Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1890)
VALIÆY RECORD Sonte stutis'.icien L?.« just £gr. the total cumber < f pe Hl« Office- will fo at 1h • Oreg >11 jured on the nulroa Hot I In Ibiw < ity l<>. O im * Week A4MLAND KM.. .iN‘>r. J» i ‘Ji Stetrf during the ¡ t V Only, Noveuitaei 2 th to 30 b. actly equal to tin* t l I «... ■ ■ e An opportunity to consult the Dr«. acd wounded Unir.n The People's Paper. Darrin should not he l.«t while they are furc'* st Grttyr-br.’g tu the war <-f the in this city. One oi tbe «ixa iul.Bta ot rebellion Parnell is btrotuiug at popular as Sen the firm ot Dis. Damn, Portland, will One of t • biggest 1 ■ t era on record The Oregon, and will re ator John II. Mitchell, main for this week only, N*>vemlier _oll> was recently caught at WkitLy. £- •- to 3Utll. Col Buhatli'Il in all cases tree, land. It mra ures from < California will actually send two demo ami none taken devinei! < arable. ity cf tail. IS inches; ci; cratic con greet rn~n to Washington front Their reputati.m is wvli know n tiirou li- body. 13 inches; full bn oí tail, b claw. ¡2 tbe northern districts—Thoe J. Geary out tbe whole country, and tbe testi- inches; length of ].vUilds û and A. Carni netti, bv 53 and IM plural motiials oi their womieriul cures SP'-ak inches: weight v,b< Vi Jumes for their proteMional »kill, Tlie ounces. ity- B=ssss=s=s follow ing are a few ; AX OPEN CAKD. . is ai>- “lana B A man ia iamoue “old Yamhill” claim Mi 1 take great pleasure ill stating th >t connue 1 to b the « .rt'.or < i Near a : 1 ed be owed |260 and asked that it I* de Dr. Darrin lias < uro! me ot <lea Hess Far. a jon: 5' it Is? i iu the in ducted from his propertv. The hoard of •-j-> » t and ringing muses in my ear«, lite ter ibì. of tir* equalization found tbit he did owe the cure Was done bv eieelricitv in tel! ioin- ♦MO. but that it was for delinquent taxes. uU-s R ter to me at the New Yoik hotel Uktl Hi, »>., ..1 u> Ir.i.k,. Front and B streets, l oitlaml. it wa < Di the «-»image a:> I p.-r ?ver PEFEK M RFHY How naturally some of them drop into an« e of a « rank licit we owe th«- ill.M-ov phrases suited to royalty. The Ore.o- CABt or CBOM1 EYES MADE sTK »Idit t. ery of this great hemisphere it was a nian speaks oi Senator Spooner’s defeat This is to certify th t m» w ife »» s op cran« that gave u» tbe printing pre««, with regret, because “l»e was nearest the erated lor t r<«» e»< s t.v Dr. Danin with th»-cotton loom, the locomotive, the tel parson of the President.” He must lie SU' * i ss ul results. Her e»«s lia i been egraph AU the inventors from crossed ever since she Was a ■ Inld. We tbs President’s undershirt.—S. F. Alta. Archimedew to Edison have been cranks, I can i«e reterreii to at „nv time. all the great phiiosophers from Plato to J -HD II\Ii. if »N. At tbe rerent election a tramp toot 310 'oath 25th street, Ta- oma i, \\ as! i. fi-rliert Ejiencer. all the reformers from (1.60 and voted at 8acrainrntn. Üut- Lycurgus to Lady Habberton. all the AMoTHKK C »BE (>F O C. ELD. raged society snd the conns took him in Tttis i« to certify tlmt Dr. Darrin ia B great pr,-ac.:iTs from Peter th.- Hermit hand immediately and be has undoubt retrtoted my fo-arin and stoptH'd th* t«> Henry W »rd Beeciier. ali the heroes edly been railroaded to tbe penitentiary noise in my eats that baa caiiw.l me who left their plows standing in the fur 1 row »vffiie they went to tight for liberty by thia time. But outraged smut» h. ■ great cnil>.itrassmei.t the past »rar. cheerfully r*noiinm-itd him to the at- uuder Washington. — Kate Fluid's Wash not aa yet taken such steps to find • ut ill. U*d, aS 1 know them well amt their ington. whst Quay bought with tbe <400, 00 •uc. <- m ami reputation in .-an Frem is u banded him by the hypercritical Wana- mill Portland. A. C labe . Danger from Munical In*truinent*. Ifolated Hotel, Taroins, Wash. asaker to elect godiemighty H -rnsoti. A French military surgeon has been I'» . . D.lbkix PLACE ot li MNI sb making re.-ei.rche < on wind inatmmt nts The trial of Capt. O'Hhea a.-ainst hi« Drs Darrin can be voiiHUlted daily id wife for divorce, with l’arnt ll aa c.