VALLEY RECORD Tbr <• sen'« Engl HU. The press is agit .ting the legislature tn i Englishman — i say. ye knave, what's diS|M’l the .eneral i.norani-e nt tbe laws <•: tin- l.n.d bv having them pnbhslted in , the bookage to Boston? oUntv |Ki[»-ra. In nrder to “dispel i.-- , Railroad Ticket Clerk—The whatage! Englishman—The bockage. ye knaw— noratM-e,” it is evident that they n>ti«t tbe tariff. What’s th’ tariff? b- pobliahed in all the cou’.tv papers Th« People'« Paper. Ticket Clerk—I haven’t time to talk I .4» the lairs are embodied in b-z„l verbi- ‘ politics.— New York Weekly a.e that « 41 atrine -ot ten times longer An Intuit. THft DEFEAT OF POND than ne iaaary, the < >st wdl lie heavy. J Genial Cuxtomer (in elwap restaurant) The 8. F Weekly Star attributes tbc We rather auape. t that thia is tbe e heii.e * —la the mutton broth good today7 defeat of Mayor Bond for govern, r la­ oi aorne “me eurin_- worm” printer who ' High Toned Waiter—Don't know. ash. cause tbe people were poew-Mot of the Wanta to work a “lat take” cut of the 1 don't eat henh. rah.—Street & (Smith's idea that Boes B» kley gave hint tiw state lor a few s the state should have them printed by labor in the manufacture of artificial ice I that coatributed to Pond’s defeat. One the hunilrele of th'ituamie, in supple- . Indi cates □ new field for th- employment of prison labor. Ths experiment at tbe waa that the Deasocratic state central merit form, supply every paper with the workhouse has been very suecesafnl. and t eomtnittee waa “manned” by bis ene­ I supplements (or their whole edition and has accomplished the economic service mies, who sold him out. The “work­ pay the i>ublishera a reasonable price for of supplying a great many people w ,th ing'* portion of that committee was ee- running them through. Every newspa­ ice who would have found it hard to get loeted by Buckley. They traded Pond per reader will then be supplied, To otherwise. all along the line for votes for O’Brien _ In this case it looks as if the employ- f have them printed in ev ry otBee at . any for sheriff and Kreling for sasraanr. They thing near legal rates would make i___ _ tnent of convict labor in making ice also traded Judge Coffey, whom they fear an unnecessary big hols in the public might be free from most of the objec- treasury tions to the use of such labor tn other m- but do do * love. rr‘ , dustnes. No labor at all is employed tn Tbe chairman of that committee open­ The following, said to be an excerpt the making of natural ice. and so con- ly related stories of Pond’s meant esc, which were calculated to and did do him from the speech ot a North Carolina or i e nece^rv ice manufM tunng establuhments is very left undone many things be should not V . . small in comparison with the demand the change of party name to emt the o- for thfre is no pn(1«bihty have dene. For example: He was re­ cation : ‘ They hire nominated men thia employment of the workhouse quested to send a good speaker to Peta- lnmn, to disabuse the public mind aeto down there whom I despised. Yes, I de labor will influence wages unfavorably Pond being a protege of Bucklev. Who apiaed the very ground they walked cn, | Of course this Ubor does not at all bettor could have done than a known and but for the restraining power of the come into competition with tbe men who anti-ftnckley man? Col. Sturt Taylor Holv Ghost, I would have waylaid them load and deliver ice. although it may be But they were hoped that an enlargement of tbe ice wu engnoated. B um Wilson—for be 1s and murdered them. supply would mitigate the rule of the nominated by democracy, and repre­ the Berkley chairman— indignantly howl­ absolute iceman who deposits on your ed: “Mo, oir; I will not consent to his sented democratic principles; ami while ■ doorstep a sixty pound lump of ice and the men made me an k, I would put a a hundred pounds by the force of geiac. He io fighting tbe regular local little anil I v;. ittle camphor on mv handkerchief ; and g at ticket here.