VALLEY RECORD PREHMKD BR1CKA. Examine our protmum offers Rivet ted overall* AS cent« at Hunsaker* Jams* Norris aril* lumber. Leave your •Her* at Lackey '*. A son w >• horn to the wife ot Henry Taylor on the Dth Have you seen th< «e fine blanket* at the Ataland W -olen Mills? • JAT Bell aliipped two carloads of hay to Cow creek last week Jud/e Parker, the Link viBe a t tor nr v, has moved with his family to Grants Paso. Chester A. Arthnr Post, <i. A. R., will five a «rand ball at Metiford on Thanks- givinic VALLEY VOL. UI. "Gor WHATTHEY WANTED. ASHLAND. JACKSON THE KlILHO'll WKECK. RECORD. Published «4 ary Thursday by tiro VALLEY RECORD PUBLISHING GO E. J. KAISER, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year . »2 ut Six months .. . 1 SS 7» Three months Advertising rates given on applicatiou. Local notices 15c per line for tint inser tion and Sc for each subsequent insertion. Obituaiy lines, memorial resolution», ■ ard* of thanks, etc., at half rates. COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1890 Rubber Klug» HI* Feed. y L'THF.R L. BURTENSHAW. Out at the For a loug time lumps of crude rubber Many comments were made upon the Fwrth’T Detail« I'oeiiicr'» l:iq htt—lhe Jury Ac- and elastic band* have mysteriously van-1 disappearam-»- of the republican party in ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY the re. mt elections. It had been seen cnees t lie ». I*, w itli Criminal Neg ished from the counter of Morrissey's PUBLIC. standing the day before, coinin' and ligence. “all night" pharmacy in Brooklyn. No- : threatening, boasting and bawling Will practice in all the Court« of the State. body was able to throw any light on the I Then the people voted, and the party . Chas. W Johnston, of Roseburg, a enigma until Drug Clerk Bosworth made Business in the U. S. Land Office will re The L. Hnoeman residence at Yreka had disappeared. Whether swallowed passenger, testified : In his opinion the ceive prompt attention. Office first door I north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland, Or, was partially destroyed by fire Thurs by the earth or evaporated into the air bridge looked very unsafe. “While the • discovery. I Is the Oriental salutation, It was late at night and the store was day last. no one knew and no one eared. It w.<s timbers running lengthwise were large Proprietor, J N. PHILLIPS, kno?- :. .: that good health With a rv ord like Kimmons Liver n«gu-, Fone, and that seemed to so happify tl.e snd sound, the underpinning didn’t seem quiet. Trade had l>een dull for nn hour to he of that character, thou.h I may — Manufacturers of the Celebrateli — and Boswortli felt like taking a nap. lator none should be afraid to use it for world that, whether it had gone bv wind € 'xiat without a their liver. I or bv water,was not considered. Amon *t possibly lie mistaken. Everything was Just as he was about dropping off to heal.dy Liver. When the ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW Applegate farmers have received 791 th* •nany interviews with the executors mushed to an h a condition of almost one sleep he tm]>pened to look tip and caught Liver ia torpid the Bow cent tier box for apples delivered to deal- '' t^,*‘ diseased tray be found mu. h th. t indietin.'uishahle muse. My theory is a glimpse of “Doc," a big cat that lives A shland . - O kkuok . that the en.ineer dis overed that he was in the pltartnocy. He was at lunch, and I is sor.iething is arnuain els are sluggish and con-, era at Medford. ‘ suggestive, *“ ~ '. that ..................... ... .oing too rapidly and when he got to the . I «nd a little that ia irritating . The most O ffice —Room 2. Masonic Temple Block. was feasting on rubber bands. stipated, the food lies At a concert in Mcliord hot week, i o „,n 4« l.iration io open declaration io that that of of K# Senator Ikilph most dan erous part put on the brakes Out by one he extracted them from Miaa Marzie Tu-e was voted the moot of Oregon. He was interviewed in Wash- to the full extent of their capacity, and it in the stomach undi popular lady in the liall. I in.'ton by tbe Associated Preus, and said: was the sudden stopping that precipitat their little glass receptacle and munched gested, poisoning the D" 4. II. HALL, away with evident relisK Bosworth did firkin M'-Danielo, formerly a resident ! “It was an off vear. The friends of the ed the train. I noticed there were sev blood; frequent headache eral very rotten piles, but 1 have heen not disturb him, but sat still and count tariff were inactive, while those on the of thia vallev but now of Missouri, was ensues; a feeling of lassi other side were working with all their informed they were not there to support ed the rings as they vanished down the PHYSICIAN ami SURGEON. visiting old scenes last week When forty-three had tude, despondency and might The manufacturer* got tnhat they the trestle.’’ There w..s so milch noise cat's throat. (N ine Y ears ix H ospital P ractice .) Let it be written over the graves of i 'ranted when the McKinley bill patia-d. he heard no whistle. The first move fa<l<«l from view “Doe" stopped eating, nervousness indicate how Engineer John McFadden and Fireman and they did not rare any more aliont ment be noticed that impressed him was gave a wide yawn anil stretched himself i Office in Bi iek Block on Oak street, Sec the whole system is de Kneale, “Died at bis post of dutv.” ■ it.” This is a statement of fart, but, l<e thought >me of the trucks had broke out for an after dinner nap on top of a' ond door from Main Street. ind was lieing jerked. That, is the way ranged. -Simmons Liver The complete volume* of Dicken«' works strangely enough, the senator does not showcase. Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer St3ol Wire A shland Q beuon . ora Mammoth Cyclopaedia with onlv a f»w seeni to see tbe effect of his very frank it seemed for a moment. Three minutes Regulator liad been the Having accidentally solved tho mys cent* additional io tho R ecord ' s subscrip admission. The manufacturers got wbal would cover it all ami then came the bi. means of restoring more tery. B' «worth resolved to ■ ave some tion price. . they wanted in the McKinley bill, and Nettling movement. He said if the tim yyOBKRT A. MILLER. CONTINUOUS TWIST cf the WIRE. fuu at “ D< k ' s " expense, so. after the cat bers had all licen sound he never would people to heal tli and Alameda. Cal., capitalists have incor the people g' t what they did not want. had been dozing for an hour, he called liaveconceived anv idea in the world but porated with a capital ato k of $1,OK),<100 The senator himself and his co-partiaan* happiness by giving them ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSELOR-AT- to work tlte Bender lode in Hiskivou who gave ths manufacturers what they »• mething had licen broken. Rut the him "D< m -" came to the front quickly. a healthy Liver than any ! wanted, tried to make the people believe timbers being unsound, after turning it In his hand I> «worth held a large elas county. l lieaper than a Rai! Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger thus* LJLW, agency known on earth. that the McKinley bill was entirely for ■ ■ver in hie mind, he concluded it was tic band. This he extended toward the arb Wire Fence. Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. Tho Philadelphia Ledger cays that the ; their benefit, hut the peonle knew better. the sudden putting on of the hr ikes th..t J acksonville - - - - O kksuk . It acts with extraor Vim no N orth S ide or IL R. C rossing . H elman S treet . pension appropriation sndei the laws | “The manuiaeturers did not care uni brou ht on this strain on the timber Just cat “D oc ' e " eyes seemed to sparkle as -------------- . ------------ ... He he contemplated the luscious morsel, dinary power and effieaev. p a ss e 11 bv thia congress will be $20 >,000,- : more aliont it,” for the very ex* ellent like stopping a wagon smldenlv Will practice in all the courts of the ami without hesitation seized it with State. Office with W. H. Parker, opposite 0UO s year. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. , reason that they paid in cash for the M - thou ht the train w*s goin. at too great his teeth. Court House. A r a general family remedy for Dyspepsia» Oreion's oldest native io aged forty- ' Kinley bill ami bought it of the republi ■ rate of sjx-e l; understood that they Torpid Liver, (/onstlpation, etc.. I hardly S-CTZR^ZEYOIR, Bosworth, however, had a good grip ever use anythin? else, and have never six The competition for the place o< 1 can party. Why they bought was ap- «ere a little lieliiml. He thou, ht there been disappointed in the effect produced; • and Government Land Locator. C. CALDWEIiL, the younjest is so lively that the returns ' parent to the whole country. Blit tbe would have l>een no danger of tlie train on the other end. When the cat pulled. it seems to b*» > ’Mrfoct euro for all : reason why the republican party alioul f oing off there had the bridge been Bosworth pnlled. too. but the little tug cannot tie made oat. diseases of 11 towels. round. JACKSONVILLE, OEJEGON. of war did not last long, for the mis . Macon. (life MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE William E. Ruaarll, the newly elected sell was not so pl dn. The pai tv at- chievous clerk suddenly relaxed his hold ' tempted to explain that it h .d Sill tin John C. Baker, engineer at the Capital AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac DENTIST. democratic governor of Maasa> liuaetts, is tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the only thirtv-thrre reais old, and this is Caple to the manu'ai tuier* solely to (I'.ty Railway (tower lioune, Salem, teati- on the band, and as it snapped back it best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 Nitrous Oxide Gas administered tor lit* nefit the people. The |>eopl«' bad lived fi. ‘ I as to the i-ondition of the bridge caught the unlucky cat a stinging cut his third run for the place. painless extraction of teeth. long and groaned loiw under a tar it! hoiijht it a very unsafe bridge: on the end of his nose. He dropped the Office over the Bank. The Klamath county grand jury ig j that was made twenty eight years geo ailed it a deadfall; has often sat under band as if it were a hot potato, sprang nored the charge of assault against Tom to meet tbe novel emergency of civil war. the bridge and saw trains p m , when he Milro, Bill Webb and W. H. Shook for Tbe McKinley bill taxed them higher would notice tike “rock” ami “give” of from the counter and ran out of the THE JLSZÏLJLJSTID J T. BOWDITCH. •hooting Josh Bn< kmaater. than the war tariff. It added to the the bridge and had walked alang several store with a cry of distress. Since then, although Bosworth and ATTORNEY AT LAW Mr. Howe, an old-timer in the cooat price of domestic wi-otens and cottons, times and had examined the timbers and his friends, to whom he related the inci country, having crossed the plaint with i and linens and clothing, and apparel ouml them «-onsiderably decayed; some A shland ,.................................. 0 uks * f Fremont in DM6, was in Mediord on Sat I ready made, for men, women and cbil- time in July he and Samuel Lester walk dent. have rejieatedly tried to induce < bl Cid Will practice in all courts of the state. urday buying powder for the purpose of ’ «Iren. It increased the cost of a man’s e<i across the bridge ami counted the nut* “Doe" to submit to being hand fed with ii u '*--B est Collections promptly made. clothing, from his undershirt outward to that were off the tie bolts, one counting rubber rings, he steadfastly refuses to blasting in a mine near Big Butte. ; ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARING his oven-oat and from his overcoat in on one side and one on the other; they indulge. His abnormal appetite has The suggestion to organize a new coun ward to bis undershirt. It made him counted ninety nuts that were jolted ofl been cured.—New York Herald. AGENTS WANTED Known as the Youle & Gilroy mill, is now ty from the northern part of Crook and pay more for every button, every thread the bolts, and thv bolts were stn king out I CATiALOGL'E DESCRIBING 0UB FULL LINE OFWHKLS APPLICATION . name it Mi-Kinlev is made. We think and every button-hole. It went higher ail the way from one to twelve inches; ’ELS SENT ON APPLICATION 5 ~ in memory of the June unpleasantness it than the war tax on tin, on paints, on he had many times expressed his opin A Change In Clio Mauper of Marketing. ■fiüYDSTßirtfc-s.@l •honlil be called Porter.—Telephone. If any one is desirous of seeing the carpets. It left free, however, wild an- ion that the bridge was unsafe and that \ c ': o .O hio . < Rufus Cox’s threshing machine en * imals, apelite, raddle and guit, perhaps somebody would go to their long home only extant specimen of old fashioned ------- In charge of-------- gine has taken the place of the mill race because no manufacturer happenei I to De l>efore any attention was paid to it: he marketing it can be witnessed in and ----- o—— washed out last winter in tarnishing the interested in these. The people have no had remarked more than fifty times that about Washington market on Saturday other means of peaceful expression ex there would be a smash-up there, and EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, power to run tbs Gsniard grist mill at morning In a former generation the pression ex<-ept at the polls. The manu- had it t ome twelve months ago it would head of the household rose at daylight, (South of the grocery store.) Gold Hill, owned by Chas. Lambert. . facturers got what they wanted in con not have surprised him a bit; thought in ----- o----- The Mongolian plie isants imported by gress, and the people have what they July they put on some tie-caps or tim and grasping a huge basket lietook him Gen. This. G. Resnies are getting ac wanted al the polls. It snowed and rain- bers running parallel with the rails, in self to Washington. Clinton or Jefferson ASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING ai>4 All Orders for SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. MOULDINGS, Etc., Etc. quainted