^re 70>3 Uasinn.ton street, Petllainl, which had been twed by phthisical bandsmen, and warns musicians of the spondent, WuS on deck in the London Hours, 1 i to . j ; cveiiiu.s, 7 to 6, Son <la .a, 10 to 12. All chronic ami ai Ult importance of disinfection He recom courts the past week. Parnell and Mrs. dne-as. a, bloo«l taints, I ss oi vital | h > w - mends that instruments shonld be filled O’Sbsa rsiuaed to go on tbe st .nd and er ami eariv inilis. retioas prriiM urliti v with a •*> p*-r cent, solution of carbolic tbe proseention proved that tor years • Ured, ItioU ii no re.ereiiiia urr are evel acid. or. in the case of metallic instru Parnell lias been more of a hualMnd to made in tlie i>rvt>s <oi>. erninj surli cams, ments. that they should is- dipped into Mrs. O'Shea than the captain iiimsel.. < wiire to ll.e delicacy ot (I m * patl«-iit». boiling wat r These precautions are of Examinations nee U> all, and < in ulna The revelations have created a tremen W ill lie «ent Io any adilrea . Ciiar,t S lor the utmost imjiortmice when phthisical dous sensation. The court found Par treatment according to patient’s ability persons have used the instruments, for Tbe rich and tlie |>oor treated It was found in such cases that liquids nell guilty I to pay. Ireeot cliar.e with electricity Iroiu 1.1 to used to wash them out presented a viru lence similar to that of a pure culture of A grand rally of c.tizens to take action lld..llv. All private dis-aueu leii- tially treated and < urea LUaiante«*d I a- tuberculosis. toward U n « repeal of the usury and tax , tients at a distance can be <ured bv Fortunately, the danger is small as tews to called for to-morrow in Josephine I home treatment. Medicines ami letteis long aa the interior is thoroughly moist, county. Wo see no reason for the peo- ; sent without the do. t r's name appeal which of course it usually is: but when pto to get excited over the Oregonian’s ing. an Instrument his been lying by for thuader. It »eta paid for its services bv some time, so that the interior lias l>e- A Vicious Koosrer. tbe bankers and other big grinding mo- Frank Werren. who H vhs in Shamo- coine dry. there is real danger of air aopoltoto centered in Portland. The Or- kawa. Or«*., had a little child almost containing dried germs of the disease egonian don’t go after a subject of this killed by a rooster the other day. The being drawn into the lungs of the person who next plays npou it. — .'.t-w York kind for mere love. That great sheet rooster is of the Leghorn variety and Ledger. very vicious, ami never hesitate« to at fought tho prohibition amendment for u tack any one that comes within its reach. A Lion Tamer*»* Mtiglc IVnnd. parse of $35,000 furnished Ly the liquor The child, which is about a year and a Science cornea along to rob the lion iloaloro. half old. was out in the yard, when the tamer of much of the glory that comes For a couple of day« after the recent rooster attacked her. knocking her down from the danger of Ins work There hat train wreck the Oregonian waa inde- and inflicting with his spurs two deep lately been invented a light wand with gashes over the left temple and making pandent and gave all theories and «torie« an insulating grip L.r thohaud. cun..- ct an ugly wound over the right eyeball. cd by a flexible wire with a battery, of • rrepectfnl hearing in its column«. But Had the rooster struck her u little lower some time Friday that office must have it would probably have ruined the eye which the power can Is- varied at will been “seen” by the company for the right of the left eye. Tbe child will re An experiment with this f, rm of applied science is said to have been successfully whole ebeet, from the editoriale down to cover.—Chicago Times. made.—New York Journal tbe paid locale, eeemed to teem with the idea that it was done by fiendish wreck- Optional Courtesies. era. So pronounced a change came over tbe Oregonian’s course in one short dav Among Auncng optional courtesies may be that knowing oneo would ask, “Wonder enumerated that which govern« the con duct of persons in crowded public con bow much she gets for that ?” veyances. South of Mason and Dixon's A Nice Store and a lot 25x111, near Depot, in block C, railroad addition to * Tbe .Southern l’acific Co. officials have line no man would brave public opinion Ashland. at by remaining seated when a woman instructed their employees not to permit maintained a standing position, even any kodaks to be taken on the ferryboat« were she the humblest of her sex. A 10 Per Cent Less Than it Cost. nnleee a promise ia given that the instru foreigner would argue in such a case Applv to g . F. Billings or to E. K. Alsip ments will not be used on the boats. The that he had paid for his «eat. and that A i'o., No 1001 Fourth street. Sacramento, order ia given aa a result of many com- there could be no more reason for hi» real estate agents, or to V aliev R ecord , plainta being made at headquarter« of the rising in a street car than if he were oc Aslilnnd, Oregon. work of photograph fiend«. This order cupying a seat at the opera or at a hotel should be extended to trains and depot table. ___________________ _____________ in New York, which ia too coemopoli- pintforms. It ia about time to take tome for the