** And no one went to Peta- So far as the present condition of af- luma. And the people there voted if that waan’t strong enough. I’d take. against Pond because they thought him chloroform; and if that waan’t at ronz faira is concerned the departure of work- enough, l*d take something that would bouse labor into this industry ia to be a Buckley man. ▲sain, in San Francisco, a known en- deprive me of my Beiises, and have tin- commended. Indeed if it could increase sell dragge«! to the polls where I voted, the supply of ice so as to «’X oniv oi organized labor—Gavin Mc8> ab of the average consumer about half aa ▲nd unless you are that kind of a demo ­ —waa selected aa the orator at several imposing an they have been this year it ■SOS meetings, after he had been com* crat, yon are no deneairat at all.” would command the indorsement of the pt1!-*1 to withdraw from the ticket aa a public.— Pittsburg Dispatch thtile I’p candidate for supervisor. Thia misrr- All tho«e having unsettled accounts with sMe creature vomited forth so< h foul the undersigned, will plea-ecalliiuiiiadiatr- Oven Drowned In Six Inehe. of W*t«r. ly and «ettie the same, either by ca«li or Edgar Brewer, of Hockanum. lost a stuff on theee occasions, against honor­ note. J. M. McUALL. pair of valuable oxen Wednesday in a able mon, while lauding Pond,that m mv Jan. 15, 1H90. -------------- »----- very peculiar manner. They were con­ decent voters were dieguoted and indig­ sidered the finest pair in town. Wednes­ NOTICE nant, and loot ail enthuiasm for Pond, Cut this onl. and «ben y. u visit Po> (land day _ Mr. Brewer’s hired boy _ _ yoked them whom they bold responsible during tbe expaiuiuii. ca I on Towne, ike to a dump enrt,and. tarted todraw some Fbotographer, and receive the tollowing dirt with them. Around on one side of * McKinley waa defeated by 300 ma- liberal ▲Il presenting these «lips will be given the barn is a small pond which has about ’«rity. ——__ one dozen of my bent style cabinet photos six Inches of water and probably two Kurd positively declined to speak al>out and one extra for framing, for »3.60. My feet of mud as component parts. On regular price for the same work to those not one side of thia pond is a sloping bank ths avalanche. holding the.«* slips is pl 00 per d zen and »3 00 f. r extra pic.ure. This is an extra r- quite steep, au-l near this the hired boy He The Illinois democrats have spiked dinary otter and the probability of doing was compelled to drive hi» team enough extia work to make it pay prompts had filled his cart and had driven the Caanoa's mouth. the inducement. oxen near to the top of the incline, when Cali and sea our work, it speaks for itself. he saw some girls. Dillon and O’Brien, tbe Irish leaders, This holds good until November 1st. Leaving his oxen he hastened over to Very truly v< urs, will do Portland in January. B C TOWNE. talk to them. The oxen, freed from re­ Studio cor First and Morrison Sts. straint. began to browse in the grass Kevisien of the tariff by its friends Take your babies to Towne. growing about and finally pnlled the seems to have nearly killed the poor wheels of the cart over the incline. The Mens woolen underware, extra heavy, thing. «_ cart began to bear upon them and they »2.25 a suit, at Hunsuktra. went down the incline. When they ▲ little California crow is forgotten as Th* Editor Uuld Illa Owa. struck the pond one of the oxen got one site down to this great big United In the foyer of the Theatre Royal, stuck in the mud and fell over head first. States turkey. Drury Lane. London, the other evening The yoke slipped up on his neck and August M. Moore, editor of a dramatic The Eastern man voted his undershirt. paper called The Hawk, had about as held his nose down in the water so that He repudiated the party th at made it lively a time as ever fell to the lot of a he drowned in a few minutes. The boy now returned and stood watching the newspaper publisher in a mining camp. cost him too much. other animal try to free himself without First he was assailed by James Whistler, The country has its sar to the ground the eccentric artist, who wielded a club calling any help. The animal finally stumbled and fell as his companion had listening tor that raise in wages, due to with some vigor till Moore knocked him done and met the same fate.