with the climate and them , ed ir. the East on election day from Ne tended to hold them in place; lie said market to reenre the choice cut of beef repairing done in a neat and sativfa*- selves. The prospects of their increas braska to New Hampshire, and men vot there were no mudsills on top of the and the fret best vegetables and berries. tory manner. or fur FINISHING LUMBER, or MILL-WORK of ANY KIND, ing and multiplying rapidly are good. ed their undershirts, and they did it for ■ ground ; the piles were driven down and The leonine head and massive figure of n • Twenty five «tandard novels—with 283 to just the reason stated by Senator Dolph cut off probablv all the way from four to Gen. Scott could be seen nearly every ! Promptly attended to. Address, Ashland, Or. 5d] select from - guren away free to every new I —“the manufacturers got what they eight inches above tlie ground and mud morning at Jeffercon market, and every subscriber to tnr R kcord or old ones who wanted when the McKinley bill passed.” sills put on them, ami he could see noth burly butcher and red cheeked market will pay a year in advance. A cheap meth Whil the California republican papers ing to bind the mudsill to the piling. woman looked for his greeting as a mat od of getting your winter's reading matter ■ are mouthing about the keen sense of A. F. McAtee lives about a half mile ter of course. The Mail save 500 tons of hay have gratitude for the McKinley bill which in east of the scene oi the wreck. He was oct9] Ashland, Oregon. A full supply of At Clinton market tho heads of the been shipped from that point thia year duced the vote of the state, the lepubli- sitting near his window, facing towards Lord, Lydig. Griffin, Ayntar and other against 1000 tons last year, and consider : can press of the East pipes a different tlie railroad track, ns the train passed C offins , C askets , R obes of all S izes ing that last year was an “off’’ one ' tune. The Chicago Journal, dodging the along. He heard the engine shriek and families of social note did not disdain to G loves , C repes , E tc . wants to know what has become of 1800's ruins of the house that Jack Logan built got up and looked just as train and the put in a personal appearance, and amid ASHLAND, - - OREGON. hay crop. in Illinois, loads an editorial with double trestle went down. As the fatal leap was the jokes and laughter that the wit of —VIA— Twenty five years experience in Ashland. Ths wrsok was bad enough, but for leads and erics out in the« midst of the being made all the lights were visible, the society man ¿ind the ready repartee clatter but as soon as the crash came they were of the market vreman provoked the work Embalming with the aid of a skilled physi tunate indeed it was that the deadly car “What now shall be the reupblican all extinguished. of filling the basket was a pleasant one. cian. stove did not do its work and add the Mr. McAtee says the fall sounded like Times change, and the grandsons of the Office and ware-room on Main street, at tary of the flames to ths terrors of the party’s course? Simply this, that, it disaster. One more lurch would have must live up to what are its real princi a large building crashing down. He im men who carried their own baskets to foot of Granite. ples. The McKinley bill must lie modi mediately gathered axes and lanterns tamed the wrecked coaches over and let fied in almost its every feature. and gave the alarm to all the neighbors market are waited upon by tho butcher ths tire flend loose. and green grocer at their houses, but “The national caucus of the party has and they rushed to the disabled train. Do not wests your time on doctors when been held, and the leaders mUBt obey the some of the gray haired sons of those The volunteers srrived just in time I our liver is <ii«ea«ed but take Simmons I dictates of that caucus. There is no oc venerable men still go down to market probably to save the train lrotn destruc Ivor Regulator. casion for delav until the democratic con tion by tire, for tlie stove ill tbe baggage on Saturdays, and they naturally have Express Trains Leave Fortland Daily H. B. Miller, of Granta Paas, recently gress assembles and the republican sen car had been piled high with the bag enough imitators to make this personal South 1 j North bad a narrow escape. He was taking ate gives asent to the changes required. gage in the jar, and one of the trunks visitation a feature, on Saturdays espe 6:00 p ni Lv J’ortlaiirt Ar 9.35 a m med icine containing belladonna and the i The republican party is the party of the was on fire when they succeeded in cially This eet are careful purchasers QQ/'Y will buy the ODELL TYPE —AT THE - 9:00 a ni Ar Ashland Lv 41:10 p m LPaiv/ \A RUlicR with 78 characters, direction read “ahake well the hottie be- I ; people, and one of reform within itss-lf. reaching it, by taking off the balance ol and only buy after examination and and SLY for the Single 4 ase Oileil, war- 9:30 a ni Lv Ashland Ar 5:40 p ni fore using.” Mr. Miller did not do thia, It now has its opportunity.” the baggage, lliev extinguished this as study They know what is good and rante I to do better work than any machine 7:45 a m Ar SanFranciscoLv 7:00p m consequently, when near the bottom of Ah! The McKinley bill docs not re soon as jMiesible. It was these men that PARIS EXPOSITION, ISSO. made. ---------- where to get it, and evidently it pays Above trains stop only at following sta the bottle, got all of the belladonna in present the party’s true principles, and built tbe fires that lighted the scene for It combines simplicity with dvbability . tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, them to carry their own baskets. — New one dose and was nearly laid out. this » ared, » reaming and screeching speed , ease of opEBATiox, wears longer the workers and warmed the wounded • Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, without cost of repairs than any other ma The discovery of a preventive for croup, paper that has seen a wraith and heard ..s last us they were removed and placed York Sun. ; Tangent, ISnedds, Halsey .Harrisburg, June chine. lias no ink nbbon to bother the op Call and examine them. the banshee cry, demands that the same is one of the most important made in re on improvised beds around them lion City, Irving, Eugene. Two Word*. erator. It is NEAT, SCBSTANTIAI.. nickei cent years. Since first discovered it has t-ongresa which gave the manufacturers McAtee does not give any credence to plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of Roeeburg Mail Dally. been used in manv cases, and with unvary what they waneed shall hurry and take the theory advanced by some that a rail People who wish to send home tele NOW ON EXHIBITION AT ing succea«. its being Within the reach of it away from them before a democratic was removed by someliody and caused grams from abroad commonly arrange a ty|>e writing. Like a printing p, ess. it pro lkavr : a bui ve duces sharp, clean, iegible manuscripts. all makes II the more valuable. It is onlv house does it with the help of a republi Portland 8:00 a iu I Roseburg 5:40 pm neceasary to give Chamberlain's <\>iigh can senate! The Journal never batted the wre« k. Hesa\s the triatle was in system of ciphi. : i order to make the Two or ten copies can be made at one writ Roseburg G :2o am ; Portland 4:00 pm lair condition and it had la*en repaired expepse as small as )K>ssible. A Btory is ing Any intelligent person can become an Re med v freely a« soon as the first indica tlon« of cr< up sp|«ar, and it will di-pel all an eve before. It has, withoi t blinking, recently, but the ground aliout there was told of one man, however, whose ingenu operator in two days. We offer Sl.tiOn to Albany laa-al, Daily,(Except Sunday.) symptom« of the disease. Full directions faced everything and swallowed every growing suit, which lact was noticed by ity supplied the lack of any prearranged any operator who can equal the work of the Dotibio Case Odell are given with each bottle. For sale at 50 thing and sworn that darkness was light, inn.sell and some of his neighbors. Hi ______ leave arrive : Reliable Agents and Sale-men wanted, cents per botce by Chitwood Bros., drug j bitter was sweet, salt was irrah, tall Wns thinks it must have been the sinking o cipher MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH Portland 5:00 pm | Albany 9:00p in Special inducements to Dealers. gists. A western man who owned a great short sad wrong was right. When the the bents in the soft ground, under the Albanv . 5:00 am | Portland . 9 ¡00 am For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, Ac., farm in D.akota was obliged to cross the AND GRANITE nianubu turers, the dau Alters ot th»- Fur years a cannon has been fired on Address heavy weight ot the train, tb it started ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., the grounds south of the White House bv horse leech, cried for more, the Journal the trestle to giving way, and once st rt water for business purposes. For three A shland , - O reoox . S5K7* IMh Ave. Chicago, III. both parties to celebrate elections. It j insisted tiiat it was the voice of the peo- rd there was no stopping it until the montlis he heard nothing from the man PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. whom he had left in charge of the farm, Imotued tielore sunrise the dav after i pie. When the election of 1888 was whole struck terra tiniia. Pacific