protection of the public »«tF to be cited aa an example, from the snap-ehota of these photograph street car etiquette is decidedly variable, ic fiends who respect neither jierson nor and whether or not it is necessary to va cate a seat in a lady's favor is a much place. In unscru pilous hands the pres mooted question. One thing is certain, ent facility of “taking” people m iy be and that fa. that youth and beauty ap utilized to base purposes, snd, at best, is peal to both high and low. even the an ever-present nuisance. most boorish individual being willing to relinquish hi« rights in favor of a wom It is announced that the new road to an with a pair of bright eyes and a styl California from Southeastern Oregon ¡B ish figure. badly ent np b» reason of the heavily I The poor wage worker, in her faded freighted teams that have been trans cotton go vn and with fingers showing porting the commerce between those two ev.dences of toil, is rarely the recipient sections— representing 8an Francisco at of such courtesy. The man in broad one end and tbe business of Klamath cloth. who has l<een Beared tn his lux Qou'Gf/ urious office most of the day. keeps his end Lake counties at the other—and that seat without a qualm of conscience, and in tbe spring Irreparable injury may re holds his paper before bis face to ob sult. Will the Oregonian please make a struct the view of the appealing eyesand ■Oto of this and call the attention of this worn figure. I winter’s legislature to the awful calamity Women in public vehicles often ex This Remedy that ia liable to befall the buainera inter hibit a remarkable selfishness and a total eats of California and the city of San disregard for th? comfort of others ( r a pleasant, <nfe. and rut © cure <or coughs Hini ull throat ua<l luug directions. Francisco. If another appropriation Many of tnem accept a seat to which SIAirVFACTt’RK» BY they have no legal right with a saucy from tho Oregon legislature is not forth toss of the head and without recognizing I. D. HOLDEN. Stockton, Ca?. coming this winter for the immediate im- the courtesy by as much as a bow or a Sold aL bv druggirt#. provemeni of that road to California, by “thank you.” An audible expression of next year tbe balance of trade will actu thanks is the least a lady should offer in ally coms over the road leading to Port exchange for the sacrifice of a place, land, the Willamette, Umpqua and R. tie and this shonld be tendered as freely to river valleys. G<>d forbid that the com the threadbare clerk as to the dude in Wood great heads of tbe Oregonian and fine raiment.—Jcnness-Miller Magazine. the Oregon legislature should allow to come to pace such a commercial cat as tropbe as the running of the Southeast era Oregon trade over the last named route. To lie consistent, these two great bodies should this winter quarantine against the trade of Southeastern Oregon as it would the cholera or small-pox. A Bl* Inducement Tur Money.* AU newspapers worth having require monsy to run them. The R ecord is no exception in this respec t. We inuBt have it, and in the advertising columns of this issne throw out inducements that will do ths work. Just think of the Mam moth Cyclopaedia and the R ecord one year for »3.00. And Dtekens’ complete works and the R ecord for only I3.1U. It yon aren't aatisfied with the whole earth, we will throw in 25 novel« free. sSeule l’p All those having unsettled accounts with tbe undersigned, will please call immediate ly and settle the same, either bv cash or note. J. M. M McCALL. Jan. 15, 1»». NOTICE Cut thia out. and when vou visit Portland during ths exposition, call on Towne, tbe Photographer, and receive the following liberal oner. All presenting these slips will be given ous dozen oi my best style cabinet pboioe andons extra for framing, for p.50. My regular pries for the same work to tbo.«e not holding the«« slip« is $6 00 i>er d> zen «i.d ♦3.UU for extra picture. Thi.« i.« an extra r- dinarv offer and the probability of doing enough extra work to make it pay proiupt- the inducement. Call and see our work, it speaks for itself. This holds good until November l«t. Verv trulv v< un>. B C TOWNE, btudio cor First and Mi'rri>on Sts. Take vour babies to Towne. Oxford ties, 11.25 pair .it Hunsakers. Delays are danger, u«. Take Siium n- I-lver ftegulatar tn time for dy spepsia, bil iousness and all diseases of the liver. The complete volumes of Dicken«' works ora Mammoth Cyclopaedia with onl a f. w cents additional io «he R ecosi .' s eubscrip- Uun pnee. lu eases of colic in stock Simmon« Liver Regulator will save them K V. C X. Haddock's Station fesst- Norri« sells lumber, L» a e YOU order« at Lucke»'«» Have you seen th as tine hJaii et> a. the Ashland Woolen Mills? Mens woolen underware, extra heavy. 