—Hartford down and the manager of the theatre BUI McKinley’s hiU._________ (Conn.) Courant. ejected him. While the editor was re­ Last week Mrs Anna Baxter was pairing damages a second man struck elected county clerk of Carthage county, him from behind. The new assailant Mo., the first woman over elected to a waa also worsted. He proved to be an actor named William Horace Lingard. eivil office la that state. After winning his second victory Mr. Senator Sherman remarks: “I have Moore waa permitted to enjoy the per­ aeon such convulsions before and ho formance in peace, no other aggrieved might bars added that tbe political pa* person taking up the task of -rying to tiaat died before hot mustard could be “lick the ed!‘-.- " A applied. Tbe tidal wave of 1874 gave the demo­ orate a majority in tbe bouse of represen­ tatives of 97. That of 1882 gave a demo­ cratic majority of 71 This year the democrats get a sure majority of 125. ▲aaong the reports discussed by polit­ ical gossips was one that Senator Quav would resign the chairmanship of the re­ publican national committee aa soon as ho returns from Florida, and that Clark­ son would bo his successor. CrffiXe IUI ..a MSA (AM* AAA MARLIN SAFETY Ii the most aaeitn". aa< most gaaaral of aU dlreasM. ficairaly a family is entirely traa from It, wblla thousands avarywhara are tta (uffertng »lavas. Hood's Sarsaparilla has had rcmrkaLla sweaaas la curing arcry for» of scrofula. Tha maat ssvara and palatal running soraa, »wcRtogi la Uia nack ar goitre, humor tn Uia ayaa, aauamg partial ar tot.! blindness, yield ta the powerful affect» of th:» BMdlclna. It thoroughly ra- noves every twgurity tress the Mead. MODEL 1889 *' My little daughter s Uta was saved, as we believe, oy Hood's Sarsaparilla. Be'ore she was six months old she had 7 running sercfula sores. One physician advised the amputation of one of her fingers, to which wo refused assent. When we began giving her Hood's Sarsaparilla, a marked Improve­ ment was noticed and by a con tin ued use of it liar recovery waa ocmpleta. And she Is now, being «even years old, strong and healthy. B. C. J ones , Aina, Lincoln County, Ma. LYMAN ’S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Are Uaequallsd both for Hunting and Target ShoeHng. FA.ÜLZS.V ▲ republican exchange says that the farmers’ alliance “stood on too narrow a platform. ▲ party consisting wholly ot farmers and proposing to subordinate ail ether classes to the interests of agricul­ ture • • • can hardly expect to ac­ quire even state impoitance.” Whv not, aa well m a partv consisting entirely ot selfish manufacturing monopolists and trusts? ___________________ Brussels, not content with having more beautiful public buildings than any other European city save Paria, has now determined to rival Paris itself. King Leopold has just laí¿ Gie founda­ tion of an arch of triumph one-t1^ larger than the celebrated one in Paris, ana it is announced that this gigantic work will be completed by the close of the century. Brussels already has tbe most monumental court house in Eu­ rope—a magnificent pile, which cost vast sums of money, anil which contains some superb halt«. The Paris triumphal arch cost 83.COO.OOO; that of Bruun-ls is to cost 83.00U.tX». It will be richly or­ nate with sculptures, some of which will be of gigantic proportions.