Coast Main office, 13*38 Miuket St. Cleveland was beaten, and that geutlw- ' bou :ht and Harrison's certificate of ele--- TOURIST SLEEPING CARS In this connection another theory was and at last he became somewhat dis San Francisco, Cal. nian heard it with patience H.s ane- tlon was passed as a due bill to be paid advaneed by one of the coroner’s jury. turbed. He was an illiterate person, For accommodation of Second Class Pas out of the pockets and off th»* backs of ceesor is not eu- h a philosopher. He had He thinks the rails worked loose al the though a capital farmer, and the writing sengers, attached to Express Trains. the gun ordered off on the ground that the |a*o|ile, the Journal piouslv pointe! notth end bv bolts coining out ol the fish of a telegram was a matter of some diffi ttie lot hrloncs to the United States, and to the scene anil cried, “What wonders plate, and either allowed the track to culty. At last he sent off the following WEST SIDE DIVISION. its partisan occu|iancy is not proper. hath God wrou ht!” Now the a* ene a|iread and let the wheels of the heavy ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OR, Between Portland and Corvallis. The |*ople will order him out of ths i-han/es. On Tuesday, Nevember 4th, en ine down on the ties, starting the comprehensive message: IS A NEW VEHICLE, WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT WANT. “Is things all right at the farm?” MAILTRAIN DAILY (XXCE1T SUNDAY.) White Hour on the same grounds in the battle of 8enna< herib was foil ht break, or stuck up and was caught bv ....... $32. Impatiently he awaited the answer. qcholarship. one year............. : over, and the host, horse and horseman, the cowcatcher with the same result, jut about twenty-four months. To ____ leaves : ARRIVES ....... »25. ' the ass and his rider, the congressman It would be expensive, he felt sure, Commercial Course.................. For s number of years I have been sul>- and tbe manufa* turer on his back, were this latter theory he thinks that tlie rail Portland.. 7:30 am 1 Corvallis.. 12:10 p ni Training School. )>cr year ... ....... $15. whether it brought good or bad news, on the west side of the train, found bv ject to violent attacks of in.lammaiory Corvallis. 12:55 p tn | Portland. . 5:30 p m ________ . ______ judging by his own experience. rheuiuati'm which general y lasted about piled pell n*ell. and when night tel) cn itself, gives Weight. At Albany and Corvallis connect with the scene the blood of <-owur*ls * urdl**d two niou'hs. On the first of thi« month I But his trusty foreman was a person trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad We, the jury empaneled to inquire in was attacked in the knee and -offered «e- in their hearts nd the chwks of polit of few words and strict ideas of econ verelv for two day*, when 1 pr.n u ed tt> U ical hyp«-rit»w bl n< Led, as the (a-opli- to the cause of the death of John McFad Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) tie of Ch.tmlterlain's Pain Balm, and it re in chorus cried, “We have got what «■• den, F. G. Neale and an unknown man, omy. and the envelope which his anx leave : arrive : lieved me almost insiantlv. I therefore w.»nt.” .x> may it he forever, when by after a carelul examination of the bodies ious employer received as soon as possi Portland 1:41) pm , MMinnville 7:25 pm most cheerfully rec> mmend it to U>o«e artifice and corruption, by pretense and • ■I the deceased persons before us, and ol ble contained simply this message. THE ONLY TRUE M’ Minn ville 5:45am ¡ Portland .8:20« in who are similarlv affiicted everywhere.—R. . the bridge across the slough known as “Things is."—Youth's Companion. | devira, a party forgets its dutv to the in D. Whitley. MarUudae, N. C., Feb. 1*88. 1 Mr. Whitley is a very prominent man in stitutions of freedom and attempts to s«-ll Lake Labish, and the examination of this place and his disesse was very widely ■ 1 the preple to men who “don’t care any witnesses known to have knowledge of known as he «uuered «uch severe pain. w. more about it,” when thev get “what the facts relating to the s .id )>ersons and A True Philanthropist. the manner of their death, do find that M. Houston A Co.. Merchants. Martindafe. they want.” A philanthropic lady. Mrs. Magnusson. For tickets and full information regarding N. U. 50 cent bottles for sale by Chitwood I one of these bodies is that of John C. rates, maps, etc , call on company’s agent Is about to sell her family heirlooms for Bros., druggists. McFadden, aged aliout 40 years, resi The Pu'pit and the Stage. at Aahland. dence East Portland, Or.; that at the the purpose of opening a high school for The West Shore is getting out the fin