13.35 a suit, at llunsukLrs. Looking for Light at the City Hall. I am building a house. 1 wanted to get the necessary permission to tap the water main, and went to the City hall for that purpose. I might have gone down into the 6tute of Indiana to have secured the permit, but it occurred to me that 1 bad better ask in Chicago. I stepped into one of the elevators and told tbe driver what 1 wanted. He lauded me on the public library floor. I soon discovered 1 was in the wrong place. I took another elevator, and told the driver of that one what 1 wanted He let me off somewhere aud told me where to go. I followed his directions, and found myself face to face with Superin tendent Howland I didn't ask him. for I saw he was busy. 1 found an officer in the corridor, and told him what I was trying to get at. He sent me to the place where dog licenses ure issued, and a smart clerk in that department laughed at me. I didn't blame him very much. I met a friend who has been in the City hall since its occupancy, and he conducted me to the proper place. 1 had lost nearly an hour. Why don't the proper authori ties see that men of intelligence are put in places where inquiries are made?— Interview in Chicago Tribune. 11 U 1 1» tbe most ancient and most general erf all diseases. 8crrcely a family Is entirely free from it, while thousands everywhere are its suffering slave«, flood's Sarsaparilla has had remarkable success in curing every form of scrofula. The most severe and painful running sores, »»veilings in the neck or goitre, humor tn tlie eves, causing partial or tot 1 blindness, yield to tlie powerful effects of this medicine. It thoroughly re moves every impurity from the blood. AND THREE-FUURTHS MILLIONS. 100,000 Prune Trees (mostly French) 35,000 Royal Ann cherry. 10,000 Early Crawford peach 10.000 Moorpark and Royal Apricot. 35.000 Esopus Spitzenberg apple. 20,000 Gravenstein apple. 25.O00 Yellow Newtown Pip pin apple. 15,ooo Ben 15avis apple. Lar^e Stock of all Ot er Lead ing Varieties of Fruits. FREE FROM INSECT PESTS J. H. SETTLEKIER. Woodburn, Or To the Farmers Gf Jackson Co. The un<Jer«igned have opened a HARDWARE TRADE Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Weight, 60$ Hats, Caps, etc. Double-Action Revolvers, etc., to the MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. LYIUN ’S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Are linequrlted both for Hunting and “IDEAL” RELOADING TOOLS Target Sheeting. And will b Kild til cur well kncMit For Rifles, Pistols Shot Guns. RELOAD YOUR SHELLS AND SAVE MONEY. Send fbr Catalogue A, showing Sights and Iiiilee of latest design. Address: Sarsaparilla CONTAINING VALUABLE WM. LY h AN, fnidileiield, Ct, LOW PRICES. R oots ® ^ hoes ) INSTRUCTIONS ON I HOW TO PREPARE YOUR OWN AMMUNITION. IDEAL HFG. CO., Box G, Ns» Haven, Ct. Full Assortmant always on hard, direct ficm the East, and 3DE Soldbyalidra^jlsts. gl;stxforfA. Prepared by C. L HOOD dt CO. Aj, Lowell. Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar at Prices that Defy Competition. Ail F G FAÄK.Y yfe C5otïî.iT.ig;, <3r>exxtiSí Send for free descriptive price-list of Repeating: Rifles, FREE. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE INDIANAPOLIS, IND « TKrtcrrimn. i W i 'M eshbskicii THE SJIDLARS I EAR ANO TREMBLE EACH, WHILE 6IU.Y HAilSS UPO.t HIS COAT Hit 6KEATSST TRUTH HL WEI SPIKE. DR: COLE No. 7t AND Price, $18 00 at Factory, vasti with Order. ul =trietly First-Cla-j. Warrauied. AU Second Growth Hickory. Steel Axles and Tires. Low Bern seat Arms. Perfectly Balanced. Long. Easy Riding. Oil Temne-ed Spring. Best Wheel» and Best AU Over. Treat a -d Cure all Chionie and Brìi ate Lineate». .1 Specialitt in chaige of each Lepaetuitnl. 1 DISEASES OF MEN 2. DISEASES OF WOMEN. EYE EAR and CATAItRH. 4. CLUBFoDT and DEFORMITIES. 6. DISEASE? OF THE SKIN. 6. SURGERY. 7. ELECTRICITY. C'.ill or write for information. Mention this taper. IF YOU CAN'T FIND THEM FOR SALE EY YOUR MERCHANTS. WRITE US. ». J. H. Russell Market. Independent East Side of Main Street, A shlaxd . CJ4.H£|qtR8OHAC0.SOLe raopftisrsaa. R. P. NEIL, 13J X- S84 Third st., c >r. Alder S hland M arble (Successor to S. Stacy,) Portland, .... Oregon. All of Kinds Fresh Kept constantly on band. prices is all that we ask . J. M. McCALL. Meats Fair living -------- )<i ON HAND A ft I.l, We will make it to xonr interest to n LINE OF CHOICE de..l with us, «o give the new meat mar ket a trial H Marble All Orders in Stone Work Marble. |% l’romp ptlv Filled. Marble >\orks t n Fresh ¡wk on hand ever»’ dar. 1* MAIN bTKEET. 