—Chicago Times. Roauell ▲ Co., the Masai Hon, O., man­ ufacturers of threshers, reduced the wa­ ge« of forty-seven democrats 33 per cent, because they voted sgainst McKinley. The wages of tbe repub] iesns were not changed. C. H. Russell gives this rese- sn: “Hsrsafter in our shops free trad­ ers will receive free trade wages ” Thia Tuberculous Animals. action needs no comment. But like ▲ royal commission has been appoint- Seed’s rules, answers itself in reckless 1 ed in England to inquire and report arbitrariness “what is the effect, if any. of food de­ rived from tuberculous animals on Thia is a picture from Ireland: Anoth­ human health, and, if prejudicial, what er wholesale eviction of non-rent-paying are the circumstances and conditions tenants from the Oliphant estates at Fal- with regard to the tuberculosis in the carragb, county Donegal, will take place animal which produce that effect upon next Tuesday. Two hundred and fifty man?” Lord Basing is chairman. The families, comprising 1500 persons, will other commissioners are Professor G. T. Brown. Dr. George Buchanan. Mr. Frank be thrust from their homes into the high­ Payne and Professor Burdon Sanderson. ways. An immense force of police and —New Orleans Picayune. military have been ordered to tbe spot Mi.tuk«-.« in Print. ia order to prevent any successful re­ “Did you ever notice." said a newspa sistance on the part of tenants or their per man the other day. nvhat strange mistikes trritera will sometimes mu.:t ? friends. Why. a day or two ago in one pajier a Better Than Govermrat Ronds. column was devoted to a discus-ion of The ordinary living expense* < f a family the seal fisheries question, m which Sir of five persons, living in the coat* mary maii- Julian Panncefote was r - • R-.-called aer of the American people.amount-« to not Sir John Panacvfig- W.;s it ; rn irance lorn than »1.500 per year It would require r what? nearly >40.000 in government bonds to p o- or temporary a -erration i Klory dsce this income. Ten a*-res of land in th« Probably waa T., ; • is Willamette valley planted to prune- will-, ar. of the one perfect hl ,.: ever printed ordinary crop at <>rdinan pri<-e-« will tie after almost infinite p.uus a rd been more than »1 .500 after pa -ing for al labor »laced thrreon. Yon can t uv thi lard of taken to um-e ii typographically cor­ The Oregon Land Ompeny of > lent. Ort- rect When it was fini-ue I t ie word ■oa. ia tracts of ten arte- or more at rom 'bock was found on t..e fir ; p ig<« print­ Ite to »75 per acre. ' ddre-«. ed with three o s. —New Yor: .Tibune YheBnigoa Lead Cvtapsuy. fiateui. Or I* - i. CONTAIHINO VALUABLE IDEJU. EFS. CO., B gx B, KcwHavsn, Ct ■ i MILLIONS. 100,000 Prune Trees (mostly French) 35,000 Koval Ann cherry. 10,000 Early Crawford peach • *\ lOOOv MuulTa,J{ an hand, direct from the East, and at Prices that Defy Competition. MFG. No. 7-i. Strictly Hnt-Cla-a Warrauied. AU Second Growth Hickory. Steel Axlea and 'l ire». Low Bent Seat Arm». Perfectly Balanced. Long. Easy Riding. OU Temne-ed Spring. Best Wheel» and Best AU Over. UP YOU CAN'T FIND THEM FOR SALE BY YOUR MERCHANTS. WRITE US. DlriEASES OF MEN. DlriEASEri OF WOMEN. EYE. EAR and CATARRH 4. CLUBFOOT and DEFORMITIES. 1 2. 1. 5. Independent OlriKASEri WF THE SKIN. J. H. Russell Market. East Side of Main Street, As u lax a. «. SURGERY. 7. ELECTRICITY. Call or write for information. Mention this paper. 