R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, est holiday issue ever published in the I Rev F M Shrout. pastor United Breth time of his death he Was employed as an girls in Ireland. Some of these articles Manager. Asst G. F A Pas* Agt Will rapiate th« ren church Blue Mound. Kan., says: “I engineer on a passenger engine on the are 700 years old, and the unique collec LHer and MM mjs and tha west. It will be twice the ordinary sise feel it mv duty to tell what wonders j»r Vl*arafYantb. Dnpapete. ot tiiat paper, with illuminated covers King's New Discovery has done for me Southern Pacific railroad ; that another tion comprises belts, clasps, bracelets °of tie Àr'h1 aufTirSi ! •. having three elliptic springs ui.dei-n -atii U.e r. > * •-.■;■ in n.,-1 w ¡1! carry 500 lb«. with ea-^* I. duablu and handsome illustrations throughout My lungs were badly diseased and ni. par of said bodies is that of F. G. Neale, brooches, old wood earrings and spoons. ing abaolutel yeti rad. Bonea, !■ r *l.i-b. r.'-l a ro'iii l.e.-.fl'/il It lias a Lox icloa and narvaa raoira in colors It will contain a vast amount ishioners thought I could live only a few aged alsmt 34 years, residence East Port This lady has, by the help of some friends n»*w foro«. Enlivenat - z'n: ri .'ri-uu<l llio back f<irli "lui!ij; larger packages, n'jppliaa Brain of special and general matter appropri weeks I took live bottles of Dr King's land, Or.; and at the time of his death in England, succeeded in erecting a .-‘’trcd ty 1 Buffering from cot ate to such a publication, and be a sou New Discover)' «nd am sound and well, was employed as a fireman on the South building on a piece of ground which be C .-AB I«INE <’: t'.» pecnliar to thoireex !n DR. HARTXB1 ern Pacific railroad ; that the other bodv gaining 28 lbs in weight ” venir that all will want to preserve. Lot: 1 hvlllo, T4.y, longed to her, and it is for tho purpose —-^-ody ore. Giro« a clear, A rthnr Love, manager Love ’ « Funnv is that of a man unknown to us; that all Western people can take pride in send- I ^hy complexion. Frequent attempts at coeaU of furnishing the interior, of supplying Folks Combination, writes: “ After a thor iaaonly add to the popularity of tho ori«in»l_ three of these persons came to their death lug to eastern friends such an example Do not experiment—got the ORIGINAL aad BIST« trial and convincing evidence. I am by the wre< king of a passenger train in books, and paying teachers that the lady of western production, for nothing in the ough confident Hr King’« New Discovery for • reusing a bridge at Lake Labish, Ma has determined to part with her cher east can surpass it. The number will he Consumption neats ’em all. and cores when |S*adMh«. S«mpl« Dow and Dmm Bn*kl Xaailad r*c*lnt of two c«t* I* poitnn. f issued December 13th, snd those who do everything else fails The greatest kind rion i-ountv. Or , on the night of Novem- ished heirloom. The great test of a T. E. HOGG, Receiver. Or. HARTKR MKOICINE CO., SLlauU, K*> her 12, 1890. woman's devotion to any purpose seems not wish to run the risk of being unable ness I can do mv many thousand friends i« We do further find that said engineer to hare been, from Queen Isabella down, to procure copies should send orders in touree them to trv it " Free trial bottle« advance. We should encourage such at Chitwood Bro *s drug store Regular ’ohn C. McFa Iden and said fireman F. the Bale of her jewels to forward its in rise* 50c and $1 00 Oregon Deveiopement Co.’« enterprise as is shown in this paper. G Neale met their deaths through no terests, and it is an indisputable fact ' fault or necli rence of their own ; that that comparatively few women can en In the next congress there will be lid Neither the aims of the weather nor STEAMERS. democrats from the Southern states snd the forecasts of the signal service give they were faithful to their duty and acted dure this test of her loyalty.—New York heroically in remaining at their post af at least 120 from the North snd West any present hope of the wished for mins. Sun. Carpenter and Ruilder SHORT LINE TO CALIFORNIA. It cannot be again said that the South Our streets are thirstin'; and onr Hewers ter they had evidently discovered their dancer; that said engineer did the liest 1 AU cigarettes contain, according to can rule the caucus. There aro more are vnwning for a livelv precipitation.