard, several fox terriers, pugs and black aud tans, and there were probably twenty more iu the basement The fancier said that himself and his wife and grown daughter had their hands full tn caring for. feeding and doctoring the menagerie in the summer, but as regu­ lar custom was light he found it so profitable that from year to year he in­ creased h;s fixilities He charges for birds from 25 to 50 cents a week, for cats $2. and for dogs aud monkeys from |1 to $5 a week •That St Bernard over th re." said the fancier, "will eat as much as you or 1. and then he must be cleaned and washed and exercised occasionally.”— New York Times. COCOA AND COCAINE i The Celebrated French Cure, ’APHRODITiNE'’ THEY ARE MADE FROM ALTOGETHER Is B old «a « DIFFERENT SHRUBS. On« 1« a Delightr-' Fond, th« Other 1« a Powerful and Nerve Coeoa Are Stimulant—Chocolate Identical—Hu* the Former Orowe—How It la Obtained. The introduction and the common use of the terms "coca” and "cocoa," appli­ cable to medicinal substances, have hud the effect of confusing people's minds with regard to the source and prepara­ tion. and. in aonw* cases, creating a prej­ udice against the use of wholly different ■nbetances—chocolate and cocoa. The medicinal wines of cocoa and the pow­ erful alkaloids and nerve stimulant*, co­ caine and hvgrine. are prepared from the leaves of erythroxylon coca, a shrub indigenous to Peru and Bolivia, wholly different to theobroma cacao, a small but beautiful tree, which grows luxuri­ antly both wild and cultivated in the northern part* of South America. Cen­ tral America. Mexico and the West In­ dies. from the see.bi of which chocolate and cocoa, ami (front the oil) cocoa oint­ ment or "butter." are prepared. When the Spaniards first visited Mex­ ico. four centuries ago. they found the natives uaiux chocolate. It was intro­ duced into Europe as early as 1520. and has since lieen more or less extensively used in every civilized country Lin na*ns was so fond of it that he gave to the tree front which it was obtained the name of Theobroma—focal for the gists Chiaxilate and cocoa are only two forms of the same snlistance sy Sc 1 GUARANTEE I Lx to cure any form o( uer vnus yffTjB dise»,r. or « r diennier of the BEFORE generative c- /•» *' TER Kaus of either sex wheth fui w; ‘‘U* the inasNe» ever pabhehed. It is a t r< . rybody—man. woman a; d child. In every DacnpMioa er walk in life. The aiHiice knd p*a< tica! utility ♦- regard« d aa worth i** welthtin gold. For w ant of apace we can orly briefly »ummar- ir.e a Final I portion of thecoatvntser this treat work, aa follows : ObiaeM. Japaae**1, tbe people *f ludi*, Africa. Ma4a<*3eat, Patoctla», leetnná, lt*r»et», Barmah, the Habdwlcti ItoMtfl*, Rcrrl*. K«. a* namna, antelope*, pen«, peiwd», naedlto. and nany «u’.r: thiagr. all sf wnkb will ba toned peculiarly iuwrettlag «U ia«waedea. FOREIGN ritOUrCTS. Tntarsidgf aa^rtpüon» ilta* t .at*d, of the cuitar* *nd prey«™1*»» tor atarkat of t«*. coto* ehocotate, cotton, flax, hemp, misar, rica, BuUMQ*. clover, f(ni*r. ciai»aia*n. aDipi?«. p*pr b- w h* H**y be bl* own hvyn, and containing full ant :cl** CBpiauatton* «f th* gvoeral la»« end th* law« of tbe ce nistorr of Am*ri*a, Irom its diaowrery bv Colcmbu? to tbs proseat tinse; graphic J*aeriptteus of faetou* battle* and impMtanl events in *.he history cf a" nations, ch onotogdeal I- history, etc., etc BIOGKAPHY. Thl* great wink emJ ahi* »be Lives-f aft lw Ffe* J « of :!>• United Stat«*, fr<»m Washington lo ¡ Hatrisor vri.'i peruaits and other .