17 EE I’ Ashland, Or. - B. F. Reeser'a -- i - OREGON. CHITWOOD BUGS. Hardware, Tin, School Sheet-Iron and B-oks, LOGAN’S GALÏERÏ, Stationery/ Finished in Style Equal to AWARDED FIRST PRIZES AT SOUTHERN OREGON STATE FAIR Main Street Corner, Ashland, Or. JOB WORK, ÏÂ- Prescriptions carefully put up by com peteut hands HARRIS& MURPHY BROS., Oregon Land Company, I OREGON. I I GREGORY & HICKS -CITY- Opened at the old Ashland market stand on Main street, fat ing the bridge. Full stock always on hand and made to order. f.9- Shop thoroughly renovated and re- ¡ ■:o: fitted. HF^None but the liest material u eJ. SSE1 ir inn — WITH ITS----- HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON Is the S tate I ssurlsce B uildixii . Anil where u town at lowest prices. Ashland Market T3 EVcRf READER OF THIS PAPER! Successor to HOSLEY & PELTON, Wo Want V» increase onr elicalation very largely during the tv-Eti lx i. nth- - a:.'., p nu» »Ibi«. Tu accòlli pii- Il tills wo no» il tho cooperai on ot onr present »T, rib. i», r« ’ If Zi.-h eno ot our present rea ion, wou-.d Bucero tor u i on. ntm tit ieri ter, <«u.* eir'Tilatbei v .. n I t ,i i—i of. our e But sa know t.atlt w.ll t.k« an ertrunlhiary indù mt-oi t . ,.lt u„. »urt ,'ffortx.t every onoofo'ir prvientnuliscrlber.—wo rhall nave to nulo . Ii.gli i...| \v<,,| •«< >,« ainblllcii- and auxiouu todonblo onr cirenlabon, and, by epeclal armin-miotn r. u .•■„or ih., i Ing publishing bouses »re aru enablod to make j ou ’ HARDWARE, John E. Pelton I ARTISTS' MATERIALS. STOVES & TINWARE. P ainting . P apering , E tc . All kinds of I I ! An Offer Remarkable for its Liberality. — Whole.-ale and Retail Dealer in — OREGON ASHLAND. It adit; id on.vono irtoi-ZZlse.«!», O no SubBCrlbor f, f’lis 5 r Onr V r ., -nu'ixc, pLon p,i e, uoinllgire Abiuro y Freo, ani »' t l„i n.u, Ziir. t ■ Twanty-fivo Completo Novolo-«n.?ti» ot. /i-e...... 7.,/.„r, i i Homwiis. Peterman Bros, LINEVILLE. OREGON. Cured Meats Constantly on Hand. Terms. Cash. Pass-book accounts pay able Monthly. CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS & Ar‘ist. Of Sash and Doors and all kinds and styles o: Window and Doo. Frames. Mohl (’other Main aid tjranite Street*. ing and Brackets o. all styles. Boats l uilt PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED to order. Tbe whole or t ne ball o ereti for sale. 14 Rrotnides made in all sizes. Cal) and examine our work STAR Barber Shop, Assessment Notice. The Umpire Gold anil Silver Mining and Milling C uipanv. Luca.i-m of p ace of bu-ims-. >»n Franei.'Cti. t a Lo ra i n of work«. Wagner Cr«ek Di- trii- . Jackson county. Oregon. N ;i< e is hue iy given that at a meeting of the B. aril of idreetm «. hi<d ii Fri ;av. tl e I5th day of August. IR90. an a»es.'ment (No. I.) one and om-hali (l l-2; cents per share was levied U|>' n the eaptial stock <>f the corp ration, payable iiunie .ia.el-, in I’niied mate- gold ■■ h Secretary, at the office of the Company. N. lsl2 .Market street. (Van Ness House) ro lit 2!) ran Franyisi o. Cali ornia. Any stock u;ion which thi« as-es-ment sbaif remain unpaid on the S.h nay ot N-.v- em er. I«!»), will be deli qu-nt and a l er- ti-cd for «ale at pu »lie a - ion, an I unle s p'Vmcit is ma le lie ore w ill >>e s- bl on Tip'" ay. the 2d day Decenilu-r. HW t pay the delinquent a-.-e stiieiit, ui^e her with eo«ts of adverti ing and expt nses of ea.e By order of the Board o: Di ect< rs. F. A. D avis , .'ecre arv. <diiee— N . I«12 Mari e. » be .( V.-m Ne«s IL v e) r> ont 29, ban Francisco, Calitorn a. M. MAYER. MERCHANT TAILOR. A* A Share of ¡‘¡it rouage R. F. HIGH, Proprietor. Patronize the------- ONLY WAGON THAT------- Connects with Every Train. RAIN or SHINE And carries the IT. 8. Mails and Wells Eair-o’sexi> N TIMBER LAND N THE Will be open May 1st. ntv. ut** Fll'tl. ftt'à, IH d. Jr. No. Nw S'il :-c. •- ■■■. litui'., ated fll'ti. Fluitratrd Ili A. Jia. For the gcconnuialation of a limited num ber of gqests. . .. $10 no Board and liaiging jier week. •• '• •' “ day.... ....... 1 50 “ per day.......................... ....... I <O 10 Single tneuls.... Camping privileges will be 50cts per week for each individual. (.711 BYl!*>N COLE. P bofwetor . IL STRAIT, Practical Gunsmith, MEDFORD, OREGON, I wish to announce to the public that 1 am realty to take • rders for any kind <>f unsmith wmk, repairing ^ewing mat bine«, .ling saws, sharpening knives and scissors ■tc.. etc. Office cn Front street, in building witi I bn B. Wrisley, the leal estate agent. 2-1 V alley R ecobd . Ashland, Or., ba- the no i ne.v«, is the be«t paper and the .licit medium of Advertising. K«.inc. « Kw. 13Ü, .y K««. El4. Nr IR». N«). 