— in his power to reverse his engine to A shland O kegox democrats elected from Northern states 8. F. Exchange Same here Professor Laflin, a competent scientist «•'REICHT AND FAKES the IXHVEST avert the calamity, or at least save from -fee. than republicans. If the Southern states and chemist, five distinct poisons. Three impending accident as many as possible were deprived of any representation How Severe Colds arc Bioken up in of the lives intrusted to his care; that of these are the mo6t deadly oils, one in Steamer Sailing Dates: whatever the Northern democrats would Montana Repairing trill Rreeire Prompt the death of the unknown before us was the paper wrapper, one in the nicotine, still have a majority of over thirty. Thia FROM YAQUOU: the result of the same accident through and the third, and the worst, in the shows that the democratic party is a na From Virginia City. Mont, Madisonian. | "O/rr r ictt - jÈ Attention. Steamer Willamette Valley — Oct 4th. which those aliove named lost their lives flavoring. The other poisons are salt When we find a medicine we know to pos tional party, while the republican oartv 18th and 27th is a sectional faction, as James Russeil se»« genuine merit, we consider it a duty, ■ and was not attributable to any negli- peter and opium. and we take pleasure in telling the public cen< e or carelessness or fault of said en EKOM SAN FRANCISCO: vói Lowell aptly calls it. The speaker will what it is. Such a medioine we found Steamer Willamette Valley — Oct. 13th, come from either the North or the West. Chaniber'ain’s Cough Remedy, la-t winter, gineer and fireman; that the accident Specimen Cuses. was the result of an unsound, unsaie 2'2nd and 31st. L og . L umber Y ard & G it /T rucks That much may be taken for granted, when la erippe was prevailing We are brid eand that the said Southern Pacific ! S__ II ________ Clifford. ____ New _______ Cassel, , Wis., was The company reserves the right te SPRING WAGORSJPLL STYLES. and itviould not be surprising if he came satisfied that we warded off reve al attacks Railroad Company is guilty of criminal troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, | change sailing dates without notice. from Maaaa< huactla, in the person of that were threatening by the use of this ’ bis stomach was disordered, his liver was i Trains connect with O. & C. R. and Riv in allowing such a structure John F. Andrew, the worthy sou of the syrup, and we have stare relieved, in a few affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell er Boats at Corvallis and Albany. hours, severe colds, and in the c. urse of to stand and to be used for the p.iesace away and he was terribly reduced in flesh old Bay state's fatuous war governor Freight and ticket office, Salmon street two or three day«, entirely broken them up of trains, a constant menace to the life and strength Three bottles of Electric wharf. Portland. by it* u«e. as have several of our friends t* j md propertv which said company has Bitters cured him Boehlen's Aralca Salve C. H. HASWELL. J r ., Genl F. & P. Agl Edward Shepherd. Harrisburg, Ill , had The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. whom we have recommended it. It is all pledged to protect and to transport in 34 Montgomery St., San Francisco. PATEHT CHAISE ORAFE that it is represented to be bv tl>e manufac safety. a running sore on his leg of eight years’ Brui«e«, Sore». Ulcer*. Salt Rheum. Fever C. C HOGUE, G. F. A P. A. O. P. K.. turers. If you have a cough and want to 1 standing Used three bottles of Electric Sore*. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corvallis. Oregon. Corn*, and all Skin Eruption*, and posi stop it Chamber am'« Cough Remedy will Are you Married? If not, send your ad : Bitters and «even boxesof Bucklen’s Arnica do the work. For sale by Chitwood Bros., tively cure» l*iles, or no pay required. It is dress to The American Corre«ponding Club. I Salve, and his leg is sound and well John ' Speaker. Catawba, O . had five large fever guaranieed to give perfect satisfaction, or druggists P, O. Box 613. Clarksburg, W. Va ! sores on liis leg. doctors said he was incur- money refunded. Price 25 cent.« per box To enjoy life stimu'ate direction and reg. New at Hun«aker's this week: School 1 j able One bottle Electric Bitters and one kur .«ale bv Chitwood Bro*. u'ate the bowels. Take “ -------- ■ ---- shoe« at $1 to $1 JO |>er pair. Come and. Simmon« laver ind see 1 box Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him en Regulator. them. Ladies shoes, $1.35 pair at Hunsakers tirely Bold by Chitwood Bror lM<ptirs at tfcs Bvwro effira. Ashland Fence Works! Vour Liver? H. S EMERY, N A YOUNG H RUNNING IN FULL BLAST, H. S. EMERY JAMES S. ROGERS DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT. Manager. F Prices Reasonable.- Funeral Director. MRS. M. L. STANLEY ILSOHS WAS EAST AND SOUTH AWARDED THE ONLY Shasta Line. THE ODELL TYPEWRITER M artin & H arris ’ OHLY PERFECT 5E\VIHQ mechanism .FAMILY t’-SB. State Normal School ‘IRON TONIC O. R. Buckman UUnJWJ. BUGGIES'? fW*' TOWN lots : R. R. ADDITION Read the “Record’s” Premiums.