¡¡leMration*. als* llr«a and portreite-r Napcioon Mcn-ipart*. Shakespoare. Byron, William ' routs. Re»ij;iEiin Franklin. Henry Clay, D mi I l I W*b*ter, and I I famous rsa«erm*n. authors, p*eis, gc&erhls, clergymen, etc-, : down tn lhe ¡«resent day. | IGRICULTrUCs Valuable Mntoand usefol suggestions ¡ t* Vanners, treating of field crop*, ^ams aud fcneea, fertlHser*. iaixa Inaptosttott* : iir*«toch raialug. Including lb* treatment of dl**a«es ot domea'as anjrjals ; poultry keep in e, and how ir.ado sucoeMful «ad prolitablj; bee keepinc, dairy faimlng, etc. Tb* treatment of th«».) suhject* is complete and exhaustive, and rshdtirs th? w*rk of great pmctlnal use t* farmers audsto*Lnwn. 1 i 1MIRT1CU LITHE, nereln is given the most useful hint* r* growers of ail kinds of vegetable* and rrulte, a* gathered i irons th* experience of ths most successful horticulturists. AUCIIITECTFKE. Designs and plansfer houses, cottages, ' hart:« and other outbuildings, vim valuable tuggcstlbUS te iboso iutendiog to bul'.d. • IIOL’SEIIOI.P. Thi« work contains tried nnd tooted recl.D*« I for al mo« every imaginable dish for breakfast, dinner and tea. this department alone being worth more thsn nit»*-icntbs ot ! the cook Ixioks sold: altuo«t innumerable biute, h*lpe mid reg- geations to he upkeep- ra; designs and suggestion« n.r hmuiug MINTKG. P«c ¡¡lion« and inuitration* of th* mlalnc of rea. v loonutlfnl things fi.r the adornment of I imm , in needle- «.u i, Mirer dfeuoi. . , coal, saH, eopr«. kuJ zinc th, aud wo. embrelderv, etc. 5 hintsou floricultnro, telling how u be ' qulcbshver gne•essfttl with all the various j lanw ; toilet hint«, telllinc how WOXPERi OF TIIE SEA. Herein ar* d**ciH-*l an I te p.-ctefyp and beautify tbe oompleatai, hands, teeth, hair, Illustrated <»* many wonderful and beaniifti! things found *t 4»« bottom of th* ocean, th- plant*, flowers, shell», fishes, cte.. Hkr- c<3.. eto, MEDICAL. Matty doilare fa d-totor«’ bills trill t>e saved wise pear! diving, coral fishing, etc-, etc. annushv to every po»««*scr of this b»*4c through th* valuable »TATirriraL AXB MIUCfXLAMEer». lb-»»* information herein centaiuod. It tell- how to enre, by simple is^iion g ’’Mi amount *f useful end inu resting informs:»». rc'.i«Mehome rcm*die>, »vailable in every honwhold, every someot which lathe population pf Amertsnn «Itlcs. are* m ! disease and ailment thpt I* ourabk. thia department forming a population of thre.inlinniu, of tbe Rtat*« and WrrHoHe*. ■< l •omp etr medical hook, the value of which in ar-r heme can •f the prteciMi oowntrtos of lhe world, length ot tb* prl < h .¡I hardly be computed in dollars and cents. rivers, pre*identiol vote for sixty years, rreohtesttal etathtic*. INVEKTIMW AND DISCOVERY. Remaikably inter- ‘ aiaa aud d-pvb -f se«s, lake* and ocean«, heigh: ©f MMMtaiti«. wHg djfl-rln'.ios* of great Invention*. In lading tbe Bteam ' i«comotl*Si of unimals »Mt vstodty of b*dle*. heftht ol w-..i mem*, tom?r« totvors and Mreetur*». «truetuvea. diatancoe from Wiuhlugion. *:••> Engine. tlteTelexraph. tbe Printing Pros«, »be Electric Light. ¡ meat*. Yurt, to important potat’.*bronMng!<-"lM«<m«ti. »u. ScHlng Mschlue, th* Cotton Gin, ete. eiiH»'. rtc., o*n-.nw>n wraiMinsücel prroFB.ru**« :.r •r» ’L •<. prut THE WOUMFS WDNDEUfl. Gn^hi« ler-riptl •«. tiuaelBttan and u*e of capital’*. WallStreot • rv • •-eaudfnllr illustrated, of ths Tnllowstoae Path. Yoscml’^ . f the wcrld, c»;rl*a« fact« !■ natural lit-’ ' Valley. Kiagxra Full«, tbe Alp«, P«ri«, Voeariu«, Vf; u:;feata. ori»!» of th-Mttnw** «fötale», nrdof r- • ■ orri.» Vkun*. !h* Canon« «f Colored«, Mnmmcth Cart, wniLi*. p.»|^lRr fatica, (umiliar quoiatiunx. • . . •i « f Bridge, Watkins Glen, the White Meuntaius, cte., ete. rinnt«, dril»« words »f fernous pvfAOp«, fate •' *, ..— le.