13?. rii'-i X«. Ml. K 'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO S IT 1 S F i C T 10.1 C E A t U T E E I. the people of A-hland and urround- JOHN DYER. I E WORMAN, Med • r» 1114 country tliai I a. am the old - and on Driver | Livery »tables, i n>p. Main street, opposi.e tlie old i la. « aff w here any ine »visbinir »»ork done in inv line »»ill always t.nd me ready t-> serve them “Axd men mat <■ tueaiid me i may go," but I am a stayer f rever. Shaving, 25c; hair cutting. 25c. shampoo ing. 25c; .sea f< am. 25»'. I United States Lan I 0 ce. lio-e’ urg Or .1 UTe3.1->!10. ( . ^OTICE IS HEREl'Z GIVEN THAT inc mpliantewi.h tie pr vi-i< n-of i tbe art of t'o’igre t'f Junes. tsTH, en i.le l ' “.»n set for the-ale of iiiiilnr a <1- in the F ate-of Calif rnia. Oregon, Nevada, and Wa hington Territory,’’ George A. Blood, | of A-h and. county of lackson. slate of Oregon, has this ».ay I,lid in ibis ofiice Ids sworn stan nu nt f. r the pu»cha e ot the 1 8 »V J4 of sec No. S, in tp No. 10, S it i No 4 tbe and will orter proof to sh w ths: tl land son ht is more v < uahle for its timi e p'irpo-es. or stone than for agricul.urat , and to establish his elai'ii to said I .nd lie- fore tbe Register and Receiv» r <if this otfie.» at Ro e ure. Oregon, on Friday, the 28th day of N.ivem' er. ltflO. lie name a- wi ee««es: Tie m is F. Stan.evo: Kiam ith Ci v, ri-k v u county. Cat.. Bdwa-d Camp'ell of Klamabi fit . Si-kty u is.untv. Ca ., Ed ward A. Ili! ir»-th <rf Ash und, Ja k.«on c< u ity. t'r.. Frual gfcCiacken o; White . oint, Jackson c>unt» . Or. Anv and all per-on« claiming : dverseA J the a >.»ve descry ed lands a e reque-ted It I tile their ciainis in ibis oflice >.n or be:ore said 2oth day of Nov. nilier. l<»i. J oh > H. S acfe , Register. Iler Mnnlfe'at flrathi» Dy A uan » a M. D wo L ìn . Ol> Niplia. »>.» M T. C ai . dmi . IktJorc». Ut Mra. J amk (4. A'. ihth *. A II fhvc i’owiml. Kj ll. !.. STKfr»reo>. A Tr<u*M«*M<»iHcGirl. By‘'T mk DvcmMC.'’ V », GteilfyuriictGulllr.ByA uanda M. D uvolam V>. . I ' h I ov I jt AccKMVtl. B/Mrd A nn ri. hrr.PMKha. /?U L Ne -, A Filine Mvteiit. Dy Mr». AAKXANtMta N •». 'I ite l'eurlot* fl#«4>rleiat. Ry Hvi.viteffaCoaii, Jr. Sa. bhii'it ilci'rlrL’n llntirhlvr. By M. ì. C ai d «« m . . The Umh'ii Fnrai Urlile, flv M ahoauh Btx>tjwr. Ke Ko. A l»itafforote«> ÌV »mun. Hy Mrs A n . i M. MvMtr.i(». N : KlitckMril Hill. Hy l.rrurii Htcui.K K hnnktw . . Tltr Perii ofKIrimrd PnrHon. Hr R. !.. F a ’. uk ' im 'l ite l.lltic Old ftluu uf tho Bttllgitolic«. llj Gtuniti Proti» 1l»e Grtrtli |oth< Moen. By J«t.Ed Vran«. N.. No Tho <»wur«f!:ite‘«# Pio:« By i>r. «•. ll. RoniSBUN. K i. Tl#e Utero«»** IVIIL By Kr/.v«Nu<# ( •<»«», Jt . Ko TneGray Fnlron. H> M. T. ('.•!.»>«»«. 'l ite *orrow of «• M«<-r<*f. Br M*ttr Orti. JltY. Kw. N... l*«-r<*y u#»<1 ihc Proubet. l-v H n C oli « nm . Tlir ^fory oi* iiWcd«lli»£ lllug. By Che uutl.or ■ |»«i: » Titoroc ’ Mterlyn W tire*« 'l'eniptufloi». By Mra. II. Woon A Mode»'«» Cloilcrellu l*v u'iilior "Dora Thcrnn.” TI»C I s I hik I 11 otte e. Bv M. T. t'At.DOM. 'I Ite I-Mini ('Iute B» Ci.ARt Averti a . Th- Miti Girl of Tyr«»l By M.T (U ibob . M h I wo ’ m llevctige. Ity 17. B idb . h II aooam , Ifntli Herrh'k. Hy ÌT im . iam |I. H vomnkll . I{ 11! ?»» '•?#*• IV urei, l'.J F i .OKKACK klAHHYAT. K- T wo fàln«MRte» Hy thè nut!»<>r Dora Torrne.' No 4'lonff«# unii ^unaliloe» by (‘ hari . iìa Brtpr.. A \ ngiib'.di'! Ilerottee. By >h". A. EnwAitf «t. Tborwycroi"! («r»ii«<e. By krrr IV»».wnop. furtetMci Coltole. By Mr«. llgNit» V.oon, 'l'ho »rtrtttu VI 4»«tenn. By Wi« «rr. Ci.f.t ivo. Tho'i'renniiretef >■ riinehiird. Hy R. 1,. R t < t - 0*4. The Rlwn«1 venture« «f John Nk-holnon. By irai l.ovfa brKtitfiHu.. ltrCR«l l'i’™» !!•<• Wiifera. !’.< MI»-« MitLor«. A Tale #»r fi»ree LI«»»«. Py II. Rinru H aooakd . I*.«ffo ^l»»ety-two. l-Y M-.'t» Cren. H a » M»#rv !!;:r<!wlcL*n Iti voi. By Mr*. H Wrror. W#t!l V'Iows-r«. By NABfdM naui.AWn. ■i 'i'H*' Mereliitnt*«frinir. Hy H<> na - ì »<» At.crn, Jr. <;« .«»•»-* Ciinh!<*l«!*M jourury. Ity VII-« H’«- ih - »< Vij *»r»lrr Kiile. H» aotlior *'lloruThomo.'' !ffwprrtii. I';- M T C' aioqm . X» i I vitti Ihr Herf. Bv H yi vanim C'-tn. >. i :*>. \ fiori« I «il»crifzttt«r. •«.» M Attv Urei». 11 ay . » I •». 'i hi t \\ hitrr Night. Hy II bruì B uchanan . » 183. The Wetl l’rteoo. Hi M. 7 Cir o «w. I or Loto ter litchra. Hy ami-or "A Gtcat Mis The Whcard of <1 ninnila. By M. T. C ai nix. A VVowu** **vereG ’■«.*«•» /l ooarA. Nv The f.ullly Iti ver. *r Wt; foiv ('.- i . i . inw . !»o IL5. _ i :*.5 *»5 Flort'tte ■ it ItiKton*« Onth. By Min. M a » y a . Dr.Ni K”. 151. I.MnrrtMler*M<'al»ln. By lira M. V. Virroa. K'u I?.3. ilni.t Grange. By Mra. llttNft» M'«»«.i. >.o. IG2. The PttlwteM tef Aap«. H» V' ì ohknok MARavAT. N« l»l. i'ortrlnff Ihc l'rtlrra. 1t» Kra. A i . kxanokm . l-a. 159. A Play tv risili*« PniiteLter. Hy Aire. a .