133 & ISA Third st., c r. Abler R. P. NEIL, Portland, .... Oregon. PROPRIETOR. We call special attention to C. M. HENDERSON ▲ CO.'a (Chicage) Red School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN ▲ CO.’S (Boston) |S OU calf B J Shoes, the best made. Everv pair guaranteed. (Successor to S. Stacy,) All Kinds cf Fresh Meats F.E.ZOELLNER, Kept constantly on hand. prices is all that we ask J. M. McCALL. Fair living U I?DC! ON HAXU A Fuisi, fjErn LINE OF CHOICE We will make it to your interest to deal with us, so give the new meat mar­ ket a trial £)^‘Fres!i pork on hand everv day. X h K Marble. Al! Orders in Stone Work Promptly Filled. Marble W orks on MAIN STREET, HEKCHANT TAILOR, TIN STORE Particular Attention to JOB WORK, NEW MEAT MARKET. HARRIS & MURPHY BROS., OREGON. ASHLAND, , E IsÆJAY BE HI Æ ID AT Which will be dons in a workmanlike manner and at prices that LOGAN’S GALLERY, Finished in Style Equal to ▲ WARDED FIRST PRIZES AT SOUTHERN OREGON STATE FAIR Main Street Corner, Aukland, Or, ■ Oto- Prescriptions carefully put up by com­ petent band« ! GREGORY & HICKS. ----- WITH ITS------ DEFY COJII’ETITIOY -CITY- HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON T MG In Aid Ashland Market. —DIALE« IX— OREGON TO EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER! An Offer Remarkable for Its Liberality. Feud it; Te any on* tMo viu trodu» O ne Subscriber t> thi» p-r* One Yeer re-T-doi m'jneripinm prior, >rt ,rUl fire Absolute/ Free, unJ sold by mntt ,*»<■ tt ’’ Twonty*five Complete Novele-aey/e. the Moto X». IM- Me 13* A it ls*L«-d <«lrl. l< if «>>'•’(tact«. H ap . Vo. IM. Xe in S nJ Bri.»*»«« rv.M, J|f X» IM. I ter < rtllfnrnlfi <*nl»ln. Hy M. T. C aíaos « N«.13l. •fk * a* •f,"'’1'«.- »»MT. 0« i . m > b . Mo. 129. ■ Is«* tllismnnsl Brisvelrl. Ry Mrs. M Ws«« r ** Me IM «•IK,. Il*»s. (IT Bro W ri.J. n«. m ’•'•‘«rs. •'( B«roi«v S oot . Xe. 1H. Ont «f th« Xvn. Bv Q l «« a Ar«vrra Wo. 131. itî-lWl il,T” X«. tit. M«. Ht.______ ,___ _ __ «r Mrs. M at A«»»« f i » mim «. X«. IR * - - - X«. IM. •___ _________ , .T* r “ ” " *•»**•»• ■» »"•» Ctl.flto /I.'tMhnfM. x«.iM •»* - ,h.* - »re*« fi’ re»«*r. X«. w. X«. M. A OREGON. -------- Patronise the-------- ONLY WAGON THAT Call and STAR Connects with Every Train, Barber Shop, RAIN or SHINE The Umpire Goid and Silver Mining and U< mpany. Location of principal I And carries tbe IT. 8. Mail» and - ac« ut bnsihes'. .'an Franci.-co. <’ai. Lo- Well.« Fargo’s express. • —•»riis, Wagner LTrfik Mining Dis- I ca i<>n oi '“ n,*«on. I trici. Jacks,.n county. w. . ‘ " —•«ting SIT I 8F1 CT 191 «L'iUlTm. N .tics 1.« hereby given that at a ... NOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN TO ! of the B ard ot Directors, h- d ■ n Fridav, -'-of A-hlaiid and tirround- JOHN DYER, E WOKMAN, Medford -»h« old «load ou: the 15tb day of August. 1S90, an a ■ e«-ment W thepeop.v Livery sta.iie», trop. Driver ¡(No. 1.) one and on.-halr (1 l-2> cetits p«r ling country t‘ia, la. a». . •■•a I share »a< levied up- n the capital stock ,>f Main street, opposi.e the old ns. ... I !?*. corp ration, payable imme iaiel , in •vliere any ne wbthme work done in my tnueii states gold ry. at line «ill alway.« t.nd me ready tu serve I the ofiice of tbe Company, No 1612 Market them "Aed riien ma v me and men may Large Stock of all Ot er Lead- ¡street. , (Van Ness Hotis«) re m 29 tan : go,” hut 1 am a -layer f< rever. Francisco. Cali ornia. ing Varieties of Fruits. Any stock n;>oii which thi- a«-es nient1 t Shaving. 25c; hair < u.ring. 25c. shampoo­ FREE FROJI INSECT PESTS : shall remain unpaid on the 8th day of Nov- i ing, 25c; sea h a n, 25c. em'ier 1890. will be deli quent an-i i ■ mw ' H aib crrnxo * 'rnctai.Tr. : ti-,^1 for sale at pu die action, and unl«-s p •yment is made >>e ore. will 1« sold on I Will be open May 1st. ruex. av. the 2d d y December, 1S90. t pav , TIMBER LAND NOTICE. j liie delinquent a^-e smeut« to^xiher with 1 co-is of adverd ing and ex ■> n-e, of sa.e I U: ’niled --tjitev Land O ce. Ro-e'-urg Or .1 ■ For the accommodation of a limited num­ tier of gue-:ta. By order of the Board o' D; ect. r« .!u:ie3.1S!» ( , I. A. D avis , -eere'arv. VTOTICE IS HEllEi Z ! GIVEN THAT Board a nd lodging per week.. . »10 iam e ■.••■h h the i pr visi, ns of < 1 50 Hi.u-ej r. orn 29, San I rancisco, Calimrn a. the a- t oi Coogtess of June 3. l->7’ rndile i : i <« “ per day I “An act for lie aie«' tinilx-r a >d» in the Mingle meal.