« ___ flub-, (.h... ieahuf |*ver*meut* *i tl.r . -, i ‘iMhtlesôf the • * vt*., Tli lVBlJfl» Dotorir-tte»*. proftasolr Ifiuatrated. of u * lit», I- I rie. mawu^rr, ouston:«, peculiar form», tlte* «nd evr*im>uiee of the TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Ottice, Roseburg, ur.J JuneS 181X1. ( \YOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAI A3I in compliance with the provisions u. tlie act ui congress of June 3, 1878, enlitlcu "An act for lhe sule of timber lands in tin states of California, Uregon. Nevada, ami Washington Territory,” Frank McCracken, of Whi.e 1‘omi, councv of Jacksun, state ui Oregon, ba.» this day tiled in this office his swurn .»laiement lor the purchase of the N W J4 of N W B U of N W ‘X and N W J4 ol e VV U ui see No. 24, iu tp 39, t> B No 4 E, and will o..er pruut to shuw that ibe Land suught is mure valuable for iu timber or sioue than lur agricultural purposes, aim to e-iablish his claim t »aid laud beture tue llegi'ier and lieceiver of this office ai Kuseuurg, Oregon, on iriday the 28ih nay of November, 169U. He names as witnesses: Al. llopklns, | of shake, JacKsuu county, Or., \V iliiam Nelsuu and George A. Bmod, ot Ashland, Jacason county. Or., Edward Campbed, ui I Klamath City, oiskiyuu county, Cal. Any and all peisuns claiming adversely lhe auuve-desenbed lands are requested to ule ,heir claims in ibis unite on ur beiore »aid Zaih day ui Nu>emuer, 1890. Juux 1L. burrs. Register HOW I'lH’OA IS OBTAINED. Tile tree twice a year yields a crop of reddish sjxingy fruit, shaped somewhat like a cucumber The ripe fruit being collected at the decline of the moon, the tree contin; -s its yield for twenty or thirty yean- Each fruit or poti eon- tains from six to llfty beaus n-sually alMint twenty -and there are from ten to twenty ponuils of such beans from each tree at each crop The beans are usually about the size of large almonds They are frequently short, there is no cannot help coming to grief what can end to the list; for trace admit the prin­ be expected of a submarine monstrosity cipal of mixing cocoa with vegetable in­ which is neither “Csh. flesh, fowl nor fusions or decoctions or essences and good red herring?"—London Broad Ar­ the variety tiecoiues interminable. row The French limit themselves to the Remarried After Thirty-fire Tears. use of the word "chocolate.” derived Sept. 14. near Newport. Ark., Jacksou from the Mexican name of the plant Thomas was married to his divorced (choeolatl): they seldom speak of "cocoa.” wife after a separation of thirty-five What are called "cocoa nibs” are the "Flake cocoa." years. Forty years ago he was a farm­ beaus roughly crushed er’s son. well to do. She came from the also, is another name for the beans when i .me circle. A few years of married crushed tsrfween rollers, but before any­ The life develojted some unpleasantness, and thing else has been added to them they both found that, although mated, busk of the seed after roasting con­ they were tot matched They separated, tains a good deal of mitriment; indeed, and soon after she gave her hand to an­ so do the pods likewise, and all three are other He was married again also. By more or less used in making cheap a singular coincidence she lost her hus­ cocoa The plant is certainly used in more band and he his wife about fhe same time. She married again; so
  • mng,uu Xerntury,” Edward A. Hilu- reui, ot Asti.a.id, county oi Jackson, slate oi Oiegun, Uus tins day nled m tins ollice his sa urn saitemeni lur the purchase oi Hie N \V u, ui sec Nu. 3U, m ip Nu. 39, o K Nu. 4 K. aud wm u..er pruut io shuw that toe land suughi is muie valuable lor its limber ur »tune than lur agni uuural purposes, und to establish his c.anu lu said iaua oe- lure the Register and Receiver oi mis office at Ruseburg, ur., bii rnda.v, the ZSib day day bl Nu.ember, latib. lie names as witnesses: Thomas E. btauley. oi Klamath t_ny , biskiyuu cuuiuy'■ Cai., George A. Biuod, oi Ashland, JaeKaou cuuuty, Ur.. Edwaid Lampucli, ui Riauiam City, biskiyuu cuuiuy, cai., Wit lam Neisvii, ui .Ashland, jacKsuii county. Or. Any and an persons claiming adversely the aouve-desenued lands are requested tv me ineir cuuuis in mis umce on ur beture said 23U1 day oi Nuvenioer, lbt)U. J ohn h . S ucpk , Register. T1MBEK LAND NOTICE. United