*« k » k E»r. «M: a. 119 “ If.tllow “ ‘ N« -. V«b Unii. Br M nanAitrT Rt.nopr. ltd A ltarf<*r<'d l.lfr. I!y II «Rt avd Ko 117. «ir NecPrt II Ir. Bt Mr» M a » Awar.n l'i.aaiB«. |>:>H«'« Fortune, l’.y Fi ® wf »c» V» Aht.jcw. F" So 115. '•'he llrurfa. B» I» I. F aiur ^ m . i.v. FtfANUFACTURERS. I Albany. File wood of all kinds delivered any —DEALER IN— .lihland, Oregon. and ist iila Ils# City aid SobHiban rrcyerh. SEND : FOR : PAMPHLET. : MAI": AND : PRUE : LISTS. Freight moved al>out town at rates LO ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. Building Papers, Wrapping Papers and Twines. Cor. M ais and G ranite streets, P«.rtla d, Bianuh offices at Has for sale a large list of Gr '¡a, Stock <md Fruit Farm*. Passenger Coach to Every Tiain. H. 0. MYER, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS1 TOOLS, WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC., i’v TTtAGNBBIEIR,. In REBBER’S BLOCK, The ch'jicett of Fre»h Meal»—Betf. Mut ton, Veal. Poik. Sauxaaes. etc. ASH LA y J), : : : : : : OL‘ EG OV. CONTRACTS FOB MAY BE EL-A. ID AT Jewelry. Particular Attention to DEALERS in ■ ■ Clocks, Watches, and Copperware EVANS & BRUNK FAMILY DRUGGISTS. F. E. ZtiELLMX ASHLAND, -OR- i ■ Is the place to buy • Has just received the biggest and best stock oi goods ever brought to A-bland. A one stock of imported . ' „ goods. . I also car ry all cla-se« of g<ods, hence you cannot fail to be .-uited. < all ami examine the . Nt thing but iirst-cla«s work, a go. .d ut and a. .ion _naran.eed. Also line of a Conductor's Cloth. PICTURES of YOURSELF I i TIN STORE ASHLAND We call special attention to C. M. HENDERbON A CO.’s (Chicago) Red School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN 4 CO.’S (Boston) $3 00 calf B J Shoe«, the best made. Every pair guaranteed. PROPRIETOR. F.E.ZOELLNER, A nd i rf i We Will Not ba Undersold SOLID TOP» Using 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. "My little daughter's the was saved, as we believe, Dy Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Be'ore she v as six months old she had 7 running scrofula sores. One physician advised the amputation of one of her fingers, to which we refused assent When ve began giving her Hood's Sarsaparilla, a markt iLiniprove- tr.ent was noticed and l y a continued use of it her recovery was complete. Asd she is now, being seven years old. strong and healthy." B. C. J ones , Aina, Lincoln County, Me. II ‘s Moved into the building adjoining It. I*. Neil’s me t mar ke • n r e norti.. and invite« the public Io in-pc t his samples J. C. MARLIN SAFETY SIDE EJECTING Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest, ONE Examine the VALLEY REC ORD’S Premium Offers. It will Pay You to Invest NEW REPEATING RIFLE 1 » Tlie Opal. While meat gema owe their tint to tho presence of fome foreign coloring mat ter the ninny lined and beautiful opal differs. It ia ujiaque. deriving its beauty from the marvelous property it pos sesses of decomposing the rays of light, and thus reflecting from its polished surface all the colors of the rainbow. It needs, therefore, no brilliaut. but ap pears to the best advantage when alone. It is at present among the most prized of gems, and has held its place for ages. Mark ADtony om-e offeretl £170.000 for an opal the size of a hazelnut, but the owner. Nonius, a Roman senator, pre ferred exile to parting with his treasure. In spite of their value opals are unsafe investments, for time ua<l exposure dim their luster, while their sensitivtuess to heat is so gr* :.t t’:r.t the warmth of the haml has been known to crack them, The finest stone s come from Hungary. and amm rthe Austrian crown jewel« are gems « > irreater size ;r . 1 beauty than that which tempted the Roman emj^ ror —London Court Journal f ne in X-) IM< Lady Villaorth*« IGuuioiidn. Hy *‘T»x Fulrltef Faine. By aoth«*» nf _______________ “DAg- 'Hiam*. __ ’* PT C. ___________________________ HT. The U «xniui Ifah-r. l’y P-. J. Ii. f!< ai « h - «i. Kl. Ilei BelntM-it nrea Tiro Ttvo n k ! I U um m . Bjr ihu uuthor vf “ D- ri» flroîtr." *•’ ‘ * 1 N-’.IP) '1 tic <*r'« Merrct. Hr Ml»« *f. F. RathfMe, y .. th i ’1 he MrMMire 4' mmc of |>r. JcLrll and Mr. l’.r K. I.. SrevF.süoN. Ni' X 014 llnn'M Mncrlflcc. Bj Mr*. A n * R, IWA. lihi.t. ,<t.: t. n fT'i-ttr «. K». I “». Ko. I <4. Ko. IM No. ITI. No 120. >e. 119. Mr«. Na. HD K®. 101. N». in. w IH ácí I «»hl. n. lum.i. Ill .4A.:r riMii. H«V liHtMtl Lvatlu-.t. j, I to- < ulir,....l.. < ¿y M.T c.’ .,,.,hv Fw.-llli.l«. Ily >1. T. <•». r.««. , “'■"‘■rb t. I'r Ur.. Il Won» < II lit' BlotlbO. fir I. I TA W riFMCK. lllaf»r>. Uv MAHQAwt-T Htt r* r. Witt Of I II« «<-M. I»' (*LA#IA Affct’dTA Í .