*.. S a.e- of Calf rnia Oregon. •.. Nevada, and ! Wa hinyion Territory, George A. Blood, ■ Camping privileges will Le 50cts per week of Asb'and. county o J««-k“ou. «'ale of for each individual. Oregon, ba< thia ay hied in ihis ofhee his (5le to: its ¡imbe i or stone than for egiicui.ural purposes, and to establish his i lai:u to said land be­ —IN­ fore the Register and Keceiv- r of this oiticg at Ro-e urg. itrcg n. on Friday, tbe 2bth MEDFORD, OREGON, CENTRAL PCINT. day of Novem ber, 1-890. Has Moved into the building tie name« as wi;ee«ses: Tin mas E I wi«h to announce t<> the public that 1 And will keep constantly on hand a ful! adjoining R. P. Neil'« me t mar­ Stanley ot Klain ith Chy, Siskiy. n county. am ready to lake < rder« for any kind of ! KS'orttueiil of Hardware. Stove« and tin­ ke; < n ; e north, and invites Cal., Edna n or betore mo-t ne*x, is the be«t paj>er and the best ■ |iiaiilv. [ said 28th day of November. 1890. 1:2 «/. <,’. SUEHLDAX. medium of Advertinhig. J« mk U. shlts . Register. ñ. F. HIGH. Prcprictcr. I I Catalogue1 Free. Address: J. H. SETTLEMIER. Woodburn, Or M MAYER HARDWARE TRADE MERCHANT TAILOR We Will Hot be U Jersoid A Liberal Share of Pat rouage aid Suburbnn rrtperty. We warn tv !ncre«ee enr elrenMIen very largely daring the noit six month« -»■ double n, „ 1«. Bnt we know t::el IS will Uke en ex taw .rd 1 nary Indnoomonl In l>r'nx oni the nn'ted efforts ot everyone er enr preoenSriabeorlbera— we shell have to make a Lgli hid Weil wo are ambltionH and anxlens In double onr circulation, aad, by special arrangement with uno ot the lead- big imbllHhtng heuese tro are oaableil to make yea Beef, Pork and MuttOn. Of bash and Door* and all kinds and styles of Window and Door Frames. Mold­ ! ing and Brackets of all styles. Boats built Corner Main and Graniti Street». to order. The whole or one half onered PICTURES .CQl’IEp AND ENLARGED for sale. 14 i Spitzenbeig apple. 20,000 Gravenstein apple. 25,000 Y ellow Newtown Pip­ pin apple. 15,000 Ben Davis apple. City i town at lowest prices. MANUFACTURERS. 35,000 Esopus Albany. and Fire wood of all kind« delivered any­ where Ar‘ist. Assessment Notice. Astoria ER THAN ANY ONE ELBE. CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS à Bromides made in all sisee. examine our work Portland, liso Cured Meats Constantly on Hand. Terms. Cash. Bass book accounts pay able Monthly. F B aich < offices at SEND : FOR : PAMPHLET, : MAP : AND : PRICE : LISTS. HARDWARE, John E. Pelton STOVES & Successor to HO8LEY dt PELTON, TIN AVARE. — Wholesale and Retail Dealer in — i l’UÇ X ¥ S tatk IascMAXcr B uildimg . Passenger Coach to Every Train. Oto- Freight moved about town at rates iH. C. MYER, LINEVILLE. th e Han for aale a large list of Gruin, Stock and Fruit Farm*. LO . -............ Oregon Land Company, ! I10T0GRAP1IS. '•i FAMILY Jewelry. I Opened at the old Ashland market stand on Full stock always on hand and made Main street, facing the bridge. to order. M --------- to;--------- OF Shop thoroughly renovated and re- , fitted. <**None but the best material u ed. , P s Hardware, Tin, Bcoks, Stationery. School Sheet-Iron and Clocks, Watches, and Copperware.i I F. L XftELLkEB. BICAI. SB* IX s DRUGGISTS. Has just received th« biggest and best stock ever brought 1_ to r Ashland. , . tine „ _ of . goods . of .. imported ------- ----------- _1------- A stock good». I also car­ ry all classes of good*, hence yon cannot fail to lie suited. Call and examine the «lock for y< urxeif. Nothing but uret-claai work, a good ut and satis!action guaranteed. I Also line of a Conductor's Cloth. EVANS & BRUNK -OR- CHITWOOD BBGS Is the place to buy OREGON. ASHLAND PICTURES of YOURSELF Ashland, Or. - B. F. Reeser’s Apricot, To the Farmers of Jackson Co. ( and ) S hoes ) Frtee, $18.00 at Factory, Cash with Order. 11 U 11 MAI Al JL i ONE ANO THREE-FOURTHS J opts INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO FRERARC YOUR OWN AMMUNITION. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. DR. COLE Two tanks, each containing about one- publican party in ’92 will have a lively I time shaking tbe“bloody shirt” at them. half barrel of water, will be used on each car. Two points of merit claimed They are now dead onto the tariff for the invention over the regular elec­ __________________ LOVY PRICES. ILLUSTRATED i IOO Doses One Dollar P Fabllc Structures In Braswls. Ct. O. LYMAN, HOLDEN. Stockton, Cel. ticket. d CATALOGUE (old by ell drxsri’««- (lislxforiS. yreparedby C. L HOOD A CO. Ar-othoeariM. Low.ll. Mess. tin Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest, And will Li Feld id our well kiicttn For Rifles, Pistols Shot Guns. ^end fbr Catalo^u« A, showing Bight« and Rides of l&teat design. Address: Remedy and that the same devicecan be operated legislative candidates and elect repnbli with compreteed air by placing receiving cans, which accounts for the slauditer- tanka for the air under the aeata of tbe iagef the 8. F. Democratic legislative car.—New York JournaL ÆR.E DAILY _t\.É.F.IVINO RELOAD YOUR SHELLS AKO SAVE MONEY. PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC., The 8. F. Star says Boss Buckley had tric system are that it dispenses with the use of cog gearing, which wears received a large sum of money front Sen-1 rapidly and requires frequent renewals, ator Stanford to betray the Democratic Hats, Caps, etc. “IDEIL” REL010IN6 TOOLS FREE. y*/' Cotlllllg» OsXXci. MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. Hood’s Sarsaparilla i Water Run Street Car. ts=fc Seal for free deacriptfTe nrlce-llxt of Repeating Riflaa, Double-Action R«volv«rs, etc., to tbs This One railroad shipped out of Iowa for Building Papera, Wrapping Papera ▲ company of St. Louis men has just Is a pleasant, «afe. and sure care for eonghs and Twines. the year ending Oct. 31st 4,5053l'0 n,i- been formed for the purpose of manu­ cad., and all thruat and luug aflt-i tlona. of butter. ▲ little more of thst kind of MsuvrarrrxxD by facturing and introducing a hydraulic All kinds of thrift in Southern Oregon would make street car motor. The pumps with I. D. ARTISTS ’ MATERIALS. as a rich and populous community, at which the hydraulic pressure is exerted ? comen ros i are to be operated by electricity, and the prevailing prices in Oregon i the hydraulic engines are to be con­ ainting apering tc The farmers* alliance president says nected directly to the axles of the trucks Cor. M am and G kaxite streets, that organization is here to stay and of the car. thus obviating the heavy ASHLAND. held ite grip on the situation. The re­ gearing that is usedin the electric motor. Aihland. Oregon. A Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Weight, 60s Using 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridge«. In REEbEK’S BLOCK, The ehoieett of Freth Meat»—Beef. Mat- 1 ASIILA A 1), : : : : : : Oil EG ON ton, Veal. Pork. Sauxaae». etc. otto NEW GOODS! SOLID TOP SIDE EJECTING (Bcrofufa (»«fiJlWXySa The new railway np Monte Generoeo |a likely to prove a great succeea The line ia bolder even than the Righi rail­ way. and it has been constructed with greet skill and solidity Mountain rail- ways are now a craze in Switzerland. There are railways up Pilatus and the Bnrgenstock. on the Lake of Lucerne: np Salvatore and Generoso. on the Lake of Lugano; another is immediately to be commenced np the Saleve. at Geneva, and the line (chiefly in tunnels) up the Jungfrau ia more than a theory.— Lon­ don World. Examine the VALLEY REC­ ORD’S Premium Offers. It will Pay You to Invest u. STRAIT, Practical Gunsmith, ■I m ' A aïlï"* Ü«,"'**. rn'siM ara. no«««. If» M«te«r •(*• 6«r» TI imm . • i »• "• AP.-iv-Crtro. fir-R«l»roSS.' !*• »»"*’•■»« Twro«'- ft r ft »: í*‘ £ LMrrUa?J!?. vL»?**■• *“ !