States Land Odice, Kove' urg. Or.i J une 3, latAI. ) NOTICii IS HEREBY GIVEN lilAl in compliance with Hie provisions o> me act ot Congress ut June 3, lb>t>, euilueu "An Act for me sale or umber tunas iu Uie »lutes ot Uaiitorma, Un.gun, Nevada, anu tVusliingli-n lerriMiry,' »imam Nelson, ot Ashland, couiuy or jacksun, stale u> Or­ egon, has ibis nay med lu mis ottica bis swum siatemeli tur me purchase ui me N % ui N £ H, die o E ¡4 m N A X and N e z4 ui N vv >-« msec Nu. 24, iu ip Nu. 3H, e 1» r a, Mud rid u..vi pruur eu snuiv eha. in lana svUgu. is mure vatuaule tor its rnuuei ur some mail lur agiicuiiural pur puses, aim uj esumusu bis ciaiui to saiu and uemiu me i.egister and receiver u. mis urnce at i.useuuig, uregun, un Fn- uay me Zoui day ui Nuvemuer, 1.4)0 ue names a, wimesses: trank Mc- Uiacsen, ui Hmieiuiu,, J-cksun county, Ui., zxi. iivpaiiis, oi oliate, Jacksun cuun- i?, ur., uemBe A. Diuud, ui Ashland, Jaini­ smi couiuy, Ur., Adnard tainpoe.l, ui nmniuin ur.y, oistiy'uU cuuiuy, Cut. Any and ad persons claiming adversely ,.it aouve-dcscriued lauds aie requested lu me meu Cmirns in mis uilice un ur bemre said Zbm day ui N u vein tier, IbUU. jonx H. OHLPK, Register. F . ,.i tho above brief sununary of Ilacal pnrl <»f th“ « tn at I hi ihir. trr. nt work hat“ b»’t»n nani’-’«omnFbniijd b • with- cu‘. it. Il i«« work to lM»enn«ult“d “vory day with ?®Oltl t • the rariou« j orpb Kin" «iwnaio-s Hint w.atnn**y si ,.>n lu writing ar.d cohv < vr I iod . by th'* farmer and hc.us<-nifo iti llieir dally duties an I f r.rMtUfl, and for u u* tibutfud y?*T i CYCt.Oi’.-U >1 I complete in four volumes as above de­ scribed, all postage prepaid, also the \ VLlii'.Y t.i-.C >IC.i> for One y ar uj>on receipt of only $3.00, which is hut 50 cent» more than our regular subscription price, so that you practically get this large and valu itile work for the tri ling mm of 50 cents This ia a great otter, a wonderful bargain, and it is a plea ure to u ■ to be enabled to otter our readers so remarkable an opportunity. Through ibis extraordinary otter we hope tn largely increase our circulation. l*lea»e tel ull you, friends that they can get the M ammoth C yclop . edia in four volume» with a year’s subscription to our paper, lor only $3 00. Perfect satisfaction i» guaranteed to all who take advantage of this great premium otter. Those whose subscriptions have not yet expired who tetiew now will receive the M ammoth t'Yci.or.zni \ at , nee, and their siibscrip'ions will be ex- SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. scription price. Onr great <.ffer to aiibscrlbers eclipses any ever h< relofore made. Charles G. A. R. Dickens was the greatest novelist vlio ever lived. No author before or since his time has nt'RXBlDE ROST NO. 23. won the fame that he achieved, and his works Meets in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and are even n orepoptilar during orepopuiar to-day than Umn dnring id Saturday of each month. Visiting Com­ his lifetime. s. They abound in lu wit humor, rades cordially welcomed. masterly delineation z* of ¿nnractcr, character , pathos, -------- , — W. A. P athck . Commander. vivid descriptions of places and incidents, J R Casey. Adjutant. thrilling and skillfully wrought plots. Each book is intensely interesting. No lionieal.otdd be without a set of these great and remark­ KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. able works. Not to have read them is to bo ■ __ _____ far behind the ago in which we live. The GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights chablis nicKEtm. get ,,f Dickens' works which we oifrr ss n 1'ythia«, Ashland, Oregon, meets ever) i preminm to onr subeoribers ia handsomely printed from entirely new plates, wi h new type. Friday evening Visiting Knights in good The twelve volumes contain tho following world-famous works, each one of which is pub­ .-tandmg are cordially invited to attend. lished C' • m enjiwiiw this luxury. But now, owing to tlie use of modern improved priming. 1 jdiu> . I stitebinar machinery, the extreincl» low price of white paper, sud the gr-at cornn th.,,',, ¡„ the btn.k trade, we arc enabled Io offer to our sultecriliers and readers a set of Die! te.’ works -tn price which all can affnd to pay. Every lionro in tlw laud may now U n.t, ¡i d of the great auth -r’s works. Great Offer to Subscribers To the VALLEY RECORD. We will send lhe EN'TIHE SET (JE DICKENS' WoltKs. in TWELVE VOI^ CAlEri, as above described, all postage preprid by < urselves, also ibe VALI.EY ICKC- i:i> for ONE YE\(I, upon receipt oi $.4.10. which is only GO cents in re than the regular subscription price of this pa er. Our reader», therefore, practically get a set of I'icken.s’ works m twelve io nine for only «0 cents. Ti.i is the grandest premium ever offered. I |> to this time a »ei of Dickens’ work- ha» ti-na’lv leen 3I0JX) or more. Tell all your friends that tnev can get a set of Dicken.» Work»,' in twelver volumes with a year’s subscription to tbe V aii . i . y R kcukii for only $3.10. bub-cribe now and’get thia gnat premium. If y. ur subscription Im- not yet expired, it will make no dilferenee, for I il will he extended one year irom date ot expiration. Wc will also give a se< of Dickens. as above, free and i>ost-paid, to any one sending u- a e.ub of three yearly subscribers, llnlley llccorb yvbltehing ©o. Ashland - - - - Oregon. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Ollice, Roseburg Or.,) | JuneS. MM), f ’ ! . VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI _13l in compliance with ibe provisions oi 1 tbe act of Coiigre.-s of Junt: 3, 1«7\ entitled “An act for tbe sale of tim tier Linds in the i States of Califurnia, Oregon, Nevada, and1 Washington Territory,’’ Al. Hopkins, ol bliake. county of Jackson, state of Oregon, lias this day ti led m this < ince his sworn statement tor the pu. cha-e of the S of N W !, and E oi b \V of see No. C, in tp 40, 8. R No. 4 E. and will oner proof to show that the land sought is more va liable tor its timber or stone than tor agncuitu.a purposes, and to establish hi-claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ol this office at Roseburg, or., on i'riday, tbe 28th day of Noveinlier, 1O0. He names as witnesses: William A. Nelson oi Ash and. Jm kson county. Or., Frank McCracken of White Point, Jack-on county, Or., l homa» E Stanley of Klaiuatli Citv, bt-kiyou county. Cal.,’ Edward A. Hildreth ot Ashland, .lack-on county. Or. Any and all per-ons claiming adversely i the aoove de.-crilwd lands are requested to i file their «■ aims in this office on or before | said 28th day oi November, I860. J oh > 11, S hvpk , Regitter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. 1 nited State- Land Office. Roseburg, Or.,) June 3, 1S90. f ^LOTICE i:< hereby given that tn cotnpli- -X.N anee with the provisions ot the act of congress of June 3, 1878.entitlca ‘‘All act lor the sale of timber lands in the slates of 1 '.ihfori.ia, Oregon. Nevada, and Wa-hing- ton Territory?’ Thomas E. Stanley, oi Klujuath City, county of biskiyuu, sta’te of California, lias this day tiled in this office iiis sworn staiement for the purchase of the n E % of sec No. 30, in ip No. 3t>, b R No. 4 E. and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its Umber or stone than for agricultural purtMse*. and to establish his claim to said la.id befure the Register and Receiver of this ollice at Rose­ burg. Oregon, <-n Friday the 28th dav of Noveinlier, 1860. He names as witnesses: Edward Camp­ bell, ot Klamath City, biskiv* u county, Cal., (>eorge A. l>lo<>er»ons claiming adversely the above-desciflK-d lands are requested to file their claims on cr before said 28th day of November, I860. J ohx H. SSVFB, Register