í.! ° V'1* ^•*»*M*« M. Mr T " (Uf.iHtH. J'Ll'ol, HUlti 3.!'• L,"-' Av.nw. n, fly t»i., Mei ■■m ii".*?,'’r.) Ur.« Na. No. No. M Trí.ír ■’».-•Ti ori,. ■ Ko. »>' I. M*fcr 4<*' *»<ter>.»n'«w »na.. Ko. ¿ ••■'*«)«• Dm* i > ms TWn» morn». ' a £ . No -T .• ïiZJZTLLi £• “*?<»- ' «'H ubs .. Br b * - ’ T Tiullin,,.. ’’T' mk D i rwt No. Wnni». Ko, •i•il’}.-• 'i**» ti . wlp fl#« r »(«I Mterrfa«». Ry Ml* M F n«M IT., V.“!"*- Irj. »I. »0. M. *"“*•* n— ~ "/••» •«»•>« .r V ■ a br * Ur*4» tef< M(*rw il v no I ho. |>ot« |. .fl ' No. FR. A ‘'huHou <>u tim*l*brealmld II» M »*» <*», », ■> ? ÏÏ Th* r.ftel Mllr..rT;;7fóñr,“^.r¥J.’r ‘rA* X«. M. rt.rrt-1.»’. Win H, TbL..""'’ MI*"«vMr«.l y°- D r. S. Wl>«TK C«, t I.« /.lv.On.,7 s'» Mllk-aM Nn. No. N’o. Na No. X«. Ko. No. N«. í" Ä **#*■? ****•?• WruuiNwef • Dom i j,cri , • BrtrL Ihiyw. Hr Hu«»! C«»,»*« y I«’ ^hteAotrjthe «nott. Kt R f. raw» • y«’ iS i**» ”y ’th’’. am t 74. < wllfd HftrL. 44 Hruu Í OWWAT 11 î,’/îr f.T’X' ’• Tttr Di < îî 11. lit t 21 • ..’J'** Var<'' Wtefitetete. It» Mr« 44>AKK«t 70 lb.. My-t-rr Ur H«ll, Tree. h.t'i.or »»: ” I*, ra TRori r ’ » ijtehrlel*« **".rrlH«<- .,.rr. ... .. « , ¡ CN Mtirrlteir«. Ä, Nr Í‘“ MirCr •lolite lUw.rb«»!?. Ih»'Terbi#(«I?» »» Wife, ‘r mi Ml*« I,,., i, .. . Mt ............ Jte'teer Arrrt-t Hr M I. »’ K» BtAtty fitteti. N av . a,,«..,,, , ■ æ"11ne. J r ««,, •f Hfo^,nteA rCe Í? “ N«, No. No. w0, Ko. N«. Nw. /. lililí *«--• •>“=•>• •-<’ r. Ite.ltmrtl'ynH. Hl M». n«„ »«,. r, t Thr Kr«*r-ru ¿••r Cru ’yn lh*«*n. lt....p h, w., rr.i tn. «I. |{«< L tw the Old n—.L .i« |f«m ... M.«,rrc„ K,, M «mfcr ’ -y •£? wen Mr«. H kmh W ui i Jif w lifter. ’ » B atuicm M •*•<!« « A Hrldt fr»Mtlie- Keanil*« "DmaTWr.«“ 45. 'I he Cricket <» m Ihr (‘ IleMrth. A ClirlsitLaa Hiorr. Hr rntgi pa !‘i<-grr;A. “ ---------------------------- -............................. tt “•“k tr.L«.« c„,i.M. 12 "’' "‘«'noiiuM M. MI»I(. k . ■> Man fern. U«,. M. Anter. By lira. Ifs'Mtv Wostit - ’ iHnttiuted No. No. Ko. No. No. Ko. 11’ I • rÄ,e’ «O. 2? - * ______________ -,___ <;•»«** * Ihm*. Ko J7,. K •»•’»tbe Mj mx. At FZ.teteKa. J—»hör ’ Dort. YI.«,;, *' u’- y . Ke. No. S’ *»« *• »rrru«-. No. J3 litt llrlrt« AslsJ* — - . .H. Aalslev. Kv - Mrs. - H i -. r , W- nf»_ No. M a -T < rrn flat No. !•'. AVH4«*4 Mm Hr i oOia Tkcn.u N«. 1. I hr I.Mnrt’l l'taals. Mtes Mt i^c«. Ko. «.__ Ilrnry Arh«ll. II« Mr-. Ilr.snv Woov N«. 6- Ate A me« Karton, ttt Gronr.ic Ki m > t No. 4 Bli «Idra Mair. By * nki T rova» Nc. J. < «piala wgr.H>w ?"«*« • Mvairy. yr M m T C Cat dn JHi-V. *y. tv ai « # n» No. S- Awtettg Ihr N m Ina. <*,cit »4* y. ju Uy ! i»d* rihe T.II hcm . F-y *utLoyi f j J Clink -fl ! V.nwill giro you twenty lira charming e- m | .'Me novel» fr« if >nll will r-t u- ..•iljr yearly jml.ner.ber ll.o m.v.-ls or. H lemlhl ... ra.n <t tlmy ar., publleh’S «.mi le*. lr. to it I'.ni’ptil I fo’m. > -to t te iiamiw <<(tho nnilioia—they aro tho moet eelebra'ed writer, both "f A.i.rr.-a no I E'tr- P'. JJuto nlao it,., tong MI„| ullr< UT.. Iw tn m which yon are |.rtv(fewd T'‘v ..A""±’2'■’’.'’.'.■.T1'' T11 I'-rr-fy <i4igi.iS wi n them ‘ . g ’ --I'.- y twenty.fir»yon niny rli< i , g Uli « n«<.uly me vearlv inir-rii.-r V" 1 •• '“b’ ’in** *•>"' •« " ’r.’< irrfnt op, mr.umhi - a cl, a i ns« a you never bad before t n' ■ S, 'Try 1 ' ‘-la |.,.|,or c -I.rt.l. r Ids r.!b I os n Mr. ~ed to hl me. f o, i.ererit Individ ml y Mak.» n . your intnd tb«r yw u ill J,r,r,. t»H, „f th^ chrtB,llM, ^„,71. tu «„¿U .0.1 l;,.r. Ci-fly <.>U ra o II I What |a II ingot ono yearly anbwrlber loth »paper? llier. is not ■ n • < I gin one < f < nr pi < wnt sr’.»< rll its find realtors l ilt ran ilu It, It they will try 11 ni< mber >•: nt.—; 1 fo r Iin > a • Inb or'to <M anv <• -.nvurali.g. but tn»r. ly to nM> vour ”•» I 'i li. .1 o; - ■ t sour • <.|i.-l.b _rs or frle> Is to take onr pap r ioi a year Aeylsody run <1o tbl» a.rrgi.r: Igl: rs i nd f ■ .-cis •!«< ro in ortnlnly <n ’ wlio will ><nl««rrlli. for our i sia-r rt your . 11..’: ul . I I Ii > . t Ot ..t pill out ltf.iT.or: It >.(! «■ t .pb.rnii.k 1« ........... "... «ïonra'/n ..'' r' t retTrar 1 >™r llover I nt«« -<_1 right . <'iu eu? .•i - . it <.< ,.ll| ..war: risei t<. limi Low <nsy u thh.g It f« tu go. »n I when von iroelre yonr t U“** t«M?X !v i -, .'i ’ . ■'ir'c-X' i’Vd rerv Hui" tX°rri‘‘ ,,,t: ‘be’"' X"” W,H 69 . I- r..rti,. i.-.e ’ b.i I iy< iryrntw rb<.iw. «oventvfivBforthrraralMwTlboB. and HW fit« i.«r ;; • i i’iilvr I,.-. • moo sni^rrft.. rtr vou ra i without h.o inn. li trouble, but .'<» t • - .otK-a ,<v. I ■<;: '"r i irs..:n:.ty iiveclawming.-ompIHansTelafr«., Ton will Hli. . grami ■ I an r-4 y: at ; orlm.llr-lt jou paM th!« offer by tmined'l Order jxur BC’Tel« I'; tud mimvcrj c.i giveu. AlúitM aii k'.’^rr. •