*' Î! »*' *1 lÄlfcfiMe*1«*r* •’ ■»’••©•«war. M4. »> ••■»»•«' P.r. r«u». cwj , ft-TT-* “’r-“*- s.., ««—4*. ft X«. “ *«--•“ [• ------------ - . vmu ««.. ’5S7S1Ï*- —w- • t- X«. *ï s.” •»•’♦y- e» sm > s «»«« ir. «,.» .. ------- Ml »•«». ■ Hu. 1 “r " »•« srewros? ' .Vi C7PM ■’ "*w•» ■ ■ tt»r. TI.W . -• J- "su.». », Mr. n.«M, n w., TS. The Wr.lery >r tbe Nell. Tree. ,, erihereri- b-T. Tbnrne IWwM..r*(. r Ms -- 68. “ talari« •.abrlel'e MeeHaae M Wn , k «. m . r • BewrrkeeP. W fee. Jek* Mi. .-I,,,,. ; K«. L- RT. s- *«. " Fe.Mt. <>F«a4 l pm Ih» Water«, ft» MfoeMtn.««. gWA. X«. **9S. A Tala •» Threc IJ«>e«t. Mr H. Rt««« Ihieesa», h«. !*»«• Nlaetv-tw«. h» M«»r O««i. ilar. X«. *3 HMrd»»l»k’« KlvnL Xy Mra. X W«»». fc. 29?. Wall n««rer». Hf M a »««> niA, .<•>.?»». The MerohaRt’«*lwirr R» Mlfcvr "ifrx»Therw.” IH’A. Lo. J31. Ry *• T. > )▲’ The Heil ('resta». Ry M. T. C»tx N». ltt. f «r Lore «r Sttehe*. fty ««ihor •• A Creai iflBinlt**' «» ;irt. Th« WIcari «f Granada. Ry M. ?. C ai »«. A4, CwwetFerMi. II» Str, »wnrtaeee IV a. fc« K 114 **'*rtl* ft» Ft a»* Arderà X«. ei rrweew Hero. >, Wu .,. C om I.« m e "• 10fkr. » » Xif ftiftCor Miil. h> 91 bat, i» Mi». g«»v *. h«. («w. !.». ISS. Flvreeee»« • . D HMr«M»ler*« fabln. Ry Mr«. M. ▼. Tior««. *..... N«. «6- A SA« a .. .. - «5» 1*8. Meni Gran«» Ry Mr* Mawft» W»»«. Df r«a»i «• !**«*»••■ fitnotrate* bo |f?. The l’«l-ee ef A«r*« F»*.«»»«« Man»*». - 44 Tb« Y.IUW M(b«k •y XssisIMWi* *10 16}. Farai ns t he Fetter«, ftr Nre. A i .«« an » k *. Me»1 n* S«. !M. A l'lay wrlrhf« l>ae«h<«r. Hy Mr«. ▲•■»« X«. ___ fHnotruted X«. SerMkM. X«. M. llwllww A ab Halt. ft» M»ft«a«wr R«.m»«». ATA. S« IW “ * X«. M. Xe 14*. A Rartrrrd Life. 8yM*«w« II«at aw «. X«. 81. X« KT Mr Mael'a ll<*lr. My Mrs M ay ▲ •»»« Km»«, 79. - —— X«. — 5«. !<« fiori«'» Fsartwne. fty Fi«»r»eM W ahsm , X« «. F-«lwM N» Ut. The Nine of ll«*arf». ft» B- !• F aba «»«. fty Rrra W. Tu Hy **T« X« Ut Ln4jr Vr.lwortU'« Plmnond«. N«. ÎS. fludlry ' Dr<"..---- 1*3. Fsdrbnt Fe!»e. Rr«nfh«r»f ••RoraThw««.“ GT*. N«. U. lift »14 II Ke I«. Th» V omrn Unter. By Dr. J. II.R mvgmow . tllA. X«. n. ThrMrl Na. Kl. Brtweca Tue Mu«. By *b« Mttoref"l>«fi fl. **»*."* >«. Thorne.“ rHttifralti. >«. ». N». 140 The irttnye »eeret. Rj Mias M. F. ft«*»»*«. N«.r»9 The “iraagn (towef Dr. «1*11111 •**<■ Mr« N«. t. X«. ». lljdc. Ry R. !.. HT»riw»«r>« Ke. 131». An Old Man'« haerllee- By Mr«. A m 8. X«. «. X«. ». «n?» i. *’e. !T7 J’nsJvr thè Uh.««. Ry Mth«r«f** Der« Tberw.** Juri (flink ot l'l Wo wl!l glv. you rw.ntyflv» chsrmlngcomplete cn.rnnnjt e-mri-.o only wi« y-arly nu(»erlb«r Tb« «invola ar. •pleixlIA <>ii«a. a"d (hey P'|t’ll»nto th« unnica otiti« anlboro—tliey ar* tli« **’**',*“„ ..rlrilomd ot Amrrlca and Eumn- Not« atro ihe tong and attrn.-tlv* ll»t tn m wblch yon * I m toa<>ie--t No matter whlrh ot 11.« novrl« ,011 cboo»*, ynn will b« Von ran cet Srontnt Iben .ve!» In (bla llat wll fnr 28 renioe«ch In II > .V.ndr and Mher librarle«. rrlber. IwnlV-Ar.«/1-<«- a >y tw.nly-fiv« yen may.-lMeie» .irre, l- r am Ung neonty ®!« 1« nwm4erful rfortunati—• chaone n« you never lian NÓ.V te« every mad.r ot tl.<« ,t^r e ^Td-r . 14. eff-r ..« Mreroed '•'oyr* '"n"«2. nally Make m> your inlnd thie ymi w!ll hnv« tw«n«y-flva «t tliee«'J*«*™1 * PTtier< »irot \»t ttow eeetly ynn rn • do Iti UThat In II !.. gel one yearly «nb»-rll>er int Ul. paper r .mffcb,r. -w »Ingle onerf < nr | rroent ri«,w< rlbrrs r.n.l readem Imtean <¿«>1*. •* ‘ » ret your Am. ng «onr n ■ Ijlibor« >.nd frta ort« llxrala rena tetr «w who will’“¿Tat onc« nn4 m« J• deilgltteo so ton a j toe.v « Iva.iPie« *r nnr great a> *. vtrr I «ff.r. , mbarriber«. and W. will g refit-v nt tu. n.,v, I. tortwn y«er'y .eh^ribet«. rerertv-fivafjr»^ «> ()<> yi’..:nb.r “»« w. tban on-leiloerlber 1t y»« ran wri o iinT<||1 Notfall grtali.*-s« le un.l ..ri.r.loryooroeltsretity aveebyntng --H^dod. Order yout , will mlteagran't • ban'-e—a g real .« porreinty—lt ytro paes Siile oSer oy ! uw»!» tT 'bt cambrì aa tlvg a *« ‘t*13 1 AI lotter«: